Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The "Gould" Testimonial.
In the opinion of many Brethren the time has arrived when the long-continued services of Bro . EGBERT FREKE GOULD , P . G . D ., to the literature of the Craft merit a more than passing acknoAvledgment . Entering this field of labour so far back as 1858 , he was for many years a contributor to the Masonic journals , but he -will be best kno . vn as the author of " The Four Old Lodges , " " The Atholl Lodges , " and last , though not least , of "The History of Freemasonry , " which is admitted by all authorities to be the ablest and best Masonic Avork ever Avritten . Since its production it is no longer possible to affirm , as has teen constantly done by foes and friends alike , that the great body of Freemasons are without a reliable and critical historv of their Societv .
It is hoped that the Brethren , Avhose names are subjoined , may prove to be the pioneers of a movement which Avill SIIOAV to Bro . GOULD that the long years of study and research which he has devoted to the interest of Freemasonry are deemed worthy of substantial recognition by the Craft universal , Avho , in this Avay , Avill best evince a genuine appreciation of his unexampled labours . In pursuance of the above object the undermentioned Brethren have formed themselves into a Committee .
Individual Subscriptions . ( but not those of Lodges or other Bodies ) are limited to One Guinea . Contributions to the Fund may be sent to Dr . BALPH GOODING , P . G . D ., Hon . Sec . and ad interim . Treasurer ( Heath Lodge , The Grove , Blackheath , S . E . ) , and Avill be duly acknoAvledged .
( Kljairmait—THE EABL OF CABNARVON , PRO GRAND MASTER . MEMBERS . Bro . The EARL AMHERST . Prov . G . M . Kent . Bro . EARL OF ZETLAND , Prov . G . M . Yorks ( North and East ) . „ The EARL OP LIMERICK . Prov , G . M . Bristol . „ SIR GEORGE ELLIOT , Bart .. M . P .. Prov . G . M . S . Wales . E . Div . .. Col . E . C . MALET DE CARTERET . Prov . G . M . Jersey . „ SIR E . A . H . LECHMERE , Bart .. M . P ., Prov . G . M . Worcester . „ Col . SIR FRANCIS BURDETT , Bart ., Prov . G . M . Middlesex . ,. T . W . TEW . Prov . G . M . Yorkshire , West Riding . ., Col . LB GENDRE X . STARKIE , Prov . G . M . East Lancashire . ., The LORD EGERTON OF TATTON , Prov . G . M . Cheshire . . ' , The EARL OF HARDAVICKE , Prov . G M . Cambridge . „ The EARL OF EUSTON , Prov . G . M . Norths and Hunts .
PRESENT GRAND OFFICERS : — Bro . The LORD IIALSBURY , Lord Chancellor , S . G . W . I Bro . ASHER BARFIELD , G . Treasurer . „ Gen . LORD JOHN TAYLOUR , J . G . W . | „ F . A . PHILBRICK . Q . C .. G . Registrar . Bro . Col . S . II . CLERKE , G . Secretary . And other Grand Officers of the Year . Together with many distinguished Past Grand Officers and well-known Brethren of the Craft in all parts of England .
ALFRED W . MURRAY , ] fechan _ J * JVEilitary failor , 27 , KING STREET , LONDON , E . C . oVi . il ' -cl ' ass 01 £ al ' c-M „ 3 f . > au 3 Scthct oHt § ua « i-ut , j _ 3 . PRICES EXCEEDINGLY MQDKKATE . INSPECTION INVITED .
jg ) Testimonials , jy \ Votes of Thanks , & c , v / \ y To PA 6 T MASTKHS and OTHER OFKK'Elf . S , ^ N N / " Artistically and Emblema ically Illuminated on Vellum , ^ And Framed or Handsomely Hound ready for Prcsenlalion . T . WOODS , 49 , Chancery Lane , London , E . C .
