Article THE NEW GRAND OFFICERS. Page 1 of 2 →
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The New Grand Officers.
LONDON , SATURDAY , MAY 2 ti , 1860 .
WE now jivesent our readers with a slight . sketch of tho Masonic standing and services of the new Grand Officers ; and although it ivould be unreasonable to expect that where the prizes of the Order are so few , and the candidates so many , that the appointments ivill give universal satisfaction , we believe it will be generally admitted that there never was a time—if attention to the duties of the Order and dei'otion
to the interests of her charities are taken into consideration — -when a larger proportion of those appointed to grand oMce have more worthily won their spurs . LORD LONDESBOROUGH , S . G . W . —The Eight Hon . William Forester Denison , second Lord Lonclesborough , tho eldest son of the first Lord Lonclesborough ( better known as Lord
Albert Conyngham , but who assumed the name of Denison on succeeding to the estates of W . J . Denison , Esq ., in right of his mother , the eldest daughter of Joseph Denison , Esq . ) , P . G . W ., was born in 1834 , and has only within a few months succeeded to the title . His lordship , who is a deputy lieutenant for fche West Hiding of Yorkshire , and a magistrate
for the East Hiding , was initiated in the Constitutional Lodge , No . 371 , Beverley ( he being the representative in parliament of that borough from 18-57 to 1859 , when he was elected for Scarborough ) , on the 10 th of June , 18-57 , and has , we believe , served the offices of Warden and Master . His lordshipwe are informedis an enthusiastic lover of
, , Freemasonry , and is extremely popular amongst those ivho have the honour of being in any way connected with him . BRO . 'ALGERNON PERIOD ' S , J . G . W . —Bro . Perkins is a member of the eminent brewing firm of Barclay and Perkins ,
in the business of which he takes an active part . He was initiated in the Apollo University Lodge , No . 460 , about 1831 , and joined the Stovtford Loclge , No . 592 , at Bishops Stovtfoi-cl , in 1848 ; and having passed the chair of that Lodge , was appointed Senior Provincial Grand Warden for Herefordshire . Bro . Perkins joined the St . George and Corner Stone LodgeNo . 5 in 185-5 and was Master in 1857 .
, , , Bro . Perkins was exalted to the Royal Arch in tiie Alfred Chapter-, No . 425 , Oxford , and afterwards joined the Mount Lebanon , No . 630 , then held at Enfield , ancl fche Sfc . George ' s Chapter , No . 5 , in both of ivhich lie has gone through the Principals' chairs . Bro . Perkins served the office of Grand Steward about three years since , and is a most liberal
supporter of the charities , being a vice president of the Girls School , a vice president of the Boys School , and a life governor of the Royal Benevolent Institution for Aged Masons and their Widows . Bro . Perkins may be looked upon almost as an hereditary Grand Officer , his father , Bro . Henry Perkins , having served the office of Grand Sword Bearer in 1836 , ancl Senior Grand Deacon in 1837 ; and Ms uncle , Bro . Frederick Perkins , who is still alive , being also a Past Grand Deacon , bavino- served that office in 1819 .
