Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 4 of 5 →
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Chair . It had been said that the volunteer movement would interfere with the advance of Jlasonry ; on what grounds he could not say . The result , however , showed that , although the volunteer movement had not retrograded , Masonry had steadily progressed . That it would progress was certain ; and if those men who ought to hold office neglected their opportunities , other men would come forward and take their places . They fortunate in possessing men of the proper stamp as
were office-bearers in this province . He coupled with the toast the health of Bro . AVells , P . Prov . S . G . AV . Bro . AA ' ELLS responded . He congratulated the Provincial Grand Aiaster and the Chairman on the wise discretion shown by the admission of those Masons who had taken the first and second degrees fo see and hear the proceedings of the Grand Lod
ge . Bro . PICKEOED gave " The Health of the Visiting Brethren . " Several of those present , from Bristol ancl elsewhere , had repeatedly shown their fraternal feeling in joining in their festivals . Bros . BELL , SCOTT , ROBERTS , and BELLERBT responded . Bro . AA ' ELLS gave "The Health of Bro . J . Griffiths , " ancl warmly congratulated him on his installation as W . M . of the
Silurian Lodge . Bro . GRIFFITHS suitably acknowledged the compliment , ancl referred with pride to the progress ofthe Silurian , as evinced by the fact that not fewer than thirteen or fourteen good men and true had been initiated during the reign of his predecessor . The D . PROV . G . MASTER proposed "The Lodges of the Province . " Not only were the lodges of this province on the increase as to numbers , but tbe great principle of brotherly love
was every clay more and more developed . It was very desirable to have one common banquet for the province ; and he was glad to see around him the members of the Monmouth , the Abergavenny , the Silurian , and Isca Lodges ; but he should have liked to have seen more of tho members of the last-mentioned lodge present . Speaking of Jlasonry , the chairman mentioned the fact that he was the first Blason who took the high Order of St . John of Malta . He had the honour of wearing a decoration held by the last Knight of Alalia , and which was presented to him by one of the knight ' s illustrious family . He was also
proud to wear another badge , given to him in Persia ; but there was one jewel he prized above all , which had been presented to him b ' y the Silurian Lodge , of which he had been Aiaster . The speaker then enlarged on the gratifying circumstances which had led to this presentation , and , in giving the toast , coupled with it the healths of Bros . Pierce ancl It . B . Evans . Both brethren suitably acknowledged the toast . Bro . T . AA ' ILLIAIIS , being called upon , also responded on
behalf of the Isca . Bro . HIGGINSON proposed— " Prosperity to the Masonic . Charities . " Bro . M'DONALD sang with excellent taste Robert Burns ' s " Farewell to the Tarbolton Lodge of Freemasons , " on the intended departure of the poet to the AA ' est Indies ; and then called on the brethren to " Drink to the memory of him whose words he had very inadequately endeavoured to
repeat—one of whom Bfasonry was proud — the great , the unequalled natural poet of his native land . " ( Drunk in solemn silence . ) The D . PHOT . G . MASTER then proceeded to make a presentation to Bro . Hancorn , on behalf of the Silurian Lodge , the members of which had thus given expression to a universal feeling of gratitude for the services , ancl esteem for the character , of that worthbrotherwhose efforts in promoting the efficiency
y , and prosperity ofthe lodge have been unceasing . The testimonial consisted of a handsome jewel , in presenting which , the chairman enlarged on those meritorious traits which had been so emphatically appreciated by the brethren . The inbestiture was made amidst loud cheers . Bro . HANCORN , in an appropriate speech , expressed Lis acknowledgments . The D . PROV . G . ATASTER proposed " The Health of the
Provincial Grand Chapla . Jin Bro . the Rev . G . Roberts , and also Bro . the Rev . S . Fox , " who , on his initiation , had been appointed Chaplain of the Silurian Lodge . The toast was duly acknowledged by Bro . Fox , Bro . Roberts having left the room . " The Press" was proposed by Bro . AA'ells , coupled with " The Health of Bro . T . Williams , of the Star ofGwent , who returned thanks . Bro . J . S . STOSE gave "The Provincial Grand Treasurer
and Provincial Grand Secretary , " acknowledged by Bros . Pickford and AV . AVilliams . The following toasts succeeded : — "The Health of Bro . Coombs , " " Poor and distressed Masons all over the world , " " Host and Hostess , " "The Commercial Interest of Newport , " with " The Health of Bro . G . AV . Jones , " & c . The brethren retired at a seasonable hour , all greatly pleased with the proceedings of the festival throughout .
