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TTOYE Ǥ L COMPY , 5 18 , Little Britain , E . G . ; Factory : Old for d , London , iHamtfariurr-rs of MASONIC CLOTHING , JEWELS , & c , APRONS from 8 / 6 to 18 / -, sent Post Free on receipt of P . O . O ., REGALIA FOR ALL SOCIETIES , Military and Theatrical Laces . Fringes , Gimps , Spangles , Ornaments , Gilt Threads , Bullions and Embroidery . Helmets , Caps , Gold Badges , Real Mohair Braids of every description , MASONIC , Wedding , Ball and other Favours . Cheapest House fox ? English Goods .
ihe" Duke of Edinburgh" Umbrella , Named by desire of HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS , also used by HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS THE PRINCE OF WALES , and other Members of the Royal Family . The above named Umbrellas claim exceptional advantages above every other invention at present brought out . Unequalled for ELEGANCE , STRENGTH and NEATNESS . The NATURAL STICK only is used . FOUR INCHES more allowed in height for the Hat or Bonnet , bv the peculiar adjustment of the stretcher . It is the SMALLEST UMBRELLA , when rolled up , ever produced . Bro . ALEX . MACMILLAN , 66 , Holborn Viaduct , LONDON , E . C .
FOOD FOR DOGS I FOOD FOR DOGS !! FEED , FATTEN and STRENGTHEN Q AMITADV 110 ( 10 for DOGS of your DOG on the ONLY PERFECT OMNI I MR I lUUU ALL BREEDS . Patent Protean Compound It is far snpi'rinr to Bisouit Tood . It roiiinres no soiil-in-r or oilier lirt'lijtration . It contains a uniform coini'oncnr , aclniixniro of AlhuiiiiiioiiH , l <' : irin : iceniis , Kiln-iiiiius and Olsiiiiious substances iiecusssiry to sustain in lirrfect licalili , stri'iimh and ciiiliimnce imtli vmniB anil old Dons of all lircoils . It pn-venls all ilisiKisi'S . H removes eruptions from and renders tlie skin soft and elastic , thus hnnaning a glossy and silk-like appearance , to the coat . It is eaten ¦ . ruedily liy all Dogs . It is , for Siiortinvr J ' OKS , liy fur tlie best food ; it adds Bone and Muscle , giving Strength , Speed and Kiidtirance . No danger of Hydrophobia whilst feeding upon this Compound . The Best and Chcaj ) cst Food for Doys and Cats . Sold by Corn Chandlers , Grocers , Oilmen ami Stores , in Tins , 6 d ., _/ -, 2 , 6 ; and Cwt . Kegs . SA . NlTJLTiT FOOD CO- / 118 , FALCON ROAD , CLAPHAM JUNCTION , S . W ,
BRO . JL . SATJTE , Engraver , Designer , Illuminator , < k , 136 , SOUTHAMPTON ROW , RUSSELL SQUARE , LONDON , W . C . Testimonials and Votes of Thanks ( Masonic or otherwise ) , also Addresses to Corporations and Municipal Bodies , prepared in an Artistic manner for presentation . Lodge and Chapter Summonses , Menu Cards , and other work engraved and executed from original and appropriate designs . Terms on application .
| ij § g 91 u > aC Smpotlant —'" ' "" c » jjj TO STATIONER .. ™™ ^^; FAN ^ e ^ Direct Importers in the Colonies | j ^ | J , Stnl It ,, *} (*«<>*< £ * » rk *« M 3 0 U $ * U » * f S ] NOVELTIES , . ALL TRADES SHOULD COMMUNICATE WITH 1 , < SS ^ ADAMS BROS ., % INDIAN & COLONIAL IMPORTERS GUIDE - I _ . __ „ + _ a § wi ^ v '"^ u ^ mfr . I ( Kxptttf antr UBattufapcfurtng Slattwter * , hi " ^—r ^^ ggg ^ 59 , MOOR LANE , FORE STREET , LONDON , E . G ., | ~ - j ADAMS BROr " 59 , ~ Hoor"L _ ni ! , Fore ' strset , LONDON , _ . _ . > I fl _ jlollti . llt ] i - i II ¦ mm ' f ^ ' : ~ And receive their Price Current regularly , as issued . ; B _ f | _ BX ) -W- _^ I * iTD LIO-HT . isjl Manufacturer of Electro-plated Goods , v —————iSl 45 A , JEW . N STREET , p 0 ST FREE TO TRACERS . : Eat I . OXDOX , E . C . ¦ wKi >_»_^ - » . . •_• .. —¦ . — . _>_< w — - — ... _ -. _ -. —¦ . — . _ m . >~ p >
| fjj | H . T . LAMB , f jltamtfadum ' of ffiasonit Ifefods , QUoiljittg antr lUgaiia , 5 , St . Johns Square , Clerkenwell , HLOZN - ZDOZKT . . C . Price List free on application .
