Article ROYAL ARCH. ← Page 2 of 2 Article KNIGHTS TEMPLAR. Page 1 of 1 Article ANCIENT AND ACCEPTED RITE. Page 1 of 1 Article PUBLIC AMUSEMENTS Page 1 of 3 Article Obituary. Page 1 of 1 Article THE WEEK. Page 1 of 1
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Royal Arch.
Comp . Brett , the M . E . Z . elect , " alluded to the fact of twelve brethren having been proposed by him for exaltation at their next meeting , showing the popularity of that E . companion amongst the members of the Craft .
Knights Templar.
OBSERVANCE ENCAMPMENT . —This ancient and time-immemorial encampment held its second meeting for the season at the Westminster Palace Hotel , on Thursday , 22 nd January , 1863 , the Eminent Sir Knight Spratt in the chair . The minutes of the former meeting being read and confirmed , and other routine business proceeded with , Sir Knight Tulloh having at the previous meeting been unanimously elected , tbe E . C . for the ensuing year was duly presentedwhen the V . E . Sir Knight Dr .
, Hinxman , P . E . C . anel Registrar , having opened a Board of Installed Commanders , duly inducted him into the chair . No other business being ou the agenda paper , the encampment was closeel in ancient form anel solemn prayer . MOUNT CAXVAEY ENCAMPMENT . — The Sir Knights and Knights Companions of this ancient encampment assembled at the London Coffee House , Ludgate-hill , on Monday , the 12 th
inst ., when Knt . Comp . Charles Swan , 1 st . Capt ., who had been mfiammousAy elected at the last conclave to preside for the ensuing year , was duly inaugurated as B . C ., and appointed his officers as follows : Knts . Comps . Lord Londesborongh , 1 st Capt . ; F . Binckes , 2 nd Capt . ; Rev . S . H . Grice , Prelate ; Sir Knts . L . Lemanski , Treas . ; II . J . Thompson , Reg . ; Knt . Comps . AV . Paas , Expert ; Dromfcra , Capt . of L . Comps . AV . S . Wallace
and T J . Cottle of the E . A . Chapter of Unanimity ( No . 97 ) , Cheltenham , were installed as Knt . Comps . of the Illustrious Order , and were saluted and proclaimed in ancient form . Comp . T . A . Hoare , was installed under dispensation as a serving Knt . Comp . In addition to those named , there were present Sir Knts . J . Purely , J . Boyel , P . E . C , Knt . Comps . Haribot ( of Plymouth ) , Simmonds and others . After refreshment the Sir Knts . aud Knt . Comps . separated with mutual congratulations
on the encouraging prospects of the encampment , which bids fair to attain a position consistent with the prestige it already enjoys , in connection with its antiquity and interesting traditions . AVe must not omit to record that in grateful testimon }' of his long services , Sir Knt . J . Purely was elected by acclamation an honorary member of the Encampment .
Ancient And Accepted Rite.
MOUNT CAT . YAEY CHAPTER OI ? ROSE CROIX . —A convocation of this chapter was held at the London Coffee House , Lnelgatehill , on Tuesday , the 13 th inst ., the Ex . and Perf . Prince , Louis Lemanski , M . W . S . ; H . J . Thompson , Pont . ; Simmonds , as 1 st Gent . ; Dromtra , as 2 nd Gent . ; F . Binckes , as Raph . ; G . M . Purely , Chauc ; when Sir Knight J . Boyd , Knight Comp . Wm Paas , \ V . S . Wallace , and T . Harfoot , were introduced , installed as 111 . and Perf . Princes of this Sublime Degree , and proclaimed
accordingly . Comp . T . A . Hoare was installed as a serving brother . The Ex . anel Perf . Prince H . J . Thompson was unanimously elected M . AA . S . for tire ensuing year . At the banquet which followed the termination of business , the usual toasts were duly honoured , the newly-installed Sov . Princes expressing their high gratification at their reception with this ineffable degree .
