Article Original Correspondence. ← Page 2 of 2 Article Answers to Correspondents. Page 1 of 1 Article Reports of Lodges, &c. Page 1 of 2 Article Reports of Lodges, &c. Page 1 of 2 →
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Original Correspondence.
be guided by more prudence and less passion than the Special Court displayed , for there is no room to doubt that the sudden " thorough breaking away" outlined in its resolutions and angry debate will do incalculable and irretrievable mischief if followed out . Yours very fraternally , A DISGUSTED LANCASTRIAN .
To the Editor of THE MASONIC STAR . DEAR SIR AND BROTHER , Following up my letter of last week . I hold that a new article should be introduced into the constitutions empowering the G . M . to call upon all below the rank of an Installed Master to retire from Grand Lndo-ft when anv matter eoneerninp- Installation
ceremony or the duties , privileges or observances of Installed Masters were to be discussed . By such means only can we get at uniformity or anything approaching it in the matter of Installation . No Committee or Board appointed by Grand Lodge , as at present constituted , can possibly consider and report on such a subject to any but the Installed Master section of Grand Lodge . And
further , as the Act of Union states at Par . I . Bk . of C , " pure and ancient masonry consists of three degrees and no more , viz ., E . A ., F . C ., and M . M ., including the supreme order of the H . R . A ., " it should be made competent for the G . M . to call upon Installed Masters who are not R . A . M . to retire when matters are to be discussed anent R . A . M . and its connection with the M . M . degree , and
the G . L . then duly constituted a Grand Chapter from which if need be , all below the rank of Installed Principals should be asked to retire , . and so on ; but in our present hugger-mugger way of conducting business all progress is stopped , and anything approaching uniformity , or even similarity , rendered utterly impossible . In such matters a hint might very well be taken from the
practice of our Irish brethren—that is , if I am correctly informed , and I believe I am—viz ., in Grand Lodge of Ireland or by the Grand Master , a Grand Instructor is appointed in each province whose duty it is to visit every Lodge in his province annually , and be present while each ceremony is rehearsed by the W . M . or other expert brother of each Lodge , and point out any discrepancies or irregularities , and report to G . L . through the P . G . M . These
examiners are themselves thoroughly examined before appointment , and hence wherever you visit in Ireland you find an exact counterpart in all proceedings , even in matters one might be inclined at first sight to deem objectionable . Such instructor has a diploma which is his warrant to attend any Lodge in his province for the purpose specified . Excuse this rather long-winded epistle , and oblige Yours very fraternally . W . NICHOLL . P . M . 317 .
"QUESTIONS , & c . " To the Editor A / T HE MASONIC STAR . DEAR SIR AND BROTHER . At this season of the year it seems to me that you might wisely make use of the " scissors " for our benefit as a body . The enclosed " Question * , S ' e ., " would probably be of interest to many who have not been able to peruse them . Those who are "learned in the
craft " may also be able to give other information about the same . I fancy that a discussion respecting the ( a ) true and ( b ) supposed history of the Craft would be hailed with delight by young and old alike . Fraternally yours . 13 th June , 1889 . C . W . * * * 11 " eamwt . find , space for your enclosure , " The Examination of a ( Free ) mason , " this week , althouqh it is in type . It will be reserved for an early issue . —ED . M . S .
Answers To Correspondents.
Answers to Correspondents .
MASTKR MASON . —See our remarks under "Our Trestle Board . " SECRETARY , No . G 32 . —T me pressing , we defer notice til ) next week . Meanwhile kindly send us a little more information as to the brethren interested .
Reports Of Lodges, &C.
Reports of Lodges , & c .
DEVON . —PLYMPTON —ST . MAURICE LODGE , NO . 1 « : > . - > . — The annual meeting of this Lodge was held at the Masonic Rooms , Plympton , on the 12 th inst ., when Bro . G . S . Strode Lowe was installed W . M . for the ensuing year in a Board of twenty-two Installed Masters . The ceremony was conducted by W . Bros . Robert
Hambley , P . P . G . D . ; T . J . R . Chalice , P . M . ; G . T . Goad , P . M . : and W . D . Stamp , P . M . There were present a large number of Provincial Grand Officers , members and visitors , and the Masonic work was admirably performed . The W . M . Bro . Strode Lowe presided at the banquet , at the George Hotel , and a pleasant evening was spent in harmony and good fellowship .
