Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Week.
experienced a most gratifying reception . The ball on tho following evening went off with great spirit . ° GEKERAE HOME NEWS . —The mortality of the metropolitan population , winch for some weeks past has been under the average ot corresponding previous periods , last weeks approximated close to the rate usual at this season of the year . From the report of the Registrar General it that the deaths for the week endino
appears - Saturday last numbered 1 , 11 G , whilst the births were 1 800—933 boys and 8 G 1 girls . The births were GST in excess of the deaths Hie returns of the medical officer for the City show an advance in the number of deaths to a little above the average for the season There were 51 deaths in the City last week , and 59 births . The Colchester Conservative Association held their annual meetiiu- on Tuesday evening . The members for the borough were present ? and addressed their constituents at
considerable length . Mr Miller speaking of the late session , said , however barren of results it had proved , the labour demanded of the members , from the protracted duration ofeaeh sitting , was quite as much as they were able to sustain . He reviewed the various subjects which had been under discussion , tind pointed out what , in his estimation , was the chief cause of failure ; it ivas , be thought , from the house engaging itself inJiquestions which it
_ was incompetent to deal with , and the decision of winch lay beyond its province . Air . Papillon , alludinto the aspect of affairs on the Continent , deprecated the idea of an ? - interference especially on the part of England , and trusted that the Italians would bo left entirely free to settle their oivn affairs-as they certainl y had a ri ght to do-to their own mind . Street tramways are not to be put to the test in Alarylebone so quietly as was anticipated A strong opposition has been organised , and memorials
? presented to the representative council urn-hm strong objections to the measure . It appears to be the desire ol a number of the ratepayers that nothing should be done in the matter at least t . ll an act of Parliament has been procured An appeal has been made on behalf of the City of London Hospital or Diseases of the Chest , through its secretary , to the LordAIavor . " Jra , ls , on H ™* : I * i « » uich to be regretted that this invitation so va uablo in its character and
, so specially important in our chmate , should , at a season of the year when there is more tl m ll r i ° ? I ' •haritilW ° skiJ b "nd its efforts nearly 1 lit ol-Wr 7 , ° t ] , l "T *" famlS t 0 Carl ^ ° ufc its bene ™" ient objects . Indeed , not only are its funds exhausted , but a lor-e draught has been made on the prospective income of the institution . K , fordsh , p kndly handed Mr . Slater , the secretary , a cheque for 1 .-0 in an of the pressing necessity of the case . It is to be hoped 1 at all who can wi I forward
come , and lend their assistance to u hi 1 a chant y winch relieves the sufferings of 1000 of our poorer . el on-creatures on an average , every week . On AEonday last Mr . -Uollat was elected to represent the borough of Tiomton in Parlia meirt in the room or tlie late Air . Locke , whose unexpected demise left this seat vacant . On Monday night a dreadful crime ivas perpetrated m LnnerckcountClare It would
., y . — a ] , pear that Alderman M dhum Sheehy , was burned to death , his house bavinbeen fired during the night and completely destroyed . It is supposed oy some that be was murdered previous to the burning of tho bouse but it so the assassins have taken means to prevent the possibility ot its detection by reducing the body to a cinder . Mr . Sheehy had
oecome possessed of some property at Feafe under the Encumbered Estates Act , and had been engaged in legal contests with several of his tenants of whom he wished to get rid . On Sunday ni « 'l , t last the wile of a solicitor ' s clerk , named Gowland , residing " in Bradford , cut the throats of her two children , and afterwards cut AfomlTv ' C w ro ] l ° re b ° ih llC 1 Kl ' hnt h ™* ^ teA on Mondaevening that the woman was expected to recover . It is » t . Uul that the uuhap ] had been in
. y woman a comfortable domestic situation prevmus to her marriage ; but since that event , owm ~ to the immoral conduct other husband , she bad led a life of unspeakable wretchetu , ess , staryationh , vingbcen a , ldedtogeneralcruelt , Sent ^ or ^ v ThT l ° r ° CeUtnl 1 C ,, h ,, fni ' « rt ™ ° "pen d wi W '' ' v Tn ™"" ' 3 on t , ie lllst c ' lili 0 " " « 'C calendar w . is 100 . Afany of the of serious
cases were a very character there uemg charges of wilful murder . One of those is that of tle fir st officer , ! the ship BrierlyHill , charged with shooting a e ma , on board he vessel . Another is the case of a youngNvon an V Padue d for the murder of her child ; and the third the i otorious case of James Alullms , charged with the murder of Mr , . Emsleyt Stepney . Three men named Homewood , ICelley , and Timothy , were found gudty of burglary , with personal violence , at the sho pawnbroker n CannonstreetSt
, - , , Georges East ; and each of then was sentenced to two years' hard labour . AVilliam \ VUmot pleaded guilty to two charges of uttering forged rcceip t e t nCC ( Uo tIn , ye , pcnnl servitude . —Martin Donona , a letter earner was convicted of stealing a money letter , an w-ls sentenced to four years' penal servitude . Judgment w s de e red ( harles Gault , a clerk , pleaded guilt y to a charge of stealim- ? ee '
The Week.
