Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Week.
tho Continent—namely , at Amsterdam , Borgon , and Archchon . Tho Bouloguo oxhibition is most coinploto , and onibracos ovory kind of articlo usod in connection Avit-k fishing aud fisheries . England is said to bo tho country Avorst represented on this occasion , and this is much to bo rogrottod , because in a matter affecting so largely tho entire population of our country ,
everything that tends- to improvo tho knowledge of hoAV best to carry on such a branch of industry as that of fishing must bo of tho very highest importance . Tho Boulogne Exhibition is to romain open to tho public until tho 13 th of October . Tho peaco negotiations betAvoon Prussia and Austria aro roported to bo . progressing satisfactorily , and it is thought that poaco
itsolf Avill bo formally concluded within eight or ton days . Tho Emporor Napoleon , annoyed by tho schomos of aggrandisement AA-hich havo boon attributed to him since the publication of his despatch to tho Prussian Court , has taken means to assuro tho English Government that he never contemplated tho acquisition of a singlo inch of Belgian territory . Another satisfactory pioeo
of intolligonco is that tho hitch Avliich had arisen in tho poaco negotiations botweon Prussia and Bavaria is removed , and that thoro is ovory prospect of a speedy settlement of tho question . A telegram informs us that tho Pope has rosolvod to outer into negotiations directly with King Victor Emmanuel . This is much moro likely to bo ti-uo than tho story Avhich tho Temps
and tho Liberte Avero circulating last Avook of an appeal to tho Emporor Napoloon . Tho health of tho Emporor has occasioned considerable unoasinoss in Paris ; and it Avas noticod that ho abstained from driving out in public or making his othor usual appearances out of doors . This anxiety must haA'o been dissipated on tho 17 th inst . AA-hen his Majosty drovo through tho Bois do Bouloguo . Ho was enthusiastically choored , AA-hich niay , perhaps , bo regarded as an expression of thankfulnoss at his
recovery , and of sympathy Avith his rocont policy . Accounts from Paris state that great incredulity provails thoro in roforenco to tho alloged amicablo sottlomont of tho question raised botweon France and Prussia . It is said that so far from Franco being on terms of closo friendship Avith Prussia , sho is soeking alliances Avith Russia and Austria , and that Russia has sont a diplomatist to Paris . to arrange tho matter . All this is but tho resuscitation
. of old suspicions in Avhich no ono UOAV places the least reliance Russia is quite contont Avith tho turn things havo token , and tho Emporor Alexandor has AA-ritton in that tono to tho King of Prussia . Tho Emporor Napoleon has shoivn no inclination Avhatever toAvards soeking a quarrel Avith Germany . Wo havo no reason to doubt his declarations that ho has no object of
aggrandisement in A-ioAv , and that ho desires to live in peace Avith his neighbours . Tho truth is theso rumours aro for tho most part , if not invented , at any rate touched up by tho correspondents of journals Avhoso object is to create a feeling of alarm in this country . Happily they havo had no success as yot . Tho Russians appear to havo two little difficulties in hand just now .
Tho Polish oxiles Avho AVOI-O recently banishod so romorselossly to Siberia havo risen in insurrection thoro . At Irkutsk they soom to havo achieved a lrlomontary suecoss . The people , too , of Soukum-Kalo , in Cireassia , havo revolted in consequence of tbo heavy taxes AA-hich it Avas sought to impose upon thorn . They appear to havo slain several Russian soldiors .
In Prussia , tho King and his ministers aro busy arranging for tho consolidation of tho UOAV kingdom . The process is not likoly to bo vory difficult , for tho annexations aro all to tho tastes of tho pooplo concerned . Tho address of tho Uppor House has boon presented to tho King , and has been graciously rocoivod . A story is circulated that at Prague only tho peaco botAveen Prussia and Austria is to be settled . Italy is to Avait until afterwards boforo her business is arranged , and she is requested to boar in
mind in tho negotiations what may havo boon dono in Prague Wkothor this means that Count Bismarck has IIOAV dono with Italy and casts hor off , we cannot say ; but it is certain that tho Italians havo lately como to oxpoet somo such statemont . Tho Moniteur thinks it necessary to contradict tho statement that tho Emperor Napoloon has Avritten a lotter to tho King of tho
Belgians giving him an assurance that ho has no intention of annoxiug Belgian territory . Tho official paper adds to this information that the Fronoh Government has givon the English Government to understand that it is not proposed by Franco to tako tho Fortresses of Marionburg and Phillippovillo , Avhich are in tho hands of a neutral Powor . In all probability in soma
quarters this Avill bo interpreted as meaning that Franco has somo sinister designs upon some parts of Belgium . Its real moaning AVO take to bo that tho Emperor does not chooso to havo his actions misrepresented , and that ho therefore simply contradicts a statement Avhich is untrue . It is now stated that the peaco negotiations befrwoon Italy and Austria Avill bo
conducted at Vienna . Thoro soems to bo no doubt that peaco will ho mado , Italy taking tho best terms sho can get , and asking for more than is likoly to bo gh on . Moantimo , Austria is resuming hor old cA-il Avays in tho Trontino . Tho Austrian commander of tho district ordered tho municipality of Trent to give a public / efe on the occasion of tho birthday of tho Emporor
