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KNIGHTS TEMPLAR . SHANGHAI . —Celestial Encampment . —The opening meeting of this encampment was held on January 12 th , under the presidency of Frater S . Rawson , P . E . C . Present : Fraters ___ . F . Gould , P . E . C ; A . Gammell , H . Murray , H . Warden , and AVE . Adams . The warrant of Constitution having been read , the Sir Knights proceeded to elect an E . C , their choice falling ivith pleasing unanimity upon Frater H . Murray . The following
resolutions ivere adopted nem . con .: That the regulations of the Mount Zion Encampment , Bombay , should be considered in force until abrogated by the passing of a distinct code ; that a petition to the M . E . and Supreme G . M . be prepared for signature , praying that Frater Rawson , ( Prov . G . Supt . R . A ., ) be nominated Prov . G . C . of China . A second meeting took place on Tuesday , January 20 , at the Masonic Hall , when Frater H . Murray , E . C . elect , ivas duly inducted to office by Prater Raivson ,
P . E . C . Six R . A . Comps . of Chapter Zion , No . 832 , being in attendance , were introduced ancl installed , tbe ceremony deriving more than usual eclat from the masterly working of the E . G ., Frater Murray possessing in no slight degree the advantages of a retentii'e memory and an impressive delivery . The following appointments to office were notified : —Fraters Warden , 1 st . Capt . ; Markbam , 2 nd . Capt . ; Lonveiro , Registrar ; Parker , Expert ; VernardCapt . of Lines . All business being concludedthe
, , encampment was closed in due and solemn form , and the Sir Knights separated , highly gratified at having taken time by the forelock in petitioning for an encampment during the accidental residence at Shanghai of a sufficient number of Knights to open with legality .
Masonic Festivities.
DEVONSHIRE . PLYMOUTH . —MASONIC BENEFIT TO BEO . NEWCOMBE . The Theatre Royal , Plymouth , was well filled by a highly respectable audience on the evening of AVednesday , the istii instant , for the purpose of witnessing the presentation of an address to Bro . J . Ii . Newcombe , the able ancl spirited lessee of this popular place of amusement , under circumstances which
are set forth below . The performance was under the patronage of tho Right Hon . the Earl of Mount Edgcumbe , P . Prov . G . S . AA " . for Devon , ancl the Worshipful the Masters , the officers , and brethren of the eight lodges of Plymouth , Devonport , and Stonehouse , viz ., St . John ' s ( No . 83 ) , Fortitude ( 122 ) , Harmony ( 182 ) , Brunswick ( 185 ) , Sincerity ( 224 ) , Friendship ( 238 ) , Charity ( 270 ) , Fidelity ( 280 ) . In the dress circle was a large number of the brethren , and as they all ivore the emblems of their
Craft , the appearance of this part of the house was exceedingly gay . The entertainment commenced with the drama of Not a Bad Judge , in ivhieh Bro . . 1 . R . Newcombe took the character of John Caspar JLavater . Although the part itself docs not require any very marked ability , Bro . Newcombe played it in admirable style , and at the conclusion was called before the curtain ancl loudly applauded . At the close of the first piece , the orchestra , under the able direction of Bro . H . Reed ,
performed the Danish National Anthem and the Masonic March . The curtain then rose upon a most effective scene . In the centre of the stage ivas a table , on w-hich the address ivas placed , and near it Bro . Doivse , chairman of the meeting of the AV . M . 's , by whom the benefit and presentation was arranged , Bro . J . Honey , W . M . of Lodge No . 224 , of wliich Bro . Neivcombe is a member , and Bro . R . Rodda ,. AV . M . of Lodge No . 122 . A large number of the brethren formed a semi-circle at the back of the
stage . Bro . Dr . DOWSE walked towards the footlights , and said , — Ladies ancl gentlemen , in consequence of [ the absence , through illness , of the "Worshipful the Mayor , who is AV . M . of Lodge 270 , and the unavoidable absence of the Earl of Mount Edgcumbe , AA'ho , in a letter received from him , very much regrets his inability to attend , I am called upon unexpectedly to appear ,
before you this evening , and I therefore hope you will grant to me that indulgence and consideration which you have always shown to the diffident and nervous performer on a first appearance . ( Applause . ) I am deputed by the AA . M . 's of the Freemasons' lodges of the three towns , to present to our Avorthy Brother Newcombe an address expressive of their sympathy for the serious loss he sustained by the late disastrous fire at the theatre , their high estimation of the fortitude he displayed on that trying occasion , and their admiration of the unparalleled
exertions he made to restore and reopen the establishment , so as not to throw out of employment many ivho otherAA'ise must have suffered severely from the calamity . ( Applause . ) The high estimation in ivhieh Bro . Newcombe is most deservedly held by all classes of this community cannot be enhanced by anything I could say , even had 1 the eloquence of a Cicero—AA-hich truly I have not—therefore with your permission I shall read the address : —
" To Bro . John lieilly Newcombe , of Lodge Sincerity , No . 224 , aud Lessee of ihe Tlieatre Pogal , Plymouth . "The undersigned AA . M . ' s of the Freemasons' Lodges holden in Plymouth , Devonport , and Stonehouse , having , on behalf of their respective members , agreed to patronise a performance at the Theatre for your benefit , desire to record the motives by ivhieh their brethren have been thus influenced .
