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Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Engal jWasflttk Ittstitutintt fnr Jtogs , WOOD GREEN , LONDON , N . Grand Patron—HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN . President—H . R . H . TUE PRINCE OF WALES , K . G ., M . W . G . M . THE NINETY-FIRST ANNIVERSARY FESTIVAL , AT THE ALEXANDRA PALACE , MUSWELL HILL , Oxx WEDNESDAY , 3 x * A JULY , 1889 . V . W . BRO . RICHARD EVE , PAST GRAND TREASURER ; P . P . G-. S . W . HANTS & I . OF AVIGUT , PATRON OF INST . ( Patron R . M . I . Girls ; Patron R . M . Benevolent Institution ) , in tho Chair . Officers of Vie Hoard of Stewards : President—V . W . Bro . H . B . MARSHALL , J . P ., P . G . Treas ., Patron of Inst . Hon . Treas . —W . Bro . CllAS . FREDK HOGAHD , P . G . Stil . B ., V .-Pres . of Just . Hon . Sec—W . Bro . FREDK . BINCKES , P . G . Std ., P . G . Swd . B ., Sec , & V .-J ' at . of Inst . Dinner Tickets—Ladies , lOs . 6 d . Gentlemen , 21 s . Morning Dress . No Masonic Clothing or Jewels , Steward ' s Badge excepted . Dinner on the Table at Six o'clock precisely . Musical arrangements under the direction of Bro . Edward P . Delavante , Xo . 1319 . Office—6 , FREEMASONS'HALL , AV . C . FREDERICK BINCKES , May , 1889 . Secretary .
Provincial Grand Lodge of Middlesex . R . W . BRO . COLONEL SIR FRANCIS BURDETT . BART ., P . S . G . W . OF ENGLAND , Representative from the Grand Lodge of Ireland . PROVINCIAL GRAND MASTER . 30 , Eardley Crescent . Earl ' s Court , London , S . W . June 15 th , 18811 . THE ANNUAL MEETING of the Provincial Grand Lodge will be held at the TOAVN HALL , TWICKENHAM , on Saturday , June 29 th , at Three o ' clock p . m . By command of the R . W . Provincial Grand Master , HOWARD H . ROOM , P . M ., Frov . Grand Sec . N . B .- The TOWN HALL is in the centre of the Town . Banquet at the Town Hall , at 5 . 30 , Cold . Tickets , 8 / 6 each , exclusive of Wine . Brethren intending to dine are requested to apply for Tickets ( with a remittance ) to the Provincial Grand Secretary on or before June 2 Gth , otherwise it will be impossible to make satisfactory arrangements , and in order to secure the comfort of those Brethren who have obtained Tickets , none can be issued after that dale . Trains , from Waterloo , 2 . 0 , 2 . 10 , 2 . 17 , 2 . 20 . ; from Twickenham , very frequent . There will be a short Service at the Parish Church , Twickenham , at 4 . 30 p . m . ( Saturday being market day at Twickenham , the brethren will not go to Church in procession or in Masonic clothing . ) MORNING DRESS .
ROYAL ORDER OF SCOTLAND . Provincial Grand Lodge of London and the Metropolitan Counties . THE Knight Companions will meet in Council at 33 , Golden Square , W ., on SATURDAY , the 13 th July , 1889 , at 2 . 30 for 3 p . m . precisely , and the R . W . Prov . G . M . desires the attendance of all duly qualified Brethren . Names and addresses of Candidates with name of Chapter , must be sent to me not later than the 3 rd July next . The ANNUAL BANQUET will be held at the Zoological Gardens , Regent's Park , N . W ., at 6 . 30 precisely . By Order , 28 , Golden Square , W . FRANK RICHARDSON , Prov . G . See .
