Article THE MASONIC MIRROR. Page 1 of 1 Article METROPOLITAN. Page 1 of 2 →
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The Masonic Mirror.
MASONIC MEMS . WE learn that the dinner to the R . AV . P . G . M . of Norfolk , Bro . Benjamin Bond Cabbell , which was postponed last year in consequence of the unfortunate illness of that respected brother , will tako place probably towards the end of August . It is to be hoped that the price of the tickets will not be fixed so high as to limit the
attendance to merely the wealthier Brethren of the province , as ire are sieve that the larger the company , the more the compliment will be esteemed by Bro . Cabbell . At the same time , Bro . Cabbell has always behaved in so munificient a way in all his relations with the Brethren of the province , and inaugurated his accession to the Prov . Grand Mastership by so splendid a banquet , that it would not be
respectful or gracious to entertain him in an inferior manner . AVe believe that the Lodges in the province , as well as many individual Brethren , would gladly subscribe towards the expense of the banquet , so that it may be rendered worthy of the distinguinhed guest and of the -Brethren ; ancl that , at the same time , the price of the . tickets may not be such as to make the company more select than
numerous , whicli can surely not be a desideratum according to Masonic notions . The R . AV . Prov . G . M . of Norfolk , Bro . Benjamin Bond Cabbell , has subscribed £ 20 to the Ereemasons' Girls' School , to secure a permanent vote for tho AA . M . for the time being of the Cabbell Lodge ( No . 1 , 109 ) , recently consecrated at Norwich , ancl named in honour of the Prov . G . M .
CAMDEN LOBG-E ( No . 1 , 009 ) . —This Lodge held its usual monthly meeting at tho York and Albany , llegent ' s Park , on Tuesday , the 17 th instant . The officers present were Bros . Best , AV . M . ; Holver , S . W . ; Moore , J . W . ; Haines , S . D . ; Frost , J . D . ; Helps , I . G . ; Jones , immediate P . M . ; ancl Tyrrell , P . M ., and Treas . The business before tbo Lodge consisted of one initiation and four passings , which were excellently performed by tbe VV . M . The Lodge
beingclosed , about forty brethren sat down to the banquet , and amongst the visitors were Bros . Harris , P . M ., No . 9 ; Piatt , S . AA ., 168 ; Powell and Johnson , 252 ; Berry , 955 ; Foxall ancl Moore , 1 , 04-1 . After the usual toasts the principal event of the evening was tbe presentation to Bro . Jones of a gold P . AI . ' s jewel , as well as a collar and its silver P . AI . ' s jewel attached . This was clone in a very appropriate manner by the AV . M ., who observed how much the Camden Lodge was indebted to Bro . Jonestheir founder and late
, Treasurer , for the warm interest be had taken since its establishment in its prosperity . Bro . Jones made a very excellent reply , and the proceedings were not brought to a close until a late hour . Both the jewels were manufactured by Bro . Piatt , aud reflect great credit on him for their neatness ancl capital workmanship .
INSTKUCTION . _ ST . JOUX ' S LODGE ( NO . 196 ) . —This excellent Lodge of Instruction bold its seventh anniversary festival at the Holly Bush Tavern , Hampstead , on Thursday the 19 th instant . The Lodge was opened nt three o'clock , and the fifteen sections were worked under the care of the following oflicers , Joseph K . Smith , AV . M . ; Tyrrell , , S . W . ; D . AV . FarmerAsst . G . Purst . JAVFrostSDHoughton
, , .. ; , .. ; , . 1 . 1 ) . ; Steer , I . G . ; ancl Bro . Aldrich , Sec . The Lectures were worked , in sections , by the following Brethren , the AV . M . putting the questions . First Lecture . —1 st sec , Bro . Hart ; 2 nd , George ; 3 rd , Moore ; 4 th Robinson ; 5 th Tyrrell ; 6 th , Lo Gassick ; 7 th , T . A . Adams . Second Lecture : 1 st sec , Bro . Frost ; 2 nd , Farmer ; 3 rd , Le Gassick ; 4 th , Newall ; 5 th , Farmer . Third Lecture : 1 st sec , Bros . Shury ,- 2 nd , Newall ; 3 rd , Frost .
