Article MASONIC NOTES AND QUERIES. Page 1 of 2 →
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Masonic Notes And Queries.
PARACELSUS . Some works on Masonry include Paracelsus among the brotherhood : Avhat authority is there for this ?—Where is the best account of him to be found?—E . A . C . —[ We are not inclined to trust the works that reckon Paracelsus amongst Masons , because Ave doubt his being an initiated Brother in our sense ofthe term . He Avas a noted alchymist and disciple of the Rosicmcian theory . For a good account of him see any Biographical Dictionary ; that by Chalmert is the most easy of general access . ]
RELIGIOUS BITES 01 ? THE GREEK MYSTERIES . Wanted a good account of those rites and ceremonies that "were adopted in the lesser Greek Mysteries . —ADONIS . —[ See Duncan's Belie / ions of Profane Antiquity ; their Mythology , Fables , Hieroglyphics , and Doctrines , founded , on Astronomical pi'inciples . THE ORDER OE TIIE GOOD SAMARITAN .
Is the order of the Good Samaritan Masonic , and to what rite does it belong ?—LL . D . —[ It is a degree for Masons ' ivives , and took its rise in America . Of course we look upon female Masonry , as it is called , as holding nothing in common with Ereemasonry . ]
DATE OE THE EDICT OP CYBUS . What was the exact date Cyrus sent forth his edict of liberation to the Jewish Captives ?—PRIN . H . —[ A . M . 3466 , -orB . C . 538 . ] MASONIC EBAS . In looking over Masonic documents , one meets with -various letters and figures which represent dates : can any
tone explain to what these refer?—T . E . —[ A . L . means Anno Lncis , or the year of Light , thus A . L . 5860 , is the - present year A . D . 1860 . The Scotch rite use the Jewish chronology , sometimes ivriting A . II . for Anno Hebraica , or Hebrew year , with them 5620 is A . D . 1860 . The rite of Mizraim adopt Archbishop Usher ' s tables , and they consequently add 4004 years to the A . D . SO ivith them the
, present year would be 5864 . R . A . Masons' date A . Iuo . Anno Inventionis , or year of the discovery , 530 years B . C .. 1860 , is therefore , with them , 2390 . - Knights Templar place their foundation in A . D . 118 . They Avrite A . O . Anno ilrdinis , or year of the order , which this year is 742 . ]
PUNISHMENT OP COWANS . What was the puishment inflicted upon Cowans by the early Masons?—F # * D— [ The old lectures state , that as he was an " eaves-dropper , " he was "to be placed under the eaves of the house , iu rainy weather , till the water runs in at his shoidders and out at his heels . " ] ENCAMPMENT OB , COMMANDEBY .
Which is the most proper designation of an assembly of Knight Templar when met . Is it an Encampment or a Commandery?—CAPTAIN OF LINES . PARTICULARS OP PESSLEE WANTED . Who knows , and will tell us , anything of the life of Eessler , the originator of a rite that bears his name?—ARTHUR BROOKS .
LECTURES OP THE GRAND CHAPTER OP HARODIM . In Preston it is stated " The mysteries of this order are peculiar to the institution itself , ivhile the lectures of the chapter include every branch of the Masonic system , " & c . Is any one noAv competent to give these lectures , and AVIIO are eligible to attend them ?—A MASON SEEKING KNOAV - LBDGE .
