Article METROPOLITAN. ← Page 3 of 3 Article NORTH AMERICA. Page 1 of 1 Article NORTH AMERICA. Page 1 of 1 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 1 Article RED CROSS OF ROME AND CONSTANTINE. Page 1 of 2 →
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Macdonald Lodge , anel their reputation would not depend on the first master who occupied the chair , but on those who might succeed him . lie acknowledged the energetic support he had received from every offh-er during that his first year in the chair of the Macdonald Lodge , and had great pleasure in giving " The health of the Wardens and other Officers of the Lodge . " Bro . Stevens , S . W . iu returning thanks for the officers said
they had endeavoured to do honest service iu tho lodge anel to perform that which they believed to be right . There was a great deal of practical Masonry in the Macdonald Loelge , anel with a view of giving their brother visitors some insight into the work that had been clone in six months , he detailed the donations to the furniture of the lodge by the members of it , amounting in value to upwards of LS 125 which was an evidence of
, their feelings and was not to be measured by their intrinsic value . The W . M . gave " Secretary and Treasurer of the Lodge , " for which Bro . Godden returned thanks . The W . M . in a few' appropriate remarks proposed " The Masonic Charities . " Bro . GoddenP . M . and Treasurerannounced his willingness
, , to stand as Steward for the lodge at the next festival for the Girl's School . The tyleiV toasfc brought the proceedings to . a close , which throughout hael been marked by tbe utmost- harmony and the true spirit of Freemasonry .
INSTRUCTION . DOMATIC LODGE OF INSTRUCTION , ( No . 177 ) . —This old lodge of instruction now meets every Tuesday evening , at half-past seven o'clock , at the Palmerston Arms , Palmeisfcon-sti-eet , near the Walworth-road Station of the Chatham and Dover Railway ; and it is very well attended . At every meeting the ceremonies and explanatory lectures are worked and the attendance of
young Masons cannot fail to be followed by mutual advantages , to themselves and the craft to which they belong . " Mine Host " Marshall , tbe W . M . of the Neptune Lodge is most assiduous in his endeavours to make all who honour the lodge happy and comfortable , and he appears to have eminently succeeded . It is proposed on tbe fourth Tuesday in December the 22 nd , to render the meeting one ' of a very interesting
descritioninasp , much as the esteemed Bro . Robert Wentworth Little , P . M . of 975 , 804 , 1 , 194 , & c , will work the ceremony of consecration . After which the ceremony of installation will be worked by Bro . Henry Thompson , P . M ' . of the parent lodge , and P . M . of the Southen Star Lodge , No . 1 , 158 . Every endeavour will be made to give eclat to the occasion , and it is hoped there will he a numerous attendance of the brethren .
MIDDLESEX . UXBRIDGE . —Sogal Union Lodge ( No . 536 ) . —In the report iu last week ' s issue of the meeting of this lodge , we omitted to mention a very interesting portion of tho day ' s proceedings , which consisted of the presentation to Bro . TV " . Coombes , the Hon . Sec , of a very handsome silver goblet , the inscription on which fully expresses tlie hih opinion tbe brethren have of him .
g The presentation was made by the W . M ., and feelingly acknowledged by Bro . Coombes , The inscription on tho silver goblet was as follows : — " Presented to Bro . W . Coombes , P . M ., by the members of the Royal Union Loelge , No . 382 , us a mark of their fraternal esteem for his zeal in promoting the welfare of the lodge . —November , 1868 . "
North America.
BRITISH COLUMBIA . NEW WESTMINSTER— Union Lodge , ( No . 899 ) , —Tho regular -mooting of this lodgo was hold on Thursday tho 1 st October , in tho Masonic Hall at eight o ' clock . Bro . H . TV . Smith , W . M . prosided , supported by Bro . H . Holbrook , Dep . D . G . M . as P . M . ; Bros . R . Dickorson , S . W . ; A . W . S . Block , J . W . ; G . Block acting Sec . ; JohnstonS . D . CunninghamJ . DJulius FranklinJG
, ; , . ; , .., thoro was also present several members of tho lodge , anel Bro . Davies of tho Carriboo Lodgo S . R . Williams Crook as a visitor . Tho lodgo was opened iu duo form in tho first dogreo and tho minutes of the last regular mooting woro road and confirmed , Bro . James Canningham having signified his dosiro to take tho Ecoaud dogi-oo ho was examined as to his proficiency in Masonry
North America.
