Article MASONIC NOTES AND QUERIES. ← Page 2 of 3 →
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Masonic Notes And Queries.
BURNING A REVELATION . Amono-st those works which profess to reveal the secrets of Freemasonry , many of which were published 111 the last century , there is one entitled , Solomon in all his Glory ; or , tha Master Mason . The end of a very long title runs thus : — " Translated from the French original , published at Berlin , and burnt by order of the King of 8 Lond
Prussia , at the intercession of Freemasons , " vo ., ., 1766 . What authority is there in any life of Frederick the Great for this statement ? If this had been a known fact , it seems incredible that Carlyle , in his recent life of -that king , should not have noticed it , as be more than once sneers at the king's initiation , and in his own peculiar stylo , makes fun of Baron Bielefield and the other Freemasons who were about the person of that monarch . —Ex . Ex .
HARMONY AT LODGE BANQUETS . Every Craftsman is supposed to make the liberal arts and sciences a study , and it is much to be desired that this study was more real than suppositious . It is a very common occurrence in the pages of THE FREEMASON ' S MAGAZINE to find that Bros . Blank and Co ., favoured the lodge with some delightful harmony when they really
only sang songs . Harmony is produced by two or more voices or instruments , or both combined , engaged io performing music in different parts . Melody is where one voice or instrument or hundreds of each produce the same identical strain . To call a song harmony is a vulgarism which Craftsmen should avoid , for if they would onlrepeat to themselves the formula" Will Bro . ¦
y , favour ns by singing a little harmony ? " it would be evident how great an absurdity they would be uttering . Let us hope then that , for the future , we shall read no more of Bro . 's harmony , except when he takes part in apiece of music composed for several voices or instruments as the case may be . —Musicus .
X __ SC _ S OP THE ANGELS . Iii reply to P . M . 841 , 1 beg to inform you that he will find the names of the angels round the Zodiacal plate in Alexandre Lenoir's La , Fvanchc-Ma $ onnerie vendue a , sa veritable Origine , ou VAntiqit . ite de la Franche-Maconnerie prouvee par VExplication cles Mysteres Anciens et Modern .-4 to . Paris 1814 . There are several large
,, , folding plates in the volume . In Cornelius Agrippa ' s Occulta Philosophia , of which there are numerous editions , there will be found several tables of the various names of God , from the simple Jod to the twelve lettered name , and in all these there are the names of the angels . In the works of the mystics and Alchemists , such as Jacob Boehmen , Dr . Doe , Fludd , Joan Lead , and Law , there are
innumerable references to the various angels by name , and many invocations for aid , made to them . The Mishna , too , contains a long list of them , but there is no English translation of it , and the usual copy consulted is a Latin version , printed at Amsterdam , about 1715-20 . There is , however , a work in English by Thomas Hey wood , the dramatist , entitled , The Hierarchic of the Blessed Angels , ihek Orders
names , , and Offices . The Fall of Lucifer with Us Angels . Folio , London , 1635 . This work is well known for its charming language , aud although a rare book , in private hands , copies will be met with in most of the public universities , cathedral aud collegiate libraries throughout the country . Perhaps the most accessible work is Ragon ' s Maconnerie Occult , 8 vo . Paris , 1853 , but it is not comprehensive on the subject of the angels , merely giving some two or three pages of names ¦ classified under elemental governances . —MATTHEW COOKE .
" SERVANTS OP THE WISE SOLOMON . " In the Annals of the Grand Lodge of Ireland , against the year A . D . 782 , is tbe following entry . — " Alfred the Great promoted the Order , and the art much prospered . According to Bede , Alfred was initiated at the college in Mayo ; and the letter of Eric , a celebrated philospher of
Auxerre , to Charles the Bald , about the middle of the 9 th century , designates the Irish philosophers as ' Servants of the wise Solomon . '" Where is this letter of Eric printed ?—PILGRIM , TESTING AN OPERATIVE KASON . Ths following extract shows that even the operative
Craft require a test from those who would be held as Masters of the Craft : — " A curious , and I believe peculiar custom , still exists ab Antwerp among the guild of ( operative ) Masons . Henri Conscience , the great Belgian writer , who was perambulating the town with me , informed me as we passed their hall , that whenever a new Master Mason was to be elected , it was necessary , that ,
previously to being initiated into his somewhat important position , ho should prove himself worthy of the dignity about to bo conferred upon him by pulling down and re-building , with his own hands , the facade of one portion of the building , which has , consequently , been re-erected innumerable times , though the remainder of the edifice is sufficiently venerable . If the candidate shrank from his trial , there was no alternative but to yield his claim . " —Flemish Interiors . —Ex . Ex .
