Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 2 of 2 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 2 of 2 Article SHROPSHIRE AND NORTH WALES. Page 1 of 4 →
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to have had such Masters as Colonel Maydwell , Major Burney , Captain Pender , Colonel Freeling , and Captain Boyce ; but , although circumstances had called them away , they still had the chair most worthily filled ; and he hoped it would be as ably occupied for many years to come . As the Prov . G . M . had remarked , it was a great pleasure at this lodge to see officers , subalterns , and non-commissioned officers sitting down at the same table . A Blasonic lodge was the only place in the world
where that privilege was enjoyed , and he helieved the noncommissioned officers knew well how to appreciate such a privilege . He hoped the lodge would continue to prosper as it had hitherto done . " " The Prov . G . BI . proposed " The health of the Worshipful Blaster , " congratulating Bro . Carnegie upon being elected to so distinguished a position ; and congratulating the brethren upon being presided over by a Blaster who did credit to the lodge b
y his efficiency as a Mason , and to himself by the moderation and good sense with which he discharged the duties of his office . The W . BI . returned thanks , observing that it would be his endeavour during his period of office to follow in the steps of his two immediate predecessors , Colonel Freeling and Captain Boyce ; and if at the close of the year he should be thought to deserve the kind feeling which was now manifested towards
him he should feel amply repaid for any exertions he might be called upon to make in connection with the Mastership of the lodge . The W . BIASTER said , having been honoured by the presence of the W . BI . of an Irish lodge , of which he himself was a P . M ., he would propose " The Health of his Grace the Duke of Leinster , G . BI . of Ireland , aud of Bro . Captain Lea , of Lodge 311 of the Irish Constitution . "
, Captain LEA returned thanks , and bore testimony to the high respect in which Bro . Carnegie was held by the members of Lodge 311 , to which he formerly belonged . The health of Bro . Bfatthews was next drank , as Installing Blaster , with thanks for his kind and most efficient services ; which Bro . MATTHEWS duly acknowledged . With the toast of " The Visitors" was coupled the names of
the following brethren : —Bean , W . BI ., Angel Lodge ; Franks , W . BI ., Perfect Friendship Lodge , Ipswich ; and Glass , W . M ., Chigwell Lodge ; who severally returned thanks . The other toasts were " The late Blaster of the United Lodge , Bro . Captain Boyce , " proposed by Bro . ANDERSON ; "The Senior Warden , Bro . Wolverson , " proposed by Bro . DARKEN ; " The Junior Warden , Bro . Lieutenant Sheringham , " proposed by the W . MASTEE ; "The Deacons , Bros . W . Smith and D . Lewis , " proposed by Bro . BIATTHE-WS ; & C , & c .
LANCASHIRE ( EAST ) . HULME . —BLAIR LODGE ( NO . 815 ) . —A meeting of this lodge was held on the 13 th inst ., at the Hulme Town Hall . The chair of K . S . was occupied by Bro . Dr . Dill . Bros . John Hyde , Thos . A . Sidgreaves , Thomas Black , and Samuel S . Crosford were raised to the sublime degree of M . M . The ceremony included the lecture on the tracing-board .
LANCASHIRE ( WEST ) . LIVERPOOL . —Temple Lodge ( No . 1094 ) . —The following is a copy of the dedication and invocation referred to in our last as being delivered by the Prov . G . Chap . The oration delivered by him on the same occasion will be found in another page : — Presiding Officer : In the name of the Great Jehovah , the Great Architect of Heaven and Earthto whom be all honour
, and glory , I do solemnly dedicate this temple to Blasonry . Grand Chaplain : Grant , O Lord our God , that those who shall have the government of this lodge may be endued with wisdom to instruct their brethren in all their duties . May brotherly love , righteousness , and truth always prevail among its members , and may this bond of union continue to strengthen the lodges throughout the world .