ASHBURTON . —The Ashburton Lodge , 2185 , held its anniversary meeting in the lodge room , Commercial Hotel , Ashburton . on the 12 th inst ., when a large gathering of tho members and their friends from the neighbouring lodges assembled to witness the installation of Bro . W . T . Gervis as W . M . The ceremoiry of installation was performed by W . Bro . Oliver , and the W . M . invested his officers as
follows : —Bros . C . G . S . Acock , S . W . ; W . Pengilley , J . W . ; Rev . E . Penwarne-Wellings , chaplain ; II . Stevens , treasurer ; W . J . Fraser , secretary ; F . J . W . Crowe , S . D . ; G . Foot , J . D . ; H . M . Firth , I . G . ; F . Crowe , organist ; E . J . Sawdye , D . C . ; J . Eales , S . ; George Furneaux , T . W . Bro . Charles Vicary impressively gave the charge to the W . M . and officers . The brethren subsequently attended a well-served banquet at Bro .
Reports Of Lodges, &C.
Sawdye ' s , Golden Lion Hotel , and the customary loyal and masonic toasts were duly honoured and met with satisfactory responses . The Tyler ' s toast brought tho list to a close . The proceedings were brightened by music and songs by Bros . Crowe , Fraser . Tanner . Sawdye , Pearce . < fcc . and the evening was a most pleasant one .
LANCASHIRE — LIVERPOOL . — CROXTETH UNITED SERVICE LODGE , No . 786 . —W . Bro . W . W . Jones . W . M . —The installation meeting of this lodge was held on the 13 th inst .. at the Masonic Temple . Hope Street , Liverpool , when W . Bro . W . Marwood was installed W . M . for the ensuing year , in the presence of a numerous gathering from the several lodges in the district , and including numerous Provincial Grand Officers . The installation ceremonv
was admirably performed by W . Bro . E . Sherwood . P . M . and treasurer of the lodge , and the following were severally invested as officers . Bros . J . Chisholm , S . W . ; R . Robertson . J . AV .: F . J . Bailev . P . M .. P . P . G . S . D .. M . C . ; E . Sherwood , P . M .. treas . : J . A . Sherwood , sec .: A . Comett . S . D . ; R . Wilson . J . D . ; W . Hogarth , org . ; C . E . Percival , I . G . ; G . S . Browne , S . S . ; and II . H . Ragg , J . S . A banquet was subsequently served under tho direction of Bro . Casey , the . house steward .
MIDDLESEX . —HAMPTON COURT . —WOLSEY LODGE—1 (; . "><; . — Installation meeting of this lodge was held on Tuesday . 11 th inst .. at the Grevhound Hotel . Present—W . Bro . T . C . Walls . Prov . 0 W . Midx .. P . M . Ml , kc . W . M . ; Bros . R . Drummond , S . W .: E . Dare . J . W . - . J . Featherstone . P . M .. treas . ; W . T . Peat . sec .: II . Sapsworth , W . M . 2032 . S . D . ; T . Grant , J . D . ; II . Bond . I . G . : J . Hunt , steward Past Masters F . L . Chandler , Prov . G . A . P ., and T . W . Ockenden P . Prov . G . D . Among- the visitors were W . Bros . Howard II . Room
Prov . G . S .. Middlesex ; E . Warner , P . M . 1703 ; B . E . Blasby , P . M . 780 , 2032 ; George Bugler , P . M . 975 ; Charles Cousins P . M . 209 ; also a good attendance of brethren . The lodge was in mourning in token of respect to memory of the late Bro . R . Masters . Bro . T . C . Walls performed the installation ceremony in a perfect and impressive manner . Bro . R . Drummond having been duly installed
in the chair of K . S ., invested the following officers : —Bros . Dare , S . W . ; Sapsworth . J . W . ; Featherstone , P . 31 ., treas .: Peat . sec . ; Grant . S . D . ; Bond , J . D . ; Spooner , I . G . ; Hunt . D . C , and J . J . Smith and Plambock , stewards . W . Bro . Capt . T . C . Walls was the recipient of a handsome P . M ' s jewel , in recognition of his services as W . M . and founder of the lodge . A substantial donation was placed on
Bro . Walls' list as steward from the lodge to the R . M . I , for Boys . After the lodge closed the brethren partook of a well-served banquet , reflecting great credit upon Bro . J . B . Mella and his staff of assistants . W . Bro . II . Room , Prov . Grand Sec . took occasion during the evening to compliment the brethren on the management of the work , each officer being able to perform his allotted function with