watches and a watch case at the shop of Benjamin AA ^ alker , Liverpool-road . 'The robbery was at once impudent and daring , bavinbeen committed openly and in broad daylight . The prisoner wi « sentenced to six years' penal servitude . The bill a 4 hist AVohb chief officer of the the shi pBrierly Hill , for the nmraer of lie of the sailors , AVilliam Brown , on the high seas , has been ignored b v the grandjury . They express their belief that the crew at the time ot the occurrence were in a state bordering on mutiny and tintdeceased had threatened the captain with violence
I-OREiox feTELLiGEXCE .-Fresh disturbances were expected at Damascus and so much agitation prevailed that Fuad Pacha and the Trench and Russian consuls had returned in haste . The BritLsh squadron left Beyrout on the 11 th , it is said for the Adriatic - According to previous arrangement the Emperor of Russia the Emperor of Austria , and Prince Regent of Prussia , met at Avarsaivon Saturday--Th e Wiener Zeitung contains the Ion--looked for decree of the of Austria
Emperor , establishing eonst . tutiona government for the various provinces of the empire Henceforth the system of centralisation ivhieh has wei-hed so heavily on the subjects of Francis Joseph is abolished , and representative institutions , in the fullest sense of the word , are to be estaWisbed .- —Pruss , a has addressed to its representative at Turin a despatch containing a very ableandtemperate condemnation ot the revolutionary
proceedings of the Sardinian Government There is , however , no intimation , in the document that Prussia intends to break off diplomatic intercourse with Piedmont 1 \ ictor Emmanuel will arrive at Naples on the 28 th , and the proclamation of the annexation vote will take place on the following day . The voting , both in Sicily and Naples , is almost unani-1 0 fallexat ! The Piedmontese
Ctmr ,- ' ! I " ! ' ° „ " o » - General Ci . ilduu has beaten the Neapolitan troops at Isinia ; besides 700 prisoners , including 50 officers , the colours of the 1 st Neapolitan Regiment fell nito the hands of the Piedmontese . A telegram ' dated Naples , the 23 rd , informs us that the Garibaldiair ? W entered Capua . It is stated that one of Garibaldi ' s sons has died ollns wounds received before Capua , and that the other is a prisoner at Gaeta
. A letter of Count Arrivabene , the correspondent of the Daity Zews , written on his release from the hands of the Neapolitans describes the horrible treatment experienced h y the solfoers of Garibaldi captured by the lung ' s forces — The Coustduhonnel , m a note warning the public against placinnnj reliance m the report that Baron Hubner had been instructed to obtain explanations from France as to its views of Austrian mervcitam m Ital eulogises the
y , present foreign policy of tiie nif 1 wnM ? VCn -r ' i eXln' ° 'SS 0 S lts fim ° l ) imo » thatitivill ot depart from its purely defensive attitude . The French Government are making experiments with Air . Whitworth ' s rifle , which they pronounce to be superior to any in use , and intend to adopt it m tlio Foot Chasseurs . Ah-. AVhitworth was last week in person cmnnuuncation with the Emperor on the subject of bis inventions
kvuiA—Ihe news brought by the Bombay mail is generally sat . s actory India remained tranquil , with tho exception of a slight AYighore rising , n Xattiawar . The great scarcity , almost to famine , m the north of India is supposed " to have given rise to the movement . The whole of the ' north-west proving ave ! indeed , only been saved from the horrors of famine by a -eneral tall of nun at die most critical momentGreat
. surprise had been caused by the announcement that the Indian Government intended to encourage the formation of volunteer rifle corps throughout India . The announcement has been received with much satisfaction . .. nil it is likely to appease the animosity against the Arms Act .
