Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Week.
Louiso and Princo Arthur . —Tbo Queon drovo out in tho afternoon with Princoss Beatrice , in a carriago and four , attondod by Lady Churchill , aud hor Majesty walkod iu tho grounds on tbo morning of tbo 22 nd inst . with hor Royal Highness . Her Majosty tho Quoon , with their . 'Royal Highnesses Princess Louiso , Princess Beatrice , and Princo Loopold , left Osborno at a quarter past three o ' clock , and arrived at Windsor Cast-lo a quarter beforo
seven . GENERAL HOME NEAVS . —The weekly return of the Registrar-General of the deaths in the metropolis up to Saturday last is so far of a satisfactory character that it shows a decrease in the Avhole number of djaths , as compared with the previous week of 500 , the respective totals being 2 , 299 and 1 , 799 . The deaths
from cholera for the last six weeks have been respectively as follow : —32 , 346 , 901 , 1 , 053 , 781 , and ' 155 ; and from diarrhoea 150 , 221 , 349 , 35-1 , 20 * , and 191 . The decrease , therefore , in the deaths from the two kindred diseases in the last as compared with the previous week has been 406 , or 64-9 as against 1 , 045 . This decrease is absolutely the greatest in childhood
cases , but relatively greatest in manhood cases . The Registrar gives some very interesting facts as regards the incidence of the epidemic . The fatalities in the west have been highest in Kensington aud lowest in St . James's , Westminster , the scene formerly of the Broad-street pump mortality . In the southern districts the mortality has not exceeded three per 1 , 000 , and
even at Greenwich , where Mr . Glaisher observed the famous blue mist , it is not higher . Those southern districts most affected lie low , are generally poor , and were decimated by cholera in the epidemics of 18-1-9 and 1854 , whereon the impure water of the tidal Thames was distributed ; but as they have almost entirely escaped this attack , it is remarked that they are now supplied with water drawn above Teddington
Lock from the Thames . The water in a more remarkable degree appears connected with the awful fatality in the eastern districts . In the borough of Liverpool , out of 518 deaths registered last week 157 were attributable to cholera , and G 3 G diarrhoea , showing an increase as compared with the preceding week in deaths from cholera of 31 , and a decrease in those from diarrhoea of 12 . Epidemic cholera , the Registrar adds , does
not exist in any other of the larger towns . The annual rates of mortality per 1 , 000 in the metropolis and 12 other of the principal places in the kingdom for the week ending August 11 were as follow : —Birmingham , 19 ; Bristol , 20 ; Dublin , 22 ; Edinburgh , 24 ; Glasgow , Leeds , and Sheffield , 25 ; Salford and Manchester , 27 ; Hull , 29 ; London , 31 ; Newcastle-on-Tyne ,
32 ; and Liverpool , 56 . The difference in numbers between the first and last of this list is startling . Now that the bank rate has been reduced , the Chancellor of tho Exchequer has left town for llugbenden Manor . It may fairly be presumed that the representations made to the right hon . gentleman by the deputations which waited upon him have
induced him to put some pressure on the Bank directors , and thus to bring about the reduction of the rate to S per cent . The Duke of Cambridge has presented his report to the War Office upon the Volunteer review at York . His royal highness speaks in high terms of the manner in which the men went through their evolutions , and saj-s the review demonstrated how efficient
a force the volunteer body is becoming . The inquiry into the case of alleged breach of the Foreign Enlistment Act bv two persons named Ellis and Peters was resumed at the Bow-street Police-court . The prisoners are charged with having enlisted seamen to serve on board Chilliau vessels against Spain . Sir Thomas Henry committed them for trial in the Court of Queen ' s Bench , but admitted them to bail . Mrs . Gladstone wisely persists in her scheme for the establishment of a free
