Article Masonic Exchange & Mart Column Page 1 of 1 Article Masonic Exchange & Mart Column Page 1 of 1 Article Metropolitan and Provincial Lodge and Chapter Meetings Page 1 of 1
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Masonic Exchange & Mart Column
Masonic Exchange & Mart Column
For SEBJ . © ox ? __ Jx : c 5 l _ £ , __ ge . Calcill's Candida Disi / uisition of the Principles of I reemason-ry , 17 ( 59— Treirinan ' s Principles of Freemasonry . 1777 — The Unparallelled Sufferings of Joint Custos , tortured , by the Inquisition , Plates and List of R . A . Chapters . 17— . —Masonic Effusions . F . C . Daniel , 181 !)— . 1 Masonic- Treatise , with an Elucidation . W . Finch ,
1802— Vestiges of Genuine Freemasonry , M . Margalouth , 1852—The Masonic Charities . G . Taylor—An- Investigation- of the cause of hostility of the Church of Rome towards Freemasonry , 187-. —An Kssay on the Origin of Freemasonry . 1880—Preston ' s Illustrations 1788 ' , 1801 , 1812 , 1821 , 1841—Freemasons ( Quarterly Magazine and llevieir . 1851-2-3-4-5 . In Parts as issued . —T . F .
Alii man Rrzon , 1787-1813—Royal Arch Regulations before 1823 —Preston's Illustrations , 1772 . 1775—Sketches anil Heprints , W . J .
Hughan . First Part . 1871—Constitutions , 1855 , 1801 , 186 ( 5—And the following histories : Freemasonry in Inverness — In Chimi-Ainoy At J . iottoms Eastwood Doyle's Lodge of Fellowship—St Hilda Lodge , South Shields—Imperial George Lodge—If r it aim it-Lodge—Kelso Lodge—Grand Lodge , Rejiort , December , 1871 . —T . F .
. ITanted .
Masonic Exchange & Mart Column
THE I ; ALBERT EDWARD'' MASONIC LIFEBOAT . —During-a brief stay at Claeton-on-Sea within the past week , we had opportunity for the inspection of that handsome little edifice which shelters the lifeboat presented by the United Grand Lodge to the National Lifeboat Institution in commemoration of the return of our M . W . Grand Master from India in 18 ( 1 ' . ) , and were much gratified to notice
the care and attention devoted to the building- itself , and to the craft which has been instrumental in saving life within , reach of its humane mission . Bro . W . H . Page , the Hon . Sec . in charge , ( and Secretary of the St . Osyth Priory Lodge , No . 20 ( 53 ) is to be congratulated on the result of his services in keeping- the
building , the boat , and all its appliances in perfect order as we found it , and brethren visiting this rising watering-place coultl scarcely spend a more pleasant and profitable hour there than by seeing for themselves the results of the liberality of the Craft in this respect .
IMPROMPTU DANCE . —As several of the visiting brethren m connection with the annual festival of St . Osyth Lodge , on the 21 st ulto ., were staying until the following Monday , the retiring AV . M . and the present AV . M . asked them and a few friends to a dance at the Royal Hotel on the Saturday evening . Several ladies
and gentlemen responded to the hasty invitation , and a very pleasant evening was spent . Mr . Cavendish ended the evening by reciting " The Three Parsons" in excellent style . Bro . Foxcroft . in a neat speech , stated why they had met , and hoped such meetings might continue .
Metropolitan And Provincial Lodge And Chapter Meetings
Metropolitan and Provincial Lodge and Chapter Meetings
For the current week , compiled from the Cosmopolitan Masonic Calendar ( G . KENNING , London ) . This table is correct as to days of meeting named in the respective Warrants or Charters . In some instances , however , the Lodges , & c , may be out of session , and further enquiry may be necessary to prevent disappointment .
