Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Masonic Mirror.
MASONIC MEMS . The chapter in connection with the Lodge of Temperance ( No . 19 S ) , to he called the Temperance Chapter , will be opened on Tuesday , February 3 , at three o'clock , at the Plough Tavern , Plough Bridge , Rotherhithe ( Bro . Hohnan ' s ) . Comp . Cl . Bolton
is to be tire first Z . The ceremony of Consecration will be worked in the Percy Iiodge of Instruction , by Bro . Stephen Barton Wilson , P . G . D ., this evening ( Jan . 31 st ) , at Bro . Ireland's , Fetter-lane , Fleetstreet . The Directors of the Inns of Court Hotel Company officially
announce that they are about to purchase additional property in . Lincoln ' s Inn Fields , for the accomodation of their Clnb and Masonic rooms department . We wish them luck !
Royal Masonic Institution For Boys.
A Quarterly Court of Governors and Subscribers was held on Monday , the 19 th instant , at the office , 16 A , Great Queen-street , to transact the general business of tire Institution , and to consider the following notice of motion by Bio . John Udall : — " That every " person paying a new subscription after the issue of the proxies shall have the option of receiving a double vote for the current election , thereby foregoing the privilege of voting at a second election for such subscription . " Bro . J . Symonds
was in the chair . The minutes of various general and committee meetings having been read and confirmed , Bro . Udall brought forward his resolution , which , after a short discussion , was carried .
Royal Benevolent Institution For Aged Masons And Their Widows.
The anniversary festival of this most excellent Masonic Institution , the title of which is about three times too long , was celebrated in Freemasons' Hall , on Wednesday evening last , when a most excellent dinner was served under the personal superintendence of Bros . Shrewsbury and Elkington . The chair was occupied by Bro . John Havers , G . W ., who was supported by Bros . A . Perkins , P . G . W . ; Rev . . Tno . Huyshe , G . Chap ., D . Prov . G . M . Devon . ; EvansPresident of the Board of
Gene-, ral Purposes ; Woods , G . Dir . of Cers . ; Bradfteld , Assist . Prov . G . D . C ; Empson , G . S . B . ; Dickie , A . G . P . ; Roxburgh , P . G . R . ; W . H . AVhite , P . G . Sec . ; Potter , Slight , Wilson , Udall , Patten , P . G . D . ' s ; Le Veau , Bridges , P . G . S . B . ' s ; J . Smith , P . G . Purst . ; Spencer , Herapath , Pullen , P . G . Std . ; L . Newull , P . Prov . G . W ., East Lancashire ; Wnkcling , P . Prov . G . W ., Essex ; Blenkin , P . Prov . G . W ., Surrey ; Rev . J . C . Wharton , P . Prov . G . Chap . Berksand Bucks
, . ; do Cuadra , P . Prov . G . D ., Kent ; Binary , P . Prov . G . D . C , Hants . ; Banister , P . Prov . G . D ., Durham , Prov . G . D . C . West , Lancashire , Prov . G . P . Northumberland , & c . ; Binckes , Secretary to the Boy's School , and about 160 other brethren . The cloth having been drawn and grace sung by professionals , Tne CilAiiiitAJf ( Bro . John Havers ) , rose and saiel : On occasions like the
present , the first , and indeed almost the only toast which rises to our lips , is that of the health of the Sovereign . In this country it is not formal or false with us , for with us pleasure and duty go hand in hand , and indeed , there is no nation or country m the world where there is such a reciprocity between the people and the Sovereign , whom we all love and regard with the deepest respect and attachmentand our hope is that the heavy
, Wow which has fallen upon the Eoyal House , may he succeeded by years of comfort anil happiness , and that she may long reign over a loyal , devoted , and happy people . ( Cheers . ) The toast was cordially received , followed by tire National Anthem .
