Article METROPOLITAN. ← Page 3 of 3 Article PROVINCIAL. Page 1 of 4 →
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who returned thanks for the compliment , and assured the brethren that nothing could give him a greater pleasure than to be among them ; all who had listened to the fervid eloquence of the D . G . M . in Grand Loelge must have felt how well he was fitted for the high office . Indeed , the more they saw of the D . G . Master he was sure the more they would appreciate him , and tbe services of so distinguished a nobleman could not fail to reflect honour on the Craft . On behalf of
of the Earl de Grey and Ripon , ( of whom he could not say too much in praise of his attention to his Masonic duties , ) and the other Grand Officers , he could conscientiously assert they one and all exerted themselves to the best of their abilities to pro-, mote the interests and welfare ofthe order . He again thanked the AA . M . and brethren for the handsome response , hoping that so young a lodge as the City of London would continue to prosper . Speech , song , and sentiment was the order of the
evening , and after the last toast , " To all poor and distressed Masons , " the column of J . AA . gave token that the evening so redolent of joy and good feeling must be brought to a close . The lodge was then called to labour , and closed in due form .
TOWEK HASILETS EsG-ijfEEEs' LODGE ( No . 1204 ) . — The usual monthly meeting of this lodge was held at the Ship and Turtle , Leadenhall-street , on Monday last . Lodge was opened by the AA . M . Bro . Lieut . AAlgginton , and the ballot having been taken for Capt . Alexander George Dawson , of the Surrey Rifles ( an old Indian officer ) , the ceremony of initiation was performed by the AV . M . in his usual excellent and correct manner . The ballot for AV . M . was next proceeded withthe
SWBroGrum-, .. . hridgo ( P . M . 63 ) being unanimously elected to fill the chair for the ensuing year . The Treasurer Bro . Tripe , M . D ., was then unanimously re-elected , with Bro . Grant as Tyler . The statement of accounts heing laid before the lodge , showing a very prosperous year , the thanks of the brethren were awarded to Bro . Tripe for his services , as also to the Secretary , Bro . Scotcher , ( P . M . 63 ) . On the motion of Bro . Grumbridge , seconded by Tri
Bro . Dr . pe , and supported by Bro . Poynter , it was unanimously resolved to present a handsome P . M . ' s Jewel to Bro . Wigginton ( their first AV . M . ) for the admirable way in which the whole duties of the chair had been fulfilled , also for his very correct and impressive working , which had helped to give the lodge the position it had now attained . The business having been disposed of and a committee appointed to make arrangements for the jewel and its presentationthe lodwas
, ge closed in due form and with solemn prayer , and the brethren adjourned to refreshment . The installation meeting and festival of St . John the Divine , will take place on Monday the 23 rd of Feb . next . [ AVhat has St . John the Divine to elo with English Masonry ?—ED . ]
DUB-HAM . DUEHAII . —Maraiik of Granby Lodge ( No . 146 ) . —The usual monthly meeting of this lodge took place on Tuesday the 6 th inst . The lodge was opened by the retiring AV . M ., Bro . Wm . Brignal , assisted by his Wardens , Bros . John Jorrems and Thos . Wm . Hearon . The minutes of the last General Lodge as also the minute relating to tlie celebration of the Festival of St . John the Evangelist ( held on the 30 th of December ) read
were and confirmed . A gentleman was ballotted for and unanimously approved of ; anel Bro , T . Button formerly a member ofthe lodge was readmitted as a subscribing member . Bros . Kobson and Hoyle having given the necessary proofs , they were passed to the degree of F . C . The lodge was then opened in tlie third degree , when the W . M . elect , Bro . Joseph Nicholson , was presented to a board of P . M . ' s for installation , by Bro . P . M . AVm . Stoker
; Bro . P . M . Thos . Jones performing the ceremony with move than usual impressiveness . After being severally proclaimed , the AV . ll . appointed and invested the following officers , viz . AVm . A . Malcolm , S . W . ; Jos . Walker , J . W . ; Thos . Jones , P . M ., Treasurer ; Wm . Marshall , Secretary ; AVm . C . Biackett , S . D . ; AA m . Hutchinson , J . D . ; Thomas Thwaites , and George Greenwell StewardsJames IGJohn Carter ler
, ; Young , .. ; . , Ty . Some formal business having been transacted , the brethren were called from labour to refreshment , and after the usual loyal and Masonic toasts had been duly honoured , interspersed with various glees and solos , the brethren having spent an evenino- of harmony and brotherly love , the lodge was closed in form 'lind
with solemn prayer . On Tuesday evening the 20 th inst . a Master ' s Lodge was held , presided over by the W . M ., Bro . Jos . Nicholson . Tho lodge was opened in the first degree and the minutes of the previous Master's Lodge were read and confirmed . The lodge was afterwards opened in the second and third degrees , when no business being before the lodge in the latter degree , it was closed down , remaining op-m in the first , when tlie AV . M . exercised his newly appointee ! officers in the
working of the initiation ceremony for their instruction and benefit . Bro . AA ' m . Towns , formerly a member of the lodge , and late of the Cleveland Lodge ( No . 795 ) , was proposed anel re-admitted as a subscribing member . The brethren afterwards proceeded to refreshment , and spent the evening in the greatest harmony , and ultimately closed in form and with solemn prayer .
