Article THE ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTIONS. ← Page 2 of 2 Article Press Exchanges and Books Received. Page 1 of 1 Article Metropolitan Lodge and Chapter Meetings for the Current Week. Page 1 of 1
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Royal Masonic Institutions.
R . M . I . B . —Tho General Committee met at Freemasons' Hall , London , on the ( ith inst ., W . Bro . A . Scurrah presiding ' , and the following brethren being present : —Bros . S . Richardson : the Rev . Richard Morris , M . A .. LL . f ) .: S . II . Parkhouse : II . Carman : John French ; J . S . Cumberland : A . E . Gladwoll ; T . Griffiths : AV . II . Saunders - , G . P . Gillard ; II . AVebb : A . F . Godson . M . P .. P . G . D . ;
C . F . TI . o < rn , rd , P . G . Std . Br . ; George Mickley , M . A ., M . B . ; S . Hastings Miller ; AV . Paas ; AV . Maple ; F . Ravner : James Moon ; F W . Ramsay ; J . L . Anderson ; C . II . AVebb ; J . Glass ; and Frederick Binckes , sec . Six petitions were submitted and accepted , and the names ordered to be entered on the list of candidates for
the October election . Four applications for grants towards outfit wore considered , one being rejected and the other three being favourably entertained . Sundry notices of motion for the Quarterly Court were handed in . and a vote of thanks to the chairman concluded tho business of the meeting .
R . M . B . T . —The Committee of Mann gem cut met at Freemasons Hall . London , on the 10 th inst ., AV . Bro . (" 'has . J . Perceval presiding . and the following brethren being present : —Bros . C . A . Cottebrune ; C . II . AVebb ; A /!! . Tattershall ; Chas . Lacey : AVm . Smith ; AVm . Piorpoint : Charles Kempton : Alex . Forsvth ; John Buhner ; Thomas Cubitt , P . G . P . ; C . IL Driver . P . G . S . of AV . : A . Dixon ;
AA m . Masters ; B . E . Blasbv ; G . Bolton : Hugh Cotter ; A . Durrant ; W . II . Perrvman . P . G . P . ; AV . Belchamber ; Jahez Hogg . P . G . D . ; and James Terry , P . G . S . B ., sec . The secretary reported the deaths of two male and one widow annuitants , one widow receiving half her Lite husband's annuity , and one approved male candidate for
the next election . A resolution appointing a committee , consisting of Bros . . 7 . A . Farnfield , treas .. ; Newton , and J . J . Berry , to draw up the annual report was agreed to . and it was also resolved that the stewards at the recent festival be invited , as usual , to visit the institution . A vote of thanks to the chairman terminated the proceedings .
A lecture was delivered by AV . Bro . James Stevens . P . M ., P . Z .. in the Clapton Lodge of Instruction . No . 13 « 5 , at the Lovd Stanley , Sandringham Road . Hackney , on Friday evening last . Its subject , under the title of " Knobs and Excrescences , " related to the ritual and ceremonial of the first degree in Craft Masonry . In an extempore address of nearly two-and-a-half hours' duration the lecturer
held the earnest attention of his numerous audience in explanation of the meanings of the language and symbols of that portion of our mysteries . At its conclusion a general opinion was expressed as to the interesting and instructive character of the meeting , and thanks were unanimously accorded to the lecturer , with honorary membership .
Press Exchanges And Books Received.
Press Exchanges and Books Received .
Voice of Masonry , lav April : Masonic Advocate , Indianapolis ; Liberal Freemason , Boston ; Laloiuia ; Australian Eeyxfon . " ; South Australian Freemason ; S uth- African- Freemas . ni- ; S-eiety ; Freemason ' s Chronicle Sydney .
The House Committee of thrt Royal Masonic Institution for Boys will meet at Freemasons' Hall . London , at J p . m .. to-morrow ( l ' . ) th inst . ) . The General Committeee of the Royal Masonic Institution for Girls will meet at Freemasons' Hall , London , at 1 p . m ., on Thursday , the 25 th inst .
