Article CORRESPONDENCE. ← Page 2 of 2 Article GRAND LODGE PROPERTY. Page 1 of 1
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existed in England at a very early period , but had it not expired , to be re-introduced from the East by the Templars ? Does not all historical enquiry point to this F Trusting you will again oblige me , in this further trespass upon your valuable s ] Dace . I remain , fraternally yours , Manchester , January -24 th , 1863 . A .
Grand Lodge Property.
TO THE EDITOR OU THE FREEMASONS MAGAZIXE AND MASONIC MIRROR . DEAE SIR AXD BROTHER , —The Committee on what to do with it , seek suggestions . I beg to offer them one . Who so fit to give advice and information , as he who has been labouring at the incubation of " the last sweet thing " in temples , and given such striking and convincing proofs
of his architectural and Masonic talents ? "Bwotber Sam" may resign his protractor , Brother Stephen Barton , burn his suggestions , and both hide their diminished heads ; for a star has arisen in the East , a Channel Island Vitruvius , whose admirable example of the wisdom , strength , beauty , and convenience , which
should be displayed in a building devoted to the purposes of the Craft , is depicted in your last number . Lot not the Committee neglect the opportunity , but obtain if possible his opinion and assistance immediately . Bring him to Great Queen Street , and , for once at least , have the right man in the right place .
I remain , very fraternally yours , London , January , 27 , 1863 . ACE OF CLUBS .
ETONIAN" LODGE OF Si . JOHN " . ( No . 252 . ) TO THE EDITOR OP THE EREEMASOXs' MAGAZINE AXD MASONIC MIRROR . DEAE SIR AXD BROTHER , — Having seen in THE MAGAZINE of the 24 th inst . under the head of " Correspondence , " a letter from a visitor to thc above lodge held
at the New Inn , Windsor , on thc occasion of the installation of tho present W . M ., eulogising the general working of the lodge , and not having seen any report of the proceedings since the occasion in question , I venture to' send an account of the business of the meeting , which was an initiation , a passing , followed'by tho
installation of the W . M . for the ensuing year , all of which ceremonies were performed by Bro . Powell , the retiring ; W . M . of the lodge—the two former in his usual effective style , and the installation in such a manner as to elicit the unanimous approbation of the brethren assembled , indeed it is only * necessary to refer to the correspondence
of the 24 th inst ., before mentioned , for the plain unbiassed opinion of one who has grown grey in the Craft , a P . M . of six different lodges P . G . S . of 21 , and a stranger to this lodge , to show how well the general working ofthe lodge is conducted . Bro . Strange , after being installed , proceeded to appoint
and invest his officers as follows : —Bro . W . Nicholls , S . W ., Bro . R . Whitaker , J . W . ; Bro . the Rev . J . Simpson , P . Prov . G . J . S ., as Chaplain : Bro . S . Puffin , P . M ., Secretary ; Bro . J . Glcde , P . Prov . G . J . W ., as Treasurer ; Bro . R . H . Gibbons , as S . D . ; Bro . J . W . Kay , J . D . ; Bro . L . Schroeder , I . G . ; Bro . Srndenell , Tyler ; Bro . Stacey , P . Prov . G . S ., as Organist , addressing each officer ,
on being invested , with a suitable admontion , to the Wardens by reference to their jewels , and to them and the other officers , reminding them of the important duties of their office , the necessity of being- oircums | - ) ect in the discharge of their several duties , and also
actingin hearty co-operation with their brother officers for the season . The brethren present were , Bros . Powell , W . M . and Prov . G . J . D ; Strange , S . W . ; Johnson , J . W . ; Whitaker , S . D . ; Gibbons , J . D . ; Kay , I . G . ; Brudenell , Tyler ; Stacey , Organist ; Rev . J . Simpson , ( P . Prov . G . S . W ., Durham ) ,
Chaplain ; J . Pullin , Secretary ; G . W . Harley , P . M . ; J . Sharp , P . M . ; W . Nicholls ; J . Cobbett ; G . M . Butler ; . R . Bridgewater ; L . Schroeder ; G . Snowball ; D . Byrne ; . H . Shepherd ; H . Cook ; Edgington ; & c . Visitors : J . Devereux , P . M ., and Prov . G . Sec . for Berks and Bucks ; H . Schroeder ; H . Simpson , R . Martin , J . Lord , 0 . Provost ,
J . Chester , Nowels , Prov . G . T . ; T . Whitehouse , & c . The banquet followed , at which about 35 sat down , whoseemed by their demeanour determined to pass the time thus occupied , pleasantly and harmoniously together . The usual toasts followed , which were heartily responded to by Bros . Stacey , Gibbons , and Bridgewater , with
appropriate glees , & c . I may add that the music in the ceremonies was performed by the above trio , and gave much satisfaction . Faithfully and fraternally yours , VERITAS . [ Our brethren will please to take notice that though
we published the letter of our former con * espondent , and follow it up by the above , that we shall not allow it to be drawn into a precedent to override our usual system of reporting , to which- brethrent must confinethemselves . —ED . " !
