Article THE MEDINA LODGE. ← Page 2 of 2 Article THE MASONIC MIRROR. Page 1 of 1 Article METROPOLITAN. Page 1 of 3 →
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The Medina Lodge.
which do him little credit as a Mason , opposed those minutes , and , in the hopes of getting rid of the matter altogether by a side wind , moved , as au amendment , and which was seconded by his coadjutor , that the jewel be purchased by subscription , they ivell knowing iiow distasteful such a course would be to Bro .
Faulkner , and iu direct opposition to the wishes aud feelings of the bretheren ( always excepting these two ) , who desired that this testimonial should come from the lodge , and against the express ivording of the proposition which Avas carried unanimously and confirmed ( minus these two dissentients ) on the regular lodge niht—the E . A . who is referred to as a neutral and
g yet a dissentient , being somewhat of an anomaly . There was subsequently a meeting of a committee , which was appointed to arrange the time and mode of presentation , but oue of the two dissentients being a member of it , raised another discussion upon the main question—pf course , without
effect—notivithstanding that he was somewhat over-lavish in his promises . ( "Anti-Tody" says two dissentients at this meeting . It is somewhat strange he should have seen double . ) The matter finally resulted in the lodge of emergency being called , and the presentation taking place as was oriinallintended .
g y We now come to a part of "Anti-Toady's" letter which more particularly affects the proposer . He says , " Five days after it was proposed a jewel was sent for by the proposer , engraved , & c . " This we utterly and entirely deny , and can further say that " Anti-Toad" is entirelignorant of the factsor we
y y , can scarcely believe even he would have made such an assertion . Everything was done under the direction , and with the express sanction of our respected W . M ., Bro . S . W . Way , whose only desire being to carry out the wishes of the lodge . We have full authority
to state that he fully concurs in the expressions of this reply . Aud , as regards the last paragraph of the letter , we must say that the only unpleasantness which has ariseu has been caused by " Anti-Toady " himself and his colleague ; and that so far was it from having been " a hole-aud-coruer affair , " got up by a cliqueis that in a lodge of about fifty subscribing
, members , these very two were the only brethren Avho could be found to oppose it . In conclusion , Ave beg to say that if "Anti-Toady " will but take a retrospective vieAv of the position of this lodge some few years back , and contrast it with its present prosperous state , brought about solely by
the indefatigable exertions of its members , its unity , and the efficiency of its ivorking , he will be forced to admit the happy results of peace and concord , and will reflect ivell ere his coming amongst us again in prosperity , after years of desertion , should mar that prosperityby causing discord and disunion where all
, was harmony . We further beg to say , as ive do not like discussions of this kind , it is not our intention again to trouble you ou this subject , and if " Anti-Toady" thinks he has the best of the argument , he is at perfect liberty to think so . We enclose our names as a guarantee of good faith ,
and apologising for engrossing so much of your valuable space , We remain , dear Sir and Brother , Yours faithfully and fraternally , THE PROPOSER AND SECONDER . 21 st March , 1864 .
The Masonic Mirror.
MASONIC MEMS . We regret to learn that our noble brother , the Duke of JNewcastle , Prov . G . JVI . for Notts , Avho has for some ti . ne past Been prevented by ill-health from attending the meetings of the Cabinet , was seized with alarming symptoms on Saturday afternoon . The latest reports , however ,, describe his Grace as " in a
favourable way to recovery . " On Thursday , March 17 th , Bro . Francis Crew ( late Secretary to the Freemasons' Girls' School ) , was married at the Registrar's Office , Bloonisbury , to Miss Reed .
Morar LEBAXOJT LODGE ( NO . 73 ) . —The regular monthly meeting of this prosperous lodge was held on Tuesday , March 15 th , at the Green Man Tavern , Tooley-street . Bro . JE . JN " . Levy , AV . M ., assisted by his officers , Bros . F . Walters , I . P . M . ; H . Moore , S . W " . ; J . C . Gooddy , J . AV . ; N . Lake , S . D . ; R . Hurrell , J . D . ; B . Harris , P . M . and Sec ; J . Dixon , P . M . ; J . Donkin , P . M . ; W . E . Jackson , P . M . ; AV . D . Hughes , P . M' ; G . MorrisW . S . D . BarkerC . L . S . CroxfordS . BenjaBeld
, ; , , , J . Garth , J . Donnithorne , R . AVhite , H . Levy , AV . AVatson , H . Dunyer , G . J . Loe , H . T . Turney , W . M . Marshall , R . G . Chipperfield , F . E . Cooper , J . Delany , T . J . Sabine , W . Lipscomb , M . A . Loewenstark , G . F . Davenport , A . P . Steadman , and many others worked the business of the evening . The amount of business appearing on the summons ivas something unusual , there being three raisings , one passing , and seven
candidates for initiation . This meeting was held under very melancholy auspices , it being the first regular lodge meeting since the demise of the highly esteemed and much respected Bro . David Davies , P . M . and Treas . Not only was the lodge room and furniture covered with black crape , but all the members of the lodge present appeared in deep Masonic mourning , thus expressing their sense of the great loss which the lodge had sustained—that voice which had been so frequently
listened to with admiration and respect being now no more , but silent in the tomb . The first ceremony was raising Bros . If . A . Loewenstark and G , F . Davenport to the sublime degree of Master Masons . . Next , Bros . A . P . Steadman and Bass , of the Pythagorean Lodge ( No . 79 ) , ivere passed to the degree o £ Fellow Craft Freemasons . Then Messrs . M . Davis , J . Burke , and Elsworth were separately introduced and initiated into
Freemasonry ( the ballots having been previously taken and declared in every instance unanimous in favour of admission . ) The W . M .. Bro . E . JN " . Levy , performed every ceremony most beautifully , and rendered each degree in an easy gentlemanly and impressive manner , ivhieh could not fail to make a lasting remembrance on every candidate . After the ceremonies were concluded , the A \ . M ., Bro . E . JN . Levy , in a feeling addressspoke of the many virtues of the late Bro . DaviesP . M .