orphanage-She thinks , and thinks rigntly , that tne home should be made a permanent one , and that the various plans which have been suggested should be concentrated in one effort . A very lamentable accident took place in Ely-court , Holboru , at an early hour on tho IGth inst . A houso , inhabited by no fowor than twenty-two persons , utterly collapsod while tho unl ' ortuuato croaturos wore in bod . How any of thorn oscapod is a
marvel ; hut although so : uo twenty extricated thomsolvos from their perilous position , two woro buried in tho ruins , and lost their lives . How many more ovor-crowdod tenements , mouldering with age . and all but ready to overwhelm thoir iumatos demand tho scrutiny of district surveyors in tho samo and kindred localities ? Tho Bishop of London spent tho 19 th inst . in truo apostolic fashion . Ho visited tho cholora haunts of
London , and preached to tho poor sufforing poople . From hospital to hospital ho passed among tho sick and the dying , ministering words of comfort ovoi-ywhoro . Somo extraordinary ovidonco has come out before ' . ho Yarmouth Bribery Commission . On tho 17 th inst . a Mr . J . Coopor complacontly narrated hoAV at tho last election about £ 3 . 500 was brought to him by a stranger ,
and how ho distributed it iu bribes to socuro tho oloction of Sir Edmund Lacon and Mr . Goodson . Ho professed not to know whonco it had como , but thought porhaps " tho Club " had found it . But a witness came forward on tho 18 th inst . Avho told tho sourco from whonco this golden stroani had flowed . This was-Mr . Nightingale , tho managing partnor of Sir Edmund Lacon in
bis browcry business . Mr . Night-ingalo having determined that Sir Edmund Lacon should not bo " victimised" at tho last oloction drow £ 4 , 000 , aud gavo £ 3 , 500 of it to Coopor and tho rest to a man namod Skuckiord . Tho monoy was sont by a Mr . Aldrod . Mr . Nightingale sent tho money to Cooper as tho " illegal agent " of tho Tory party—rather a fino distinction . At a previouselection Mr . Nhrhtinaale had spent £ 1 , 000 in a similar manner ,
and this Sir E . Lacon had paid among tho oloction expenses without inquiry aud without complaint . Tho £ 4 , 000 Sir Edmund knew nothing whatever about , and Mr . Nightingale- was quits indifferent as to whether it was over repaid . Ho should not have mentionod tho rnattor to Sir Edmund , hut ho thought it probable that now that gentleman know of it ho would repay tho monoy . Perhaps , too , now that Sir Edmund knows of it , ho will sacrifico
something to political decency and retiro from tho representation of that charming borough , Great Yarmouth . An action Avas tried on tho 17 th and 18 th inst ., at Guildford , in which Mr . Lose-by , a warehouseman , of Wood-street , Chcapsido , sought to recover £ 2 , 000 from tho General Life and Fire Insuranco Company on a policy of insuranco against firo . A firo took placo
somo time ago on tho promises of Mr . Losoby , and ho allogod that goods to tho valuo of over £ 2 , 000 woro destroyod . Tho company disputed tho claim on tho ground that no such amount of goods had been destroyed . Evidenco was callod on both sidos , and evontually tho jury returned a vordict for tho dofondants . Tho Islington authorities aro displaying much laudable activity
in hunting up tho plaguo-nosts Avhich oxist in that as AA-OII as other districts of tho metropolis . A striking instance of tho groat necessity of such supervision and prompt action cama beforo tho ClcrkenAvell Polico-court on tho 20 th inst . It is to bo hoped other parochial authorities Avill keop as sharp a look out , aud act promptly when necessary . Sir Edmund Lacon Avas callod as
a Avitnoss bol ' oro tho Yarmouth Bribery Commission . His ovidonco is of a very singular character . Ho denied all knoAvledge of tho payments made on his behalf by Mr . Nightingale , and Avas especially anxious to state that thoro had been bribery on tho Liberal side . Tho other ovidonco was all interesting . An inquest has been hold on tho bodies of tho sufferers by tbo falling of tho house in Ely-placo , Holboru . Tho evidence simply corroborated tho reports which havo already appoarod . It Avas made
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Week.
