Article PROVINCIAL NOTES. Page 1 of 1 Article PROVINCIAL NOTES. Page 1 of 1
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Provincial Notes.
The annual meeting of the West lorkshire Prov . Grand Lodge was held on tho 10 th inst ., at the Masonic Hall , Great George Street . Leeds , under the banner of tho Philanthropic Lodge , Xo . 30-1 . There was a very large gathering , seventy of the seventy-three lodges in the province being represented , and visitors from other provinces being present . —The R . W . Prov . Grand Master . Bro . T . W .
Tew , congratulated the eight Leeds lodges , numbering 112 members of whom !) S were Past Masters , on the philanthropy displayed h } them towards the Masonic charitable institutions , and the locai Masonic benevolent institution , which was in a state of usefulness and efficiency . This was the eighteenth time in -17 years that the Prov . Grand Lodge had met in Leeds , and he reminded them of the
gathering in April . 188 . 1 , on the occasion of his installation as Prov . Grand Master . He referred to the fact that of the eight Leeds lodges six met in that building , and expressed a hope that as a consequence of tho contemplated street improvements in the locality the committee of tho Masonic Hall in Great George Street would lie able by an extension of the premises to make them so convenient
and attractive that the two other lodges would be induced to meet under the same roof . Tho continual assembly of lodges in one building would , lie thought , be conducive to Masonic harmony and to the increase of Masonry in the town . Since the autumnal meeting the Armitage Lodge , Longwood and Milnsbridge , Xo . 2201 , on the roll of the Grand Lodge of England , had been consecrated .
The contributions to the charities so far this year amounted to £ 1 , 231 , and the sum contributed since he became Prov . Grand Master in IS 8 . 1 was £ 31 , ( 513 . During the year 301 new members had been admitted , ] 02 members had been lost by resignation or retirement , and ( 51 by death . The total number of members ha I increased from 3 . 301 . in 1887 to 3 . 110 in 1888 . The Prov . Grand
Master made a strong appeal on behalf of the three Masonic institutions , reminding the brethren that in "West Yorkshire there were 70 recipients of those charities . He suggested that the eight Leeds lodges should combine to receive the brethren of the Liberal Arts and Sciences who would visit Leeds next year in connection with the meeting of the British Association . The Deputy Prov .
Grand Master , Bro . Smith , having referred to various matters connecter ! with the work of Prov . Grand Lo'Jge , Bro . T . Bateman Fox , " Vice-Chairman of the Charity Committee , read the report , which showed that the contribution from the province to the Masonic Institutions last year was C 1 . 21 . 1 ( is ., made up as follows : — Royal Benevolent Institution , JM 80 ( 5 s . ; Royal Masonic Institution
for Girls , CI 73 5 s . ; Royal Masonic Institution for Boys . £ . 101 I . "is . ; The labours of the committee had been very successful , having resulted in the election of ton candidates . There were fourteen West Yorkshire , candidates for tho coming elections in April and May , the largest number the committee had ever had t > deal with , and unfortunately there were several additional
cases for October . It was . therefore , more than ever necessary that the voting strength of the province should be maintained by new donations and subscriptions . On the motion of Bro . AY . I ' . Smithson , chairman of the Charity Committee , seconded by Bro . T . Bateman Fox , the report was adopted . Bro . William Watson , lion , librarian , made a statement concerning
the recently-established Masonic library and museum at Wakefield , the success of which , he said , had far exceeded his expectations . The Prov . Grand Treasurer , Bro . Oxley , presented the balancesheet , which showed that the finances were in a sound condition . The Prov . Grand Master afterwards invested his officers for the ensuing year as follows : —G . "Wardens . William Harron , P . M .,
2 !) 0 . Huddersfiold ; and John Henry Burrows , P . M .. 13 !) , Sheffield ; G . Chaplains , the Rev . Chas . Dudle y Lampen , J . W ., 27 . l Huddersfield : and tho Rev . Vaniah Odom . J . W ., 13 !) , Sheffield ; G . Treasurer . John Leach ( elected ) , P . M .. 01 , Halifax : G . Registrar , Charles Maurice Wilson , P . M .. i ) 71 . Bradford ; G . Secretary . Herbert G . E . Green , P . M ., 101 !) , Wakefield ; G . S . Deacons . Arthur F . McGill ,
F . ll . C . S ., P . M ., 1311 . Leeds ; and Alfred Williamson . P . M ., 28 !) . Leeds ; G . J . Deacons Geo . Arthur Cubley , P . M .. 2 !)( i . Sheffield : and Frederick Cleeves . P . M ., 001 , Rotherham ; G . Sup . of Works . AVm . Watson , P . M .. W . M .. 20 ( 5 !) , Leeds ; G . D . of Cer .. John Robert Welsman . P . M .. 000 . Bradford ; Deputy G . D . of C , John Dyson , P . M ., 300 . Leeds ; Ass . G . D . of C , Win . Fitton . P . M .. 203 . " ..
