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The Week.
extend in certain cases the provisions of the Superannuation Act ( 1859 ); and another to extend certain provisions for Admiralty jurisdiction in the colonies to her Majesty's territories in India . Several bills advanced a stage . On AVednesday , on the order of the day for going into committee upon the Ecclesiastical Commission , & c . Bill , Sir G . C . Lewis intimated that he did not intend to press the clause ivhich provided for the transfer of the property of the chapters to the Ecclesiastical Commissioners . The House then went into
Committee and several clauses with a few amendments were agreed to . FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE . —The Belgian Chamber of Deputies presented on Saturday an address to the king , which will produce some sensation in Europe . AVithout mentioning any other power by name , it points with sufficient clearness to events ivhich might occur , and gurantees the loyalty and the nationality of the Belgian people . The deputies hope that in these clays , " Government do not trample under foot all that the human conscience respects ; "
but if ever tbe Crown , tbe liberties , or the independence of Belgium were threatened , they ivould "know how to defend the national treasury as a free and virtuous people defends all that it holds most sacred . " It is asserted that the Kings of Saxony and Bavaria will take part in the interview between the Emperor of Austria and the Prince Regent of Prussia at Toplitz . It is annouueed that an interview is tb take place between the Emperor of Russia and the Prince of Prussia , in September next , atAVarsaw .
Letters from Naples to tbe 21 st inst . announces that Garibaldi had left Palermo with from 8 , 000 to 10 , 000 volunteers . It was expected that Garibaldi woulcl soon effect a landing on the Continent . The chiefs of the revolutionary movement at Naples had caused an illumination of the whole city to take place . Crowds of people shouted " Garibaldi for ever " in defiance of the Royalists . About 10 of the late police agents hacl been killed . From Paris we are informed thas the Sardinian Government consents to support by
its influence with Garibaldi , the proposal of a truce for six months between Naples and him . A telegram from Pesth , Hungary , mentions a disturbance there which was probable of a more serious character than is made to appear . There were , however ,
disturbances and seditious cries in the streets , and 10 working men have been arrested . The Moniteur contains an announcement to the effect that Great Britain recognises the necessity of putting a stop to the disturbances in Syria , and is ready to co-operate with vessels . The Porte has instructed its ambassadors at Paris ancl London to officially communicate to the courts of the Tuileries and St . James , the conclusion of peace between the Druses and Maronites , on the 10 th instant . In this official communication the
Porte , although expressing its satisfaction at this happy event , adds that it ivill nevertheless pursue with the utmost rigour the authors of the recent massacres , aud that Fuad Pacha had to that end been invested with the most ample powers , not only to punish the guilty parties , but also to take such measures as woulcl prevent tbe recurrence of fresh conflicts between the Druses ancl the Alaronites . GENERAL HOME NEWS . —Mr . Henry Leatham , late ALP . for AVakefieldhas been convicted of bribery at the last general election .
, Other parties of minor note have also been convicted of the same offence . Mr . Divett , after a long and faithful representation of the Liberal party in Exeter , has signified his intention of retiring at the next election . John Grainger , a man about 40 years of age , has been committed to Alaidstone Gaol , charged with having wilfully caused the death of Cordelia Covill , a woman with whom he cohabited . According to the evidence deduced it would appear that the prisoner's jealousy was aroused by finding his so-called
ivife , who had absented herself , in the company of another man , ivho , it is stated by him , had kissed her . He acknowledged knocking her down , kicking her , and otherwise ill-treating her . At the assizes at Lewes , Thomas Hopley , 41 , a person of gentlemanly appearance , bas been convicted of the manslaughter of Reginald Channell Canceller . It appeared that the prisoner , who ivas a schoolmaster , brutally beat the deceased , who was a pupil , with a rope and thick stick for a period of two hours , and caused his
death , the defence being that the deceased was morose ancl obstinate . The prisoner ivas sentenced to four years' penal servitude . The Rev . Air . Bonn-ell ' s case has been again before tbe Ecclesiastical Court , but the judgment has not yet been delivered . In Vice-Chancellor Sir John Stuart ' s Court tbe remarkable case of Nottidge v . Prince—the Agapeinone case—has been decided . The decision of the A ice-Chancellor is entirely adverse to Air . Prince , who has to refund the money he obtained . Aliss
Constance Kent has been arrested on the charge of murdering her half brother , at Road , by taking him out of beef when asleep and cutting his throat . The principal evidence at present against her appears to be the absence of one of her night-gowns , which cannot bo found . It is stated that the mother , the grandmother , ancl an uncle of the accused have all been of unsound mind , and medical men , who are acquainted with her temperament , have given it as their opinion that she may have committee the deed of which she is accused in a paroxysm of mental aberration . At tbe Stafford-
The Week.
