Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 2 of 2 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 2 of 2 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 2 →
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eloquent and excellent lecture they had had , which was seconded by Mr . AVarsop , ancl carried by acclamation . DORSETSHIRE . riiOVIKO-AL GRA ? . 'D LODGE . On Thursday , the 9 th inst ., Shaftesbury assume ! a most gay ancl lively appearance , in consequence of arrangements having been made for holding- theProvincial Grand Lodge , under the presidency
of Bro . Joseph Gundry . The town was in several parts liighly decorated ; amongst the most admired of the decorations were the following , viz . —A grand triumphal arch , erected between the residence of C . E . Buckland , Esq ., and the King's Arms Inn . It was composed of evergreens , interspersed with bouquets of -flowers , with flags , & c . This arch bore the motto "Friendship and Sincerity , " and the number of the Shaftesbury Loclge ( 694 ) . A decorated arch across the centre of the Hih-street . An arch
g across the lower end of High-street , with the motto "Faith , Hope , and Charity . " The decorations on the house of Bro . Soppitt , architect , consisted of various evergreens , tastefully interspersed with flowers ancl flags , also " a plan of the groundwork of Solomon's Temple , " and several Masonic emblems . The -weather being exceedingly favourable , at an early hour the visitors arrived from all directions , so that by noon the tow-n exhibited a more lively scene than it has witnessed for a considerable time . At 12 . 45 the
Brethren made their appearance in procession , on their way to Trinity Church , where an appropriate sermon was delivered from the text , Matt . xxii . 39 , by the Rev . G . F . St . John , of Manstou , Prov . G . Chap . After service the procession marched through the
principal streets of the town . The following Lodges attended : Lodge of Amity , ( 100 ) , Poole . Faith and Unanimity , ( COS ) , Dorchester . All Souls , ( 199 ) , Weymouth . Friendship and Sincerity ( 694 ) , Shaftesbury . St . Mary's Lodge , ( 1009 ) , Bridport . Lodge of Science , ( G 40 ) , Bom-ton . "Upon the return from church the Provincial Grand Lodge
transacted their usual business , and the following appointments were made .- —Bros . AVilliam Parr , Prov . S . G . AA ^ . ; F . Cozens , Prov . J . G . AV . ; Villi . Hannen , Prov . G . Treasurer ; Thomas Coombes , Prov . G . Secretary ; Captain Phelips , Prov . S . G . D . ; AA . IL R . Bennett , Prov . J . G . D . At four o ' clock the Brethren proceeded to the Town Hall , where they partook of an excellent dinner provided for them by Brother G . Preke . The viands included a haunch of venison and game ( presented by tho Marquis of AA estmhister ) .
The dessert comprised pine apples , and other choice fruit ( presented by the Provincial Grand Master ) . The chair was taken by the Prov . G . Master , but as he was obliged to leave by an early train , Bro . Sir B . B . Baker , Bart ., kindly supplied his place , and after the usual loyal and Masonic toasts , the Brethren separated at an early hour . During the dinner , the band , which was stationed in the balcony erected for the purpose over the Town Hall gates , executed several choice pieces , amongst which may be particularised Handel ' s grand " Hallelujah Chorus . " The proceedings of the day passed off to the evident satisfaction of all parties concerned .
