Article HIGH TWELVE Page 1 of 1 Article Dramatic Notes and Observations. Page 1 of 1
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High Twelve
" Cease labour and go to refreshment . "
After Lodge is closed , lircthren inayjind relaxation and amusement in , LONDON
at—THEATRE ROYAL , DRURY LANE . Lessee and Alanager , Air . Augustus Harris . Till-: ARMADA at 7 . 30 .
HAYAIARKET THEATRE . Lessee and Alanager , Afr . H . Becrbohm Tree . CAPTAIN SWIFT at 8 . 30 .
THAT DREADFUL DOCTOR at 7 . 50 . ADELPHI THEATRE , Sole Proprietors and Managers , Messrs . A . & S . Gatti . THE UNION JACK at S .
THE LOTTERY TICKET at 7 . 15 . PRINCESS' THEATRE . Sole Lessee , Atiss Grace Hawthorne ; Alanager , Mr . AV . AV . Kelly .
THE STILL ALARM , at 7 . 45 . THE GLOBE . Lessee and Alanager , Mr . John Lart . THE AIONK ' ROOM at 8 . 15 .
JODRELL ( NOVELTY ) jTHEATRE . Closed . SAVOY THEATRE . Manager , AI r . D'Oyly Carte .
THE A ' EOMAN OK THE GI - , 8 . 3 C « . PRINCE OF AVALES' THEATRE . Sole Lessee and Alanager , Mr . Horace Sedgor . DOROTHY 8 . 30 .
AVAHKANTKD BURGLAR PROOF , 7 . 40 . A'AUDEVILLE THEATRE . Sole Lessee and Alanager , Mr . Thomas Thornc-. JOSEPH ' S SWEETHEART at 8 . 30 . THE BROTHERS at 7 . 45 .
Lessee and Alanager , Air . C . H . HawtreTUNCI . KS AND AVNTS at 9 . THE SPY at 8 . TOOLE'S THEATRE .
Lessee , Afr . J . L . Toole , PEPCI ' A at M . 15 . LA'CEUAl THEATRE .
Sole Lessee , Air . Henry Irving ; A PARISIAN ROMANCE at 8 . 45 . LFSIHA at 7 . 45 .
OLYAfPIC THEATRE . Lessee and Manageress , Agnes Hewitt . KITCHEN LOVE at 7 . 15 . TICKET OF LEAVE AIAN at 8 . TERRY'S THEATRE .
Sole Lessee and Afanager , Air . Edward Terry . SWEET LAVENDER at 8 . 30 . STRAND THEATRE . Under the Alanagemr-nt of Air . AVillie Edouin .
KI . F . PTOMANIA at 7 . 45 . ALADDIN at 9 . 30 . OPERA COAtlQUE . Lessee and Atanager , iAtr . F . J . Harris .
THEATRE ROYAL . Sole Proprietress , Airs . Nye Chart . THE PAPER C HASE at 7 . 30 .
Dramatic Notes And Observations.
Dramatic Notes and Observations .
( Communicated ) . THE Exhibition of Armada and Elizabethan relics , pictures , armour , < fcc . which Bro . Augustus Harris has organised , will be
opened at Drury Lane Theatre , on the afternoon ol the 24 th mst .. by the Earl of Winchelsea anel Nottingham . Bro . Harris litis received promises of the loan of many objects of great interest .
THE Drury Lane Pantomime -will be entitled " The Babes in the Wood . " Bro . Augustus Harris has engaged a strong caste : Harry Nicholls , Herbert Campbell , Dan Leno , Charles Lauri . The Brothers Griffiths and Harry Payne as clown ; also "Walter Andrews , Pleon . Reuben Inch anel Victor Stevens ; and Misses Maggie Duggan and Harriet Vernon as principal boys , and iEnea as the Ely Cock Robin .
As we predicted , " Carina" was a great success at the Opera Comique , last Thursday . The book is by Mr . Blanchard . and the attractive music is composed by Madame Julia Woolf ( Mrs . Isaacson ) .
As I said in our last issue , the " Two Orphans " will be put on shortly . Miss Marie Lewis will play Henriette as she did at the Union Square Theatre , New York .
SEVERAL papers during the past week have said that Mr . H . J . Leslie will produce a comedy entitled " Blackmail" at a Gaiety matinee ; this I hear , from a reliable source , is not a fact .