FOOD FOR DOGS ! FOOD FOR DOGS !! FEED , FATTEN and STRENGTHEN QAMITADV CfinD for DOGS of your Patent DOG on the ONLY Protean PERFECT OMNIIMH Compound I rUUU ALL UREEDS . It is f ; n- siiin'i-ior ID llisruit Fund . II iv . | iiircs no soiikinj . ' in- otlirr prcpiinilion . II , < -uiit : iiiis a niiifiinii cuiiipoiinnt nrtinixtiu-c ! of Alliiiiiiinuiis , l- ' ai-iii .-ircnns , l- 'iliriwMi * and ' ¦ ' li'liii'iiissiiliHijii s iiri-i-ssnry rn jsiistiiin in ] i-i-fi-i-i licriltli , Mivn ; . 'i Ii Mini cndnnuiri : iiiiili . viiunu- Mini nlil Ii . if .-s nf illhroi-ils . II liivvciins all diseases . II removes ei-iiiHiniia lrc ""' reml « i \ s IIM- skin soft and elasiie . Ilins 7111 ) 1 : 1 I-Iin _ r M J- 'IOSSV MIHI silk-like : ¦ i » i » -sn--MIIOU lo iln- i-d .-ii . II ii < i' ; iirii ^ nipclily hy sill l ) iii- s . Ii is . fur Sji < ii-t . iu--r lions , liv fur ilie lies ! f . ioil ; ii M . lds IliincMiul . Miisi- | i-,, _ ivin _ - St remit Ii , Speed anil Kudu ranee . No danger of Hydropfcotia whilst feeding upon this Compound . The Jle . sl and ( . 'ltrajit . it Fund for JJtii / s and Cats . Sold by Corn Cliandlcrs , Grocers , Oilmen and Store * , in Tins , 6 d ., 1 / -, 2 , 6 ; and Cwt . Kejjs . 118 , FALCON ROAD , CLAPHAM JUNCTION , S . W . FOOD CO ., IlT TITiL < 3 SA
W- SCOTT , © tomtit Jtyftr ^ tter , KING WILLIAM STREET . Every . Requisite Su . _ p _ pliedL .
WALTER LAWLEY ' S New Field and Marine Glass , Eg lO MILES' RANGE , ^^ M \^ m $ mm Fitted with 1 _! lenses of exceedingly fine quality , of great magnifying power , with perfect | TJM | | | » mBm definiruui . Made in bronze mounts / with black Morocco leather covered body , and fitted into ^ jjnl 1 | H ||^§^ L ||| i j | § bostb * o . \ vn leather sling ease , complete . £ 2 lOs . The finest glass ever produced at the price . ^ sj ^ j f || j || j | ) jT °° ^^ ilfe WALTER LAWLEY , Optician , 78 , Farringdon Street , LONDON , E . G . ylggastos ^^
M . B . ROSENBERG , HIGH-CLASS TAILOR & OUTFITTER , LADIES'JAGKET & ULSTER MAKER , I 16 # 17 , LIVERPOOL ST ., LONDON , E . C . { FIRST FLOOR . ) M . 15 . ROSEXUEHG respectfully calls attention to the extensive selection of material for the ensuing Season , and , buying direct from the Manufacturers , is therefore able to give a good article at a moderate price . Hjiccialitics in , Dress Suits and Inverness C ' ajxs made on the shortest notice .
A WONDERFUL DISCOVERY !!! IRELANb'SATjRORA OK L OIJ ^ TJVIE ^ T , REGISTERED . HERBA This Preparation is the best ever offered to the public . It cures Eczema , Erysipelas , King ' s Evil , and all Diseases of the Skin , without the use of poisons , or any noxious substance . Old Wounds and Sores can be healed in a very short time by using IRELAND S HERBAL OINTMENT . For Burns , Scalds , Bruises , Cuts , Contusions , or unsightly Blotches on the Skin , it is invaluable , as it leaves the skin rtnooth and in its normal condition . See Medical Testimonials-Wholesale Depot : —27 , DERWENT GROVE , EAST DULWICH , S . E , London Agents : —BARCLAY & SONS , FARRINGDON STREET . Sold by Chemists in Bottles , Ijlh , 2 / 9 , 4 / 6 , and 11 ; -. None Genuine unless tearing the Signature of the Proprietress , "ELIZABETH IRELAND . "
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The "Gould" Testimonial.