" WHAT ' S IN A NAME ? " —A lodge in the south of Scotland had for a l ^ der a tal l , strapping , firey-haired Gael , whose hatred of all non-Masons was oti \ y equalled by his love for the Ferintosh . One evening a brother brought with him to the lodge a member of a sister lodge called Cowan . The brethren were quietly chatting round tbe
fire , before tbe sounding of the gavel of the R . W . M ., when one of number , characterised by few Masonic virtues , and a huge love of practical joking , which he cultivated at the expense of the Tyler , went orrc to Donald and accosted him thus -. — " Do yon know there is a stranger in the lodge ? " "Yes . " "Do you know he is a Cowan ? " ' Donald's brow grew dark , and with a warlike howl , he
instantly sprang into the centre of the group at the fire , seized the unconscious stranger by the throat , and dragged him to the door , exclaiming . " Ye tamned Sassenach , had she her dirk , she wud sheath it in hur dirty wyme . " Consternation fell upon the brethren , but at length , recovering , they got the brother from out the hands of the irate Gaeland demanded the cause of such an attack . " Fat '
, , cried Donald , " she's a Cowan . " The R . W . M . smelt tbe rat , and told Donald that the stranger was a brother , although his name was Cowan . Donald scratched his head , exclaiming as he left the lodge , " Fat for has she such a tamned tirty name ? Hirelan' shentlemans clisna ken sick vermin . " ANOTHER Donald , in announcing to the R . W . M . of an
Edinburgh Lodge the presence of a deputation from the Defensive Band , astonished thc brethren by the following — " A deputashun fi-om Bro . Shoa Tanson , with Lodgo Offenshive Band on her heid . "
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
existed in England at a very early period , but had it not expired , to be re-introduced from the East by the Templars ? Does not all historical enquiry point to this F Trusting you will again oblige me , in this further trespass upon your valuable s ] Dace . I remain , fraternally yours , Manchester , January -24 th , 1863 . A .
Grand Lodge Property.
TO THE EDITOR OU THE FREEMASONS MAGAZIXE AND MASONIC MIRROR . DEAE SIR AXD BROTHER , —The Committee on what to do with it , seek suggestions . I beg to offer them one . Who so fit to give advice and information , as he who has been labouring at the incubation of " the last sweet thing " in temples , and given such striking and convincing proofs
of his architectural and Masonic talents ? "Bwotber Sam" may resign his protractor , Brother Stephen Barton , burn his suggestions , and both hide their diminished heads ; for a star has arisen in the East , a Channel Island Vitruvius , whose admirable example of the wisdom , strength , beauty , and convenience , which
should be displayed in a building devoted to the purposes of the Craft , is depicted in your last number . Lot not the Committee neglect the opportunity , but obtain if possible his opinion and assistance immediately . Bring him to Great Queen Street , and , for once at least , have the right man in the right place .
I remain , very fraternally yours , London , January , 27 , 1863 . ACE OF CLUBS .