LANCASHIRE ( AVEST . ) AVAEEIJTGTOX . —Lodge of Lights ( No . 173 ) . —The brethren of this loelge met on AVednesday , January 14 th , at an Emergency meeting , called to consider and decide upon removing from tbe Blackburn Arms Hotel to private rooms . The W . M . conducted the proceedings , assisted by the various officers . After due consideration aud full discussion , the motion , which ran as follows , was unanimously carried . " That the loelge be removed to the
private rooms iu Saukey-street , which have been taken for tire purpose , and which formerly formed part of the Nag's Head Hotel . " A vote of thanks was passeel to Miss Bather for her uniform attention to the wants of tlie brethren while the lodge was held at her house . The regular monthly meeting of this lodge was held on Monday night last , at the Masonic rooms , Sankey-street , Warrington , Bros . H . B . White . W . M . ; Capt . Knight , S . AAs ; Bowes , J . W . and Sec ; Dr . Spinks , S . D . ;
"Worthington , J . D ., and a goodly attendance of brethren . After the lodge had been openeel and before the minutes were read , this being the first meeting in the new rooms , Bro . the Rev . J . Nixon Porter , offered a suitable prayer . A ballot was taken for Mr . Blaclihurst , a candidate for initiation , which proved to be in his favour . The lodge having-been opened in the second degree , Pro . AA oods was examined , and subsequently raised to the sublime degree of a M . M . in a most impressive manner
by the W . M ., the working tools being presented by the S . W . The lodge was then closed down to the first degree , when the following motion , of which due notice had been given , was fully discussed , viz ., " That the night of meeting be changed from the last Monday in tlie month , to a night more generally convenient . " A number of amendments were proposed and lost , and ultimately the original motion also . Several presents of furniture and ornaments were announced by the AV . M . The lodge was closed in solemn form at ten o ' clock , and the brethren separated hi harmonv .
NORFOLK . NORWICH . —Perseverance- Lodge ( 258 ) . —Bro . R . Thorns was duly installed AV . M . of the above lodge on Tuesday last in place of Bro . F . Colsey who had completed his year of office as W . M . A large number of the brethren were present , including visitors from the Yarmouth and Norwich Lodges . The installation was most excellently performed by Bro . J . Dawbarn , P . M . ( 258 ) , assisted by Bro . A . F . Morgan , P . M . ( 1 . 10 ) . The banquet , under the able presidency of the W . M . passed off most harmoniously
SISSEX . LEWES . —South Saxon- Lodge ( No . 2901 . —A large gathering of this lodgo took place in Lewes on AVednesday , tho 21 st inst . Bro . B . AY . Hearn in the chair . Bros . I ) . Smyth , Capt . Settle , and Thos . Knight were raised to the sublime degree of M . M ., Bro . Joseph Cooper to that of F . C , and Lieut .-Col . Mackay duly initiated into the privileges and mysteries of Freemasonry . The business being ended , the Eev . G . Little , Chaplain of the loelge ,
rose , anel in the name of the brethren generally , presented an elegant P . M . ' s jewel to Bro . Hearn , bearing the inscription that it was presented to him as a mark of tho esteem in which he was held by the brethren of the South Saxon Lodge , and to show the value and appreciation they attached to the services he had rendered to the lodge during the time he had governed it . The gift was acknowledged by the AV . M . in a truly masonic manner . After which the brethren adjourned to refreshment , which Bro . AA'ingham knows so well how to provide . At the close of tho lodge six candidates for Freemasonry , and two joining members were proposed and seconded .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
who returned thanks for the compliment , and assured the brethren that nothing could give him a greater pleasure than to be among them ; all who had listened to the fervid eloquence of the D . G . M . in Grand Loelge must have felt how well he was fitted for the high office . Indeed , the more they saw of the D . G . Master he was sure the more they would appreciate him , and tbe services of so distinguished a nobleman could not fail to reflect honour on the Craft . On behalf of
of the Earl de Grey and Ripon , ( of whom he could not say too much in praise of his attention to his Masonic duties , ) and the other Grand Officers , he could conscientiously assert they one and all exerted themselves to the best of their abilities to pro-, mote the interests and welfare ofthe order . He again thanked the AA . M . and brethren for the handsome response , hoping that so young a lodge as the City of London would continue to prosper . Speech , song , and sentiment was the order of the
evening , and after the last toast , " To all poor and distressed Masons , " the column of J . AA . gave token that the evening so redolent of joy and good feeling must be brought to a close . The lodge was then called to labour , and closed in due form .
