Article METROPOLITAN. ← Page 2 of 2 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 1 of 2 →
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u e should not forget to add that a large sized portrait of the late imicu lamented Secretary ( Bro . Blackburn ) , who died a few mouths ago , was placed for the firs '; time in the lodge room . It was executed in oil from a small carte de visile , ami is pronounced a most successful likeness , reflecting areat credit upon the artist ? , Messrs . C-jwan and Co .. of 21 , Piccadilly .
CORNWALL . 'Tavno . —Fortitude Lodge ( No . 131 ) . —On Tuesday , the 14 th iust ., _ the members of this lodge held their regular monthly meeting at the Masonic Rooms , Quay street , Truro , at seven ¦ o 'clock , p . m . A large number of the brethren were present , amongst whom we noticed , Bros . F . M . Williams , M . V ., S . W . ' 331 ; T . Chirgwin , P . M . 131 , P . Prov . G . W . and G . Reg . ; J . McLeanP . M . 131 P . Prov . G . D . WJJohnsPM 131 P
, , ; . . , .. , . Prov . G . S . B . ; T . Solomon , P . M ., P . Prov . G . D ., and others . Bro . S . Holloway , AV . M ., presided with his accustomed ability . The minutes were read and confirmed , and the usual lodge business having been transacted , the AV . M . requested Bro . T . Chirgwin , P . M ., to deliver the lecture on the tracing board belonging to the first degree . The brethren paid great attention during the delivery of the same , and manifested their appreciation of
Bro . 1 \ Chirgwin's labour ' s and Masonic erudition , in a manner gratifying both to the speaker and the lodge which possesses so noble an ornament to the Craft in Cornwall . Nothing then remaining but to mention the time-honoured custom ai . d caution , the lodge was closed at an early hour , and the brethren adjourned to the Red Lion Hotel , to partake of a sumptuous repast . The banquet was presided over by the W . M . of the lodge , and we
are but doing justice in stating that it was in everv sense worthy of the brilliant company who assembled in honour " of their member , Bro . F . M . Williams . M . P ., and of the anticipations that bad been formed by the members for some days past . After having partaken of the substantial refreshment , the more important business of the evening commenced , when the table was cleaved according to Masonic custom , and the banquet-ting room close tiled . The following toasts were then proposed by the Chairman and dul
y honoured . The " Queen and the Craft , " " Provincial Grand Master of Cornwall and the Provincial Grand Lodge , " " Master of the Fortitude Lodge , " and the " Wardens and Officers . " The Master then rose " and proposed the toast of the
evening in a neat and appropriate speech to the following effect : — "Brethren , it is with much pleasure that I rise to propose " The health of Bro . Frederick Martin Williams , M . P ., " who is our guest this evening . Those who know me are aware that I speak r .-. y mind freely and independently , and will readily believe me when I say that I esteem Bro . Williams very highly indeed for his uniformly Masonic conduct , affable deportment , and generous heart ; for the retiring
manner in which ho bestows his charity ; for the promptitude in which be responded to our call , and helped us bountifully last year , when seeking to secure the election of Bro . Treleaven ' s son into the Boys' School , by presenting this lodge Avith . two votes for that admirable Institution for life —( as also giving a ¦ similar present to the Phcenix Lodge in the same town ); and for his honourable , straightforward , and gentlemanly services which have rendered him not onldear to Freemasonsbut
y , made him socially and morally a most valuable and influential citizen , and in every sense worthy of the many marks of approval he is so constantly receiving . " At the conclusion of the speech—which was delivered with considerable warmth and earnestness—the whole of" the brethren rose , and responded ¦ to it most enthusiastically , indeed so heartily , that we " freely confess not having witnessed such a welcome before at any Masonic meeting . After the cheers had subsidedBroPM
, . . . Williams . M . P ., thanked the AV . M . for his exceedingly kind remarks , and especially for the very high enlogium that he had been pleased to pass on his services . He felt quite delighted at being present and assured the brethren that this most agreeable evening he had spent with them would always be remembered by him , and as one of the happiest and best . spent periods of his life the 1-lth August , and the Fortitude
Lodge , Truro , would be ever green in his calendar of Masonic events . He most ardently reciprocated their good wishes and desires , and so far as his donations were concerned he was more than compensated , in seeing how they were appreciated , and
being a perpetuity their happy effects would be continually and permanently beneficial . " The health of the Visitors " was then proposed , as also Brc . W . J . Hughan and others which were severally responded to . The brethren kept up the interest and pleasure with unabated energy for hours , and the W . M ., by his ready attention , able management , and well-expressed remarks ably sustained the onerous duties of the chair to the complete satisfaction of all the members .