ABBBBVIATIONS . Lo ., Lodges ; R . A . C , Chapters ; Mk ., Mark Lodges ; R . Cr ., Rose Croix Chapters ; R . X ., Red Cross Conclaves ; F . M . H ., Freemasons' Hall , London ; F . M . T ., Freemasons' Tavern , London ; M . C , Masonic Club ; M . H ., Masonic Hall ; M . R ., Masonic Rooms ; M . T ., Masonic Temple ; P . R ., Private Rooms ; Hot , Hotel ; Tav ., Tavern ; C . H ., Coffee House ; To . Ha ., Town Hall ; Rt ., Restaurant .
JJtetfpnlttaitE0itg£Sattit(Kljaptos, " All Loelges held within Ten Miles of FREEMASON ' HALL , LONDON , are LONDON LODGES . " —General , Laws and Regulations .
i *^ ° i ? f NAME OF LOJJGE AND ClIAI'TKU . Pl . At'H OF MKKTIXG . Lougo . i THIS DAY ( 1 st ) THURSDAY , OCTOBER 4 th . 27 Egyptian Anderton ' s Hotel , E . C . 45 Strong Man At . II .. Masons' Avenue , E . C . 192 Lion and Lamb Street Hotel
Cannon 227 Ionic Ship and Turtle , E . C . 538 La Tolerance F . M . H . 55-1 Yarborough Green Dragon , Stepney 742 Crystal Palace Crystal Palace , S . E . 1178 Perfect Ashlar Bridge House Hotel , Loudon Bridge 1351 St . Clement Danes 225 , Strand , W . C . 1-125 Hyde Park The WestbournoCraven RoadW
, , . 153 !) Surrey Masonic Hall Surrey AI . II ., Camberweil 17 G 5 Trinity College 13 , Alandeville Place , AV . 1772 Pimlieo A'icloria Alansions Rest ., S . AV . 1790 Old England At . H ., New Thornton Heath ll . A . C . 17-1 Sincerity London Tav ., Fenehurcli Street 181 Universal F . At . H . 1381 Kennington Horns Tav ., Kennington
( 1 st ) FRIDAY , OCTOBER 5 th . 70 G Florence Nightingale ' AI . II ., AVIlliam Street , AV ' oolwieli H !) il Ilornsey ! Anderton ' s Hotel , F .. C . 1189 Atarquis of Ripon Cock Tavern , Highbury Station 1072 Royal Kensington ; F . At . II . 1815 Penge Thicket Hotel , Ancrlcv 2070 () uatuor Coronati F . AI . II .
Atark . ! 8 | Thistle F . M . T . B . C . j 101 ; Adoniram Sa , Bed Lion Scpiare , W . C .
( 1 st ) SATURDAY , OCTOBER , ( 5 th . 1194 Villiers f Mitre Hotel , Hampton C \ m 1572 Carnarvon i Albion Tav ., Aidersgate Street 1022 Hose j Surrey AI . if . 1919 Brixton | Brixton Hall , Acre Lane . BriMoii R . A . ( J . ! 173 | Phcenix ; F . AI . If .