which being satisfactory , ho was entrusted with tho tost of merit and retired , tho lodgo was then oponod in tho socond degroo and and Bro . James Cunningham was admitted and passed to tho second dogroo , after which tho lodgo was closed to tho first dogroo and tho business resumed . Tho committoo appointed to superintend tho granite Masonic monument about boing erected in tho coniotory to tho memory of tho docoasod brethren of tho lodgoreported and stated tho work was in full and
, progress woulel shortly bo completed , thoy asked for further subscriptions to onablo a proper railing boing placed round tho graves of those buried by tho Froomasons in tho coniotory . Tho W . M . appealed to tho brethren for further subscriptions . It was then proposed and seconded , and resolved : —That tho thanks of this lodge bo presented to tho officers and members of the Victoria Lodge , No . 783 , E . R ., Vanconvors Lodgo , No . 421 , S . R ., British Columbia
Lodgo , E . R . and brethren in Victoria V . J . , for their groat attention and kindness to Bro . Oliver Hocking , a member of this lodgo , during his illness in Victoria , and for all favours ho received iu his groat noeel at their hands—carried unanimously , and copy ordered to bo sont to each lodgo . No further work appearing for tho good of Masonry in this lodge it was closed in peace , harmony and brotherly love .
Royal Arch.
WILTSHIRE . SALISBURY . —Chapter Llias de Lertiam ( No . 586 ) . —A regular convocation of this chapter was held on Friday , the 20 th inst ., afc the Masonic Hall , Salisbury . Present—Comps . F . King , M . E . Z . ; Rev . TV . M . Heath , M . E . H . ; H . Ward , J . After the confirmation of the minutes the chapter proceeded fco the election of officers for the ensuing yearwhen the following
, companions were elected : —Comps . the Rev . TV . M . Heath , M . E . Z . ; Wyndham , M . E . H . ; Stokes , M . E . J , and Treas . ; Cardell , E . ; Haynes , N . ; Benson , P . S . ; Darke and Blackmore , Assist . Sojs . ; H . Ward , Dir . of Cers . and Curator of the chapter ; Triniman , Janitor . Comp . King , M . E . Z ., before resigning the chair to fche Installing Principal congratulated the Companions of the chapter on its position at the end of the first he
year , had audited the accounts with Comp . Stokes and was glad to say that . there was a balance in hand , and he trusted that ifc would go . on and prosper . Comp . Ward requested permission to add a few words in addition to those of the M . E . Z . Ifc was quite unnecesary to say one word as to the ability and dignity with which Comp . King had filled the chair as the first M . E . Z . of this chapter . As the companions had every
opportunity of judging , he had never omitted to attend on any occasion , but perhaps they were not all aware of his munificent presents which had placed the chapter at tho end of its first year in so flourishing a state . Comp . Ward stated that he was in hopes shortly a chapter would be formed at Trowbridge , anel perhaps at Devizes , and would be glad if the companions would authorize him to lend them such furniture as they might require . The chapter was then closed in ancient and solemn form .
Red Cross Of Rome And Constantine.
