Article OUR TRESTLE BOARD Page 1 of 1 Article OUR TRESTLE BOARD Page 1 of 1
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Our Trestle Board
" For the Master to lay lines and draw designs upon . " Our readers will bo good enough to notice that we have removed the Offices of THE MASONIC STAR to 59 . Moor Lane . Fore Street ,
E . C .. London , to which address ALL communications should be forwarded . Those relating to Editorial matter to be addressed to the EDITOR ; and all others to Messrs . ADAMS BROS .
In the published proceedings for the current year of the Grand Lodge and Grand Commandery of Knights Templar of Maine , Bro . , Josiah H . Drummond . a Past Grand Master of the Grand Ledge of Maine , gives the following interesting statistics : — ' There are in the United States and Canada no less than 55 Grand Lodgesand
, the grand aggregate of subscribing brethren in the jurisdictions severally presided over by these Grand Lodges is 015 . 000 , as against 005 , 000 in 1 SS 7 , and 59 ( 5 . 000 in 1886 . At the head of these 55 jurisdictions is that of the Grand Lodge of New York , which has 72 , 000 Masons on its roll , Illinois being second , but at a very long
interval , with 40 , 000 . Pennsylvania stands third , with close on 38 , 000 , and Ohio next , with nearly 34 , 000 , Michigan and Massachusetts , each with upwards of 28 , 000 , being fifth and sixth respectively . Missouri can boast of nearly 20 , 000 , and there are
four others of the United States Grand Lodges which muster upwards of 20 , 000 . Canada has over 19 , 000 , and nine others range between 11 . 000 and nearly 10 . 000 , there being only eight out of the whole 55 that have less than 1 , 000 subscribing members on the roll . "
* « = * * * It may interest many of our readers to know that a Stanley and Emin Pacha relief expedition is now being organized by Major Yon Dobner , of the Austrian army . It is expected to start in January ,
and we understand that our Brother , Dr . Josiah Williams , F . R . G . S ., of Britannia Lodge , No . 139 . Sheffield , has been appointed by the Major as his chief medical officer , with permission to engage two or three assistants . The expedition will consist of a large force of white men principally .
* % * * * The special committee appointed to enquire into the discipline and administration of The Royal Masonic Institution for Boys will meet at the Freemasons' Hall on November 1 st and 2 nd . " Bro . Philbrick , Q . C ., is chairman . All subscribers to the institution will be admitted , and reporters may be present .
We submit the following three pmcrx , extracted from the enquiry column of the Echo of the 25 th ult ., for the consideration of our readers , and as an exercise in solving conundrums : —( 1 ) . Give the number of Freemasons in the United Kingdom , and the estimated number abroad . '" We think that whomsoever may fancy he can correctly reply to this may class himself in the latter section , as very much abroad . ( 2 ) . " What are the expenses connected with the craft per annum per member ? " That is what our American
cousins would call ' a large order , " the execution of which borders on the impossible : and ( 3 ) . " Can a novice by merit alone gain the highest grade . '" which , as things now are , can perhaps be more certainly answered , easily and emphatically , by the monosyllable NO '
The Craft generally will be pleased to learn that the honour of knighthood has been conferred by Her Majesty on W . Bro . Polydoro De Keyser , in recognition of his public services as Lord Mayor of London during the past year . We offer our hearty personal congratulations amongst the many which our distinguished brother will receive from his numerous friends in Freemasonry .
" It may be news to some people to learn that in the Masonic world there is a total abstinence party so strong in a London lodge they have excluded , and it is said intend to exclude , from office all members who are not total abstainers . A senior member of the lodge has been displaced already , and a great trial of strength takes place next month on the election of Master . " This is stated in the Xoll . s Daily E . rjircsx of the 27 th ult . It in news to usand we
, await information , which we shall seek , before expressing the opinions of many of our readers as to the recent attempts to form elax . i lodges , to the great injury of the vnivevxality which the Craft professes .
-. ¥ * W Hf * Many of our London brethren will regret to hear that , within the last few days . Bro . . J . T . Crawford , of the William Preston Lodge , has met with an accident , breaking his left arm just below the elbow . He is , however , we are pleased to say , progressing satisfactorily .