( 2 nd ) MONDAY , OCTOBER 8 th . 58 Felicity Ship and Turtle , E C . 59 Royal Naval F . AI . II . 193 Coiilldcncc Anderton ' s Hotel Fleet street 257 Leigh F . AI . II . 1305 St . Atarylebone Criterion , I'iccadiliv 1571 '
Leopold Bridge House Hot ., E . C . 1805 Bromley St . Leonard Vestry Hall , Bow Road ' 1891 St . Ambrose ... " Buroiis' Court Hot ., West Ken-im-ton 2012 Cbiswick Star and Garter Hotel , Kew Bridg e 2030 The Abbey Town Hall , Westminster R . A . C . 22 AfonntSion Guildhall Tav ., fin-sham Si reel I 3 ( l ( i Highgate Gate House Tav ., Highgate Mark
. 1-1 Florence Nightingale At . If ., Woolwich 101 Afacdonald 8 a , Rod Lion Square , W . C . 221 Aleiiatschin Criterion , Piccadilly ( 2 nd ) TUESDAY , OCTOBER < tth . 180 j St . James' 1 , ' nion iF . Af . lt . -. 198 | Percy ! Ship and Turtle , K . C 228 L ' nileil Strength iuildhail
j j ( Tav ., ( ircsliam Stn-el 5-18 Wellington | White Swan Tavern . Deptford 83 ! | Ilanelagh i . Criterion , Piccadilly
No . of xr AME 0 F LODGE AND CHAPTER . PLACE OF MEETING . Lodge . ( 2 nd ) TUESDAY , OCTOBER 0 th . —continued , 917 Cosmopolitan Cannon Street Hotel 933 Doric Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet Street 1190 Urban ... F . AI . If . 12 iU Camberweil
( Stanhope S . AI . H ., 1593 Royal Naval College Ship Hot ., Greenwich 1001 Wanderers- V . M . Hall 1011 Covent Garden Criterion , Piccadilly 1837 Lulllngstone AI . II ., Wilmington , Hartford 1909 Waldeck F . M . JI . 205-1 AVilson lies Swan Hotel , Riekmansworth R . A . C 185 Jerusalem F . At . T . S . C . 33 rd" 33 , Golden Square
( 2 nd ) AVEDNESDAY , OCTOBER 10 th . GENERAL COMMITTEE , BENEVOLENT INSTITUTION , AT 1 . 3 Fidelity I F . At . H . 15 Kent Ditto 147 Justice I AVhite Swan . High Street , E . C . 749 Belgravc Anderton ' s Hotel 781 Alerchant Navy Silver TavBurdett Iload
., 820 Lily of Richmond Grcvhound , Richmond 1200 John Hcrvey F . At . H . 1300 St . John Three Nuns Hot ., Aldgato 1349 Friars Ship and Turtle , E . C . 1503 Sir L' rancis Burdett Albany Hot ., Twickenham 1538 ' . St .-Alartin ' s-Ie-Grand GrcatEastcrn Hot ., Liverpool Street 15 SG Upper Norwood White Hart Hotel , Upper Norwood 1094 Imperial Pier Hotel , Oakley Street , Chelsea
1718 Centurion Inns of Court Hotel 1900 Afontaguc finest Ditto 2041 AVest Kent Volunteer At . II ., AVilmington , Kent | R . A . C . 857 St . Marks Surrey AI . II ., Camberweil 1540 Chancer ... ... ' ... ... Bridge House Hot ,, S . E . . Mark . 284 High Cross Seven Sisters' Hot ., Tottenham S . C . ; 33 rd" i 33 , Golden Scpiare
( 2 nd ) THURSDAY , OCTOBER 11 th . 200 Friendship Ship and Turtle , E . C . 238 Pilgrim ( German ) F . ALII . 800 Dalhonsie Anderton's Hot ., E . C . 879 Southwark Bridge House Hotel , London Bdg ., S . E . 1070 Capper Guildhall Tavern , ( iresham Street 12 HS Afacdonald 1 st Surrey RillcsCainberwell
, 1471 Islington Cock Tav ., Highbury , N . 1558 Duke of Connaught Surrey AI . If ., Camberweil 1598 Lcyspring Anderton ' s Hotel , K . C . 1599 Skelmersdale AI . II .. . Masons'Avenue . E . C . 1708 Plucknett Baldfaced Stag , East Finchley 1791 Creaton F . AI . II . 1804 ( Joborn Vestry Hall , Bow 1987 Shand Criterion , Piccadilly 2090 Hammersmith
Vestry Hall , Hammersmith R . A . C . / 73 Alount Lebanon Bridge House Hotel , London Bdg ., S . E . 140 St . George Trafalgar Hotel , Greenwich 452 Frederick of Unity At . II ., Croydon 019 Beadon AI . II ., . Masons'Avenue , E . C . 813 New Concord Guildhall Tav ., Gresham Street I 1383 Friends-hi-Couneil 33 , Golden Square , W . ! 1710 All Saints Vestry HallFairfield Road
, , Bow i Mark . 80 Samson and Lion At . II ., Masons' Avenue , E . C .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Exchange & Mart Column
Masonic Exchange & Mart Column
For SEBJ . © ox ? __ Jx : c 5 l _ £ , __ ge . Calcill's Candida Disi / uisition of the Principles of I reemason-ry , 17 ( 59— Treirinan ' s Principles of Freemasonry . 1777 — The Unparallelled Sufferings of Joint Custos , tortured , by the Inquisition , Plates and List of R . A . Chapters . 17— . —Masonic Effusions . F . C . Daniel , 181 !)— . 1 Masonic- Treatise , with an Elucidation . W . Finch ,
1802— Vestiges of Genuine Freemasonry , M . Margalouth , 1852—The Masonic Charities . G . Taylor—An- Investigation- of the cause of hostility of the Church of Rome towards Freemasonry , 187-. —An Kssay on the Origin of Freemasonry . 1880—Preston ' s Illustrations 1788 ' , 1801 , 1812 , 1821 , 1841—Freemasons ( Quarterly Magazine and llevieir . 1851-2-3-4-5 . In Parts as issued . —T . F .