DRONES . —In all masonic as well as other bodies there will always be found a class of members , and a numerous class of them at that , that may justly be entitled the "no goods " of the order . It is true they pay their annual dues whenever called upon . and . as a rule , ask no benefit in the way of charity : so that , as far as that portion of their duties are concerned , they assist in the support of the Lodge ;
but having done this—to them important duty—their interest in the welfare of the fraternity ceases . To their own minds they are the philanthropists of the Order . Outside of the Lodge , if masonic matters are spoken of , they shake their heads and look wise , tell what ought to be done and what they would do , but when meeting night arrives are generally conspicuous by their absence ; or , if
present , their voices are never heard in debate , their silence being often misleading , as indicating they favour the proposition under discussion , until , should its adoption lead to embarrassment , their " I told you so " will then loudly be heard . Wc allude to the different members who , by their acts , arc governed by the " don't care whether school keeps or not" principle . It is immaterial to
them whether the Order progresses or not . Wanting nothing personally , they care nothing for the interests of others , or the welfare of the body . It is sufficient for them that they are members in good standing of the ancient fraternity , and have the right , as they generally do , to wear a masonic charm somewhere about their clothing . Why , even the " chronic growler " is preferable as a member ; for the growler , while he does some little harm and
-wastes time , shows even by his growling that he takes an interest in passing events , and watches what is going on , and it is much more conducive to the welfare of the many that all speak out at tho time , rather than wait until after the damage is done . Brother , if j'ou are an indifferent member , think this over , and become at once an active one ; for the more active members your lodge has , the better it will be for masonry .
Metropolitan Lodge And Chapter Meetings For The Current Week.
Metropolitan Lodge and Chapter Meetings for the Current Week .
' 'A 11 Lodges held within Ten Miles of FREEMASONS'HAIL , LONDON , are LONDON LODGES . "—General Laws and Begnlations . No . of NAMB OP LODGE AND C HAPTER . PLACE OF MKBTIXG . T „? u ?„ f XAJIE OP LODGE AND CUAVTEH . PLACE OP MEETING . Lodge . Linage . |
( Tins DAY ) ( 3 rd ) THURSDAY , APRIL ISth . 25 Globe F . M . IF . 49 Gihon Guildhall Tav ., E . C . r >!> Constitutional Camion Street Hot ., K . C . 03 St .. llnrv's F . It . IT .
1 CB Temperance White Swim Tav .. Deptford J 7 SJ Manchester AniJerloii ' t . Hot ., KC . 1 S 1 Vnivers-. u V . II . H . 733 AVcslbourne Lord's Hotel , St . John ' s Wood 613 New Concord GniMliaH Tav ., K . C . 12 S 7 Great , Northern F . M . II . I 4 rr > Pcckham Surrey M . H .. Caniberwell 1 SSI 8 Loyspring Anderfnn's Hot .. Fleet . . StreetK . C .
, 1901 Sciwyn Hast Duhvich Hot ., East Dulwich K . A . C . 70 Pythagorean Ship Hot ., Greenwich Marie . POM Accord ' 8 a , lied Lion Sijnnre
( 3 rd ) FRIDAY , APRIL Kith . This being Coon I- ' iiiUAV , the meetings appointed for this date may not be held . C Friendship i Willis ' s Hoonis . King St ., St . James ' s , W . 375 lion- of Denmark ! Greyhound Hole ) . Hii-hmond 1704 Anchor 'Cannon StreetHotKC
, ,., .. 1002 London Lille liri' / aile I Anderton ' s Hotel , K . C . U . A . O . I 92 Jfo / ni ' Albion Tav ., Aldersgate Street , K . C . 153 R St . Manht ' s-ie-Graitd j Guildhall Tavern , Gresham St ., E . C . Mark . 22 G ExcelKior ! M . IL , AVoolwich it . a I 10 Invicta 33 , Golden Square , W .
( 3 rd ) SATURDAY , APRIL 2 (> th . 10-11 Criclilou I Surrey AI . 11 ., Oimljcnvell ll . A . C . 142 St . 'Thomas ' s ' Cannon Street Hot ., K . C . Mark . i 251 Teutcrden j Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet Street , ICC .
( 4 th ) MOXDAY , APRIL 22 nd . 15 ANK HOLIDAY . 20 Castle Lodge til Harmony ... AViliis ' s Kooms , St . James ' s , AV \ 28 Old King's Arms F .. M . H . 222 Hi , Andrew Albion Tav ., Aldersgate Street , K . C . lied x ¦ 2
( lth ) TUESDAY , APRIL 23 rd . 82 AFoira A lliion Tav ., Aldersgate Street , E . C . 145 Prudent Brethren F . AI . II . ISO Industry Ditto 205 Israel Cannon Street Hotel , E . G .
