Article THE MASONIC MIRROR. Page 1 of 1 Article METROPOLITAN. Page 1 of 1
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The Masonic Mirror.
MASONIC ME . AIS . At the last meeting of thc Edmund Plantaganet Encampment , Openshaw , it was resolved "That the day of the regular Quarterly Convocations be altered from the last Friday to the last Tuesday in the months of March , June , September , and December , in each
year ; such alterations to take place from the date of this meeting . " THE new Yarborough Loclge ( No . 1118 ) , Brighton , is to be consecrated on Thursday , September 6 . AT the Loclge of Benevolence , on AVccInesday , £ 111 was granted . for the relief of eight petitioners .
GRAND LODGE . Tiie principal business at the next Grand Lodgo on the 5 th Sept . will be the presentation of the report of the Board of General Purposes , which , with the exception of a recommendation that no further time be g-h-en for thc resuscitation of Lodge 49 , before it is
-expunged from the list , is a mere recital of the decisions of the Board on various complaints made from different Lodges , the details of which we will publish next week . Bro . Geo . Barrett has given notice of a motion to the effect , that in future , the inmates of the Asylum at Croydon , should be pro-Tided with coals ancl candles from the fund of general purposes
belonging- to Grand Loclge . Bro . Joseph Smith , that £ -1000 be voted from the fund of benevolence to the Masonic Charities , viz ., £ 1000 to the Girls ' School ; £ 1000 to the Boys'School ; £ 1000 to the Male Annuity Fund ; ancl £ 1000 to the AVidows' Fund . Bro . Barrett has also given notice to a similar effect with the exception , that the money be taken from the fund of general purposes , instead ofthe fund of benevolence .
GIW-SCEN-T LoT . au , ( No . 1090 ) . —Tbe last meeting of the second season of this Lodge was held on AA ' ecInesday , August 15 , at the Eyot Tavern , Twickenham . The Lodge was opened by Bro . Frederick Binckes , A \ . M ., supported by Bro . C . Rowland , S . AA . ; Bro . Dr . O'Connor , J . AV . ; Bro . Henry Garrod , P . M . and Sec ; with other officers and visitors . The AA . M . raised Bro . Joseph Grieves , -passed Bro . Stedwell , and initiated Mr . John Bowyer , of Twickenham . The Lodge having bean duly closed , the Brethren , numbering
eighteen , proceeded to the banquet . The visitors were Bro . Strebcl , Orator of the Lodge Minerva and Eliedhanna of Cologne ; Bro . Job Austin , P . M . ( No . 11 ); Bro . AVm . Paas , P . M . ( No . 30 ); Bros . Edward Bun-ell , Prov . J . G . AV ., and Jeremiah How , Prov . ¦ G . D . C . of Herts ; Bro . Robert Coliard , P . M . ( No . 209 ); Bro . Francis How ( No . SGI ); and George Binckes ( No . 772 ) . The dinner ended and the cloth removed , the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given . The AV . AI . then proposed "The health of the
newly initiated Brother , " and said that in all Lodges the accession of a new member was most warmly acknowledged , and more ¦ especially so when local association was added . He could with perfect truth assert that no event bad occurred since tho opening of the Lodge , which afforded more satisfaction to himself ancl the members than the accession of Bro . Bow yer . The W . M . referred to some prior knowledge of the newly admitted Brother , and the hope he had long held , that lie might at some day be one
• of them , as his standing in society must be the means of inducing others in the neighbourhood to follow his example . Bro . Bowvi-u , with some diffidence , tendered his thanks for the kind way in which " he hud been received into Masonry . He regretted that be was unable to give full expression to his feelings on the occasion , not 2 iossessing that flow of eloquence with which Bro . Binckes was . gifted . To make amends for its absence , he hoped that in good time , by diligence , to become a worthy member of the glorious institution into which he had been admitted . The AV . M . having referred to the business performed that day , and the presence of
several well-skilled Masons , who had had an opportunity of observing how the work was gone through , and the reputation they had acquired in the Lodge , proposed the health of the visitors Among those Brethren some were associated in his esteem by personal ties , some were of good fame for Masonic practice , and others P . M . ' s of the Lodge in which the light of Masonry was first revealed to him . He would therefore briefly propose "The health of the visitors" and assure themhe hopedas AA ' . M .