Kirkburfcon ; G . Sivdbr ., John James Rutherford , P . M ., 1 . 11 . 1 , Baildon ; G . Std . Bearers . John Hodgson Rayner , P . M ., 380 , Morley ; and Alfred Stott , P . M .. 1301 , lirighouse ; G . Organist , Joshua Paget Priestley . Orgt .. -13 !) , Bingley : Ass . G . Sec . Joseph Matthewinan , P . M ., 1011 ) , Wakefield . ; G . ' Purst ., Richard CMfo , P . M .. 1 . 112 , Castleford : Ass . G . Purst .. Thomas Gaukroger , P . 31 ., 307 . Ilebden Bridge : G . Stewards . Joseph Beckett Wostinholm . P . M .. 1231 ) .
Sheffield : William Frederick Tomlinson , P . M ., 301 , Leeds ; James Blackburn Knight . P . M .. 302 , Bradford ; William Ridgard Massie . P . M ., 1 . - . 13 , Ba ' rnsley : John Slioesmith , P . M .. 1 , 783 . Huddersfield ; and Thomas Riley . P . M .. OOP , Bradford ; G . Tyler . Samuel Barrand . Tyler , 301 , Leeds ; G . Asst .-Tyler , Thomas Leighton , Tyler , ] . ' }' . ) . Sheffield . In the evening the brethren dined together at tho Masonic Hall .
The annual installation meeting of tho brethren of the "Lodge of Friendship . " Xo . 811 , was held on the 10 th inst . at the Stoyne Hotel , Worthing . The lodge was opened by the W . M . Bro . E ! T . Cooksey , and there was a large attendance of members and visitors from neighbouring lodges . 'The business of the meeting comprised two initiations , and the installation of Bro . E . T . Cooksey for the second year as W . M ., and the presentation to him of a P . 31 . jewel
m appreciation of this admiral )! ' ! manner in which he had discharged the duties of the chair of K . S . during the past year . At the banquet after labour , ( lie usual masonic- toasts were duly honoured . Ihe various speeches were agreeably interspersed by vocal selections given in pleasing style by " 3 i iss 31 innie Freeman . 31 iss Edil h 1 lands , and Bros . G . Cole and C . Paine ; a recitation by Bro . Eric AVilliams also being appreciated . The duties of accompanist wore ably carried out by Bro . AV . N . Hoe . P . P . G . O .
Provincial Notes.
The brethren of the Derby Lodge , Xo . 72-1 , Liverpool , and other members of the craft assembled in exceptionally large numbers on the 10 th inst .. to pay the hist sad tribute of respect to two highly esteemed members of the Lodge—namely , Bro . Quayle , late J . AV ., and Bro . Clayton , secretary . The circumstances were particularly
sad from the fact that these two officers died on ( lie same day . The remains of Bro . Clayton were taken to his family vault at Much AVenloek . Shropshire , a number of officers and members attending at the railway station to witness the departure . In the midst of a large concourse of brethren and friends tho body o £ Bro . Quavle was interred at Anfield Cemetery .
