Article PROVINCIAL NOTES. Page 1 of 1 Article COLONIAL CLIPPINGS. Page 1 of 1 Article OUR TRESTLE BOARD Page 1 of 2 Article THE " OLD MASONIANS. " Page 1 of 1
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Provincial Notes.
Cent inn ed from page 121 . learn that the beautiful and necessary ritual of constituting an assemblage of Rulers in the Craft into a Board for the purpose of inducting , amongst their body , with due solemnity and fitting propriety , a new occupant of the chair of K . S ., is not treated in the province in which this lodge is situated as of none account : and
from the sample of the work with which Bro . Birch delighted his hearers on this occasion , wc can quite understand the tenacity with which it is retained by the several lodges as an important portion of Masonic ceremonial . Bro . Woodrow ' s installation was perfect in every respect , and the applause which followed the conclusion of Bro . Birch ' s labours was well deserved . The officers invested were : —Bros . J . S . Wickens . S . W . ; E . Boorman . J . W .: W . C . Webb . P . M ..
treas . ; Herbert Bundy , sec . ; AV . Dart . P . M ., P . P . G . P .. D . of C ; C . R . J . Gibbs , org . ; E . Hopkins , S D . ; II . R . E . Woodthorpe , J . D . ; T . H . Xanearrow , I . G . ; G . R . Sherman and E . Stapleford . stwds . ; and T . Bryan , tyler . A handsome P . M . jewel was presented to the I . P . M ., Bro . Birch , and the business of the lodge , after propositions for initiation and joining respectively had been received , terminated
in the usual manner . The installation banquet was served in the large dining hall , and after the cloth had been clearer ! , a long list of toasts were effectively disposed of by the W . M .. and some excellent songs and recitations added to the pleasures of the evening . Nearly one hundred brethren attended this meeting , and amongst the visitors , who were most hospitably , and indeed , enthusiastically received , were : —Bros . J . W . Gieve , Prov . G . Treas . ; F . Sanders . P . M . "
AV . H . Speering-, AV . M . 342 ; J . G . Livcsay . AV . M . 1903 : R . Stokes . AV . M . 1 U 58 : Capt . AVarren ; J . F . Morton . 2 . V 7 . Prov . G . Chap . ; D . AV . Lewis ; J . Lind , P . M . 248 : AV . Gunnell . P . M . ; AV . Bates . 4 S 7 . AV . M . ; D . T . Rule , 1834 , W . M . : J . Hamilton : A . R . Holbrook . P . M . 20 !) ; Rev . Anderson ; G . Darby , P . M . 170 " ,: J . Senior . P . M . 170 . - ); J . Jackson , P . M . 1428 ; A . H . AVood . AV . M . 804 ; T . Strefcfon . AV . M . 2 ir , 3 ; T . D . Askew , P . M . 804 ; E . Xaylor . P . M ., P . G . S . B . ; and James Stevens . P . M . 121 ( i , 142 ( i . & c .
The ordinary meeting of the Spencer AValpole Lodge , 21 !) 7 , was held on 8 th inst ., in the Masonic Hall . Bro . R . Swinncrton , P . G . D . C . acting AV . M . There was a good attendance . Regret was expressed that Bro . R . E . Cain , AV . M ., was absent from the Island on account of ill-health , and a cordial wish for his speedy recovery was expressed . The main business of the evening was the election of AA . M .,
treasurer ., and tyler for the ensuing year . Bro . Philip T . Screech , S . AA '„ was unanimously chosen to fill the Master ' s chair , and the selection was endorsed by the hearty applause of the brethren . Bro . Screech suitably acknowledged the honour , and said it would be his endeavour , with the aid of his officers , to leave the reputation of the lodge unsullied , and its prosperity enhanced at the conclusion of his year of office . Bro . Frank J . Johnson . P . M .. P . G . assist , sec
was re-elected treasurer , and Bro . J . Lanaghan was re-appointed tyler . An audit and valuation committee was appointed , and another committee was entrusted with the arrangements for the installation banquet on May 13 th , am ! for a pic-nic . which it is suggested should be held on some later day . Subsequently the brethren had supper at the Granville Hotel , and spent an enjoyable two kours with the aid of oratory and music .
