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standing that it would have effect only until the appointment of a Prov . G . M . Immediately on the accession of Bro . Sandeman to the Hiram , he ( Bro . Roberts ) had obtained his sanction to the arrangement . The Prov . G . M . stated that the motion appeared to him to be out of order , as it infringed one of the prerogatives of the Prov . G . M . The hall , ivhen it was not required for Masonic purposes , bad alivays been at the disposal of the Prov . G . M . whoso long
, , as there had been a lease , had been personally responsible for the rent , Avhile the lodges had met there as sub-tenants . He would , hoivever , not insist upon his prerogative , but ivould alloAv the brethren , if Bro . Abbott wished it , to come to a decision on the point . A motion counter to that of Bro . Abbott was then made by Bro . Clark , seconded by Bro . Jennings , and being put to the
vote , was carried by a majority . The original motion , AA'hich had been seconded by Bro . iEneas Perkins , and put to the vote , was lost . Bro . C . T . Davis , P . M . of Lodge 123 , moved , in pursuance of notice , " That our Scottish brethren be recognised as brethren in Masonry . " Bro . Davis observed that he had not expressed himself very exactly in his notice of motion : what he considered
very desirable ivas , that there should be an official recognition of the Scottish brethren in Calcutta by the Prov . G . M . and that they should be invited to join in our processions . Having heard it questioned ivhether those brethren had a right to ivear the description of Masonic clothing which they hacl chosen , Bro . Davis proceeded to read the Constitutions of the Grand Lodge of Scotland on the point . Bro . Jndge observed that , being himself a P . M . of a Scotch
Lodge , he thought it ivas to be greatly regretted that a system of mutual communication of Masonic punishments was not established betiveen the English and the Scottish brethren in Calcutta . He remembered the case of a person expelled from Masonry by the District Grand Lodge being nearly allowed to enter a Scotch chapter , solely because the members of the latter were not aware of the position in in which that person stood . The Prov . G . Master observed , that there was no point of discussion before tho District Grand Lodge , as Bro . Davis had
endeavoured merely to prove a negative . He ( the Prov . G . M . ) had reason to believe that our Scottish brethren , like any other Masons , ivere duly recognised as felloiv-craftsmen in Calcutta . They were in the constant habit of visiting English lodges , and of entertaining English brethren , and he could point to several instances at the present moment of brethren holding responsible posts both under the English ancl the Scotch Constitutions . As regarded the procession to churchhad any of the Scotch
, lodges expressed a ivish to Avalk with the English lodges , their wish would have been attended to , and instructions issued to the Grand Director of Ceremonies to assign to them places in the procession . No objection could apparently be made to the clothing used by the private Scotch lodges in Calcutta , provided that it ivas in conformity with the Constitutions of the Grand Lodge under
which they held their warrants . He ( the Prov . G . M . ) could see no cause of justification in any lodge , ivhether English , Scotch , or any other nationality , admitting expelled Masons upon the plea of ignorance as to facts . It was the duty of the proposer and seconder of any brother wishing to join a lodge , to ascertain whether he was in the full possession of his Masonic privilegesand it was equallthe duty
, y of the W . M . to ascertain such a fact before permitting a ballot to take place . Lodges should therefore protect their own interests , iind any wilful infringement of Masonic laws , in such an important point as the admission into any private lodge of a brother who was known to have been expelled from the craft by any Constitution , would , if reported to him ( tho Prov . G . M . ) , be promptldealt with . Cases of exclusion were differentit
y , being optional ivith any lodge to accept a brother as a joining member , although such brother might be under exclusion from another lodge . Cases of this kind were therefore left entirely to the discretion of Masters , who , however , he thought were bound to acquaint the brethren of their lodges of the position in which the candidate stood before permitting a ballot . The subject then dropped .