THE CHAiuirAx said tbe next toast he had to propose , was " Tlie Health of H . R . H . the Prince of Wales , " and he need hardly say , that his character was one in which they felt the deepest interest , destined as he was at some future time , and he hoped the day would be far distant , to become the Sovereign of these realms . There was no man in the country who hail been more carefully educated , winning golden opinions wherever he went , and endeavouring to emulate tbe example which the Queen , his Royal Mother , had set before him . He was now on the eve of a matrimonial alliance with an
accomplished Princess , and attended as that event would be with the belief that he would do all in his power to advance the welfare of the people , there was no reason to doubt but that bis happiness would be secured . The toast must be highly acceptable to them , as he was the grandson of a Mason , and related to their late Grand Master , to whom they , as Masons , owed a deep debt of gratitude , arid lie trusted that the day might not be far distant when they should be able to reckon him like many other
Princes of Wales , a brother amongst them . ( Loud and continued cheering . ) He , therefore , proposed " The Health of Albert Edward Prince of Wales , and the rest of the Royal Family , " ( Renewed cheering . ) Song , " God bless the Prince of Wales" —Miss Poole . The CHAIRMAN - said , —After the expression of onr feelings towards the Royal Family there is no other toast that comes
home so warmly to our hearts as that of "The Health of our Most Worshipful Grand Master . " ( Cheers . ) I am commanded hy his lordship to state his regret that , in consequence of his numerous avocations in the North of England , he is prevented from joining us this evening ; but I have the pleasure of saying that , although our noble Grand Masteris not present in person , he has not failed to send us a handsome contribution to the funds of the Institution . ( Loud cheers . ) I
have so often been called upon , in proposing and speaking to this toast , to express my opinion of our Grand Master , that I am a bankrupt in ideas , and I find it almost impossible to say anything new regarding him . ( Cheers . ) For nineteen years we have elected him as our Grand Master , and , following in the steps of his father and grandfather , by his goodwill and kindness he has won the affection of all . As Masons we all know his urbanity , and his sincerity to promote the welfare of our
Order ; and no one knows better than I do the amount of pains and labour he bestows in keeping us going in a proper manner . The members of the Craft not only respect the noble lord in consideration of his high position , but there
is no one amongst us who knows him , who does not feel for him the greatest amount of personal regard and attachment . ( Renewed cheering . ) Long may the Grand Master reign over us ; for I believe it would be very difficult to find one who possesses all tbe elements to make a Grand Master—without mentioning the experience which thirty years in our service have given him . I therefore with pleasure propose "Tbe Health of our good Grand Master . " ( The toast was
respondeel to with the most enthusiastic cheering , ) Bro . F . ROXBURGH , P . G . R ., said the next toast had been committed to his care , and a moi-e easy one could not possibly have been entrusted to him , as it was one that was sure to he received with acclamation . Therefore he said that the toast he had to propose was not one in which there was any difficulty . On some occasions the Deputy Grand Master did the duty of the Grand Master by presiding in his place , and he believed that
there was no occasion upon which the throne had been filled by his poesent Deputy , which did not show the excellent selection the Grand Master had made . The Deputy Grand Master would have been present with them on that occasion , had he not . been compelled to be absent on official business ; but , although absent , ho had sent his contribution to the Charity . With the toast of the "Health of the Deputy Grand Master" he would couple "Tlie Grand Officers Past and Present . " On his right
lie was proud to see Bro . White , who , for nearly sixty years , had filled the office of Grand Secretary , and had for that period discharged his duties in a manner which every brother could appreciate . ; ( Cheers ) . On his left hand he had their respected Chairman , Bro . Havers , and their Most Worshipful the Grand Master , in conferring upon him the honour of one of tlie Grand Wardens , must have experienced a pleasure in himself , whilst performing a duty to the Craft . He should propose "The
Deputy Grancl Master and the Past and Present Grand Officers , " coupling with the toast tlie name of Bro . Huyshe , Grand Chaplain , and D . Prov . G . M . of Devonshire . Song , —Madame Louisa Vimiing , " I Think of Thee . "
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Masonic Mirror.