Colonial Clippings.
The China \ Mail of the 2 ( ith February , gives a lengthy and interesting account of one of the largest and unost successful functions that have ever been seen in Hong Kong for many years past , and which took place in the City Hall on tike 25 th of ' that month . The various masonic bodies in the Colonies united in carrying ; out on a large scale a grand ball which for some time
excited very great interest , and for which preparations of the most lavish and elaborate description were made . About a thousand of the principal residents in the Colony were present . If is Excellency the Governor being received on his arrival by the brethren connected with itho several Masonic degrees , and together with other distinguished guests passing from the main entrance to the grand
staircase under an arch of steel formed by the Knights Templars . The labours of the saveral committees to whom were entrusted the preparations and management of this magnificent entertainment appear to have met with the fullest reward in the expressions of satisfation with which their efforts were crowned . The whole affair reflects the greatest credit on Masonic organisation .
The annual district meeting of the first masonic district was held at Windsor in the lodge rooms of Vermont Lodge . Xo . IS . Vermont . U . S ., last month . Rising Sun Lodge conferred the first degree , and United Brethren Lodge the second degree , and Vermont Lodge ' . Xo . 18 , the third degree . The work on all the degrees was done in a superior manner . There were present : Hon . Marsh ; 0 . Perkins .
past grand master of Windsor : D . X . Xicholson , grant ! lecturer of Burlington , and a large number of brethren from the several lodges in the district . The meeting was held under the direction of D . D . G . M ., J . S . Fairman . who made pleasing remarks . He then called upon Past Grand Master Perkins , who addressed the a « semblv in
pleasant and yet forcible manner . He paid glowing tributes to M . W . A . A . Hall , grand master of the State , and to Park Davis and Henry II . Smith , past grand masters , lie spoke of their zeal in masonry , and their untiring efforts in revising the ritual , finis bringing about the present uniformity of the work .
STAR CIIAPTKU OF INSTRUCTION ' . —On Friday . 12 th inst ., at the Stirling Castle . Camberweil . Present : Comps . F . 'Hilton . P . Z ., Preceptor ; G . L . Moore , Z . JC' . i . M . E . Z . : Voisev . P . Z .. Treas .. If . ; Neold , P . Z ., J . : ( J . Woods , acting S . E . : Fleck . S .. V . : SohadJer . P . S . ; and Addington . The ceremony of exaltation was ivhr'arsi-d in first-rate style , Comp . Wood as candidate . Comp . Sebadler was admitted a member . Comp . Yoisey was elected . M . E . Z , for Fridav . 2 lith inst ., as the JDth is Good Friday .
Our Trestle Board
" For the Master to lay lines and draw designs upon . "
This is what the S'lith Afr / can I recinase-n says m reference to the non-closing of Lodges opened in the second and third degrees , by the absurd use of the phrase ' By the power in me vested . " and against all ancient custom . ' ¦ Tut ; MASONIC STAR declaims strongly and with perfect justice , against the evil practice , partly based on Scottish working , of closing the second and third degrees by ' prerogative . .. .. Wc cannot refrain from concurring
thoroughly with our contemporary in utterly condemning this unjustifiable and slovenly innovation . Such things strike at the very root of masonry . From the STAR ' remarks we gather that the practice is becoming common in England . AVe are truly sorry to hear it , but we can assure our contemporary , for his comfort , that it is altogether exceptional in South Africa . In the Cape Colony we have never seen it at all . "
In our impression of the ( ith September last , we called attention to the case of Bro . H . C . Knill , of the Jordan Lodge . No . 2 oi ( late hall porter for 1 !) years at Freemasons' Tavern ) , soliciting on his behalf the support of the brethren at the ensuing election in May of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution . The proxy papers for that election are now issued , and we repeat our appeal in Bro .
