Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Reports Of Lodge & Chapter Meetings.
Wilkinson , acting secretary . Bros . Leigh , Kent , Davies , Percival and several others . This being the night for the election of officers tho ceremony of initiation only was rehearsed , after which Bro . Beavis was re-elected preceptor , and Bro . Kent , treasurer . Bro . Wells , who has been secretary for the last . 8 years , having been obliged to retire in consequence of ill-health , Bro . Harper was elected to that ollice . A hearty vole of thanks was given to Bro . Wells for his past services , and as a slight acknowledgment , live guineas was voted to the Girl ' s School to be placed in his name . Bro . W , J . Newell was elected organist , and in consideration of his valuable aid he was made an Honorary Member . Bro . Freyer having been elected to the chair on the next meeting night , Iho lodge was closed .
UuujuE IiOiuiE—No . 1789 . —At the Victoria Mansions Restaurant , Westminster , S . W ., on Mondav , 11 th . March , 1889 . Present : —Bros . W . It . Arnold , W . M . ; G . Mason , P . M . 1789 , acting preceptor : AV . Arnold , S . W . ; J . Lawsou , J . W . ; J . Christian , J . D . ; H . Hart , I . G . ; AV . AV . Blades , and others . The . ceremonies of initiation , passing and raising were rehearsed , Bro . Blades representing tho candidate .
PROVINCIAL . SUSSEX . —DEUWENT LODOE—No . 40 —HASTINGS . —The monthly meeting was held at the Castle Assembly Boom , on Monday , the 11 th . —Bro . Kev . J . Puttick AV . M ., P . P . G . Chaplain . —Bros . AV . S . Allen , iS . AV . ; Edwards , J . AV . ; F . Rossitcr ' P . P . G . D ., treas . ; J . Pearce , P . M ., sec ; G . Randell , S . D . ; R . AVahnsloy , J . D . ; C . AV . Dnke , P . P . G . S . W ., D . C . ; J . AVhitehonse , acting organist ; G . H . Gage , I . G .: CJTicelmrstSSTMurkwichIPMCaptHernialP . P . GD . C . AVm .
Glc-. . , .. ; . , ... ; . , . ; nister , P . G . S . Bearer : Russell , P . P . G . A . D . C .: P . Robinson , P . M . ; C . Davenport Jones , P . M .: C . E . Policy , P . M . ; Tendell , Herpliy , Cooper , Jukes , McCormicii , Bovce , Boddis , Glcnister , " Veness , Edmed , and Reed . Visitors : —!' ' . If . Guy , Sternalc Bennett Lodge , No . 2182 ; and J . M . Jenkins , AV . M . AVellington , No . 3 . 11 . A letter from Bro . Dr . Trollopo was read expressing sincere feelings for the hearty congratulations sent him at last meeting , and consenting to sit for the proposed picture . Bro ' . Horphy was raised to sublime degree of M . M . Bro . Randell was
passed to Follow Craft degree . On the proposition of Bro . AV . M . Glcnister , ten guineas was voted to Mrs . Lewis , the widow of the late Bro . Lewis . Bro . Hennah also presented petition to Board of Benevolence on her behalf , which was signed by majority of brethren present . The Board of General Purposes reported that they regretted they were unable to recommend the lodge to hold a special welcome meeting to tho visiting brethren at the forthcoming Heath Congress at Hastings .
MUST BE LIVED .- —To be true Masons it is not sufficient to have received and learned the routine lodge work . That is just what most are doing . We must absorb and digest its philosophy , and make it a part of our moral and spiritual life . —liarhley .
MASONRY ' INFLUENCE . —Freemasonry exercises a remarkable degree of influence over the minds of its members . It tends to educate and develope human nature in magnanimity , generosity and large-mindedness , and to stimulate the practice of many virtues . It cannot do everything , however ; and there is no reason to expect that it will be able to transform a naturally mean , hard and sordid
nature into a full-formed , symmetrical manhood . Among Masons as in the world outside , a class may be found Avho are naturally inclined to take low , narrow VICAVS of men and measures . Their minds are full of suspicions and prejudices ; they run in narrow grooves ; they cherish petty resentments ; they can see only one side of a case and act only on personal feeling . Such a class do not best represent Freemasonry . —Freemasons' Repository .