ESTABLISHED 1851 . BIBKBECK BANK , Southampton Buildings , Chancery Lane . THREE per CENT . INTEREST allowed on DEPOSITS repayable on demand . TWO per CENT , on CURRENT ACCOUNTS , calculated on the minimum monthly balances , when not drawn below £ 100 . The BIRKBECK ALMANACK , with full particulars , can be obtained post free , on application to FRANCIS RAVENSCROFT Manager The Birkbeck Building Society ' s Annual Beceipts exceed Five Millions . HOW TO PURCHASE A HOUSE FOR TWO GUINEAS PER MONTH , OR A PLOT OF LAND FOR FIVE SHILLINGS PER MONTH . Apply at the o ffice of the BIRKBECK FREEHOLD LAND SOCIETY . The BIRKBECK ALMANACK , with full particulars , on application . FRANCIS RAVENSCROFT Manager . 'Southampton Buildings , Chancery Lane .
j HOTELS Recommended to the Subscribers to the "Masonic Star . " QTAR AND GARTER HOTEL , KEW BRIDGE , k 3 Bro . JOHN BRILL , Proprietor . Seven Lodges and Chapters hold in the Hotel , which possesses Special Facilities for Concerts , Evening Parties and Banquets . Scale of Charges on Application .
MAYO'S CASTLE HOTEL , EAST MOLESEY , Hampton Court Station ( adjoining the Railwav and facing the River and Palace ) . Bro . Jonx MAYO has ample accommodation in the new wing for Banquets for any number up to 100 . . Spacious landing lo River . Specimens of Menus , with prices , sent on application . Three Lodges meet at tho Castle Hotel , and reference may be made to the respective Masters as to the catering , & e .
B RIDGE HOUSE HOTEL , LONDON BRIDGE , S . E ., PEARCE & Sox , Proprietors . Dinners , Wedding Breakfasts , Balls , Soirees , Concerts , Masonic , Public , or Private Meetings , & c . The Suite of Booms for Balls and Concerts includes the Bali Room , Ante-Room , Refreshment and Supper Rooms and Ladies' Retiring Rooms . The Masonic Temple will seat 40 . Terms on Application .
BOURNEMOUTH . Board and Residence , south aspect , close to the Sea , Pleasure Gardens : centre of Town ; Home comforts Terms , 30 ' -. Apply M . A . Hood , Caversham , Poole Hill .
QT . ELMO ( BOARDING HOUSE ) , No . 13 , LOCH kJ PROMENADE , DOUGLAS , ISLJi ^ HP-JktAN . Incomparably the Queen of Northern Watering Pl-tf & J & 3 iiifiosI \ T . SCREECH begs respectfully to offer to intending ^ agftors t < vthi $ \ harmiiig health and pleasure resort the comforti / TO ? aQ $ AM § esYSN a Home from Home . This establishment , witj ^ an o ^ l r _ po ^ i : gc & Vi ( 17 years ) , is conveniently situated on the ma / e-m of the bacuwiful Bay , and within two minutes ' walk of the Y ^^ kW § F ^ 6 ?^ E / arrangements being personally superintended by M ^^ HIMJJUJ fil } fl Mrs . SCREECH . First-class Cuisine—Terms moderatKs ^ JQHM ^ fSpJs on application .
QEA HOUSE HOTEL , MIDDLE ST ., BRIGHTON . k 3 —THOMAS Grmss ( late Supt . Brighton Police Kire Brigade ) . Choicest Wines and Spirits , Pine Foreign Cigars , Billiards , Private Apartments .
PARSON'S HOTEL , RIO DE JANEIRO , BRAZIL . V ^ English home comforts , and all information about Brazil , will 1 ) 0 found in this Hotel . AVM . P . CARSON * , Proprietor .
EXPOSITION UN 1 VERSELLE DE PARIS , 188 !> . ^ NGLO ~ FRENCH VILLAG E SHI HOTEL DES BAINS , Avenue de Versailles , Auteuil , PARIS NEAR THE EXHIBITION . nnn Comfortable Bedrooms ; plenty of water and baths ; flood English Food , 0 UU or Cuisine Franeaisr ; Concert Hall aud Cafe attached to the Building ; Harden and River ( the Seine ) , with Boating . All the features of a Club ; certain accommodation by day , week , or month . PHIL-KS : Bedroom per Night ( including Attendance ) 5 s . Breakfast and Dinner at Ordinary London Tariff . Secretary : THE llox . C . CADOOAN * . Director at Paris : Jlr . C . mi CJIASTKLAIX . Rooms may be reserved at the Oiliccs of Mr . K . CI . AHK . 432 , Strand ; Messrs . CUTIIIKRTSOX & Co ., 44 , Bromptou Road , Knightsbridge ; and Mr . Joux Puoc-roit , 81 . Graceelmrch Street , B . C .
