Article METROPOLITAN. ← Page 2 of 3 →
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Jarvis , Dunjer , T . Moore , Powell , Watkins , Sard , Fenn , Cathie , and many others . The visitors included Bros . H . Potter , VM-11 ; II . Lodge , 13 ; G . Chapman , J . D . 147 ; J . Patte , I . G . 147 : Spencer , W . M . 173 ; R . Welsford , P . M . 518 ; A . D . Loewenstark . P . M . 548 ; J . W . Weir , P . M . 25 ; T . C . Green , 871 , and several more whose names we could not learn . The business consisted in initiating Messrs . Meagher and J . Delaney ; passing Bros , CbipperfieldCooperand Dentonraising BrosMorris anel H .
, , ; . Levy , all of which were performed by Bro . Frederick Walters , W . M ., iu his usual perfect and agreeable manner . —The W . MASTER then proposed that the usual sum of £ 10 be given from ihe lodge funds in aid of theRoyalBenevolentlnstitution for Aged Freemasons and their Widows at the same time reading an extract from the letter received from Bro . Farnfield , Assist . G . Sec , asking the loelge to send a steward ; and earnestly advising the necessit
y of some brother volunteering to fill that distinguished position . —Bro . E . N . LEVY , S . W ., seconded the proposition , and informed the loelge that , if the motion was carried , he knew of a brother who would willingly accept the stewardship . This proposition was carried unanimously . —Bro . E . 1 N T . LEVY then informed the lodge that his brother , II . Levy , who had just been raised , would feel happy to undertake the responsibility of that and his
position ; as brother wished to receive all the support he could muster , he intended to commence his list with £ 10 , and hoped to receive the usual liberal support of the members of the Mount Lebanon Lodge . —Bro . D . DAVIES , P . M . and Treas ., hi a feeling speech , spoke in favour of the Charity , and gave his name for £ 5 to support Bro . Levy in his good work . — The W . MASTER informed the brethren he woulel be happy to
receive the names of all those who were willing to contribute their aid to this institution . This was responded to in a very liberal manner , as many of the brethren copied the W . M . in placing their annual subscriptions on Bro . Levy's list . The W . M . also cordially thanked them for their kindness in having during his year of office voted the sums of either £ 10 or £ 10 10 s . on four different occasions , viz ., twice to the Aged Freemason ' s Institution
, once to the Girls' School , and once to the Boys ' School , and also to those brethren who had been generous enough to stand stewards . He then gave a notice of motion for the next lodge meeting , "That the sum of £ 10 10 s . be
granted to the Girl ' s School . "—Bro . H . LEVY returned his thanks to the brethren who had so nobly responded to his call , informing them that , although more than two years had elapsed since his initiation and passing , and the pressure of business had caused him apparently to neglect his Masonic duties , but he could assure them he felt a sincere , deep interest in Masonry , and he hoped his standing steward would be taken as a guarantee of the sincerity of his good intentions . —Bro . II . POTXEE ,
P . M . 11 , & c , having obtained the leave of the W . M ., spoke on behalf of the petition for a new lodge , to be called tho St . Mary Magdalen Lodge , to be helel at tho Tanners' Arms , Bermondsey , and in an able manner solicited the signatures of the members of the lodge . —Bro . F . WALTERS , W . M ., replied , and said no person was more fully aware than himself how necessary it was for the good of the Craft that another lodge should ha opened near them . The Mount Lebanon Lodge now numbered
100 members , and was , as a rule , well attended , anel the great increase of their numbers annually ( for even then he bail received a communication from Bro . E . Harris , P . M . anel Sec , who unfortunately was too ill to attend , that he had for the next meeting no less than five propositions ) and ho himself knew of three more , anel all these new applications had been received since their last meeting , which had taken place on the previous Thursdaywhen two gentlemen were initiated . He considered
, , taking these facts into their consideration , also the excellent brother who was chosen as the first W . M ., Bro . Potter , P . M . 11 , & c , the able officers who were to support him , the intentions expressed of supporting the Masonic Charities , anel the pressing want felt by this loelge for a new loelge , that it woulel receive the unanimous support of the lodge . This proposition was received with every kind feeling which was possible to evince , for there was not a dissenting voice ; it was carried
unanimously , and all the officers present signed it in open loelge . —Bro . II . POTTER thanked both the lodge , and particularly the W . M ., for the kind treatment he had received at their hands . After four hours of labour the brethren sat down to a cold collation , served up in Bro . Cathie ' s usual superior manner . ST . GEORGE ' LODGE ( NO . 1-1-0 ) . —The regular meeting of this old lodge was held on Wednesday , November 18 th , at the Lecture Hall , Greenwich . Bro . Dr . William Scott , W . M ., prosided , and rendered all the ceremonies in his usual impressive