BRO . CROJIBIE , S . G . D . —Bro . Lewis Orombie , Secretary of the London and South Western Railway , was initiated in the Jerusalem Lodge , No . 233 , in 1832 , taking his different degrees in it ; but having left London for Scotland in 1 S 33 , ho was admitted an honorary member , and so continued until 1845 , when he returned to reside in London , and again
became a subscribing member . Iu 1855 he served the office of Master , and is now the Treasurer of the Lod ge . He was exalted in the St . James ' s Chapter , No . 2 , in 1835 , and is also a member of the Observance Encampment of Kni ghts Templar . Whilst resident in Scotland , Bro . Orombie joined tho Aberdeen Lod No . 3 and the St . Maehor Locland
ge , , ge , served tlie office of Master in each in 1837 and 1839 respectively . In 1839 he was appointed by the Grand Master as Prov . G . M . for Aberdeensliirc , anil retained the office until his return to Ensdand , whni he resigned it , Bro . Orombie lias . . , _ >
served the office of Steward for both the Girls ancl Boys Schools , and was a Grand Steward in 1 S 56 . BRO . WHEELER , J . G . D . —Bro . Robert Warner Wheeler , a gentleman of independent property , was initiated in the Loclge Three Grand Principles , No . 645 , Cambridge , on tho 2 nd December , 1841 , ancl raised to the third degree on the Sth March , 1842 . In the following month he joined the
Scientific Lodge , No . 105 , Cambridge , and continued a subscribing member until he graduated in 1845 , when he became an honorary member . In 1 S 44 Bro . Wheeler joined the Prince of Wales Lodge , No . 324 , and is still a subscribing member , having- filled the chair as W . M . for two years . He is also a subscribing member and P . M . of the Castle Lodge
of Harmony , No . 27 , Eichmond , Surrey , besides being a member of the Hyde Lodge , No . 999 , Isle of Wight ; and of the Yarborough Lodge , No . 1113 , Brighton , for which a warrant has just been granted , Bro . Wheeler being one of the brethren petitioning for it . He has likewise been at different times a member of the Grand Stewards' Lodgeof the
So-, merset Plouse aud Inverness Lodge , No . 4 ; and of the Eoyal York Loclge , No . 394 , Brighton . Bro . Wheeler was exalted in the Pythagoras Chapter , No . 105 , Cambridge , in May , 1843 , and joined tlie St . James ' s Chapter , No . 2 , in June , 1846 , ancl having passed through all the offices still continues a member . He was installed in the Observance
Encampment of Knights Templar in 1845 , was Eminent Commander in 1856 , and appointed First Captain of the Grand Conclave in the same year . He has also taken the Mark degree , and the Eose Oroix and Thirtieth degree under the Antient and Accepted Eite . Bro . Wheeler is a Past Grand Steward , and has served the Stewardship at festivals of all the charities , when he made himself a vice-president of each . Bro . Wheeler is also named as the first Steward from the new
Yarborough Loclge for . the next festival of the Royal Benevolent Institution for Aged Masons and their Widows . Bro . Wheeler has served on the Board of General Purposes for three years , and on the General Committee of Grand Chapter for two years . He has always been unremitting to the duties of his Lodges , and , having principally resided in the country , has travelled some hundreds of miles to attend
their meetings . BRO . HENRY BRIDGES , G . S . B . —Bro . Henry Bridges was initiated in the East Surrey Lodge of Concord , No . 680 , on the 29 th of November , 1844 , passed January 17 th , 1845 , and raised February 21 st , 1845 ; appointed I . G . April llth , 1 S 45 ; S . D ., April 17 th 1846 ; J . W . April 16 th 1847 :
, , , S . W , April 20 th , 1 S 4 S ; and W . M ., April 20 th , 1 M 9 . During his year of office as W . M ., he initiated eleven gentlemen , passed ten , and raised eleven brethren . He also installed his successor , and was never absent from the duties of Lodge from his initiation until his year of office as W . M . expired . On the 21 sfc Jul y , 1848 , he was appointed Prov .
S . G . D . for Surrey . In May , 1849 , he served the office ol Steward to the Girls School , and became a life governor . He joined the Locl ge of Perpetual Friendship , No . . 157 , Bridgeivater , in December , 1849 , ancl initiated two gentlemen , passed seven , and raised four brethren , and installed one Worshipful Master . He next joined the Beaufort
Lodge , No . 120 , Bristol , in November , 1849 , and the Eural Philanthropic . bodge , No . 367 , Huntspill , on the 24 th May , 1850 , This Loclge had almost ceased to exist , when it was taken up and resuscitated by Bro . Bridges , and now numbers seventy-seven members . He was installed Worshipful Master of the Loclge on the 12 th July , 1850 , and re-elected
on the 13 th June , 1851 , and again in Jmie , 1 S 53 . Ho was elected Secretary in July , 1854 , and still continues in that office . In this Lodge Bro . Brid ges has initiated thirty-six gentlemen , jiassed fifty-one , and raised thirty-five brethren , and installed four Worshipful Masters . In March , 1 . 854 he served the office of Steward to the Boys School , and became a life governor . He joined the Britannic Lodge , No . 38 , in April , 1855 , was appointed S , " W ., May 10 , iu the saras yeav
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The New Grand Officers.