MASONIC MEMS . The chapter in connection with the Lodge of Temperance ( No . 19 S ) , to he called the Temperance Chapter , will be opened on Tuesday , February 3 , at three o'clock , at the Plough Tavern , Plough Bridge , Rotherhithe ( Bro . Hohnan ' s ) . Comp . Cl . Bolton
is to be tire first Z . The ceremony of Consecration will be worked in the Percy Iiodge of Instruction , by Bro . Stephen Barton Wilson , P . G . D ., this evening ( Jan . 31 st ) , at Bro . Ireland's , Fetter-lane , Fleetstreet . The Directors of the Inns of Court Hotel Company officially
announce that they are about to purchase additional property in . Lincoln ' s Inn Fields , for the accomodation of their Clnb and Masonic rooms department . We wish them luck !
Royal Masonic Institution For Boys.
A Quarterly Court of Governors and Subscribers was held on Monday , the 19 th instant , at the office , 16 A , Great Queen-street , to transact the general business of tire Institution , and to consider the following notice of motion by Bio . John Udall : — " That every " person paying a new subscription after the issue of the proxies shall have the option of receiving a double vote for the current election , thereby foregoing the privilege of voting at a second election for such subscription . " Bro . J . Symonds
was in the chair . The minutes of various general and committee meetings having been read and confirmed , Bro . Udall brought forward his resolution , which , after a short discussion , was carried .
Royal Benevolent Institution For Aged Masons And Their Widows.
The anniversary festival of this most excellent Masonic Institution , the title of which is about three times too long , was celebrated in Freemasons' Hall , on Wednesday evening last , when a most excellent dinner was served under the personal superintendence of Bros . Shrewsbury and Elkington . The chair was occupied by Bro . John Havers , G . W ., who was supported by Bros . A . Perkins , P . G . W . ; Rev . . Tno . Huyshe , G . Chap ., D . Prov . G . M . Devon . ; EvansPresident of the Board of
Gene-, ral Purposes ; Woods , G . Dir . of Cers . ; Bradfteld , Assist . Prov . G . D . C ; Empson , G . S . B . ; Dickie , A . G . P . ; Roxburgh , P . G . R . ; W . H . AVhite , P . G . Sec . ; Potter , Slight , Wilson , Udall , Patten , P . G . D . ' s ; Le Veau , Bridges , P . G . S . B . ' s ; J . Smith , P . G . Purst . ; Spencer , Herapath , Pullen , P . G . Std . ; L . Newull , P . Prov . G . W ., East Lancashire ; Wnkcling , P . Prov . G . W ., Essex ; Blenkin , P . Prov . G . W ., Surrey ; Rev . J . C . Wharton , P . Prov . G . Chap . Berksand Bucks
, . ; do Cuadra , P . Prov . G . D ., Kent ; Binary , P . Prov . G . D . C , Hants . ; Banister , P . Prov . G . D ., Durham , Prov . G . D . C . West , Lancashire , Prov . G . P . Northumberland , & c . ; Binckes , Secretary to the Boy's School , and about 160 other brethren . The cloth having been drawn and grace sung by professionals , Tne CilAiiiitAJf ( Bro . John Havers ) , rose and saiel : On occasions like the
present , the first , and indeed almost the only toast which rises to our lips , is that of the health of the Sovereign . In this country it is not formal or false with us , for with us pleasure and duty go hand in hand , and indeed , there is no nation or country m the world where there is such a reciprocity between the people and the Sovereign , whom we all love and regard with the deepest respect and attachmentand our hope is that the heavy
, Wow which has fallen upon the Eoyal House , may he succeeded by years of comfort anil happiness , and that she may long reign over a loyal , devoted , and happy people . ( Cheers . ) The toast was cordially received , followed by tire National Anthem .