" Your brother Freemasons heard , with deep regret , of your heavy loss , occasioned by the recent disastrous fire at the Theatre ; they saw with unfeigned admiration the skilful and energetic manner in ivhieh you restored and re-opened the building . In this thi . y recognised a call for the expression of their fraternal sympathy , and an opportunity for honouring in your person those principles which , in their lodges , they have been taught to respect and admire—i-iz . fortitude in adversity
, ancl perseverance in surmounting difficulty . " On your consenting- to accept this expression of their fraternal regard , they solicited and obtained from the M . AV . G . M of England , the Right Hon . the Earl of Zetland , a dispensation for the brethren to be on this occasion present in Masonic costume in the theatre . The document containing such permissions accompanies this . From the former you will learn that the solicited concession was granted in consideration of the
circumstances under which it was sought . " For the result of their efforts , in this instance , the undersigned , adopting the motto of a former Grand Master of England , the architect of that grand poem in stone—St . Paul ' s , London—say , Circumspiee . " Your brother Freemasons , while they ask your acceptance of this token of their sympathy and esteem , pray" May joysubstantialall your stops attend ;
, , May calm content your happiness increase ; Your hours of pleasure , may they know no end , And your success in life be perfect peace . "( Signed ); " J . S . PHILLIIS , St . John ' s Lodge , No . 83 . " RICHAED RODDA , Fortitude „ No . 122 . " THOS . JR . YEOHarmony No . 182 .
, „ " PETEE JAMES , Brunswick „ No . 185 . " SAML . CEOCKEB , Friendship „ No . 238 . " JOHN HONEY , Sincerity „ No . 224 . " AVILLIAM DEBBY , Charity „ No . 270 . " E . JOHNS , Fidelity „ No . 280 . '
"Plymouth , 18 th March , 1863 . " The address was very beautifully written in English and Latin by Mr . Ii . H . Rodda . It formed one of the best pieces of penmanship ive have ever seen . In the upper corners n'ere the figures of Justice and Fortitude , and in the centre the All Seeing Eye , underneath ivhieh ivere the Masonic arms . In a very artistically designed scroll ivere the words , "Brother John Reilly Neivcombe , jLodge Sincerity , No . 224 , Lessee of the
Tlieatre Royal , Plymouth , " the crest of Bro . J-Teivcombe being introduced in the centre . AVe have stated that the address was written in two languages , which were divided by three pillars representing the styles of architecture similar to a Mason's certificate . At the bottom was a pretty grouping of Masonic emblems . The frame ivas very handsome . It was in blue and gold , ivith ornamented corners , the design being in tendrils and lotus leaves . It was made by Mr . Hallcarver and
ilderBed-, g , ford-street . The following is a copy of the dispensation referred to : — " Freemasons' Hall , London , W . C . "February 26 th ,. 1863 . " Sir aud Brother , — -I have the honour to inform you that the M . AV . Grand Master has taken into consideration your letter of the Wth inst ., and having regard to the peculiar
circumstances of the case , his lordship has been pleased to grant permission to the Masters , AVardens . and members of the several lodges in Plymouth , Stonehouse , and Devonport , to wear Masonic clothing and jeivels at the Theatre , on the occasion of its
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
KNIGHTS TEMPLAR . SHANGHAI . —Celestial Encampment . —The opening meeting of this encampment was held on January 12 th , under the presidency of Frater S . Rawson , P . E . C . Present : Fraters ___ . F . Gould , P . E . C ; A . Gammell , H . Murray , H . Warden , and AVE . Adams . The warrant of Constitution having been read , the Sir Knights proceeded to elect an E . C , their choice falling ivith pleasing unanimity upon Frater H . Murray . The following
resolutions ivere adopted nem . con .: That the regulations of the Mount Zion Encampment , Bombay , should be considered in force until abrogated by the passing of a distinct code ; that a petition to the M . E . and Supreme G . M . be prepared for signature , praying that Frater Rawson , ( Prov . G . Supt . R . A ., ) be nominated Prov . G . C . of China . A second meeting took place on Tuesday , January 20 , at the Masonic Hall , when Frater H . Murray , E . C . elect , ivas duly inducted to office by Prater Raivson ,
