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Classical Theology,—Lxiii.
Desolator , whose dominion included the ancient kingdom of Baetria , invaded Hindostan ; each step of bis progress being identified by blood , havoc , and ruin . The most magnificent Pagodas , the ancient monuments of gentoo veneration and grandeur , were
despoiled and demolished , the priestly ministers massacred , cities and populations given to the flames , and with indiscriminating vengeance and ferocity the whole country was plundered and consigned to desolation . About 400 years after , Tamerlane , another Mahoinniedan conqueror , named , for his cruelties , the
" Destroying Prince , " as we find recounted by Gibbon and Orme , with irresistible arms , and even still more ruthless severity and animosity , devasted and subjugated the entire territories of Hindostan . What we are about to bring forward admits of such serious consideration , that Ave again pause , the more effectually to continue it in future articles .
Masonic Sayings And Doings Abroad.
WINTEE PETE AT ROTTEN . —The lodges and chapters of all rites had a very brilliant meeting at Rouen , when brethren were present from La Perseverance , Couronne , La Yerite , La Constance Eprouvee , Les Arts Reunis , and others from Havre , Yernon , Dieppe , Paris , and Yincennes . The members of the Supreme Grand Council mustered in full forceand were received with
, the accustomed honours . A very interesting oration on the objects of Ereemasonry was delivered by Bro . E . Descbamps , W . M . of La Yerite , and a very handsome banquet concluded the proceedings .
VICTOB HUGO ON CAPITAL PUNISHMENTS . —This celebrated brother has written a letter addressed to M . Robert de Tilleur , barrister-at-law , in which he advocates , as a Ereemason , the discontinnanc eof capital punishments . It is a very eloquent appeal , compressed in a few pithy sentences , showing that the Craft has ever discountencaned hoth . legal execution
and affairs of honour . THE COTTON DISTEESS IN LYONS . —There have been several meetings of the brethren . in the various departments of France , for the purpose of ameliorating the distressed condition of the cotton operatives in tbat country . As far as we can learn at present , the amount which has been subscribed by Ereemasons in their lodges , chapters , & c ., is somewhere about I 7 , 794 _ f . ( £ 711 sterling ) .
MEDAL ' HONOUR OE BEO . YIENNET , M . P ., SOY . G . COM . 33 ? . —At the Central Grand Lodge of Erance , held lately , a medal , commemorative of the services of the 111 . Bro . Yiennet to the Rite Ecossaise , was to have been presented to that brother , but whose iealth prevented his being present , and accordingly it
was entrusted to Bro . Guiffrey , Lt . G . Com . 33 ° , to convey to his superior . Bro . Yiennet wrote a very kind and grateful letter to the brethren , thanking them for this mark of their confidence and esteem , in which he recapitulated some of the most material points connected with the suppression of the Supreme Grand Council . The members present made various speeches on the position of Ereemasonry in Erance , which is of such a generally unsatisfactory character
Masonic Sayings And Doings Abroad.
that we withhold any lengthened account of what was said and done , feeling that which is true to-day may , by a stroke of the Imperial pen , be false to-morrow , and Ereemasonry itself may cease to exist ( legally ) , i . e ., by order of the Government , at any moment . The meeting in question was followed by a banquet , after which a collection was made in aid of the cotton
distressed districts . EEEEMASONEX IN ALGIEES . —The lodge Enfants de Mars gave a ball for benevolent purposes , at which the citizens of Phillipville attended with great enthusiasm , and the decorations were of the most pleasing kind . The various costumes of the civil , militarynavaland Masonic individuals present
, , , together with the elegant attire of the ladies , who mustered in very strong force , made the occasion quite a fairy scene , and very much delighted several of the swarthy sons of the desert , whose picturesque dress in no way diminished the spectacle . THE PrKAMins . —Some tew adventurous brethren ,
of more than one nationality ( so says La Presse ) , recently determined upon holding a Masonic lodge in the great pyramid ; but , owing to some unforseen accident , they were compelled to confine their operations to one of the smaller pyramids , where all preparations having been made , they carried out their intention , but suddenly came to grief from several bats and other flying animals putting out their lights , and leaving them to grope their way unaided from
the scene of their labours , save by the reflection of that pure light which burns in every Ereemason'a bosom . LODGE BENEVOLENCE . —The Lodge Septentrion , of Gand , has contributed to the municipal authorities of that town , a sum of 12 , 000 francs , for the benefit of the distressed operatives residing amongst them .
INTOLEEANCE OE THE ROMISH PEIESTHOOB . —A talented , but modest artist , M . Yictor Lejeune , has recently died at Yerviers , and having been a Ereemason for many years , was interred by what is termed a " civil" funeral , the priesthood refusing , on account of his not renouncing the errors of Ereemasonry , to
celebrate the rites of the church for him . This being known was an occasion for a very numerous assembly of his townsmen , who , to show their respect to the deceased , and their detestation of the narrow-mindedness of the clergy , turned out , not in scores or hundredsbut bthousands to witness the interment .
, y Severalhighly gifted brethren pronounced orations over the grave , and the large concourse of spectators expressed their sympathy for the artist's family , and their indignation at such intolerance .
Freemasonry In France.
The Pans correspondent of the Morning Fost , says The poor Ereemasons are about to share the fate of their fellow-citizens , by losing even the shadow of a claim io their title . When Prince Murat presided over the Eleusinian mysteries of the mystic corporationhe advanced some to the Grand Orient
, money Lodge , which he now claims . The lodge hesitates , Prince Murafc most unmasonically menaces ; he threatens to seize the premises and furniture belong ing to tbe lodge in the Rue Cadet . Marshal Magnan , the President appointed by the Emperor , summons the
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Classical Theology,—Lxiii.