Our Trestle Board
The monthly meeting of the Board of Benevolence was held on the 24 th ult . Some letters of thanks were laid before the board from petitioners who were relieved at the September sitting , and the brethren confirmed , to the extent of : C 250 . grants recommended to the M . W . G . M ., H . RJI . the Prince of Wales , for his approval at that
meeting . There were 48 cases on the new list requiring assistance coming from lodges in the London district , and Portsmouth , Liverpool , North Shields , Havant , Sudbury , Plymouth , Bournemouth . Nottingham , Norwich , Sunderland , West Bromwich , Cambridge , Gosport , Carlisle , Sidcup , Budleigh Salterton , Surbiton , Stafford .
Kingston-on-Thames . Marple , Sydney ( N . S . W ) , Colchester , leltham , and Newquay . Forty-five of these cases were relieved , or recommended to the Grand Lodge or to the Grand Master for relief , to the extent of . £ 1 , 182 . The remaining three were deferred till the November meeting , for full compliance with the rules of the fund .
Bro . Henry Lynn , J . W . 217 , is a candidate for re-election on the London School Board for West Lambeth Division . * * * # * Recently , at a meeting of the Eclectic Lodge , No . 1851 , Bro . A .
E . Taylor was the recipient of a handsome testimonial , consisting of a pen and ink drawing framed in oak , and bearing a suitable inscription , in recognition of services rendered by him , in various offices , to the Lodge since its consecration .
***** The Treasurer of the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys has received from the Executors and Trustees of the Will of the late Miss Louisa M'Kellar , of Argyll Lodge . Clapham Park , a donation of £ 250 . . . . '
Reports of meetings occuring on Tuesdays cannot be inserted in the Thursday ' s issue unless they reach us by first post on Wednesdays . We go to press at mid-day on Wednesday . *****
In our last issue we stated in error that Bro . Richard Eve ' P . G . T . and P . G . S . W ., Hants and I . of W ., is a candidate for the School Board for the Central Division , Finsbury District , of London . We should have said that our Bro . Eve was soliciting election as representative for that division in Parliament .
Our reprint in book form of the articles on : LODGE OFFICERS and their duties , kc , announced last week , is now ready for issue See particulars in advertising columns .
THE CASTLE LODGE—No . 1621 . —The Installation Festival of this lodge was held on Friday , 26 th ulto .. at the Crown Hotel , Bridgnorth , Shropshire , when tnere were present : —The D . P . G . M . Bro . Rowland G . Yenables , P . G . A . D . of C . ; Bros . W . Westcott , W . M ., P . G . Std . ; H . E . Roberts , I . P . M . ; A . S . Trevor , J . W . ; E . J . Chittey , P . P . G . A . D . of C ; H . B . Southwell , P . M . ; T . Pratt , P . P . G .
Std . B . ; E . M . Southwell , P . M . ; W . Simms , P . P . G . P . ; T . Whitefoot . P . G . D . of C . ; W . Lascelles Southwell , P . P . G . J . W . ; J ' . II . Cooksey , P . P . G . R . ; Rev . R . Lucas , P . G . Chaplain ; J . Sewell , P . P . G . O . ; W . T . Smith ; G . C . Cooper ; L . C . Smith ; J . W . C . Chadwick ; T . Whitefoot , sen . ; F . S . H .
Dyer . Visitors : —Bros . E . A . Hicks , W . M . 601 , P . G . 11 . ; J . Avery . W . M . 262 , P . G . A . P . ; Rev . H . Parsons , 490 ; J . Bradney , 419 ; T . Skett , 419 ; J . Gray , 202 ; G . Fletcher , 1575 , and H . Goodall , Tyler , Bro . W . G . II . Maddison was elected a joining member . Bro . Alfred S . Trevor was installed as master for the ensuing year . The lodge was then closed , and the brethren partook of a banquet .