The installation meeting of the Robin Hood Lodge . Xo . 1 l !) 3 Eastwood , Nottinghamshire , was held in the Mechanics' Hall Eastwood , on the loth inst ., when Bro . James G . Carver was installed W . M . for the ensuing year . The installation ejreiimny was conducted by Bro . the ' ll ' ev . C . AV . Butler , P . M .. P . P . G . Chaplain . Subsequently a dinner was provided at the Sun Hotel by Bro . G . Bingham , to which over W sat down . A most enjoyable evening was spent .
The annual festival of the Fitzwilliam Lodge , Xo . 277 . of Mark Master Masons , was held on the Oth inst .. at the Masonic Hall Malton . Yorkshire , when the installation of AV . M .-Elect , AV . Bro . T . M . G oldie , S . AV ., P . G . A . D . C , and the investment of officers for the ensuing year took place . The ceremony of installation was
most efficiently performed by V . AV . Bro . T . B . AVhvtehead P . G . M . O .. P . P . G . Sec ., and AV . Bro . John Marshall . P . P .. T . G . W ; P . G . Treas . The brethren afterwards sat down to a banquet at ttie Talbot Hotel . The lodge was visited during the day by several brethren from various lodges in the province .
The installation meeting of the AVilberforce Lodge . Xo . 2131 . Hull , took place on the ' . lth inst .. and was largely attended by members and visiting brethren who highly appreciated the proceedings of the evening . Bro . AVm . AVoodall was installed into the chair of K . S . by AV . Bro . AVm . Gillett , P . P . G . St . Br ., the retiring AV . 3 I ., and tho ceremony was most impressively performed . Before
the lodge was closed . Bro . T . B . Redfearn , the past senior warden of the lodge , presented , on behalf of subscribing members , to Bro . Gillett . a large and very beautifully-framed portrait in oil of himself . Accompanying the painting was an illuminated address , also elegantly framed , and on which were inscribed the names of the subscribing members . Bro . Redfearn spoke of the retiring master ' s
worth and the high character of the services he had rendered to the AVilberforce Lodge . The recipient , who was deeply afflicted by this handsome token of the good feeling of his brethren , suitably acknowledged the compliment . The installation banquet took plaee in the Central Hall , Ib-yine Street . Between 70 and NO sat down ; and subsequently a conversazione and ball took place , tho gathering being in every respect most successful .
The installation meeting of the Gundulph Lodge , Xo . 10 . 10 . was held in the Council Chamber at Rochester on the 3 rd inst ., when AV . Bro . AA . AA ' atson , Prov . G .. J . D . installed Bro . George Parsons as AV . 3 I . for the ensuing year , in a large assemblage of brethren members of the lodge , and visitors from the surrounding
neighbourhoods . Tho ceremony was carried out in a most able and effective manner . The retiring AV . M ., AV . Bro . E . Lemon was presented with an elegant Past-Master ' s Jewel . The annual banquet was provided at the King ' s Head Hotel . The newly installed master presided , and an agreeable evening was spent by all who had the privilege of being present .
The installation meeting of the Drifelt Marie Master Masons Lodge , Xo . 2 !) 1 , was held in the Masonic Hall , Driffield . Yorks .. on the oth inst ., and was well attended . Bro . II . Onslow Piercy was installed W . M . for the ensuing . year by AV . Bro . Col . R . G . Smith " P . G . D ., Pro . G . M . for Xorth and East Yorkshire . The installation banquet was served at the Buck Hotel , and a pleasant evening was spent in a truly Masonic manner under the presidency of the newly installed Master .
The departure for South Africa of Bros . AVm . Jackson . Thos . Pickering and Joseph Rucastle , members of the Arlesdon Lodge j Xo . KiliO , Frizington , Cumberland , was the occasion for a cheerful " send off " entertainment by their fellow members on the 3 rd inst ., at the Masonic Hall , Frizington . Some eighty couples resjrondeil to the invitations issued , and music and dancing , from 10 p . m . to t a . m ., served to convey to the departing brethren " hearty good wishes " for their safety and prosperity in a distant land .