Metropolitan And Provincial Lodge And Chapter Meetings
Metropolitan and Provincial Lodge and Chapter Meetings
Secretaries of Jltetojrolitatt Lodges Avill greatly obli l 0 % us by s checking attit Cfrap Lists to of , p ^ rif ? !? ( - ' ' ^ - Lodge Meetings , in regard to their individual lodges ; and in any case of error fst ^ ueverummith . by forwarding a post-card to the Editor , at 59 , Moor Lane , London , E . G ., thus : installation in " All Lodges held within Ten Miles of FREEMASONS' HALL , LONDON , are LONDON LODGES . "—General Laws and Regulations .
£ ? i ™ NAME OP LODGE AND CHAPTER . PLACE OP MEETING . LiOuge . THIS DAY ( 2 nd ) THURSDAY , MARCH 14 th . 19 Royal Athelstan Cannon Street HotelE . C .
, 91 Regularity F . M . II . 200 Friendship Ship and Turtle , Lcadenhall St ., E . C . 238 Pilgrim ( German Language ) ... F . M . II . 2 G 3 Bank of England Albion THY ., AMovsgatc Street , E . C . 534 Polish National F . M . II . ( 157 Canonbury Albion Tav ., Aldersgate Street , E C . SCO Dalhousio Anderton ' s Hot ., Fleet Street , E . C . S 79 Southwark Bridge House Hotel , London Bridge i
1070 Cajiper Guildhall Tav ., Gresham Street , E . C . 1471 Islington Cock Tav ., Highbury , N . 1599 Skelmersdalo Ship and Turtle , Lcadenhall Street 1612 Karl of Carnarvon Ladbroke Hall , Netting Hill 1708 Plucknett Baldfaced Stag , East Finchley 1387 Strand Criterion , Piccadilly , AV . 2090 Hammersmith Yostry Hall , Hammersmith 2108 Derby Allcroft Athciiasum , Camden Road , N .
R . A . C . 05 Prosperity Guildhall Tavern , Gresham St ., E . C . 72 Royal Jubilee Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet Street , E . C . 554 Yarborongh Green Dragon , Stepney 807 Royal Albeit White Hart Tav ., Abchurch Lane ( 3 rd ) FRIDAY , MARCH 15 th .
G Friendship Willis's Rooms , King St ., St . James ' s , AV . 143 Middlesex Albion Tav ., Aldersgate Street , E . C . 15 !) 1 Stndholme 33 , Golden Square , AV . 1704 Anchor Cannon Street Hotel , E . C . 1902 London Riile Brigade Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet Street , E . C .
( 3 rd ) SATURDAY , MARCH 10 th . 1329 1 Sphinx Surrey M . II ., CambcvweU 1732 King ' s Cross Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet Street , E . G . 1707 Kensington Ladbroke Hall Netting Hill , W . R . A . C . 1700 Orpheus Holborn Rest ., AV . C . ( 3 rd ) MONDAY , MARCH 18 th .
1 Grand Masters F . M . T ., Gt . Queen Street 8 British F . M . II . 21 Emulation Albion Tav ., Aldersgate Street , E . C . 1 S 5 Tranquility Guildhall Tav ., Gresham Street , E . C . 720 Panmure Balham Hot ., Balham 802 AVhittiiigton F . M . II . 901 Citv of London Guildhall Tav ., Gresham Street E . C . 1537 StPeterWestminster CriterionPiccadillyAV
. , , , , 1057 Aldersgate Albion Tav ., Aldersgate Street , E . C . 1728 Temple liar Anderton ' s Hot ., Fleet Street , E . C . 2000 The Abbey Town Hall , AVeslminst r 1 S . A . C . 12 Prudence Ship and TiirtlO * Lcadenha ! l St ., E . G . 59 Koval Naval F . M . II . 1593 Trafalgar Ship Hot ., Greenwich Mark
. 333 Kintore Surrey M . H ., Camherwell 301 Onslow M . H ., 8 a , Red Lion Square , AV . C . ( 3 rd ) TUESDAY , MARCH lilth . 30 United Mariners Guildhall Tav ., Gresham Street , E . C . 73 . Mount Lebanon Bridge House Hot ., London Bridge 95 Eastern Star and Turtle
Ship , Lcadenhall St , E . C . 102 Cadogan F . M . II . 194 St . Paul ' s Cannon Street Hot , E . C . 255 Harmony Greyhound , Richmond , Surrey
Lodge . NAMB OP LODGE AND CHAPTER . PLACE OP MEETING . ( 3 rd ) TUESDAY , MARCH 10 th—continued . 435 Salisbury p . M . H .