Alii man Rrzon , 1787-1813—Royal Arch Regulations before 1823 —Preston's Illustrations , 1772 . 1775—Sketches anil Heprints , W . J .
Hughan . First Part . 1871—Constitutions , 1855 , 1801 , 186 ( 5—And the following histories : Freemasonry in Inverness — In Chimi-Ainoy At J . iottoms Eastwood Doyle's Lodge of Fellowship—St Hilda Lodge , South Shields—Imperial George Lodge—If r it aim it-Lodge—Kelso Lodge—Grand Lodge , Rejiort , December , 1871 . —T . F .
. ITanted .
Masonic Exchange & Mart Column
THE I ; ALBERT EDWARD'' MASONIC LIFEBOAT . —During-a brief stay at Claeton-on-Sea within the past week , we had opportunity for the inspection of that handsome little edifice which shelters the lifeboat presented by the United Grand Lodge to the National Lifeboat Institution in commemoration of the return of our M . W . Grand Master from India in 18 ( 1 ' . ) , and were much gratified to notice
the care and attention devoted to the building- itself , and to the craft which has been instrumental in saving life within , reach of its humane mission . Bro . W . H . Page , the Hon . Sec . in charge , ( and Secretary of the St . Osyth Priory Lodge , No . 20 ( 53 ) is to be congratulated on the result of his services in keeping- the
building , the boat , and all its appliances in perfect order as we found it , and brethren visiting this rising watering-place coultl scarcely spend a more pleasant and profitable hour there than by seeing for themselves the results of the liberality of the Craft in this respect .
IMPROMPTU DANCE . —As several of the visiting brethren m connection with the annual festival of St . Osyth Lodge , on the 21 st ulto ., were staying until the following Monday , the retiring AV . M . and the present AV . M . asked them and a few friends to a dance at the Royal Hotel on the Saturday evening . Several ladies
and gentlemen responded to the hasty invitation , and a very pleasant evening was spent . Mr . Cavendish ended the evening by reciting " The Three Parsons" in excellent style . Bro . Foxcroft . in a neat speech , stated why they had met , and hoped such meetings might continue .
Metropolitan And Provincial Lodge And Chapter Meetings
Metropolitan and Provincial Lodge and Chapter Meetings
For the current week , compiled from the Cosmopolitan Masonic Calendar ( G . KENNING , London ) . This table is correct as to days of meeting named in the respective Warrants or Charters . In some instances , however , the Lodges , & c , may be out of session , and further enquiry may be necessary to prevent disappointment .