LONDON , SATURDAY , MAY 2 ti , 1860 .
WE now jivesent our readers with a slight . sketch of tho Masonic standing and services of the new Grand Officers ; and although it ivould be unreasonable to expect that where the prizes of the Order are so few , and the candidates so many , that the appointments ivill give universal satisfaction , we believe it will be generally admitted that there never was a time—if attention to the duties of the Order and dei'otion
to the interests of her charities are taken into consideration — -when a larger proportion of those appointed to grand oMce have more worthily won their spurs . LORD LONDESBOROUGH , S . G . W . —The Eight Hon . William Forester Denison , second Lord Lonclesborough , tho eldest son of the first Lord Lonclesborough ( better known as Lord
Albert Conyngham , but who assumed the name of Denison on succeeding to the estates of W . J . Denison , Esq ., in right of his mother , the eldest daughter of Joseph Denison , Esq . ) , P . G . W ., was born in 1834 , and has only within a few months succeeded to the title . His lordship , who is a deputy lieutenant for fche West Hiding of Yorkshire , and a magistrate
for the East Hiding , was initiated in the Constitutional Lodge , No . 371 , Beverley ( he being the representative in parliament of that borough from 18-57 to 1859 , when he was elected for Scarborough ) , on the 10 th of June , 18-57 , and has , we believe , served the offices of Warden and Master . His lordshipwe are informedis an enthusiastic lover of
, , Freemasonry , and is extremely popular amongst those ivho have the honour of being in any way connected with him . BRO . 'ALGERNON PERIOD ' S , J . G . W . —Bro . Perkins is a member of the eminent brewing firm of Barclay and Perkins ,
in the business of which he takes an active part . He was initiated in the Apollo University Lodge , No . 460 , about 1831 , and joined the Stovtford Loclge , No . 592 , at Bishops Stovtfoi-cl , in 1848 ; and having passed the chair of that Lodge , was appointed Senior Provincial Grand Warden for Herefordshire . Bro . Perkins joined the St . George and Corner Stone LodgeNo . 5 in 185-5 and was Master in 1857 .
, , , Bro . Perkins was exalted to the Royal Arch in tiie Alfred Chapter-, No . 425 , Oxford , and afterwards joined the Mount Lebanon , No . 630 , then held at Enfield , ancl fche Sfc . George ' s Chapter , No . 5 , in both of ivhich lie has gone through the Principals' chairs . Bro . Perkins served the office of Grand Steward about three years since , and is a most liberal
supporter of the charities , being a vice president of the Girls School , a vice president of the Boys School , and a life governor of the Royal Benevolent Institution for Aged Masons and their Widows . Bro . Perkins may be looked upon almost as an hereditary Grand Officer , his father , Bro . Henry Perkins , having served the office of Grand Sword Bearer in 1836 , ancl Senior Grand Deacon in 1837 ; and Ms uncle , Bro . Frederick Perkins , who is still alive , being also a Past Grand Deacon , bavino- served that office in 1819 .