credit to himself and the lodge also . Owing to the absence of Bro W . C . Page , the organist , the musical programme had to undergo considerable alteration , but obliging brethren were forthcoming in the persons of Bros . II . Room , T . 0 . Walls , T . AV . Ockenden , AV J . Peat , and others . The tyler ' s toast brought a very enjoj-ablo evening to a close . Before separating it was unanimously agreed
that Bro . R . Drummond , the AV . M ., should represent the lodge on the Committee re the AA oodward testimonial , and that a sum should be granted from the funds of the lodge to the same . AV . Bro . J . F . H . Woodward , P . G . S . B ., P . Prov . G . Sec , has well earned a recognition of his valuable services , the Province having benefitted much during his secretaryship .
FELTHAM—LEBANON LODGE , No . 123 f > . —The election meeting of this Lodge was held at the Railway Hotel , Feltham , on Saturday last . Lodge was opened with commendable punctuality by the AA . M . Bro . Edwin Arthur Smith , and at that tint' ? and during the afternoon the following brethren were present : —Bros . C . AV . Baker , S . AV . ; J . A . AVilson , J . AV . ; Samuel Page . Treas . ; J . AV . Baldwin . P . M ., P . P . G . D ., Sec . ; James C . Goslin , S . D . ; S . AVheeler , J . D . ; F . Dunstan , I . G . ; E . AVhelan . C . S . ; A . Robertson . AV . S . ;
F . AValler , P . M ., P . P . G . D . ; J . J . Maul , P . M ., P . P . Gd . S . B . ; .
Laurence , I . P . M . ; James Stevens , P . M ., hon . mem . ; P . Lodge , AV . II . Davey , AV . J . Ball , John Amey , George Andrews , and others , and John Gilbert . Tyler . A isitors - . —Bros . G . Stoukwin . Dalhousie Slid ; and J . R . Cordill , New Concord 813 . The work in Lodge comprised the initiation of Messrs . AV . II . Davey . David Moss , and S . II . Flatten , by the AV . M .. and of Mr . John
Exton . by AV . Bro . Marsh , P . M .: the passing to the degree of F . C . of Bro . B . G . Andrews , by the AA . M . ; the reading of the Bye-laws ; the subsequent election of Bro . C . AA . Baker as AV . M ., Bro . Samuel Page as Treas ., and Bro . John Gilbert as Tyler for the ensuing j ^ ear the appointment of an audit committee ; and the acceptance of a notice of motion by Bro . F . AValters for the presentation of a
valuable P . M . jewel to the retiring master . As is the custom in this excellent and ever-increasing Lodge , the ceremonies were carried through by the respective officers in a most perfect and impressive manner ; and the orderlj' arrangements resulting from a strict adherence to the bye-laws gave proof of the quality of the leadership which has of late years directed all its concerns . It is
well deserving- the encouragement which is given to it by the Provincial Grand Lodge , in which it retains a conspicuous position , and Ave are pleased to learn that it is intended to place another of its valued members in the ranks of Provincial Grand Officers . Its importance to the charities of the institution is well-known , for year after j'ear the Lodge has been represented by stewardships to
each of the three Institutions , and it seems to be a much desired honour amongst its members to obtain the position of representation steward at each recurring festival . The forthcoming festival of the Boys' School has the support of the AA 7 . M . as Steward : there are two named for the Benevolent Institution , and one each for the
Girls' and Boys' Schools respectively in 1 S 90 ; and at this meetingnominations were made for tho festivals of 1891 . The thanks of the Lodge were voted to Bro . John Amey for his representation of the Lodge ( he was , in fact , the only representative of the entire province ) at the late festival of the Girls' School . Some cases of required assistance having been considered and decided upon ; and
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Original Correspondence.
be guided by more prudence and less passion than the Special Court displayed , for there is no room to doubt that the sudden " thorough breaking away" outlined in its resolutions and angry debate will do incalculable and irretrievable mischief if followed out . Yours very fraternally , A DISGUSTED LANCASTRIAN .