NEWPORT . —Sihirian Lodge ( No . 471 ) . —On Tuesday , Dec . 27 , 1 S 64 , the installation of Bro . John Griffiths , as AV . AL , took place at the Masonic Hall , Dock-street , in this town , before a large ancl distinguished assemblage of the Craft . The ceremony was performed by Bro . Bridges , D . Prov . G . M . for Somerset , and P . G . S . B . in Grand Lodge of England , who had come expressely for the purpose . The following appointments were
made : —Bros . R . B . Evans , P . AI . ; Bartholemow Thomas , S . AV . ; C . H . Oliver , J . AA ' . ; Rev . S . Fox , Chap . ; AV . AVilliams , Sec ; AV . Pickford , Treas . ; H . J . Parnall , S . D . ; J . S , Stone , J . D . ; E . Davies , and AV . Randall , Stewards ; J . Gobbett , I . G . ; AV . AI'Fee , Tyler . Prior to the commencement of proceedings , the bretliren were invited to " refreshment , " which had been liberally provided by the AV . M . elect , iu the ante-room of the
lodge . Iu the course of the evening it was announced by the AA . M . that a grant of £ 50 had been made by the Grand Lodge of England to a worthy and afflicted brother , whose name in . connection with the progress of Masonry in Newport is a "household word . " Bro . Bridges , who is always ready to give his valuable assistance to the lodges of this district , and especially of this town , where he has won " golden opinions , " has , at the earnest solicitation of the Silurian , promised to
present to that lodge a fae simile of the marble bust recently presented to him by the Province of Somerset . The bust will , we understand , be placed in an appropriate niche in the lodge .
NORFOLK . NoiOTlCH . —Perseverance Lodge ( No . 213 ) . —The annual meeting of this lodge was held on Tuesday , tho 17 th , at the Masonic Hall , for the purpose of installing Bro . Joseph English , the AV . M . elect , ancl also for presenting a Past Master's jewel to Bro . John Boyce , the retiring W . AL , in recognition of the zeal and efficiency with which he had discharged the duties of his office during the past year . The installation was very impressively performed by
Bro . James Dawbarn , P . AI ., assisted by Bro . F . Colsey , P . AI . After being installed , in the presence of eleven Past Masters , the AA' . AI . appointed the following as his officers : —Bros . James Dunsf ' ord , S . W . ; B . AV . Harcourt , J . W . ; James Short , S . D . ; James Brittain , J . D . ; Robert Sidney , Sec , and James Skippon , Treas . The brethren , to the number of forty , then sat down to a splendid banquet provided by Bro . J . Woods . In the course of the evening Bro . ColseyP . M . presented to Bro . J . Boyce
, , , I . P . M ., the jewel already referred to , and adverted in eulogistic terms to the warm interest which Bro . Boyce had taken in the affairs of the lodge , ancl the ability with which he had discharged the duties of AA . AL during his year of oflice . Bro . Boyce returned thanks in a few appropriate remarks . The health of the AA' . M ., Bro . English , was proposed and warmly received , and altogether a pleasant and harmonious evening was passed .
STAFFORDSHIRE . LICHEIEED . —CONSECRATION OE ST . JOHN ' S LODGE ( NO . 1039 ) . This new lodge was consecrated at the Guildhall , Lichfield , on Wednesday , January llth , by the R . AV . Prov . G . AL , Bro . AV . K . Harvey , assisted by Bros . D . Burton , R . AV . D . Prov . G . M . ; Baker , Prov . S . G . AV . ; E . Hooper , as J . AV . ; Clarke , Prov . G . Chap . ; Hill , Prov . G . Dir . of Cers . Bro . Stimpson , AV . M . 938 , G . Org ., kindly undertook the direction of the musical service , and
presided at the harmonium . About ninety brethren were present , those of St . John ' s Lodge being—Bros . Thomas James , P . Prov . S . G . AV ., AV . AL nominate ; J . C . McLean , Sam . Pearsall , J . S . Barber , I . Joberus , Jas . Redfern , R . Crosskey , E . White , C . Ainsden , AA . Elkington , AV . IL Heape , F . Egginton , T . Nevill , T . Bcdsmore , C . E . E . AVclchmaii , C . Trigg , C . Gillard , T . Greensmith , G . A . Smith , F . Bezant , T . James , A . Barnes , J . Owen . The ceremony throughout was most efficiently performed . The oration was delivered by Bro . the Rev . A . Clarke , Prov . G . Chap ., who briefly , but emphatically , referred to the ancient
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Chair . It had been said that the volunteer movement would interfere with the advance of Jlasonry ; on what grounds he could not say . The result , however , showed that , although the volunteer movement had not retrograded , Masonry had steadily progressed . That it would progress was certain ; and if those men who ought to hold office neglected their opportunities , other men would come forward and take their places . They fortunate in possessing men of the proper stamp as