PROVINCE OF XOR'L' ! H : MI ' . KU ! . AND . —Bro . Sir 31 . AV . Ridley . Bart M . P ., R . AV . P . G . 3 L Priory Lodge . Xo . 1803 . —Bro . John Coull . AV . M . ' This Lodge held its regular monthly meeting on Thursday , thellt ' i inst . Bro . J . AV . Carr was raised to the third degree by the W . M . in the presence of a large number of provincial officers and brethren from various lo . lg .-s . A . vote of condolence and sympathy was passed by the L jilge to Jim . T . B . Xichols . P . 31 .. P . P . G . S . W .. treas .. at the los ; he hi ; sustained in the death of his eldest S , .
ST . CLAIR LODOK—XO . 2071 . —PoRTsMornr . —The fourth installation meeting of this lodge , at Freemasons' Hull , Landport , on M . onday . the 1 . 1 th inst ., was attended by a large gathering of members and visitors . Beyond the confirmation of the minutes of the previous meeting , and the balloting for proposed initiates and joining members , the business of ( he evening was confined s slelv
to tho purposes of tlie installation , the initiation of the can lirLite ' s accepted being deferred to an emergency meeting appointed , to be held on ( he following day . This excellent arra igemeiit enable I the Installing Master to carry out the entire ceremony without undue haste , and in consequence the work in lodge \ va ; " . ' the very
best . \ V . Bro . C . Va ugh an Birch , the retiring W . 3 I " , ii'ie rtook the duty of installing his successor , Bro . F . II . Wood row . and was ably assisted by Pa t Masters W . C . Webb and Wm . Gunnell , who occupied respectively the Wardens chairs in the Board of l ' n > iailed Masters , AV . Bro . AV . Dart officiating as D . C . AVe were gratified to Con ! iuiird on page 123 .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Provincial Notes.
The annual meeting of the West lorkshire Prov . Grand Lodge was held on tho 10 th inst ., at the Masonic Hall , Great George Street . Leeds , under the banner of tho Philanthropic Lodge , Xo . 30-1 . There was a very large gathering , seventy of the seventy-three lodges in the province being represented , and visitors from other provinces being present . —The R . W . Prov . Grand Master . Bro . T . W .
Tew , congratulated the eight Leeds lodges , numbering 112 members of whom !) S were Past Masters , on the philanthropy displayed h } them towards the Masonic charitable institutions , and the locai Masonic benevolent institution , which was in a state of usefulness and efficiency . This was the eighteenth time in -17 years that the Prov . Grand Lodge had met in Leeds , and he reminded them of the
gathering in April . 188 . 1 , on the occasion of his installation as Prov . Grand Master . He referred to the fact that of the eight Leeds lodges six met in that building , and expressed a hope that as a consequence of tho contemplated street improvements in the locality the committee of tho Masonic Hall in Great George Street would lie able by an extension of the premises to make them so convenient
and attractive that the two other lodges would be induced to meet under the same roof . Tho continual assembly of lodges in one building would , lie thought , be conducive to Masonic harmony and to the increase of Masonry in the town . Since the autumnal meeting the Armitage Lodge , Longwood and Milnsbridge , Xo . 2201 , on the roll of the Grand Lodge of England , had been consecrated .
The contributions to the charities so far this year amounted to £ 1 , 231 , and the sum contributed since he became Prov . Grand Master in IS 8 . 1 was £ 31 , ( 513 . During the year 301 new members had been admitted , ] 02 members had been lost by resignation or retirement , and ( 51 by death . The total number of members ha I increased from 3 . 301 . in 1887 to 3 . 110 in 1888 . The Prov . Grand
Master made a strong appeal on behalf of the three Masonic institutions , reminding the brethren that in "West Yorkshire there were 70 recipients of those charities . He suggested that the eight Leeds lodges should combine to receive the brethren of the Liberal Arts and Sciences who would visit Leeds next year in connection with the meeting of the British Association . The Deputy Prov .