MANCHESTER . —Palatine Chapter of S . P . R . sj < . —A meeting of this flourishing chapter was held on Thursday , the 22 ud inst ., at the Masonic Rooms , Cross-street Chambers , Manchester , at one o ' clock , when the following illustrious and perfect brothers were present : —AA m . Courtenay Cruttenden , M . W . S . ; Geo . H . Ormeroci , H . P . ; Stephen Smith , as 1 st G . ; Horace G . Alpass , as 2 nd G . ; Laurence Newall , R . ; Henry A . Bennett , M . ; Robert BridgeforelRecorder ; Benjamin St . John B . Joule
, , Org . ; John Smith , Laurence Ormeroci , Charles Ellis , Lord , George Ilardmau , G . P . Leather , John Bolderson , jun ., John Yarker , jun . The following receptions took place : —Bros . Stephen Blair , Prov . G . M . E . L . ; ' W . II . Wright , Prov . G . J . W . E . L . ; Richard Eusden . 111 . Bro . Stephen Smith was elected M . AV . S ., and 111 . Bro . John AV . Botsford re-elected Treasurer , and a vote of thanks passed to him for services kindly and gratuitously
rendered the chapter in providing for the decoration of the principal room—the elysium of the ancient mysteries . The chapter , was theu duly closed , and the brothers adjourned to the Palatine , where the usual agreeable evening was spent .
Public Amusements
EA ^ ANS'S GEAND HOTEL . We are not much in the habit of referring to music halls , but cannot withhold our testing to the excellent management of the gentlemen's supper-room par excellence , under the able superintendence of Bro . McDavitt . Selections from the last operas are here given with a taste and precision , we look for in vain in similar establishments , whilst the other entertainments are also of a very superior order . This week a now and
unhackneyed comic singer has appeared in the person of a Mr . Walter Leonard , well known in Masonic and other private circles by a very different name . Mr . Leonard has a good appearance , easy delivery anel graceful action , and only wants a few original songs to become a general favourite . However it is no small mark of appreciation of his abilities that a debutant has secured a double encore every evening . A visit to Evans ' Grancl Hotel will always repay our brethren .
Obituary .
BRO . AVILLIAM JONES , Jlf . D . AVe have to announce the death of this we ll known brother at Iris residence in Lower Seymour-street , Portman-square , on Monday last , aged 52 . Bro . Jones was initiated in the Fortitude and Old Cumberland Lodge ( No . 12 ) on the 13 th of November , 1 S 4 S , and continued a member for two years . He joined the Royal York Lodge ( No 7 ) in 1851 , passed the chair in 1854 , and continued a subscribing member until his death .
He was exalted in the Chapter of Prudence ( No . 12 ) on thev 21 st of January , 1 S 50 , and passed through the three chairs . Bro . Jones also took some interest in the higher degrees , attaining tlie 3 . 1 ° . Some years since Bro . Jones visited Aberdeen , from whence he took his medical degree , and brought back with him a - pseudo charter for establishing the Bon Accord Mark Loelge under an Aberdeen charter , but which was repudiated by the Grand Chapter of Scotlandon its coming to
, their knowledge , and the companions granting it suspended from their Royal Arch privileges until the saiel warrant was surrendered . Then came the discussion in the Grand Lodge of England for the acknowledgement of the Mark degree , its rejection , and the establishment of the modern Grand Lodge of Mark Masters , Bro . Jones being at the time the leading genius . Bro . Jones was of a genial anel kindly disposition , and leaves man-,- friends to regret his loss .
The Week.
THE COURT . —The Queen anel younger branches of the Royal family still remain at Cowes . The Prince of Wales has been in town and visited Covent Garden , the Haymarket and Adelphi Theatres . On AA'ednesday he proceeded to Osborne . From a correspondence that bas been published we learn that his Royal Highness has consented to be present at the opening of the memorial of the Exhibition of 1851 , which is fixed to take lace on the Sth of June next . The Prince assigns as the main
p reason for his consent that ho will thereby contribute to carry out the wishes of a beloved and lamented parent that the memorial of the Exhibition of 1851 should be inaugurated with every circumstance of honour . " Sir W . J . Alexander has been appointed Attorney General , and Sir AVilliam Dunbar Keeper of the Privy Seal of the Prince . The Council of his Royal Hihness will consist—in addition to the honourable Baronets
g just named—of the Duke of Newcastle , Lord Portman , General Knollys , anel Sir Charles Phipps . At a meeting of the Court of Common Council a motion was given notice of , that a committee be appointed to consider the best mode of testifying the loyalty f the City on the occasion of the public entry into the capital of the Prince of AVales and his affianced bride ; and that the various public bodies be applied to in order to join in the
demonstration . The motion was received with loud cheers , and there is little doubt that no effort will he spared to render this first visit of the illustrious pair to the City remembered by them to the last clay of their lives . At Windsor arrangements are making to give their Royal Highnesses a magnificent reception , anel throughout the country their Royal Highnesses' mar-
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Royal Arch.