INDENTED TASSELS AND TESSELATED BORDER . Occasionally , Ave hear old Masons talk of the Indented Tassels-, are they synonymous with what we understand by the Tesselated Border?—E . FINCH . KILWINNING ABBEY ' . Do the ruins of Kilwinning Abbey , in Scotland , yet exist . If notAvhere Avas it situatedancl are views of it
, , any preserved ? If it was such a beautiful building , as reported , it must also have belonged to a wealthy order . What order did it belong to , and are any chartularies , terriers , leigers , or other documents , purporting to bo issued by its superiors , jin existence , and where ?—DUNS SCOTUS ,
HISTORY OP THE KNIGHTS TEMPLARS . I ivant a short history of the Knights Templars . Where shall I find one?—CIAVIS—[ Read 0 . G . Addison ' s "The Knights Templars , " 6 pages , SA'O . London , 1842 . ] OPPICERS OP ERENCH LODGES . Are the Officers in French Masonic Lodges the same as
Avith us ?—JOHN BULL . —[ Not so . Le Venerable ansAvers to our AV . M . ; Premier and Second Surveillants , S . and J . W . ; an Expert , who combines the duties of the Deacons , and examines strangers ; an Orator ; Treasurer ; Secretary ; Almoner , to collect and distribute the Lodge alms ; Master of Ceremonies ; Architect who sees to the furniture and decorations ; Archiviste or Librarian ; Keeper of the Seal ; Master of the Banquets , or Steward ; and Guardian of the Temple , or Tyler . ]
PRESTON ' S ILLUSTRATIONS OP MASONRY . Which is the best edition of " Preston ' s Illustrations of Masonry ? " —HENRY . —[ Wo prefer Stephen Jones's , Preston ' s old pupil aud friend , printed in 1821 , by AJVhittaker and Co . It is the thirteenth edition . ] DEVICE POR A MASONIC JEAVEL .
[ To furnish such is no part of our plan , nor Avould it be just to recommend any Masonic jeAveller before another . Consult our advertisement sheet , there you Avill find the manufacturers names , and then choose for yourself to whom to apply . ]
THE LION ' S PAW AND THE EAGLE ' S CLAW . [ Sends us your name , address , and Kb . of your Lodge , in confidence , aud give us a reference to some Avell known Mason , to vouch that you are a brother , and we will answer you privately by letter . ] AN OBLONG SQUARE .
Is there such a thing as an oblong square ?—O . —[ Yes . It is a parallelogram , or four-sided figure , all of its angles being equal , but having two of its sides longer than the others . ] FREEMASONRY AND ARCHITECTURAL SECRETS . What ivere the architectural secrets so jealously guarded hi the middle ages . Were thev the secrets of Freemasonry ? —X . I . X . " . J
" ODE TO MY APRON . " [ We do not insert original Odes or songs , in *[ this part of our " Magazine . When A'erses or entire songs have been given , they have been printed , as shewing an usage or custom . The " Ode to my Apron" Ai * e have enclosed in an envelope , marked "to be returned ; " please say to what address we may forward it . ]
THE MASONIC BONE BOX . As you settled my quei-y about " driving of piles , " just be so kind as to tell me what is a Masonic bone-box ?—AJAX . — [ Ajax must surely have got some old Mason at his elbow to prompt him , but never mind , Ave can tell him Avhat he wants to knoAv . A letter has been forwarded to the address our correspondent formerly gave us . Don't try any more puzzles for a month . We are busy and want rest sometimes . ]
MASONRY AND THE EPISCOPATE . As Masonry is universally diffused through all ranks of society , are there any bishops belonging to our Order ?—T . A . T— [ Yes . Two real live bishops . We shan't tell you Avhich of them ; but one was made at Bristol , at the beginning of tho present century , the other in the Apollo University Lodge , at Oxford , in 1835 . ]
CHEA'ALIER RAMSAY ' S BOOK . Iii the Gentleman ' s Magazine for 1738 , the folloAving paragraph occurs : —• " There Avas lately burnt at Rome , Avith great solemnity , by order of tbe Inquisition , a piece in French , Avritten by the Chevalier Ramsay , author of ' The Travels of Cyrus , ' entitled , 'An Apologetical and Historical Relation of the Secrets of Freemasonry , ' printed at Dublin ,
by Patrie Odinoko . This Avas published at Paris , in ansAver to a pretended catechism , printed there by order of the Lieutenant of Police . " Is not the Avhole a fiction ? Has any one a copy , or ever seen a copy of this AA'ork of
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Notes And Queries.