" A PARISIAN ROAIANCE " was produced at the Lyceum Theatrelast Monday evening . Mr . Mansfield took the leading character ( Baron de Chevrial )
BRO . HENRY IRVING was entertained at a banquet by the Edinburgh Pen and Pencil Club on the evening of the 2 nd inst .. and in responding to the toast of " The Drama , " took occasion to vindicate the actor ' s calling from some recently-published aspersions .
THE Italian Exhibition continues to draw large crowds . The exhibits are still as fresh as ever , and the life-like scenes in the Colosseum meet with the hearty applause they so justly deserve .
Miss MYRA MAY was last week the recipient of a handsome gold bracelet , set with brilliants and engraved with her name , in commemoration of the fourth year of her appearance on the stage .
OWING to the sudden illness of H . M . Edmunds , of the Albertand Edmunds House , the sketch entitled " Jack , the Cat , and the Mill , " in which the above troupe have been performing at the Metropolitan Music Hall , had to be withdrawn there on Monday last .
M . JEAN DE RESCHKE appeared a few evenings ago in Verdi ' s opera ' ¦ Aida , " at the Grand Opera in Paris . His splendid rendering of the music of the third act has added not a little to the reputation he so justly earned in London last season . "Without doubt he is the finest tenor who has apjieareel on the lyric stage since the days of Mongini .
THE readers of THE MASONIC STAR could not elo better than set-Mr . Willard in the new play at the " Globe . " It is one of his finest impersonations .
IT is asserted that arrangements are in course of perfection for the suppression of the gang who patronise " first nights " for " burkeing " purposes .
" DR . JEKYLL AND MR . HYDE " has ceased to be an infliction on a credulous British Public . Mr . Mansfield , as an actor , has far greater scope for distinguishing himself than such a ridiculous play ( . ' ) affortls .
ORATORIO appears likely to have a flourishing time shortl y . The " Stabat Mater , " " Redemption , " " Elijah , " & c , will be given at the Albert Hall , as well as works by Cowen , Benoit , kc .
' A FAIR BIGAAIIST " had a short life , but hardly a merry one . at the Royalty . About four days is certainly short , even in these rapiel times . "
BRO . GEO . MACLEAN had hearty farewell" from the members of the Savage Club Lodge , at the Criterion , the other night , on the occasion of his leaving for America , with Miss Anderson ' s Company on tour . We wish him God-speed . STELLA .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
High Twelve
" Cease labour and go to refreshment . "
After Lodge is closed , lircthren inayjind relaxation and amusement in , LONDON
at—THEATRE ROYAL , DRURY LANE . Lessee and Alanager , Air . Augustus Harris . Till-: ARMADA at 7 . 30 .
HAYAIARKET THEATRE . Lessee and Alanager , Afr . H . Becrbohm Tree . CAPTAIN SWIFT at 8 . 30 .
THAT DREADFUL DOCTOR at 7 . 50 . ADELPHI THEATRE , Sole Proprietors and Managers , Messrs . A . & S . Gatti . THE UNION JACK at S .
THE LOTTERY TICKET at 7 . 15 . PRINCESS' THEATRE . Sole Lessee , Atiss Grace Hawthorne ; Alanager , Mr . AV . AV . Kelly .
THE STILL ALARM , at 7 . 45 . THE GLOBE . Lessee and Alanager , Mr . John Lart . THE AIONK ' ROOM at 8 . 15 .
JODRELL ( NOVELTY ) jTHEATRE . Closed . SAVOY THEATRE . Manager , AI r . D'Oyly Carte .
THE A ' EOMAN OK THE GI - , 8 . 3 C « . PRINCE OF AVALES' THEATRE . Sole Lessee and Alanager , Mr . Horace Sedgor . DOROTHY 8 . 30 .
AVAHKANTKD BURGLAR PROOF , 7 . 40 . A'AUDEVILLE THEATRE . Sole Lessee and Alanager , Mr . Thomas Thornc-. JOSEPH ' S SWEETHEART at 8 . 30 . THE BROTHERS at 7 . 45 .
Lessee and Alanager , Air . C . H . HawtreTUNCI . KS AND AVNTS at 9 . THE SPY at 8 . TOOLE'S THEATRE .
Lessee , Afr . J . L . Toole , PEPCI ' A at M . 15 . LA'CEUAl THEATRE .
Sole Lessee , Air . Henry Irving ; A PARISIAN ROMANCE at 8 . 45 . LFSIHA at 7 . 45 .