ETONIAN" LODGE OF Si . JOHN " . ( No . 252 . ) TO THE EDITOR OP THE EREEMASOXs' MAGAZINE AXD MASONIC MIRROR . DEAE SIR AXD BROTHER , — Having seen in THE MAGAZINE of the 24 th inst . under the head of " Correspondence , " a letter from a visitor to thc above lodge held
at the New Inn , Windsor , on thc occasion of the installation of tho present W . M ., eulogising the general working of the lodge , and not having seen any report of the proceedings since the occasion in question , I venture to' send an account of the business of the meeting , which was an initiation , a passing , followed'by tho
installation of the W . M . for the ensuing year , all of which ceremonies were performed by Bro . Powell , the retiring ; W . M . of the lodge—the two former in his usual effective style , and the installation in such a manner as to elicit the unanimous approbation of the brethren assembled , indeed it is only * necessary to refer to the correspondence
of the 24 th inst ., before mentioned , for the plain unbiassed opinion of one who has grown grey in the Craft , a P . M . of six different lodges P . G . S . of 21 , and a stranger to this lodge , to show how well the general working ofthe lodge is conducted . Bro . Strange , after being installed , proceeded to appoint
and invest his officers as follows : —Bro . W . Nicholls , S . W ., Bro . R . Whitaker , J . W . ; Bro . the Rev . J . Simpson , P . Prov . G . J . S ., as Chaplain : Bro . S . Puffin , P . M ., Secretary ; Bro . J . Glcde , P . Prov . G . J . W ., as Treasurer ; Bro . R . H . Gibbons , as S . D . ; Bro . J . W . Kay , J . D . ; Bro . L . Schroeder , I . G . ; Bro . Srndenell , Tyler ; Bro . Stacey , P . Prov . G . S ., as Organist , addressing each officer ,
on being invested , with a suitable admontion , to the Wardens by reference to their jewels , and to them and the other officers , reminding them of the important duties of their office , the necessity of being- oircums | - ) ect in the discharge of their several duties , and also
actingin hearty co-operation with their brother officers for the season . The brethren present were , Bros . Powell , W . M . and Prov . G . J . D ; Strange , S . W . ; Johnson , J . W . ; Whitaker , S . D . ; Gibbons , J . D . ; Kay , I . G . ; Brudenell , Tyler ; Stacey , Organist ; Rev . J . Simpson , ( P . Prov . G . S . W ., Durham ) ,
Chaplain ; J . Pullin , Secretary ; G . W . Harley , P . M . ; J . Sharp , P . M . ; W . Nicholls ; J . Cobbett ; G . M . Butler ; . R . Bridgewater ; L . Schroeder ; G . Snowball ; D . Byrne ; . H . Shepherd ; H . Cook ; Edgington ; & c . Visitors : J . Devereux , P . M ., and Prov . G . Sec . for Berks and Bucks ; H . Schroeder ; H . Simpson , R . Martin , J . Lord , 0 . Provost ,
J . Chester , Nowels , Prov . G . T . ; T . Whitehouse , & c . The banquet followed , at which about 35 sat down , whoseemed by their demeanour determined to pass the time thus occupied , pleasantly and harmoniously together . The usual toasts followed , which were heartily responded to by Bros . Stacey , Gibbons , and Bridgewater , with
appropriate glees , & c . I may add that the music in the ceremonies was performed by the above trio , and gave much satisfaction . Faithfully and fraternally yours , VERITAS . [ Our brethren will please to take notice that though
we published the letter of our former con * espondent , and follow it up by the above , that we shall not allow it to be drawn into a precedent to override our usual system of reporting , to which- brethrent must confinethemselves . —ED . " !
" WHAT ' S IN A NAME ? " —A lodge in the south of Scotland had for a l ^ der a tal l , strapping , firey-haired Gael , whose hatred of all non-Masons was oti \ y equalled by his love for the Ferintosh . One evening a brother brought with him to the lodge a member of a sister lodge called Cowan . The brethren were quietly chatting round tbe
fire , before tbe sounding of the gavel of the R . W . M ., when one of number , characterised by few Masonic virtues , and a huge love of practical joking , which he cultivated at the expense of the Tyler , went orrc to Donald and accosted him thus -. — " Do yon know there is a stranger in the lodge ? " "Yes . " "Do you know he is a Cowan ? " ' Donald's brow grew dark , and with a warlike howl , he
instantly sprang into the centre of the group at the fire , seized the unconscious stranger by the throat , and dragged him to the door , exclaiming . " Ye tamned Sassenach , had she her dirk , she wud sheath it in hur dirty wyme . " Consternation fell upon the brethren , but at length , recovering , they got the brother from out the hands of the irate Gaeland demanded the cause of such an attack . " Fat '
, , cried Donald , " she's a Cowan . " The R . W . M . smelt tbe rat , and told Donald that the stranger was a brother , although his name was Cowan . Donald scratched his head , exclaiming as he left the lodge , " Fat for has she such a tamned tirty name ? Hirelan' shentlemans clisna ken sick vermin . " ANOTHER Donald , in announcing to the R . W . M . of an
Edinburgh Lodge the presence of a deputation from the Defensive Band , astonished thc brethren by the following — " A deputashun fi-om Bro . Shoa Tanson , with Lodgo Offenshive Band on her heid . "