"WAISTTED . SECOND-HAND Lodge Furniture , Oak or Mahogany preferred ; also Clothing . Reply , with inventory , price and order to view , to X ., Office of this paper .
TO IBIE . LET . TO THE TEA TRADE . Anyone requiring a Fine First Floor , situated close to Lcadenhall Street , and within 3 minutes of Mark and Mincing Lanes . Rent £ 50 . Apply—BLAND & CAMPION , 15 , Fenchurch Street , E . C .
TO FOUNDERS OF LODGES , CHAPTERS , PRECEPTORIES , & c . The Windsor Castle Masonic Temple to be let . Replete with every convenience ( including Organ ) for Craft Lodges , R . A . Chapters , Encampments , Preceptories , & c . Resident Tyler . Apply to E . GRISBROOK , Windsor .
The SUCCESSFUL TREATMENT of Gout and Rheumatism and the Recipe . byH . T . LAIT , Pressingfield , Harleston , Norfolk . Free to all on receipt of stamp for postage . " Mr . Lait's aim is to eradicate the disease from the system by removing the cause , and this is most successfully done by his treatment . " — The Court Journal . " Mr . Lait ' s remedy lias proved most successful , aud that his treatment is the true one seems beyond all doubt . "—The Ipswich Journal .
WANTED TO PURCHASE , a complete set of Craft and Arch Working- Tools . Apply by letter , " Manager , " MASONIC STAR Newspaper . 59 , Moor Lane , E . C .
ALFRED W . MURRAY , Merchant and Military Tailor , 27 , KING STREET , LONDON , E . C . First-class Materials and Perfect Fit Guaranteed . Pricru exceedingly moderate . Inspection invited .
Crown 8 vo ., 2 / 6 . Cloth , lettered ( post free ) , 2 / 9 . " UNIFORMITY OF MASONIC RITUAL AND OBSERVANCE , " By W . Bro . JAMES STEVENS , P . M ., P . Z ., & o . With which is also published the masonic poems —•' MASONS' Vow .- ' , " "THE LEVEL AND THE S (_ UAKK , " and " THE GENIUS OF MASONRY . " Address : — " Evelyn , " Catford , S . E .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Engal jWasflttk Ittstitutintt fnr Jtogs , WOOD GREEN , LONDON , N . Grand Patron—HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN . President—H . R . H . TUE PRINCE OF WALES , K . G ., M . W . G . M . THE NINETY-FIRST ANNIVERSARY FESTIVAL , AT THE ALEXANDRA PALACE , MUSWELL HILL , Oxx WEDNESDAY , 3 x * A JULY , 1889 . V . W . BRO . RICHARD EVE , PAST GRAND TREASURER ; P . P . G-. S . W . HANTS & I . OF AVIGUT , PATRON OF INST . ( Patron R . M . I . Girls ; Patron R . M . Benevolent Institution ) , in tho Chair . Officers of Vie Hoard of Stewards : President—V . W . Bro . H . B . MARSHALL , J . P ., P . G . Treas ., Patron of Inst . Hon . Treas . —W . Bro . CllAS . FREDK HOGAHD , P . G . Stil . B ., V .-Pres . of Just . Hon . Sec—W . Bro . FREDK . BINCKES , P . G . Std ., P . G . Swd . B ., Sec , & V .-J ' at . of Inst . Dinner Tickets—Ladies , lOs . 6 d . Gentlemen , 21 s . Morning Dress . No Masonic Clothing or Jewels , Steward ' s Badge excepted . Dinner on the Table at Six o'clock precisely . Musical arrangements under the direction of Bro . Edward P . Delavante , Xo . 1319 . Office—6 , FREEMASONS'HALL , AV . C . FREDERICK BINCKES , May , 1889 . Secretary .
