Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Week.
the Hilsea lines , the Southsea lines , Cumberland Fort , and Hurst Castle . There is an item of £ 5 , 000 for volunteer batteries , the ivhole sum required for home fortifications being £ 535 , 523 and that of the fortifications abroad , £ 19 , 832 . Lord Stanley of Alderley has been appointed to the office of Postmaster General . —¦— -The committee appointed to consider the question of salmon fisheries in Scotland has issued its report . The most important suggestion is that the fisheries should be managed by a central board , who shall
be invested with full power to regulate details , and with authority to prosecute offenders . Lord Derby has delivered a speech at Kirkdale , on the question of ragged schools . Thc industrial school established in that place appears to combine all the elements of success . The managers there , as elsewhere , wisely allot a considerable portion of the time spent in teaching the acquisition of those , habits of industry , on which the children must depend for their future maintenance . The tuition is of an essentially practical
character . A destructive fire has occurred at East Kent AAliarf and property to the amount of upwards of £ 200 , 000 destroyed . Another atrocious murder has been discovered to have been perpetrated at the east end of London . From the investigations made by the police , it has evidently been committed with a view to plunder- The victim , in this instance , is a widow , upwards of 70 years of age , named Mary Elmsley , residing at No . 9 , Grove Road , Stepneywhoup to the period of her deathwas in the possession
, , , of house property , situated at Stratford , Bow , Bethnal Green , and the east end of the metropolis , realising an income of between £ 3 , 000 and £ 1 , 000 per annum . The deceased having been missed some clays , her house was broken open , when she w-as found with her skull fractured and other injuries . She had apparently been dead two or three days . There has been another murder at Frome . On Sunday , the corpse of a child was discovered in the river , at a point close to the most populous part of the town . It seems probable
that the child ivas murdered by its mother . George Cass was executed at Carlisle gaol on Alonday , at noon , for the wilful murder of Ann Sewell , at Embleton , on the 26 th March last . A skeleton , with a pair of trousers on , drifted ashore from the wreck of the Royal Charter , at Moelfre , a few days ago ; in one of the pockets was half a crown . An omnibus conductor has been fined by the magistrate at Bow Street , for working two horses when they were in an unfit condition . It was stated in evidence that the wretched creatures could hardly drag the omnibus when it was empty , aud that " they trembled every time they put their feet to the ground . "
Ihe defence set up was that a veterinary surgeon had given orders that the horses should have " walking exercise . " FOREIGN I-STEIXIOE-SCE . —If tbe latest accounts from Constantinople are to be relied upon Fuad Pacha seems to be succeeding in his mission . Ahmet Pacha has been sent back to Beyrout , after having been publicly degraded , and Kurchid Pacha will follow . They will then both be tried by a mixed commission . The proclamation of Fuad Pacha to the inliabiteiits of Syria has been published .
He " orders" that all dissensions shall cease , and promises , in the name of the sultan , that the families who have been driven from their homes shall receive every consideration , and he will take upon himself the care of tranquillisiiig them , of supplying them with food , and "lavishing on them in every way the fruits of the Imperial clemency . " —The Madrid journals of the 1-lth published a letter from the Pope to the Cardinal-Archbishops of Toledo and Seville , & c , thanking them "for the new ancl marked proof of their
love and piety which they have given him liy the sending a donation to relieve his great distress . "—Colonel Perrote of the Spanish army , had been authorised to accompany the French Expedition to Syria . The Madrid journals ofthe 17 th refer to the enormous embezzlements recently discovered in the Government offices . The Fspana has a violent article against England , in which it is foreshadowed that notwithsianding our Armstong guns , vohmtters , & c , we shall "not be able to prevent poor trodden-down Spain from regaining
possession of the rook of Gibraltar . " The Moniteur states that their Majesties will leave on the the 23 rd inst ., on a visit to the new departments of Savoy and Nice . Marshal Aliillant is entrusted with the care of the Imperial Prince . —The municipal elections in France aro over throughout the country . Of 15 , 000 votes at Rouen , under 5200 availed themselves of "their rights . " The French Government has announced for the fourth or fifth time , that they are about to start a . tine of packets between Suez ,
Mauritius , Ceylon , and Hong Kong . Tlio A ' ohuitecr movement in Belgium is progressing . In a great many towns , especially ' in the'j provinces' of Mons and Hainault , a . great many corps have been organised on the plan set forth by the phiiinphlet , " Carabiniers Beiges . " The various rifle associations have applied to Cfoveriime . it to provide them with arms , the price of which they will defray by annual payments . —The report which the Austrian Minister of Finance has addressed to the . Emperor Francis Joseph on the financial position of the empire is published , and gives in detail the various expedients proposed to cover tiie deficits of 1 SG 0 and 1801 . —The Osldeulsche Post ' m allusion to the murder of
The Week.