shire assizes , Edward Humphries , boatman , who pleaded guilty to the manslaughter of Elizabeth Evans , was sentenced to eight years ' penal servitude ; and three men , found guilty of wilfully destroying machinery , have been sentenced to five years , and a woman who aided them to three years' penal servitude . The principal tradesmen of the AVest End have , as we are informed , come to the determination of closing their establishments at 4 o'clock in the afternoon on Saturdays , commencing on the 1 st of September next .
Many of tbe Irish recruits who recently left their homes for the purpose of joining the Papal army have returned in a state of the most horrible destitution . On Sunday morning 69 ivere landed at Dublin , ancl commenced a fruitless search for the " agent , " in the hope of being furnished by him with means for returning to their homes , which they had been mad enough to leave . The colonelcy of the 2 d ( or Royal North British ) Dragoons has become at the disposal of the General Commanding-in-Chief bthe death of
y Lt-Gen . Lord Sandys , making the sixth AVaterloo officer whose demise has been recorded within little more than a month . Tho deceased peer was 69 years of age . AVe regret to announce the death of Lord Elphinstone , late Governor of Bombay , who expired at his temporary residence , Ellison's Private Hotel , King-Street , Si . James's . Lord Elphinstone left Bombay in the middle of May last , as it was hoped , in improved health . He reached
London on tbe 12 th ultimo , after a fatiguing voyage , and , it is understood , intended to resort to the German Spas in order to recruit bis strength . His Lordship was only in his 54 th year . COMMERCIAL . —At the meeting of the London Joint Stock Bank , tbe usual dividend of 12-j- per cent , was declared , and a balance of £ 24 , 534 carried to the next account . It appears that a loss of about £ 40 , 000 is expected to accrue in consequence of the late failures in the leather trade . At the meeting of the Bank of
London , a dividend of five per cent , was declared , ancl £ 6 , 600 added to the reserve fund , increasing it to £ 2 , 7000 . The losses , by the recent failures , are not expected to exceed £ 10 , 000 . The halfyearly meeting of the English , Scottish , and Australian Chartered Bank , has been held , ancl a dividend , at the rate of five per cent . per annum declared , free of income tax . The National Discount Company has also met , and declared a dividend , at the rate of five per centper annum . The lossesunder the recent failureswill
, , , , probably , amount to £ 22 , 000 or £ 23 , 000 , but will be met from the reserve . The half-yearly dividend of the Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway Company , will be at the rate of 5 J per cent , per annum . —¦—At a meeting of the directors of the Electric and International Telegraph Company , it has been resolved to recommend the declaration of a dividend of £ 3 10 s . per cent , for the last half year .
To Correspondents.
Sc . —Next week . RABBI . — "We are " universalists " in Masonry . R . S . will please to inform us when we expressed such an opinion . J . W—Down .
A CANDIDATE rou FREEMASONRY . — "Wc do not give the advice required ; as Masons ive cannot conscientiously do so . A KNIGHT ' TEMPLAR . — Apply to Bro . Spencer , Great Queen Street . H . C . ( Glasgow ) . —The FREEMASONS MAGAZINE can be had ,,
cither in single numbers or monthly parts , of any respectable bookseller in your city . The best way , however , tosecure a- regular supply is to send your subscription direct to the office . J . H . G . —Tho information you require will be sent by *
post . AV . J . —1 . Certainly . 2 , At any bookseller ' s . J . J . D , —Answered frequently before . G . W . M . —TheMpV . S . JOXES ( Norfolk ) . —See the report in our present number .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Week.
