Article Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article Original Correspondence. Page 1 of 1 Article Original Correspondence. Page 1 of 1
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% \ jt Jltastfttk ^ iar * THURSDAY , " ^ gSg ^ APRIL 18 , 1889 .
EHitctl Vy W . BRO . JAMES STEVENS , " P . M ., P . Z ., Ac-, Ac .
Published every Thursday Morning , price ONE PENNY , and may be had from all Newsagents through the Publishers , 123 to 125 , Fleet Street , E . C . Subscribers to THE MASONIC STAR residing in London and the Suburbs will receive their copies by the first post on THURSDAY MORNING . Copies for Country Subscribers will be forwarded by the NIGHT Mail on Wednesday .
TERMS , including postage , payable in advance : — Vnitetl Kingdom mil Countries ciniil'risod Places not in General comprised in Intlia , Postal Union . Postal Union . ia Itrintlisi . Twelve Months ... 6 s . 6 d . . . . 8 s . 8 d . ... 10 s . lOd . Six Months 3 s . 4 d . ... 4 s . 6 d . ... 5 s . 6 d . Three Months ... Is . 9 d . ... 2 s . 4 d . . . . 3 s . Od .
Post Office Orders , payable at the General Post Office , London , E . G ., to Messrs . ADAMS BROS ., 59 , Moor Lane , London , E . G . Postal Orders and Cheques should be crossed & Co . and all communications concerning Subscriptions and Advertisements should be addressed to " Manager . "
All other communications , letters , & c ., to be addressed " Editor of THE MASONIC STAR . 5 !) . Moor Lane . Fore Street . London . E . C . " Publishing Offices : 123 to 125 , FLEET STKEET , E . C . VOLUME I . In Masonic Cloth Cover—Now Ready —Price 3 s . 6 d .
Original Correspondence.
Original Correspondence .
Without in any way UoWinfr ourselves responsible for , or even ap ] irovinp of the opinions expressed , wc freely throw open our columns for tlie proper discussion of all matters of a pcnenil character relating to Freemasonry . Correspondents must lie as brief n . s possible , must write plainly , only use one side of the paper , and cannot expect the return of rejected contributions ! Every contribution must be accompanied with tlm name of the writer , not necessarily ff > r lU'l'lrMUion , but as a t'linivijitee of poor ! faith .
To the , Editor of THE MASONIC STAR . DEAR SIR AND BROTHER . At the close of last year , a movement was set on foot to recognise the highly meritorious services of Bro . R . F . Gould , P . G . D ., as the historian of tho Craft . The Pro Grand Master , the Earl of Carnarvon , kindly consented
to serve as chairman of the committee , and among the members are many Provincial Grand Masters . Grand Officers , and brethren . A circular , inviting co-operation , has been sent to the AV . M . of every English lodge , and inasmuch as the value of Bro . Gould ' s labours has not been confined to this country , it was thought that the brethren of foreign masonic jurisdiction should lie invited to
participate in the movement , which has accordingly been done through the medium , in each case , of their respective Grand Masters . Many lodges and brethren , both at home and abroad , have already responded to this appeal , and some time must of course yet elapse ' before the spirit in which it will be received in foreign
masonic jurisdictions can be fully ascertained . In the meanwhile , however , the success of the testimonial will be placed beyond the possibility of a doubt , if the brethren who have , up to thepresent moment , signified their intention of subscribing to it , will exert their personal influence in recommending the scheme to the favourable notice of their friends , and of the various
masonic bodies with which they are connected . Besides his unequalled merits as a Craft historian , Bro . Gould has been a diligent worker in several of the leading degrees of Freemasonry . Initiated so far back as 18 . 11 , he lias been thirty-two years a Royal Are !) Mason and Knight Templar , and thirty-one years a member of the Mark Degree . The Quatuor Coronali .