ABBBBVIATIONS . Lo ., Lodges ; R . A . C , Chapters ; Mk ., Mark Lodges ; R . Cr ., Rose Croix Chapters ; R . X ., Red Cross Conclaves ; F . M . H ., Freemasons' Hall , London ; F . M . T ., Freemasons' Tavern , London ; M . C , Masonic Club ; M . H ., Masonic Hall ; M . R ., Masonic Rooms ; M . T ., Masonic Temple ; P . R ., Private Rooms ; Hot , Hotel ; Tav ., Tavern ; C . H ., Coffee House ; To . Ha ., Town Hall ; Rt ., Restaurant .
JJtetfpnlttaitE0itg£Sattit(Kljaptos, " All Loelges held within Ten Miles of FREEMASON ' HALL , LONDON , are LONDON LODGES . " —General , Laws and Regulations .
i *^ ° i ? f NAME OF LOJJGE AND ClIAI'TKU . Pl . At'H OF MKKTIXG . Lougo . i THIS DAY ( 1 st ) THURSDAY , OCTOBER 4 th . 27 Egyptian Anderton ' s Hotel , E . C . 45 Strong Man At . II .. Masons' Avenue , E . C . 192 Lion and Lamb Street Hotel
Cannon 227 Ionic Ship and Turtle , E . C . 538 La Tolerance F . M . H . 55-1 Yarborough Green Dragon , Stepney 742 Crystal Palace Crystal Palace , S . E . 1178 Perfect Ashlar Bridge House Hotel , Loudon Bridge 1351 St . Clement Danes 225 , Strand , W . C . 1-125 Hyde Park The WestbournoCraven RoadW
, , . 153 !) Surrey Masonic Hall Surrey AI . II ., Camberweil 17 G 5 Trinity College 13 , Alandeville Place , AV . 1772 Pimlieo A'icloria Alansions Rest ., S . AV . 1790 Old England At . H ., New Thornton Heath ll . A . C . 17-1 Sincerity London Tav ., Fenehurcli Street 181 Universal F . At . H . 1381 Kennington Horns Tav ., Kennington
( 1 st ) FRIDAY , OCTOBER 5 th . 70 G Florence Nightingale ' AI . II ., AVIlliam Street , AV ' oolwieli H !) il Ilornsey ! Anderton ' s Hotel , F .. C . 1189 Atarquis of Ripon Cock Tavern , Highbury Station 1072 Royal Kensington ; F . At . II . 1815 Penge Thicket Hotel , Ancrlcv 2070 () uatuor Coronati F . AI . II .
Atark . ! 8 | Thistle F . M . T . B . C . j 101 ; Adoniram Sa , Bed Lion Scpiare , W . C .
( 1 st ) SATURDAY , OCTOBER , ( 5 th . 1194 Villiers f Mitre Hotel , Hampton C \ m 1572 Carnarvon i Albion Tav ., Aidersgate Street 1022 Hose j Surrey AI . if . 1919 Brixton | Brixton Hall , Acre Lane . BriMoii R . A . ( J . ! 173 | Phcenix ; F . AI . If .
