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Masonic Jottings From Abroad.
Scotland and Ireland . In England the feast of St . John was , in olden times , a great annual celebration . Bonfires Avere lighted in every toAvn , around which danced young en and maidens Avith garlands wrought of motherwort , with flowers in their hands , " Whereas they all do fondly thinke
, That AvhosooA * er standes . And thorow the floAvers beholds the flame , His eyes shall feel no paine . When thus to night they danced have , They through the fire amaine , With striving minds doe rmme , and all Their hearbes they cast therein .
These mysteries , we are reminded by Brother Arn Schlonbach in the " BauJmtte , " have a deep masonic signification : "On the height of humanity Ave kindle the John ' s fire of Love . Erom Lodge to Lodge runs the friendly Avords of greeting , " Come to us , think of your brethren , on this day , in all parts of the earth !"
The flames of inspiring words and song , the perfume of floAvers and garlands shall cleanse our soids from the musty and poisonous odours of everyday-life , Avill animate within us UOAV germs of goodness and beauty , and all things shall be worthy sacrifice to the spirit of eternal light—of free humanity ! " At the Berlin grand festival
on St . John ' s day Prince Eredrick Wilhelm Avas present , and entered upon the post of the order held by the late General A'on Selasiusky . ' We have already assumed that the Prince has been since named " Ordensmeister" of
all the German lodges ; and that a Vienna journal , the Peoples Friend , mentions the election of the Prince , and ventures to assert that the order of E . M . is founded AA * ith the intention of OA'erthroAving crown and altar , and wonders that a princly chief should ever belong to it . The same journal adds— "butAveknoAv that the
admission of such secret chiefs to a knoAvledge of the proper secret p lans of E . M . Avould not be permitted , except to serve as bucklers and charts of security . " The National Journal observes * " on the silliness and ignorance of the above and similar journals there can be no wonder ; but such expressions show that it enjoys a freedom which is
denied to the rest of the press . " On the 24 th June , Avas celebrated at Hamburg , the 50 th anniversary—the jubilee of Bro . K . G . Priitzel the
veteran poet . The brethren formed a en'cle round him and greeted him Avith a festive song on the occasion . He Avas then named an honorary member of the " Grand Lodge" and clothed with the insignia belonging to it . On the 3 rd inst ., Bro . Dr . Wendler of the " Mineiwa , " Berlin , had also his jubilee festival . In the morning the
three Lodges of that city , accompanied with a band , proceeded to his house and gave him a serenade . In the evening there Avas a great gathering in the local Lodge , AA'hich Avas opened Avith a discourse by Bro . Muller , and singing . Bro . Dr . Wendler , after other appropriate ceremonies had been performed , AV . IS presented b y Bro .
Muller Avith the golden apron of honour and a silver tea-service , and uncoA'ered the excellent portrait of tbe worthy member painted by Bro . Souchon . After this , the various deputies presented their greetings . Bro .
Masonic Jottings From Abroad.
Marbacli , master of the "Ealduinzur Lodge , " presented to Bro . Wendler in the name of the lodge a gold ring viith the motto : " Non nisi digno ; " other deputies came forward to name him an honorary member of their respective lodges . Altogether the proceedings were of the most harmonious character . At the close of the Lodge the
brethren found the gardens illuminated in honour of the event . Cheerful tidings reach us from Norway and Sweden , as to the condition and groAvth of lodges in these countries . There is a " Northern Stuart Lodge" in Christiana . The St . Andrew ' s Lodge numbers 47
masters , and 44 felloAvs . The St . John Lodge number 143 masters , 64 fellows , and C 7 apprentices . The " Matricle" as been received , which extends to nine pro-A'inees in the north ; and as an appendix to it , the funeral oration pronounced by Br . A . W . Eaugen , 0 A * er the late Br . King Oscar .
We obseri'e announced , " Eoden fiber Er . Mrei , & c . " ( " Discoui'ses on Ereemasonry , to thinking Non-Masons ) , " a second edition , published at Leipsic , by H . Luppe . This work has been favourably noticed by both the Masonic and non-Masonic Press . That it has
reached a second edition , is some testimony to its value , and AA e are glad to learn that it begins to aAA'aken some interest in Austria . We bespeak the attention of Brethren conversant Aiith German , to an excellent Avork , by Br . J . G . Eindel , " Die Classische Periode der Deutschen Nationalliteratur un achtzchuten Jahrhumdest , " a series of readings from the Avorks of the master minds of Germany .
Cursory Remarks On Freemasonry .— No. Vi.
ONE of the most hopeful symptoms of the present state of Ereemasonry is the number of young members of the Order one constantly meets with , who are dissatisfied with the too much prevailing practice of holding our Lodges at public houses , and Avho are also in
favour of dispensing , almost or entirely , Avith the system of spending any portion of Lodge Eunds in eating or drinking . They ICUOAV that if any religious sect were to meet in a room in an inn , to offer up their prayers to Almighty God , and to be taught their duty towards their Maker and to all His creatures , or to take into
consideration the best means of aiding missionary enterprise , either amongst our OAVU population , or in heathen lands ; and , if at the conclusion of such meetings , bibles and hymn-books Ai'ere cleared , and pipes and glasses brought in in their stead ; they knoAV full Avell that such a mode of procedure Avould not cause the tongue of
good report to be heard in favour of their sobriety , but that Humour , with his hundred tongues , Avould cry out—Eie upon sueh proceedings . And yet there are Lodges in this country , neither feAV nor far betAveen , Avhose meetings are regularly held iu rooms in taverns , AA'here ( though the tyler keeps all coAvans and intruders from
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Jottings From Abroad.