Xo . 2070 . was the fifth lodge , of which he became the AV . M . He is a V . Z . of chapters Xos . 02 and . 170 , and was a founder of three preceptories ( in one of which he filled the chair ) , in the far east . His masonic record , therefore , goes to show that he lias been active alike in the ritual and ceremonial of masonry , as well , as being the foremost worker in its literature and history .
ft may bo remarked that the sum of one guinea has been fixed as the ma . i-imvm . and not as the minimum subscription , for individuals , and that the names of brethren will bo cordially welcomed on the committee , who may be disposed to collect any smaller sums , and forward their lists for incorporation with the general fund . Aba * the smallest sums will , be thankfully received from any individual brethren who are desirous of forwarding their contributions to me
direct . It will be evident that though the testimonial must necessarily be allowed to run until a sufficient time has elapsed for replies to cinnii in from abroad , it cannot remain open for an indefinite
Original Correspondence.
period . Hence , the influence of brethren who are favourable to the movement , would be most usefully exercised by their impressing upon intending subscribers the absolute necessity of dispatch . By this means the committee would be greatly assisted in bringing their labours to a close , and with a result , which thev
confidently anticipate , would , under such circumstances , mark in the most satisfactory manner possible , the general esteem and regard entertained for our Bro . Gould by his masonic brethren . ¦— _ ¦ - Yours fraternally , " " - " ! RALPH GOODING , M . J ) ., Heath Lodge , The Grove , P . G . D .. P . M . and Treas . Xo . 1 . ™? Blackheath . April 10 th , 188 !) . Hon . Sec "
To the Editor of THE MASONIC STAR . DEAR SIR AND BROTHER , Having subscribed to your valuable paper ever since its birth , and having learnt a good deal in perusing its pages , I am impulsively led to apply to you for advice in my trouble . I say impulsivel y because time is now short .
I am and have been working hard for a final case in the forthcoming Election for Girls , and am most anxious that my case should be successful , Xo 41 on the list , "ROBERTS , " particulars you can see for yourself . My difficulty is this , that I lately lent eight votes for the Licensed Victuallers' Asvlum in exchange for an I . O . TL for eio-lif , o-frls' vnfoo
The girls' voting papers have been out some 14 or 1 ( 5 days , perhaps more . The brother from whom I received the I . O . TJ . is I . P . M . of a City Lodge . I have written twice to him Avithout any acknowledgment of my letters , telling him that I am anxious as to the possession of the proxies .
I want to know what course I can now pursue to ensure those votes . I feel quite disgusted with his conduct , more especially as he signs the I . O . U . as I . P . M ., my own title , but , thank God , not my disposition . Kindly inform me at once how to act . Can I not sue him in default if votes are not forthcoming before the election ? Yours fraternally .
AV . BOYCE . April 15 th , 1889 . I . P . M ., 30 , United Mariners . % * We hope that the brother to whom the abort- refers may see thisletter , and tithe immediate care that , our correspondent shall hare no further cause of complaint . It is an offence against Masonry to treat annlications for the return of borrowed rotes with silence . As fa
any remedy our correspondent may hare in the erent of the I . O . Unot being duly honoured , we do not think there is any remedy outside his Lodge . We are charged " ncrer to false a legal course but when the case cannot be otherwise , decided , " and if any brother "do youinjury , you- must applt / to your own or his lodge . ' '—See "llooli , of Crnsi it n ' t ions . '—Ed . M . S .
To the Editor of THE MASONIC STAR . DEAR SIR AND BROTHER . AVill you kindly settle a difference of opinion between myself and officials of a lodge . The first toast at a banquet is , as you know ., that of the Queen and the Craft , which of course is honoured in the usual manner , and bv standing when the National Anthem is beinrr
sung ; the toast of the Grand Master is likewise honoured by the masonic fire ; and now arises the difference of opinion to which I refer . AA'hilst the anthem , " God bless the Prince of AA ' ales " isbeing sung , should the brethren stand or sit . ' An answer at your earliest will be esteemed by Yours fraternally ,
J . E . SPURRELL , April Kith , 188 !) . J . AV . " Domatic " 177 . % * It is not e . rpccted that brethren should stand whilst , any other composition , than that of ' The Xution-al Anthem " is being sum / . — ED . M . S .