, , , , to sec all or any , who could make it convenient , at thc next meeting in Slay . Bro . Burrell , at the request of the visitors , acknowledged the toast . Bro . GAKROD , P . M ., then gave " The health of the AV . M . " In Bro . Binckes they bad one who hacl been associated with himself in tlio formation of the Loclge , and hence lie was well known to all the members , and he was certain they were all pleased to see him in the chair ,
and , by his knowledge , assist them in conducting aright the duties of the Loclge . They could not close the season without distinctly acknowledging the services of the AA ' . M . To the visitors he was equally well known , some , as members of No . 11 , had seen him presiding in that Lodge , ancl others by the active part he hacl taken in the wide world of Jlasonry , could not fail to acknowledge his zeal and ability . The AV . M . said lie knew Bro . Garrod ' s zeal in forming the Loclhad caused him to acknowled in grateful
ge ge terms any aid that was given—his gratitude for " bis own ( Bro . Binckes ) services - were beyond any benefits they could have afforded . It was his most earnest desire , iu his present position , as on all other occasions in Masonry , to discharge his duties to tbe best ot his ability . If differences of opinion existed between himself and others on great and important points of government in Masonry , he hoped all would ive him credit for a sincere desire to benefit
g the institution . Amid all the difficulties of life , it would be a great consolation that he were deserving a tithe of the praises showered on him by Bro . Garrod . The AA' . M . then referred to the manner in which the duties of Master had been performed by tbe Brother he had succeeded in that high office . In Bro .
Garrod they possessed a member who , as Past Master , was as active and energetic as he had been when presiding as the first Master ; in either position Bro . Garrod had but one sole desire—to promote in every way the interest of tbe Crescent Lodge . He had great pleasure in proposing his health , and in congratulating him upon being appointed Prov . G . D . of Herts . Bro . GAHEOD , in returning thanks , said that at first starting all Lodges had some difficulties to get overand they hacl had some
, , but happily all rocks and shoals -were passed and their barque was now in a calm and smooth sea . The AA ' . M . had referred to his newly-acquired honours , he only hoped and trusted that to whatever position he might ho elevated , nothing would induce him to forget "The Crescent . " The AA . M . then proposed "The Officers of the Lodge , " which was acknowledged by Bros . Rowland and Dr . O'Connor , The AA . M . next asked for a cordial greeting for
Bro . Strebcl , who appeared as representative of German Masonry . In noticing Bro . Strebel ' s visit , he referred to Bro . Garrod liaving witnessed the inauguration of a Lodge in which ceremonial Bro . Strebel took an important part . Bro . STUEKEJJ modestly confessed his inability , from a want of a sufficient knowledge of the English language , to say all that he desired , but he assured the Brethren that should any of them visit Cologne , they would find that in Masonry
Germany was not behind England . The AV . M . then proposed "The Masonic Press , " coupling with it the name of Bro . How . In speaking of the FKEE . UASON ' S MAGAZINE , the AV . M . said he freely acknowledged the great services of the literary organ of the Craft , and the general impartiality with which it was conducted . Bro . Hoiv said as time was wearing fast , his observations must be brief ; his course was pleasant and easy ; as for the MAGAZINEhe was
, assured its perfect impartiality was acknowledged by all , and that it was the anxious wish and endeavour of the Editor and his coadjutors to render it an organ worthy of the Craft . For himself , he could only say that his services in Masonry wero a labour of love . The time for departure having- arrived , "The Tyler ' s toast" closed a very agreeable meeting , enlivened by the excellent singing of Bros . Garrod , AAlitson , and others .
CA > I . IU !> - LODCE , ( No . 100 G ) . —This flourishing young Lodge held its regular meeting , on Tuesday last , at the York and Albany , Regent's Park , Bros . Best , AV . M . ; Olver , S . AV . ; Haines , J . 1 V . ; Frost , S . D . ; Helps , I . G . ; Bros . Jones and Tyrrell , P . M . 's ; and Bro . Loach , Sec , wero all early in attendance . ' Tlio business was that of passing Bro . I . AVilson , and raising- Bros . Tilley and Edwards , after which the Brethren adjourned to the banquet , which was well supplied . Among the visitors were Bros . Dixie , AV . M . of
the Strong Man Lodge ; Matthew Cooke , Piatt , Ditchman , and a Prov . G . Officer from Bristol , whose name wo could not catch . The banquet over , the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given , and the meeting broke up in love and harmony at a reasonable hour .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Masonic Mirror.