259 Prince of Wales Willis ' s Hoonis , St . James ' s , W . 1318 Kburv Cafe Koyal , Hegent Street , W . 1744 Kovul S-. \ vov 1 ? . M . U " . 2108 Knipire Ci-iterion . Piccadilly , AV . H . A . C . 7 800 Koyr . l York of Perseverance ... F . M . H . 12 G 3 . Stanh-. ipc . Surrey . AI . H ., Gtmberwell
1275 Slur Ship Hot ., Greenwich 13 G 5 Clapton St . Koinlph Chmbrs ., 101 , L'ishpsgte St . 15 . S 9 St . Dunstan ' s Anderton ' s Hot .. Fleet Street , K . C . Mark . 3 Keystone ... Ship and Turtle , Leadenhall St ., E . C . R . C . ¦ 42 St . George 33 , Golden Square , AV . 07 Stmlholme Ditlo
( Ith ) WEDNESDAY , APRIL 21 th . GllAXD FKS'l'lVAI ,. 201 Jordan F . AI . 11 . 212 Knphale < ' Holborn Host . 55-1 High Cross Seven Sister ' s Hot ., Tol . lenh ; . m , X . 1017 Montejjoro Cafe lioyai , Hcgenc Street , AV . 1050 Victoria . Guildhall Tav ., Gresham Street , K . C .
1818 Clapham Army & NavvHot ., Victoria , S . W . K . C . 107 Shadwell Gierke S . i , Led Lion Square , AV . C . ( Ith ) THURSDAY , APRIL 25 th . 03 Prosperity : Guildhall Tav ., Gresham Street , K . C . ( it ; Grenadiers F . II . 11 .
J 99 Shakespeare ... Albion Tuv ., Aldersgate Street , K . C . . 107 'I ' niter ! Pilgrims ISridge House Hotel , S . E . 538 l , a Tolerance F . il . lt . 8-JS Soiuli JlidilJt'scx Beaufort House , North Kml , Fulham «< il l- 'iusliurv I S ( . lioLnljili Cliinlnv ., liisliripsgatc HI Jtoval Oak ! White Swan Tav ., Deptford 1503 City of AVcslinin-ter ! Cafe ltoyal , liegeut Street , \ Y . VJ 74 Si . Mary Abbotts j Ttwit Hall , Kensington
K . A . C , 53-1 Polish X .-ifional ! F . . AMI . P .. C . i 97 Hose ami Lily \ 33 , Golden Square , AV . N . B . will , insert hours of meeting of London Lodges , if summonses are sent to us in , su-lJieient time .. —ED . M . S .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Royal Masonic Institutions.
R . M . I . B . —Tho General Committee met at Freemasons' Hall , London , on the ( ith inst ., W . Bro . A . Scurrah presiding ' , and the following brethren being present : —Bros . S . Richardson : the Rev . Richard Morris , M . A .. LL . f ) .: S . II . Parkhouse : II . Carman : John French ; J . S . Cumberland : A . E . Gladwoll ; T . Griffiths : AV . II . Saunders - , G . P . Gillard ; II . AVebb : A . F . Godson . M . P .. P . G . D . ;
C . F . TI . o < rn , rd , P . G . Std . Br . ; George Mickley , M . A ., M . B . ; S . Hastings Miller ; AV . Paas ; AV . Maple ; F . Ravner : James Moon ; F W . Ramsay ; J . L . Anderson ; C . II . AVebb ; J . Glass ; and Frederick Binckes , sec . Six petitions were submitted and accepted , and the names ordered to be entered on the list of candidates for
the October election . Four applications for grants towards outfit wore considered , one being rejected and the other three being favourably entertained . Sundry notices of motion for the Quarterly Court were handed in . and a vote of thanks to the chairman concluded tho business of the meeting .
R . M . B . T . —The Committee of Mann gem cut met at Freemasons Hall . London , on the 10 th inst ., AV . Bro . (" 'has . J . Perceval presiding . and the following brethren being present : —Bros . C . A . Cottebrune ; C . II . AVebb ; A /!! . Tattershall ; Chas . Lacey : AVm . Smith ; AVm . Piorpoint : Charles Kempton : Alex . Forsvth ; John Buhner ; Thomas Cubitt , P . G . P . ; C . IL Driver . P . G . S . of AV . : A . Dixon ;
AA m . Masters ; B . E . Blasbv ; G . Bolton : Hugh Cotter ; A . Durrant ; W . II . Perrvman . P . G . P . ; AV . Belchamber ; Jahez Hogg . P . G . D . ; and James Terry , P . G . S . B ., sec . The secretary reported the deaths of two male and one widow annuitants , one widow receiving half her Lite husband's annuity , and one approved male candidate for
the next election . A resolution appointing a committee , consisting of Bros . . 7 . A . Farnfield , treas .. ; Newton , and J . J . Berry , to draw up the annual report was agreed to . and it was also resolved that the stewards at the recent festival be invited , as usual , to visit the institution . A vote of thanks to the chairman terminated the proceedings .