P . E . C . Six R . A . Comps . of Chapter Zion , No . 832 , being in attendance , were introduced ancl installed , tbe ceremony deriving more than usual eclat from the masterly working of the E . G ., Frater Murray possessing in no slight degree the advantages of a retentii'e memory and an impressive delivery . The following appointments to office were notified : —Fraters Warden , 1 st . Capt . ; Markbam , 2 nd . Capt . ; Lonveiro , Registrar ; Parker , Expert ; VernardCapt . of Lines . All business being concludedthe
, , encampment was closed in due and solemn form , and the Sir Knights separated , highly gratified at having taken time by the forelock in petitioning for an encampment during the accidental residence at Shanghai of a sufficient number of Knights to open with legality .
Masonic Festivities.
DEVONSHIRE . PLYMOUTH . —MASONIC BENEFIT TO BEO . NEWCOMBE . The Theatre Royal , Plymouth , was well filled by a highly respectable audience on the evening of AVednesday , the istii instant , for the purpose of witnessing the presentation of an address to Bro . J . Ii . Newcombe , the able ancl spirited lessee of this popular place of amusement , under circumstances which
are set forth below . The performance was under the patronage of tho Right Hon . the Earl of Mount Edgcumbe , P . Prov . G . S . AA " . for Devon , ancl the Worshipful the Masters , the officers , and brethren of the eight lodges of Plymouth , Devonport , and Stonehouse , viz ., St . John ' s ( No . 83 ) , Fortitude ( 122 ) , Harmony ( 182 ) , Brunswick ( 185 ) , Sincerity ( 224 ) , Friendship ( 238 ) , Charity ( 270 ) , Fidelity ( 280 ) . In the dress circle was a large number of the brethren , and as they all ivore the emblems of their
Craft , the appearance of this part of the house was exceedingly gay . The entertainment commenced with the drama of Not a Bad Judge , in ivhieh Bro . . 1 . R . Newcombe took the character of John Caspar JLavater . Although the part itself docs not require any very marked ability , Bro . Newcombe played it in admirable style , and at the conclusion was called before the curtain ancl loudly applauded . At the close of the first piece , the orchestra , under the able direction of Bro . H . Reed ,
performed the Danish National Anthem and the Masonic March . The curtain then rose upon a most effective scene . In the centre of the stage ivas a table , on w-hich the address ivas placed , and near it Bro . Doivse , chairman of the meeting of the AV . M . 's , by whom the benefit and presentation was arranged , Bro . J . Honey , W . M . of Lodge No . 224 , of wliich Bro . Neivcombe is a member , and Bro . R . Rodda ,. AV . M . of Lodge No . 122 . A large number of the brethren formed a semi-circle at the back of the
stage . Bro . Dr . DOWSE walked towards the footlights , and said , — Ladies ancl gentlemen , in consequence of [ the absence , through illness , of the "Worshipful the Mayor , who is AV . M . of Lodge 270 , and the unavoidable absence of the Earl of Mount Edgcumbe , AA'ho , in a letter received from him , very much regrets his inability to attend , I am called upon unexpectedly to appear ,
before you this evening , and I therefore hope you will grant to me that indulgence and consideration which you have always shown to the diffident and nervous performer on a first appearance . ( Applause . ) I am deputed by the AA . M . 's of the Freemasons' lodges of the three towns , to present to our Avorthy Brother Newcombe an address expressive of their sympathy for the serious loss he sustained by the late disastrous fire at the theatre , their high estimation of the fortitude he displayed on that trying occasion , and their admiration of the unparalleled
exertions he made to restore and reopen the establishment , so as not to throw out of employment many ivho otherAA'ise must have suffered severely from the calamity . ( Applause . ) The high estimation in ivhieh Bro . Newcombe is most deservedly held by all classes of this community cannot be enhanced by anything I could say , even had 1 the eloquence of a Cicero—AA-hich truly I have not—therefore with your permission I shall read the address : —
" To Bro . John lieilly Newcombe , of Lodge Sincerity , No . 224 , aud Lessee of ihe Tlieatre Pogal , Plymouth . "The undersigned AA . M . ' s of the Freemasons' Lodges holden in Plymouth , Devonport , and Stonehouse , having , on behalf of their respective members , agreed to patronise a performance at the Theatre for your benefit , desire to record the motives by ivhieh their brethren have been thus influenced .