TOWEK HASILETS EsG-ijfEEEs' LODGE ( No . 1204 ) . — The usual monthly meeting of this lodge was held at the Ship and Turtle , Leadenhall-street , on Monday last . Lodge was opened by the AA . M . Bro . Lieut . AAlgginton , and the ballot having been taken for Capt . Alexander George Dawson , of the Surrey Rifles ( an old Indian officer ) , the ceremony of initiation was performed by the AV . M . in his usual excellent and correct manner . The ballot for AV . M . was next proceeded withthe
SWBroGrum-, .. . hridgo ( P . M . 63 ) being unanimously elected to fill the chair for the ensuing year . The Treasurer Bro . Tripe , M . D ., was then unanimously re-elected , with Bro . Grant as Tyler . The statement of accounts heing laid before the lodge , showing a very prosperous year , the thanks of the brethren were awarded to Bro . Tripe for his services , as also to the Secretary , Bro . Scotcher , ( P . M . 63 ) . On the motion of Bro . Grumbridge , seconded by Tri
Bro . Dr . pe , and supported by Bro . Poynter , it was unanimously resolved to present a handsome P . M . ' s Jewel to Bro . Wigginton ( their first AV . M . ) for the admirable way in which the whole duties of the chair had been fulfilled , also for his very correct and impressive working , which had helped to give the lodge the position it had now attained . The business having been disposed of and a committee appointed to make arrangements for the jewel and its presentationthe lodwas
, ge closed in due form and with solemn prayer , and the brethren adjourned to refreshment . The installation meeting and festival of St . John the Divine , will take place on Monday the 23 rd of Feb . next . [ AVhat has St . John the Divine to elo with English Masonry ?—ED . ]
DUB-HAM . DUEHAII . —Maraiik of Granby Lodge ( No . 146 ) . —The usual monthly meeting of this lodge took place on Tuesday the 6 th inst . The lodge was opened by the retiring AV . M ., Bro . Wm . Brignal , assisted by his Wardens , Bros . John Jorrems and Thos . Wm . Hearon . The minutes of the last General Lodge as also the minute relating to tlie celebration of the Festival of St . John the Evangelist ( held on the 30 th of December ) read
were and confirmed . A gentleman was ballotted for and unanimously approved of ; anel Bro , T . Button formerly a member ofthe lodge was readmitted as a subscribing member . Bros . Kobson and Hoyle having given the necessary proofs , they were passed to the degree of F . C . The lodge was then opened in tlie third degree , when the W . M . elect , Bro . Joseph Nicholson , was presented to a board of P . M . ' s for installation , by Bro . P . M . AVm . Stoker
; Bro . P . M . Thos . Jones performing the ceremony with move than usual impressiveness . After being severally proclaimed , the AV . ll . appointed and invested the following officers , viz . AVm . A . Malcolm , S . W . ; Jos . Walker , J . W . ; Thos . Jones , P . M ., Treasurer ; Wm . Marshall , Secretary ; AVm . C . Biackett , S . D . ; AA m . Hutchinson , J . D . ; Thomas Thwaites , and George Greenwell StewardsJames IGJohn Carter ler
, ; Young , .. ; . , Ty . Some formal business having been transacted , the brethren were called from labour to refreshment , and after the usual loyal and Masonic toasts had been duly honoured , interspersed with various glees and solos , the brethren having spent an evenino- of harmony and brotherly love , the lodge was closed in form 'lind
with solemn prayer . On Tuesday evening the 20 th inst . a Master ' s Lodge was held , presided over by the W . M ., Bro . Jos . Nicholson . Tho lodge was opened in the first degree and the minutes of the previous Master's Lodge were read and confirmed . The lodge was afterwards opened in the second and third degrees , when no business being before the lodge in the latter degree , it was closed down , remaining op-m in the first , when tlie AV . M . exercised his newly appointee ! officers in the
working of the initiation ceremony for their instruction and benefit . Bro . AA ' m . Towns , formerly a member of the lodge , and late of the Cleveland Lodge ( No . 795 ) , was proposed anel re-admitted as a subscribing member . The brethren afterwards proceeded to refreshment , and spent the evening in the greatest harmony , and ultimately closed in form and with solemn prayer .