OLYAfPIC THEATRE . Lessee and Manageress , Agnes Hewitt . KITCHEN LOVE at 7 . 15 . TICKET OF LEAVE AIAN at 8 . TERRY'S THEATRE .
Sole Lessee and Afanager , Air . Edward Terry . SWEET LAVENDER at 8 . 30 . STRAND THEATRE . Under the Alanagemr-nt of Air . AVillie Edouin .
KI . F . PTOMANIA at 7 . 45 . ALADDIN at 9 . 30 . OPERA COAtlQUE . Lessee and Atanager , iAtr . F . J . Harris .
THEATRE ROYAL . Sole Proprietress , Airs . Nye Chart . THE PAPER C HASE at 7 . 30 .
Dramatic Notes And Observations.
Dramatic Notes and Observations .
( Communicated ) . THE Exhibition of Armada and Elizabethan relics , pictures , armour , < fcc . which Bro . Augustus Harris has organised , will be
opened at Drury Lane Theatre , on the afternoon ol the 24 th mst .. by the Earl of Winchelsea anel Nottingham . Bro . Harris litis received promises of the loan of many objects of great interest .
THE Drury Lane Pantomime -will be entitled " The Babes in the Wood . " Bro . Augustus Harris has engaged a strong caste : Harry Nicholls , Herbert Campbell , Dan Leno , Charles Lauri . The Brothers Griffiths and Harry Payne as clown ; also "Walter Andrews , Pleon . Reuben Inch anel Victor Stevens ; and Misses Maggie Duggan and Harriet Vernon as principal boys , and iEnea as the Ely Cock Robin .
As we predicted , " Carina" was a great success at the Opera Comique , last Thursday . The book is by Mr . Blanchard . and the attractive music is composed by Madame Julia Woolf ( Mrs . Isaacson ) .
As I said in our last issue , the " Two Orphans " will be put on shortly . Miss Marie Lewis will play Henriette as she did at the Union Square Theatre , New York .
SEVERAL papers during the past week have said that Mr . H . J . Leslie will produce a comedy entitled " Blackmail" at a Gaiety matinee ; this I hear , from a reliable source , is not a fact .
" A PARISIAN ROAIANCE " was produced at the Lyceum Theatrelast Monday evening . Mr . Mansfield took the leading character ( Baron de Chevrial )
BRO . HENRY IRVING was entertained at a banquet by the Edinburgh Pen and Pencil Club on the evening of the 2 nd inst .. and in responding to the toast of " The Drama , " took occasion to vindicate the actor ' s calling from some recently-published aspersions .
THE Italian Exhibition continues to draw large crowds . The exhibits are still as fresh as ever , and the life-like scenes in the Colosseum meet with the hearty applause they so justly deserve .
Miss MYRA MAY was last week the recipient of a handsome gold bracelet , set with brilliants and engraved with her name , in commemoration of the fourth year of her appearance on the stage .
OWING to the sudden illness of H . M . Edmunds , of the Albertand Edmunds House , the sketch entitled " Jack , the Cat , and the Mill , " in which the above troupe have been performing at the Metropolitan Music Hall , had to be withdrawn there on Monday last .
M . JEAN DE RESCHKE appeared a few evenings ago in Verdi ' s opera ' ¦ Aida , " at the Grand Opera in Paris . His splendid rendering of the music of the third act has added not a little to the reputation he so justly earned in London last season . "Without doubt he is the finest tenor who has apjieareel on the lyric stage since the days of Mongini .
THE readers of THE MASONIC STAR could not elo better than set-Mr . Willard in the new play at the " Globe . " It is one of his finest impersonations .
IT is asserted that arrangements are in course of perfection for the suppression of the gang who patronise " first nights " for " burkeing " purposes .
" DR . JEKYLL AND MR . HYDE " has ceased to be an infliction on a credulous British Public . Mr . Mansfield , as an actor , has far greater scope for distinguishing himself than such a ridiculous play ( . ' ) affortls .
ORATORIO appears likely to have a flourishing time shortl y . The " Stabat Mater , " " Redemption , " " Elijah , " & c , will be given at the Albert Hall , as well as works by Cowen , Benoit , kc .
' A FAIR BIGAAIIST " had a short life , but hardly a merry one . at the Royalty . About four days is certainly short , even in these rapiel times . "
BRO . GEO . MACLEAN had hearty farewell" from the members of the Savage Club Lodge , at the Criterion , the other night , on the occasion of his leaving for America , with Miss Anderson ' s Company on tour . We wish him God-speed . STELLA .