, , and Treas ., and regretted that they were called upon that evening to elect a new Treasurer , in consequence of the loss which they hud sustained in the death of so worthy an officer . The result of the ballot was declared by the W . M . to be in favour of Bro . W . E . Jackson , P . M ., nearly the oldest member of tho lodge , standing number two on the list of members . Bro . W . E . Jackson , P . M ., was invested Treasurer , and
returned thanks for the honour conferred on him , at the same time dwelling upon the sad loss of the former Treasurer and testify ing- to his many virtues . After five hours of work , the AV . M ., assisted by the brethren , closed the lodge . There being no banquet the brethren separated . Amongst a very large number of visitors , too numerous to mention , we noticed Bros . J . Thomas , P . M ., P . Z . 507 ; R . AVelsford , P . M . 548 ; G .
Chapman , S . D . 147 ; Bass , 99 ; Pridmore , 765 . ST . GEOBGE ' S JJODGE ( No . 140 ) . —The usual monthly meeting of this old established lodge was held at the Lecture Hall , Greenwich , on Wednesday , lGth inst ., Bro . E . Hubbuck , W . M .. presided . There were several visitors present . DOJIATIC LODGE ( NO . 177 . )—The monthly meeting of this lodge was held on Monday evening , the 14 th of March , at the Masonic-hall , Fetter-lane . Bro . Henry Thompson . W . M .,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Medina Lodge.
which do him little credit as a Mason , opposed those minutes , and , in the hopes of getting rid of the matter altogether by a side wind , moved , as au amendment , and which was seconded by his coadjutor , that the jewel be purchased by subscription , they ivell knowing iiow distasteful such a course would be to Bro .
Faulkner , and iu direct opposition to the wishes aud feelings of the bretheren ( always excepting these two ) , who desired that this testimonial should come from the lodge , and against the express ivording of the proposition which Avas carried unanimously and confirmed ( minus these two dissentients ) on the regular lodge niht—the E . A . who is referred to as a neutral and
g yet a dissentient , being somewhat of an anomaly . There was subsequently a meeting of a committee , which was appointed to arrange the time and mode of presentation , but oue of the two dissentients being a member of it , raised another discussion upon the main question—pf course , without
effect—notivithstanding that he was somewhat over-lavish in his promises . ( "Anti-Tody" says two dissentients at this meeting . It is somewhat strange he should have seen double . ) The matter finally resulted in the lodge of emergency being called , and the presentation taking place as was oriinallintended .
g y We now come to a part of "Anti-Toady's" letter which more particularly affects the proposer . He says , " Five days after it was proposed a jewel was sent for by the proposer , engraved , & c . " This we utterly and entirely deny , and can further say that " Anti-Toad" is entirelignorant of the factsor we
y y , can scarcely believe even he would have made such an assertion . Everything was done under the direction , and with the express sanction of our respected W . M ., Bro . S . W . Way , whose only desire being to carry out the wishes of the lodge . We have full authority
to state that he fully concurs in the expressions of this reply . Aud , as regards the last paragraph of the letter , we must say that the only unpleasantness which has ariseu has been caused by " Anti-Toady " himself and his colleague ; and that so far was it from having been " a hole-aud-coruer affair , " got up by a cliqueis that in a lodge of about fifty subscribing
, members , these very two were the only brethren Avho could be found to oppose it . In conclusion , Ave beg to say that if "Anti-Toady " will but take a retrospective vieAv of the position of this lodge some few years back , and contrast it with its present prosperous state , brought about solely by
the indefatigable exertions of its members , its unity , and the efficiency of its ivorking , he will be forced to admit the happy results of peace and concord , and will reflect ivell ere his coming amongst us again in prosperity , after years of desertion , should mar that prosperityby causing discord and disunion where all
, was harmony . We further beg to say , as ive do not like discussions of this kind , it is not our intention again to trouble you ou this subject , and if " Anti-Toady" thinks he has the best of the argument , he is at perfect liberty to think so . We enclose our names as a guarantee of good faith ,
and apologising for engrossing so much of your valuable space , We remain , dear Sir and Brother , Yours faithfully and fraternally , THE PROPOSER AND SECONDER . 21 st March , 1864 .