Grand Master , Bro . Smith , having referred to various matters connecter ! with the work of Prov . Grand Lo'Jge , Bro . T . Bateman Fox , " Vice-Chairman of the Charity Committee , read the report , which showed that the contribution from the province to the Masonic Institutions last year was C 1 . 21 . 1 ( is ., made up as follows : — Royal Benevolent Institution , JM 80 ( 5 s . ; Royal Masonic Institution
for Girls , CI 73 5 s . ; Royal Masonic Institution for Boys . £ . 101 I . "is . ; The labours of the committee had been very successful , having resulted in the election of ton candidates . There were fourteen West Yorkshire , candidates for tho coming elections in April and May , the largest number the committee had ever had t > deal with , and unfortunately there were several additional
cases for October . It was . therefore , more than ever necessary that the voting strength of the province should be maintained by new donations and subscriptions . On the motion of Bro . AY . I ' . Smithson , chairman of the Charity Committee , seconded by Bro . T . Bateman Fox , the report was adopted . Bro . William Watson , lion , librarian , made a statement concerning
the recently-established Masonic library and museum at Wakefield , the success of which , he said , had far exceeded his expectations . The Prov . Grand Treasurer , Bro . Oxley , presented the balancesheet , which showed that the finances were in a sound condition . The Prov . Grand Master afterwards invested his officers for the ensuing year as follows : —G . "Wardens . William Harron , P . M .,
2 !) 0 . Huddersfiold ; and John Henry Burrows , P . M .. 13 !) , Sheffield ; G . Chaplains , the Rev . Chas . Dudle y Lampen , J . W ., 27 . l Huddersfield : and tho Rev . Vaniah Odom . J . W ., 13 !) , Sheffield ; G . Treasurer . John Leach ( elected ) , P . M .. 01 , Halifax : G . Registrar , Charles Maurice Wilson , P . M .. i ) 71 . Bradford ; G . Secretary . Herbert G . E . Green , P . M ., 101 !) , Wakefield ; G . S . Deacons . Arthur F . McGill ,
F . ll . C . S ., P . M ., 1311 . Leeds ; and Alfred Williamson . P . M ., 28 !) . Leeds ; G . J . Deacons Geo . Arthur Cubley , P . M .. 2 !)( i . Sheffield : and Frederick Cleeves . P . M ., 001 , Rotherham ; G . Sup . of Works . AVm . Watson , P . M .. W . M .. 20 ( 5 !) , Leeds ; G . D . of Cer .. John Robert Welsman . P . M .. 000 . Bradford ; Deputy G . D . of C , John Dyson , P . M ., 300 . Leeds ; Ass . G . D . of C , Win . Fitton . P . M .. 203 . " ..
Kirkburfcon ; G . Sivdbr ., John James Rutherford , P . M ., 1 . 11 . 1 , Baildon ; G . Std . Bearers . John Hodgson Rayner , P . M ., 380 , Morley ; and Alfred Stott , P . M .. 1301 , lirighouse ; G . Organist , Joshua Paget Priestley . Orgt .. -13 !) , Bingley : Ass . G . Sec . Joseph Matthewinan , P . M ., 1011 ) , Wakefield . ; G . ' Purst ., Richard CMfo , P . M .. 1 . 112 , Castleford : Ass . G . Purst .. Thomas Gaukroger , P . 31 ., 307 . Ilebden Bridge : G . Stewards . Joseph Beckett Wostinholm . P . M .. 1231 ) .