MASONIC ME . AIS . At the last meeting of thc Edmund Plantaganet Encampment , Openshaw , it was resolved "That the day of the regular Quarterly Convocations be altered from the last Friday to the last Tuesday in the months of March , June , September , and December , in each
year ; such alterations to take place from the date of this meeting . " THE new Yarborough Loclge ( No . 1118 ) , Brighton , is to be consecrated on Thursday , September 6 . AT the Loclge of Benevolence , on AVccInesday , £ 111 was granted . for the relief of eight petitioners .
GRAND LODGE . Tiie principal business at the next Grand Lodgo on the 5 th Sept . will be the presentation of the report of the Board of General Purposes , which , with the exception of a recommendation that no further time be g-h-en for thc resuscitation of Lodge 49 , before it is
-expunged from the list , is a mere recital of the decisions of the Board on various complaints made from different Lodges , the details of which we will publish next week . Bro . Geo . Barrett has given notice of a motion to the effect , that in future , the inmates of the Asylum at Croydon , should be pro-Tided with coals ancl candles from the fund of general purposes
belonging- to Grand Loclge . Bro . Joseph Smith , that £ -1000 be voted from the fund of benevolence to the Masonic Charities , viz ., £ 1000 to the Girls ' School ; £ 1000 to the Boys'School ; £ 1000 to the Male Annuity Fund ; ancl £ 1000 to the AVidows' Fund . Bro . Barrett has also given notice to a similar effect with the exception , that the money be taken from the fund of general purposes , instead ofthe fund of benevolence .
GIW-SCEN-T LoT . au , ( No . 1090 ) . —Tbe last meeting of the second season of this Lodge was held on AA ' ecInesday , August 15 , at the Eyot Tavern , Twickenham . The Lodge was opened by Bro . Frederick Binckes , A \ . M ., supported by Bro . C . Rowland , S . AA . ; Bro . Dr . O'Connor , J . AV . ; Bro . Henry Garrod , P . M . and Sec ; with other officers and visitors . The AA . M . raised Bro . Joseph Grieves , -passed Bro . Stedwell , and initiated Mr . John Bowyer , of Twickenham . The Lodge having bean duly closed , the Brethren , numbering
eighteen , proceeded to the banquet . The visitors were Bro . Strebcl , Orator of the Lodge Minerva and Eliedhanna of Cologne ; Bro . Job Austin , P . M . ( No . 11 ); Bro . AVm . Paas , P . M . ( No . 30 ); Bros . Edward Bun-ell , Prov . J . G . AV ., and Jeremiah How , Prov . ¦ G . D . C . of Herts ; Bro . Robert Coliard , P . M . ( No . 209 ); Bro . Francis How ( No . SGI ); and George Binckes ( No . 772 ) . The dinner ended and the cloth removed , the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given . The AV . AI . then proposed "The health of the
newly initiated Brother , " and said that in all Lodges the accession of a new member was most warmly acknowledged , and more ¦ especially so when local association was added . He could with perfect truth assert that no event bad occurred since tho opening of the Lodge , which afforded more satisfaction to himself ancl the members than the accession of Bro . Bow yer . The W . M . referred to some prior knowledge of the newly admitted Brother , and the hope he had long held , that lie might at some day be one
• of them , as his standing in society must be the means of inducing others in the neighbourhood to follow his example . Bro . Bowvi-u , with some diffidence , tendered his thanks for the kind way in which " he hud been received into Masonry . He regretted that be was unable to give full expression to his feelings on the occasion , not 2 iossessing that flow of eloquence with which Bro . Binckes was . gifted . To make amends for its absence , he hoped that in good time , by diligence , to become a worthy member of the glorious institution into which he had been admitted . The AV . M . having referred to the business performed that day , and the presence of
several well-skilled Masons , who had had an opportunity of observing how the work was gone through , and the reputation they had acquired in the Lodge , proposed the health of the visitors Among those Brethren some were associated in his esteem by personal ties , some were of good fame for Masonic practice , and others P . M . ' s of the Lodge in which the light of Masonry was first revealed to him . He would therefore briefly propose "The health of the visitors" and assure themhe hopedas AA ' . M .