extend in certain cases the provisions of the Superannuation Act ( 1859 ); and another to extend certain provisions for Admiralty jurisdiction in the colonies to her Majesty's territories in India . Several bills advanced a stage . On AVednesday , on the order of the day for going into committee upon the Ecclesiastical Commission , & c . Bill , Sir G . C . Lewis intimated that he did not intend to press the clause ivhich provided for the transfer of the property of the chapters to the Ecclesiastical Commissioners . The House then went into
Committee and several clauses with a few amendments were agreed to . FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE . —The Belgian Chamber of Deputies presented on Saturday an address to the king , which will produce some sensation in Europe . AVithout mentioning any other power by name , it points with sufficient clearness to events ivhich might occur , and gurantees the loyalty and the nationality of the Belgian people . The deputies hope that in these clays , " Government do not trample under foot all that the human conscience respects ; "
but if ever tbe Crown , tbe liberties , or the independence of Belgium were threatened , they ivould "know how to defend the national treasury as a free and virtuous people defends all that it holds most sacred . " It is asserted that the Kings of Saxony and Bavaria will take part in the interview between the Emperor of Austria and the Prince Regent of Prussia at Toplitz . It is annouueed that an interview is tb take place between the Emperor of Russia and the Prince of Prussia , in September next , atAVarsaw .
Letters from Naples to tbe 21 st inst . announces that Garibaldi had left Palermo with from 8 , 000 to 10 , 000 volunteers . It was expected that Garibaldi woulcl soon effect a landing on the Continent . The chiefs of the revolutionary movement at Naples had caused an illumination of the whole city to take place . Crowds of people shouted " Garibaldi for ever " in defiance of the Royalists . About 10 of the late police agents hacl been killed . From Paris we are informed thas the Sardinian Government consents to support by
its influence with Garibaldi , the proposal of a truce for six months between Naples and him . A telegram from Pesth , Hungary , mentions a disturbance there which was probable of a more serious character than is made to appear . There were , however ,
disturbances and seditious cries in the streets , and 10 working men have been arrested . The Moniteur contains an announcement to the effect that Great Britain recognises the necessity of putting a stop to the disturbances in Syria , and is ready to co-operate with vessels . The Porte has instructed its ambassadors at Paris ancl London to officially communicate to the courts of the Tuileries and St . James , the conclusion of peace between the Druses and Maronites , on the 10 th instant . In this official communication the
Porte , although expressing its satisfaction at this happy event , adds that it ivill nevertheless pursue with the utmost rigour the authors of the recent massacres , aud that Fuad Pacha had to that end been invested with the most ample powers , not only to punish the guilty parties , but also to take such measures as woulcl prevent tbe recurrence of fresh conflicts between the Druses ancl the Alaronites . GENERAL HOME NEWS . —Mr . Henry Leatham , late ALP . for AVakefieldhas been convicted of bribery at the last general election .
, Other parties of minor note have also been convicted of the same offence . Mr . Divett , after a long and faithful representation of the Liberal party in Exeter , has signified his intention of retiring at the next election . John Grainger , a man about 40 years of age , has been committed to Alaidstone Gaol , charged with having wilfully caused the death of Cordelia Covill , a woman with whom he cohabited . According to the evidence deduced it would appear that the prisoner's jealousy was aroused by finding his so-called
ivife , who had absented herself , in the company of another man , ivho , it is stated by him , had kissed her . He acknowledged knocking her down , kicking her , and otherwise ill-treating her . At the assizes at Lewes , Thomas Hopley , 41 , a person of gentlemanly appearance , bas been convicted of the manslaughter of Reginald Channell Canceller . It appeared that the prisoner , who ivas a schoolmaster , brutally beat the deceased , who was a pupil , with a rope and thick stick for a period of two hours , and caused his
death , the defence being that the deceased was morose ancl obstinate . The prisoner ivas sentenced to four years' penal servitude . The Rev . Air . Bonn-ell ' s case has been again before tbe Ecclesiastical Court , but the judgment has not yet been delivered . In Vice-Chancellor Sir John Stuart ' s Court tbe remarkable case of Nottidge v . Prince—the Agapeinone case—has been decided . The decision of the A ice-Chancellor is entirely adverse to Air . Prince , who has to refund the money he obtained . Aliss
Constance Kent has been arrested on the charge of murdering her half brother , at Road , by taking him out of beef when asleep and cutting his throat . The principal evidence at present against her appears to be the absence of one of her night-gowns , which cannot bo found . It is stated that the mother , the grandmother , ancl an uncle of the accused have all been of unsound mind , and medical men , who are acquainted with her temperament , have given it as their opinion that she may have committee the deed of which she is accused in a paroxysm of mental aberration . At tbe Stafford-
The Week.
