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The Week.
burg together one vote in turn ; Electoral Hesse and the seven Grand Duchies will nominate the fifth member , and the remaining German States elect the sixth . The question of the presidency of the Directorate is left open for Austria and Prussia to decide upon . The Prussian Cabinet has endeavoured to gain some popularity at the expense of the Emperor of Austria by
declaring that it can assent to no scheme of federal reform which does not provide for the direct election by the people of the Lower House of Representatives . A Frankfort journal mentions the surprise occasioned by the consul-general of the United States at that city having hoisted the American ensign side by side with the flag of Mexico . Of course the circumstance
was calculated to excite considerable speculation : but it is now explained by the fact that some time ago , at the request of General Juarez , tbe Cabinet of AVashington consented to their agents abroad representing the Mexican republic in the event of the country falling into the hands of tiie French . The despatch of Mr . Seward intimating compliance with the request
is elated in March last , and it explicitly states that under no circumstances would the United States tolerate the introduction into Mexico of any other form of government than the republican . The Paris papers now endeavour to account for Prince Gortschakoff's delay in answering the last notes of the AVestern Powers—which may not unreasonably bo conjectured to be at
least caused by a desire to gain time—to the Emperor Alexander's absence from St . Petersburg when the notes were delivered-La France asserts that the Fins have sent a deputation to the Emperor at St . Petersburg !! demanding a constitution for
Finland and a separate Finnish army . Advices from Cracow state that railway and telegraphic communications between that city and AVavsaw had been interrupted , and that a rising of the peasantry had taken place iu the palatinate of Sandomir . An infamous and cowardly deed was perpetrated at Venice on the anniversary of the Emperor Francis Joseph ' s birthday _
Whilst the service in honour of the occasion was being celebrated in the church of San Marco some miscreant hurled a bomb into the midst of the congregation , by the explosion of which several persons , including an Austrian officer and a priest , were wounded . According to the Dagbladet of the 22 nd , tho King of the Greeks will soon take his departure for Athens .
His Majesty will arrive in Greece in the latter half of October , after the vote for the annexation of the Ionian Islands by the Ionian Parliament . The King will stay in London ten clays and a similar time in Paris . His coming is anxiously looked for in the Greek capital . There has just been published a parliamentary paper containing a series of despatches from Mr .
Scarlett , our minister at Athens , and a very extraordinary picture of society in that country it represents . Robbery , murder , rape appear to be common occurrences , and those committed not as in other countries , by the outlaws of society , but by the conservators of tho peace—by the soldiers and the police ; but the Foreign Secretary , Lord Russell , is of opinion
that matters will soon cool clown , and order be fully restored . Advices from Madrid state that the Progressistas and the Democrats have refused the conditions imposed by the Government , and have decided not to meet on the 30 th inst .
MEXICO . —Intelligence from A ' era Cruz to the" 2 ith ult . has reached Paris , according to which it appears that several Mexican towns , including Cordoba , Orizaba , and Jalapa , had confirmed the vote of the Notables proclaiming the empire , and offering the . crown to the Archduke Maximilian . It is also stated that General Comonfort had issued an order accepting the situation , and recommending his troops to submit to what he treats as the expressed will of the nation . Nothing is said
The Week.