There were a large number of tho Brethren proposed as members of the Lodge of Instruction , and a vote of thanks to the AV . M ., for bis excellent manner in putting the questions , ivas ordered to be entered on the minutes . The Lodge being closed , the Brethren adjourned to the banquet , which ivas of the usual capital character enjoyed by tbe St . John ' s Lodge . Contrary to usual custom the AV . M . asked Bro . Adams to preside for him ; ' and we say contrary to the usual custom , because , where a AV . M . is deficient in working knowledge be is generally good as a Chairman , but in this instance Bro . Joseph R . Smith , a first-rate worker , felt
himself incompetent to undertake the duties of the chair at refreshment . However , as all will agree who read our report , the dignity of the position lost nothing of its effect in being so ably filled , as it was , by our G . Purst . Bro . T . A . Adams Having time to look about ns , after the cloth was cleared , and while the dessert was being put upon tbe table , we recognised the following Brethren as present . Bro . T . A . Adams , G . Purst ., ; DAVFarmerAsst . G . Purst . ; ThistletonNo . 2 ; Acllard 7 and
. . , , , 196 ; Home and Goldstandt , 11 ; Le Gassick , Newall , Lyons , ancl George , 25 ; Matthew Cooke , 29 ; Thomas , 101 ; Joseph R . Smith , AV . M . ; Aldrich , Sec . ; Ashby , Clarke , Dale , Douglas , Hart , Hayward , Irwin , Jay , Matthews , Muncey , Paxon , Pritchard , Rippin , Shury , and Steer , all of 196 ; Sedgwick ancl Simpson , 211 ; Nolan ancl Youston , 219 ; Buchanan , 22 S ; Button and Terry , 276 ; Henley , 302 ; Orford , 711 ; Caldclugh and Frost , 1006 ; Reilly , 1051 ;
ancl AVuest , 1055 ; besides many others whose names we were unacquainted with . The first toast was that which always obtains a hearty reception amongst Masons , " Tbe Queen , " which was followed by The health of tbe M . AV . G . M ., the Earl of Zetland . Next in order came the D . G . M ., Lorcl Panmure , and the rest of the Grancl Officers , past and present , and as Bro . Adam ' s said , being a Grand Officer , it looked very like proposing his own health , but he could assure them that was not intendedbecausebo was happy
, , to say , Bro . Farmer , the Asst . G . Purst . was present , and he should therefore couple his his name with the toast . Bro . FABAIEI * , Asst . G . Purst ., wished that Lorcl Panmure had been present to witness tbe enthusiastic reception of his name , as ivell as the ivay in which the mention of the Grancl Officers , past and present , was hailed . He felt that in their D . G . M ., and tbe entire body of Grand Officers , there was but one endeavour , to do their duty to the best of their ability—and for bis own part , while he imitated their worthy
Brother in the chair , Bro . Adams , he shonlcl be doing his duty properly and win their good opinion . For their kindness towards himself j and on behalf of those mentioned in the toast , he expressed his fraternal thanks . Bro . ADAMS was sure the next toast woulcl be cordially responded to . It ivas the AV . M . of the parent Lodge , and the W . M . who had so ably performed his duties that evening . No . 196 , were perfectly satisfied with him , ancl highly appreciated him . Although he was but a very young Masonyet he was old
, in heart and a true Brother , ancl he advisee ! all who wished to act up to thoir profession to follow in the example of their AA . M ., Bro . Joseph 11 . Smith , and thereby prove themselves an honour to the Craft . Their AV . M ., young Mason as he was , had accepted the Stewardship of each of the charities . ( Hear , hear . ) His purse was ever open to the cry of Masonic distress , ancl to his , ( Bro . Adams' ) knowledge , their W . M . dispensed above sixty pounds a-year