AFRICA— he accounts by the Persia states that , some fresh negro troubles had arisen in Virginia , and several negroes had been , arrested . A fire at South Boston had destroyed property to the amount ot 200 , 000 dollars . There appears to be little change in the state of abairs at Mexico . Atiramon was still at the capital with 11 , 000 men . A . proposal , made by tho English Alhiister , to mediate between the contending partieshad been refused
, . New Grenada is in a very distracted state , caused b y the proceedings of the revolutionary forces ; to which has been added a rising of the black population who attacked the city of Panama , and would have succeeded , had not a party of British marines been lauded , by whose assistance they were driven off .
To Correspondents.
re-id 7 Wr ™'~ E"d ^ ™ W °° k '' 3 uumbel ' ' For T > ' < tMs DI - RILOI . —I ,, our report of the Prov . G . Lodge of Northumberland , Lro . Crookes ivas described as Prov . G . AI . for Durham instead of Prov . G . Sec . 170 is advised not to make any alteration iu the usual system : r ™ ' < 1 ? 1 n 0 , s ; ° iulvie , ' ' , t 0 tho P ° P " ety of becoming a M . ison . If , as R . R . states , he has been a reader of tlie Ala-a / hie for some time , he ought to be able to decide for himself ; or he can consult the relative at whose house he says he r * ads it
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Week.
experienced a most gratifying reception . The ball on tho following evening went off with great spirit . ° GEKERAE HOME NEWS . —The mortality of the metropolitan population , winch for some weeks past has been under the average ot corresponding previous periods , last weeks approximated close to the rate usual at this season of the year . From the report of the Registrar General it that the deaths for the week endino
appears - Saturday last numbered 1 , 11 G , whilst the births were 1 800—933 boys and 8 G 1 girls . The births were GST in excess of the deaths Hie returns of the medical officer for the City show an advance in the number of deaths to a little above the average for the season There were 51 deaths in the City last week , and 59 births . The Colchester Conservative Association held their annual meetiiu- on Tuesday evening . The members for the borough were present ? and addressed their constituents at
considerable length . Mr Miller speaking of the late session , said , however barren of results it had proved , the labour demanded of the members , from the protracted duration ofeaeh sitting , was quite as much as they were able to sustain . He reviewed the various subjects which had been under discussion , tind pointed out what , in his estimation , was the chief cause of failure ; it ivas , be thought , from the house engaging itself inJiquestions which it
_ was incompetent to deal with , and the decision of winch lay beyond its province . Air . Papillon , alludinto the aspect of affairs on the Continent , deprecated the idea of an ? - interference especially on the part of England , and trusted that the Italians would bo left entirely free to settle their oivn affairs-as they certainl y had a ri ght to do-to their own mind . Street tramways are not to be put to the test in Alarylebone so quietly as was anticipated A strong opposition has been organised , and memorials