HAMPSHIRE . LCTIS-GTO-V . —New Forest Lodge ( No . 401 ) . —A meeting of this Lodge was held at the Freemasons' Hall , Lymiiigton , on Monday , August 20 th , when the following and other * Brethren attended : — Bro . the Rev . Geo . Bradshaw . AV . M . ; Bro . G . P . Perkins , S . AV . ; Bro . W . Preice , J . W . ; Bro . J . Hayward , P . M . ( Mayor of Lymiiigton ) , Treasurer ; Bro . G . AA ' . Clarke , Secretary ; Bros . dipt . HooperWebbBlakeFletcher & cAfter the Locl opened
, , , , . ge was and the minutes confirmed , Bros . Capt . Hooper , 555 , ; Naish , 90 , Mayor of AVmchester ; Sherry , 90 ; Douglas , 152 ; and Johnson , 845 Calcutta ; were elected as joining members . Tlio election of two candidates took place . Mr . George Inman , yacht-builder , was duly initiated by the AV . M ., the charge being given by Bro . P . AL Webb . Bro . John Milner was proposed as a joining member . Several Brethren expressed their intention of presenting to the Lodge articles of Locl
ge Furniture which are much needed . Bro . G . \ V . Clarke stated that he was using his efforts to get entire possession of the Loclge premises which had been for so many years used for non-masonic purposes . The brethren adjourned to the banquet when the usual toasts were given . In proposing the health of the AV . M ., Bro . Hayward , P . M . stated that he expected tho Lodge would considerably increase in its members and importance din-hi' * the
present year . The AV . M . proposed " The health of the Newly Initiate , " who he described as bearing a good name , and promisin ' * well to become .. good Af . ison . Bro . Inman briefly responded . The health of Bro . G . AV . Clarke , AV . M ., -102 , having been drank , he thanked the Brethren for the kind expression of their regard , ancl assured them that however much he deplored the backshclings of individual Masons his love for the Institution suffered no diminution of which he could nflbrd no better proof to
them than his successful exertions ( aided by Bro . Hayward ) in restoring this Loclge after its sleep of a quarter of a century . He was most delighted that the first man introduced to Masonry since tho Lodge was again opened , was Bro . G . Inman , who he ( Bro . Clarice ) was sure would prove an ornament to the Society . On the other hand , Bro . Inman would find much that would be useful to him in the purity of the principles the qnaintness of the ceremonials the friendship of the members of the order
into which he had heen just enrolled . Still he must warn Bro . Inman that the Institution , if divine in its origin , was human in its working , and therefore he must be prepared to find amongthe thousands who range under the banners of Masonry , some who , forgetting their obligations were unworthy of that name which should be the sure pledge of fraternal regard , honest motives , ancl upright actions . Men , too , who may be fair friends in prosperity , but relentless and harsh adversity . In a wordMasonry would make
, the good better , while the bad might be the worse for the shelter it affords them . Glad was he to believe that the accession of such men as Bro . Inman would clo much for the good of Masonry in general , and for the prosperity ofthe New Forest Lodge particularly . SURREY . Grove Chapiter ( No . 593 . )—A convocation was held at the Spring Hotel , Ewell , on AA ednesday the 22 nd inst ., when E . Comp .
Greenwood , M . E . Z . Elect , was duly installed ; he immediately proceeded to install E . Comp . Prince , as IL , and E . Comp . Mastcrman , J . The Officers elected , and invested were E . Comp . AVhite , N . ; E . Comp . Beaumont Scribe E ; and E . Comp . Moates P . S . There being two candidates for exaltation ( Bro . Captain Hastie and Bro . Gower , ) the M . E . Z . proceeded with the ceremony , and though it was his first essay , it was gone through with that accuracy and precision for which be is particulorly characterized . The pedestal was most ably ,
and lucidly explained by E . Comp . Dr . Ladd to the gratification of all present . There was an average attendance of members ; but the boisterous weather prevented many attending . Amongst those present were E . Comp . Blake immediate Past Z . ; E . Comp . Slight , P . Z . ; E . Comji . Holman , P . Z . ; E . Comp . Meymott , P . 3 ; and the only visitor E . Comp . Dr . Ladd . The banquet was , as usual , very substantial , and of the best quality . Every one appeared to have enjoyed the meeting , ancl separated to return to their homes between nine and ten o ' clock p . m .
Royal Arch.