BRO . CROJIBIE , S . G . D . —Bro . Lewis Orombie , Secretary of the London and South Western Railway , was initiated in the Jerusalem Lodge , No . 233 , in 1832 , taking his different degrees in it ; but having left London for Scotland in 1 S 33 , ho was admitted an honorary member , and so continued until 1845 , when he returned to reside in London , and again
became a subscribing member . Iu 1855 he served the office of Master , and is now the Treasurer of the Lod ge . He was exalted in the St . James ' s Chapter , No . 2 , in 1835 , and is also a member of the Observance Encampment of Kni ghts Templar . Whilst resident in Scotland , Bro . Orombie joined tho Aberdeen Lod No . 3 and the St . Maehor Locland
ge , , ge , served tlie office of Master in each in 1837 and 1839 respectively . In 1839 he was appointed by the Grand Master as Prov . G . M . for Aberdeensliirc , anil retained the office until his return to Ensdand , whni he resigned it , Bro . Orombie lias . . , _ >
served the office of Steward for both the Girls ancl Boys Schools , and was a Grand Steward in 1 S 56 . BRO . WHEELER , J . G . D . —Bro . Robert Warner Wheeler , a gentleman of independent property , was initiated in the Loclge Three Grand Principles , No . 645 , Cambridge , on tho 2 nd December , 1841 , ancl raised to the third degree on the Sth March , 1842 . In the following month he joined the
Scientific Lodge , No . 105 , Cambridge , and continued a subscribing member until he graduated in 1845 , when he became an honorary member . In 1 S 44 Bro . Wheeler joined the Prince of Wales Lodge , No . 324 , and is still a subscribing member , having- filled the chair as W . M . for two years . He is also a subscribing member and P . M . of the Castle Lodge
of Harmony , No . 27 , Eichmond , Surrey , besides being a member of the Hyde Lodge , No . 999 , Isle of Wight ; and of the Yarborough Lodge , No . 1113 , Brighton , for which a warrant has just been granted , Bro . Wheeler being one of the brethren petitioning for it . He has likewise been at different times a member of the Grand Stewards' Lodgeof the
So-, merset Plouse aud Inverness Lodge , No . 4 ; and of the Eoyal York Loclge , No . 394 , Brighton . Bro . Wheeler was exalted in the Pythagoras Chapter , No . 105 , Cambridge , in May , 1843 , and joined tlie St . James ' s Chapter , No . 2 , in June , 1846 , ancl having passed through all the offices still continues a member . He was installed in the Observance
Encampment of Knights Templar in 1845 , was Eminent Commander in 1856 , and appointed First Captain of the Grand Conclave in the same year . He has also taken the Mark degree , and the Eose Oroix and Thirtieth degree under the Antient and Accepted Eite . Bro . Wheeler is a Past Grand Steward , and has served the Stewardship at festivals of all the charities , when he made himself a vice-president of each . Bro . Wheeler is also named as the first Steward from the new
Yarborough Loclge for . the next festival of the Royal Benevolent Institution for Aged Masons and their Widows . Bro . Wheeler has served on the Board of General Purposes for three years , and on the General Committee of Grand Chapter for two years . He has always been unremitting to the duties of his Lodges , and , having principally resided in the country , has travelled some hundreds of miles to attend
their meetings . BRO . HENRY BRIDGES , G . S . B . —Bro . Henry Bridges was initiated in the East Surrey Lodge of Concord , No . 680 , on the 29 th of November , 1844 , passed January 17 th , 1845 , and raised February 21 st , 1845 ; appointed I . G . April llth , 1 S 45 ; S . D ., April 17 th 1846 ; J . W . April 16 th 1847 :
, , , S . W , April 20 th , 1 S 4 S ; and W . M ., April 20 th , 1 M 9 . During his year of office as W . M ., he initiated eleven gentlemen , passed ten , and raised eleven brethren . He also installed his successor , and was never absent from the duties of Lodge from his initiation until his year of office as W . M . expired . On the 21 sfc Jul y , 1848 , he was appointed Prov .
S . G . D . for Surrey . In May , 1849 , he served the office ol Steward to the Girls School , and became a life governor . He joined the Locl ge of Perpetual Friendship , No . . 157 , Bridgeivater , in December , 1849 , ancl initiated two gentlemen , passed seven , and raised four brethren , and installed one Worshipful Master . He next joined the Beaufort
Lodge , No . 120 , Bristol , in November , 1849 , and the Eural Philanthropic . bodge , No . 367 , Huntspill , on the 24 th May , 1850 , This Loclge had almost ceased to exist , when it was taken up and resuscitated by Bro . Bridges , and now numbers seventy-seven members . He was installed Worshipful Master of the Loclge on the 12 th July , 1850 , and re-elected
on the 13 th June , 1851 , and again in Jmie , 1 S 53 . Ho was elected Secretary in July , 1854 , and still continues in that office . In this Lodge Bro . Brid ges has initiated thirty-six gentlemen , jiassed fifty-one , and raised thirty-five brethren , and installed four Worshipful Masters . In March , 1 . 854 he served the office of Steward to the Boys School , and became a life governor . He joined the Britannic Lodge , No . 38 , in April , 1855 , was appointed S , " W ., May 10 , iu the saras yeav