Prince Danilo , states , that the judicial investigation will be made by an Ausrian tribunal , the crime having been committed on the Austrian territory . —The Russian Government has given orders to place the Fifth Corps d'Armee on the war footing ; and arrangements have been entered into with a company of steamers for the conveyance of troops . —From Milan , under date lGth of August , we learn , that the institution of lottery for the purpose of defraying the cost of the construction of a new piazza in front of the Cathedral
of Milan , as well as of the erection of various establishments of public utility , had failed to this extent—that the sum to be raised fell somewhat short of 20 millions ; accordingly a variety of schemes were on the tapis . —Count cl'Aquila , uncle of the King- of Naples , has had to leavo the country . This is explained by the existence of a third opposition party at Naples , between the reactionists and the partisans of unity , who ivish for a change in the dynastic branch as a kind of substitution like that of Louis Phillippe for Charles X . —
A report was current , at Genoa , on Tuesday , that Garibaldi , with 6 , 000 men , has landed at Capodellearme , in Calabria . Other accounts say , that Garibaldi , with 3 , 800 men , has landed at Melito , on the Calabrian coast , 12 mlies from Reggio . A general attack was imminent . It is stated that several Prussian soldiers arrived hist week at Genoa , en route to join Garibaldi . Volunteers , indeed , are leaving Italy by thousands , and it would appear that a force of 8 , 000 is collected in Sardinia , ready to obey the orders of the great chief to whose standard they have flocked . INDIA . —The summary of the Bombay Gazette of the 23 rd ult ., states that the Indian public had recovered from its fit of political
excitement , and had ceased to discuss general principles of taxation , The Income Tax Bill progresses through committee but slowly , as Mr . AVilson has been ill , and the absence of Sir James Outram , and the necessity of one of the Judge Legislators directing the Council to attend to the sessions , have caused several postponements . The rather awkward discovery has been made , that the assessment and levy of new direct taxes in Oude , before the Income Tax Bill has passed the Legislative Council , must be regarded as illegal acts .
The Disarming Act—which raises the old antagonism of white and black—is more fiercely criticised than all the financial measures put together . After long and sharp debates the bill passed , hut in a very different shape from that in which it was originally presented to the Council . Mr . AVilson has explained in the Legislative Council , to quiet some disagreeable reports , that India will have to bear no share of the Chinese war . CoiniEitciAE . —The directors of the Ottoman Bank have declared
a dividend at the rate of 8 per cent , per annum , free of income-tax ; no account , however , had been made up at Beyrout , owing to the disturbances . At the half-yearly meeting of the Bank of Australia a dividend at the rate of 6 per cent , per annum ivas declared in addition to a bonus at the rate of 6 _ ¦ per cent , per annum . At the half-yearly meeting of the Southampton Dock Company , a dividend at the rate of 4 per cent , per annum was declared and £ 710 carried to the next account . Several railway meetings have been held during the week , and the dividends we have already announced declared . The dividend on the South Eastern Railway will be at the rate of £ 113 s . 4 d . per annum .
To Correspondents.
MASONIC CYPHERS . — R . E . X is thanked , but were we to publish his communication , we should bo advertising a Masonic Ritual , which we will never do . We know the work well . S . S . —AA ' e never publish any such nonsense . Refer to the article , and read it again . N . AI . —The Rev . Bro . alluded to has not written a word in the MAGAZINE for upwards of three years , nor has he the slightest
connection with it . Adoptive female Freemasonry was never , and never will be , advocated by the present Editor . J . AA . —Must be lamentably ignorant of his duties , to address such a question to us—It is too puerile to be answered . S . D . —On the right or near—evidently to make room for visitors . Moses . —The Royal Arch , P . Z . ; send us the particulars and we will enquire .