CHANNEL ISLANDS . GUERNSEY . DOYLE CONCLAVE ( No . 7 . )—A regular assembly of this Conclave was held on Thursday , the 19 th inst ., at the Masonic Hall , Court-place , Guernsey , under the presidency of Sir Knight James Gallienne , M . P . S ., Inspector General of the Guernsey Division . The members present were Sir Knights Joseph
Millington , V . E . ; John Henry Guilbert , J . G . ; Elisha W . Hutchinson , K . G . C ., Past Sov ., Treas . ; Frederick Clarke , H . P . and Acting Recorder ; William Henry Martin , Herald ; John Rowe , Org . ; H . W . Stiekland , J . H . Parker , and J . B . Lucas . After a voluntary on the harmonium , the Conclave was opened according to ancient custom . The Acting Recorder was then called upon by the M . P . S . to communicate to the members the
substance of his correspondence with 111 . Sir Knt . Little , G . Reg ., concerning the affairs of the Conclave . This comprised answers to numerous queries , solutions of difficulties , and ex . planations of various matters on which Sir Knt- Little had been interrogated , the relating ; of which was received with great
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Macdonald Lodge , anel their reputation would not depend on the first master who occupied the chair , but on those who might succeed him . lie acknowledged the energetic support he had received from every offh-er during that his first year in the chair of the Macdonald Lodge , and had great pleasure in giving " The health of the Wardens and other Officers of the Lodge . " Bro . Stevens , S . W . iu returning thanks for the officers said
they had endeavoured to do honest service iu tho lodge anel to perform that which they believed to be right . There was a great deal of practical Masonry in the Macdonald Loelge , anel with a view of giving their brother visitors some insight into the work that had been clone in six months , he detailed the donations to the furniture of the lodge by the members of it , amounting in value to upwards of LS 125 which was an evidence of
, their feelings and was not to be measured by their intrinsic value . The W . M . gave " Secretary and Treasurer of the Lodge , " for which Bro . Godden returned thanks . The W . M . in a few' appropriate remarks proposed " The Masonic Charities . " Bro . GoddenP . M . and Treasurerannounced his willingness
, , to stand as Steward for the lodge at the next festival for the Girl's School . The tyleiV toasfc brought the proceedings to . a close , which throughout hael been marked by tbe utmost- harmony and the true spirit of Freemasonry .
INSTRUCTION . DOMATIC LODGE OF INSTRUCTION , ( No . 177 ) . —This old lodge of instruction now meets every Tuesday evening , at half-past seven o'clock , at the Palmerston Arms , Palmeisfcon-sti-eet , near the Walworth-road Station of the Chatham and Dover Railway ; and it is very well attended . At every meeting the ceremonies and explanatory lectures are worked and the attendance of
young Masons cannot fail to be followed by mutual advantages , to themselves and the craft to which they belong . " Mine Host " Marshall , tbe W . M . of the Neptune Lodge is most assiduous in his endeavours to make all who honour the lodge happy and comfortable , and he appears to have eminently succeeded . It is proposed on tbe fourth Tuesday in December the 22 nd , to render the meeting one ' of a very interesting
descritioninasp , much as the esteemed Bro . Robert Wentworth Little , P . M . of 975 , 804 , 1 , 194 , & c , will work the ceremony of consecration . After which the ceremony of installation will be worked by Bro . Henry Thompson , P . M ' . of the parent lodge , and P . M . of the Southen Star Lodge , No . 1 , 158 . Every endeavour will be made to give eclat to the occasion , and it is hoped there will he a numerous attendance of the brethren .
MIDDLESEX . UXBRIDGE . —Sogal Union Lodge ( No . 536 ) . —In the report iu last week ' s issue of the meeting of this lodge , we omitted to mention a very interesting portion of tho day ' s proceedings , which consisted of the presentation to Bro . TV " . Coombes , the Hon . Sec , of a very handsome silver goblet , the inscription on which fully expresses tlie hih opinion tbe brethren have of him .
g The presentation was made by the W . M ., and feelingly acknowledged by Bro . Coombes , The inscription on tho silver goblet was as follows : — " Presented to Bro . W . Coombes , P . M ., by the members of the Royal Union Loelge , No . 382 , us a mark of their fraternal esteem for his zeal in promoting the welfare of the lodge . —November , 1868 . "
North America.
BRITISH COLUMBIA . NEW WESTMINSTER— Union Lodge , ( No . 899 ) , —Tho regular -mooting of this lodgo was hold on Thursday tho 1 st October , in tho Masonic Hall at eight o ' clock . Bro . H . TV . Smith , W . M . prosided , supported by Bro . H . Holbrook , Dep . D . G . M . as P . M . ; Bros . R . Dickorson , S . W . ; A . W . S . Block , J . W . ; G . Block acting Sec . ; JohnstonS . D . CunninghamJ . DJulius FranklinJG
, ; , . ; , .., thoro was also present several members of tho lodge , anel Bro . Davies of tho Carriboo Lodgo S . R . Williams Crook as a visitor . Tho lodgo was opened iu duo form in tho first dogreo and tho minutes of the last regular mooting woro road and confirmed , Bro . James Canningham having signified his dosiro to take tho Ecoaud dogi-oo ho was examined as to his proficiency in Masonry
North America.