CUMBERLAND . ?? CAKLISLE . —Union Lodge ( No . 310 ) . —On the 21 st irstant , a Lodge of Instruction was held , in connection with the parent lodge , the chair was occupied by Bro . \\ . H . Pulford as W . M . ; J . B . Paisley , S . W . ; AV . Court , J . W . ; F . AV . Hayward , P . M ., I . P . M . and Dir . of Cers . ; G . G . Hayward , S . D . ; G . Armstrong , J . D . ; G . Somerville , Sec ; A . Woodhonse , I . G . Brethren
present Avere : M . Fisher , T . Harris , J . Gibson , and J . Howe , J . P ., P . M . The lodge was duly opened according to ancient custom , when the necessary questions were put round by the W . M . after which Bro . F . W . Hayward requested the AV . M . to work the sections in the first degree , Avhich ho did in a truly Masonic style , also the leetuve on the second tracing board . Bro . J . B . Paisley proposed and Bro . F . AV . Hayward seconded that a vote of thanks be iven to the AV . M . Bro . AV . H . Pulford for
g , his kindness for working in the manner lie did . The W . M . returned thanks , and said that if all the brethren Avould do a something , even a little , there would be better working and better attendance at these instructions , for nothing pleased better than to be doing that something for Masonry . The lodge was then closed by Bro . A . Woodhouse , and all the brethren parted in harmony .
DEVONSHIRE . MoaiCE Tows , DEVONPOET . —Lodge of St . Aulyn ( No . 954 ) . —A regular meeting of this lodge was held on Tuesday , the 14 th inst . The lodge was duly opened in proper form by the W . M . The minutes of the previous regular and the emergent meeting were read , confirmed , and signed . A ballot Avas taken for the candidates proposed for initiation on the previous regular nihts of meetingas well as a candidate proposed
g , under the emergency clauses of the Book of Constitutions ; the results being that the whole were unanimously elected . According to usage in this lodge the Master then opened it to the second degree , and having obtained from the candidate proofs of the required proficiency , be was subsequently raised to the third degree ; one candidate was also admitted to the privilege of the Craftsman degree ; when the lodge was worked down to the first , two of the candidates for initiation being
then present were initiated into the Order . The ceremonies of the evening having terminated the W . M . read the revised copy of the bye-laws , which were ordered to be printed . Some small matters of business were then introduced and ordered to stand over till the next lodge night . The Master having expressed gratitude to the Great Giver of all Good , the brethren adjourned to the new refreshment room for the first time ; this addition to the lodge premises is a great improvement , and
reflects considerable credit on the lessee , whoso health was proposed Avith usual honours . After some further compliments to the P . M . ' s , visitors , and the newly-initiated , the brethren adjourned , highly pleased with the work of the evening .
DORSETSHIRE . PEOVINCIAI GEAND LODGE . A Provincial Grand Lodge for this province was held on Wednesday , the Sth inst ., at the Guildhall , Dorchester . In the absence , owing to illness , of the Prov . G . M ., Bro . J . M . P . Montagu D . Prov . G . M ., presided , supported by tho Prov . J . G . AV . ; Prov . G . Officers , and the Past Masters and Wardens of several of the
lodges in the province , together with many visiting brethren from the lodges of the province and of the adjoining provinces . The Provincial Grand Lodge was openod in due form , and with solemn prayer . The usual business of the province was transacted . A sum of £ 10 being voted for the relief of Bro . W . Spiccr , of Lodge No . 437 , and a sum of £ 10 for the relief of Ann , the widow of Bro . C . Groves , late of Lodge No . 386 . The Prov . G . Treas ., Bro . W . Hanncn , P . M . 472 , having
resigned , Bro . C . Sykes , of Lodge No . 417 and of Weymouth , Avas elected Prov . G . Treas . A procession was formed and the D . Prov . G . M . and brethren attended divine service at the church of the Holy Trinity , Dor-
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
u e should not forget to add that a large sized portrait of the late imicu lamented Secretary ( Bro . Blackburn ) , who died a few mouths ago , was placed for the firs '; time in the lodge room . It was executed in oil from a small carte de visile , ami is pronounced a most successful likeness , reflecting areat credit upon the artist ? , Messrs . C-jwan and Co .. of 21 , Piccadilly .