Sheffield : William Frederick Tomlinson , P . M ., 301 , Leeds ; James Blackburn Knight . P . M .. 302 , Bradford ; William Ridgard Massie . P . M ., 1 . - . 13 , Ba ' rnsley : John Slioesmith , P . M .. 1 , 783 . Huddersfield ; and Thomas Riley . P . M .. OOP , Bradford ; G . Tyler . Samuel Barrand . Tyler , 301 , Leeds ; G . Asst .-Tyler , Thomas Leighton , Tyler , ] . ' }' . ) . Sheffield . In the evening the brethren dined together at tho Masonic Hall .
The annual installation meeting of tho brethren of the "Lodge of Friendship . " Xo . 811 , was held on the 10 th inst . at the Stoyne Hotel , Worthing . The lodge was opened by the W . M . Bro . E ! T . Cooksey , and there was a large attendance of members and visitors from neighbouring lodges . 'The business of the meeting comprised two initiations , and the installation of Bro . E . T . Cooksey for the second year as W . M ., and the presentation to him of a P . 31 . jewel
m appreciation of this admiral )! ' ! manner in which he had discharged the duties of the chair of K . S . during the past year . At the banquet after labour , ( lie usual masonic- toasts were duly honoured . Ihe various speeches were agreeably interspersed by vocal selections given in pleasing style by " 3 i iss 31 innie Freeman . 31 iss Edil h 1 lands , and Bros . G . Cole and C . Paine ; a recitation by Bro . Eric AVilliams also being appreciated . The duties of accompanist wore ably carried out by Bro . AV . N . Hoe . P . P . G . O .
Provincial Notes.
The brethren of the Derby Lodge , Xo . 72-1 , Liverpool , and other members of the craft assembled in exceptionally large numbers on the 10 th inst .. to pay the hist sad tribute of respect to two highly esteemed members of the Lodge—namely , Bro . Quayle , late J . AV ., and Bro . Clayton , secretary . The circumstances were particularly
sad from the fact that these two officers died on ( lie same day . The remains of Bro . Clayton were taken to his family vault at Much AVenloek . Shropshire , a number of officers and members attending at the railway station to witness the departure . In the midst of a large concourse of brethren and friends tho body o £ Bro . Quavle was interred at Anfield Cemetery .
The installation meeting of the Robin Hood Lodge . Xo . 1 l !) 3 Eastwood , Nottinghamshire , was held in the Mechanics' Hall Eastwood , on the loth inst ., when Bro . James G . Carver was installed W . M . for the ensuing year . The installation ejreiimny was conducted by Bro . the ' ll ' ev . C . AV . Butler , P . M .. P . P . G . Chaplain . Subsequently a dinner was provided at the Sun Hotel by Bro . G . Bingham , to which over W sat down . A most enjoyable evening was spent .
The annual festival of the Fitzwilliam Lodge , Xo . 277 . of Mark Master Masons , was held on the Oth inst .. at the Masonic Hall Malton . Yorkshire , when the installation of AV . M .-Elect , AV . Bro . T . M . G oldie , S . AV ., P . G . A . D . C , and the investment of officers for the ensuing year took place . The ceremony of installation was
most efficiently performed by V . AV . Bro . T . B . AVhvtehead P . G . M . O .. P . P . G . Sec ., and AV . Bro . John Marshall . P . P .. T . G . W ; P . G . Treas . The brethren afterwards sat down to a banquet at ttie Talbot Hotel . The lodge was visited during the day by several brethren from various lodges in the province .
The installation meeting of the AVilberforce Lodge . Xo . 2131 . Hull , took place on the ' . lth inst .. and was largely attended by members and visiting brethren who highly appreciated the proceedings of the evening . Bro . AVm . AVoodall was installed into the chair of K . S . by AV . Bro . AVm . Gillett , P . P . G . St . Br ., the retiring AV . 3 I ., and tho ceremony was most impressively performed . Before
the lodge was closed . Bro . T . B . Redfearn , the past senior warden of the lodge , presented , on behalf of subscribing members , to Bro . Gillett . a large and very beautifully-framed portrait in oil of himself . Accompanying the painting was an illuminated address , also elegantly framed , and on which were inscribed the names of the subscribing members . Bro . Redfearn spoke of the retiring master ' s
worth and the high character of the services he had rendered to the AVilberforce Lodge . The recipient , who was deeply afflicted by this handsome token of the good feeling of his brethren , suitably acknowledged the compliment . The installation banquet took plaee in the Central Hall , Ib-yine Street . Between 70 and NO sat down ; and subsequently a conversazione and ball took place , tho gathering being in every respect most successful .