THE STAR CHAPTER—NO . 1275 . —Election meeting at the Ship , Greenwich , on Tuesday , 23 rd ult . The Comps . present included Comps . Elliott , P . Z .. M . E . Z . ; Addington . II . ; T . Grummant , P . Z . acting J . ; Capt , C . W . Williams , P . Z ., S . E . ; Major Williams . P . Z ., Treasurer ; C . Stone , S . N . ; Benedetti , 1 st A . S . ; Fry , 2 nd A . S . ; Cowley , P . Z . ; Fred . Hilton , P . Z . ; North , Fleck , Meirhoff , Dr . Makeham , Bumpstead , P . Z ., Charlie Woods , Crook , and Patrick ,
Janitor . Visitors : —Comps . F . B . Williams , P . Z ., and W . Kipps , P . Z ., 79 . The election resulted thus : —Comps . J . Addington , M . E . Z . ; Tuck , II . ; Crook , J . ; Major Williams , P . Z ., Treasurer ; Capt . Williams , P . Z ., S . E . ; Benedetti , S . N . ; Fleck , P . S . ; Mierhoff , 1 st A . S . ; C . Woods . 2 nd A . S ., and Patrick , Janitor . Comp . F . Hilton reported the success of the Chapter of Instruction , of which he is Preceptor , and Comp . Stone , S . N ., is S . E . A very pleasant evening was afterwards spent by the companions .
THE ALEXANDRA LODGE—No . 985 . —The installation meeting was held on Monday , 22 nd ult ., at the Lodge Room , Bridge Hotel , Sutton Bridge , when ' Bro . Chas . E . Ward , of Lynn , was installed W . M . for the ensuing year by W . Bro . G . F . Barrell , P . P . G . A . D . C . The following brethren were appointed and invested by the W . M .: Bro . Porter , J . P . M . ; J . E . Townsend , W . ; S . J . Coupland , J . W . ; RevGFII . FoxtonP . P . G . CChaplain ; Mark CoxP . M . Treas . ;
.. . , , , , P . R . Clarke , Sec . ; Percy Jenner , S . D . ; J . G . Dunlop , J . D . ; II . Patchett , J . G . ; II . Hedley , Organist ; and David Oliver , Tyler . Among the visitors were Bros . G . S . Woodwark , P . P . G . J . D . ; Geo . W . Page , P . P . G . R . ; G . F . Barrell , W . P . A . G . D . C ; Thorn , P . P . G . P . ; Geo . Whitehead , P . P . G . P . ; Bros . L . Dickenson , Dixey , Coxon and Watkinson .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Our Trestle Board
" For the Master to lay lines and draw designs upon . " Our readers will bo good enough to notice that we have removed the Offices of THE MASONIC STAR to 59 . Moor Lane . Fore Street ,
E . C .. London , to which address ALL communications should be forwarded . Those relating to Editorial matter to be addressed to the EDITOR ; and all others to Messrs . ADAMS BROS .
In the published proceedings for the current year of the Grand Lodge and Grand Commandery of Knights Templar of Maine , Bro . , Josiah H . Drummond . a Past Grand Master of the Grand Ledge of Maine , gives the following interesting statistics : — ' There are in the United States and Canada no less than 55 Grand Lodgesand
, the grand aggregate of subscribing brethren in the jurisdictions severally presided over by these Grand Lodges is 015 . 000 , as against 005 , 000 in 1 SS 7 , and 59 ( 5 . 000 in 1886 . At the head of these 55 jurisdictions is that of the Grand Lodge of New York , which has 72 , 000 Masons on its roll , Illinois being second , but at a very long
interval , with 40 , 000 . Pennsylvania stands third , with close on 38 , 000 , and Ohio next , with nearly 34 , 000 , Michigan and Massachusetts , each with upwards of 28 , 000 , being fifth and sixth respectively . Missouri can boast of nearly 20 , 000 , and there are
four others of the United States Grand Lodges which muster upwards of 20 , 000 . Canada has over 19 , 000 , and nine others range between 11 . 000 and nearly 10 . 000 , there being only eight out of the whole 55 that have less than 1 , 000 subscribing members on the roll . "
* « = * * * It may interest many of our readers to know that a Stanley and Emin Pacha relief expedition is now being organized by Major Yon Dobner , of the Austrian army . It is expected to start in January ,
and we understand that our Brother , Dr . Josiah Williams , F . R . G . S ., of Britannia Lodge , No . 139 . Sheffield , has been appointed by the Major as his chief medical officer , with permission to engage two or three assistants . The expedition will consist of a large force of white men principally .