which being satisfactory , ho was entrusted with tho tost of merit and retired , tho lodgo was then oponod in tho socond degroo and and Bro . James Cunningham was admitted and passed to tho second dogroo , after which tho lodgo was closed to tho first dogroo and tho business resumed . Tho committoo appointed to superintend tho granite Masonic monument about boing erected in tho coniotory to tho memory of tho docoasod brethren of tho lodgoreported and stated tho work was in full and
, progress woulel shortly bo completed , thoy asked for further subscriptions to onablo a proper railing boing placed round tho graves of those buried by tho Froomasons in tho coniotory . Tho W . M . appealed to tho brethren for further subscriptions . It was then proposed and seconded , and resolved : —That tho thanks of this lodge bo presented to tho officers and members of the Victoria Lodge , No . 783 , E . R ., Vanconvors Lodgo , No . 421 , S . R ., British Columbia
Lodgo , E . R . and brethren in Victoria V . J . , for their groat attention and kindness to Bro . Oliver Hocking , a member of this lodgo , during his illness in Victoria , and for all favours ho received iu his groat noeel at their hands—carried unanimously , and copy ordered to bo sont to each lodgo . No further work appearing for tho good of Masonry in this lodge it was closed in peace , harmony and brotherly love .
Royal Arch.
WILTSHIRE . SALISBURY . —Chapter Llias de Lertiam ( No . 586 ) . —A regular convocation of this chapter was held on Friday , the 20 th inst ., afc the Masonic Hall , Salisbury . Present—Comps . F . King , M . E . Z . ; Rev . TV . M . Heath , M . E . H . ; H . Ward , J . After the confirmation of the minutes the chapter proceeded fco the election of officers for the ensuing yearwhen the following
, companions were elected : —Comps . the Rev . TV . M . Heath , M . E . Z . ; Wyndham , M . E . H . ; Stokes , M . E . J , and Treas . ; Cardell , E . ; Haynes , N . ; Benson , P . S . ; Darke and Blackmore , Assist . Sojs . ; H . Ward , Dir . of Cers . and Curator of the chapter ; Triniman , Janitor . Comp . King , M . E . Z ., before resigning the chair to fche Installing Principal congratulated the Companions of the chapter on its position at the end of the first he
year , had audited the accounts with Comp . Stokes and was glad to say that . there was a balance in hand , and he trusted that ifc would go . on and prosper . Comp . Ward requested permission to add a few words in addition to those of the M . E . Z . Ifc was quite unnecesary to say one word as to the ability and dignity with which Comp . King had filled the chair as the first M . E . Z . of this chapter . As the companions had every
opportunity of judging , he had never omitted to attend on any occasion , but perhaps they were not all aware of his munificent presents which had placed the chapter at tho end of its first year in so flourishing a state . Comp . Ward stated that he was in hopes shortly a chapter would be formed at Trowbridge , anel perhaps at Devizes , and would be glad if the companions would authorize him to lend them such furniture as they might require . The chapter was then closed in ancient and solemn form .
Red Cross Of Rome And Constantine.
CHANNEL ISLANDS . GUERNSEY . DOYLE CONCLAVE ( No . 7 . )—A regular assembly of this Conclave was held on Thursday , the 19 th inst ., at the Masonic Hall , Court-place , Guernsey , under the presidency of Sir Knight James Gallienne , M . P . S ., Inspector General of the Guernsey Division . The members present were Sir Knights Joseph
Millington , V . E . ; John Henry Guilbert , J . G . ; Elisha W . Hutchinson , K . G . C ., Past Sov ., Treas . ; Frederick Clarke , H . P . and Acting Recorder ; William Henry Martin , Herald ; John Rowe , Org . ; H . W . Stiekland , J . H . Parker , and J . B . Lucas . After a voluntary on the harmonium , the Conclave was opened according to ancient custom . The Acting Recorder was then called upon by the M . P . S . to communicate to the members the
substance of his correspondence with 111 . Sir Knt . Little , G . Reg ., concerning the affairs of the Conclave . This comprised answers to numerous queries , solutions of difficulties , and ex . planations of various matters on which Sir Knt- Little had been interrogated , the relating ; of which was received with great