" Your brother Freemasons heard , with deep regret , of your heavy loss , occasioned by the recent disastrous fire at the Theatre ; they saw with unfeigned admiration the skilful and energetic manner in ivhieh you restored and re-opened the building . In this thi . y recognised a call for the expression of their fraternal sympathy , and an opportunity for honouring in your person those principles which , in their lodges , they have been taught to respect and admire—i-iz . fortitude in adversity
, ancl perseverance in surmounting difficulty . " On your consenting- to accept this expression of their fraternal regard , they solicited and obtained from the M . AV . G . M of England , the Right Hon . the Earl of Zetland , a dispensation for the brethren to be on this occasion present in Masonic costume in the theatre . The document containing such permissions accompanies this . From the former you will learn that the solicited concession was granted in consideration of the
circumstances under which it was sought . " For the result of their efforts , in this instance , the undersigned , adopting the motto of a former Grand Master of England , the architect of that grand poem in stone—St . Paul ' s , London—say , Circumspiee . " Your brother Freemasons , while they ask your acceptance of this token of their sympathy and esteem , pray" May joysubstantialall your stops attend ;
, , May calm content your happiness increase ; Your hours of pleasure , may they know no end , And your success in life be perfect peace . "( Signed ); " J . S . PHILLIIS , St . John ' s Lodge , No . 83 . " RICHAED RODDA , Fortitude „ No . 122 . " THOS . JR . YEOHarmony No . 182 .
, „ " PETEE JAMES , Brunswick „ No . 185 . " SAML . CEOCKEB , Friendship „ No . 238 . " JOHN HONEY , Sincerity „ No . 224 . " AVILLIAM DEBBY , Charity „ No . 270 . " E . JOHNS , Fidelity „ No . 280 . '
"Plymouth , 18 th March , 1863 . " The address was very beautifully written in English and Latin by Mr . Ii . H . Rodda . It formed one of the best pieces of penmanship ive have ever seen . In the upper corners n'ere the figures of Justice and Fortitude , and in the centre the All Seeing Eye , underneath ivhieh ivere the Masonic arms . In a very artistically designed scroll ivere the words , "Brother John Reilly Neivcombe , jLodge Sincerity , No . 224 , Lessee of the
Tlieatre Royal , Plymouth , " the crest of Bro . J-Teivcombe being introduced in the centre . AVe have stated that the address was written in two languages , which were divided by three pillars representing the styles of architecture similar to a Mason's certificate . At the bottom was a pretty grouping of Masonic emblems . The frame ivas very handsome . It was in blue and gold , ivith ornamented corners , the design being in tendrils and lotus leaves . It was made by Mr . Hallcarver and
ilderBed-, g , ford-street . The following is a copy of the dispensation referred to : — " Freemasons' Hall , London , W . C . "February 26 th ,. 1863 . " Sir aud Brother , — -I have the honour to inform you that the M . AV . Grand Master has taken into consideration your letter of the Wth inst ., and having regard to the peculiar
circumstances of the case , his lordship has been pleased to grant permission to the Masters , AVardens . and members of the several lodges in Plymouth , Stonehouse , and Devonport , to wear Masonic clothing and jeivels at the Theatre , on the occasion of its