704 Camden Anderton ' s Hot ., Fleet Street , E . C . 857 St . Marks Surrey M . II ., Camherwell 1035 Canterbury 33 , Golden Sq ., AV . 1 S 05 Bromley St . Leonard Vestry Hall , Fairlield Road , Bow , E . 2021 Queen ' s Westminster Holborn Restaurant , AV . C . 2022 Haven Lyric Hall , Ealing 2045 AVhartou AVillesden , Middlesex R . A . C . 20 Cassell Chap , of Harmony ... Cafe Royal , Regent Street , AA . 40 Old Union Albion Tav ., Aldersgate Street , E . C . 933 Doric Anderton ' s Hot ., Fleet Street , E . C .
( 3 rd ) WEDNESDAY , MARCH 20 th . Grand Stewards F . M . H . 140 St . George ' s Trafalgar Hot ., Greenwich 174 Sincerity Guildhall Tav ., Gresham Street , E . C . 190 Oalc F . M . II . 700 Nelson MIIAVilliam StreetAVoolwich
. ., , 909 Maybury Inns of Court Hot ., AV . C . 1150 Buckingham and Chandos ... F . M . II . 1278 Burdctt Coutts Approach Tav ., Victoria Park 1349 Friars Ship and Turtle , Lcadenhall St ., E . C . 1360 Royal Arthur Prince of AVales'Hot ., AVimbledon 1382 Corinthian George Hot ., Cubitt Town , E . 1507 Metropolitan Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet Street , E . C . 1024 Eccleston Criterion , Piccadilly , AV . 1073 Holborn Viaduct
Langton Hotel , E . C . 1077 Crusaders Imperial Hot ., Holborn Viaduct , E . C . 1803 Cornhill London Tav ., Fenchurch St ., E . C . R . A . C . 141 Faith Anderton ' s Hot ., Fleet Street , E . C . Mark . 144 Grosvenor Cafe Royal , Regent Street , AV . 79 Orpheus 33 , Golden Sq ., AV .
( 3 rd ) THURSDAY , MARCH 21 st . 23 Globe F . M . If . 49 Gibon Guildhall Tav ., Gresham Street , E . C . 55 Constitutional Cannon Street Hot ., E . C , 03 St . Mary's F . M . II . 1 C 9 Temperance AVhite Swan , High Street , Dcptfonl , E . 179 Manchester Anderton ' s HotFleet StreetEC
., , .. 181 Universal F . M . H . 733 AVestbourne Lord ' s Hot ., St . John ' s AVood 813 New Concord Guildhall Tav ., Gresham Street , E . C . 1139 South Norwood Public Hall , South Norwood 1227 Upton Three Nuns Hot ., Aldgate , E . 1287 Great Northern F . M . IT . 1321 Emblematic Bridge House Hotel , S . E . 1305 Clapton Rudolph Chbrs 191 BshpsgteStEC
., , . ., . 1175 Peckham Surrey M . II ., Camberwcll 1598 Ley-spring Anderton ' s Hot ., Fleet Street , E . C . 1013 Cri ' nplegatc Albion Tav ., Aldersgate Street , E . C . 1901 Selwyn East Dulwich Hot ., East Dnlwich 1903 Duke of Albany Albert Palace , Battersea Park R . A . C . 217 Stability Anderton ' s Hot ., Fleet Street , E . C . 834 Andrew AVindsor Castle HotHammersmith
,, 1210 Macdonald Hd . Qrs ., 1 st Surrey It ., CambcrweU N . B . — We will insert hours of meeting of London Lodges , if summonses are sent to us in sufficient time . —ED . M . S .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Reports Of Lodge & Chapter Meetings.