THE CHAiuirAx said tbe next toast he had to propose , was " Tlie Health of H . R . H . the Prince of Wales , " and he need hardly say , that his character was one in which they felt the deepest interest , destined as he was at some future time , and he hoped the day would be far distant , to become the Sovereign of these realms . There was no man in the country who hail been more carefully educated , winning golden opinions wherever he went , and endeavouring to emulate tbe example which the Queen , his Royal Mother , had set before him . He was now on the eve of a matrimonial alliance with an
accomplished Princess , and attended as that event would be with the belief that he would do all in his power to advance the welfare of the people , there was no reason to doubt but that bis happiness would be secured . The toast must be highly acceptable to them , as he was the grandson of a Mason , and related to their late Grand Master , to whom they , as Masons , owed a deep debt of gratitude , arid lie trusted that the day might not be far distant when they should be able to reckon him like many other
Princes of Wales , a brother amongst them . ( Loud and continued cheering . ) He , therefore , proposed " The Health of Albert Edward Prince of Wales , and the rest of the Royal Family , " ( Renewed cheering . ) Song , " God bless the Prince of Wales" —Miss Poole . The CHAIRMAN - said , —After the expression of onr feelings towards the Royal Family there is no other toast that comes
home so warmly to our hearts as that of "The Health of our Most Worshipful Grand Master . " ( Cheers . ) I am commanded hy his lordship to state his regret that , in consequence of his numerous avocations in the North of England , he is prevented from joining us this evening ; but I have the pleasure of saying that , although our noble Grand Masteris not present in person , he has not failed to send us a handsome contribution to the funds of the Institution . ( Loud cheers . ) I
have so often been called upon , in proposing and speaking to this toast , to express my opinion of our Grand Master , that I am a bankrupt in ideas , and I find it almost impossible to say anything new regarding him . ( Cheers . ) For nineteen years we have elected him as our Grand Master , and , following in the steps of his father and grandfather , by his goodwill and kindness he has won the affection of all . As Masons we all know his urbanity , and his sincerity to promote the welfare of our
Order ; and no one knows better than I do the amount of pains and labour he bestows in keeping us going in a proper manner . The members of the Craft not only respect the noble lord in consideration of his high position , but there
is no one amongst us who knows him , who does not feel for him the greatest amount of personal regard and attachment . ( Renewed cheering . ) Long may the Grand Master reign over us ; for I believe it would be very difficult to find one who possesses all tbe elements to make a Grand Master—without mentioning the experience which thirty years in our service have given him . I therefore with pleasure propose "Tbe Health of our good Grand Master . " ( The toast was
respondeel to with the most enthusiastic cheering , ) Bro . F . ROXBURGH , P . G . R ., said the next toast had been committed to his care , and a moi-e easy one could not possibly have been entrusted to him , as it was one that was sure to he received with acclamation . Therefore he said that the toast he had to propose was not one in which there was any difficulty . On some occasions the Deputy Grand Master did the duty of the Grand Master by presiding in his place , and he believed that
there was no occasion upon which the throne had been filled by his poesent Deputy , which did not show the excellent selection the Grand Master had made . The Deputy Grand Master would have been present with them on that occasion , had he not . been compelled to be absent on official business ; but , although absent , ho had sent his contribution to the Charity . With the toast of the "Health of the Deputy Grand Master" he would couple "Tlie Grand Officers Past and Present . " On his right
lie was proud to see Bro . White , who , for nearly sixty years , had filled the office of Grand Secretary , and had for that period discharged his duties in a manner which every brother could appreciate . ; ( Cheers ) . On his left hand he had their respected Chairman , Bro . Havers , and their Most Worshipful the Grand Master , in conferring upon him the honour of one of tlie Grand Wardens , must have experienced a pleasure in himself , whilst performing a duty to the Craft . He should propose "The
Deputy Grancl Master and the Past and Present Grand Officers , " coupling with the toast tlie name of Bro . Huyshe , Grand Chaplain , and D . Prov . G . M . of Devonshire . Song , —Madame Louisa Vimiing , " I Think of Thee . "