To the Editor of THE MASONIC STAR . DEAR SIR AND BROTHER , Following up my letter of last week . I hold that a new article should be introduced into the constitutions empowering the G . M . to call upon all below the rank of an Installed Master to retire from Grand Lndo-ft when anv matter eoneerninp- Installation
ceremony or the duties , privileges or observances of Installed Masters were to be discussed . By such means only can we get at uniformity or anything approaching it in the matter of Installation . No Committee or Board appointed by Grand Lodge , as at present constituted , can possibly consider and report on such a subject to any but the Installed Master section of Grand Lodge . And
further , as the Act of Union states at Par . I . Bk . of C , " pure and ancient masonry consists of three degrees and no more , viz ., E . A ., F . C ., and M . M ., including the supreme order of the H . R . A ., " it should be made competent for the G . M . to call upon Installed Masters who are not R . A . M . to retire when matters are to be discussed anent R . A . M . and its connection with the M . M . degree , and
the G . L . then duly constituted a Grand Chapter from which if need be , all below the rank of Installed Principals should be asked to retire , . and so on ; but in our present hugger-mugger way of conducting business all progress is stopped , and anything approaching uniformity , or even similarity , rendered utterly impossible . In such matters a hint might very well be taken from the
practice of our Irish brethren—that is , if I am correctly informed , and I believe I am—viz ., in Grand Lodge of Ireland or by the Grand Master , a Grand Instructor is appointed in each province whose duty it is to visit every Lodge in his province annually , and be present while each ceremony is rehearsed by the W . M . or other expert brother of each Lodge , and point out any discrepancies or irregularities , and report to G . L . through the P . G . M . These
examiners are themselves thoroughly examined before appointment , and hence wherever you visit in Ireland you find an exact counterpart in all proceedings , even in matters one might be inclined at first sight to deem objectionable . Such instructor has a diploma which is his warrant to attend any Lodge in his province for the purpose specified . Excuse this rather long-winded epistle , and oblige Yours very fraternally . W . NICHOLL . P . M . 317 .
"QUESTIONS , & c . " To the Editor A / T HE MASONIC STAR . DEAR SIR AND BROTHER . At this season of the year it seems to me that you might wisely make use of the " scissors " for our benefit as a body . The enclosed " Question * , S ' e ., " would probably be of interest to many who have not been able to peruse them . Those who are "learned in the
craft " may also be able to give other information about the same . I fancy that a discussion respecting the ( a ) true and ( b ) supposed history of the Craft would be hailed with delight by young and old alike . Fraternally yours . 13 th June , 1889 . C . W . * * * 11 " eamwt . find , space for your enclosure , " The Examination of a ( Free ) mason , " this week , althouqh it is in type . It will be reserved for an early issue . —ED . M . S .
Answers To Correspondents.
Answers to Correspondents .
MASTKR MASON . —See our remarks under "Our Trestle Board . " SECRETARY , No . G 32 . —T me pressing , we defer notice til ) next week . Meanwhile kindly send us a little more information as to the brethren interested .
Reports Of Lodges, &C.
Reports of Lodges , & c .
DEVON . —PLYMPTON —ST . MAURICE LODGE , NO . 1 « : > . - > . — The annual meeting of this Lodge was held at the Masonic Rooms , Plympton , on the 12 th inst ., when Bro . G . S . Strode Lowe was installed W . M . for the ensuing year in a Board of twenty-two Installed Masters . The ceremony was conducted by W . Bros . Robert
Hambley , P . P . G . D . ; T . J . R . Chalice , P . M . ; G . T . Goad , P . M . : and W . D . Stamp , P . M . There were present a large number of Provincial Grand Officers , members and visitors , and the Masonic work was admirably performed . The W . M . Bro . Strode Lowe presided at the banquet , at the George Hotel , and a pleasant evening was spent in harmony and good fellowship .