Wilkinson , acting secretary . Bros . Leigh , Kent , Davies , Percival and several others . This being the night for the election of officers tho ceremony of initiation only was rehearsed , after which Bro . Beavis was re-elected preceptor , and Bro . Kent , treasurer . Bro . Wells , who has been secretary for the last . 8 years , having been obliged to retire in consequence of ill-health , Bro . Harper was elected to that ollice . A hearty vole of thanks was given to Bro . Wells for his past services , and as a slight acknowledgment , live guineas was voted to the Girl ' s School to be placed in his name . Bro . W , J . Newell was elected organist , and in consideration of his valuable aid he was made an Honorary Member . Bro . Freyer having been elected to the chair on the next meeting night , Iho lodge was closed .
UuujuE IiOiuiE—No . 1789 . —At the Victoria Mansions Restaurant , Westminster , S . W ., on Mondav , 11 th . March , 1889 . Present : —Bros . W . It . Arnold , W . M . ; G . Mason , P . M . 1789 , acting preceptor : AV . Arnold , S . W . ; J . Lawsou , J . W . ; J . Christian , J . D . ; H . Hart , I . G . ; AV . AV . Blades , and others . The . ceremonies of initiation , passing and raising were rehearsed , Bro . Blades representing tho candidate .
PROVINCIAL . SUSSEX . —DEUWENT LODOE—No . 40 —HASTINGS . —The monthly meeting was held at the Castle Assembly Boom , on Monday , the 11 th . —Bro . Kev . J . Puttick AV . M ., P . P . G . Chaplain . —Bros . AV . S . Allen , iS . AV . ; Edwards , J . AV . ; F . Rossitcr ' P . P . G . D ., treas . ; J . Pearce , P . M ., sec ; G . Randell , S . D . ; R . AVahnsloy , J . D . ; C . AV . Dnke , P . P . G . S . W ., D . C . ; J . AVhitehonse , acting organist ; G . H . Gage , I . G .: CJTicelmrstSSTMurkwichIPMCaptHernialP . P . GD . C . AVm .
Glc-. . , .. ; . , ... ; . , . ; nister , P . G . S . Bearer : Russell , P . P . G . A . D . C .: P . Robinson , P . M . ; C . Davenport Jones , P . M .: C . E . Policy , P . M . ; Tendell , Herpliy , Cooper , Jukes , McCormicii , Bovce , Boddis , Glcnister , " Veness , Edmed , and Reed . Visitors : —!' ' . If . Guy , Sternalc Bennett Lodge , No . 2182 ; and J . M . Jenkins , AV . M . AVellington , No . 3 . 11 . A letter from Bro . Dr . Trollopo was read expressing sincere feelings for the hearty congratulations sent him at last meeting , and consenting to sit for the proposed picture . Bro ' . Horphy was raised to sublime degree of M . M . Bro . Randell was
passed to Follow Craft degree . On the proposition of Bro . AV . M . Glcnister , ten guineas was voted to Mrs . Lewis , the widow of the late Bro . Lewis . Bro . Hennah also presented petition to Board of Benevolence on her behalf , which was signed by majority of brethren present . The Board of General Purposes reported that they regretted they were unable to recommend the lodge to hold a special welcome meeting to tho visiting brethren at the forthcoming Heath Congress at Hastings .
MUST BE LIVED .- —To be true Masons it is not sufficient to have received and learned the routine lodge work . That is just what most are doing . We must absorb and digest its philosophy , and make it a part of our moral and spiritual life . —liarhley .
MASONRY ' INFLUENCE . —Freemasonry exercises a remarkable degree of influence over the minds of its members . It tends to educate and develope human nature in magnanimity , generosity and large-mindedness , and to stimulate the practice of many virtues . It cannot do everything , however ; and there is no reason to expect that it will be able to transform a naturally mean , hard and sordid
nature into a full-formed , symmetrical manhood . Among Masons as in the world outside , a class may be found Avho are naturally inclined to take low , narrow VICAVS of men and measures . Their minds are full of suspicions and prejudices ; they run in narrow grooves ; they cherish petty resentments ; they can see only one side of a case and act only on personal feeling . Such a class do not best represent Freemasonry . —Freemasons' Repository .