METROPOLITAN . UJS IO * - AVATEHLOO CHAPIEE , ( NO . 13 ) . —A convocation was held on AA edneclay , August 22 nd , at the Masonic Hall , AVoolwich . Present : E . Comp . Colonel Henry Clerk , Z . ; Comp . J . Moore , H . ; Comp . Henderson , J . ; Geo . AV . Turner , P . Z . ancl Treas . ; R . E . Barnes , P . Z . and Scribe E ., & c . Bros . Colonel Tulloh , of Lodge 1008 , and AVilliam AA hite , of Loclge 1025 , were installed with this supreme degree . There was a very good attendance of members
, and Comps . How , H . J . Thompson , ancl Kincaid were visitors . All business ended , the Chapter was closed , and the Companions adjourned to the Red Lion Hotel to banquet . Comp . Clerk , M . E . Z ., presided , and after the cloth was removed the customary toasts , loyal and Masonic , honoured , Colonel Clerk said , at all their meetings a collection was made to enable the Chapter to aid any Companion in distressand as he learned their Janitor was not onl
, y very ill , but also in need of pecuniary assistance , the collection of that evening would be given to their serving Brother . The appeal was liberally responded to , and the amount collected handed to tbe Treasurer for the Janitor . The M . E . Z . hacl next to claim for their newly-admitted Companions a cordial greeting , and he trusted that Comp . AA hite ( Colonel Tulloh was unable to be present nt the banquet ) was as well pleased with the Chapter he had
entered . is the members were with their now associate . From what he had seen of Comp . AA hite , he was satisfied they bad in him a true Mason , and they gladly welcomed him as a member . Comp . AVIIITE in acknowledging tbe kind reception he had met with , assured the Companions he was duly sensible of the honour paid him by bis ready admittance to their ancient ancl distinguished Chapter . He bad been in Craft Masonry many years , but circumstances had from time to time prevented his advance into the Royal Arch degreebut
; it ' washis full intention by diligent study to render himself worthy of the honour he bud received in being- admitted amongst them . Comp . B-UiNES then rose and , as a Past Principal , proposed the " Health of "their excellent and worthy presiding Officer" —Sir Comp . Cleric , who not only by his rank iu her Majesty's service and by his position as a gentleman , but by the efficient manner in which he discharged the duties of First Principal , shed a lustre on the
Chapter over which ho presided . Colonel CIJSEK said it was with feelings of great gratification he rose to express his thanks . He could only sny that every endeavour would be used to contribute to the happiness of those around him , and to the best of his ability he
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
eloquent and excellent lecture they had had , which was seconded by Mr . AVarsop , ancl carried by acclamation . DORSETSHIRE . riiOVIKO-AL GRA ? . 'D LODGE . On Thursday , the 9 th inst ., Shaftesbury assume ! a most gay ancl lively appearance , in consequence of arrangements having been made for holding- theProvincial Grand Lodge , under the presidency
of Bro . Joseph Gundry . The town was in several parts liighly decorated ; amongst the most admired of the decorations were the following , viz . —A grand triumphal arch , erected between the residence of C . E . Buckland , Esq ., and the King's Arms Inn . It was composed of evergreens , interspersed with bouquets of -flowers , with flags , & c . This arch bore the motto "Friendship and Sincerity , " and the number of the Shaftesbury Loclge ( 694 ) . A decorated arch across the centre of the Hih-street . An arch
g across the lower end of High-street , with the motto "Faith , Hope , and Charity . " The decorations on the house of Bro . Soppitt , architect , consisted of various evergreens , tastefully interspersed with flowers ancl flags , also " a plan of the groundwork of Solomon's Temple , " and several Masonic emblems . The -weather being exceedingly favourable , at an early hour the visitors arrived from all directions , so that by noon the tow-n exhibited a more lively scene than it has witnessed for a considerable time . At 12 . 45 the
Brethren made their appearance in procession , on their way to Trinity Church , where an appropriate sermon was delivered from the text , Matt . xxii . 39 , by the Rev . G . F . St . John , of Manstou , Prov . G . Chap . After service the procession marched through the
principal streets of the town . The following Lodges attended : Lodge of Amity , ( 100 ) , Poole . Faith and Unanimity , ( COS ) , Dorchester . All Souls , ( 199 ) , Weymouth . Friendship and Sincerity ( 694 ) , Shaftesbury . St . Mary's Lodge , ( 1009 ) , Bridport . Lodge of Science , ( G 40 ) , Bom-ton . "Upon the return from church the Provincial Grand Lodge
transacted their usual business , and the following appointments were made .- —Bros . AVilliam Parr , Prov . S . G . AA ^ . ; F . Cozens , Prov . J . G . AV . ; Villi . Hannen , Prov . G . Treasurer ; Thomas Coombes , Prov . G . Secretary ; Captain Phelips , Prov . S . G . D . ; AA . IL R . Bennett , Prov . J . G . D . At four o ' clock the Brethren proceeded to the Town Hall , where they partook of an excellent dinner provided for them by Brother G . Preke . The viands included a haunch of venison and game ( presented by tho Marquis of AA estmhister ) .