? presented to the representative council urn-hm strong objections to the measure . It appears to be the desire ol a number of the ratepayers that nothing should be done in the matter at least t . ll an act of Parliament has been procured An appeal has been made on behalf of the City of London Hospital or Diseases of the Chest , through its secretary , to the LordAIavor . " Jra , ls , on H ™* : I * i « » uich to be regretted that this invitation so va uablo in its character and
, so specially important in our chmate , should , at a season of the year when there is more tl m ll r i ° ? I ' •haritilW ° skiJ b "nd its efforts nearly 1 lit ol-Wr 7 , ° t ] , l "T *" famlS t 0 Carl ^ ° ufc its bene ™" ient objects . Indeed , not only are its funds exhausted , but a lor-e draught has been made on the prospective income of the institution . K , fordsh , p kndly handed Mr . Slater , the secretary , a cheque for 1 .-0 in an of the pressing necessity of the case . It is to be hoped 1 at all who can wi I forward
come , and lend their assistance to u hi 1 a chant y winch relieves the sufferings of 1000 of our poorer . el on-creatures on an average , every week . On AEonday last Mr . -Uollat was elected to represent the borough of Tiomton in Parlia meirt in the room or tlie late Air . Locke , whose unexpected demise left this seat vacant . On Monday night a dreadful crime ivas perpetrated m LnnerckcountClare It would
., y . — a ] , pear that Alderman M dhum Sheehy , was burned to death , his house bavinbeen fired during the night and completely destroyed . It is supposed oy some that be was murdered previous to the burning of tho bouse but it so the assassins have taken means to prevent the possibility ot its detection by reducing the body to a cinder . Mr . Sheehy had
oecome possessed of some property at Feafe under the Encumbered Estates Act , and had been engaged in legal contests with several of his tenants of whom he wished to get rid . On Sunday ni « 'l , t last the wile of a solicitor ' s clerk , named Gowland , residing " in Bradford , cut the throats of her two children , and afterwards cut AfomlTv ' C w ro ] l ° re b ° ih llC 1 Kl ' hnt h ™* ^ teA on Mondaevening that the woman was expected to recover . It is » t . Uul that the uuhap ] had been in
. y woman a comfortable domestic situation prevmus to her marriage ; but since that event , owm ~ to the immoral conduct other husband , she bad led a life of unspeakable wretchetu , ess , staryationh , vingbcen a , ldedtogeneralcruelt , Sent ^ or ^ v ThT l ° r ° CeUtnl 1 C ,, h ,, fni ' « rt ™ ° "pen d wi W '' ' v Tn ™"" ' 3 on t , ie lllst c ' lili 0 " " « 'C calendar w . is 100 . Afany of the of serious
cases were a very character there uemg charges of wilful murder . One of those is that of tle fir st officer , ! the ship BrierlyHill , charged with shooting a e ma , on board he vessel . Another is the case of a youngNvon an V Padue d for the murder of her child ; and the third the i otorious case of James Alullms , charged with the murder of Mr , . Emsleyt Stepney . Three men named Homewood , ICelley , and Timothy , were found gudty of burglary , with personal violence , at the sho pawnbroker n CannonstreetSt
, - , , Georges East ; and each of then was sentenced to two years' hard labour . AVilliam \ VUmot pleaded guilty to two charges of uttering forged rcceip t e t nCC ( Uo tIn , ye , pcnnl servitude . —Martin Donona , a letter earner was convicted of stealing a money letter , an w-ls sentenced to four years' penal servitude . Judgment w s de e red ( harles Gault , a clerk , pleaded guilt y to a charge of stealim- ? ee '
The Week.