STATISTICS OP MASONRY IN GERMANY . The number of lodge members in all the German lodges in 1852 amounted to 21 , 675 , of whom more than half , 12 , 180 , belong to lodges in Prussia , and they are classified as follows . Of the Princely houses . 19 ; in the learned professions and classes , 5 , 457 , judicial , state , and other public officers , 3256 ; in the military , 1280 ;
merchants , book-sellers , music dealers aud manufacturers , 5552 ; artists , 1774 ; foresters , 191 ; miners , 194 ; hotel and restaurant keepers , 338 ; agents , 113 ; farmers , 1289 ; students , 50 ; farriers , 47 ; navigators aud sailors , 129 ; mechanics , 1243 ; having no particular occupation , 713 . The average number in each German lodge is 86 ; but there are 11 lodges numbering less than 30 , and 10
numbering more than 200 . Though it is not specifically stated in the protocol , we believe there are 9 Grand Lodges iu the Germanic States , viz ., Saxony , Hamburgh , Hanover , the Three Globes , Darmstadt , Grand Landes Lodge , Eclectic Union , Royal York , and Beyrentb . It is proposed to renew those statistical tables at stated intervals of ten years , and it would bo very interesting to compare the statistics of 1862 with those of 1852 . —Ex . Ex .
CURIOSITIES OP AMERICAN PREEMASONRY . From time to time I propose to send you certain extracts from American documents , which , 1 think , both amusing and instructive . Hero is one , heading and all : — " A Pogus Dispensation . "A numher of Masons residing at Lake Charlesparish of
, Calcasieu , being desirous of forming themselves into a lodge , had associated themselves together for that purpose , and obtained , through the instrumentality of one James K . Belden , what they supposed to he a Dispensation from our late Grand Master Adams , and under this authority met regularly as a lodge during part of the year 1858 , and until the assembling of the Grand Lodge , in February , 1859 , when , desiring a Charter , the members
placed the Dispensation , under which they had heen working , with a copy of their proceedings , in the hands of the said Belden , furnishing him , at the same time , with the requisite funds for that purpose . After waiting a considerable time the brethren became impatient , and addressed letters of inquiry to Past Grand Master Adams and to the Grand Secretary , when , for the first time , it was discovered that the
pretended Dispensation was a forgery , and that no such document had ever heen issued by the Grand Master . Pinding themselves in this unpleasant position , the brethren at Lake Charles made a full representation of these facts , and applied for a Dispensation to open a regular lodge , procuring the recommendation of Tunica Lodge ( No . 63 ) , and a warm personal recommendation of Bro . Thomas H . Lewis , "Having satisfied myself fully of the correctness of these
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Notes And Queries.
BURNING A REVELATION . Amono-st those works which profess to reveal the secrets of Freemasonry , many of which were published 111 the last century , there is one entitled , Solomon in all his Glory ; or , tha Master Mason . The end of a very long title runs thus : — " Translated from the French original , published at Berlin , and burnt by order of the King of 8 Lond
Prussia , at the intercession of Freemasons , " vo ., ., 1766 . What authority is there in any life of Frederick the Great for this statement ? If this had been a known fact , it seems incredible that Carlyle , in his recent life of -that king , should not have noticed it , as be more than once sneers at the king's initiation , and in his own peculiar stylo , makes fun of Baron Bielefield and the other Freemasons who were about the person of that monarch . —Ex . Ex .
HARMONY AT LODGE BANQUETS . Every Craftsman is supposed to make the liberal arts and sciences a study , and it is much to be desired that this study was more real than suppositious . It is a very common occurrence in the pages of THE FREEMASON ' S MAGAZINE to find that Bros . Blank and Co ., favoured the lodge with some delightful harmony when they really
only sang songs . Harmony is produced by two or more voices or instruments , or both combined , engaged io performing music in different parts . Melody is where one voice or instrument or hundreds of each produce the same identical strain . To call a song harmony is a vulgarism which Craftsmen should avoid , for if they would onlrepeat to themselves the formula" Will Bro . ¦
y , favour ns by singing a little harmony ? " it would be evident how great an absurdity they would be uttering . Let us hope then that , for the future , we shall read no more of Bro . 's harmony , except when he takes part in apiece of music composed for several voices or instruments as the case may be . —Musicus .