Louiso and Princo Arthur . —Tbo Queon drovo out in tho afternoon with Princoss Beatrice , in a carriago and four , attondod by Lady Churchill , aud hor Majesty walkod iu tho grounds on tbo morning of tbo 22 nd inst . with hor Royal Highness . Her Majosty tho Quoon , with their . 'Royal Highnesses Princess Louiso , Princess Beatrice , and Princo Loopold , left Osborno at a quarter past three o ' clock , and arrived at Windsor Cast-lo a quarter beforo
seven . GENERAL HOME NEAVS . —The weekly return of the Registrar-General of the deaths in the metropolis up to Saturday last is so far of a satisfactory character that it shows a decrease in the Avhole number of djaths , as compared with the previous week of 500 , the respective totals being 2 , 299 and 1 , 799 . The deaths
from cholera for the last six weeks have been respectively as follow : —32 , 346 , 901 , 1 , 053 , 781 , and ' 155 ; and from diarrhoea 150 , 221 , 349 , 35-1 , 20 * , and 191 . The decrease , therefore , in the deaths from the two kindred diseases in the last as compared with the previous week has been 406 , or 64-9 as against 1 , 045 . This decrease is absolutely the greatest in childhood
cases , but relatively greatest in manhood cases . The Registrar gives some very interesting facts as regards the incidence of the epidemic . The fatalities in the west have been highest in Kensington aud lowest in St . James's , Westminster , the scene formerly of the Broad-street pump mortality . In the southern districts the mortality has not exceeded three per 1 , 000 , and
even at Greenwich , where Mr . Glaisher observed the famous blue mist , it is not higher . Those southern districts most affected lie low , are generally poor , and were decimated by cholera in the epidemics of 18-1-9 and 1854 , whereon the impure water of the tidal Thames was distributed ; but as they have almost entirely escaped this attack , it is remarked that they are now supplied with water drawn above Teddington
Lock from the Thames . The water in a more remarkable degree appears connected with the awful fatality in the eastern districts . In the borough of Liverpool , out of 518 deaths registered last week 157 were attributable to cholera , and G 3 G diarrhoea , showing an increase as compared with the preceding week in deaths from cholera of 31 , and a decrease in those from diarrhoea of 12 . Epidemic cholera , the Registrar adds , does
not exist in any other of the larger towns . The annual rates of mortality per 1 , 000 in the metropolis and 12 other of the principal places in the kingdom for the week ending August 11 were as follow : —Birmingham , 19 ; Bristol , 20 ; Dublin , 22 ; Edinburgh , 24 ; Glasgow , Leeds , and Sheffield , 25 ; Salford and Manchester , 27 ; Hull , 29 ; London , 31 ; Newcastle-on-Tyne ,
32 ; and Liverpool , 56 . The difference in numbers between the first and last of this list is startling . Now that the bank rate has been reduced , the Chancellor of tho Exchequer has left town for llugbenden Manor . It may fairly be presumed that the representations made to the right hon . gentleman by the deputations which waited upon him have
induced him to put some pressure on the Bank directors , and thus to bring about the reduction of the rate to S per cent . The Duke of Cambridge has presented his report to the War Office upon the Volunteer review at York . His royal highness speaks in high terms of the manner in which the men went through their evolutions , and saj-s the review demonstrated how efficient
a force the volunteer body is becoming . The inquiry into the case of alleged breach of the Foreign Enlistment Act bv two persons named Ellis and Peters was resumed at the Bow-street Police-court . The prisoners are charged with having enlisted seamen to serve on board Chilliau vessels against Spain . Sir Thomas Henry committed them for trial in the Court of Queen ' s Bench , but admitted them to bail . Mrs . Gladstone wisely persists in her scheme for the establishment of a free