ASHBURTON . —The Ashburton Lodge , 2185 , held its anniversary meeting in the lodge room , Commercial Hotel , Ashburton . on the 12 th inst ., when a large gathering of tho members and their friends from the neighbouring lodges assembled to witness the installation of Bro . W . T . Gervis as W . M . The ceremoiry of installation was performed by W . Bro . Oliver , and the W . M . invested his officers as
follows : —Bros . C . G . S . Acock , S . W . ; W . Pengilley , J . W . ; Rev . E . Penwarne-Wellings , chaplain ; II . Stevens , treasurer ; W . J . Fraser , secretary ; F . J . W . Crowe , S . D . ; G . Foot , J . D . ; H . M . Firth , I . G . ; F . Crowe , organist ; E . J . Sawdye , D . C . ; J . Eales , S . ; George Furneaux , T . W . Bro . Charles Vicary impressively gave the charge to the W . M . and officers . The brethren subsequently attended a well-served banquet at Bro .
Reports Of Lodges, &C.
Sawdye ' s , Golden Lion Hotel , and the customary loyal and masonic toasts were duly honoured and met with satisfactory responses . The Tyler ' s toast brought tho list to a close . The proceedings were brightened by music and songs by Bros . Crowe , Fraser . Tanner . Sawdye , Pearce . < fcc . and the evening was a most pleasant one .
LANCASHIRE — LIVERPOOL . — CROXTETH UNITED SERVICE LODGE , No . 786 . —W . Bro . W . W . Jones . W . M . —The installation meeting of this lodge was held on the 13 th inst .. at the Masonic Temple . Hope Street , Liverpool , when W . Bro . W . Marwood was installed W . M . for the ensuing year , in the presence of a numerous gathering from the several lodges in the district , and including numerous Provincial Grand Officers . The installation ceremonv
was admirably performed by W . Bro . E . Sherwood . P . M . and treasurer of the lodge , and the following were severally invested as officers . Bros . J . Chisholm , S . W . ; R . Robertson . J . AV .: F . J . Bailev . P . M .. P . P . G . S . D .. M . C . ; E . Sherwood , P . M .. treas . : J . A . Sherwood , sec .: A . Comett . S . D . ; R . Wilson . J . D . ; W . Hogarth , org . ; C . E . Percival , I . G . ; G . S . Browne , S . S . ; and II . H . Ragg , J . S . A banquet was subsequently served under tho direction of Bro . Casey , the . house steward .
MIDDLESEX . —HAMPTON COURT . —WOLSEY LODGE—1 (; . "><; . — Installation meeting of this lodge was held on Tuesday . 11 th inst .. at the Grevhound Hotel . Present—W . Bro . T . C . Walls . Prov . 0 W . Midx .. P . M . Ml , kc . W . M . ; Bros . R . Drummond , S . W .: E . Dare . J . W . - . J . Featherstone . P . M .. treas . ; W . T . Peat . sec .: II . Sapsworth , W . M . 2032 . S . D . ; T . Grant , J . D . ; II . Bond . I . G . : J . Hunt , steward Past Masters F . L . Chandler , Prov . G . A . P ., and T . W . Ockenden P . Prov . G . D . Among- the visitors were W . Bros . Howard II . Room
Prov . G . S .. Middlesex ; E . Warner , P . M . 1703 ; B . E . Blasby , P . M . 780 , 2032 ; George Bugler , P . M . 975 ; Charles Cousins P . M . 209 ; also a good attendance of brethren . The lodge was in mourning in token of respect to memory of the late Bro . R . Masters . Bro . T . C . Walls performed the installation ceremony in a perfect and impressive manner . Bro . R . Drummond having been duly installed
in the chair of K . S ., invested the following officers : —Bros . Dare , S . W . ; Sapsworth . J . W . ; Featherstone , P . 31 ., treas .: Peat . sec . ; Grant . S . D . ; Bond , J . D . ; Spooner , I . G . ; Hunt . D . C , and J . J . Smith and Plambock , stewards . W . Bro . Capt . T . C . Walls was the recipient of a handsome P . M ' s jewel , in recognition of his services as W . M . and founder of the lodge . A substantial donation was placed on
Bro . Walls' list as steward from the lodge to the R . M . I , for Boys . After the lodge closed the brethren partook of a well-served banquet , reflecting great credit upon Bro . J . B . Mella and his staff of assistants . W . Bro . II . Room , Prov . Grand Sec . took occasion during the evening to compliment the brethren on the management of the work , each officer being able to perform his allotted function with
credit to himself and the lodge also . Owing to the absence of Bro W . C . Page , the organist , the musical programme had to undergo considerable alteration , but obliging brethren were forthcoming in the persons of Bros . II . Room , T . 0 . Walls , T . AV . Ockenden , AV J . Peat , and others . The tyler ' s toast brought a very enjoj-ablo evening to a close . Before separating it was unanimously agreed
that Bro . R . Drummond , the AV . M ., should represent the lodge on the Committee re the AA oodward testimonial , and that a sum should be granted from the funds of the lodge to the same . AV . Bro . J . F . H . Woodward , P . G . S . B ., P . Prov . G . Sec , has well earned a recognition of his valuable services , the Province having benefitted much during his secretaryship .