shire assizes , Edward Humphries , boatman , who pleaded guilty to the manslaughter of Elizabeth Evans , was sentenced to eight years ' penal servitude ; and three men , found guilty of wilfully destroying machinery , have been sentenced to five years , and a woman who aided them to three years' penal servitude . The principal tradesmen of the AVest End have , as we are informed , come to the determination of closing their establishments at 4 o'clock in the afternoon on Saturdays , commencing on the 1 st of September next .
Many of tbe Irish recruits who recently left their homes for the purpose of joining the Papal army have returned in a state of the most horrible destitution . On Sunday morning 69 ivere landed at Dublin , ancl commenced a fruitless search for the " agent , " in the hope of being furnished by him with means for returning to their homes , which they had been mad enough to leave . The colonelcy of the 2 d ( or Royal North British ) Dragoons has become at the disposal of the General Commanding-in-Chief bthe death of
y Lt-Gen . Lord Sandys , making the sixth AVaterloo officer whose demise has been recorded within little more than a month . Tho deceased peer was 69 years of age . AVe regret to announce the death of Lord Elphinstone , late Governor of Bombay , who expired at his temporary residence , Ellison's Private Hotel , King-Street , Si . James's . Lord Elphinstone left Bombay in the middle of May last , as it was hoped , in improved health . He reached
London on tbe 12 th ultimo , after a fatiguing voyage , and , it is understood , intended to resort to the German Spas in order to recruit bis strength . His Lordship was only in his 54 th year . COMMERCIAL . —At the meeting of the London Joint Stock Bank , tbe usual dividend of 12-j- per cent , was declared , and a balance of £ 24 , 534 carried to the next account . It appears that a loss of about £ 40 , 000 is expected to accrue in consequence of the late failures in the leather trade . At the meeting of the Bank of
London , a dividend of five per cent , was declared , ancl £ 6 , 600 added to the reserve fund , increasing it to £ 2 , 7000 . The losses , by the recent failures , are not expected to exceed £ 10 , 000 . The halfyearly meeting of the English , Scottish , and Australian Chartered Bank , has been held , ancl a dividend , at the rate of five per cent . per annum declared , free of income tax . The National Discount Company has also met , and declared a dividend , at the rate of five per centper annum . The lossesunder the recent failureswill
, , , , probably , amount to £ 22 , 000 or £ 23 , 000 , but will be met from the reserve . The half-yearly dividend of the Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway Company , will be at the rate of 5 J per cent , per annum . —¦—At a meeting of the directors of the Electric and International Telegraph Company , it has been resolved to recommend the declaration of a dividend of £ 3 10 s . per cent , for the last half year .
To Correspondents.
Sc . —Next week . RABBI . — "We are " universalists " in Masonry . R . S . will please to inform us when we expressed such an opinion . J . W—Down .
A CANDIDATE rou FREEMASONRY . — "Wc do not give the advice required ; as Masons ive cannot conscientiously do so . A KNIGHT ' TEMPLAR . — Apply to Bro . Spencer , Great Queen Street . H . C . ( Glasgow ) . —The FREEMASONS MAGAZINE can be had ,,
cither in single numbers or monthly parts , of any respectable bookseller in your city . The best way , however , tosecure a- regular supply is to send your subscription direct to the office . J . H . G . —Tho information you require will be sent by *
post . AV . J . —1 . Certainly . 2 , At any bookseller ' s . J . J . D , —Answered frequently before . G . W . M . —TheMpV . S . JOXES ( Norfolk ) . —See the report in our present number .