, , , , to sec all or any , who could make it convenient , at thc next meeting in Slay . Bro . Burrell , at the request of the visitors , acknowledged the toast . Bro . GAKROD , P . M ., then gave " The health of the AV . M . " In Bro . Binckes they bad one who hacl been associated with himself in tlio formation of the Loclge , and hence lie was well known to all the members , and he was certain they were all pleased to see him in the chair ,
and , by his knowledge , assist them in conducting aright the duties of the Loclge . They could not close the season without distinctly acknowledging the services of the AA ' . M . To the visitors he was equally well known , some , as members of No . 11 , had seen him presiding in that Lodge , ancl others by the active part he hacl taken in the wide world of Jlasonry , could not fail to acknowledge his zeal and ability . The AV . M . said lie knew Bro . Garrod ' s zeal in forming the Loclhad caused him to acknowled in grateful
ge ge terms any aid that was given—his gratitude for " bis own ( Bro . Binckes ) services - were beyond any benefits they could have afforded . It was his most earnest desire , iu his present position , as on all other occasions in Masonry , to discharge his duties to tbe best ot his ability . If differences of opinion existed between himself and others on great and important points of government in Masonry , he hoped all would ive him credit for a sincere desire to benefit
g the institution . Amid all the difficulties of life , it would be a great consolation that he were deserving a tithe of the praises showered on him by Bro . Garrod . The AA' . M . then referred to the manner in which the duties of Master had been performed by tbe Brother he had succeeded in that high office . In Bro .
Garrod they possessed a member who , as Past Master , was as active and energetic as he had been when presiding as the first Master ; in either position Bro . Garrod had but one sole desire—to promote in every way the interest of tbe Crescent Lodge . He had great pleasure in proposing his health , and in congratulating him upon being appointed Prov . G . D . of Herts . Bro . GAHEOD , in returning thanks , said that at first starting all Lodges had some difficulties to get overand they hacl had some
, , but happily all rocks and shoals -were passed and their barque was now in a calm and smooth sea . The AA ' . M . had referred to his newly-acquired honours , he only hoped and trusted that to whatever position he might ho elevated , nothing would induce him to forget "The Crescent . " The AA . M . then proposed "The Officers of the Lodge , " which was acknowledged by Bros . Rowland and Dr . O'Connor , The AA . M . next asked for a cordial greeting for
Bro . Strebcl , who appeared as representative of German Masonry . In noticing Bro . Strebel ' s visit , he referred to Bro . Garrod liaving witnessed the inauguration of a Lodge in which ceremonial Bro . Strebel took an important part . Bro . STUEKEJJ modestly confessed his inability , from a want of a sufficient knowledge of the English language , to say all that he desired , but he assured the Brethren that should any of them visit Cologne , they would find that in Masonry
Germany was not behind England . The AV . M . then proposed "The Masonic Press , " coupling with it the name of Bro . How . In speaking of the FKEE . UASON ' S MAGAZINE , the AV . M . said he freely acknowledged the great services of the literary organ of the Craft , and the general impartiality with which it was conducted . Bro . Hoiv said as time was wearing fast , his observations must be brief ; his course was pleasant and easy ; as for the MAGAZINEhe was
, assured its perfect impartiality was acknowledged by all , and that it was the anxious wish and endeavour of the Editor and his coadjutors to render it an organ worthy of the Craft . For himself , he could only say that his services in Masonry wero a labour of love . The time for departure having- arrived , "The Tyler ' s toast" closed a very agreeable meeting , enlivened by the excellent singing of Bros . Garrod , AAlitson , and others .
CA > I . IU !> - LODCE , ( No . 100 G ) . —This flourishing young Lodge held its regular meeting , on Tuesday last , at the York and Albany , Regent's Park , Bros . Best , AV . M . ; Olver , S . AV . ; Haines , J . 1 V . ; Frost , S . D . ; Helps , I . G . ; Bros . Jones and Tyrrell , P . M . 's ; and Bro . Loach , Sec , wero all early in attendance . ' Tlio business was that of passing Bro . I . AVilson , and raising- Bros . Tilley and Edwards , after which the Brethren adjourned to the banquet , which was well supplied . Among the visitors were Bros . Dixie , AV . M . of
the Strong Man Lodge ; Matthew Cooke , Piatt , Ditchman , and a Prov . G . Officer from Bristol , whose name wo could not catch . The banquet over , the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given , and the meeting broke up in love and harmony at a reasonable hour .