* % * * * The special committee appointed to enquire into the discipline and administration of The Royal Masonic Institution for Boys will meet at the Freemasons' Hall on November 1 st and 2 nd . " Bro . Philbrick , Q . C ., is chairman . All subscribers to the institution will be admitted , and reporters may be present .
We submit the following three pmcrx , extracted from the enquiry column of the Echo of the 25 th ult ., for the consideration of our readers , and as an exercise in solving conundrums : —( 1 ) . Give the number of Freemasons in the United Kingdom , and the estimated number abroad . '" We think that whomsoever may fancy he can correctly reply to this may class himself in the latter section , as very much abroad . ( 2 ) . " What are the expenses connected with the craft per annum per member ? " That is what our American
cousins would call ' a large order , " the execution of which borders on the impossible : and ( 3 ) . " Can a novice by merit alone gain the highest grade . '" which , as things now are , can perhaps be more certainly answered , easily and emphatically , by the monosyllable NO '
The Craft generally will be pleased to learn that the honour of knighthood has been conferred by Her Majesty on W . Bro . Polydoro De Keyser , in recognition of his public services as Lord Mayor of London during the past year . We offer our hearty personal congratulations amongst the many which our distinguished brother will receive from his numerous friends in Freemasonry .
" It may be news to some people to learn that in the Masonic world there is a total abstinence party so strong in a London lodge they have excluded , and it is said intend to exclude , from office all members who are not total abstainers . A senior member of the lodge has been displaced already , and a great trial of strength takes place next month on the election of Master . " This is stated in the Xoll . s Daily E . rjircsx of the 27 th ult . It in news to usand we
, await information , which we shall seek , before expressing the opinions of many of our readers as to the recent attempts to form elax . i lodges , to the great injury of the vnivevxality which the Craft professes .
-. ¥ * W Hf * Many of our London brethren will regret to hear that , within the last few days . Bro . . J . T . Crawford , of the William Preston Lodge , has met with an accident , breaking his left arm just below the elbow . He is , however , we are pleased to say , progressing satisfactorily .
Our Trestle Board
The monthly meeting of the Board of Benevolence was held on the 24 th ult . Some letters of thanks were laid before the board from petitioners who were relieved at the September sitting , and the brethren confirmed , to the extent of : C 250 . grants recommended to the M . W . G . M ., H . RJI . the Prince of Wales , for his approval at that
meeting . There were 48 cases on the new list requiring assistance coming from lodges in the London district , and Portsmouth , Liverpool , North Shields , Havant , Sudbury , Plymouth , Bournemouth . Nottingham , Norwich , Sunderland , West Bromwich , Cambridge , Gosport , Carlisle , Sidcup , Budleigh Salterton , Surbiton , Stafford .
Kingston-on-Thames . Marple , Sydney ( N . S . W ) , Colchester , leltham , and Newquay . Forty-five of these cases were relieved , or recommended to the Grand Lodge or to the Grand Master for relief , to the extent of . £ 1 , 182 . The remaining three were deferred till the November meeting , for full compliance with the rules of the fund .
Bro . Henry Lynn , J . W . 217 , is a candidate for re-election on the London School Board for West Lambeth Division . * * * # * Recently , at a meeting of the Eclectic Lodge , No . 1851 , Bro . A .
E . Taylor was the recipient of a handsome testimonial , consisting of a pen and ink drawing framed in oak , and bearing a suitable inscription , in recognition of services rendered by him , in various offices , to the Lodge since its consecration .
***** The Treasurer of the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys has received from the Executors and Trustees of the Will of the late Miss Louisa M'Kellar , of Argyll Lodge . Clapham Park , a donation of £ 250 . . . . '
Reports of meetings occuring on Tuesdays cannot be inserted in the Thursday ' s issue unless they reach us by first post on Wednesdays . We go to press at mid-day on Wednesday . *****
In our last issue we stated in error that Bro . Richard Eve ' P . G . T . and P . G . S . W ., Hants and I . of W ., is a candidate for the School Board for the Central Division , Finsbury District , of London . We should have said that our Bro . Eve was soliciting election as representative for that division in Parliament .
Our reprint in book form of the articles on : LODGE OFFICERS and their duties , kc , announced last week , is now ready for issue See particulars in advertising columns .