In the opinion of many Brethren the time has arrived when the long-continued services of Bro . EGBERT FREKE GOULD , P . G . D ., to the literature of the Craft merit a more than passing acknoAvledgment . Entering this field of labour so far back as 1858 , he was for many years a contributor to the Masonic journals , but he -will be best kno . vn as the author of " The Four Old Lodges , " " The Atholl Lodges , " and last , though not least , of "The History of Freemasonry , " which is admitted by all authorities to be the ablest and best Masonic Avork ever Avritten . Since its production it is no longer possible to affirm , as has teen constantly done by foes and friends alike , that the great body of Freemasons are without a reliable and critical historv of their Societv .
It is hoped that the Brethren , Avhose names are subjoined , may prove to be the pioneers of a movement which Avill SIIOAV to Bro . GOULD that the long years of study and research which he has devoted to the interest of Freemasonry are deemed worthy of substantial recognition by the Craft universal , Avho , in this Avay , Avill best evince a genuine appreciation of his unexampled labours . In pursuance of the above object the undermentioned Brethren have formed themselves into a Committee .
Individual Subscriptions . ( but not those of Lodges or other Bodies ) are limited to One Guinea . Contributions to the Fund may be sent to Dr . BALPH GOODING , P . G . D ., Hon . Sec . and ad interim . Treasurer ( Heath Lodge , The Grove , Blackheath , S . E . ) , and Avill be duly acknoAvledged .
( Kljairmait—THE EABL OF CABNARVON , PRO GRAND MASTER . MEMBERS . Bro . The EARL AMHERST . Prov . G . M . Kent . Bro . EARL OF ZETLAND , Prov . G . M . Yorks ( North and East ) . „ The EARL OP LIMERICK . Prov , G . M . Bristol . „ SIR GEORGE ELLIOT , Bart .. M . P .. Prov . G . M . S . Wales . E . Div . .. Col . E . C . MALET DE CARTERET . Prov . G . M . Jersey . „ SIR E . A . H . LECHMERE , Bart .. M . P ., Prov . G . M . Worcester . „ Col . SIR FRANCIS BURDETT , Bart ., Prov . G . M . Middlesex . ,. T . W . TEW . Prov . G . M . Yorkshire , West Riding . ., Col . LB GENDRE X . STARKIE , Prov . G . M . East Lancashire . ., The LORD EGERTON OF TATTON , Prov . G . M . Cheshire . . ' , The EARL OF HARDAVICKE , Prov . G M . Cambridge . „ The EARL OF EUSTON , Prov . G . M . Norths and Hunts .
PRESENT GRAND OFFICERS : — Bro . The LORD IIALSBURY , Lord Chancellor , S . G . W . I Bro . ASHER BARFIELD , G . Treasurer . „ Gen . LORD JOHN TAYLOUR , J . G . W . | „ F . A . PHILBRICK . Q . C .. G . Registrar . Bro . Col . S . II . CLERKE , G . Secretary . And other Grand Officers of the Year . Together with many distinguished Past Grand Officers and well-known Brethren of the Craft in all parts of England .
ALFRED W . MURRAY , ] fechan _ J * JVEilitary failor , 27 , KING STREET , LONDON , E . C . oVi . il ' -cl ' ass 01 £ al ' c-M „ 3 f . > au 3 Scthct oHt § ua « i-ut , j _ 3 . PRICES EXCEEDINGLY MQDKKATE . INSPECTION INVITED .
jg ) Testimonials , jy \ Votes of Thanks , & c , v / \ y To PA 6 T MASTKHS and OTHER OFKK'Elf . S , ^ N N / " Artistically and Emblema ically Illuminated on Vellum , ^ And Framed or Handsomely Hound ready for Prcsenlalion . T . WOODS , 49 , Chancery Lane , London , E . C .