Bro . J . G . N . Pogose , P . M . of Lodge Good Hope , No . 1058 , Dacca , verbally gave the folloAving notice of motion , " That all sentences of exclusions passed by English lodges , and confirmed oy the Prov . G . M ., be communicated by the Worshipful Masters to the Scottish Lodges in Calcutta . "
The P . G . M . observed that the motion should be made in writing and submitted to the P . G . Secretary . The P . G . Treasurer reported that the collection in Church , exclusive of blank cards , amounted to Rs . 365 , and that a contribution of Rs . 100 had subsequently been received from Messrs . Allan and Hayes . R . W . Bro , Anderson read the following extract from a letter addressed to him bMr . Murray Gladstonedated Londonthe
y , , 14 th October : " I have received your note , acompanying a remittance of £ 60 from the District Grand JLodge of Freemasons of Bengal £ 50 , and from the Sepulchre Encampment of Knights Templars £ 10 , —for AA'hich an acknoAvledgment has probaly been sent , but until my return to Manchester , it is impossible for me to say if in official shape . The money is applied in the way you desired ,
through the Central Relief Committee , and you may assure your Brother Masons that their wishes are carried out , I hope , nearly as ivell as if they hacl been themselves on the spot to see their funds distributed . " All business being ended , the D . G . L . was closed in due form , and the Brethren proceeded down to the second floor to refresh , themselves with " all the delicacies of the season , " ancl ivith the lively music of the Toivn Band .
BRITISH COLUMBIA . VlCTOElA— Victoria Lodge ( No . 1085 ) . —The installation of the W . M . and officers of this lodge took place a short time since in their tastefully fitted up lodge room in Langley-street , Victoria , Vancouver's Island . There was a very large number of the brethren present at the interesting ceremony , ivhieh ivas performed in an able manner and with due regard for the
ancient usages ancl customs of the Order . In the evening the members of the lodge held their annual festival , ancl after spending a most agreeable time in social intercourse , tbe meeting broke up at an early hour ivith the harmony and mutual concord which ahvays characterise Masons on such occasions . Tho Victoria Lodge is in a highly flourishing state , and ive are satisfied that under the auspices of its neivly-elected and highly
esteemed Master , it ivill lose none of its prosperity and respectability during his term of office . The following is a correct list of the officers for the current year : ¦— -Bros . Robert Burnaby , M . P ., W . M . ; T . Harris , S . W . ; R . Leivis , J . W . ; M . Sposborg , Treas . ; William H . Thain , Sec ; Kady Gamlitz , S . D . ; Lumley Franklin , J . D . ; J . Malowanskyh , I . G . ; Lewis C . Sheppard ,. Dir . of Cers . ; Rev . Thomas Lowe , Chap . ; G . Parkes , P . M . ; . G . Creighton , Tyler .
From our own Correspondent . SHANGHAI . —Meridian Lodge . ( No . 1045 . )—The installation meeting of this lodge took place on Monday ei'ening , tiie 19 th January , at the Masonic Hall . Present : Bros . W . ___ . Adams , W . M . ; A . Mitchell , S . W . ; F . Shannon , J . W . ; G . Hamilton , Treas . ; R . F . GouldP . M . Sec ; B . T . GiraudS . B . ; C . Aires ,
, , , J . B . ; A . Ewing , I . G . ; T . Bonovan , A . Gammell , G . Jury , F , Harbor , C . C . M'Intyre , S . Deacon , J . Adair , J . M'Gusk . Visitors : R . W . P . Prov . G . M ., S . Rawson , ( Prov . G . Supt ., R . A . ) Bros . C . Thorne , P . M ., 832 , L . G . Dunlop , P . M . 832 , M . Taylor , P . M . ( Lodge Hope , Kurrachee , ) , Hardy , 832 , Leesly , 832 , Govan , 27 , Didford , 832 , Johnstone , 832 . The minutes of the previous meeting having been confirmed , Bro . A . Mitchell ,
S . W ., on presentation by the retiring W . M ., was installed according to ancient custom , Bro . Gould , P . M . acting as installing Master . The following distribution of office ivas then notified from the chair : —Bros . Hamilton , S . W . ; Giraud , J . W . ; Adams , P . M ., Treas . ; Gould , P . M ., Sec . ; James , S . D . ; Bayley , J . D . ; S . Deacon , M . C . ; Ewing , I . G . ; Taylor , Tyler . A vote of . thanks was unanimously accorded to the Northern Lodge
of China , No . 832 , for the use of the lodge room and furniture , and after a few complimentary remarks from R . W . Bro . Rawson , which were listened to ivith marked attention , the lodge was closed .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