Provincial Grand Lodge of Middlesex . R . W . BRO . COLONEL SIR FRANCIS BURDETT . BART ., P . S . G . W . OF ENGLAND , Representative from the Grand Lodge of Ireland . PROVINCIAL GRAND MASTER . 30 , Eardley Crescent . Earl ' s Court , London , S . W . June 15 th , 18811 . THE ANNUAL MEETING of the Provincial Grand Lodge will be held at the TOAVN HALL , TWICKENHAM , on Saturday , June 29 th , at Three o ' clock p . m . By command of the R . W . Provincial Grand Master , HOWARD H . ROOM , P . M ., Frov . Grand Sec . N . B .- The TOWN HALL is in the centre of the Town . Banquet at the Town Hall , at 5 . 30 , Cold . Tickets , 8 / 6 each , exclusive of Wine . Brethren intending to dine are requested to apply for Tickets ( with a remittance ) to the Provincial Grand Secretary on or before June 2 Gth , otherwise it will be impossible to make satisfactory arrangements , and in order to secure the comfort of those Brethren who have obtained Tickets , none can be issued after that dale . Trains , from Waterloo , 2 . 0 , 2 . 10 , 2 . 17 , 2 . 20 . ; from Twickenham , very frequent . There will be a short Service at the Parish Church , Twickenham , at 4 . 30 p . m . ( Saturday being market day at Twickenham , the brethren will not go to Church in procession or in Masonic clothing . ) MORNING DRESS .
ROYAL ORDER OF SCOTLAND . Provincial Grand Lodge of London and the Metropolitan Counties . THE Knight Companions will meet in Council at 33 , Golden Square , W ., on SATURDAY , the 13 th July , 1889 , at 2 . 30 for 3 p . m . precisely , and the R . W . Prov . G . M . desires the attendance of all duly qualified Brethren . Names and addresses of Candidates with name of Chapter , must be sent to me not later than the 3 rd July next . The ANNUAL BANQUET will be held at the Zoological Gardens , Regent's Park , N . W ., at 6 . 30 precisely . By Order , 28 , Golden Square , W . FRANK RICHARDSON , Prov . G . See .
ESTABLISHED 1851 . BIBKBECK BANK , Southampton Buildings , Chancery Lane . THREE per CENT . INTEREST allowed on DEPOSITS repayable on demand . TWO per CENT , on CURRENT ACCOUNTS , calculated on the minimum monthly balances , when not drawn below £ 100 . The BIRKBECK ALMANACK , with full particulars , can be obtained post free , on application to FRANCIS RAVENSCROFT Manager The Birkbeck Building Society ' s Annual Beceipts exceed Five Millions . HOW TO PURCHASE A HOUSE FOR TWO GUINEAS PER MONTH , OR A PLOT OF LAND FOR FIVE SHILLINGS PER MONTH . Apply at the o ffice of the BIRKBECK FREEHOLD LAND SOCIETY . The BIRKBECK ALMANACK , with full particulars , on application . FRANCIS RAVENSCROFT Manager . 'Southampton Buildings , Chancery Lane .
j HOTELS Recommended to the Subscribers to the "Masonic Star . " QTAR AND GARTER HOTEL , KEW BRIDGE , k 3 Bro . JOHN BRILL , Proprietor . Seven Lodges and Chapters hold in the Hotel , which possesses Special Facilities for Concerts , Evening Parties and Banquets . Scale of Charges on Application .
MAYO'S CASTLE HOTEL , EAST MOLESEY , Hampton Court Station ( adjoining the Railwav and facing the River and Palace ) . Bro . Jonx MAYO has ample accommodation in the new wing for Banquets for any number up to 100 . . Spacious landing lo River . Specimens of Menus , with prices , sent on application . Three Lodges meet at tho Castle Hotel , and reference may be made to the respective Masters as to the catering , & e .
B RIDGE HOUSE HOTEL , LONDON BRIDGE , S . E ., PEARCE & Sox , Proprietors . Dinners , Wedding Breakfasts , Balls , Soirees , Concerts , Masonic , Public , or Private Meetings , & c . The Suite of Booms for Balls and Concerts includes the Bali Room , Ante-Room , Refreshment and Supper Rooms and Ladies' Retiring Rooms . The Masonic Temple will seat 40 . Terms on Application .
BOURNEMOUTH . Board and Residence , south aspect , close to the Sea , Pleasure Gardens : centre of Town ; Home comforts Terms , 30 ' -. Apply M . A . Hood , Caversham , Poole Hill .
