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Grants Of Armorial Bearings
this opinion in a recent work , * are powerfully supported by this document ; and by the fact , that in the numerous grants of letters of nobility to the French subjects of the kings of England ,- } - the words are the same as those used in this instance , each of those persons being ennobledand arms assigned to him as the necessary and
, indispensable consequence ' . BY THE KING . Reverend fader in God Right trusty and right welbelovecl , We
grete you wel And wol and charge you y * ye do make our l ' res [ letters ] of c omission sever ell in due fo me oon directed unto Robert Westerly maist [ er ] mason of the werk [ es ] of oure newe collaige of Eton yeving [ giving ] hym power by the same to take as many masons where so ever they may be founden as may be yought
[ thought ] necessary for the said werk [ es ] & an othr directed to John Beckeley mason yeving [ giving ] hym power by the same to take cariage & al othr thing [ es ] necessary for the same werk [ es ] wherin ye shal do unto us good plesir Yevin under oure signet at oure manoir of Shene the VI day of Juyn . To the Reverend fader in God oure right trusty and right welbeloved the Bisshop of Bathe oure Chauncellr of Englande .
II . BY THE KING . Reverend fader in God Right trusty and Right welbeloved , We wol and charge yow that under oure grete seel ye doo make oure sev [ er ] alx l ' res [ letters ] of commission in deue fourme that oon unto
John Smyth warden of masons & that othr unto Robert Wheteley warden of carpenters at Eton yevying thayme powair to take in what place so ev [ er ] e hit be almanere of werkmen laborers & cariage such as eythr of thayme shal seme necessarie or behoveful in thaire craft [ es ] to the edificacon of oure collage of our lady of Eton and that this be
doon with al diligence as we trust yow . Yeven undre oure signet at the manoir of Fulham the xiij day of Juyl . To the Reverend fader in God Right trusty & Right welbeloved the Bisshop of Bathe oure Chancellr of Englande . [ Charters No . III . and IV . omitted here . ' ]
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Grants Of Armorial Bearings
this opinion in a recent work , * are powerfully supported by this document ; and by the fact , that in the numerous grants of letters of nobility to the French subjects of the kings of England ,- } - the words are the same as those used in this instance , each of those persons being ennobledand arms assigned to him as the necessary and
, indispensable consequence ' . BY THE KING . Reverend fader in God Right trusty and right welbelovecl , We
grete you wel And wol and charge you y * ye do make our l ' res [ letters ] of c omission sever ell in due fo me oon directed unto Robert Westerly maist [ er ] mason of the werk [ es ] of oure newe collaige of Eton yeving [ giving ] hym power by the same to take as many masons where so ever they may be founden as may be yought
[ thought ] necessary for the said werk [ es ] & an othr directed to John Beckeley mason yeving [ giving ] hym power by the same to take cariage & al othr thing [ es ] necessary for the same werk [ es ] wherin ye shal do unto us good plesir Yevin under oure signet at oure manoir of Shene the VI day of Juyn . To the Reverend fader in God oure right trusty and right welbeloved the Bisshop of Bathe oure Chauncellr of Englande .
II . BY THE KING . Reverend fader in God Right trusty and Right welbeloved , We wol and charge yow that under oure grete seel ye doo make oure sev [ er ] alx l ' res [ letters ] of commission in deue fourme that oon unto
John Smyth warden of masons & that othr unto Robert Wheteley warden of carpenters at Eton yevying thayme powair to take in what place so ev [ er ] e hit be almanere of werkmen laborers & cariage such as eythr of thayme shal seme necessarie or behoveful in thaire craft [ es ] to the edificacon of oure collage of our lady of Eton and that this be
doon with al diligence as we trust yow . Yeven undre oure signet at the manoir of Fulham the xiij day of Juyl . To the Reverend fader in God Right trusty & Right welbeloved the Bisshop of Bathe oure Chancellr of Englande . [ Charters No . III . and IV . omitted here . ' ]