The dessert comprised pine apples , and other choice fruit ( presented by the Provincial Grand Master ) . The chair was taken by the Prov . G . Master , but as he was obliged to leave by an early train , Bro . Sir B . B . Baker , Bart ., kindly supplied his place , and after the usual loyal and Masonic toasts , the Brethren separated at an early hour . During the dinner , the band , which was stationed in the balcony erected for the purpose over the Town Hall gates , executed several choice pieces , amongst which may be particularised Handel ' s grand " Hallelujah Chorus . " The proceedings of the day passed off to the evident satisfaction of all parties concerned .
HAMPSHIRE . LCTIS-GTO-V . —New Forest Lodge ( No . 401 ) . —A meeting of this Lodge was held at the Freemasons' Hall , Lymiiigton , on Monday , August 20 th , when the following and other * Brethren attended : — Bro . the Rev . Geo . Bradshaw . AV . M . ; Bro . G . P . Perkins , S . AV . ; Bro . W . Preice , J . W . ; Bro . J . Hayward , P . M . ( Mayor of Lymiiigton ) , Treasurer ; Bro . G . AA ' . Clarke , Secretary ; Bros . dipt . HooperWebbBlakeFletcher & cAfter the Locl opened
, , , , . ge was and the minutes confirmed , Bros . Capt . Hooper , 555 , ; Naish , 90 , Mayor of AVmchester ; Sherry , 90 ; Douglas , 152 ; and Johnson , 845 Calcutta ; were elected as joining members . Tlio election of two candidates took place . Mr . George Inman , yacht-builder , was duly initiated by the AV . M ., the charge being given by Bro . P . AL Webb . Bro . John Milner was proposed as a joining member . Several Brethren expressed their intention of presenting to the Lodge articles of Locl
ge Furniture which are much needed . Bro . G . \ V . Clarke stated that he was using his efforts to get entire possession of the Loclge premises which had been for so many years used for non-masonic purposes . The brethren adjourned to the banquet when the usual toasts were given . In proposing the health of the AV . M ., Bro . Hayward , P . M . stated that he expected tho Lodge would considerably increase in its members and importance din-hi' * the
present year . The AV . M . proposed " The health of the Newly Initiate , " who he described as bearing a good name , and promisin ' * well to become .. good Af . ison . Bro . Inman briefly responded . The health of Bro . G . AV . Clarke , AV . M ., -102 , having been drank , he thanked the Brethren for the kind expression of their regard , ancl assured them that however much he deplored the backshclings of individual Masons his love for the Institution suffered no diminution of which he could nflbrd no better proof to
them than his successful exertions ( aided by Bro . Hayward ) in restoring this Loclge after its sleep of a quarter of a century . He was most delighted that the first man introduced to Masonry since tho Lodge was again opened , was Bro . G . Inman , who he ( Bro . Clarice ) was sure would prove an ornament to the Society . On the other hand , Bro . Inman would find much that would be useful to him in the purity of the principles the qnaintness of the ceremonials the friendship of the members of the order
into which he had heen just enrolled . Still he must warn Bro . Inman that the Institution , if divine in its origin , was human in its working , and therefore he must be prepared to find amongthe thousands who range under the banners of Masonry , some who , forgetting their obligations were unworthy of that name which should be the sure pledge of fraternal regard , honest motives , ancl upright actions . Men , too , who may be fair friends in prosperity , but relentless and harsh adversity . In a wordMasonry would make
, the good better , while the bad might be the worse for the shelter it affords them . Glad was he to believe that the accession of such men as Bro . Inman would clo much for the good of Masonry in general , and for the prosperity ofthe New Forest Lodge particularly . SURREY . Grove Chapiter ( No . 593 . )—A convocation was held at the Spring Hotel , Ewell , on AA ednesday the 22 nd inst ., when E . Comp .