Metropolitan And Provincial Lodge And Chapter Meetings
Metropolitan and Provincial Lodge and Chapter Meetings
Secretaries of Jltetojrolitatt Lodges Avill greatly obli l 0 % us by s checking attit Cfrap Lists to of , p ^ rif ? !? ( - ' ' ^ - Lodge Meetings , in regard to their individual lodges ; and in any case of error fst ^ ueverummith . by forwarding a post-card to the Editor , at 59 , Moor Lane , London , E . G ., thus : installation in " All Lodges held within Ten Miles of FREEMASONS' HALL , LONDON , are LONDON LODGES . "—General Laws and Regulations .
£ ? i ™ NAME OP LODGE AND CHAPTER . PLACE OP MEETING . LiOuge . THIS DAY ( 2 nd ) THURSDAY , MARCH 14 th . 19 Royal Athelstan Cannon Street HotelE . C .
, 91 Regularity F . M . II . 200 Friendship Ship and Turtle , Lcadenhall St ., E . C . 238 Pilgrim ( German Language ) ... F . M . II . 2 G 3 Bank of England Albion THY ., AMovsgatc Street , E . C . 534 Polish National F . M . II . ( 157 Canonbury Albion Tav ., Aldersgate Street , E C . SCO Dalhousio Anderton ' s Hot ., Fleet Street , E . C . S 79 Southwark Bridge House Hotel , London Bridge i
1070 Cajiper Guildhall Tav ., Gresham Street , E . C . 1471 Islington Cock Tav ., Highbury , N . 1599 Skelmersdalo Ship and Turtle , Lcadenhall Street 1612 Karl of Carnarvon Ladbroke Hall , Netting Hill 1708 Plucknett Baldfaced Stag , East Finchley 1387 Strand Criterion , Piccadilly , AV . 2090 Hammersmith Yostry Hall , Hammersmith 2108 Derby Allcroft Athciiasum , Camden Road , N .
R . A . C . 05 Prosperity Guildhall Tavern , Gresham St ., E . C . 72 Royal Jubilee Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet Street , E . C . 554 Yarborongh Green Dragon , Stepney 807 Royal Albeit White Hart Tav ., Abchurch Lane ( 3 rd ) FRIDAY , MARCH 15 th .
G Friendship Willis's Rooms , King St ., St . James ' s , AV . 143 Middlesex Albion Tav ., Aldersgate Street , E . C . 15 !) 1 Stndholme 33 , Golden Square , AV . 1704 Anchor Cannon Street Hotel , E . C . 1902 London Riile Brigade Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet Street , E . C .
( 3 rd ) SATURDAY , MARCH 10 th . 1329 1 Sphinx Surrey M . II ., CambcvweU 1732 King ' s Cross Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet Street , E . G . 1707 Kensington Ladbroke Hall Netting Hill , W . R . A . C . 1700 Orpheus Holborn Rest ., AV . C . ( 3 rd ) MONDAY , MARCH 18 th .
1 Grand Masters F . M . T ., Gt . Queen Street 8 British F . M . II . 21 Emulation Albion Tav ., Aldersgate Street , E . C . 1 S 5 Tranquility Guildhall Tav ., Gresham Street , E . C . 720 Panmure Balham Hot ., Balham 802 AVhittiiigton F . M . II . 901 Citv of London Guildhall Tav ., Gresham Street E . C . 1537 StPeterWestminster CriterionPiccadillyAV
. , , , , 1057 Aldersgate Albion Tav ., Aldersgate Street , E . C . 1728 Temple liar Anderton ' s Hot ., Fleet Street , E . C . 2000 The Abbey Town Hall , AVeslminst r 1 S . A . C . 12 Prudence Ship and TiirtlO * Lcadenha ! l St ., E . G . 59 Koval Naval F . M . II . 1593 Trafalgar Ship Hot ., Greenwich Mark
. 333 Kintore Surrey M . H ., Camherwell 301 Onslow M . H ., 8 a , Red Lion Square , AV . C . ( 3 rd ) TUESDAY , MARCH lilth . 30 United Mariners Guildhall Tav ., Gresham Street , E . C . 73 . Mount Lebanon Bridge House Hot ., London Bridge 95 Eastern Star and Turtle
Ship , Lcadenhall St , E . C . 102 Cadogan F . M . II . 194 St . Paul ' s Cannon Street Hot , E . C . 255 Harmony Greyhound , Richmond , Surrey
Lodge . NAMB OP LODGE AND CHAPTER . PLACE OP MEETING . ( 3 rd ) TUESDAY , MARCH 10 th—continued . 435 Salisbury p . M . H .