CORNWALL . 'Tavno . —Fortitude Lodge ( No . 131 ) . —On Tuesday , the 14 th iust ., _ the members of this lodge held their regular monthly meeting at the Masonic Rooms , Quay street , Truro , at seven ¦ o 'clock , p . m . A large number of the brethren were present , amongst whom we noticed , Bros . F . M . Williams , M . V ., S . W . ' 331 ; T . Chirgwin , P . M . 131 , P . Prov . G . W . and G . Reg . ; J . McLeanP . M . 131 P . Prov . G . D . WJJohnsPM 131 P
, , ; . . , .. , . Prov . G . S . B . ; T . Solomon , P . M ., P . Prov . G . D ., and others . Bro . S . Holloway , AV . M ., presided with his accustomed ability . The minutes were read and confirmed , and the usual lodge business having been transacted , the AV . M . requested Bro . T . Chirgwin , P . M ., to deliver the lecture on the tracing board belonging to the first degree . The brethren paid great attention during the delivery of the same , and manifested their appreciation of
Bro . 1 \ Chirgwin's labour ' s and Masonic erudition , in a manner gratifying both to the speaker and the lodge which possesses so noble an ornament to the Craft in Cornwall . Nothing then remaining but to mention the time-honoured custom ai . d caution , the lodge was closed at an early hour , and the brethren adjourned to the Red Lion Hotel , to partake of a sumptuous repast . The banquet was presided over by the W . M . of the lodge , and we
are but doing justice in stating that it was in everv sense worthy of the brilliant company who assembled in honour " of their member , Bro . F . M . Williams . M . P ., and of the anticipations that bad been formed by the members for some days past . After having partaken of the substantial refreshment , the more important business of the evening commenced , when the table was cleaved according to Masonic custom , and the banquet-ting room close tiled . The following toasts were then proposed by the Chairman and dul
y honoured . The " Queen and the Craft , " " Provincial Grand Master of Cornwall and the Provincial Grand Lodge , " " Master of the Fortitude Lodge , " and the " Wardens and Officers . " The Master then rose " and proposed the toast of the
evening in a neat and appropriate speech to the following effect : — "Brethren , it is with much pleasure that I rise to propose " The health of Bro . Frederick Martin Williams , M . P ., " who is our guest this evening . Those who know me are aware that I speak r .-. y mind freely and independently , and will readily believe me when I say that I esteem Bro . Williams very highly indeed for his uniformly Masonic conduct , affable deportment , and generous heart ; for the retiring
manner in which ho bestows his charity ; for the promptitude in which be responded to our call , and helped us bountifully last year , when seeking to secure the election of Bro . Treleaven ' s son into the Boys' School , by presenting this lodge Avith . two votes for that admirable Institution for life —( as also giving a ¦ similar present to the Phcenix Lodge in the same town ); and for his honourable , straightforward , and gentlemanly services which have rendered him not onldear to Freemasonsbut
y , made him socially and morally a most valuable and influential citizen , and in every sense worthy of the many marks of approval he is so constantly receiving . " At the conclusion of the speech—which was delivered with considerable warmth and earnestness—the whole of" the brethren rose , and responded ¦ to it most enthusiastically , indeed so heartily , that we " freely confess not having witnessed such a welcome before at any Masonic meeting . After the cheers had subsidedBroPM
, . . . Williams . M . P ., thanked the AV . M . for his exceedingly kind remarks , and especially for the very high enlogium that he had been pleased to pass on his services . He felt quite delighted at being present and assured the brethren that this most agreeable evening he had spent with them would always be remembered by him , and as one of the happiest and best . spent periods of his life the 1-lth August , and the Fortitude
Lodge , Truro , would be ever green in his calendar of Masonic events . He most ardently reciprocated their good wishes and desires , and so far as his donations were concerned he was more than compensated , in seeing how they were appreciated , and
being a perpetuity their happy effects would be continually and permanently beneficial . " The health of the Visitors " was then proposed , as also Brc . W . J . Hughan and others which were severally responded to . The brethren kept up the interest and pleasure with unabated energy for hours , and the W . M ., by his ready attention , able management , and well-expressed remarks ably sustained the onerous duties of the chair to the complete satisfaction of all the members .