The Masonic Mirror.
MASONIC MEMS . We regret to learn that our noble brother , the Duke of JNewcastle , Prov . G . JVI . for Notts , Avho has for some ti . ne past Been prevented by ill-health from attending the meetings of the Cabinet , was seized with alarming symptoms on Saturday afternoon . The latest reports , however ,, describe his Grace as " in a
favourable way to recovery . " On Thursday , March 17 th , Bro . Francis Crew ( late Secretary to the Freemasons' Girls' School ) , was married at the Registrar's Office , Bloonisbury , to Miss Reed .
Morar LEBAXOJT LODGE ( NO . 73 ) . —The regular monthly meeting of this prosperous lodge was held on Tuesday , March 15 th , at the Green Man Tavern , Tooley-street . Bro . JE . JN " . Levy , AV . M ., assisted by his officers , Bros . F . Walters , I . P . M . ; H . Moore , S . W " . ; J . C . Gooddy , J . AV . ; N . Lake , S . D . ; R . Hurrell , J . D . ; B . Harris , P . M . and Sec ; J . Dixon , P . M . ; J . Donkin , P . M . ; W . E . Jackson , P . M . ; AV . D . Hughes , P . M' ; G . MorrisW . S . D . BarkerC . L . S . CroxfordS . BenjaBeld
, ; , , , J . Garth , J . Donnithorne , R . AVhite , H . Levy , AV . AVatson , H . Dunyer , G . J . Loe , H . T . Turney , W . M . Marshall , R . G . Chipperfield , F . E . Cooper , J . Delany , T . J . Sabine , W . Lipscomb , M . A . Loewenstark , G . F . Davenport , A . P . Steadman , and many others worked the business of the evening . The amount of business appearing on the summons ivas something unusual , there being three raisings , one passing , and seven
candidates for initiation . This meeting was held under very melancholy auspices , it being the first regular lodge meeting since the demise of the highly esteemed and much respected Bro . David Davies , P . M . and Treas . Not only was the lodge room and furniture covered with black crape , but all the members of the lodge present appeared in deep Masonic mourning , thus expressing their sense of the great loss which the lodge had sustained—that voice which had been so frequently
listened to with admiration and respect being now no more , but silent in the tomb . The first ceremony was raising Bros . If . A . Loewenstark and G , F . Davenport to the sublime degree of Master Masons . . Next , Bros . A . P . Steadman and Bass , of the Pythagorean Lodge ( No . 79 ) , ivere passed to the degree o £ Fellow Craft Freemasons . Then Messrs . M . Davis , J . Burke , and Elsworth were separately introduced and initiated into
Freemasonry ( the ballots having been previously taken and declared in every instance unanimous in favour of admission . ) The W . M .. Bro . E . JN " . Levy , performed every ceremony most beautifully , and rendered each degree in an easy gentlemanly and impressive manner , ivhieh could not fail to make a lasting remembrance on every candidate . After the ceremonies were concluded , the A \ . M ., Bro . E . JN . Levy , in a feeling addressspoke of the many virtues of the late Bro . DaviesP . M .
, , and Treas ., and regretted that they were called upon that evening to elect a new Treasurer , in consequence of the loss which they hud sustained in the death of so worthy an officer . The result of the ballot was declared by the W . M . to be in favour of Bro . W . E . Jackson , P . M ., nearly the oldest member of tho lodge , standing number two on the list of members . Bro . W . E . Jackson , P . M ., was invested Treasurer , and
returned thanks for the honour conferred on him , at the same time dwelling upon the sad loss of the former Treasurer and testify ing- to his many virtues . After five hours of work , the AV . M ., assisted by the brethren , closed the lodge . There being no banquet the brethren separated . Amongst a very large number of visitors , too numerous to mention , we noticed Bros . J . Thomas , P . M ., P . Z . 507 ; R . AVelsford , P . M . 548 ; G .
Chapman , S . D . 147 ; Bass , 99 ; Pridmore , 765 . ST . GEOBGE ' S JJODGE ( No . 140 ) . —The usual monthly meeting of this old established lodge was held at the Lecture Hall , Greenwich , on Wednesday , lGth inst ., Bro . E . Hubbuck , W . M .. presided . There were several visitors present . DOJIATIC LODGE ( NO . 177 . )—The monthly meeting of this lodge was held on Monday evening , the 14 th of March , at the Masonic-hall , Fetter-lane . Bro . Henry Thompson . W . M .,