KniU ' s interest , again reminding the life governors and subscribers that through a severe accident the candidate is rendered permanently unable to earn a living , and reminding them of the courtesy and civility with which he at all titties , during his service at Freemasons' Tavern , discharger ! his duty towards them as well as towards his employers . Proxies filled up for this deserving case and forwarded to us . shall be sent on to him direct from our office .
The 21 th inst . is the date on which the Grand I estival of 1 SSO will be held , when the Grand Ollicers for the ensuingyear will be appointed by the Grand Master , and invested . It is rumoured that with the exception of the Grand Treasurer , Bro . Edward O'C . Terry , who is the elect of the craft , the following brethren arc likely to receive appointments , viz .: —Bro . Lord George Hamilton , M . J ' .. First Lord
of the Admiralty , W . M . of the Chiswick Lodge , Xo . 2012 . Grand Senior Warden ; Bro . Sir John E . Uorst , Q . C ., M . P ., I . P . M . of the Drury Lane Lodge , Xo . 2127 , Grand Junior Warden ; Bro . the Hon . and Rev . F . Byng , Chaplain to the Speaker of the House of Commons , and Rev . T . B . Spencer , Grand Chaplains ; Bros . Sir
Lionel Darell , Bart ., Alderman Sir P . de Keyser , Colonel Addison Potter , and Chester Cheston . Grand Deacons ; Bro . Charles Belton , Deputy Grand Director of Ceremonies ; Bro . Monteuuis , a P . M . of La France Lodge , Grand Sword Bearer ; Bro . George Taylor . Prov . G . Sec , Worcestershire , Grand Standard Bearer : Bro . W . May brick . Grand Organist ; Bro . Mercer , Assistant Grand Pursuivant .
The " Old Masonians. "
The third annual festival of the Old Masonians" was held at Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet Street , London , on the 13 th inst ., AV . Bro . A . F . Godson , M . I ' ., D . P . G . M . AVorcestershire . President of the Association , presiding . There was a good attendance of the members , ant ! numerous visitors , amongst whom and supportinotlie chairman were Bros . Augustus Harris , Fredk . Binckes Cama
, ( nephew of and representing AV . Bro . D . P . Cama , Past Grand Treasurer ) , VAsher Barfield , Grand Treasurer ; Major Lambert AV . AV . Morgan , T . J . Rolling , P . G . Sec . Essex ; James Stevens ' II . Massey , & c , < fcc . Messrs . AA ' atkins ( secretary ) and Xevins ( treasurer ) respectively occupied the ( position of vice-presidents . The date selected for the festival unfortunately clashed with the '
engagements of several distinguished brethren , who nevertheless sent their apologies together with a solatium for enforced absence , in the shape of qualifications for vice-presidentshi p of the association . Amongst the many who in this solid manner evinced their interest in the association we heard mentioned the names of Bros . D . P . Cama , Major Lambert , A . Notion and Hubert Terry . A number ol
letters were also read from members of tho association in several parts of the world , and telegrams received during the even in " ¦ from distant places proved the heartiness of the bond of union " which has been established amongst these young men . The dinner having been disposed of , the company , under the genial sway of Bro . Godson , settled down to speeches and harmony . The former
were laudably brief , but to the purpose : the latter a good exhibition of amateur talent of no mean order . The loyal toasts having been honoured with enthusiasm , those relating to the especial business of the evening were admirably introduced by the President , and received able responses from Bros . Binckes . Augustus Harris . Barfield , Major Lambert , Cama , and Morgan respectivel y . AVe cannot find space for an extended report , but in another column
will be found some allusion to a few of the most , important remarks made by the speakers . A thoroughly enjoyable evening was spent by the young men and their guests , and it is satisfactory to know ( hat the entertainment has been productive of material results , in respect of which the Ass ciation ' s Treasurer has the fullest knowledge , and which results we hope may lie further supplemented by increased interest in the society amongst the members of our Order generally .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Provincial Notes.