Prov . G . O . —AVe believe that the installation of Viscount , Holmsdale as Prov . G . M . for Kent , will take place in the course of the ensuing month . Piiov . GRAND LODGE or HAiirsuntE . —Pressure of matter has compelled us to hold over our report of this interesting meeting . PROV . G . TREASURE n . —AVhy is the Jewel of a Treasurer always represented us Cross Keys ? the book of Constitutions p . p . 109 , 110 ,
and 111 , call it the key only . The illustration plate 3 gives a key only . [ Tho single key only is in accordance with the laws , and wo know of no reason for taking tbe Cross Keys excepting to increase the cost . ]
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Week.
the Hilsea lines , the Southsea lines , Cumberland Fort , and Hurst Castle . There is an item of £ 5 , 000 for volunteer batteries , the ivhole sum required for home fortifications being £ 535 , 523 and that of the fortifications abroad , £ 19 , 832 . Lord Stanley of Alderley has been appointed to the office of Postmaster General . —¦— -The committee appointed to consider the question of salmon fisheries in Scotland has issued its report . The most important suggestion is that the fisheries should be managed by a central board , who shall
be invested with full power to regulate details , and with authority to prosecute offenders . Lord Derby has delivered a speech at Kirkdale , on the question of ragged schools . Thc industrial school established in that place appears to combine all the elements of success . The managers there , as elsewhere , wisely allot a considerable portion of the time spent in teaching the acquisition of those , habits of industry , on which the children must depend for their future maintenance . The tuition is of an essentially practical
character . A destructive fire has occurred at East Kent AAliarf and property to the amount of upwards of £ 200 , 000 destroyed . Another atrocious murder has been discovered to have been perpetrated at the east end of London . From the investigations made by the police , it has evidently been committed with a view to plunder- The victim , in this instance , is a widow , upwards of 70 years of age , named Mary Elmsley , residing at No . 9 , Grove Road , Stepneywhoup to the period of her deathwas in the possession
, , , of house property , situated at Stratford , Bow , Bethnal Green , and the east end of the metropolis , realising an income of between £ 3 , 000 and £ 1 , 000 per annum . The deceased having been missed some clays , her house was broken open , when she w-as found with her skull fractured and other injuries . She had apparently been dead two or three days . There has been another murder at Frome . On Sunday , the corpse of a child was discovered in the river , at a point close to the most populous part of the town . It seems probable
that the child ivas murdered by its mother . George Cass was executed at Carlisle gaol on Alonday , at noon , for the wilful murder of Ann Sewell , at Embleton , on the 26 th March last . A skeleton , with a pair of trousers on , drifted ashore from the wreck of the Royal Charter , at Moelfre , a few days ago ; in one of the pockets was half a crown . An omnibus conductor has been fined by the magistrate at Bow Street , for working two horses when they were in an unfit condition . It was stated in evidence that the wretched creatures could hardly drag the omnibus when it was empty , aud that " they trembled every time they put their feet to the ground . "
Ihe defence set up was that a veterinary surgeon had given orders that the horses should have " walking exercise . " FOREIGN I-STEIXIOE-SCE . —If tbe latest accounts from Constantinople are to be relied upon Fuad Pacha seems to be succeeding in his mission . Ahmet Pacha has been sent back to Beyrout , after having been publicly degraded , and Kurchid Pacha will follow . They will then both be tried by a mixed commission . The proclamation of Fuad Pacha to the inliabiteiits of Syria has been published .
He " orders" that all dissensions shall cease , and promises , in the name of the sultan , that the families who have been driven from their homes shall receive every consideration , and he will take upon himself the care of tranquillisiiig them , of supplying them with food , and "lavishing on them in every way the fruits of the Imperial clemency . " —The Madrid journals of the 1-lth published a letter from the Pope to the Cardinal-Archbishops of Toledo and Seville , & c , thanking them "for the new ancl marked proof of their
love and piety which they have given him liy the sending a donation to relieve his great distress . "—Colonel Perrote of the Spanish army , had been authorised to accompany the French Expedition to Syria . The Madrid journals ofthe 17 th refer to the enormous embezzlements recently discovered in the Government offices . The Fspana has a violent article against England , in which it is foreshadowed that notwithsianding our Armstong guns , vohmtters , & c , we shall "not be able to prevent poor trodden-down Spain from regaining
possession of the rook of Gibraltar . " The Moniteur states that their Majesties will leave on the the 23 rd inst ., on a visit to the new departments of Savoy and Nice . Marshal Aliillant is entrusted with the care of the Imperial Prince . —The municipal elections in France aro over throughout the country . Of 15 , 000 votes at Rouen , under 5200 availed themselves of "their rights . " The French Government has announced for the fourth or fifth time , that they are about to start a . tine of packets between Suez ,
Mauritius , Ceylon , and Hong Kong . Tlio A ' ohuitecr movement in Belgium is progressing . In a great many towns , especially ' in the'j provinces' of Mons and Hainault , a . great many corps have been organised on the plan set forth by the phiiinphlet , " Carabiniers Beiges . " The various rifle associations have applied to Cfoveriime . it to provide them with arms , the price of which they will defray by annual payments . —The report which the Austrian Minister of Finance has addressed to the . Emperor Francis Joseph on the financial position of the empire is published , and gives in detail the various expedients proposed to cover tiie deficits of 1 SG 0 and 1801 . —The Osldeulsche Post ' m allusion to the murder of
The Week.