704 Camden Anderton ' s Hot ., Fleet Street , E . C . 857 St . Marks Surrey M . II ., Camherwell 1035 Canterbury 33 , Golden Sq ., AV . 1 S 05 Bromley St . Leonard Vestry Hall , Fairlield Road , Bow , E . 2021 Queen ' s Westminster Holborn Restaurant , AV . C . 2022 Haven Lyric Hall , Ealing 2045 AVhartou AVillesden , Middlesex R . A . C . 20 Cassell Chap , of Harmony ... Cafe Royal , Regent Street , AA . 40 Old Union Albion Tav ., Aldersgate Street , E . C . 933 Doric Anderton ' s Hot ., Fleet Street , E . C .
( 3 rd ) WEDNESDAY , MARCH 20 th . Grand Stewards F . M . H . 140 St . George ' s Trafalgar Hot ., Greenwich 174 Sincerity Guildhall Tav ., Gresham Street , E . C . 190 Oalc F . M . II . 700 Nelson MIIAVilliam StreetAVoolwich
. ., , 909 Maybury Inns of Court Hot ., AV . C . 1150 Buckingham and Chandos ... F . M . II . 1278 Burdctt Coutts Approach Tav ., Victoria Park 1349 Friars Ship and Turtle , Lcadenhall St ., E . C . 1360 Royal Arthur Prince of AVales'Hot ., AVimbledon 1382 Corinthian George Hot ., Cubitt Town , E . 1507 Metropolitan Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet Street , E . C . 1024 Eccleston Criterion , Piccadilly , AV . 1073 Holborn Viaduct
Langton Hotel , E . C . 1077 Crusaders Imperial Hot ., Holborn Viaduct , E . C . 1803 Cornhill London Tav ., Fenchurch St ., E . C . R . A . C . 141 Faith Anderton ' s Hot ., Fleet Street , E . C . Mark . 144 Grosvenor Cafe Royal , Regent Street , AV . 79 Orpheus 33 , Golden Sq ., AV .
( 3 rd ) THURSDAY , MARCH 21 st . 23 Globe F . M . If . 49 Gibon Guildhall Tav ., Gresham Street , E . C . 55 Constitutional Cannon Street Hot ., E . C , 03 St . Mary's F . M . II . 1 C 9 Temperance AVhite Swan , High Street , Dcptfonl , E . 179 Manchester Anderton ' s HotFleet StreetEC
., , .. 181 Universal F . M . H . 733 AVestbourne Lord ' s Hot ., St . John ' s AVood 813 New Concord Guildhall Tav ., Gresham Street , E . C . 1139 South Norwood Public Hall , South Norwood 1227 Upton Three Nuns Hot ., Aldgate , E . 1287 Great Northern F . M . IT . 1321 Emblematic Bridge House Hotel , S . E . 1305 Clapton Rudolph Chbrs 191 BshpsgteStEC
., , . ., . 1175 Peckham Surrey M . II ., Camberwcll 1598 Ley-spring Anderton ' s Hot ., Fleet Street , E . C . 1013 Cri ' nplegatc Albion Tav ., Aldersgate Street , E . C . 1901 Selwyn East Dulwich Hot ., East Dnlwich 1903 Duke of Albany Albert Palace , Battersea Park R . A . C . 217 Stability Anderton ' s Hot ., Fleet Street , E . C . 834 Andrew AVindsor Castle HotHammersmith
,, 1210 Macdonald Hd . Qrs ., 1 st Surrey It ., CambcrweU N . B . — We will insert hours of meeting of London Lodges , if summonses are sent to us in sufficient time . —ED . M . S .