in doing good for his loss fortunate Brethren and their offspring . ( Hear , hear . ) Could be , as their Chairman , advance any better claim to their applause in behalf of Bro . Joseph R . Smith ? ( No , no . ) Then he called upon them to pledge him in a bumper to "The health of the AV . M . of the parent Lodge , and long life to him . " The toast was drank ivith enthusiasm . Bro . Joseph R . SMITH returned his best thanks . He was unable to take the chair at the banquet , which he was sure none ivould regret on that occasion
, seeing he had found such an excellent substitute . However , as he had been told that he hacl done his duty so well , he was glad to hear it , and always hoped to give the same satisfaction . Bro . ABAMS said , at all times the Brethren were delighted to welcome visitors , both in the parent Lodge ancl in the Lodge of Instruction . In the latter they had many who gave them the benefits of their talents , as bad that day been exemplified . Looking back a few years he remembered that to work the fifteen sections was considered an
unusual feat of skill , but now he felt happy to see so many young , talented , and energetic Masons assemble whenever the sections were announced . They were always welcome visitors , and so were the Brethren who , not taking so prominent a part , yet came to listen and be improved . For his own part , he was always ready to worlc a section anywhere , ancl that day , although he was S . AV . of the Globe Lodge , and that Lodge held its summer banquet at Richmondhe feltas the AV . M . was one of his ilsbound to support
, , pup , him . He had established that Lodge of Instruction , ancl was proud to see it so well supported , and whilst he saw so many visitors come from the N ., AV ., E ., and S . to take their parts , either active or passive , in its prosperity be was sure tbe members bad only one desire , to thank them and hope to see them again , whilst they wished that they might all live long ancl die happy . He therefore begged to couple the visitors with the name of Bro . Dr . Nolan .
Dr . NOLAN returned thanks . Bro . ADAMS had seen the cordial support , given to Lodge of Instruction , No . 169 , by the Officers and Stewards , ancl was sure tbey bad each exerted themselves to the utmost . In all Lodges tbey were dependent _ on each other , but in none more so than in a Lodge of Instruction , where they assembled to learn their duties . To such Lodges he recommended every Bro . to repair , for if Lodge honours were worth acceptance , tbey were worth working for : ancl no one
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Masonic Mirror.
MASONIC MEMS . WE learn that the dinner to the R . AV . P . G . M . of Norfolk , Bro . Benjamin Bond Cabbell , which was postponed last year in consequence of the unfortunate illness of that respected brother , will tako place probably towards the end of August . It is to be hoped that the price of the tickets will not be fixed so high as to limit the
attendance to merely the wealthier Brethren of the province , as ire are sieve that the larger the company , the more the compliment will be esteemed by Bro . Cabbell . At the same time , Bro . Cabbell has always behaved in so munificient a way in all his relations with the Brethren of the province , and inaugurated his accession to the Prov . Grand Mastership by so splendid a banquet , that it would not be
respectful or gracious to entertain him in an inferior manner . AVe believe that the Lodges in the province , as well as many individual Brethren , would gladly subscribe towards the expense of the banquet , so that it may be rendered worthy of the distinguinhed guest and of the -Brethren ; ancl that , at the same time , the price of the . tickets may not be such as to make the company more select than
numerous , whicli can surely not be a desideratum according to Masonic notions . The R . AV . Prov . G . M . of Norfolk , Bro . Benjamin Bond Cabbell , has subscribed £ 20 to the Ereemasons' Girls' School , to secure a permanent vote for tho AA . M . for the time being of the Cabbell Lodge ( No . 1 , 109 ) , recently consecrated at Norwich , ancl named in honour of the Prov . G . M .