Prince Danilo , states , that the judicial investigation will be made by an Ausrian tribunal , the crime having been committed on the Austrian territory . —The Russian Government has given orders to place the Fifth Corps d'Armee on the war footing ; and arrangements have been entered into with a company of steamers for the conveyance of troops . —From Milan , under date lGth of August , we learn , that the institution of lottery for the purpose of defraying the cost of the construction of a new piazza in front of the Cathedral
of Milan , as well as of the erection of various establishments of public utility , had failed to this extent—that the sum to be raised fell somewhat short of 20 millions ; accordingly a variety of schemes were on the tapis . —Count cl'Aquila , uncle of the King- of Naples , has had to leavo the country . This is explained by the existence of a third opposition party at Naples , between the reactionists and the partisans of unity , who ivish for a change in the dynastic branch as a kind of substitution like that of Louis Phillippe for Charles X . —
A report was current , at Genoa , on Tuesday , that Garibaldi , with 6 , 000 men , has landed at Capodellearme , in Calabria . Other accounts say , that Garibaldi , with 3 , 800 men , has landed at Melito , on the Calabrian coast , 12 mlies from Reggio . A general attack was imminent . It is stated that several Prussian soldiers arrived hist week at Genoa , en route to join Garibaldi . Volunteers , indeed , are leaving Italy by thousands , and it would appear that a force of 8 , 000 is collected in Sardinia , ready to obey the orders of the great chief to whose standard they have flocked . INDIA . —The summary of the Bombay Gazette of the 23 rd ult ., states that the Indian public had recovered from its fit of political
excitement , and had ceased to discuss general principles of taxation , The Income Tax Bill progresses through committee but slowly , as Mr . AVilson has been ill , and the absence of Sir James Outram , and the necessity of one of the Judge Legislators directing the Council to attend to the sessions , have caused several postponements . The rather awkward discovery has been made , that the assessment and levy of new direct taxes in Oude , before the Income Tax Bill has passed the Legislative Council , must be regarded as illegal acts .
The Disarming Act—which raises the old antagonism of white and black—is more fiercely criticised than all the financial measures put together . After long and sharp debates the bill passed , hut in a very different shape from that in which it was originally presented to the Council . Mr . AVilson has explained in the Legislative Council , to quiet some disagreeable reports , that India will have to bear no share of the Chinese war . CoiniEitciAE . —The directors of the Ottoman Bank have declared
a dividend at the rate of 8 per cent , per annum , free of income-tax ; no account , however , had been made up at Beyrout , owing to the disturbances . At the half-yearly meeting of the Bank of Australia a dividend at the rate of 6 per cent , per annum ivas declared in addition to a bonus at the rate of 6 _ ¦ per cent , per annum . At the half-yearly meeting of the Southampton Dock Company , a dividend at the rate of 4 per cent , per annum was declared and £ 710 carried to the next account . Several railway meetings have been held during the week , and the dividends we have already announced declared . The dividend on the South Eastern Railway will be at the rate of £ 113 s . 4 d . per annum .
To Correspondents.
MASONIC CYPHERS . — R . E . X is thanked , but were we to publish his communication , we should bo advertising a Masonic Ritual , which we will never do . We know the work well . S . S . —AA ' e never publish any such nonsense . Refer to the article , and read it again . N . AI . —The Rev . Bro . alluded to has not written a word in the MAGAZINE for upwards of three years , nor has he the slightest
connection with it . Adoptive female Freemasonry was never , and never will be , advocated by the present Editor . J . AA . —Must be lamentably ignorant of his duties , to address such a question to us—It is too puerile to be answered . S . D . —On the right or near—evidently to make room for visitors . Moses . —The Royal Arch , P . Z . ; send us the particulars and we will enquire .
Prov . G . O . —AVe believe that the installation of Viscount , Holmsdale as Prov . G . M . for Kent , will take place in the course of the ensuing month . Piiov . GRAND LODGE or HAiirsuntE . —Pressure of matter has compelled us to hold over our report of this interesting meeting . PROV . G . TREASURE n . —AVhy is the Jewel of a Treasurer always represented us Cross Keys ? the book of Constitutions p . p . 109 , 110 ,
and 111 , call it the key only . The illustration plate 3 gives a key only . [ Tho single key only is in accordance with the laws , and wo know of no reason for taking tbe Cross Keys excepting to increase the cost . ]