" Glory be to God on high , " & c . Presiding Officer : In the name of the holy St . John , I do solemnly dedicate this temple to Virtue . Grand Chaplain : Bless all our brethren , wherever dispersed , and grant speedy relief to all who are either oppressed or distressed . " Glory be to God on high , " & c . Presiding Officer : In the name of the whole Fraternity , I
do solemnly dedicate this temple to universal benevolence and charity . Grand Chaplain : We affectionately commend to Thee all the members of the whole Fraternity , may they increase in grace , and in the knowledge and love of each other . " Glory to God on high , " & c . Finally , may we finish all our work here below with Thy
approbation , and then have our transition from this earthly abode to Thy heavenly temple above , there to enjoy lights , glory , and bliss ineffable and eternal . " Glory to God on high , " & c . '' As it was , " & e . Presiding Officer : Brethren , in the name of the Blosfc High , to whom be glory and honour , may he be with you at your
beginning , may He strengthen you in the principles of our Masonic art , may He prosper you with success , and your zealous pursuits redound to the good of the Craft . By the divine aid we constitute and found you , my good brethren , into a Lodge of Freemasons , and from henceforth empower you to act as a constituted lodge in conformity to the rites of our order and the charges of onr ancient Fraternity ; may God be with you . Amen . Grand honours .
Grand Chaplain : To the memory of the Holy St . John we dedicate tbis lodge ; may every brother revere their charactersand imitate their virtues . " Glory be to God on high , " & c . " As it was , " & c .
Shropshire And North Wales.
WELCHPOOL LODGE , ( No . 998 . ) The second anniversary of this very prosperous lodge was held in the lodge room at the Royal Oak Hotel , Welchpool , on Friday , the 6 th inst . This meeting had , for some time , been anticipated with more than ordinary interest , it being that fixed for the installation of the highly and deservedly esteemed and respected Bro . Thomas Blakeman Brown ( whose exertions had
, in a great measure contributed to the success of the establishment of the lodge ) , who had been unanimously elected W . M . for the ensuing year . Ifc was , moreover , the day appointed for the nresentation , in a public manner , of a testimonial to the first ' Master of the lodge , Bro ; Dr . Goldsbro ' , the Prov . S . G . W ., who is a native of Welchpool . The ceremony of installation was performed by the retiring W . M ., assisted by a board of
P . M . ' s formed by Bros . C . Wigan , Prov . G . Sec . ; W . Brightwell , P . Prov . S . G . W . ; H . Muggeridge , P . M ., 192 ; the latternamed brother ( who had consecrated the lodge , and was elected honorary member ) , acting as the Dir . of Cers . Bro . T . B . Browne having been duly installed , was sainted by the brethren in the several degrees , after which the following were invested as the officers of the lodge for the ensuing year : —Bros . Goldsbro ' , I . P . M . ; G . Owen , S . W . ; F . Smith , J . W . ; T . Newill , Treas . ; J . Samuel , Sec . ; The Rev . J . M . Edwards , Chap . ; D . P . Owen ,
S . D . ; J . D . ; D . Andrew , I . G . ; Barnard , Tyler . It was then proposed by tbe W . M ., and seconded by the Bro . Secretary , that a suitable Past Blaster ' s jewel be presented by the lodge to Bro . Goldsbro ' , P . BI ., in recognition of his valuable services , which was carried unanimously . The following propositions were also carried unanimously : — 1 st . That the lodge do constitute Bro . Goldsbro' a Life Governor of the Girls' Schoolon the occasion of his representing this
, lodge as a Steward at the next festival . 2 nd . That the sum of one guinea be given as a donation to the Welchpool Dispensary , and the same sum as a donation to the Salop Infirmary . All lodge business being ended , the lodge was closed , and the brethren adjourned to an excellent banquet , at which the newly-installed W . M . presided , supported by the . I . P . M ., and by the following brethren : —Bros , the Rev . J . M