manner . There was a good attendance of the brethren . After business the brethren adjourned to Bro . Moore's , Glohe Tavern , Royal-hill , where a superior banquet was in readiness . Visitors : F . Walters , W . M . 73 ; Vinten , S . D . 73 ; J . Hawker , 871 , and many others . PRUDENT BRETHREN LODOE ( No . 145 , late 169 ) . —The last meeting of 1863 was held at the Freemasons' Tavern on Tuesday hist , under the xiresidency of Bro . Exall , W . M . Tire usual
prelinaries having been gone through , Messrs . Horatio Chapman and Thomas were regularly initiated into Freemasonry , the chair being resigned by the W . M . to Bro . Blackburn , P . M ., who expressed a wish to perform the ceremony , the initiates being his immediate friends . Bro . Carter was elected W . M . for the ensuing year , and Bro . Boyd , Treasurer , in the place of Bro . II . G . Warren , who resigned on the ground that he could not give such a close attention to the business of the lodge as he
could wish . An Audit Committee having been appointed and other business transacted , the brethren adjourned to refreshment , anel a pleasant evening was spent . LODGE OP JUSTICE ( NO . 147 ) .- —This lodge held its regular meeting at the White Swan Tavern , High street , Deptford ( Bro . J . Porter's ) , on Wednesday , 11 th November . Bro . J . A . Green , W . M ., assisted hy his officers , opened the lodge , and in an able and efficient manner initiated one gentleman into the
Order , and raised a brother to the sublime degree of a Master Mason . LODGE OJ ? TEMPERANCE ( NO . 169 ) . —This lodge held its monthly meeting at the Plough Tavern , Plough Bridge , Rotherhithe ( Bro . Ilolman's ) , on Thursday , November 19 th . Bro . Nowland , W . M ., opened the lodge . Bro . G . Bolton , P . M ., passed a brother to the degree of a Fellow Craft . After business the brethren sat down to an excellent banquet .
Visitors -. Bros . W . Andrews , 147 , and J . S . Blomley , S . W . 871 . JORDAN LODGE ( NO . 201 , late 237 ) . —This lodge met at the Freemasons' Tavern , on Friday , the 20 th inst . It was the first meeting since the recess , and was very numerously attended . Bro . . Jeifcry , W . M ., openeel the loelge , and tho minutes of the last loelge having been confirmed , a ballot was taken for the candidates for initiation , three of whom , being present , they were regularlyinitiated into Freemasonry . Tho lodge was then opened in
the second degree , and Bros . Lawrence and Bollaert were passeel to that degree . The W . M . informed the loelge that he had that morning received a letter from Bro . F . Golclsborough , acquainting him with his safe arrival in Australia ; and the W . M . added that he felt sure every member of the lodge would he glad to hear that this highly esteemed brother ( who still retained his connection with the Jordan Lodge ) had thus far succeeded in the object of his visit to that far distant land ,
and that every member of the Jordan Lodge woulel most heartily wish him God speed . The lodge being closeel in due form , the brethren were called to refreshment , after which the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given by tbe W . M ., and duly honoured by the brethren . Bro . Patten , Prov . G . S . B ., after replying to the toast of the Deputy Grand Master anel the Grand Ollicers , stated that he had heen a member of the Jordan Lodge for more than 38 yearsand that during the whole of that
, period he hael never been absent from his loelge on more than five occasions ; that he was the only one left of all the members who were present when he was initiated , and that the brother who was next in seniority was initiated 20 years after him ; that during this period of 38 years he had visited a great number of lodges , anel he felt it was his duty to state , in compliment to Bro . Jeffery , that , during the whole of his Masonic experience , he hael never witnessed the ceremonies performed in a better
manner than they had been on this occasion . The W . M . then saiel that he had a toast to propose which was an exceptional one , as being out of the ordinary agenda , but he did not see why it should be considered so . "Two of our highly-esteemed members are now in foreign lands , the one , Bro . the Rev . J . J . Farnhnm , in India ; tho other , Bro . F . Goldsborough , in Australia . I do not know any two more estimable Masons than these two brethren . I have had the pleasure of knowing them
intimately . I shall , therefore , call upon you , brethren , to wish them health , happiness , and success in all their undertakings , and I have no doubt that Bro . Dr . Goldsborough , P . M ., will respond to the toast on their behalf . " Bro . Goldsborough , P . M ., said he hael very sincere pleasure in replying to the toast of the W . M ., anel , on behalf Bros . Farnham and F . Goldsborough , cordially thanked the W . M . and brethren for their special remembrance of the two worthy brethren , who , he knew , had the welfare of the Craft in general at heart , and that of the Jordan
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Jarvis , Dunjer , T . Moore , Powell , Watkins , Sard , Fenn , Cathie , and many others . The visitors included Bros . H . Potter , VM-11 ; II . Lodge , 13 ; G . Chapman , J . D . 147 ; J . Patte , I . G . 147 : Spencer , W . M . 173 ; R . Welsford , P . M . 518 ; A . D . Loewenstark . P . M . 548 ; J . W . Weir , P . M . 25 ; T . C . Green , 871 , and several more whose names we could not learn . The business consisted in initiating Messrs . Meagher and J . Delaney ; passing Bros , CbipperfieldCooperand Dentonraising BrosMorris anel H .