( 2 nd ) MONDAY , OCTOBER 8 th . 58 Felicity Ship and Turtle , E C . 59 Royal Naval F . AI . II . 193 Coiilldcncc Anderton ' s Hotel Fleet street 257 Leigh F . AI . II . 1305 St . Atarylebone Criterion , I'iccadiliv 1571 '
Leopold Bridge House Hot ., E . C . 1805 Bromley St . Leonard Vestry Hall , Bow Road ' 1891 St . Ambrose ... " Buroiis' Court Hot ., West Ken-im-ton 2012 Cbiswick Star and Garter Hotel , Kew Bridg e 2030 The Abbey Town Hall , Westminster R . A . C . 22 AfonntSion Guildhall Tav ., fin-sham Si reel I 3 ( l ( i Highgate Gate House Tav ., Highgate Mark
. 1-1 Florence Nightingale At . If ., Woolwich 101 Afacdonald 8 a , Rod Lion Square , W . C . 221 Aleiiatschin Criterion , Piccadilly ( 2 nd ) TUESDAY , OCTOBER < tth . 180 j St . James' 1 , ' nion iF . Af . lt . -. 198 | Percy ! Ship and Turtle , K . C 228 L ' nileil Strength iuildhail
j j ( Tav ., ( ircsliam Stn-el 5-18 Wellington | White Swan Tavern . Deptford 83 ! | Ilanelagh i . Criterion , Piccadilly
No . of xr AME 0 F LODGE AND CHAPTER . PLACE OF MEETING . Lodge . ( 2 nd ) TUESDAY , OCTOBER 0 th . —continued , 917 Cosmopolitan Cannon Street Hotel 933 Doric Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet Street 1190 Urban ... F . AI . If . 12 iU Camberweil
( Stanhope S . AI . H ., 1593 Royal Naval College Ship Hot ., Greenwich 1001 Wanderers- V . M . Hall 1011 Covent Garden Criterion , Piccadilly 1837 Lulllngstone AI . II ., Wilmington , Hartford 1909 Waldeck F . M . JI . 205-1 AVilson lies Swan Hotel , Riekmansworth R . A . C 185 Jerusalem F . At . T . S . C . 33 rd" 33 , Golden Square
( 2 nd ) AVEDNESDAY , OCTOBER 10 th . GENERAL COMMITTEE , BENEVOLENT INSTITUTION , AT 1 . 3 Fidelity I F . At . H . 15 Kent Ditto 147 Justice I AVhite Swan . High Street , E . C . 749 Belgravc Anderton ' s Hotel 781 Alerchant Navy Silver TavBurdett Iload
., 820 Lily of Richmond Grcvhound , Richmond 1200 John Hcrvey F . At . H . 1300 St . John Three Nuns Hot ., Aldgato 1349 Friars Ship and Turtle , E . C . 1503 Sir L' rancis Burdett Albany Hot ., Twickenham 1538 ' . St .-Alartin ' s-Ie-Grand GrcatEastcrn Hot ., Liverpool Street 15 SG Upper Norwood White Hart Hotel , Upper Norwood 1094 Imperial Pier Hotel , Oakley Street , Chelsea
1718 Centurion Inns of Court Hotel 1900 Afontaguc finest Ditto 2041 AVest Kent Volunteer At . II ., AVilmington , Kent | R . A . C . 857 St . Marks Surrey AI . II ., Camberweil 1540 Chancer ... ... ' ... ... Bridge House Hot ,, S . E . . Mark . 284 High Cross Seven Sisters' Hot ., Tottenham S . C . ; 33 rd" i 33 , Golden Scpiare
( 2 nd ) THURSDAY , OCTOBER 11 th . 200 Friendship Ship and Turtle , E . C . 238 Pilgrim ( German ) F . ALII . 800 Dalhonsie Anderton's Hot ., E . C . 879 Southwark Bridge House Hotel , London Bdg ., S . E . 1070 Capper Guildhall Tavern , ( iresham Street 12 HS Afacdonald 1 st Surrey RillcsCainberwell
, 1471 Islington Cock Tav ., Highbury , N . 1558 Duke of Connaught Surrey AI . If ., Camberweil 1598 Lcyspring Anderton ' s Hotel , K . C . 1599 Skelmersdale AI . II .. . Masons'Avenue . E . C . 1708 Plucknett Baldfaced Stag , East Finchley 1791 Creaton F . AI . II . 1804 ( Joborn Vestry Hall , Bow 1987 Shand Criterion , Piccadilly 2090 Hammersmith
Vestry Hall , Hammersmith R . A . C . / 73 Alount Lebanon Bridge House Hotel , London Bdg ., S . E . 140 St . George Trafalgar Hotel , Greenwich 452 Frederick of Unity At . II ., Croydon 019 Beadon AI . II ., . Masons'Avenue , E . C . 813 New Concord Guildhall Tav ., Gresham Street I 1383 Friends-hi-Couneil 33 , Golden Square , W . ! 1710 All Saints Vestry HallFairfield Road
, , Bow i Mark . 80 Samson and Lion At . II ., Masons' Avenue , E . C .