Edwards , Chap . M . N ., and Chap , of the lodge ; C . Wigan , Prov . G . Sec . ; W . Brightwell , P . Prov . S . G . W . ; H . Muggeridge , P . M ,, as Dir . of Cirs . ; P . B . Williams , F . Smith , J . W . ; T . P . Jones , T . Coverdale , J . Eddowes , E . Pryce , J . Samuel , D . Andrew , W . Withy , T . Rutter , J . E . Poundley , J . H . Pollock , T . Morris , F . Roper , T . Gough , J . C . Frank , J . C . Edwards , B . Lay , & c . Grace having been said , the W . BI . and brethren rose from the table and assembled at the upper part of the banquetting
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
to have had such Masters as Colonel Maydwell , Major Burney , Captain Pender , Colonel Freeling , and Captain Boyce ; but , although circumstances had called them away , they still had the chair most worthily filled ; and he hoped it would be as ably occupied for many years to come . As the Prov . G . M . had remarked , it was a great pleasure at this lodge to see officers , subalterns , and non-commissioned officers sitting down at the same table . A Blasonic lodge was the only place in the world
where that privilege was enjoyed , and he helieved the noncommissioned officers knew well how to appreciate such a privilege . He hoped the lodge would continue to prosper as it had hitherto done . " " The Prov . G . BI . proposed " The health of the Worshipful Blaster , " congratulating Bro . Carnegie upon being elected to so distinguished a position ; and congratulating the brethren upon being presided over by a Blaster who did credit to the lodge b
y his efficiency as a Mason , and to himself by the moderation and good sense with which he discharged the duties of his office . The W . BI . returned thanks , observing that it would be his endeavour during his period of office to follow in the steps of his two immediate predecessors , Colonel Freeling and Captain Boyce ; and if at the close of the year he should be thought to deserve the kind feeling which was now manifested towards
him he should feel amply repaid for any exertions he might be called upon to make in connection with the Mastership of the lodge . The W . BIASTER said , having been honoured by the presence of the W . BI . of an Irish lodge , of which he himself was a P . M ., he would propose " The Health of his Grace the Duke of Leinster , G . BI . of Ireland , aud of Bro . Captain Lea , of Lodge 311 of the Irish Constitution . "
, Captain LEA returned thanks , and bore testimony to the high respect in which Bro . Carnegie was held by the members of Lodge 311 , to which he formerly belonged . The health of Bro . Bfatthews was next drank , as Installing Blaster , with thanks for his kind and most efficient services ; which Bro . MATTHEWS duly acknowledged . With the toast of " The Visitors" was coupled the names of
the following brethren : —Bean , W . BI ., Angel Lodge ; Franks , W . BI ., Perfect Friendship Lodge , Ipswich ; and Glass , W . M ., Chigwell Lodge ; who severally returned thanks . The other toasts were " The late Blaster of the United Lodge , Bro . Captain Boyce , " proposed by Bro . ANDERSON ; "The Senior Warden , Bro . Wolverson , " proposed by Bro . DARKEN ; " The Junior Warden , Bro . Lieutenant Sheringham , " proposed by the W . MASTEE ; "The Deacons , Bros . W . Smith and D . Lewis , " proposed by Bro . BIATTHE-WS ; & C , & c .
LANCASHIRE ( EAST ) . HULME . —BLAIR LODGE ( NO . 815 ) . —A meeting of this lodge was held on the 13 th inst ., at the Hulme Town Hall . The chair of K . S . was occupied by Bro . Dr . Dill . Bros . John Hyde , Thos . A . Sidgreaves , Thomas Black , and Samuel S . Crosford were raised to the sublime degree of M . M . The ceremony included the lecture on the tracing-board .
LANCASHIRE ( WEST ) . LIVERPOOL . —Temple Lodge ( No . 1094 ) . —The following is a copy of the dedication and invocation referred to in our last as being delivered by the Prov . G . Chap . The oration delivered by him on the same occasion will be found in another page : — Presiding Officer : In the name of the Great Jehovah , the Great Architect of Heaven and Earthto whom be all honour
, and glory , I do solemnly dedicate this temple to Blasonry . Grand Chaplain : Grant , O Lord our God , that those who shall have the government of this lodge may be endued with wisdom to instruct their brethren in all their duties . May brotherly love , righteousness , and truth always prevail among its members , and may this bond of union continue to strengthen the lodges throughout the world .