CAMDEN LOBG-E ( No . 1 , 009 ) . —This Lodge held its usual monthly meeting at tho York and Albany , llegent ' s Park , on Tuesday , the 17 th instant . The officers present were Bros . Best , AV . M . ; Holver , S . W . ; Moore , J . W . ; Haines , S . D . ; Frost , J . D . ; Helps , I . G . ; Jones , immediate P . M . ; ancl Tyrrell , P . M ., and Treas . The business before tbo Lodge consisted of one initiation and four passings , which were excellently performed by tbe VV . M . The Lodge
beingclosed , about forty brethren sat down to the banquet , and amongst the visitors were Bros . Harris , P . M ., No . 9 ; Piatt , S . AA ., 168 ; Powell and Johnson , 252 ; Berry , 955 ; Foxall ancl Moore , 1 , 04-1 . After the usual toasts the principal event of the evening was tbe presentation to Bro . Jones of a gold P . AI . ' s jewel , as well as a collar and its silver P . AI . ' s jewel attached . This was clone in a very appropriate manner by the AV . M ., who observed how much the Camden Lodge was indebted to Bro . Jonestheir founder and late
, Treasurer , for the warm interest be had taken since its establishment in its prosperity . Bro . Jones made a very excellent reply , and the proceedings were not brought to a close until a late hour . Both the jewels were manufactured by Bro . Piatt , aud reflect great credit on him for their neatness ancl capital workmanship .
INSTKUCTION . _ ST . JOUX ' S LODGE ( NO . 196 ) . —This excellent Lodge of Instruction bold its seventh anniversary festival at the Holly Bush Tavern , Hampstead , on Thursday the 19 th instant . The Lodge was opened nt three o'clock , and the fifteen sections were worked under the care of the following oflicers , Joseph K . Smith , AV . M . ; Tyrrell , , S . W . ; D . AV . FarmerAsst . G . Purst . JAVFrostSDHoughton
, , .. ; , .. ; , . 1 . 1 ) . ; Steer , I . G . ; ancl Bro . Aldrich , Sec . The Lectures were worked , in sections , by the following Brethren , the AV . M . putting the questions . First Lecture . —1 st sec , Bro . Hart ; 2 nd , George ; 3 rd , Moore ; 4 th Robinson ; 5 th Tyrrell ; 6 th , Lo Gassick ; 7 th , T . A . Adams . Second Lecture : 1 st sec , Bro . Frost ; 2 nd , Farmer ; 3 rd , Le Gassick ; 4 th , Newall ; 5 th , Farmer . Third Lecture : 1 st sec , Bros . Shury ,- 2 nd , Newall ; 3 rd , Frost .
There were a large number of tho Brethren proposed as members of the Lodge of Instruction , and a vote of thanks to the AV . M ., for bis excellent manner in putting the questions , ivas ordered to be entered on the minutes . The Lodge being closed , the Brethren adjourned to the banquet , which ivas of the usual capital character enjoyed by tbe St . John ' s Lodge . Contrary to usual custom the AV . M . asked Bro . Adams to preside for him ; ' and we say contrary to the usual custom , because , where a AV . M . is deficient in working knowledge be is generally good as a Chairman , but in this instance Bro . Joseph R . Smith , a first-rate worker , felt
himself incompetent to undertake the duties of the chair at refreshment . However , as all will agree who read our report , the dignity of the position lost nothing of its effect in being so ably filled , as it was , by our G . Purst . Bro . T . A . Adams Having time to look about ns , after the cloth was cleared , and while the dessert was being put upon tbe table , we recognised the following Brethren as present . Bro . T . A . Adams , G . Purst ., ; DAVFarmerAsst . G . Purst . ; ThistletonNo . 2 ; Acllard 7 and
. . , , , 196 ; Home and Goldstandt , 11 ; Le Gassick , Newall , Lyons , ancl George , 25 ; Matthew Cooke , 29 ; Thomas , 101 ; Joseph R . Smith , AV . M . ; Aldrich , Sec . ; Ashby , Clarke , Dale , Douglas , Hart , Hayward , Irwin , Jay , Matthews , Muncey , Paxon , Pritchard , Rippin , Shury , and Steer , all of 196 ; Sedgwick ancl Simpson , 211 ; Nolan ancl Youston , 219 ; Buchanan , 22 S ; Button and Terry , 276 ; Henley , 302 ; Orford , 711 ; Caldclugh and Frost , 1006 ; Reilly , 1051 ;
ancl AVuest , 1055 ; besides many others whose names we were unacquainted with . The first toast was that which always obtains a hearty reception amongst Masons , " Tbe Queen , " which was followed by The health of tbe M . AV . G . M ., the Earl of Zetland . Next in order came the D . G . M ., Lorcl Panmure , and the rest of the Grancl Officers , past and present , and as Bro . Adam ' s said , being a Grand Officer , it looked very like proposing his own health , but he could assure them that was not intendedbecausebo was happy