Comp . Brett , the M . E . Z . elect , " alluded to the fact of twelve brethren having been proposed by him for exaltation at their next meeting , showing the popularity of that E . companion amongst the members of the Craft .
Knights Templar.
OBSERVANCE ENCAMPMENT . —This ancient and time-immemorial encampment held its second meeting for the season at the Westminster Palace Hotel , on Thursday , 22 nd January , 1863 , the Eminent Sir Knight Spratt in the chair . The minutes of the former meeting being read and confirmed , and other routine business proceeded with , Sir Knight Tulloh having at the previous meeting been unanimously elected , tbe E . C . for the ensuing year was duly presentedwhen the V . E . Sir Knight Dr .
, Hinxman , P . E . C . anel Registrar , having opened a Board of Installed Commanders , duly inducted him into the chair . No other business being ou the agenda paper , the encampment was closeel in ancient form anel solemn prayer . MOUNT CAXVAEY ENCAMPMENT . — The Sir Knights and Knights Companions of this ancient encampment assembled at the London Coffee House , Ludgate-hill , on Monday , the 12 th
inst ., when Knt . Comp . Charles Swan , 1 st . Capt ., who had been mfiammousAy elected at the last conclave to preside for the ensuing year , was duly inaugurated as B . C ., and appointed his officers as follows : Knts . Comps . Lord Londesborongh , 1 st Capt . ; F . Binckes , 2 nd Capt . ; Rev . S . H . Grice , Prelate ; Sir Knts . L . Lemanski , Treas . ; II . J . Thompson , Reg . ; Knt . Comps . AV . Paas , Expert ; Dromfcra , Capt . of L . Comps . AV . S . Wallace
and T J . Cottle of the E . A . Chapter of Unanimity ( No . 97 ) , Cheltenham , were installed as Knt . Comps . of the Illustrious Order , and were saluted and proclaimed in ancient form . Comp . T . A . Hoare , was installed under dispensation as a serving Knt . Comp . In addition to those named , there were present Sir Knts . J . Purely , J . Boyel , P . E . C , Knt . Comps . Haribot ( of Plymouth ) , Simmonds and others . After refreshment the Sir Knts . aud Knt . Comps . separated with mutual congratulations
on the encouraging prospects of the encampment , which bids fair to attain a position consistent with the prestige it already enjoys , in connection with its antiquity and interesting traditions . AVe must not omit to record that in grateful testimon }' of his long services , Sir Knt . J . Purely was elected by acclamation an honorary member of the Encampment .
Ancient And Accepted Rite.
MOUNT CAT . YAEY CHAPTER OI ? ROSE CROIX . —A convocation of this chapter was held at the London Coffee House , Lnelgatehill , on Tuesday , the 13 th inst ., the Ex . and Perf . Prince , Louis Lemanski , M . W . S . ; H . J . Thompson , Pont . ; Simmonds , as 1 st Gent . ; Dromtra , as 2 nd Gent . ; F . Binckes , as Raph . ; G . M . Purely , Chauc ; when Sir Knight J . Boyd , Knight Comp . Wm Paas , \ V . S . Wallace , and T . Harfoot , were introduced , installed as 111 . and Perf . Princes of this Sublime Degree , and proclaimed
accordingly . Comp . T . A . Hoare was installed as a serving brother . The Ex . anel Perf . Prince H . J . Thompson was unanimously elected M . AA . S . for tire ensuing year . At the banquet which followed the termination of business , the usual toasts were duly honoured , the newly-installed Sov . Princes expressing their high gratification at their reception with this ineffable degree .