" Glory be to God on high , " & c . Presiding Officer : In the name of the holy St . John , I do solemnly dedicate this temple to Virtue . Grand Chaplain : Bless all our brethren , wherever dispersed , and grant speedy relief to all who are either oppressed or distressed . " Glory be to God on high , " & c . Presiding Officer : In the name of the whole Fraternity , I
do solemnly dedicate this temple to universal benevolence and charity . Grand Chaplain : We affectionately commend to Thee all the members of the whole Fraternity , may they increase in grace , and in the knowledge and love of each other . " Glory to God on high , " & c . Finally , may we finish all our work here below with Thy
approbation , and then have our transition from this earthly abode to Thy heavenly temple above , there to enjoy lights , glory , and bliss ineffable and eternal . " Glory to God on high , " & c . '' As it was , " & e . Presiding Officer : Brethren , in the name of the Blosfc High , to whom be glory and honour , may he be with you at your
beginning , may He strengthen you in the principles of our Masonic art , may He prosper you with success , and your zealous pursuits redound to the good of the Craft . By the divine aid we constitute and found you , my good brethren , into a Lodge of Freemasons , and from henceforth empower you to act as a constituted lodge in conformity to the rites of our order and the charges of onr ancient Fraternity ; may God be with you . Amen . Grand honours .
Grand Chaplain : To the memory of the Holy St . John we dedicate tbis lodge ; may every brother revere their charactersand imitate their virtues . " Glory be to God on high , " & c . " As it was , " & c .
Shropshire And North Wales.
WELCHPOOL LODGE , ( No . 998 . ) The second anniversary of this very prosperous lodge was held in the lodge room at the Royal Oak Hotel , Welchpool , on Friday , the 6 th inst . This meeting had , for some time , been anticipated with more than ordinary interest , it being that fixed for the installation of the highly and deservedly esteemed and respected Bro . Thomas Blakeman Brown ( whose exertions had
, in a great measure contributed to the success of the establishment of the lodge ) , who had been unanimously elected W . M . for the ensuing year . Ifc was , moreover , the day appointed for the nresentation , in a public manner , of a testimonial to the first ' Master of the lodge , Bro ; Dr . Goldsbro ' , the Prov . S . G . W ., who is a native of Welchpool . The ceremony of installation was performed by the retiring W . M ., assisted by a board of
P . M . ' s formed by Bros . C . Wigan , Prov . G . Sec . ; W . Brightwell , P . Prov . S . G . W . ; H . Muggeridge , P . M ., 192 ; the latternamed brother ( who had consecrated the lodge , and was elected honorary member ) , acting as the Dir . of Cers . Bro . T . B . Browne having been duly installed , was sainted by the brethren in the several degrees , after which the following were invested as the officers of the lodge for the ensuing year : —Bros . Goldsbro ' , I . P . M . ; G . Owen , S . W . ; F . Smith , J . W . ; T . Newill , Treas . ; J . Samuel , Sec . ; The Rev . J . M . Edwards , Chap . ; D . P . Owen ,
S . D . ; J . D . ; D . Andrew , I . G . ; Barnard , Tyler . It was then proposed by tbe W . M ., and seconded by the Bro . Secretary , that a suitable Past Blaster ' s jewel be presented by the lodge to Bro . Goldsbro ' , P . BI ., in recognition of his valuable services , which was carried unanimously . The following propositions were also carried unanimously : — 1 st . That the lodge do constitute Bro . Goldsbro' a Life Governor of the Girls' Schoolon the occasion of his representing this
, lodge as a Steward at the next festival . 2 nd . That the sum of one guinea be given as a donation to the Welchpool Dispensary , and the same sum as a donation to the Salop Infirmary . All lodge business being ended , the lodge was closed , and the brethren adjourned to an excellent banquet , at which the newly-installed W . M . presided , supported by the . I . P . M ., and by the following brethren : —Bros , the Rev . J . M
Edwards , Chap . M . N ., and Chap , of the lodge ; C . Wigan , Prov . G . Sec . ; W . Brightwell , P . Prov . S . G . W . ; H . Muggeridge , P . M ,, as Dir . of Cirs . ; P . B . Williams , F . Smith , J . W . ; T . P . Jones , T . Coverdale , J . Eddowes , E . Pryce , J . Samuel , D . Andrew , W . Withy , T . Rutter , J . E . Poundley , J . H . Pollock , T . Morris , F . Roper , T . Gough , J . C . Frank , J . C . Edwards , B . Lay , & c . Grace having been said , the W . BI . and brethren rose from the table and assembled at the upper part of the banquetting