were office-bearers in this province . He coupled with the toast the health of Bro . AVells , P . Prov . S . G . AV . Bro . AA ' ELLS responded . He congratulated the Provincial Grand Aiaster and the Chairman on the wise discretion shown by the admission of those Masons who had taken the first and second degrees fo see and hear the proceedings of the Grand Lod
ge . Bro . PICKEOED gave " The Health of the Visiting Brethren . " Several of those present , from Bristol ancl elsewhere , had repeatedly shown their fraternal feeling in joining in their festivals . Bros . BELL , SCOTT , ROBERTS , and BELLERBT responded . Bro . AA ' ELLS gave "The Health of Bro . J . Griffiths , " ancl warmly congratulated him on his installation as W . M . of the
Silurian Lodge . Bro . GRIFFITHS suitably acknowledged the compliment , ancl referred with pride to the progress ofthe Silurian , as evinced by the fact that not fewer than thirteen or fourteen good men and true had been initiated during the reign of his predecessor . The D . PROV . G . MASTER proposed "The Lodges of the Province . " Not only were the lodges of this province on the increase as to numbers , but tbe great principle of brotherly love
was every clay more and more developed . It was very desirable to have one common banquet for the province ; and he was glad to see around him the members of the Monmouth , the Abergavenny , the Silurian , and Isca Lodges ; but he should have liked to have seen more of tho members of the last-mentioned lodge present . Speaking of Jlasonry , the chairman mentioned the fact that he was the first Blason who took the high Order of St . John of Malta . He had the honour of wearing a decoration held by the last Knight of Alalia , and which was presented to him by one of the knight ' s illustrious family . He was also
proud to wear another badge , given to him in Persia ; but there was one jewel he prized above all , which had been presented to him b ' y the Silurian Lodge , of which he had been Aiaster . The speaker then enlarged on the gratifying circumstances which had led to this presentation , and , in giving the toast , coupled with it the healths of Bros . Pierce ancl It . B . Evans . Both brethren suitably acknowledged the toast . Bro . T . AA ' ILLIAIIS , being called upon , also responded on
behalf of the Isca . Bro . HIGGINSON proposed— " Prosperity to the Masonic . Charities . " Bro . M'DONALD sang with excellent taste Robert Burns ' s " Farewell to the Tarbolton Lodge of Freemasons , " on the intended departure of the poet to the AA ' est Indies ; and then called on the brethren to " Drink to the memory of him whose words he had very inadequately endeavoured to
repeat—one of whom Bfasonry was proud — the great , the unequalled natural poet of his native land . " ( Drunk in solemn silence . ) The D . PHOT . G . MASTER then proceeded to make a presentation to Bro . Hancorn , on behalf of the Silurian Lodge , the members of which had thus given expression to a universal feeling of gratitude for the services , ancl esteem for the character , of that worthbrotherwhose efforts in promoting the efficiency
y , and prosperity ofthe lodge have been unceasing . The testimonial consisted of a handsome jewel , in presenting which , the chairman enlarged on those meritorious traits which had been so emphatically appreciated by the brethren . The inbestiture was made amidst loud cheers . Bro . HANCORN , in an appropriate speech , expressed Lis acknowledgments . The D . PROV . G . ATASTER proposed " The Health of the
Provincial Grand Chapla . Jin Bro . the Rev . G . Roberts , and also Bro . the Rev . S . Fox , " who , on his initiation , had been appointed Chaplain of the Silurian Lodge . The toast was duly acknowledged by Bro . Fox , Bro . Roberts having left the room . " The Press" was proposed by Bro . AA'ells , coupled with " The Health of Bro . T . Williams , of the Star ofGwent , who returned thanks . Bro . J . S . STOSE gave "The Provincial Grand Treasurer
and Provincial Grand Secretary , " acknowledged by Bros . Pickford and AV . AVilliams . The following toasts succeeded : — "The Health of Bro . Coombs , " " Poor and distressed Masons all over the world , " " Host and Hostess , " "The Commercial Interest of Newport , " with " The Health of Bro . G . AV . Jones , " & c . The brethren retired at a seasonable hour , all greatly pleased with the proceedings of the festival throughout .