THE CASTLE LODGE—No . 1621 . —The Installation Festival of this lodge was held on Friday , 26 th ulto .. at the Crown Hotel , Bridgnorth , Shropshire , when tnere were present : —The D . P . G . M . Bro . Rowland G . Yenables , P . G . A . D . of C . ; Bros . W . Westcott , W . M ., P . G . Std . ; H . E . Roberts , I . P . M . ; A . S . Trevor , J . W . ; E . J . Chittey , P . P . G . A . D . of C ; H . B . Southwell , P . M . ; T . Pratt , P . P . G .
Std . B . ; E . M . Southwell , P . M . ; W . Simms , P . P . G . P . ; T . Whitefoot . P . G . D . of C . ; W . Lascelles Southwell , P . P . G . J . W . ; J ' . II . Cooksey , P . P . G . R . ; Rev . R . Lucas , P . G . Chaplain ; J . Sewell , P . P . G . O . ; W . T . Smith ; G . C . Cooper ; L . C . Smith ; J . W . C . Chadwick ; T . Whitefoot , sen . ; F . S . H .
Dyer . Visitors : —Bros . E . A . Hicks , W . M . 601 , P . G . 11 . ; J . Avery . W . M . 262 , P . G . A . P . ; Rev . H . Parsons , 490 ; J . Bradney , 419 ; T . Skett , 419 ; J . Gray , 202 ; G . Fletcher , 1575 , and H . Goodall , Tyler , Bro . W . G . II . Maddison was elected a joining member . Bro . Alfred S . Trevor was installed as master for the ensuing year . The lodge was then closed , and the brethren partook of a banquet .
THE STAR CHAPTER—NO . 1275 . —Election meeting at the Ship , Greenwich , on Tuesday , 23 rd ult . The Comps . present included Comps . Elliott , P . Z .. M . E . Z . ; Addington . II . ; T . Grummant , P . Z . acting J . ; Capt , C . W . Williams , P . Z ., S . E . ; Major Williams . P . Z ., Treasurer ; C . Stone , S . N . ; Benedetti , 1 st A . S . ; Fry , 2 nd A . S . ; Cowley , P . Z . ; Fred . Hilton , P . Z . ; North , Fleck , Meirhoff , Dr . Makeham , Bumpstead , P . Z ., Charlie Woods , Crook , and Patrick ,
Janitor . Visitors : —Comps . F . B . Williams , P . Z ., and W . Kipps , P . Z ., 79 . The election resulted thus : —Comps . J . Addington , M . E . Z . ; Tuck , II . ; Crook , J . ; Major Williams , P . Z ., Treasurer ; Capt . Williams , P . Z ., S . E . ; Benedetti , S . N . ; Fleck , P . S . ; Mierhoff , 1 st A . S . ; C . Woods . 2 nd A . S ., and Patrick , Janitor . Comp . F . Hilton reported the success of the Chapter of Instruction , of which he is Preceptor , and Comp . Stone , S . N ., is S . E . A very pleasant evening was afterwards spent by the companions .
THE ALEXANDRA LODGE—No . 985 . —The installation meeting was held on Monday , 22 nd ult ., at the Lodge Room , Bridge Hotel , Sutton Bridge , when ' Bro . Chas . E . Ward , of Lynn , was installed W . M . for the ensuing year by W . Bro . G . F . Barrell , P . P . G . A . D . C . The following brethren were appointed and invested by the W . M .: Bro . Porter , J . P . M . ; J . E . Townsend , W . ; S . J . Coupland , J . W . ; RevGFII . FoxtonP . P . G . CChaplain ; Mark CoxP . M . Treas . ;
.. . , , , , P . R . Clarke , Sec . ; Percy Jenner , S . D . ; J . G . Dunlop , J . D . ; II . Patchett , J . G . ; II . Hedley , Organist ; and David Oliver , Tyler . Among the visitors were Bros . G . S . Woodwark , P . P . G . J . D . ; Geo . W . Page , P . P . G . R . ; G . F . Barrell , W . P . A . G . D . C ; Thorn , P . P . G . P . ; Geo . Whitehead , P . P . G . P . ; Bros . L . Dickenson , Dixey , Coxon and Watkinson .