, , ; . Levy , all of which were performed by Bro . Frederick Walters , W . M ., iu his usual perfect and agreeable manner . —The W . MASTER then proposed that the usual sum of £ 10 be given from ihe lodge funds in aid of theRoyalBenevolentlnstitution for Aged Freemasons and their Widows at the same time reading an extract from the letter received from Bro . Farnfield , Assist . G . Sec , asking the loelge to send a steward ; and earnestly advising the necessit
y of some brother volunteering to fill that distinguished position . —Bro . E . N . LEVY , S . W ., seconded the proposition , and informed the loelge that , if the motion was carried , he knew of a brother who would willingly accept the stewardship . This proposition was carried unanimously . —Bro . E . 1 N T . LEVY then informed the lodge that his brother , II . Levy , who had just been raised , would feel happy to undertake the responsibility of that and his
position ; as brother wished to receive all the support he could muster , he intended to commence his list with £ 10 , and hoped to receive the usual liberal support of the members of the Mount Lebanon Lodge . —Bro . D . DAVIES , P . M . and Treas ., hi a feeling speech , spoke in favour of the Charity , and gave his name for £ 5 to support Bro . Levy in his good work . — The W . MASTER informed the brethren he woulel be happy to
receive the names of all those who were willing to contribute their aid to this institution . This was responded to in a very liberal manner , as many of the brethren copied the W . M . in placing their annual subscriptions on Bro . Levy's list . The W . M . also cordially thanked them for their kindness in having during his year of office voted the sums of either £ 10 or £ 10 10 s . on four different occasions , viz ., twice to the Aged Freemason ' s Institution
, once to the Girls' School , and once to the Boys ' School , and also to those brethren who had been generous enough to stand stewards . He then gave a notice of motion for the next lodge meeting , "That the sum of £ 10 10 s . be
granted to the Girl ' s School . "—Bro . H . LEVY returned his thanks to the brethren who had so nobly responded to his call , informing them that , although more than two years had elapsed since his initiation and passing , and the pressure of business had caused him apparently to neglect his Masonic duties , but he could assure them he felt a sincere , deep interest in Masonry , and he hoped his standing steward would be taken as a guarantee of the sincerity of his good intentions . —Bro . II . POTXEE ,
P . M . 11 , & c , having obtained the leave of the W . M ., spoke on behalf of the petition for a new lodge , to be called tho St . Mary Magdalen Lodge , to be helel at tho Tanners' Arms , Bermondsey , and in an able manner solicited the signatures of the members of the lodge . —Bro . F . WALTERS , W . M ., replied , and said no person was more fully aware than himself how necessary it was for the good of the Craft that another lodge should ha opened near them . The Mount Lebanon Lodge now numbered
100 members , and was , as a rule , well attended , anel the great increase of their numbers annually ( for even then he bail received a communication from Bro . E . Harris , P . M . anel Sec , who unfortunately was too ill to attend , that he had for the next meeting no less than five propositions ) and ho himself knew of three more , anel all these new applications had been received since their last meeting , which had taken place on the previous Thursdaywhen two gentlemen were initiated . He considered
, , taking these facts into their consideration , also the excellent brother who was chosen as the first W . M ., Bro . Potter , P . M . 11 , & c , the able officers who were to support him , the intentions expressed of supporting the Masonic Charities , anel the pressing want felt by this loelge for a new loelge , that it woulel receive the unanimous support of the lodge . This proposition was received with every kind feeling which was possible to evince , for there was not a dissenting voice ; it was carried
unanimously , and all the officers present signed it in open loelge . —Bro . II . POTTER thanked both the lodge , and particularly the W . M ., for the kind treatment he had received at their hands . After four hours of labour the brethren sat down to a cold collation , served up in Bro . Cathie ' s usual superior manner . ST . GEORGE ' LODGE ( NO . 1-1-0 ) . —The regular meeting of this old lodge was held on Wednesday , November 18 th , at the Lecture Hall , Greenwich . Bro . Dr . William Scott , W . M ., prosided , and rendered all the ceremonies in his usual impressive