watches and a watch case at the shop of Benjamin AA ^ alker , Liverpool-road . 'The robbery was at once impudent and daring , bavinbeen committed openly and in broad daylight . The prisoner wi « sentenced to six years' penal servitude . The bill a 4 hist AVohb chief officer of the the shi pBrierly Hill , for the nmraer of lie of the sailors , AVilliam Brown , on the high seas , has been ignored b v the grandjury . They express their belief that the crew at the time ot the occurrence were in a state bordering on mutiny and tintdeceased had threatened the captain with violence
I-OREiox feTELLiGEXCE .-Fresh disturbances were expected at Damascus and so much agitation prevailed that Fuad Pacha and the Trench and Russian consuls had returned in haste . The BritLsh squadron left Beyrout on the 11 th , it is said for the Adriatic - According to previous arrangement the Emperor of Russia the Emperor of Austria , and Prince Regent of Prussia , met at Avarsaivon Saturday--Th e Wiener Zeitung contains the Ion--looked for decree of the of Austria
Emperor , establishing eonst . tutiona government for the various provinces of the empire Henceforth the system of centralisation ivhieh has wei-hed so heavily on the subjects of Francis Joseph is abolished , and representative institutions , in the fullest sense of the word , are to be estaWisbed .- —Pruss , a has addressed to its representative at Turin a despatch containing a very ableandtemperate condemnation ot the revolutionary
proceedings of the Sardinian Government There is , however , no intimation , in the document that Prussia intends to break off diplomatic intercourse with Piedmont 1 \ ictor Emmanuel will arrive at Naples on the 28 th , and the proclamation of the annexation vote will take place on the following day . The voting , both in Sicily and Naples , is almost unani-1 0 fallexat ! The Piedmontese
Ctmr ,- ' ! I " ! ' ° „ " o » - General Ci . ilduu has beaten the Neapolitan troops at Isinia ; besides 700 prisoners , including 50 officers , the colours of the 1 st Neapolitan Regiment fell nito the hands of the Piedmontese . A telegram ' dated Naples , the 23 rd , informs us that the Garibaldiair ? W entered Capua . It is stated that one of Garibaldi ' s sons has died ollns wounds received before Capua , and that the other is a prisoner at Gaeta
. A letter of Count Arrivabene , the correspondent of the Daity Zews , written on his release from the hands of the Neapolitans describes the horrible treatment experienced h y the solfoers of Garibaldi captured by the lung ' s forces — The Coustduhonnel , m a note warning the public against placinnnj reliance m the report that Baron Hubner had been instructed to obtain explanations from France as to its views of Austrian mervcitam m Ital eulogises the
y , present foreign policy of tiie nif 1 wnM ? VCn -r ' i eXln' ° 'SS 0 S lts fim ° l ) imo » thatitivill ot depart from its purely defensive attitude . The French Government are making experiments with Air . Whitworth ' s rifle , which they pronounce to be superior to any in use , and intend to adopt it m tlio Foot Chasseurs . Ah-. AVhitworth was last week in person cmnnuuncation with the Emperor on the subject of bis inventions
kvuiA—Ihe news brought by the Bombay mail is generally sat . s actory India remained tranquil , with tho exception of a slight AYighore rising , n Xattiawar . The great scarcity , almost to famine , m the north of India is supposed " to have given rise to the movement . The whole of the ' north-west proving ave ! indeed , only been saved from the horrors of famine by a -eneral tall of nun at die most critical momentGreat
. surprise had been caused by the announcement that the Indian Government intended to encourage the formation of volunteer rifle corps throughout India . The announcement has been received with much satisfaction . .. nil it is likely to appease the animosity against the Arms Act .
AFRICA— he accounts by the Persia states that , some fresh negro troubles had arisen in Virginia , and several negroes had been , arrested . A fire at South Boston had destroyed property to the amount ot 200 , 000 dollars . There appears to be little change in the state of abairs at Mexico . Atiramon was still at the capital with 11 , 000 men . A . proposal , made by tho English Alhiister , to mediate between the contending partieshad been refused
, . New Grenada is in a very distracted state , caused b y the proceedings of the revolutionary forces ; to which has been added a rising of the black population who attacked the city of Panama , and would have succeeded , had not a party of British marines been lauded , by whose assistance they were driven off .
To Correspondents.
re-id 7 Wr ™'~ E"d ^ ™ W °° k '' 3 uumbel ' ' For T > ' < tMs DI - RILOI . —I ,, our report of the Prov . G . Lodge of Northumberland , Lro . Crookes ivas described as Prov . G . AI . for Durham instead of Prov . G . Sec . 170 is advised not to make any alteration iu the usual system : r ™ ' < 1 ? 1 n 0 , s ; ° iulvie , ' ' , t 0 tho P ° P " ety of becoming a M . ison . If , as R . R . states , he has been a reader of tlie Ala-a / hie for some time , he ought to be able to decide for himself ; or he can consult the relative at whose house he says he r * ads it