about the ex-President Juarez . The acceptance or non-acceptance of the Mexican Crown by Prince Maximilian is said partially to depend on the result of a visit of the Prince to King Leopold of Belgium . AMEE - CCA . —No military intelligence of importance was brought by the Scotia from New York . General Lee ' s head-quarters
were at Gordonsville , and the main body of his army lay on the line of the Rapidan . Guerillas continued to annoy the Federals , who were consequently preparing to expel all the inhabitants capable of bearing arms from the country north of the Rappahannock and east of tho Blue Eidge . It was said thet General Meade persisted in resigning the command of
the Federal army of the Potomac , and that he would be succeeded by General Grant or General Rosecrans . General Foster , with the ironclad steamer Sangamon , and some other vessels , had proceeded up the James River in order to reconnoitre Fort Darling ; but lie was compelled to retreat down the river when he was still seven miles below the fort—the . explosion of
a torpedo having seriously damaged one of his vessels , and some of his officers and men having been killed and wounded by a heavy fire from the banks . General Gilmore had received reinforcements of 8000 men , and the siege of Charleston was said to be " progressing favourably , " the Federals being on the point of opening fire on Fort Sumter . There were rumours
that the Confederate Government hacl begun , or was about to begin , arming negroes for service against the Federal armies . A meeting of Republican leaders was about to be held in Washington ; and it was reported , according to the New York-Herald , that one at least of its objects was to frame proposals for the restoration of peace . President Lincoln , in reply to a
letter from Governor Seymour , had refused to postpone the enforcement of the draft in New York—declaring that a conscription was indispensable for the reinforcement of the army The City of CorJc has brought advices two clays later than than the Scotia's . No movement has been made by either belligerent army in A irginia , and the intense heat continued to
impede operations . Accounts from Charleston stated that the Confederate batteries maintained a heavy fire on the Federal works on Morris Island , and that the " grand attack " on Fort Sumter was to be commenced on the 13 th instant . There were rumours that secessionist risings had occurred in California , and that there had been a serious affray at a place called A assalia ,
to which troops . had been despatched from San Francisco . Tbe Judge Advocate of the State of New York had made an official report , declaring that tiie enrolment of men liable to the conscription in New York had been fraudulently made , witli the purpose of levying an undue proportion of recruits from the districts where the Democratic voters formed the majority of the constituency .
To Correspondents.
J . C . U . —AVe have no list of the various towns having Masonic rooms or halls , but may mention Leicester , Jersey , Liverpool , Manchester , Oxford , Leeds , Bradford , & c . AVe do not know the names and addresses of the various Prov . G . Sees . Information on the subject may be obtained from Bro . J . Bradley Manchester ; Bro . Kelly , Leicester ; Dr . Henry Hopkins ,
Jersey ; Bro . Pepper , Liverpool ; aud others . 2 . —An Irish brother , who has taken the P . M ' s . degree pro forma , is not entitled to the privileges of a P . M . in an English lodge .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Week.
burg together one vote in turn ; Electoral Hesse and the seven Grand Duchies will nominate the fifth member , and the remaining German States elect the sixth . The question of the presidency of the Directorate is left open for Austria and Prussia to decide upon . The Prussian Cabinet has endeavoured to gain some popularity at the expense of the Emperor of Austria by
declaring that it can assent to no scheme of federal reform which does not provide for the direct election by the people of the Lower House of Representatives . A Frankfort journal mentions the surprise occasioned by the consul-general of the United States at that city having hoisted the American ensign side by side with the flag of Mexico . Of course the circumstance
was calculated to excite considerable speculation : but it is now explained by the fact that some time ago , at the request of General Juarez , tbe Cabinet of AVashington consented to their agents abroad representing the Mexican republic in the event of the country falling into the hands of tiie French . The despatch of Mr . Seward intimating compliance with the request
is elated in March last , and it explicitly states that under no circumstances would the United States tolerate the introduction into Mexico of any other form of government than the republican . The Paris papers now endeavour to account for Prince Gortschakoff's delay in answering the last notes of the AVestern Powers—which may not unreasonably bo conjectured to be at
least caused by a desire to gain time—to the Emperor Alexander's absence from St . Petersburg when the notes were delivered-La France asserts that the Fins have sent a deputation to the Emperor at St . Petersburg !! demanding a constitution for
Finland and a separate Finnish army . Advices from Cracow state that railway and telegraphic communications between that city and AVavsaw had been interrupted , and that a rising of the peasantry had taken place iu the palatinate of Sandomir . An infamous and cowardly deed was perpetrated at Venice on the anniversary of the Emperor Francis Joseph ' s birthday _
Whilst the service in honour of the occasion was being celebrated in the church of San Marco some miscreant hurled a bomb into the midst of the congregation , by the explosion of which several persons , including an Austrian officer and a priest , were wounded . According to the Dagbladet of the 22 nd , tho King of the Greeks will soon take his departure for Athens .