THE SIG-HTm C ~ ^ THE SIGHT ! ZZ WALTER LAWLEY'S Celebrated Pantoscopic Spectacles , y ^^^^ ls f ' f ^^ ^ y ^ THE NEW CANADIAN " PINCE-NEZ , " ^^^^^ Sl ^ W / TT / & 1 ?)/ \( : . Y ^ S ^ fSS ^^^ GOLD SPECTACLES AND EYE GLASSES , ta ^ > ' V ^ rJ The Si yM cavefuUy tested ^ Oc ^^ from 2 / 1 to £ 3 3 / - per pair . V _ . .- * - ' " *• — - ^ ESTABLISHED OVEE 100 TEARS . SOLEADDBESS-WALTER LAWLEY , Oculists ' Optician , © 78 , Farringdon St ., London , E . C .
A WONDERFUL DISCOVERY !!! IRELAND'S AURORA OR H ERBAL OINTMENT , REGISTERED . This Preparation is the best ever offered to the public . It cures Eczema , Erysipelas , King ' s Evil , and all Diseases of the Skin , without the use of poisons , or any noxious substance . Old Wounds and Sores can bo healed in a very short time by using IRELAND S HERBAL OINTMENT . For Burns , Scalds , Bruises , Cuts , Contusions or unsightly Blotches on the Skin , it is invaluable , as it leaves the skin smooth and in its normal condition . See Medical Testimonials . Wholesale Depot : —27 , DERWENT GROVE , EAST DULWICH , S . E . London Agents : —BARCLAY & SONS , FARRINGDON STREET . Sold by Chemists in Bottles , 1 / H , 2 / 9 , 4 / 6 , and 11 / -. None Genuine unless tearing the Signature of the Proprietress , 'ELIZABETH IRELAND . "
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
TTOYE Ǥ L COMPY , 5 18 , Little Britain , E . G . ; Factory : Old for d , London , iHamtfariurr-rs of MASONIC CLOTHING , JEWELS , & c , APRONS from 8 / 6 to 18 / -, sent Post Free on receipt of P . O . O ., REGALIA FOR ALL SOCIETIES , Military and Theatrical Laces . Fringes , Gimps , Spangles , Ornaments , Gilt Threads , Bullions and Embroidery . Helmets , Caps , Gold Badges , Real Mohair Braids of every description , MASONIC , Wedding , Ball and other Favours . Cheapest House fox ? English Goods .
ihe" Duke of Edinburgh" Umbrella , Named by desire of HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS , also used by HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS THE PRINCE OF WALES , and other Members of the Royal Family . The above named Umbrellas claim exceptional advantages above every other invention at present brought out . Unequalled for ELEGANCE , STRENGTH and NEATNESS . The NATURAL STICK only is used . FOUR INCHES more allowed in height for the Hat or Bonnet , bv the peculiar adjustment of the stretcher . It is the SMALLEST UMBRELLA , when rolled up , ever produced . Bro . ALEX . MACMILLAN , 66 , Holborn Viaduct , LONDON , E . C .