LANCASHIRE ( AVEST . ) AVAEEIJTGTOX . —Lodge of Lights ( No . 173 ) . —The brethren of this loelge met on AVednesday , January 14 th , at an Emergency meeting , called to consider and decide upon removing from tbe Blackburn Arms Hotel to private rooms . The W . M . conducted the proceedings , assisted by the various officers . After due consideration aud full discussion , the motion , which ran as follows , was unanimously carried . " That the loelge be removed to the
private rooms iu Saukey-street , which have been taken for tire purpose , and which formerly formed part of the Nag's Head Hotel . " A vote of thanks was passeel to Miss Bather for her uniform attention to the wants of tlie brethren while the lodge was held at her house . The regular monthly meeting of this lodge was held on Monday night last , at the Masonic rooms , Sankey-street , Warrington , Bros . H . B . White . W . M . ; Capt . Knight , S . AAs ; Bowes , J . W . and Sec ; Dr . Spinks , S . D . ;
"Worthington , J . D ., and a goodly attendance of brethren . After the lodge had been openeel and before the minutes were read , this being the first meeting in the new rooms , Bro . the Rev . J . Nixon Porter , offered a suitable prayer . A ballot was taken for Mr . Blaclihurst , a candidate for initiation , which proved to be in his favour . The lodge having-been opened in the second degree , Pro . AA oods was examined , and subsequently raised to the sublime degree of a M . M . in a most impressive manner
by the W . M ., the working tools being presented by the S . W . The lodge was then closed down to the first degree , when the following motion , of which due notice had been given , was fully discussed , viz ., " That the night of meeting be changed from the last Monday in tlie month , to a night more generally convenient . " A number of amendments were proposed and lost , and ultimately the original motion also . Several presents of furniture and ornaments were announced by the AV . M . The lodge was closed in solemn form at ten o ' clock , and the brethren separated hi harmonv .
NORFOLK . NORWICH . —Perseverance- Lodge ( 258 ) . —Bro . R . Thorns was duly installed AV . M . of the above lodge on Tuesday last in place of Bro . F . Colsey who had completed his year of office as W . M . A large number of the brethren were present , including visitors from the Yarmouth and Norwich Lodges . The installation was most excellently performed by Bro . J . Dawbarn , P . M . ( 258 ) , assisted by Bro . A . F . Morgan , P . M . ( 1 . 10 ) . The banquet , under the able presidency of the W . M . passed off most harmoniously
SISSEX . LEWES . —South Saxon- Lodge ( No . 2901 . —A large gathering of this lodgo took place in Lewes on AVednesday , tho 21 st inst . Bro . B . AY . Hearn in the chair . Bros . I ) . Smyth , Capt . Settle , and Thos . Knight were raised to the sublime degree of M . M ., Bro . Joseph Cooper to that of F . C , and Lieut .-Col . Mackay duly initiated into the privileges and mysteries of Freemasonry . The business being ended , the Eev . G . Little , Chaplain of the loelge ,
rose , anel in the name of the brethren generally , presented an elegant P . M . ' s jewel to Bro . Hearn , bearing the inscription that it was presented to him as a mark of tho esteem in which he was held by the brethren of the South Saxon Lodge , and to show the value and appreciation they attached to the services he had rendered to the lodge during the time he had governed it . The gift was acknowledged by the AV . M . in a truly masonic manner . After which the brethren adjourned to refreshment , which Bro . AA'ingham knows so well how to provide . At the close of tho lodge six candidates for Freemasonry , and two joining members were proposed and seconded .