His Majesty will arrive in Greece in the latter half of October , after the vote for the annexation of the Ionian Islands by the Ionian Parliament . The King will stay in London ten clays and a similar time in Paris . His coming is anxiously looked for in the Greek capital . There has just been published a parliamentary paper containing a series of despatches from Mr .
Scarlett , our minister at Athens , and a very extraordinary picture of society in that country it represents . Robbery , murder , rape appear to be common occurrences , and those committed not as in other countries , by the outlaws of society , but by the conservators of tho peace—by the soldiers and the police ; but the Foreign Secretary , Lord Russell , is of opinion
that matters will soon cool clown , and order be fully restored . Advices from Madrid state that the Progressistas and the Democrats have refused the conditions imposed by the Government , and have decided not to meet on the 30 th inst .
MEXICO . —Intelligence from A ' era Cruz to the" 2 ith ult . has reached Paris , according to which it appears that several Mexican towns , including Cordoba , Orizaba , and Jalapa , had confirmed the vote of the Notables proclaiming the empire , and offering the . crown to the Archduke Maximilian . It is also stated that General Comonfort had issued an order accepting the situation , and recommending his troops to submit to what he treats as the expressed will of the nation . Nothing is said
The Week.
about the ex-President Juarez . The acceptance or non-acceptance of the Mexican Crown by Prince Maximilian is said partially to depend on the result of a visit of the Prince to King Leopold of Belgium . AMEE - CCA . —No military intelligence of importance was brought by the Scotia from New York . General Lee ' s head-quarters
were at Gordonsville , and the main body of his army lay on the line of the Rapidan . Guerillas continued to annoy the Federals , who were consequently preparing to expel all the inhabitants capable of bearing arms from the country north of the Rappahannock and east of tho Blue Eidge . It was said thet General Meade persisted in resigning the command of
the Federal army of the Potomac , and that he would be succeeded by General Grant or General Rosecrans . General Foster , with the ironclad steamer Sangamon , and some other vessels , had proceeded up the James River in order to reconnoitre Fort Darling ; but lie was compelled to retreat down the river when he was still seven miles below the fort—the . explosion of
a torpedo having seriously damaged one of his vessels , and some of his officers and men having been killed and wounded by a heavy fire from the banks . General Gilmore had received reinforcements of 8000 men , and the siege of Charleston was said to be " progressing favourably , " the Federals being on the point of opening fire on Fort Sumter . There were rumours
that the Confederate Government hacl begun , or was about to begin , arming negroes for service against the Federal armies . A meeting of Republican leaders was about to be held in Washington ; and it was reported , according to the New York-Herald , that one at least of its objects was to frame proposals for the restoration of peace . President Lincoln , in reply to a
letter from Governor Seymour , had refused to postpone the enforcement of the draft in New York—declaring that a conscription was indispensable for the reinforcement of the army The City of CorJc has brought advices two clays later than than the Scotia's . No movement has been made by either belligerent army in A irginia , and the intense heat continued to
impede operations . Accounts from Charleston stated that the Confederate batteries maintained a heavy fire on the Federal works on Morris Island , and that the " grand attack " on Fort Sumter was to be commenced on the 13 th instant . There were rumours that secessionist risings had occurred in California , and that there had been a serious affray at a place called A assalia ,
to which troops . had been despatched from San Francisco . Tbe Judge Advocate of the State of New York had made an official report , declaring that tiie enrolment of men liable to the conscription in New York had been fraudulently made , witli the purpose of levying an undue proportion of recruits from the districts where the Democratic voters formed the majority of the constituency .
To Correspondents.
J . C . U . —AVe have no list of the various towns having Masonic rooms or halls , but may mention Leicester , Jersey , Liverpool , Manchester , Oxford , Leeds , Bradford , & c . AVe do not know the names and addresses of the various Prov . G . Sees . Information on the subject may be obtained from Bro . J . Bradley Manchester ; Bro . Kelly , Leicester ; Dr . Henry Hopkins ,
Jersey ; Bro . Pepper , Liverpool ; aud others . 2 . —An Irish brother , who has taken the P . M ' s . degree pro forma , is not entitled to the privileges of a P . M . in an English lodge .