Article MASONIC NOTES AND QUERIES. ← Page 3 of 4 →
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Masonic Notes And Queries.
We may , perhaps , imagine , hut could nofc describe , the appearance of the mysterious Eosicrucian when composing his wonderful " hieroglyph . '' See him at his furnace majestically and carefully stirring the molten lead , which , with the aid of his secret essences , is soon to he turned into gold ! As the smoke rises
so does his ideas ; the chamber becomes misty , so also his ideas mystify , and , mist filling the study and mystification the student , a voice is heard from out the gloom exclaiming , — " The night approaches when no man can work . " Ha ! ha ! ha ! let us he thankful that Bro .
Philalethes duly recorded his high Masonic ideas for our edification . Who wouldn't be a Mason to hear about " transparent gold , " " carbuncles , " " immortal silver , watered with emeralds , pearl , and coral , " " liquid Jasper , " " swollen toads , " and "tail-devouring dragons , " & c , & c . ? Gentlemen of the neutral world in search of what is so difficult to get—Fraternize ! fraternize —W . P . B .
ANTIQUITY OE MASONRY . The text-book of Ereemasonry from 1722 , such as Anderson ' s Constitutions and Preston's Illustrations , unable to give evidence of the existence of speculative Masonry , assume it to be coeval with architecture . This may or may not be , hut it is scarcely
creditable to us that the assertion that it is so should rest on mere assertion . It is very likely that in the Greek , Latin , and Arabian writers something may be found touching thereon , if such a secret school of architecture ( distinguishing its grades by signs and tokens ) as existed in Scotland down to 1721 , and in
England to about 1650 , was anciently known . Dr . J . A . Conde , in his " Dominion of the Arabs in Spain , " has many remarks showing the state and organization of Masonry , but mentioning nothing of a secret bond , school , or organization therewithalthough secret associations of a religious character then existed . There was very little building in stone at this period in Britain , and Masonry in its speculative form seems to claim an eastern origin . —
The following are extracts from this work : — " In the S 6 fch year of the Hegira it was that the Caliph Walid commanded to build the great Aljama of Damascus . . . . 12 , 000 stone-cutters were employed on the building of that great edifice , but it was not finished in the time of Walid , and remained to be completed in that of Suleiman , his brother . "
Inscription on the fortification of Merida : — " In the name of God , the Merciful , the Powerful , the blessing of Allah and his protection on the people obedient to God . This fortress and its walls , the Ameer Abderahman , son of Alhakem , whom may God exalt , governing the people obedient to Allah , hath commanded to be constructed
by the hand of his Amil , Abdallah , Ben Coleib , Ben Thalaba , and that of his servant , Giafar Ben Muhasin , Chief of the Builders . The work was completed in the Moon of the Second Eebic , and the year 220 ( of the Hegira ) . " Conclusion of inscription , Court of Aljama in Cordova : — " The work was finished , by the help of God , in the Moon Dylhagia of the year 346 ; and by the
hands of his servant , the Vizier and Hagib of his place , Abdallah Ben Batu , aided by those of the architect , Said Ben Ayub . " Conclusion of inscription on aqueduct at Ecija : — " The work hath been performed , with the help and aid of Godby the hands of her architect and
, prefect of the builders , the Sahib Xarfca , * and of the Cadi of the town in the Cora or Comarca of Ecija , and Carmona , Ahmed Ben Abdallah Ben Muza , Governor of the same and of their dependencies . Ifc was finished in the Moon Rebic Postrera , of the year 367 . "
Tear of Hegira , 372 . — " At this time the walls and fortifications of Maqueda and Wakex were restored by Order of Muhamad Almanzor , and the works Avere given in charge to the architect , Butho Ben Tbraham El Omeya , known as Aben El Caxari , of Toledo . The Eutho was much renowned for his acquirements , as well as for his travels in the East ; he had shortly before completed two large mosques at Toledo—that of Gebal Berida , . and that of Adabegm . "
Tear 387 , — "The bridge of Toledo was rebuilt by order of Muhamad Ben Abdallah Ben Abi Omer Almanzor , Hagib to the Prince of the Believers , Hixom Ben Alhakem , called El Muyad Billah , the work having been performed by tha hands of his servant and vizier , Chalef Muhamad Alameri . "
NOTE , A . D . 1026 . — " These Babitos , or Moslemah Knights of the frontier , professed extraordinary austerity of life , and devoted themselves voluntarily to the continual exercise of arms . They bound themselves by a vow to defend the frontier from the Christianos ; and all these cavaliers were of high
distinction . Of the most surprising constancy in the fatigues of war ; they were not permitted by their rules to fly before the enemy , but were held by their vows to fight and die without moving from the point they defended . It appears highly probable that from these Rabitos proceeded the military orders of Spain as well as those of the East . The rules of both
institutions have much similarity . ' BRO . VICTOB HUGO AND THE " FREEMASONS MAGAZINE . " On the lamented death of Madame Victor Hugo we published a paragraph in which we assured our
illustrious Bro . Hugo of the deep sympathy with which the Ereemasons of England regarded his sorrowful bereavement . A copy of the Magazine containing this notice having been forwarded with a private letter by Bro . J . A . Horner to Bro . Hugo , the following acknowledgment of the same has been received by Bro . Horner : —
" Hauteville House , Nov . 18 th , 1868 . " I have received your excellent and cordial letter . I pray you thank on my behalf the distinguished editor of the Freemasons' Magazine , and be assured also of my fraternal sympathy . " VICTOR HUGO . "
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Masonic Notes And Queries.