MANCHESTER . —Palatine Chapter of S . P . R . sj < . —A meeting of this flourishing chapter was held on Thursday , the 22 ud inst ., at the Masonic Rooms , Cross-street Chambers , Manchester , at one o ' clock , when the following illustrious and perfect brothers were present : —AA m . Courtenay Cruttenden , M . W . S . ; Geo . H . Ormeroci , H . P . ; Stephen Smith , as 1 st G . ; Horace G . Alpass , as 2 nd G . ; Laurence Newall , R . ; Henry A . Bennett , M . ; Robert BridgeforelRecorder ; Benjamin St . John B . Joule
, , Org . ; John Smith , Laurence Ormeroci , Charles Ellis , Lord , George Ilardmau , G . P . Leather , John Bolderson , jun ., John Yarker , jun . The following receptions took place : —Bros . Stephen Blair , Prov . G . M . E . L . ; ' W . II . Wright , Prov . G . J . W . E . L . ; Richard Eusden . 111 . Bro . Stephen Smith was elected M . AV . S ., and 111 . Bro . John AV . Botsford re-elected Treasurer , and a vote of thanks passed to him for services kindly and gratuitously
rendered the chapter in providing for the decoration of the principal room—the elysium of the ancient mysteries . The chapter , was theu duly closed , and the brothers adjourned to the Palatine , where the usual agreeable evening was spent .
Public Amusements
EA ^ ANS'S GEAND HOTEL . We are not much in the habit of referring to music halls , but cannot withhold our testing to the excellent management of the gentlemen's supper-room par excellence , under the able superintendence of Bro . McDavitt . Selections from the last operas are here given with a taste and precision , we look for in vain in similar establishments , whilst the other entertainments are also of a very superior order . This week a now and
unhackneyed comic singer has appeared in the person of a Mr . Walter Leonard , well known in Masonic and other private circles by a very different name . Mr . Leonard has a good appearance , easy delivery anel graceful action , and only wants a few original songs to become a general favourite . However it is no small mark of appreciation of his abilities that a debutant has secured a double encore every evening . A visit to Evans ' Grancl Hotel will always repay our brethren .
Obituary .
BRO . AVILLIAM JONES , Jlf . D . AVe have to announce the death of this we ll known brother at Iris residence in Lower Seymour-street , Portman-square , on Monday last , aged 52 . Bro . Jones was initiated in the Fortitude and Old Cumberland Lodge ( No . 12 ) on the 13 th of November , 1 S 4 S , and continued a member for two years . He joined the Royal York Lodge ( No 7 ) in 1851 , passed the chair in 1854 , and continued a subscribing member until his death .
He was exalted in the Chapter of Prudence ( No . 12 ) on thev 21 st of January , 1 S 50 , and passed through the three chairs . Bro . Jones also took some interest in the higher degrees , attaining tlie 3 . 1 ° . Some years since Bro . Jones visited Aberdeen , from whence he took his medical degree , and brought back with him a - pseudo charter for establishing the Bon Accord Mark Loelge under an Aberdeen charter , but which was repudiated by the Grand Chapter of Scotlandon its coming to
, their knowledge , and the companions granting it suspended from their Royal Arch privileges until the saiel warrant was surrendered . Then came the discussion in the Grand Lodge of England for the acknowledgement of the Mark degree , its rejection , and the establishment of the modern Grand Lodge of Mark Masters , Bro . Jones being at the time the leading genius . Bro . Jones was of a genial anel kindly disposition , and leaves man-,- friends to regret his loss .
The Week.
THE COURT . —The Queen anel younger branches of the Royal family still remain at Cowes . The Prince of Wales has been in town and visited Covent Garden , the Haymarket and Adelphi Theatres . On AA'ednesday he proceeded to Osborne . From a correspondence that bas been published we learn that his Royal Highness has consented to be present at the opening of the memorial of the Exhibition of 1851 , which is fixed to take lace on the Sth of June next . The Prince assigns as the main
p reason for his consent that ho will thereby contribute to carry out the wishes of a beloved and lamented parent that the memorial of the Exhibition of 1851 should be inaugurated with every circumstance of honour . " Sir W . J . Alexander has been appointed Attorney General , and Sir AVilliam Dunbar Keeper of the Privy Seal of the Prince . The Council of his Royal Hihness will consist—in addition to the honourable Baronets
g just named—of the Duke of Newcastle , Lord Portman , General Knollys , anel Sir Charles Phipps . At a meeting of the Court of Common Council a motion was given notice of , that a committee be appointed to consider the best mode of testifying the loyalty f the City on the occasion of the public entry into the capital of the Prince of AVales and his affianced bride ; and that the various public bodies be applied to in order to join in the
demonstration . The motion was received with loud cheers , and there is little doubt that no effort will he spared to render this first visit of the illustrious pair to the City remembered by them to the last clay of their lives . At Windsor arrangements are making to give their Royal Highnesses a magnificent reception , anel throughout the country their Royal Highnesses' mar-