A lecture was delivered by AV . Bro . James Stevens . P . M ., P . Z .. in the Clapton Lodge of Instruction . No . 13 « 5 , at the Lovd Stanley , Sandringham Road . Hackney , on Friday evening last . Its subject , under the title of " Knobs and Excrescences , " related to the ritual and ceremonial of the first degree in Craft Masonry . In an extempore address of nearly two-and-a-half hours' duration the lecturer
held the earnest attention of his numerous audience in explanation of the meanings of the language and symbols of that portion of our mysteries . At its conclusion a general opinion was expressed as to the interesting and instructive character of the meeting , and thanks were unanimously accorded to the lecturer , with honorary membership .
Press Exchanges And Books Received.
Press Exchanges and Books Received .
Voice of Masonry , lav April : Masonic Advocate , Indianapolis ; Liberal Freemason , Boston ; Laloiuia ; Australian Eeyxfon . " ; South Australian Freemason ; S uth- African- Freemas . ni- ; S-eiety ; Freemason ' s Chronicle Sydney .
The House Committee of thrt Royal Masonic Institution for Boys will meet at Freemasons' Hall . London , at J p . m .. to-morrow ( l ' . ) th inst . ) . The General Committeee of the Royal Masonic Institution for Girls will meet at Freemasons' Hall , London , at 1 p . m ., on Thursday , the 25 th inst .
DRONES . —In all masonic as well as other bodies there will always be found a class of members , and a numerous class of them at that , that may justly be entitled the "no goods " of the order . It is true they pay their annual dues whenever called upon . and . as a rule , ask no benefit in the way of charity : so that , as far as that portion of their duties are concerned , they assist in the support of the Lodge ;
but having done this—to them important duty—their interest in the welfare of the fraternity ceases . To their own minds they are the philanthropists of the Order . Outside of the Lodge , if masonic matters are spoken of , they shake their heads and look wise , tell what ought to be done and what they would do , but when meeting night arrives are generally conspicuous by their absence ; or , if
present , their voices are never heard in debate , their silence being often misleading , as indicating they favour the proposition under discussion , until , should its adoption lead to embarrassment , their " I told you so " will then loudly be heard . Wc allude to the different members who , by their acts , arc governed by the " don't care whether school keeps or not" principle . It is immaterial to
them whether the Order progresses or not . Wanting nothing personally , they care nothing for the interests of others , or the welfare of the body . It is sufficient for them that they are members in good standing of the ancient fraternity , and have the right , as they generally do , to wear a masonic charm somewhere about their clothing . Why , even the " chronic growler " is preferable as a member ; for the growler , while he does some little harm and
-wastes time , shows even by his growling that he takes an interest in passing events , and watches what is going on , and it is much more conducive to the welfare of the many that all speak out at tho time , rather than wait until after the damage is done . Brother , if j'ou are an indifferent member , think this over , and become at once an active one ; for the more active members your lodge has , the better it will be for masonry .
Metropolitan Lodge And Chapter Meetings For The Current Week.
Metropolitan Lodge and Chapter Meetings for the Current Week .
' 'A 11 Lodges held within Ten Miles of FREEMASONS'HAIL , LONDON , are LONDON LODGES . "—General Laws and Begnlations . No . of NAMB OP LODGE AND C HAPTER . PLACE OF MKBTIXG . T „? u ?„ f XAJIE OP LODGE AND CUAVTEH . PLACE OP MEETING . Lodge . Linage . |
( Tins DAY ) ( 3 rd ) THURSDAY , APRIL ISth . 25 Globe F . M . IF . 49 Gihon Guildhall Tav ., E . C . r >!> Constitutional Camion Street Hot ., K . C . 03 St .. llnrv's F . It . IT .
1 CB Temperance White Swim Tav .. Deptford J 7 SJ Manchester AniJerloii ' t . Hot ., KC . 1 S 1 Vnivers-. u V . II . H . 733 AVcslbourne Lord's Hotel , St . John ' s Wood 613 New Concord GniMliaH Tav ., K . C . 12 S 7 Great , Northern F . M . II . I 4 rr > Pcckham Surrey M . H .. Caniberwell 1 SSI 8 Loyspring Anderfnn's Hot .. Fleet . . StreetK . C .