manner . There was a good attendance of the brethren . After business the brethren adjourned to Bro . Moore's , Glohe Tavern , Royal-hill , where a superior banquet was in readiness . Visitors : F . Walters , W . M . 73 ; Vinten , S . D . 73 ; J . Hawker , 871 , and many others . PRUDENT BRETHREN LODOE ( No . 145 , late 169 ) . —The last meeting of 1863 was held at the Freemasons' Tavern on Tuesday hist , under the xiresidency of Bro . Exall , W . M . Tire usual
prelinaries having been gone through , Messrs . Horatio Chapman and Thomas were regularly initiated into Freemasonry , the chair being resigned by the W . M . to Bro . Blackburn , P . M ., who expressed a wish to perform the ceremony , the initiates being his immediate friends . Bro . Carter was elected W . M . for the ensuing year , and Bro . Boyd , Treasurer , in the place of Bro . II . G . Warren , who resigned on the ground that he could not give such a close attention to the business of the lodge as he
could wish . An Audit Committee having been appointed and other business transacted , the brethren adjourned to refreshment , anel a pleasant evening was spent . LODGE OP JUSTICE ( NO . 147 ) .- —This lodge held its regular meeting at the White Swan Tavern , High street , Deptford ( Bro . J . Porter's ) , on Wednesday , 11 th November . Bro . J . A . Green , W . M ., assisted hy his officers , opened the lodge , and in an able and efficient manner initiated one gentleman into the
Order , and raised a brother to the sublime degree of a Master Mason . LODGE OJ ? TEMPERANCE ( NO . 169 ) . —This lodge held its monthly meeting at the Plough Tavern , Plough Bridge , Rotherhithe ( Bro . Ilolman's ) , on Thursday , November 19 th . Bro . Nowland , W . M ., opened the lodge . Bro . G . Bolton , P . M ., passed a brother to the degree of a Fellow Craft . After business the brethren sat down to an excellent banquet .
Visitors -. Bros . W . Andrews , 147 , and J . S . Blomley , S . W . 871 . JORDAN LODGE ( NO . 201 , late 237 ) . —This lodge met at the Freemasons' Tavern , on Friday , the 20 th inst . It was the first meeting since the recess , and was very numerously attended . Bro . . Jeifcry , W . M ., openeel the loelge , and tho minutes of the last loelge having been confirmed , a ballot was taken for the candidates for initiation , three of whom , being present , they were regularlyinitiated into Freemasonry . Tho lodge was then opened in
the second degree , and Bros . Lawrence and Bollaert were passeel to that degree . The W . M . informed the loelge that he had that morning received a letter from Bro . F . Golclsborough , acquainting him with his safe arrival in Australia ; and the W . M . added that he felt sure every member of the lodge would he glad to hear that this highly esteemed brother ( who still retained his connection with the Jordan Lodge ) had thus far succeeded in the object of his visit to that far distant land ,
and that every member of the Jordan Lodge woulel most heartily wish him God speed . The lodge being closeel in due form , the brethren were called to refreshment , after which the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given by tbe W . M ., and duly honoured by the brethren . Bro . Patten , Prov . G . S . B ., after replying to the toast of the Deputy Grand Master anel the Grand Ollicers , stated that he had heen a member of the Jordan Lodge for more than 38 yearsand that during the whole of that
, period he hael never been absent from his loelge on more than five occasions ; that he was the only one left of all the members who were present when he was initiated , and that the brother who was next in seniority was initiated 20 years after him ; that during this period of 38 years he had visited a great number of lodges , anel he felt it was his duty to state , in compliment to Bro . Jeffery , that , during the whole of his Masonic experience , he hael never witnessed the ceremonies performed in a better
manner than they had been on this occasion . The W . M . then saiel that he had a toast to propose which was an exceptional one , as being out of the ordinary agenda , but he did not see why it should be considered so . "Two of our highly-esteemed members are now in foreign lands , the one , Bro . the Rev . J . J . Farnhnm , in India ; tho other , Bro . F . Goldsborough , in Australia . I do not know any two more estimable Masons than these two brethren . I have had the pleasure of knowing them
intimately . I shall , therefore , call upon you , brethren , to wish them health , happiness , and success in all their undertakings , and I have no doubt that Bro . Dr . Goldsborough , P . M ., will respond to the toast on their behalf . " Bro . Goldsborough , P . M ., said he hael very sincere pleasure in replying to the toast of the W . M ., anel , on behalf Bros . Farnham and F . Goldsborough , cordially thanked the W . M . and brethren for their special remembrance of the two worthy brethren , who , he knew , had the welfare of the Craft in general at heart , and that of the Jordan