Cent inn ed from page 121 . learn that the beautiful and necessary ritual of constituting an assemblage of Rulers in the Craft into a Board for the purpose of inducting , amongst their body , with due solemnity and fitting propriety , a new occupant of the chair of K . S ., is not treated in the province in which this lodge is situated as of none account : and
from the sample of the work with which Bro . Birch delighted his hearers on this occasion , wc can quite understand the tenacity with which it is retained by the several lodges as an important portion of Masonic ceremonial . Bro . Woodrow ' s installation was perfect in every respect , and the applause which followed the conclusion of Bro . Birch ' s labours was well deserved . The officers invested were : —Bros . J . S . Wickens . S . W . ; E . Boorman . J . W .: W . C . Webb . P . M ..
treas . ; Herbert Bundy , sec . ; AV . Dart . P . M ., P . P . G . P .. D . of C ; C . R . J . Gibbs , org . ; E . Hopkins , S D . ; II . R . E . Woodthorpe , J . D . ; T . H . Xanearrow , I . G . ; G . R . Sherman and E . Stapleford . stwds . ; and T . Bryan , tyler . A handsome P . M . jewel was presented to the I . P . M ., Bro . Birch , and the business of the lodge , after propositions for initiation and joining respectively had been received , terminated
in the usual manner . The installation banquet was served in the large dining hall , and after the cloth had been clearer ! , a long list of toasts were effectively disposed of by the W . M .. and some excellent songs and recitations added to the pleasures of the evening . Nearly one hundred brethren attended this meeting , and amongst the visitors , who were most hospitably , and indeed , enthusiastically received , were : —Bros . J . W . Gieve , Prov . G . Treas . ; F . Sanders . P . M . "
AV . H . Speering-, AV . M . 342 ; J . G . Livcsay . AV . M . 1903 : R . Stokes . AV . M . 1 U 58 : Capt . AVarren ; J . F . Morton . 2 . V 7 . Prov . G . Chap . ; D . AV . Lewis ; J . Lind , P . M . 248 : AV . Gunnell . P . M . ; AV . Bates . 4 S 7 . AV . M . ; D . T . Rule , 1834 , W . M . : J . Hamilton : A . R . Holbrook . P . M . 20 !) ; Rev . Anderson ; G . Darby , P . M . 170 " ,: J . Senior . P . M . 170 . - ); J . Jackson , P . M . 1428 ; A . H . AVood . AV . M . 804 ; T . Strefcfon . AV . M . 2 ir , 3 ; T . D . Askew , P . M . 804 ; E . Xaylor . P . M ., P . G . S . B . ; and James Stevens . P . M . 121 ( i , 142 ( i . & c .
The ordinary meeting of the Spencer AValpole Lodge , 21 !) 7 , was held on 8 th inst ., in the Masonic Hall . Bro . R . Swinncrton , P . G . D . C . acting AV . M . There was a good attendance . Regret was expressed that Bro . R . E . Cain , AV . M ., was absent from the Island on account of ill-health , and a cordial wish for his speedy recovery was expressed . The main business of the evening was the election of AA . M .,
treasurer ., and tyler for the ensuing year . Bro . Philip T . Screech , S . AA '„ was unanimously chosen to fill the Master ' s chair , and the selection was endorsed by the hearty applause of the brethren . Bro . Screech suitably acknowledged the honour , and said it would be his endeavour , with the aid of his officers , to leave the reputation of the lodge unsullied , and its prosperity enhanced at the conclusion of his year of office . Bro . Frank J . Johnson . P . M .. P . G . assist , sec
was re-elected treasurer , and Bro . J . Lanaghan was re-appointed tyler . An audit and valuation committee was appointed , and another committee was entrusted with the arrangements for the installation banquet on May 13 th , am ! for a pic-nic . which it is suggested should be held on some later day . Subsequently the brethren had supper at the Granville Hotel , and spent an enjoyable two kours with the aid of oratory and music .