A letter from Bro . Ralph Gooding , P . G . D ., & . c , the hon . sec . to the "Gould Testimonial Fund , " appears in our correspondence columns this week , to which we desire to draw especial attention . The movement to which it refers is a most worthy one and should have the support of the members of the Craft generally . The
following information m connection with the progress of the testimonial may be found interesting . Amongst the recent additions to the Committee are : —Bros . Capt . AV . G . Philips , P . G . D . ; AValterllopekirk . P . G . P . ; G . C . Andrew . J . AV . !> 2 ; Edward Armitage , P . P . G . AV ., Cumb . ' and AVestm . ; Gordon Brown , P . G . S . ; John H .
Cox , P . Dist . G . R ., Hongkong ; C . Purdon Clarke ( CLE . ) , 2 () 7 ( i ; John Craine , W . M . 107 . 1 ; Thomas Francis , P . P . G . AV ., Hants ; F . AV Halliwell . Kill ; Angus AV . Hooper . AV . M . 37 4 : C . Kupfer Shmidt , J . AV . 238 ; John Miller , AV . M . 723 : ' Capt , S . AV . Perrv , AV . M . 131 ( Lit . ) ; Walter Rowley . 280 ; G . II . B . Reed , P . P . G . S . B ., Cornwall
and Major-Gen . Vizard , AV . M ., 701 . DONATIONS HAVE RECENTLY BEEN" RECEIVED ri ; o . \ t THE EOI . Lowixit LODGES : —Grand Master ' s , 1 ; Moira , 02 : Unity , 183 Invicta , 70 !); Friends-in-Council , 13 S 3 : Canterbury , 103 . 1 ; Quatuoi Coronati , 2070 ; Empire , 2108 ; and Hiram . 1 ( Newhavcn , Con necticnt ) ; and amongst the CONTINENTAL Kr useUI HERS are Bros A . M . Maas Geesteranus , Dop . G . M .: and . ) . P . Yaillant . Grand Sec .
G . Lodge of the Netherlands ; Dr . L . Van Docsbttrgb . Amsterdam ; Dr . AV . Begemann , Prov .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
% \ jt Jltastfttk ^ iar * THURSDAY , " ^ gSg ^ APRIL 18 , 1889 .
EHitctl Vy W . BRO . JAMES STEVENS , " P . M ., P . Z ., Ac-, Ac .
Published every Thursday Morning , price ONE PENNY , and may be had from all Newsagents through the Publishers , 123 to 125 , Fleet Street , E . C . Subscribers to THE MASONIC STAR residing in London and the Suburbs will receive their copies by the first post on THURSDAY MORNING . Copies for Country Subscribers will be forwarded by the NIGHT Mail on Wednesday .
TERMS , including postage , payable in advance : — Vnitetl Kingdom mil Countries ciniil'risod Places not in General comprised in Intlia , Postal Union . Postal Union . ia Itrintlisi . Twelve Months ... 6 s . 6 d . . . . 8 s . 8 d . ... 10 s . lOd . Six Months 3 s . 4 d . ... 4 s . 6 d . ... 5 s . 6 d . Three Months ... Is . 9 d . ... 2 s . 4 d . . . . 3 s . Od .
Post Office Orders , payable at the General Post Office , London , E . G ., to Messrs . ADAMS BROS ., 59 , Moor Lane , London , E . G . Postal Orders and Cheques should be crossed & Co . and all communications concerning Subscriptions and Advertisements should be addressed to " Manager . "
All other communications , letters , & c ., to be addressed " Editor of THE MASONIC STAR . 5 !) . Moor Lane . Fore Street . London . E . C . " Publishing Offices : 123 to 125 , FLEET STKEET , E . C . VOLUME I . In Masonic Cloth Cover—Now Ready —Price 3 s . 6 d .
Original Correspondence.
Original Correspondence .
Without in any way UoWinfr ourselves responsible for , or even ap ] irovinp of the opinions expressed , wc freely throw open our columns for tlie proper discussion of all matters of a pcnenil character relating to Freemasonry . Correspondents must lie as brief n . s possible , must write plainly , only use one side of the paper , and cannot expect the return of rejected contributions ! Every contribution must be accompanied with tlm name of the writer , not necessarily ff > r lU'l'lrMUion , but as a t'linivijitee of poor ! faith .