orphanage-She thinks , and thinks rigntly , that tne home should be made a permanent one , and that the various plans which have been suggested should be concentrated in one effort . A very lamentable accident took place in Ely-court , Holboru , at an early hour on tho IGth inst . A houso , inhabited by no fowor than twenty-two persons , utterly collapsod while tho unl ' ortuuato croaturos wore in bod . How any of thorn oscapod is a
marvel ; hut although so : uo twenty extricated thomsolvos from their perilous position , two woro buried in tho ruins , and lost their lives . How many more ovor-crowdod tenements , mouldering with age . and all but ready to overwhelm thoir iumatos demand tho scrutiny of district surveyors in tho samo and kindred localities ? Tho Bishop of London spent tho 19 th inst . in truo apostolic fashion . Ho visited tho cholora haunts of
London , and preached to tho poor sufforing poople . From hospital to hospital ho passed among tho sick and the dying , ministering words of comfort ovoi-ywhoro . Somo extraordinary ovidonco has come out before ' . ho Yarmouth Bribery Commission . On tho 17 th inst . a Mr . J . Coopor complacontly narrated hoAV at tho last election about £ 3 . 500 was brought to him by a stranger ,
and how ho distributed it iu bribes to socuro tho oloction of Sir Edmund Lacon and Mr . Goodson . Ho professed not to know whonco it had como , but thought porhaps " tho Club " had found it . But a witness came forward on tho 18 th inst . Avho told tho sourco from whonco this golden stroani had flowed . This was-Mr . Nightingale , tho managing partnor of Sir Edmund Lacon in
bis browcry business . Mr . Night-ingalo having determined that Sir Edmund Lacon should not bo " victimised" at tho last oloction drow £ 4 , 000 , aud gavo £ 3 , 500 of it to Coopor and tho rest to a man namod Skuckiord . Tho monoy was sont by a Mr . Aldrod . Mr . Nightingale sent tho money to Cooper as tho " illegal agent " of tho Tory party—rather a fino distinction . At a previouselection Mr . Nhrhtinaale had spent £ 1 , 000 in a similar manner ,
and this Sir E . Lacon had paid among tho oloction expenses without inquiry aud without complaint . Tho £ 4 , 000 Sir Edmund knew nothing whatever about , and Mr . Nightingale- was quits indifferent as to whether it was over repaid . Ho should not have mentionod tho rnattor to Sir Edmund , hut ho thought it probable that now that gentleman know of it ho would repay tho monoy . Perhaps , too , now that Sir Edmund knows of it , ho will sacrifico
something to political decency and retiro from tho representation of that charming borough , Great Yarmouth . An action Avas tried on tho 17 th and 18 th inst ., at Guildford , in which Mr . Lose-by , a warehouseman , of Wood-street , Chcapsido , sought to recover £ 2 , 000 from tho General Life and Fire Insuranco Company on a policy of insuranco against firo . A firo took placo
somo time ago on tho promises of Mr . Losoby , and ho allogod that goods to tho valuo of over £ 2 , 000 woro destroyod . Tho company disputed tho claim on tho ground that no such amount of goods had been destroyed . Evidenco was callod on both sidos , and evontually tho jury returned a vordict for tho dofondants . Tho Islington authorities aro displaying much laudable activity
in hunting up tho plaguo-nosts Avhich oxist in that as AA-OII as other districts of tho metropolis . A striking instance of tho groat necessity of such supervision and prompt action cama beforo tho ClcrkenAvell Polico-court on tho 20 th inst . It is to bo hoped other parochial authorities Avill keop as sharp a look out , aud act promptly when necessary . Sir Edmund Lacon Avas callod as
a Avitnoss bol ' oro tho Yarmouth Bribery Commission . His ovidonco is of a very singular character . Ho denied all knoAvledge of tho payments made on his behalf by Mr . Nightingale , and Avas especially anxious to state that thoro had been bribery on tho Liberal side . Tho other ovidonco was all interesting . An inquest has been hold on tho bodies of tho sufferers by tbo falling of tho house in Ely-placo , Holboru . Tho evidence simply corroborated tho reports which havo already appoarod . It Avas made