Colonial Clippings.
The China \ Mail of the 2 ( ith February , gives a lengthy and interesting account of one of the largest and unost successful functions that have ever been seen in Hong Kong for many years past , and which took place in the City Hall on tike 25 th of ' that month . The various masonic bodies in the Colonies united in carrying ; out on a large scale a grand ball which for some time
excited very great interest , and for which preparations of the most lavish and elaborate description were made . About a thousand of the principal residents in the Colony were present . If is Excellency the Governor being received on his arrival by the brethren connected with itho several Masonic degrees , and together with other distinguished guests passing from the main entrance to the grand
staircase under an arch of steel formed by the Knights Templars . The labours of the saveral committees to whom were entrusted the preparations and management of this magnificent entertainment appear to have met with the fullest reward in the expressions of satisfation with which their efforts were crowned . The whole affair reflects the greatest credit on Masonic organisation .
The annual district meeting of the first masonic district was held at Windsor in the lodge rooms of Vermont Lodge . Xo . IS . Vermont . U . S ., last month . Rising Sun Lodge conferred the first degree , and United Brethren Lodge the second degree , and Vermont Lodge ' . Xo . 18 , the third degree . The work on all the degrees was done in a superior manner . There were present : Hon . Marsh ; 0 . Perkins .
past grand master of Windsor : D . X . Xicholson , grant ! lecturer of Burlington , and a large number of brethren from the several lodges in the district . The meeting was held under the direction of D . D . G . M ., J . S . Fairman . who made pleasing remarks . He then called upon Past Grand Master Perkins , who addressed the a « semblv in
pleasant and yet forcible manner . He paid glowing tributes to M . W . A . A . Hall , grand master of the State , and to Park Davis and Henry II . Smith , past grand masters , lie spoke of their zeal in masonry , and their untiring efforts in revising the ritual , finis bringing about the present uniformity of the work .
STAR CIIAPTKU OF INSTRUCTION ' . —On Friday . 12 th inst ., at the Stirling Castle . Camberweil . Present : Comps . F . 'Hilton . P . Z ., Preceptor ; G . L . Moore , Z . JC' . i . M . E . Z . : Voisev . P . Z .. Treas .. If . ; Neold , P . Z ., J . : ( J . Woods , acting S . E . : Fleck . S .. V . : SohadJer . P . S . ; and Addington . The ceremony of exaltation was ivhr'arsi-d in first-rate style , Comp . Wood as candidate . Comp . Sebadler was admitted a member . Comp . Yoisey was elected . M . E . Z , for Fridav . 2 lith inst ., as the JDth is Good Friday .
Our Trestle Board
" For the Master to lay lines and draw designs upon . "
This is what the S'lith Afr / can I recinase-n says m reference to the non-closing of Lodges opened in the second and third degrees , by the absurd use of the phrase ' By the power in me vested . " and against all ancient custom . ' ¦ Tut ; MASONIC STAR declaims strongly and with perfect justice , against the evil practice , partly based on Scottish working , of closing the second and third degrees by ' prerogative . .. .. Wc cannot refrain from concurring
thoroughly with our contemporary in utterly condemning this unjustifiable and slovenly innovation . Such things strike at the very root of masonry . From the STAR ' remarks we gather that the practice is becoming common in England . AVe are truly sorry to hear it , but we can assure our contemporary , for his comfort , that it is altogether exceptional in South Africa . In the Cape Colony we have never seen it at all . "
In our impression of the ( ith September last , we called attention to the case of Bro . H . C . Knill , of the Jordan Lodge . No . 2 oi ( late hall porter for 1 !) years at Freemasons' Tavern ) , soliciting on his behalf the support of the brethren at the ensuing election in May of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution . The proxy papers for that election are now issued , and we repeat our appeal in Bro .