Francis Joseph . Tho municipality declined to obey willingly . Thoy would make holiday if thoy had written orders from the Austrian authorities to do so , but not otherwise . We aro not told whether those Avritten orders Avero given . That must be most gratifying rejoicing Avhich takos place according to command . An official paper of St . Petersburg says that tho rising of tho Polish exiles at Irkutsk has been suppressed , and that several of the insurgents haA-o been put to death . There is nothing in tho continental neAvs to indicate that anything A \ -iU
interfere AA-ith tho speedy conclusion of peace . [ The Bavarian Chambors aro summoned , and the torms of peace proposed by Prussia are to be laid boforo them . It becomes more evidont that Count Bismarck doos not intend the work of annoxation to bo dono by halves . He argues that as far as possible an actual amalgamation of the annexed States with Prussia is desirable , and regrets that this cannot take place just yot with respect to
Saxony . According to a French paper , Bavaria is to pay Prussia 30 , 000 , 000 florins towards the expenses of the Avar . She is not asked , however , to cede much territory . Hesse-Homburg is to be ceded to Prussia by the Grand Duke of Hesse-Darmstadt , and Prussia is to garrison Mentz . It is stated in a Vienna paper that an effort is about to be made to conciliate Hungary . That
country is to have a separate Ministry , But the announcement is coupled with another Avhich certainly will not gratify the Hungarians—namely , that the Ministry is to be of an eminently Conservative character . The Patrie says that the Emperor Napoleon Avill make a direct cession of Venetia to Italy . Who doubted it ? Tho Turks are likely apparently to be ejected
from Candia . There is an insurrection there , and the insurgents numbering some 25 , 000 strong have secured important positions The Turks have made some attempts at repression , but appear to be wholly unable to cope with the revolt . AiiEiiiCA . —A telegram from New York reports fresh successes on the part of the Liberals of Mexico . The Emperor Maximilian can have little hope of retaining his Avortkless
sceptre , even if the Empress Charlotte is successful in her mission to Paris . The Atlantic Telegraph brings a piece of news which is not very intelligible . It is that President Johnson ignores the blockade of Matamoros . Does this mean that American ships will force the blockade ? If that be the case , and they are to be supported by the United States Government , it is an act of Avar . We do not believe any such course will be taken .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Week.
tho Continent—namely , at Amsterdam , Borgon , and Archchon . Tho Bouloguo oxhibition is most coinploto , and onibracos ovory kind of articlo usod in connection Avit-k fishing aud fisheries . England is said to bo tho country Avorst represented on this occasion , and this is much to bo rogrottod , because in a matter affecting so largely tho entire population of our country ,
everything that tends- to improvo tho knowledge of hoAV best to carry on such a branch of industry as that of fishing must bo of tho very highest importance . Tho Boulogne Exhibition is to romain open to tho public until tho 13 th of October . Tho peaco negotiations betAvoon Prussia and Austria aro roported to bo . progressing satisfactorily , and it is thought that poaco
itsolf Avill bo formally concluded within eight or ton days . Tho Emporor Napoleon , annoyed by tho schomos of aggrandisement AA-hich havo boon attributed to him since the publication of his despatch to tho Prussian Court , has taken means to assuro tho English Government that he never contemplated tho acquisition of a singlo inch of Belgian territory . Another satisfactory pioeo
of intolligonco is that tho hitch Avliich had arisen in tho poaco negotiations botweon Prussia and Bavaria is removed , and that thoro is ovory prospect of a speedy settlement of tho question . A telegram informs us that tho Pope has rosolvod to outer into negotiations directly with King Victor Emmanuel . This is much moro likely to bo ti-uo than tho story Avhich tho Temps
and tho Liberte Avero circulating last Avook of an appeal to tho Emporor Napoloon . Tho health of tho Emporor has occasioned considerable unoasinoss in Paris ; and it Avas noticod that ho abstained from driving out in public or making his othor usual appearances out of doors . This anxiety must haA'o been dissipated on tho 17 th inst . AA-hen his Majosty drovo through tho Bois do Bouloguo . Ho was enthusiastically choored , AA-hich niay , perhaps , bo regarded as an expression of thankfulnoss at his
recovery , and of sympathy Avith his rocont policy . Accounts from Paris state that great incredulity provails thoro in roforenco to tho alloged amicablo sottlomont of tho question raised botweon France and Prussia . It is said that so far from Franco being on terms of closo friendship Avith Prussia , sho is soeking alliances Avith Russia and Austria , and that Russia has sont a diplomatist to Paris . to arrange tho matter . All this is but tho resuscitation
. of old suspicions in Avhich no ono UOAV places the least reliance Russia is quite contont Avith tho turn things havo token , and tho Emporor Alexandor has AA-ritton in that tono to tho King of Prussia . Tho Emporor Napoleon has shoivn no inclination Avhatever toAvards soeking a quarrel Avith Germany . Wo havo no reason to doubt his declarations that ho has no object of
aggrandisement in A-ioAv , and that ho desires to live in peace Avith his neighbours . Tho truth is theso rumours aro for tho most part , if not invented , at any rate touched up by tho correspondents of journals Avhoso object is to create a feeling of alarm in this country . Happily they havo had no success as yot . Tho Russians appear to havo two little difficulties in hand just now .