PARACELSUS . Some works on Masonry include Paracelsus among the brotherhood : Avhat authority is there for this ?—Where is the best account of him to be found?—E . A . C . —[ We are not inclined to trust the works that reckon Paracelsus amongst Masons , because Ave doubt his being an initiated Brother in our sense ofthe term . He Avas a noted alchymist and disciple of the Rosicmcian theory . For a good account of him see any Biographical Dictionary ; that by Chalmert is the most easy of general access . ]
RELIGIOUS BITES 01 ? THE GREEK MYSTERIES . Wanted a good account of those rites and ceremonies that "were adopted in the lesser Greek Mysteries . —ADONIS . —[ See Duncan's Belie / ions of Profane Antiquity ; their Mythology , Fables , Hieroglyphics , and Doctrines , founded , on Astronomical pi'inciples . THE ORDER OE TIIE GOOD SAMARITAN .
Is the order of the Good Samaritan Masonic , and to what rite does it belong ?—LL . D . —[ It is a degree for Masons ' ivives , and took its rise in America . Of course we look upon female Masonry , as it is called , as holding nothing in common with Ereemasonry . ]
DATE OE THE EDICT OP CYBUS . What was the exact date Cyrus sent forth his edict of liberation to the Jewish Captives ?—PRIN . H . —[ A . M . 3466 , -orB . C . 538 . ] MASONIC EBAS . In looking over Masonic documents , one meets with -various letters and figures which represent dates : can any
tone explain to what these refer?—T . E . —[ A . L . means Anno Lncis , or the year of Light , thus A . L . 5860 , is the - present year A . D . 1860 . The Scotch rite use the Jewish chronology , sometimes ivriting A . II . for Anno Hebraica , or Hebrew year , with them 5620 is A . D . 1860 . The rite of Mizraim adopt Archbishop Usher ' s tables , and they consequently add 4004 years to the A . D . SO ivith them the
, present year would be 5864 . R . A . Masons' date A . Iuo . Anno Inventionis , or year of the discovery , 530 years B . C .. 1860 , is therefore , with them , 2390 . - Knights Templar place their foundation in A . D . 118 . They Avrite A . O . Anno ilrdinis , or year of the order , which this year is 742 . ]
PUNISHMENT OP COWANS . What was the puishment inflicted upon Cowans by the early Masons?—F # * D— [ The old lectures state , that as he was an " eaves-dropper , " he was "to be placed under the eaves of the house , iu rainy weather , till the water runs in at his shoidders and out at his heels . " ] ENCAMPMENT OB , COMMANDEBY .
Which is the most proper designation of an assembly of Knight Templar when met . Is it an Encampment or a Commandery?—CAPTAIN OF LINES . PARTICULARS OP PESSLEE WANTED . Who knows , and will tell us , anything of the life of Eessler , the originator of a rite that bears his name?—ARTHUR BROOKS .
LECTURES OP THE GRAND CHAPTER OP HARODIM . In Preston it is stated " The mysteries of this order are peculiar to the institution itself , ivhile the lectures of the chapter include every branch of the Masonic system , " & c . Is any one noAv competent to give these lectures , and AVIIO are eligible to attend them ?—A MASON SEEKING KNOAV - LBDGE .