QT . ELMO ( BOARDING HOUSE ) , No . 13 , LOCH kJ PROMENADE , DOUGLAS , ISLJi ^ HP-JktAN . Incomparably the Queen of Northern Watering Pl-tf & J & 3 iiifiosI \ T . SCREECH begs respectfully to offer to intending ^ agftors t < vthi $ \ harmiiig health and pleasure resort the comforti / TO ? aQ $ AM § esYSN a Home from Home . This establishment , witj ^ an o ^ l r _ po ^ i : gc & Vi ( 17 years ) , is conveniently situated on the ma / e-m of the bacuwiful Bay , and within two minutes ' walk of the Y ^^ kW § F ^ 6 ?^ E / arrangements being personally superintended by M ^^ HIMJJUJ fil } fl Mrs . SCREECH . First-class Cuisine—Terms moderatKs ^ JQHM ^ fSpJs on application .
QEA HOUSE HOTEL , MIDDLE ST ., BRIGHTON . k 3 —THOMAS Grmss ( late Supt . Brighton Police Kire Brigade ) . Choicest Wines and Spirits , Pine Foreign Cigars , Billiards , Private Apartments .
PARSON'S HOTEL , RIO DE JANEIRO , BRAZIL . V ^ English home comforts , and all information about Brazil , will 1 ) 0 found in this Hotel . AVM . P . CARSON * , Proprietor .
EXPOSITION UN 1 VERSELLE DE PARIS , 188 !> . ^ NGLO ~ FRENCH VILLAG E SHI HOTEL DES BAINS , Avenue de Versailles , Auteuil , PARIS NEAR THE EXHIBITION . nnn Comfortable Bedrooms ; plenty of water and baths ; flood English Food , 0 UU or Cuisine Franeaisr ; Concert Hall aud Cafe attached to the Building ; Harden and River ( the Seine ) , with Boating . All the features of a Club ; certain accommodation by day , week , or month . PHIL-KS : Bedroom per Night ( including Attendance ) 5 s . Breakfast and Dinner at Ordinary London Tariff . Secretary : THE llox . C . CADOOAN * . Director at Paris : Jlr . C . mi CJIASTKLAIX . Rooms may be reserved at the Oiliccs of Mr . K . CI . AHK . 432 , Strand ; Messrs . CUTIIIKRTSOX & Co ., 44 , Bromptou Road , Knightsbridge ; and Mr . Joux Puoc-roit , 81 . Graceelmrch Street , B . C .
"WAISTTED . SECOND-HAND Lodge Furniture , Oak or Mahogany preferred ; also Clothing . Reply , with inventory , price and order to view , to X ., Office of this paper .
TO IBIE . LET . TO THE TEA TRADE . Anyone requiring a Fine First Floor , situated close to Lcadenhall Street , and within 3 minutes of Mark and Mincing Lanes . Rent £ 50 . Apply—BLAND & CAMPION , 15 , Fenchurch Street , E . C .
TO FOUNDERS OF LODGES , CHAPTERS , PRECEPTORIES , & c . The Windsor Castle Masonic Temple to be let . Replete with every convenience ( including Organ ) for Craft Lodges , R . A . Chapters , Encampments , Preceptories , & c . Resident Tyler . Apply to E . GRISBROOK , Windsor .
The SUCCESSFUL TREATMENT of Gout and Rheumatism and the Recipe . byH . T . LAIT , Pressingfield , Harleston , Norfolk . Free to all on receipt of stamp for postage . " Mr . Lait's aim is to eradicate the disease from the system by removing the cause , and this is most successfully done by his treatment . " — The Court Journal . " Mr . Lait ' s remedy lias proved most successful , aud that his treatment is the true one seems beyond all doubt . "—The Ipswich Journal .
WANTED TO PURCHASE , a complete set of Craft and Arch Working- Tools . Apply by letter , " Manager , " MASONIC STAR Newspaper . 59 , Moor Lane , E . C .
ALFRED W . MURRAY , Merchant and Military Tailor , 27 , KING STREET , LONDON , E . C . First-class Materials and Perfect Fit Guaranteed . Pricru exceedingly moderate . Inspection invited .
Crown 8 vo ., 2 / 6 . Cloth , lettered ( post free ) , 2 / 9 . " UNIFORMITY OF MASONIC RITUAL AND OBSERVANCE , " By W . Bro . JAMES STEVENS , P . M ., P . Z ., & o . With which is also published the masonic poems —•' MASONS' Vow .- ' , " "THE LEVEL AND THE S (_ UAKK , " and " THE GENIUS OF MASONRY . " Address : — " Evelyn , " Catford , S . E .