We may , perhaps , imagine , hut could nofc describe , the appearance of the mysterious Eosicrucian when composing his wonderful " hieroglyph . '' See him at his furnace majestically and carefully stirring the molten lead , which , with the aid of his secret essences , is soon to he turned into gold ! As the smoke rises
so does his ideas ; the chamber becomes misty , so also his ideas mystify , and , mist filling the study and mystification the student , a voice is heard from out the gloom exclaiming , — " The night approaches when no man can work . " Ha ! ha ! ha ! let us he thankful that Bro .
Philalethes duly recorded his high Masonic ideas for our edification . Who wouldn't be a Mason to hear about " transparent gold , " " carbuncles , " " immortal silver , watered with emeralds , pearl , and coral , " " liquid Jasper , " " swollen toads , " and "tail-devouring dragons , " & c , & c . ? Gentlemen of the neutral world in search of what is so difficult to get—Fraternize ! fraternize —W . P . B .
ANTIQUITY OE MASONRY . The text-book of Ereemasonry from 1722 , such as Anderson ' s Constitutions and Preston's Illustrations , unable to give evidence of the existence of speculative Masonry , assume it to be coeval with architecture . This may or may not be , hut it is scarcely
creditable to us that the assertion that it is so should rest on mere assertion . It is very likely that in the Greek , Latin , and Arabian writers something may be found touching thereon , if such a secret school of architecture ( distinguishing its grades by signs and tokens ) as existed in Scotland down to 1721 , and in
England to about 1650 , was anciently known . Dr . J . A . Conde , in his " Dominion of the Arabs in Spain , " has many remarks showing the state and organization of Masonry , but mentioning nothing of a secret bond , school , or organization therewithalthough secret associations of a religious character then existed . There was very little building in stone at this period in Britain , and Masonry in its speculative form seems to claim an eastern origin . —
The following are extracts from this work : — " In the S 6 fch year of the Hegira it was that the Caliph Walid commanded to build the great Aljama of Damascus . . . . 12 , 000 stone-cutters were employed on the building of that great edifice , but it was not finished in the time of Walid , and remained to be completed in that of Suleiman , his brother . "
Inscription on the fortification of Merida : — " In the name of God , the Merciful , the Powerful , the blessing of Allah and his protection on the people obedient to God . This fortress and its walls , the Ameer Abderahman , son of Alhakem , whom may God exalt , governing the people obedient to Allah , hath commanded to be constructed
by the hand of his Amil , Abdallah , Ben Coleib , Ben Thalaba , and that of his servant , Giafar Ben Muhasin , Chief of the Builders . The work was completed in the Moon of the Second Eebic , and the year 220 ( of the Hegira ) . " Conclusion of inscription , Court of Aljama in Cordova : — " The work was finished , by the help of God , in the Moon Dylhagia of the year 346 ; and by the
hands of his servant , the Vizier and Hagib of his place , Abdallah Ben Batu , aided by those of the architect , Said Ben Ayub . " Conclusion of inscription on aqueduct at Ecija : — " The work hath been performed , with the help and aid of Godby the hands of her architect and
, prefect of the builders , the Sahib Xarfca , * and of the Cadi of the town in the Cora or Comarca of Ecija , and Carmona , Ahmed Ben Abdallah Ben Muza , Governor of the same and of their dependencies . Ifc was finished in the Moon Rebic Postrera , of the year 367 . "
Tear of Hegira , 372 . — " At this time the walls and fortifications of Maqueda and Wakex were restored by Order of Muhamad Almanzor , and the works Avere given in charge to the architect , Butho Ben Tbraham El Omeya , known as Aben El Caxari , of Toledo . The Eutho was much renowned for his acquirements , as well as for his travels in the East ; he had shortly before completed two large mosques at Toledo—that of Gebal Berida , . and that of Adabegm . "
Tear 387 , — "The bridge of Toledo was rebuilt by order of Muhamad Ben Abdallah Ben Abi Omer Almanzor , Hagib to the Prince of the Believers , Hixom Ben Alhakem , called El Muyad Billah , the work having been performed by tha hands of his servant and vizier , Chalef Muhamad Alameri . "
NOTE , A . D . 1026 . — " These Babitos , or Moslemah Knights of the frontier , professed extraordinary austerity of life , and devoted themselves voluntarily to the continual exercise of arms . They bound themselves by a vow to defend the frontier from the Christianos ; and all these cavaliers were of high
distinction . Of the most surprising constancy in the fatigues of war ; they were not permitted by their rules to fly before the enemy , but were held by their vows to fight and die without moving from the point they defended . It appears highly probable that from these Rabitos proceeded the military orders of Spain as well as those of the East . The rules of both
institutions have much similarity . ' BRO . VICTOB HUGO AND THE " FREEMASONS MAGAZINE . " On the lamented death of Madame Victor Hugo we published a paragraph in which we assured our
illustrious Bro . Hugo of the deep sympathy with which the Ereemasons of England regarded his sorrowful bereavement . A copy of the Magazine containing this notice having been forwarded with a private letter by Bro . J . A . Horner to Bro . Hugo , the following acknowledgment of the same has been received by Bro . Horner : —
" Hauteville House , Nov . 18 th , 1868 . " I have received your excellent and cordial letter . I pray you thank on my behalf the distinguished editor of the Freemasons' Magazine , and be assured also of my fraternal sympathy . " VICTOR HUGO . "