FOOD FOR DOGS I FOOD FOR DOGS !! FEED , FATTEN and STRENGTHEN Q AMITADV 110 ( 10 for DOGS of your DOG on the ONLY PERFECT OMNI I MR I lUUU ALL BREEDS . Patent Protean Compound It is far snpi'rinr to Bisouit Tood . It roiiinres no soiil-in-r or oilier lirt'lijtration . It contains a uniform coini'oncnr , aclniixniro of AlhuiiiiiioiiH , l <' : irin : iceniis , Kiln-iiiiius and Olsiiiiious substances iiecusssiry to sustain in lirrfect licalili , stri'iimh and ciiiliimnce imtli vmniB anil old Dons of all lircoils . It pn-venls all ilisiKisi'S . H removes eruptions from and renders tlie skin soft and elastic , thus hnnaning a glossy and silk-like appearance , to the coat . It is eaten ¦ . ruedily liy all Dogs . It is , for Siiortinvr J ' OKS , liy fur tlie best food ; it adds Bone and Muscle , giving Strength , Speed and Kiidtirance . No danger of Hydrophobia whilst feeding upon this Compound . The Best and Chcaj ) cst Food for Doys and Cats . Sold by Corn Chandlers , Grocers , Oilmen ami Stores , in Tins , 6 d ., _/ -, 2 , 6 ; and Cwt . Kegs . SA . NlTJLTiT FOOD CO- / 118 , FALCON ROAD , CLAPHAM JUNCTION , S . W ,
BRO . JL . SATJTE , Engraver , Designer , Illuminator , < k , 136 , SOUTHAMPTON ROW , RUSSELL SQUARE , LONDON , W . C . Testimonials and Votes of Thanks ( Masonic or otherwise ) , also Addresses to Corporations and Municipal Bodies , prepared in an Artistic manner for presentation . Lodge and Chapter Summonses , Menu Cards , and other work engraved and executed from original and appropriate designs . Terms on application .
| ij § g 91 u > aC Smpotlant —'" ' "" c » jjj TO STATIONER .. ™™ ^^; FAN ^ e ^ Direct Importers in the Colonies | j ^ | J , Stnl It ,, *} (*«<>*< £ * » rk *« M 3 0 U $ * U » * f S ] NOVELTIES , . ALL TRADES SHOULD COMMUNICATE WITH 1 , < SS ^ ADAMS BROS ., % INDIAN & COLONIAL IMPORTERS GUIDE - I _ . __ „ + _ a § wi ^ v '"^ u ^ mfr . I ( Kxptttf antr UBattufapcfurtng Slattwter * , hi " ^—r ^^ ggg ^ 59 , MOOR LANE , FORE STREET , LONDON , E . G ., | ~ - j ADAMS BROr " 59 , ~ Hoor"L _ ni ! , Fore ' strset , LONDON , _ . _ . > I fl _ jlollti . llt ] i - i II ¦ mm ' f ^ ' : ~ And receive their Price Current regularly , as issued . ; B _ f | _ BX ) -W- _^ I * iTD LIO-HT . isjl Manufacturer of Electro-plated Goods , v —————iSl 45 A , JEW . N STREET , p 0 ST FREE TO TRACERS . : Eat I . OXDOX , E . C . ¦ wKi >_»_^ - » . . •_• .. —¦ . — . _>_< w — - — ... _ -. _ -. —¦ . — . _ m . >~ p >
| fjj | H . T . LAMB , f jltamtfadum ' of ffiasonit Ifefods , QUoiljittg antr lUgaiia , 5 , St . Johns Square , Clerkenwell , HLOZN - ZDOZKT . . C . Price List free on application .
THE SIG-HTm C ~ ^ THE SIGHT ! ZZ WALTER LAWLEY'S Celebrated Pantoscopic Spectacles , y ^^^^ ls f ' f ^^ ^ y ^ THE NEW CANADIAN " PINCE-NEZ , " ^^^^^ Sl ^ W / TT / & 1 ?)/ \( : . Y ^ S ^ fSS ^^^ GOLD SPECTACLES AND EYE GLASSES , ta ^ > ' V ^ rJ The Si yM cavefuUy tested ^ Oc ^^ from 2 / 1 to £ 3 3 / - per pair . V _ . .- * - ' " *• — - ^ ESTABLISHED OVEE 100 TEARS . SOLEADDBESS-WALTER LAWLEY , Oculists ' Optician , © 78 , Farringdon St ., London , E . C .
A WONDERFUL DISCOVERY !!! IRELAND'S AURORA OR H ERBAL OINTMENT , REGISTERED . This Preparation is the best ever offered to the public . It cures Eczema , Erysipelas , King ' s Evil , and all Diseases of the Skin , without the use of poisons , or any noxious substance . Old Wounds and Sores can bo healed in a very short time by using IRELAND S HERBAL OINTMENT . For Burns , Scalds , Bruises , Cuts , Contusions or unsightly Blotches on the Skin , it is invaluable , as it leaves the skin smooth and in its normal condition . See Medical Testimonials . Wholesale Depot : —27 , DERWENT GROVE , EAST DULWICH , S . E . London Agents : —BARCLAY & SONS , FARRINGDON STREET . Sold by Chemists in Bottles , 1 / H , 2 / 9 , 4 / 6 , and 11 / -. None Genuine unless tearing the Signature of the Proprietress , 'ELIZABETH IRELAND . "