To the , Editor of THE MASONIC STAR . DEAR SIR AND BROTHER . At the close of last year , a movement was set on foot to recognise the highly meritorious services of Bro . R . F . Gould , P . G . D ., as the historian of tho Craft . The Pro Grand Master , the Earl of Carnarvon , kindly consented
to serve as chairman of the committee , and among the members are many Provincial Grand Masters . Grand Officers , and brethren . A circular , inviting co-operation , has been sent to the AV . M . of every English lodge , and inasmuch as the value of Bro . Gould ' s labours has not been confined to this country , it was thought that the brethren of foreign masonic jurisdiction should lie invited to
participate in the movement , which has accordingly been done through the medium , in each case , of their respective Grand Masters . Many lodges and brethren , both at home and abroad , have already responded to this appeal , and some time must of course yet elapse ' before the spirit in which it will be received in foreign
masonic jurisdictions can be fully ascertained . In the meanwhile , however , the success of the testimonial will be placed beyond the possibility of a doubt , if the brethren who have , up to thepresent moment , signified their intention of subscribing to it , will exert their personal influence in recommending the scheme to the favourable notice of their friends , and of the various
masonic bodies with which they are connected . Besides his unequalled merits as a Craft historian , Bro . Gould has been a diligent worker in several of the leading degrees of Freemasonry . Initiated so far back as 18 . 11 , he lias been thirty-two years a Royal Are !) Mason and Knight Templar , and thirty-one years a member of the Mark Degree . The Quatuor Coronali .
Xo . 2070 . was the fifth lodge , of which he became the AV . M . He is a V . Z . of chapters Xos . 02 and . 170 , and was a founder of three preceptories ( in one of which he filled the chair ) , in the far east . His masonic record , therefore , goes to show that he lias been active alike in the ritual and ceremonial of masonry , as well , as being the foremost worker in its literature and history .
ft may bo remarked that the sum of one guinea has been fixed as the ma . i-imvm . and not as the minimum subscription , for individuals , and that the names of brethren will bo cordially welcomed on the committee , who may be disposed to collect any smaller sums , and forward their lists for incorporation with the general fund . Aba * the smallest sums will , be thankfully received from any individual brethren who are desirous of forwarding their contributions to me
direct . It will be evident that though the testimonial must necessarily be allowed to run until a sufficient time has elapsed for replies to cinnii in from abroad , it cannot remain open for an indefinite
Original Correspondence.
period . Hence , the influence of brethren who are favourable to the movement , would be most usefully exercised by their impressing upon intending subscribers the absolute necessity of dispatch . By this means the committee would be greatly assisted in bringing their labours to a close , and with a result , which thev
confidently anticipate , would , under such circumstances , mark in the most satisfactory manner possible , the general esteem and regard entertained for our Bro . Gould by his masonic brethren . ¦— _ ¦ - Yours fraternally , " " - " ! RALPH GOODING , M . J ) ., Heath Lodge , The Grove , P . G . D .. P . M . and Treas . Xo . 1 . ™? Blackheath . April 10 th , 188 !) . Hon . Sec "
To the Editor of THE MASONIC STAR . DEAR SIR AND BROTHER , Having subscribed to your valuable paper ever since its birth , and having learnt a good deal in perusing its pages , I am impulsively led to apply to you for advice in my trouble . I say impulsivel y because time is now short .
I am and have been working hard for a final case in the forthcoming Election for Girls , and am most anxious that my case should be successful , Xo 41 on the list , "ROBERTS , " particulars you can see for yourself . My difficulty is this , that I lately lent eight votes for the Licensed Victuallers' Asvlum in exchange for an I . O . TL for eio-lif , o-frls' vnfoo
The girls' voting papers have been out some 14 or 1 ( 5 days , perhaps more . The brother from whom I received the I . O . TJ . is I . P . M . of a City Lodge . I have written twice to him Avithout any acknowledgment of my letters , telling him that I am anxious as to the possession of the proxies .