CUMBERLAND . ?? CAKLISLE . —Union Lodge ( No . 310 ) . —On the 21 st irstant , a Lodge of Instruction was held , in connection with the parent lodge , the chair was occupied by Bro . \\ . H . Pulford as W . M . ; J . B . Paisley , S . W . ; AV . Court , J . W . ; F . AV . Hayward , P . M ., I . P . M . and Dir . of Cers . ; G . G . Hayward , S . D . ; G . Armstrong , J . D . ; G . Somerville , Sec ; A . Woodhonse , I . G . Brethren
present Avere : M . Fisher , T . Harris , J . Gibson , and J . Howe , J . P ., P . M . The lodge was duly opened according to ancient custom , when the necessary questions were put round by the W . M . after which Bro . F . W . Hayward requested the AV . M . to work the sections in the first degree , Avhich ho did in a truly Masonic style , also the leetuve on the second tracing board . Bro . J . B . Paisley proposed and Bro . F . AV . Hayward seconded that a vote of thanks be iven to the AV . M . Bro . AV . H . Pulford for
g , his kindness for working in the manner lie did . The W . M . returned thanks , and said that if all the brethren Avould do a something , even a little , there would be better working and better attendance at these instructions , for nothing pleased better than to be doing that something for Masonry . The lodge was then closed by Bro . A . Woodhouse , and all the brethren parted in harmony .
DEVONSHIRE . MoaiCE Tows , DEVONPOET . —Lodge of St . Aulyn ( No . 954 ) . —A regular meeting of this lodge was held on Tuesday , the 14 th inst . The lodge was duly opened in proper form by the W . M . The minutes of the previous regular and the emergent meeting were read , confirmed , and signed . A ballot Avas taken for the candidates proposed for initiation on the previous regular nihts of meetingas well as a candidate proposed
g , under the emergency clauses of the Book of Constitutions ; the results being that the whole were unanimously elected . According to usage in this lodge the Master then opened it to the second degree , and having obtained from the candidate proofs of the required proficiency , be was subsequently raised to the third degree ; one candidate was also admitted to the privilege of the Craftsman degree ; when the lodge was worked down to the first , two of the candidates for initiation being
then present were initiated into the Order . The ceremonies of the evening having terminated the W . M . read the revised copy of the bye-laws , which were ordered to be printed . Some small matters of business were then introduced and ordered to stand over till the next lodge night . The Master having expressed gratitude to the Great Giver of all Good , the brethren adjourned to the new refreshment room for the first time ; this addition to the lodge premises is a great improvement , and
reflects considerable credit on the lessee , whoso health was proposed Avith usual honours . After some further compliments to the P . M . ' s , visitors , and the newly-initiated , the brethren adjourned , highly pleased with the work of the evening .
DORSETSHIRE . PEOVINCIAI GEAND LODGE . A Provincial Grand Lodge for this province was held on Wednesday , the Sth inst ., at the Guildhall , Dorchester . In the absence , owing to illness , of the Prov . G . M ., Bro . J . M . P . Montagu D . Prov . G . M ., presided , supported by tho Prov . J . G . AV . ; Prov . G . Officers , and the Past Masters and Wardens of several of the
lodges in the province , together with many visiting brethren from the lodges of the province and of the adjoining provinces . The Provincial Grand Lodge was openod in due form , and with solemn prayer . The usual business of the province was transacted . A sum of £ 10 being voted for the relief of Bro . W . Spiccr , of Lodge No . 437 , and a sum of £ 10 for the relief of Ann , the widow of Bro . C . Groves , late of Lodge No . 386 . The Prov . G . Treas ., Bro . W . Hanncn , P . M . 472 , having
resigned , Bro . C . Sykes , of Lodge No . 417 and of Weymouth , Avas elected Prov . G . Treas . A procession was formed and the D . Prov . G . M . and brethren attended divine service at the church of the Holy Trinity , Dor-