standing that it would have effect only until the appointment of a Prov . G . M . Immediately on the accession of Bro . Sandeman to the Hiram , he ( Bro . Roberts ) had obtained his sanction to the arrangement . The Prov . G . M . stated that the motion appeared to him to be out of order , as it infringed one of the prerogatives of the Prov . G . M . The hall , ivhen it was not required for Masonic purposes , bad alivays been at the disposal of the Prov . G . M . whoso long
, , as there had been a lease , had been personally responsible for the rent , Avhile the lodges had met there as sub-tenants . He would , hoivever , not insist upon his prerogative , but ivould alloAv the brethren , if Bro . Abbott wished it , to come to a decision on the point . A motion counter to that of Bro . Abbott was then made by Bro . Clark , seconded by Bro . Jennings , and being put to the
vote , was carried by a majority . The original motion , AA'hich had been seconded by Bro . iEneas Perkins , and put to the vote , was lost . Bro . C . T . Davis , P . M . of Lodge 123 , moved , in pursuance of notice , " That our Scottish brethren be recognised as brethren in Masonry . " Bro . Davis observed that he had not expressed himself very exactly in his notice of motion : what he considered
very desirable ivas , that there should be an official recognition of the Scottish brethren in Calcutta by the Prov . G . M . and that they should be invited to join in our processions . Having heard it questioned ivhether those brethren had a right to ivear the description of Masonic clothing which they hacl chosen , Bro . Davis proceeded to read the Constitutions of the Grand Lodge of Scotland on the point . Bro . Jndge observed that , being himself a P . M . of a Scotch
Lodge , he thought it ivas to be greatly regretted that a system of mutual communication of Masonic punishments was not established betiveen the English and the Scottish brethren in Calcutta . He remembered the case of a person expelled from Masonry by the District Grand Lodge being nearly allowed to enter a Scotch chapter , solely because the members of the latter were not aware of the position in in which that person stood . The Prov . G . Master observed , that there was no point of discussion before tho District Grand Lodge , as Bro . Davis had
endeavoured merely to prove a negative . He ( the Prov . G . M . ) had reason to believe that our Scottish brethren , like any other Masons , ivere duly recognised as felloiv-craftsmen in Calcutta . They were in the constant habit of visiting English lodges , and of entertaining English brethren , and he could point to several instances at the present moment of brethren holding responsible posts both under the English ancl the Scotch Constitutions . As regarded the procession to churchhad any of the Scotch
, lodges expressed a ivish to Avalk with the English lodges , their wish would have been attended to , and instructions issued to the Grand Director of Ceremonies to assign to them places in the procession . No objection could apparently be made to the clothing used by the private Scotch lodges in Calcutta , provided that it ivas in conformity with the Constitutions of the Grand Lodge under
which they held their warrants . He ( the Prov . G . M . ) could see no cause of justification in any lodge , ivhether English , Scotch , or any other nationality , admitting expelled Masons upon the plea of ignorance as to facts . It was the duty of the proposer and seconder of any brother wishing to join a lodge , to ascertain whether he was in the full possession of his Masonic privilegesand it was equallthe duty
, y of the W . M . to ascertain such a fact before permitting a ballot to take place . Lodges should therefore protect their own interests , iind any wilful infringement of Masonic laws , in such an important point as the admission into any private lodge of a brother who was known to have been expelled from the craft by any Constitution , would , if reported to him ( tho Prov . G . M . ) , be promptldealt with . Cases of exclusion were differentit
y , being optional ivith any lodge to accept a brother as a joining member , although such brother might be under exclusion from another lodge . Cases of this kind were therefore left entirely to the discretion of Masters , who , however , he thought were bound to acquaint the brethren of their lodges of the position in which the candidate stood before permitting a ballot . The subject then dropped .