, , to say , Bro . Farmer , the Asst . G . Purst . was present , and he should therefore couple his his name with the toast . Bro . FABAIEI * , Asst . G . Purst ., wished that Lorcl Panmure had been present to witness tbe enthusiastic reception of his name , as ivell as the ivay in which the mention of the Grancl Officers , past and present , was hailed . He felt that in their D . G . M ., and tbe entire body of Grand Officers , there was but one endeavour , to do their duty to the best of their ability—and for bis own part , while he imitated their worthy
Brother in the chair , Bro . Adams , he shonlcl be doing his duty properly and win their good opinion . For their kindness towards himself j and on behalf of those mentioned in the toast , he expressed his fraternal thanks . Bro . ADAMS was sure the next toast woulcl be cordially responded to . It ivas the AV . M . of the parent Lodge , and the W . M . who had so ably performed his duties that evening . No . 196 , were perfectly satisfied with him , ancl highly appreciated him . Although he was but a very young Masonyet he was old
, in heart and a true Brother , ancl he advisee ! all who wished to act up to thoir profession to follow in the example of their AA . M ., Bro . Joseph 11 . Smith , and thereby prove themselves an honour to the Craft . Their AV . M ., young Mason as he was , had accepted the Stewardship of each of the charities . ( Hear , hear . ) His purse was ever open to the cry of Masonic distress , ancl to his , ( Bro . Adams' ) knowledge , their W . M . dispensed above sixty pounds a-year
in doing good for his loss fortunate Brethren and their offspring . ( Hear , hear . ) Could be , as their Chairman , advance any better claim to their applause in behalf of Bro . Joseph R . Smith ? ( No , no . ) Then he called upon them to pledge him in a bumper to "The health of the AV . M . of the parent Lodge , and long life to him . " The toast was drank ivith enthusiasm . Bro . Joseph R . SMITH returned his best thanks . He was unable to take the chair at the banquet , which he was sure none ivould regret on that occasion
, seeing he had found such an excellent substitute . However , as he had been told that he hacl done his duty so well , he was glad to hear it , and always hoped to give the same satisfaction . Bro . ABAMS said , at all times the Brethren were delighted to welcome visitors , both in the parent Lodge ancl in the Lodge of Instruction . In the latter they had many who gave them the benefits of their talents , as bad that day been exemplified . Looking back a few years he remembered that to work the fifteen sections was considered an
unusual feat of skill , but now he felt happy to see so many young , talented , and energetic Masons assemble whenever the sections were announced . They were always welcome visitors , and so were the Brethren who , not taking so prominent a part , yet came to listen and be improved . For his own part , he was always ready to worlc a section anywhere , ancl that day , although he was S . AV . of the Globe Lodge , and that Lodge held its summer banquet at Richmondhe feltas the AV . M . was one of his ilsbound to support
, , pup , him . He had established that Lodge of Instruction , ancl was proud to see it so well supported , and whilst he saw so many visitors come from the N ., AV ., E ., and S . to take their parts , either active or passive , in its prosperity be was sure tbe members bad only one desire , to thank them and hope to see them again , whilst they wished that they might all live long ancl die happy . He therefore begged to couple the visitors with the name of Bro . Dr . Nolan .
Dr . NOLAN returned thanks . Bro . ADAMS had seen the cordial support , given to Lodge of Instruction , No . 169 , by the Officers and Stewards , ancl was sure tbey bad each exerted themselves to the utmost . In all Lodges tbey were dependent _ on each other , but in none more so than in a Lodge of Instruction , where they assembled to learn their duties . To such Lodges he recommended every Bro . to repair , for if Lodge honours were worth acceptance , tbey were worth working for : ancl no one