FOOD FOR DOGS ! FOOD FOR DOGS !! FEED , FATTEN and STRENGTHEN QAMITADV CfinD for DOGS of your Patent DOG on the ONLY Protean PERFECT OMNIIMH Compound I rUUU ALL UREEDS . It is f ; n- siiin'i-ior ID llisruit Fund . II iv . | iiircs no soiikinj . ' in- otlirr prcpiinilion . II , < -uiit : iiiis a niiifiinii cuiiipoiinnt nrtinixtiu-c ! of Alliiiiiiinuiis , l- ' ai-iii .-ircnns , l- 'iliriwMi * and ' ¦ ' li'liii'iiissiiliHijii s iiri-i-ssnry rn jsiistiiin in ] i-i-fi-i-i licriltli , Mivn ; . 'i Ii Mini cndnnuiri : iiiiili . viiunu- Mini nlil Ii . if .-s nf illhroi-ils . II liivvciins all diseases . II removes ei-iiiHiniia lrc ""' reml « i \ s IIM- skin soft and elasiie . Ilins 7111 ) 1 : 1 I-Iin _ r M J- 'IOSSV MIHI silk-like : ¦ i » i » -sn--MIIOU lo iln- i-d .-ii . II ii < i' ; iirii ^ nipclily hy sill l ) iii- s . Ii is . fur Sji < ii-t . iu--r lions , liv fur ilie lies ! f . ioil ; ii M . lds IliincMiul . Miisi- | i-,, _ ivin _ - St remit Ii , Speed anil Kudu ranee . No danger of Hydropfcotia whilst feeding upon this Compound . The Jle . sl and ( . 'ltrajit . it Fund for JJtii / s and Cats . Sold by Corn Cliandlcrs , Grocers , Oilmen and Store * , in Tins , 6 d ., 1 / -, 2 , 6 ; and Cwt . Kejjs . 118 , FALCON ROAD , CLAPHAM JUNCTION , S . W . FOOD CO ., IlT TITiL < 3 SA
W- SCOTT , © tomtit Jtyftr ^ tter , KING WILLIAM STREET . Every . Requisite Su . _ p _ pliedL .
WALTER LAWLEY ' S New Field and Marine Glass , Eg lO MILES' RANGE , ^^ M \^ m $ mm Fitted with 1 _! lenses of exceedingly fine quality , of great magnifying power , with perfect | TJM | | | » mBm definiruui . Made in bronze mounts / with black Morocco leather covered body , and fitted into ^ jjnl 1 | H ||^§^ L ||| i j | § bostb * o . \ vn leather sling ease , complete . £ 2 lOs . The finest glass ever produced at the price . ^ sj ^ j f || j || j | ) jT °° ^^ ilfe WALTER LAWLEY , Optician , 78 , Farringdon Street , LONDON , E . G . ylggastos ^^
M . B . ROSENBERG , HIGH-CLASS TAILOR & OUTFITTER , LADIES'JAGKET & ULSTER MAKER , I 16 # 17 , LIVERPOOL ST ., LONDON , E . C . { FIRST FLOOR . ) M . 15 . ROSEXUEHG respectfully calls attention to the extensive selection of material for the ensuing Season , and , buying direct from the Manufacturers , is therefore able to give a good article at a moderate price . Hjiccialitics in , Dress Suits and Inverness C ' ajxs made on the shortest notice .
A WONDERFUL DISCOVERY !!! IRELANb'SATjRORA OK L OIJ ^ TJVIE ^ T , REGISTERED . HERBA This Preparation is the best ever offered to the public . It cures Eczema , Erysipelas , King ' s Evil , and all Diseases of the Skin , without the use of poisons , or any noxious substance . Old Wounds and Sores can be healed in a very short time by using IRELAND S HERBAL OINTMENT . For Burns , Scalds , Bruises , Cuts , Contusions , or unsightly Blotches on the Skin , it is invaluable , as it leaves the skin rtnooth and in its normal condition . See Medical Testimonials-Wholesale Depot : —27 , DERWENT GROVE , EAST DULWICH , S . E , London Agents : —BARCLAY & SONS , FARRINGDON STREET . Sold by Chemists in Bottles , Ijlh , 2 / 9 , 4 / 6 , and 11 ; -. None Genuine unless tearing the Signature of the Proprietress , "ELIZABETH IRELAND . "