I want to know what course I can now pursue to ensure those votes . I feel quite disgusted with his conduct , more especially as he signs the I . O . U . as I . P . M ., my own title , but , thank God , not my disposition . Kindly inform me at once how to act . Can I not sue him in default if votes are not forthcoming before the election ? Yours fraternally .
AV . BOYCE . April 15 th , 1889 . I . P . M ., 30 , United Mariners . % * We hope that the brother to whom the abort- refers may see thisletter , and tithe immediate care that , our correspondent shall hare no further cause of complaint . It is an offence against Masonry to treat annlications for the return of borrowed rotes with silence . As fa
any remedy our correspondent may hare in the erent of the I . O . Unot being duly honoured , we do not think there is any remedy outside his Lodge . We are charged " ncrer to false a legal course but when the case cannot be otherwise , decided , " and if any brother "do youinjury , you- must applt / to your own or his lodge . ' '—See "llooli , of Crnsi it n ' t ions . '—Ed . M . S .
To the Editor of THE MASONIC STAR . DEAR SIR AND BROTHER . AVill you kindly settle a difference of opinion between myself and officials of a lodge . The first toast at a banquet is , as you know ., that of the Queen and the Craft , which of course is honoured in the usual manner , and bv standing when the National Anthem is beinrr
sung ; the toast of the Grand Master is likewise honoured by the masonic fire ; and now arises the difference of opinion to which I refer . AA'hilst the anthem , " God bless the Prince of AA ' ales " isbeing sung , should the brethren stand or sit . ' An answer at your earliest will be esteemed by Yours fraternally ,
J . E . SPURRELL , April Kith , 188 !) . J . AV . " Domatic " 177 . % * It is not e . rpccted that brethren should stand whilst , any other composition , than that of ' The Xution-al Anthem " is being sum / . — ED . M . S .
A letter from Bro . Ralph Gooding , P . G . D ., & . c , the hon . sec . to the "Gould Testimonial Fund , " appears in our correspondence columns this week , to which we desire to draw especial attention . The movement to which it refers is a most worthy one and should have the support of the members of the Craft generally . The
following information m connection with the progress of the testimonial may be found interesting . Amongst the recent additions to the Committee are : —Bros . Capt . AV . G . Philips , P . G . D . ; AValterllopekirk . P . G . P . ; G . C . Andrew . J . AV . !> 2 ; Edward Armitage , P . P . G . AV ., Cumb . ' and AVestm . ; Gordon Brown , P . G . S . ; John H .
Cox , P . Dist . G . R ., Hongkong ; C . Purdon Clarke ( CLE . ) , 2 () 7 ( i ; John Craine , W . M . 107 . 1 ; Thomas Francis , P . P . G . AV ., Hants ; F . AV Halliwell . Kill ; Angus AV . Hooper . AV . M . 37 4 : C . Kupfer Shmidt , J . AV . 238 ; John Miller , AV . M . 723 : ' Capt , S . AV . Perrv , AV . M . 131 ( Lit . ) ; Walter Rowley . 280 ; G . II . B . Reed , P . P . G . S . B ., Cornwall
and Major-Gen . Vizard , AV . M ., 701 . DONATIONS HAVE RECENTLY BEEN" RECEIVED ri ; o . \ t THE EOI . Lowixit LODGES : —Grand Master ' s , 1 ; Moira , 02 : Unity , 183 Invicta , 70 !); Friends-in-Council , 13 S 3 : Canterbury , 103 . 1 ; Quatuoi Coronati , 2070 ; Empire , 2108 ; and Hiram . 1 ( Newhavcn , Con necticnt ) ; and amongst the CONTINENTAL Kr useUI HERS are Bros A . M . Maas Geesteranus , Dop . G . M .: and . ) . P . Yaillant . Grand Sec .
G . Lodge of the Netherlands ; Dr . L . Van Docsbttrgb . Amsterdam ; Dr . AV . Begemann , Prov .