Article THE KNIGHTS TEMPLAR. ← Page 9 of 10 →
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The Knights Templar.
incolumitate consimili te vigere . Ad ha ? c , ut eorum qua ? in negotio templariorum emergunt tua ? notitia ? veritatis * innotescat , magnitudinem regiarn volnmus non latere quod cirm inquisitiones facta ? contra ordinem templariorum coram pra ? latis et aliis personis
eccleszasticis , qui ad pra 3 sens sacz-um concilium venerunt , et quos ad hoc congregari , certa die , nostra deliberatio fecerat , legerentur , septem de ordine templariorum ipsorum et in quaclam alia subsequent ! congregatione consimili , duo de ordine ipso , se coram eisdem prcelatis et personis , nobis tamen absentibns , pra ? sentarnnt qui se
deffensioni ejusdem ordinis offerentes , asseruerunt mille quingentos vel duo millia fratres ejusdem ordinis qui Lugduni et in circumvicinis partibus morabantur , eis circa defensionem ipsius ordinis adhserere ; nos tamen ipsos , se spontanea offerentes , detineri mandavimus et facimus detineri . Et ex tunc , circa , nostra ? persona ? custodiam , solertiorem
diligentiam solito duximus adhibendam ; ha ? c autem celsitudini tua ? duximus intimanda , ut tui providi cautela consilii quid deceat et quid expediat circa persona ? tua ? custodiam diligenti consideratione voleat pra ? videre . Latum Viennce , 11 mens . Novembris , Pontificatus nostri anno 6 .
Translation of a letter from Clement V . to Philip tlie Pair , informing him that nine Knights Templars , deputies of fifteen hundred or two thousand Templars , having appeared before the council of Vienne , to undertake the defence of their Order , he caused these nine Templars to be arrested a nd- cast into prison , tohere they should be detained till further
orders . CLEMENT Bishoj ) , servant of the servants of God , to our clearest child in Jesus Christ , Philip illustrious king of the French , health and apostolical benediction : knowing that the news of our good health is agz'eeable to you , we inform you that through divine assistance we
enjoy full and perfect health ; and have learned with joy that yours is equally good . In order to communicate to your royal magnitude the truth of all the occurrezices which take place in the affair of the Templars , I ought not to conceal from you , that whilst the ihforcnations made against the Order of the Templars Avere reading in
presence of the prelates , and other ecclesiastics , who in virtue of the convocation received from us , are come to this sacred council ; seven knights of the Order of the Templars on one day , and two others on a subsequent clay , during our absence , presented themselves before the same prelates and ecclesiastics , and offering to undertake the defence of the Order , have declared that fifteen hundred or two
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The Knights Templar.
incolumitate consimili te vigere . Ad ha ? c , ut eorum qua ? in negotio templariorum emergunt tua ? notitia ? veritatis * innotescat , magnitudinem regiarn volnmus non latere quod cirm inquisitiones facta ? contra ordinem templariorum coram pra ? latis et aliis personis
eccleszasticis , qui ad pra 3 sens sacz-um concilium venerunt , et quos ad hoc congregari , certa die , nostra deliberatio fecerat , legerentur , septem de ordine templariorum ipsorum et in quaclam alia subsequent ! congregatione consimili , duo de ordine ipso , se coram eisdem prcelatis et personis , nobis tamen absentibns , pra ? sentarnnt qui se
deffensioni ejusdem ordinis offerentes , asseruerunt mille quingentos vel duo millia fratres ejusdem ordinis qui Lugduni et in circumvicinis partibus morabantur , eis circa defensionem ipsius ordinis adhserere ; nos tamen ipsos , se spontanea offerentes , detineri mandavimus et facimus detineri . Et ex tunc , circa , nostra ? persona ? custodiam , solertiorem
diligentiam solito duximus adhibendam ; ha ? c autem celsitudini tua ? duximus intimanda , ut tui providi cautela consilii quid deceat et quid expediat circa persona ? tua ? custodiam diligenti consideratione voleat pra ? videre . Latum Viennce , 11 mens . Novembris , Pontificatus nostri anno 6 .
Translation of a letter from Clement V . to Philip tlie Pair , informing him that nine Knights Templars , deputies of fifteen hundred or two thousand Templars , having appeared before the council of Vienne , to undertake the defence of their Order , he caused these nine Templars to be arrested a nd- cast into prison , tohere they should be detained till further
orders . CLEMENT Bishoj ) , servant of the servants of God , to our clearest child in Jesus Christ , Philip illustrious king of the French , health and apostolical benediction : knowing that the news of our good health is agz'eeable to you , we inform you that through divine assistance we
enjoy full and perfect health ; and have learned with joy that yours is equally good . In order to communicate to your royal magnitude the truth of all the occurrezices which take place in the affair of the Templars , I ought not to conceal from you , that whilst the ihforcnations made against the Order of the Templars Avere reading in
presence of the prelates , and other ecclesiastics , who in virtue of the convocation received from us , are come to this sacred council ; seven knights of the Order of the Templars on one day , and two others on a subsequent clay , during our absence , presented themselves before the same prelates and ecclesiastics , and offering to undertake the defence of the Order , have declared that fifteen hundred or two