Bro . J . G . N . Pogose , P . M . of Lodge Good Hope , No . 1058 , Dacca , verbally gave the folloAving notice of motion , " That all sentences of exclusions passed by English lodges , and confirmed oy the Prov . G . M ., be communicated by the Worshipful Masters to the Scottish Lodges in Calcutta . "
The P . G . M . observed that the motion should be made in writing and submitted to the P . G . Secretary . The P . G . Treasurer reported that the collection in Church , exclusive of blank cards , amounted to Rs . 365 , and that a contribution of Rs . 100 had subsequently been received from Messrs . Allan and Hayes . R . W . Bro , Anderson read the following extract from a letter addressed to him bMr . Murray Gladstonedated Londonthe
y , , 14 th October : " I have received your note , acompanying a remittance of £ 60 from the District Grand JLodge of Freemasons of Bengal £ 50 , and from the Sepulchre Encampment of Knights Templars £ 10 , —for AA'hich an acknoAvledgment has probaly been sent , but until my return to Manchester , it is impossible for me to say if in official shape . The money is applied in the way you desired ,
through the Central Relief Committee , and you may assure your Brother Masons that their wishes are carried out , I hope , nearly as ivell as if they hacl been themselves on the spot to see their funds distributed . " All business being ended , the D . G . L . was closed in due form , and the Brethren proceeded down to the second floor to refresh , themselves with " all the delicacies of the season , " ancl ivith the lively music of the Toivn Band .
BRITISH COLUMBIA . VlCTOElA— Victoria Lodge ( No . 1085 ) . —The installation of the W . M . and officers of this lodge took place a short time since in their tastefully fitted up lodge room in Langley-street , Victoria , Vancouver's Island . There was a very large number of the brethren present at the interesting ceremony , ivhieh ivas performed in an able manner and with due regard for the
ancient usages ancl customs of the Order . In the evening the members of the lodge held their annual festival , ancl after spending a most agreeable time in social intercourse , tbe meeting broke up at an early hour ivith the harmony and mutual concord which ahvays characterise Masons on such occasions . Tho Victoria Lodge is in a highly flourishing state , and ive are satisfied that under the auspices of its neivly-elected and highly
esteemed Master , it ivill lose none of its prosperity and respectability during his term of office . The following is a correct list of the officers for the current year : ¦— -Bros . Robert Burnaby , M . P ., W . M . ; T . Harris , S . W . ; R . Leivis , J . W . ; M . Sposborg , Treas . ; William H . Thain , Sec ; Kady Gamlitz , S . D . ; Lumley Franklin , J . D . ; J . Malowanskyh , I . G . ; Lewis C . Sheppard ,. Dir . of Cers . ; Rev . Thomas Lowe , Chap . ; G . Parkes , P . M . ; . G . Creighton , Tyler .
From our own Correspondent . SHANGHAI . —Meridian Lodge . ( No . 1045 . )—The installation meeting of this lodge took place on Monday ei'ening , tiie 19 th January , at the Masonic Hall . Present : Bros . W . ___ . Adams , W . M . ; A . Mitchell , S . W . ; F . Shannon , J . W . ; G . Hamilton , Treas . ; R . F . GouldP . M . Sec ; B . T . GiraudS . B . ; C . Aires ,
, , , J . B . ; A . Ewing , I . G . ; T . Bonovan , A . Gammell , G . Jury , F , Harbor , C . C . M'Intyre , S . Deacon , J . Adair , J . M'Gusk . Visitors : R . W . P . Prov . G . M ., S . Rawson , ( Prov . G . Supt ., R . A . ) Bros . C . Thorne , P . M ., 832 , L . G . Dunlop , P . M . 832 , M . Taylor , P . M . ( Lodge Hope , Kurrachee , ) , Hardy , 832 , Leesly , 832 , Govan , 27 , Didford , 832 , Johnstone , 832 . The minutes of the previous meeting having been confirmed , Bro . A . Mitchell ,
S . W ., on presentation by the retiring W . M ., was installed according to ancient custom , Bro . Gould , P . M . acting as installing Master . The following distribution of office ivas then notified from the chair : —Bros . Hamilton , S . W . ; Giraud , J . W . ; Adams , P . M ., Treas . ; Gould , P . M ., Sec . ; James , S . D . ; Bayley , J . D . ; S . Deacon , M . C . ; Ewing , I . G . ; Taylor , Tyler . A vote of . thanks was unanimously accorded to the Northern Lodge
of China , No . 832 , for the use of the lodge room and furniture , and after a few complimentary remarks from R . W . Bro . Rawson , which were listened to ivith marked attention , the lodge was closed .