NEWPORT . —Sihirian Lodge ( No . 471 ) . —On Tuesday , Dec . 27 , 1 S 64 , the installation of Bro . John Griffiths , as AV . AL , took place at the Masonic Hall , Dock-street , in this town , before a large ancl distinguished assemblage of the Craft . The ceremony was performed by Bro . Bridges , D . Prov . G . M . for Somerset , and P . G . S . B . in Grand Lodge of England , who had come expressely for the purpose . The following appointments were
made : —Bros . R . B . Evans , P . AI . ; Bartholemow Thomas , S . AV . ; C . H . Oliver , J . AA ' . ; Rev . S . Fox , Chap . ; AV . AVilliams , Sec ; AV . Pickford , Treas . ; H . J . Parnall , S . D . ; J . S , Stone , J . D . ; E . Davies , and AV . Randall , Stewards ; J . Gobbett , I . G . ; AV . AI'Fee , Tyler . Prior to the commencement of proceedings , the bretliren were invited to " refreshment , " which had been liberally provided by the AV . M . elect , iu the ante-room of the
lodge . Iu the course of the evening it was announced by the AA . M . that a grant of £ 50 had been made by the Grand Lodge of England to a worthy and afflicted brother , whose name in . connection with the progress of Masonry in Newport is a "household word . " Bro . Bridges , who is always ready to give his valuable assistance to the lodges of this district , and especially of this town , where he has won " golden opinions , " has , at the earnest solicitation of the Silurian , promised to
present to that lodge a fae simile of the marble bust recently presented to him by the Province of Somerset . The bust will , we understand , be placed in an appropriate niche in the lodge .
NORFOLK . NoiOTlCH . —Perseverance Lodge ( No . 213 ) . —The annual meeting of this lodge was held on Tuesday , tho 17 th , at the Masonic Hall , for the purpose of installing Bro . Joseph English , the AV . M . elect , ancl also for presenting a Past Master's jewel to Bro . John Boyce , the retiring W . AL , in recognition of the zeal and efficiency with which he had discharged the duties of his office during the past year . The installation was very impressively performed by
Bro . James Dawbarn , P . AI ., assisted by Bro . F . Colsey , P . AI . After being installed , in the presence of eleven Past Masters , the AA' . AI . appointed the following as his officers : —Bros . James Dunsf ' ord , S . W . ; B . AV . Harcourt , J . W . ; James Short , S . D . ; James Brittain , J . D . ; Robert Sidney , Sec , and James Skippon , Treas . The brethren , to the number of forty , then sat down to a splendid banquet provided by Bro . J . Woods . In the course of the evening Bro . ColseyP . M . presented to Bro . J . Boyce
, , , I . P . M ., the jewel already referred to , and adverted in eulogistic terms to the warm interest which Bro . Boyce had taken in the affairs of the lodge , ancl the ability with which he had discharged the duties of AA . AL during his year of oflice . Bro . Boyce returned thanks in a few appropriate remarks . The health of the AA' . M ., Bro . English , was proposed and warmly received , and altogether a pleasant and harmonious evening was passed .
STAFFORDSHIRE . LICHEIEED . —CONSECRATION OE ST . JOHN ' S LODGE ( NO . 1039 ) . This new lodge was consecrated at the Guildhall , Lichfield , on Wednesday , January llth , by the R . AV . Prov . G . AL , Bro . AV . K . Harvey , assisted by Bros . D . Burton , R . AV . D . Prov . G . M . ; Baker , Prov . S . G . AV . ; E . Hooper , as J . AV . ; Clarke , Prov . G . Chap . ; Hill , Prov . G . Dir . of Cers . Bro . Stimpson , AV . M . 938 , G . Org ., kindly undertook the direction of the musical service , and
presided at the harmonium . About ninety brethren were present , those of St . John ' s Lodge being—Bros . Thomas James , P . Prov . S . G . AV ., AV . AL nominate ; J . C . McLean , Sam . Pearsall , J . S . Barber , I . Joberus , Jas . Redfern , R . Crosskey , E . White , C . Ainsden , AA . Elkington , AV . IL Heape , F . Egginton , T . Nevill , T . Bcdsmore , C . E . E . AVclchmaii , C . Trigg , C . Gillard , T . Greensmith , G . A . Smith , F . Bezant , T . James , A . Barnes , J . Owen . The ceremony throughout was most efficiently performed . The oration was delivered by Bro . the Rev . A . Clarke , Prov . G . Chap ., who briefly , but emphatically , referred to the ancient