The installation meeting of the Gundulph Lodge , Xo . 10 . 10 . was held in the Council Chamber at Rochester on the 3 rd inst ., when AV . Bro . AA . AA ' atson , Prov . G .. J . D . installed Bro . George Parsons as AV . 3 I . for the ensuing year , in a large assemblage of brethren members of the lodge , and visitors from the surrounding
neighbourhoods . Tho ceremony was carried out in a most able and effective manner . The retiring AV . M ., AV . Bro . E . Lemon was presented with an elegant Past-Master ' s Jewel . The annual banquet was provided at the King ' s Head Hotel . The newly installed master presided , and an agreeable evening was spent by all who had the privilege of being present .
The installation meeting of the Drifelt Marie Master Masons Lodge , Xo . 2 !) 1 , was held in the Masonic Hall , Driffield . Yorks .. on the oth inst ., and was well attended . Bro . II . Onslow Piercy was installed W . M . for the ensuing . year by AV . Bro . Col . R . G . Smith " P . G . D ., Pro . G . M . for Xorth and East Yorkshire . The installation banquet was served at the Buck Hotel , and a pleasant evening was spent in a truly Masonic manner under the presidency of the newly installed Master .
The departure for South Africa of Bros . AVm . Jackson . Thos . Pickering and Joseph Rucastle , members of the Arlesdon Lodge j Xo . KiliO , Frizington , Cumberland , was the occasion for a cheerful " send off " entertainment by their fellow members on the 3 rd inst ., at the Masonic Hall , Frizington . Some eighty couples resjrondeil to the invitations issued , and music and dancing , from 10 p . m . to t a . m ., served to convey to the departing brethren " hearty good wishes " for their safety and prosperity in a distant land .
PROVINCE OF XOR'L' ! H : MI ' . KU ! . AND . —Bro . Sir 31 . AV . Ridley . Bart M . P ., R . AV . P . G . 3 L Priory Lodge . Xo . 1803 . —Bro . John Coull . AV . M . ' This Lodge held its regular monthly meeting on Thursday , thellt ' i inst . Bro . J . AV . Carr was raised to the third degree by the W . M . in the presence of a large number of provincial officers and brethren from various lo . lg .-s . A . vote of condolence and sympathy was passed by the L jilge to Jim . T . B . Xichols . P . 31 .. P . P . G . S . W .. treas .. at the los ; he hi ; sustained in the death of his eldest S , .
ST . CLAIR LODOK—XO . 2071 . —PoRTsMornr . —The fourth installation meeting of this lodge , at Freemasons' Hull , Landport , on M . onday . the 1 . 1 th inst ., was attended by a large gathering of members and visitors . Beyond the confirmation of the minutes of the previous meeting , and the balloting for proposed initiates and joining members , the business of ( he evening was confined s slelv
to tho purposes of tlie installation , the initiation of the can lirLite ' s accepted being deferred to an emergency meeting appointed , to be held on ( he following day . This excellent arra igemeiit enable I the Installing Master to carry out the entire ceremony without undue haste , and in consequence the work in lodge \ va ; " . ' the very
best . \ V . Bro . C . Va ugh an Birch , the retiring W . 3 I " , ii'ie rtook the duty of installing his successor , Bro . F . II . Wood row . and was ably assisted by Pa t Masters W . C . Webb and Wm . Gunnell , who occupied respectively the Wardens chairs in the Board of l ' n > iailed Masters , AV . Bro . AV . Dart officiating as D . C . AVe were gratified to Con ! iuiird on page 123 .