FELTHAM—LEBANON LODGE , No . 123 f > . —The election meeting of this Lodge was held at the Railway Hotel , Feltham , on Saturday last . Lodge was opened with commendable punctuality by the AA . M . Bro . Edwin Arthur Smith , and at that tint' ? and during the afternoon the following brethren were present : —Bros . C . AV . Baker , S . AV . ; J . A . AVilson , J . AV . ; Samuel Page . Treas . ; J . AV . Baldwin . P . M ., P . P . G . D ., Sec . ; James C . Goslin , S . D . ; S . AVheeler , J . D . ; F . Dunstan , I . G . ; E . AVhelan . C . S . ; A . Robertson . AV . S . ;
F . AValler , P . M ., P . P . G . D . ; J . J . Maul , P . M ., P . P . Gd . S . B . ; .
Laurence , I . P . M . ; James Stevens , P . M ., hon . mem . ; P . Lodge , AV . II . Davey , AV . J . Ball , John Amey , George Andrews , and others , and John Gilbert . Tyler . A isitors - . —Bros . G . Stoukwin . Dalhousie Slid ; and J . R . Cordill , New Concord 813 . The work in Lodge comprised the initiation of Messrs . AV . II . Davey . David Moss , and S . II . Flatten , by the AV . M .. and of Mr . John
Exton . by AV . Bro . Marsh , P . M .: the passing to the degree of F . C . of Bro . B . G . Andrews , by the AA . M . ; the reading of the Bye-laws ; the subsequent election of Bro . C . AA . Baker as AV . M ., Bro . Samuel Page as Treas ., and Bro . John Gilbert as Tyler for the ensuing j ^ ear the appointment of an audit committee ; and the acceptance of a notice of motion by Bro . F . AValters for the presentation of a
valuable P . M . jewel to the retiring master . As is the custom in this excellent and ever-increasing Lodge , the ceremonies were carried through by the respective officers in a most perfect and impressive manner ; and the orderlj' arrangements resulting from a strict adherence to the bye-laws gave proof of the quality of the leadership which has of late years directed all its concerns . It is
well deserving- the encouragement which is given to it by the Provincial Grand Lodge , in which it retains a conspicuous position , and Ave are pleased to learn that it is intended to place another of its valued members in the ranks of Provincial Grand Officers . Its importance to the charities of the institution is well-known , for year after j'ear the Lodge has been represented by stewardships to
each of the three Institutions , and it seems to be a much desired honour amongst its members to obtain the position of representation steward at each recurring festival . The forthcoming festival of the Boys' School has the support of the AA 7 . M . as Steward : there are two named for the Benevolent Institution , and one each for the
Girls' and Boys' Schools respectively in 1 S 90 ; and at this meetingnominations were made for tho festivals of 1891 . The thanks of the Lodge were voted to Bro . John Amey for his representation of the Lodge ( he was , in fact , the only representative of the entire province ) at the late festival of the Girls' School . Some cases of required assistance having been considered and decided upon ; and