Scotland and Ireland . In England the feast of St . John was , in olden times , a great annual celebration . Bonfires Avere lighted in every toAvn , around which danced young en and maidens Avith garlands wrought of motherwort , with flowers in their hands , " Whereas they all do fondly thinke
, That AvhosooA * er standes . And thorow the floAvers beholds the flame , His eyes shall feel no paine . When thus to night they danced have , They through the fire amaine , With striving minds doe rmme , and all Their hearbes they cast therein .
These mysteries , we are reminded by Brother Arn Schlonbach in the " BauJmtte , " have a deep masonic signification : "On the height of humanity Ave kindle the John ' s fire of Love . Erom Lodge to Lodge runs the friendly Avords of greeting , " Come to us , think of your brethren , on this day , in all parts of the earth !"
The flames of inspiring words and song , the perfume of floAvers and garlands shall cleanse our soids from the musty and poisonous odours of everyday-life , Avill animate within us UOAV germs of goodness and beauty , and all things shall be worthy sacrifice to the spirit of eternal light—of free humanity ! " At the Berlin grand festival
on St . John ' s day Prince Eredrick Wilhelm Avas present , and entered upon the post of the order held by the late General A'on Selasiusky . ' We have already assumed that the Prince has been since named " Ordensmeister" of
all the German lodges ; and that a Vienna journal , the Peoples Friend , mentions the election of the Prince , and ventures to assert that the order of E . M . is founded AA * ith the intention of OA'erthroAving crown and altar , and wonders that a princly chief should ever belong to it . The same journal adds— "butAveknoAv that the
admission of such secret chiefs to a knoAvledge of the proper secret p lans of E . M . Avould not be permitted , except to serve as bucklers and charts of security . " The National Journal observes * " on the silliness and ignorance of the above and similar journals there can be no wonder ; but such expressions show that it enjoys a freedom which is
denied to the rest of the press . " On the 24 th June , Avas celebrated at Hamburg , the 50 th anniversary—the jubilee of Bro . K . G . Priitzel the
veteran poet . The brethren formed a en'cle round him and greeted him Avith a festive song on the occasion . He Avas then named an honorary member of the " Grand Lodge" and clothed with the insignia belonging to it . On the 3 rd inst ., Bro . Dr . Wendler of the " Mineiwa , " Berlin , had also his jubilee festival . In the morning the
three Lodges of that city , accompanied with a band , proceeded to his house and gave him a serenade . In the evening there Avas a great gathering in the local Lodge , AA'hich Avas opened Avith a discourse by Bro . Muller , and singing . Bro . Dr . Wendler , after other appropriate ceremonies had been performed , AV . IS presented b y Bro .
Muller Avith the golden apron of honour and a silver tea-service , and uncoA'ered the excellent portrait of tbe worthy member painted by Bro . Souchon . After this , the various deputies presented their greetings . Bro .
Masonic Jottings From Abroad.
Marbacli , master of the "Ealduinzur Lodge , " presented to Bro . Wendler in the name of the lodge a gold ring viith the motto : " Non nisi digno ; " other deputies came forward to name him an honorary member of their respective lodges . Altogether the proceedings were of the most harmonious character . At the close of the Lodge the
brethren found the gardens illuminated in honour of the event . Cheerful tidings reach us from Norway and Sweden , as to the condition and groAvth of lodges in these countries . There is a " Northern Stuart Lodge" in Christiana . The St . Andrew ' s Lodge numbers 47
masters , and 44 felloAvs . The St . John Lodge number 143 masters , 64 fellows , and C 7 apprentices . The " Matricle" as been received , which extends to nine pro-A'inees in the north ; and as an appendix to it , the funeral oration pronounced by Br . A . W . Eaugen , 0 A * er the late Br . King Oscar .
We obseri'e announced , " Eoden fiber Er . Mrei , & c . " ( " Discoui'ses on Ereemasonry , to thinking Non-Masons ) , " a second edition , published at Leipsic , by H . Luppe . This work has been favourably noticed by both the Masonic and non-Masonic Press . That it has
reached a second edition , is some testimony to its value , and AA e are glad to learn that it begins to aAA'aken some interest in Austria . We bespeak the attention of Brethren conversant Aiith German , to an excellent Avork , by Br . J . G . Eindel , " Die Classische Periode der Deutschen Nationalliteratur un achtzchuten Jahrhumdest , " a series of readings from the Avorks of the master minds of Germany .
Cursory Remarks On Freemasonry .— No. Vi.
ONE of the most hopeful symptoms of the present state of Ereemasonry is the number of young members of the Order one constantly meets with , who are dissatisfied with the too much prevailing practice of holding our Lodges at public houses , and Avho are also in
favour of dispensing , almost or entirely , Avith the system of spending any portion of Lodge Eunds in eating or drinking . They ICUOAV that if any religious sect were to meet in a room in an inn , to offer up their prayers to Almighty God , and to be taught their duty towards their Maker and to all His creatures , or to take into
consideration the best means of aiding missionary enterprise , either amongst our OAVU population , or in heathen lands ; and , if at the conclusion of such meetings , bibles and hymn-books Ai'ere cleared , and pipes and glasses brought in in their stead ; they knoAV full Avell that such a mode of procedure Avould not cause the tongue of
good report to be heard in favour of their sobriety , but that Humour , with his hundred tongues , Avould cry out—Eie upon sueh proceedings . And yet there are Lodges in this country , neither feAV nor far betAveen , Avhose meetings are regularly held iu rooms in taverns , AA'here ( though the tyler keeps all coAvans and intruders from