, 1901 Sciwyn Hast Duhvich Hot ., East Dulwich K . A . C . 70 Pythagorean Ship Hot ., Greenwich Marie . POM Accord ' 8 a , lied Lion Sijnnre
( 3 rd ) FRIDAY , APRIL Kith . This being Coon I- ' iiiUAV , the meetings appointed for this date may not be held . C Friendship i Willis ' s Hoonis . King St ., St . James ' s , W . 375 lion- of Denmark ! Greyhound Hole ) . Hii-hmond 1704 Anchor 'Cannon StreetHotKC
, ,., .. 1002 London Lille liri' / aile I Anderton ' s Hotel , K . C . U . A . O . I 92 Jfo / ni ' Albion Tav ., Aldersgate Street , K . C . 153 R St . Manht ' s-ie-Graitd j Guildhall Tavern , Gresham St ., E . C . Mark . 22 G ExcelKior ! M . IL , AVoolwich it . a I 10 Invicta 33 , Golden Square , W .
( 3 rd ) SATURDAY , APRIL 2 (> th . 10-11 Criclilou I Surrey AI . 11 ., Oimljcnvell ll . A . C . 142 St . 'Thomas ' s ' Cannon Street Hot ., K . C . Mark . i 251 Teutcrden j Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet Street , ICC .
( 4 th ) MOXDAY , APRIL 22 nd . 15 ANK HOLIDAY . 20 Castle Lodge til Harmony ... AViliis ' s Kooms , St . James ' s , AV \ 28 Old King's Arms F .. M . H . 222 Hi , Andrew Albion Tav ., Aldersgate Street , K . C . lied x ¦ 2
( lth ) TUESDAY , APRIL 23 rd . 82 AFoira A lliion Tav ., Aldersgate Street , E . C . 145 Prudent Brethren F . AI . II . ISO Industry Ditto 205 Israel Cannon Street Hotel , E . G .
259 Prince of Wales Willis ' s Hoonis , St . James ' s , W . 1318 Kburv Cafe Koyal , Hegent Street , W . 1744 Kovul S-. \ vov 1 ? . M . U " . 2108 Knipire Ci-iterion . Piccadilly , AV . H . A . C . 7 800 Koyr . l York of Perseverance ... F . M . H . 12 G 3 . Stanh-. ipc . Surrey . AI . H ., Gtmberwell
1275 Slur Ship Hot ., Greenwich 13 G 5 Clapton St . Koinlph Chmbrs ., 101 , L'ishpsgte St . 15 . S 9 St . Dunstan ' s Anderton ' s Hot .. Fleet Street , K . C . Mark . 3 Keystone ... Ship and Turtle , Leadenhall St ., E . C . R . C . ¦ 42 St . George 33 , Golden Square , AV . 07 Stmlholme Ditlo
( Ith ) WEDNESDAY , APRIL 21 th . GllAXD FKS'l'lVAI ,. 201 Jordan F . AI . 11 . 212 Knphale < ' Holborn Host . 55-1 High Cross Seven Sister ' s Hot ., Tol . lenh ; . m , X . 1017 Montejjoro Cafe lioyai , Hcgenc Street , AV . 1050 Victoria . Guildhall Tav ., Gresham Street , K . C .
1818 Clapham Army & NavvHot ., Victoria , S . W . K . C . 107 Shadwell Gierke S . i , Led Lion Square , AV . C . ( Ith ) THURSDAY , APRIL 25 th . 03 Prosperity : Guildhall Tav ., Gresham Street , K . C . ( it ; Grenadiers F . II . 11 .
J 99 Shakespeare ... Albion Tuv ., Aldersgate Street , K . C . . 107 'I ' niter ! Pilgrims ISridge House Hotel , S . E . 538 l , a Tolerance F . il . lt . 8-JS Soiuli JlidilJt'scx Beaufort House , North Kml , Fulham «< il l- 'iusliurv I S ( . lioLnljili Cliinlnv ., liisliripsgatc HI Jtoval Oak ! White Swan Tav ., Deptford 1503 City of AVcslinin-ter ! Cafe ltoyal , liegeut Street , \ Y . VJ 74 Si . Mary Abbotts j Ttwit Hall , Kensington
K . A . C , 53-1 Polish X .-ifional ! F . . AMI . P .. C . i 97 Hose ami Lily \ 33 , Golden Square , AV . N . B . will , insert hours of meeting of London Lodges , if summonses are sent to us in , su-lJieient time .. —ED . M . S .