Tho Polish oxiles Avho AVOI-O recently banishod so romorselossly to Siberia havo risen in insurrection thoro . At Irkutsk they soom to havo achieved a lrlomontary suecoss . The people , too , of Soukum-Kalo , in Cireassia , havo revolted in consequence of tbo heavy taxes AA-hich it Avas sought to impose upon thorn . They appear to havo slain several Russian soldiors .
In Prussia , tho King and his ministers aro busy arranging for tho consolidation of tho UOAV kingdom . The process is not likoly to bo vory difficult , for tho annexations aro all to tho tastes of tho pooplo concerned . Tho address of tho Uppor House has boon presented to tho King , and has been graciously rocoivod . A story is circulated that at Prague only tho peaco botAveen Prussia and Austria is to be settled . Italy is to Avait until afterwards boforo her business is arranged , and she is requested to boar in
mind in tho negotiations what may havo boon dono in Prague Wkothor this means that Count Bismarck has IIOAV dono with Italy and casts hor off , we cannot say ; but it is certain that tho Italians havo lately como to oxpoet somo such statemont . Tho Moniteur thinks it necessary to contradict tho statement that tho Emperor Napoloon has Avritten a lotter to tho King of tho
Belgians giving him an assurance that ho has no intention of annoxiug Belgian territory . Tho official paper adds to this information that the Fronoh Government has givon the English Government to understand that it is not proposed by Franco to tako tho Fortresses of Marionburg and Phillippovillo , Avhich are in tho hands of a neutral Powor . In all probability in soma
quarters this Avill bo interpreted as meaning that Franco has somo sinister designs upon some parts of Belgium . Its real moaning AVO take to bo that tho Emperor does not chooso to havo his actions misrepresented , and that ho therefore simply contradicts a statement Avhich is untrue . It is now stated that the peaco negotiations befrwoon Italy and Austria Avill bo
conducted at Vienna . Thoro soems to bo no doubt that peaco will ho mado , Italy taking tho best terms sho can get , and asking for more than is likoly to bo gh on . Moantimo , Austria is resuming hor old cA-il Avays in tho Trontino . Tho Austrian commander of tho district ordered tho municipality of Trent to give a public / efe on the occasion of tho birthday of tho Emporor
Francis Joseph . Tho municipality declined to obey willingly . Thoy would make holiday if thoy had written orders from the Austrian authorities to do so , but not otherwise . We aro not told whether those Avritten orders Avero given . That must be most gratifying rejoicing Avhich takos place according to command . An official paper of St . Petersburg says that tho rising of tho Polish exiles at Irkutsk has been suppressed , and that several of the insurgents haA-o been put to death . There is nothing in tho continental neAvs to indicate that anything A \ -iU
interfere AA-ith tho speedy conclusion of peace . [ The Bavarian Chambors aro summoned , and the torms of peace proposed by Prussia are to be laid boforo them . It becomes more evidont that Count Bismarck doos not intend the work of annoxation to bo dono by halves . He argues that as far as possible an actual amalgamation of the annexed States with Prussia is desirable , and regrets that this cannot take place just yot with respect to
Saxony . According to a French paper , Bavaria is to pay Prussia 30 , 000 , 000 florins towards the expenses of the Avar . She is not asked , however , to cede much territory . Hesse-Homburg is to be ceded to Prussia by the Grand Duke of Hesse-Darmstadt , and Prussia is to garrison Mentz . It is stated in a Vienna paper that an effort is about to be made to conciliate Hungary . That
country is to have a separate Ministry , But the announcement is coupled with another Avhich certainly will not gratify the Hungarians—namely , that the Ministry is to be of an eminently Conservative character . The Patrie says that the Emperor Napoleon Avill make a direct cession of Venetia to Italy . Who doubted it ? Tho Turks are likely apparently to be ejected
from Candia . There is an insurrection there , and the insurgents numbering some 25 , 000 strong have secured important positions The Turks have made some attempts at repression , but appear to be wholly unable to cope with the revolt . AiiEiiiCA . —A telegram from New York reports fresh successes on the part of the Liberals of Mexico . The Emperor Maximilian can have little hope of retaining his Avortkless
sceptre , even if the Empress Charlotte is successful in her mission to Paris . The Atlantic Telegraph brings a piece of news which is not very intelligible . It is that President Johnson ignores the blockade of Matamoros . Does this mean that American ships will force the blockade ? If that be the case , and they are to be supported by the United States Government , it is an act of Avar . We do not believe any such course will be taken .