X __ SC _ S OP THE ANGELS . Iii reply to P . M . 841 , 1 beg to inform you that he will find the names of the angels round the Zodiacal plate in Alexandre Lenoir's La , Fvanchc-Ma $ onnerie vendue a , sa veritable Origine , ou VAntiqit . ite de la Franche-Maconnerie prouvee par VExplication cles Mysteres Anciens et Modern .-4 to . Paris 1814 . There are several large
,, , folding plates in the volume . In Cornelius Agrippa ' s Occulta Philosophia , of which there are numerous editions , there will be found several tables of the various names of God , from the simple Jod to the twelve lettered name , and in all these there are the names of the angels . In the works of the mystics and Alchemists , such as Jacob Boehmen , Dr . Doe , Fludd , Joan Lead , and Law , there are
innumerable references to the various angels by name , and many invocations for aid , made to them . The Mishna , too , contains a long list of them , but there is no English translation of it , and the usual copy consulted is a Latin version , printed at Amsterdam , about 1715-20 . There is , however , a work in English by Thomas Hey wood , the dramatist , entitled , The Hierarchic of the Blessed Angels , ihek Orders
names , , and Offices . The Fall of Lucifer with Us Angels . Folio , London , 1635 . This work is well known for its charming language , aud although a rare book , in private hands , copies will be met with in most of the public universities , cathedral aud collegiate libraries throughout the country . Perhaps the most accessible work is Ragon ' s Maconnerie Occult , 8 vo . Paris , 1853 , but it is not comprehensive on the subject of the angels , merely giving some two or three pages of names ¦ classified under elemental governances . —MATTHEW COOKE .
" SERVANTS OP THE WISE SOLOMON . " In the Annals of the Grand Lodge of Ireland , against the year A . D . 782 , is tbe following entry . — " Alfred the Great promoted the Order , and the art much prospered . According to Bede , Alfred was initiated at the college in Mayo ; and the letter of Eric , a celebrated philospher of
Auxerre , to Charles the Bald , about the middle of the 9 th century , designates the Irish philosophers as ' Servants of the wise Solomon . '" Where is this letter of Eric printed ?—PILGRIM , TESTING AN OPERATIVE KASON . Ths following extract shows that even the operative
Craft require a test from those who would be held as Masters of the Craft : — " A curious , and I believe peculiar custom , still exists ab Antwerp among the guild of ( operative ) Masons . Henri Conscience , the great Belgian writer , who was perambulating the town with me , informed me as we passed their hall , that whenever a new Master Mason was to be elected , it was necessary , that ,
previously to being initiated into his somewhat important position , ho should prove himself worthy of the dignity about to bo conferred upon him by pulling down and re-building , with his own hands , the facade of one portion of the building , which has , consequently , been re-erected innumerable times , though the remainder of the edifice is sufficiently venerable . If the candidate shrank from his trial , there was no alternative but to yield his claim . " —Flemish Interiors . —Ex . Ex .
STATISTICS OP MASONRY IN GERMANY . The number of lodge members in all the German lodges in 1852 amounted to 21 , 675 , of whom more than half , 12 , 180 , belong to lodges in Prussia , and they are classified as follows . Of the Princely houses . 19 ; in the learned professions and classes , 5 , 457 , judicial , state , and other public officers , 3256 ; in the military , 1280 ;
merchants , book-sellers , music dealers aud manufacturers , 5552 ; artists , 1774 ; foresters , 191 ; miners , 194 ; hotel and restaurant keepers , 338 ; agents , 113 ; farmers , 1289 ; students , 50 ; farriers , 47 ; navigators aud sailors , 129 ; mechanics , 1243 ; having no particular occupation , 713 . The average number in each German lodge is 86 ; but there are 11 lodges numbering less than 30 , and 10
numbering more than 200 . Though it is not specifically stated in the protocol , we believe there are 9 Grand Lodges iu the Germanic States , viz ., Saxony , Hamburgh , Hanover , the Three Globes , Darmstadt , Grand Landes Lodge , Eclectic Union , Royal York , and Beyrentb . It is proposed to renew those statistical tables at stated intervals of ten years , and it would bo very interesting to compare the statistics of 1862 with those of 1852 . —Ex . Ex .
CURIOSITIES OP AMERICAN PREEMASONRY . From time to time I propose to send you certain extracts from American documents , which , 1 think , both amusing and instructive . Hero is one , heading and all : — " A Pogus Dispensation . "A numher of Masons residing at Lake Charlesparish of
, Calcasieu , being desirous of forming themselves into a lodge , had associated themselves together for that purpose , and obtained , through the instrumentality of one James K . Belden , what they supposed to he a Dispensation from our late Grand Master Adams , and under this authority met regularly as a lodge during part of the year 1858 , and until the assembling of the Grand Lodge , in February , 1859 , when , desiring a Charter , the members
placed the Dispensation , under which they had heen working , with a copy of their proceedings , in the hands of the said Belden , furnishing him , at the same time , with the requisite funds for that purpose . After waiting a considerable time the brethren became impatient , and addressed letters of inquiry to Past Grand Master Adams and to the Grand Secretary , when , for the first time , it was discovered that the
pretended Dispensation was a forgery , and that no such document had ever heen issued by the Grand Master . Pinding themselves in this unpleasant position , the brethren at Lake Charles made a full representation of these facts , and applied for a Dispensation to open a regular lodge , procuring the recommendation of Tunica Lodge ( No . 63 ) , and a warm personal recommendation of Bro . Thomas H . Lewis , "Having satisfied myself fully of the correctness of these