Desolator , whose dominion included the ancient kingdom of Baetria , invaded Hindostan ; each step of bis progress being identified by blood , havoc , and ruin . The most magnificent Pagodas , the ancient monuments of gentoo veneration and grandeur , were
despoiled and demolished , the priestly ministers massacred , cities and populations given to the flames , and with indiscriminating vengeance and ferocity the whole country was plundered and consigned to desolation . About 400 years after , Tamerlane , another Mahoinniedan conqueror , named , for his cruelties , the
" Destroying Prince , " as we find recounted by Gibbon and Orme , with irresistible arms , and even still more ruthless severity and animosity , devasted and subjugated the entire territories of Hindostan . What we are about to bring forward admits of such serious consideration , that Ave again pause , the more effectually to continue it in future articles .
Masonic Sayings And Doings Abroad.
WINTEE PETE AT ROTTEN . —The lodges and chapters of all rites had a very brilliant meeting at Rouen , when brethren were present from La Perseverance , Couronne , La Yerite , La Constance Eprouvee , Les Arts Reunis , and others from Havre , Yernon , Dieppe , Paris , and Yincennes . The members of the Supreme Grand Council mustered in full forceand were received with
, the accustomed honours . A very interesting oration on the objects of Ereemasonry was delivered by Bro . E . Descbamps , W . M . of La Yerite , and a very handsome banquet concluded the proceedings .
VICTOB HUGO ON CAPITAL PUNISHMENTS . —This celebrated brother has written a letter addressed to M . Robert de Tilleur , barrister-at-law , in which he advocates , as a Ereemason , the discontinnanc eof capital punishments . It is a very eloquent appeal , compressed in a few pithy sentences , showing that the Craft has ever discountencaned hoth . legal execution
and affairs of honour . THE COTTON DISTEESS IN LYONS . —There have been several meetings of the brethren . in the various departments of France , for the purpose of ameliorating the distressed condition of the cotton operatives in tbat country . As far as we can learn at present , the amount which has been subscribed by Ereemasons in their lodges , chapters , & c ., is somewhere about I 7 , 794 _ f . ( £ 711 sterling ) .
MEDAL ' HONOUR OE BEO . YIENNET , M . P ., SOY . G . COM . 33 ? . —At the Central Grand Lodge of Erance , held lately , a medal , commemorative of the services of the 111 . Bro . Yiennet to the Rite Ecossaise , was to have been presented to that brother , but whose iealth prevented his being present , and accordingly it
was entrusted to Bro . Guiffrey , Lt . G . Com . 33 ° , to convey to his superior . Bro . Yiennet wrote a very kind and grateful letter to the brethren , thanking them for this mark of their confidence and esteem , in which he recapitulated some of the most material points connected with the suppression of the Supreme Grand Council . The members present made various speeches on the position of Ereemasonry in Erance , which is of such a generally unsatisfactory character
Masonic Sayings And Doings Abroad.
that we withhold any lengthened account of what was said and done , feeling that which is true to-day may , by a stroke of the Imperial pen , be false to-morrow , and Ereemasonry itself may cease to exist ( legally ) , i . e ., by order of the Government , at any moment . The meeting in question was followed by a banquet , after which a collection was made in aid of the cotton
distressed districts . EEEEMASONEX IN ALGIEES . —The lodge Enfants de Mars gave a ball for benevolent purposes , at which the citizens of Phillipville attended with great enthusiasm , and the decorations were of the most pleasing kind . The various costumes of the civil , militarynavaland Masonic individuals present
, , , together with the elegant attire of the ladies , who mustered in very strong force , made the occasion quite a fairy scene , and very much delighted several of the swarthy sons of the desert , whose picturesque dress in no way diminished the spectacle . THE PrKAMins . —Some tew adventurous brethren ,
of more than one nationality ( so says La Presse ) , recently determined upon holding a Masonic lodge in the great pyramid ; but , owing to some unforseen accident , they were compelled to confine their operations to one of the smaller pyramids , where all preparations having been made , they carried out their intention , but suddenly came to grief from several bats and other flying animals putting out their lights , and leaving them to grope their way unaided from
the scene of their labours , save by the reflection of that pure light which burns in every Ereemason'a bosom . LODGE BENEVOLENCE . —The Lodge Septentrion , of Gand , has contributed to the municipal authorities of that town , a sum of 12 , 000 francs , for the benefit of the distressed operatives residing amongst them .
INTOLEEANCE OE THE ROMISH PEIESTHOOB . —A talented , but modest artist , M . Yictor Lejeune , has recently died at Yerviers , and having been a Ereemason for many years , was interred by what is termed a " civil" funeral , the priesthood refusing , on account of his not renouncing the errors of Ereemasonry , to
celebrate the rites of the church for him . This being known was an occasion for a very numerous assembly of his townsmen , who , to show their respect to the deceased , and their detestation of the narrow-mindedness of the clergy , turned out , not in scores or hundredsbut bthousands to witness the interment .
, y Severalhighly gifted brethren pronounced orations over the grave , and the large concourse of spectators expressed their sympathy for the artist's family , and their indignation at such intolerance .
Freemasonry In France.
The Pans correspondent of the Morning Fost , says The poor Ereemasons are about to share the fate of their fellow-citizens , by losing even the shadow of a claim io their title . When Prince Murat presided over the Eleusinian mysteries of the mystic corporationhe advanced some to the Grand Orient
, money Lodge , which he now claims . The lodge hesitates , Prince Murafc most unmasonically menaces ; he threatens to seize the premises and furniture belong ing to tbe lodge in the Rue Cadet . Marshal Magnan , the President appointed by the Emperor , summons the