KniU ' s interest , again reminding the life governors and subscribers that through a severe accident the candidate is rendered permanently unable to earn a living , and reminding them of the courtesy and civility with which he at all titties , during his service at Freemasons' Tavern , discharger ! his duty towards them as well as towards his employers . Proxies filled up for this deserving case and forwarded to us . shall be sent on to him direct from our office .
The 21 th inst . is the date on which the Grand I estival of 1 SSO will be held , when the Grand Ollicers for the ensuingyear will be appointed by the Grand Master , and invested . It is rumoured that with the exception of the Grand Treasurer , Bro . Edward O'C . Terry , who is the elect of the craft , the following brethren arc likely to receive appointments , viz .: —Bro . Lord George Hamilton , M . J ' .. First Lord
of the Admiralty , W . M . of the Chiswick Lodge , Xo . 2012 . Grand Senior Warden ; Bro . Sir John E . Uorst , Q . C ., M . P ., I . P . M . of the Drury Lane Lodge , Xo . 2127 , Grand Junior Warden ; Bro . the Hon . and Rev . F . Byng , Chaplain to the Speaker of the House of Commons , and Rev . T . B . Spencer , Grand Chaplains ; Bros . Sir
Lionel Darell , Bart ., Alderman Sir P . de Keyser , Colonel Addison Potter , and Chester Cheston . Grand Deacons ; Bro . Charles Belton , Deputy Grand Director of Ceremonies ; Bro . Monteuuis , a P . M . of La France Lodge , Grand Sword Bearer ; Bro . George Taylor . Prov . G . Sec , Worcestershire , Grand Standard Bearer : Bro . W . May brick . Grand Organist ; Bro . Mercer , Assistant Grand Pursuivant .
The " Old Masonians. "
The third annual festival of the Old Masonians" was held at Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet Street , London , on the 13 th inst ., AV . Bro . A . F . Godson , M . I ' ., D . P . G . M . AVorcestershire . President of the Association , presiding . There was a good attendance of the members , ant ! numerous visitors , amongst whom and supportinotlie chairman were Bros . Augustus Harris , Fredk . Binckes Cama
, ( nephew of and representing AV . Bro . D . P . Cama , Past Grand Treasurer ) , VAsher Barfield , Grand Treasurer ; Major Lambert AV . AV . Morgan , T . J . Rolling , P . G . Sec . Essex ; James Stevens ' II . Massey , & c , < fcc . Messrs . AA ' atkins ( secretary ) and Xevins ( treasurer ) respectively occupied the ( position of vice-presidents . The date selected for the festival unfortunately clashed with the '
engagements of several distinguished brethren , who nevertheless sent their apologies together with a solatium for enforced absence , in the shape of qualifications for vice-presidentshi p of the association . Amongst the many who in this solid manner evinced their interest in the association we heard mentioned the names of Bros . D . P . Cama , Major Lambert , A . Notion and Hubert Terry . A number ol
letters were also read from members of tho association in several parts of the world , and telegrams received during the even in " ¦ from distant places proved the heartiness of the bond of union " which has been established amongst these young men . The dinner having been disposed of , the company , under the genial sway of Bro . Godson , settled down to speeches and harmony . The former
were laudably brief , but to the purpose : the latter a good exhibition of amateur talent of no mean order . The loyal toasts having been honoured with enthusiasm , those relating to the especial business of the evening were admirably introduced by the President , and received able responses from Bros . Binckes . Augustus Harris . Barfield , Major Lambert , Cama , and Morgan respectivel y . AVe cannot find space for an extended report , but in another column
will be found some allusion to a few of the most , important remarks made by the speakers . A thoroughly enjoyable evening was spent by the young men and their guests , and it is satisfactory to know ( hat the entertainment has been productive of material results , in respect of which the Ass ciation ' s Treasurer has the fullest knowledge , and which results we hope may lie further supplemented by increased interest in the society amongst the members of our Order generally .