Greenwood , M . E . Z . Elect , was duly installed ; he immediately proceeded to install E . Comp . Prince , as IL , and E . Comp . Mastcrman , J . The Officers elected , and invested were E . Comp . AVhite , N . ; E . Comp . Beaumont Scribe E ; and E . Comp . Moates P . S . There being two candidates for exaltation ( Bro . Captain Hastie and Bro . Gower , ) the M . E . Z . proceeded with the ceremony , and though it was his first essay , it was gone through with that accuracy and precision for which be is particulorly characterized . The pedestal was most ably ,
and lucidly explained by E . Comp . Dr . Ladd to the gratification of all present . There was an average attendance of members ; but the boisterous weather prevented many attending . Amongst those present were E . Comp . Blake immediate Past Z . ; E . Comp . Slight , P . Z . ; E . Comji . Holman , P . Z . ; E . Comp . Meymott , P . 3 ; and the only visitor E . Comp . Dr . Ladd . The banquet was , as usual , very substantial , and of the best quality . Every one appeared to have enjoyed the meeting , ancl separated to return to their homes between nine and ten o ' clock p . m .
Royal Arch.
METROPOLITAN . UJS IO * - AVATEHLOO CHAPIEE , ( NO . 13 ) . —A convocation was held on AA edneclay , August 22 nd , at the Masonic Hall , AVoolwich . Present : E . Comp . Colonel Henry Clerk , Z . ; Comp . J . Moore , H . ; Comp . Henderson , J . ; Geo . AV . Turner , P . Z . ancl Treas . ; R . E . Barnes , P . Z . and Scribe E ., & c . Bros . Colonel Tulloh , of Lodge 1008 , and AVilliam AA hite , of Loclge 1025 , were installed with this supreme degree . There was a very good attendance of members
, and Comps . How , H . J . Thompson , ancl Kincaid were visitors . All business ended , the Chapter was closed , and the Companions adjourned to the Red Lion Hotel to banquet . Comp . Clerk , M . E . Z ., presided , and after the cloth was removed the customary toasts , loyal and Masonic , honoured , Colonel Clerk said , at all their meetings a collection was made to enable the Chapter to aid any Companion in distressand as he learned their Janitor was not onl
, y very ill , but also in need of pecuniary assistance , the collection of that evening would be given to their serving Brother . The appeal was liberally responded to , and the amount collected handed to tbe Treasurer for the Janitor . The M . E . Z . hacl next to claim for their newly-admitted Companions a cordial greeting , and he trusted that Comp . AA hite ( Colonel Tulloh was unable to be present nt the banquet ) was as well pleased with the Chapter he had
entered . is the members were with their now associate . From what he had seen of Comp . AA hite , he was satisfied they bad in him a true Mason , and they gladly welcomed him as a member . Comp . AVIIITE in acknowledging tbe kind reception he had met with , assured the Companions he was duly sensible of the honour paid him by bis ready admittance to their ancient ancl distinguished Chapter . He bad been in Craft Masonry many years , but circumstances had from time to time prevented his advance into the Royal Arch degreebut
; it ' washis full intention by diligent study to render himself worthy of the honour he bud received in being- admitted amongst them . Comp . B-UiNES then rose and , as a Past Principal , proposed the " Health of "their excellent and worthy presiding Officer" —Sir Comp . Cleric , who not only by his rank iu her Majesty's service and by his position as a gentleman , but by the efficient manner in which he discharged the duties of First Principal , shed a lustre on the
Chapter over which ho presided . Colonel CIJSEK said it was with feelings of great gratification he rose to express his thanks . He could only sny that every endeavour would be used to contribute to the happiness of those around him , and to the best of his ability he