INDENTED TASSELS AND TESSELATED BORDER . Occasionally , Ave hear old Masons talk of the Indented Tassels-, are they synonymous with what we understand by the Tesselated Border?—E . FINCH . KILWINNING ABBEY ' . Do the ruins of Kilwinning Abbey , in Scotland , yet exist . If notAvhere Avas it situatedancl are views of it
, , any preserved ? If it was such a beautiful building , as reported , it must also have belonged to a wealthy order . What order did it belong to , and are any chartularies , terriers , leigers , or other documents , purporting to bo issued by its superiors , jin existence , and where ?—DUNS SCOTUS ,
HISTORY OP THE KNIGHTS TEMPLARS . I ivant a short history of the Knights Templars . Where shall I find one?—CIAVIS—[ Read 0 . G . Addison ' s "The Knights Templars , " 6 pages , SA'O . London , 1842 . ] OPPICERS OP ERENCH LODGES . Are the Officers in French Masonic Lodges the same as
Avith us ?—JOHN BULL . —[ Not so . Le Venerable ansAvers to our AV . M . ; Premier and Second Surveillants , S . and J . W . ; an Expert , who combines the duties of the Deacons , and examines strangers ; an Orator ; Treasurer ; Secretary ; Almoner , to collect and distribute the Lodge alms ; Master of Ceremonies ; Architect who sees to the furniture and decorations ; Archiviste or Librarian ; Keeper of the Seal ; Master of the Banquets , or Steward ; and Guardian of the Temple , or Tyler . ]
PRESTON ' S ILLUSTRATIONS OP MASONRY . Which is the best edition of " Preston ' s Illustrations of Masonry ? " —HENRY . —[ Wo prefer Stephen Jones's , Preston ' s old pupil aud friend , printed in 1821 , by AJVhittaker and Co . It is the thirteenth edition . ] DEVICE POR A MASONIC JEAVEL .
[ To furnish such is no part of our plan , nor Avould it be just to recommend any Masonic jeAveller before another . Consult our advertisement sheet , there you Avill find the manufacturers names , and then choose for yourself to whom to apply . ]
THE LION ' S PAW AND THE EAGLE ' S CLAW . [ Sends us your name , address , and Kb . of your Lodge , in confidence , aud give us a reference to some Avell known Mason , to vouch that you are a brother , and we will answer you privately by letter . ] AN OBLONG SQUARE .
Is there such a thing as an oblong square ?—O . —[ Yes . It is a parallelogram , or four-sided figure , all of its angles being equal , but having two of its sides longer than the others . ] FREEMASONRY AND ARCHITECTURAL SECRETS . What ivere the architectural secrets so jealously guarded hi the middle ages . Were thev the secrets of Freemasonry ? —X . I . X . " . J
" ODE TO MY APRON . " [ We do not insert original Odes or songs , in *[ this part of our " Magazine . When A'erses or entire songs have been given , they have been printed , as shewing an usage or custom . The " Ode to my Apron" Ai * e have enclosed in an envelope , marked "to be returned ; " please say to what address we may forward it . ]
THE MASONIC BONE BOX . As you settled my quei-y about " driving of piles , " just be so kind as to tell me what is a Masonic bone-box ?—AJAX . — [ Ajax must surely have got some old Mason at his elbow to prompt him , but never mind , Ave can tell him Avhat he wants to knoAv . A letter has been forwarded to the address our correspondent formerly gave us . Don't try any more puzzles for a month . We are busy and want rest sometimes . ]
MASONRY AND THE EPISCOPATE . As Masonry is universally diffused through all ranks of society , are there any bishops belonging to our Order ?—T . A . T— [ Yes . Two real live bishops . We shan't tell you Avhich of them ; but one was made at Bristol , at the beginning of tho present century , the other in the Apollo University Lodge , at Oxford , in 1835 . ]
CHEA'ALIER RAMSAY ' S BOOK . Iii the Gentleman ' s Magazine for 1738 , the folloAving paragraph occurs : —• " There Avas lately burnt at Rome , Avith great solemnity , by order of tbe Inquisition , a piece in French , Avritten by the Chevalier Ramsay , author of ' The Travels of Cyrus , ' entitled , 'An Apologetical and Historical Relation of the Secrets of Freemasonry , ' printed at Dublin ,
by Patrie Odinoko . This Avas published at Paris , in ansAver to a pretended catechism , printed there by order of the Lieutenant of Police . " Is not the Avhole a fiction ? Has any one a copy , or ever seen a copy of this AA'ork of