Article Answers to Correspondents. ← Page 2 of 2 Article COLONIAL CLIPPINGS. Page 1 of 1 Article We are requested to notify that :- Page 1 of 1 Article Press Exchanges and Books Received. Page 1 of 1
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Answers To Correspondents.
Parkhouse : 1 ) 28 , Bro . E . Xavler , P . G . S . B . : 312 , Bros . AV . II . Sperringand G . R . Strick . P . P . A . G . P . : 1128 , Bro . J . Ruddy ; Ki-tS . Bros . J . C . Harrison , Terry . L . A . Adams , and J . Scorpe ; 11 ) 03 , Bro . J . G . Livesay ; and from 331 . Bro . II . Pago . At the banquet the usual , loyal and Masonic toasts were proposed and heartily responded to . Bro . J . Jenkins was presented with a Past Master ' s ieAvel to mark the appreciation of the brethren of his services during his term of oflicc as AVorshipful Master .
On the 17 th inst . on the invitation of the Minerva Chapter , Xo . 250 , the Most Excellent the Grand Superintendent of the Xorth and East Yorkshire ( the Right Hon . the Earl of Zetland ) held a Proincial Grand Chapter and General Convocation of the Royal Arch Masons of the Province at the Masonic Hall , Dagger Lane , Hull . There Avas a large attendance of Principals and Pa * t-Principals .
together with members of the various Chapters . The attention oj the companions was drawn to the first festival on behalf of the Educational Fund of the province , which is being established for the purpose of educating the children of deceased or necessitous Freemasons who were unable to obtain admission to the other
masonic institutions . After the transaction of the usual business , the Earl of Zetland appointed the officers for the ensuing year , amongst those receiving provincial grand honours being Comp . Win . Tesseyman , of Hull , Avho was appointed first principal " : and Comp . J . R . Stringer , of Hull , appointed Provincial Grand Chapter Organist .
HEATON XOURIS , EGEIJTOX L ' IDGE , 1030 . —There was a large gathering of this Lod ge on Monday to welcome the R . AV . P . Grand Master ( Col .. Le Gendre X . Starkie ) . After the raising of a candidate , the election of W . M . for the ensuing year took place , and resulted in favour of Bro . II . Bassnett Preston . S . W . Bro . A . Pemberton , P . AI .. was re-elected Treasurer , and Bro . II . Dawson .
P . M ., was re-appointed Tyler . Bro . A . E . Ferns , P . M ., moved that , C 20 be contributed from the charity funds of the Lodge towards the funds of the E ist Lancashire Systematic Masonic Educational and Benevolent Institution , which motion was dulv seconded and carried . The R . W . P . Grand Master thanked the " Lodge for the exertions which had been been made towards the support of the
local Masonic Institution . Letters of apology for non-attendance were read from Bro . Lord Egerton . of Tatton , R . W . P . G . M . ( Cheshire ) , who is an honorary member of the Egerton Lodge . Bros . George Mellor , V . AV . D . P . G . M .. Horatio Lloyd , V . AV . D . P . G . M . ( Cheshire ) and James Heelis , P . S . G . W . At the dinner , subsequently , the AV . M . Bro . J . Cookson presided , and he Avas supported by the following
visitors : —The R . AV . P . G . M . ( Colonel iLe Gendre X . Starkie ) , Bros . James Maclaren , P . P . S . G . AV .: John Chadwick . P . G . Sword Bearer , P . G . , 'Secretar . y : S . AV . AA ilkinson , P . P . S . G . D . ( Cheshire ) : AV . Goldthorpa . P . P . G-. D . ; C . D . Cheetham . P .. J . G . D .: James Xeedham , P . P . G . D . ( Cheshire ); Thomas Woodcoek . P . G . A . D . C ; Thomas Moore . P . P . S . B . ( Cheshire ) : Ben Brierlcy . AV . 0 . Pettitt and others . The
usual loyal , masonic and complimentary toast * wc . v . given . Musical assistance Avas A ery well rendered hy many brethren , including Bros . Pettitt , Maclean and Bickerton : and admirable recitations Avere giA en by Bro * . Ben Brierley , Mclvim and H . Smith . The total amount subscribed or voted to the masonic charity on this occasion exceeded the sum of C ( i 0 .
The annual meeting of the Provincial Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons for Sussex , was held at the Royal Pavilion . Brighton , on the 13 th inst ., Comp . Gerard Ford , M . E ., Grand Superintendent , presiding . Amongst those present were : —Comps . C J 1 . Shadwell Gierke , Earl Euston , F . A . Philbrick . B . A ., < fC , & a .. & c . The minutes of last meeting were confirmed , and the roll of the chapt 3 rs in the proAdnce Avas called , nearly every one being represented .
The report of the audit committee being received , feeling allusion Avas made to the death of Comp . Crosskey , Provincial Grand Treasurer . The usual address was read by the Grand Superintendent , and the Provincial Grand Ollicers Avere then appointed as follows —Comps . Davies , II . : Farncombe , J . ; AV . II . Hallett , treas . ; V . P . Freeman . S . E . ; and Cardwell , P . S . A banquet followed , at which a large party w ere present , the duty of stewards devolving on Comps . Briscoe and Reed .
A new order in connection with the masonic art was inaugurated in Brighton on the 15 th inst ., Avhen the consecration of the Royal Sussex Conclave , Order of the Seeret Monitor , took place at the Royal Pavilion , the brethren officiating being R . AV . Bros . Dr . Zacharie , G . S . R . : Colonel Shadwell H . Gierke ; F . A . Philbrick , 11 . A . ; C . F . Matier , P . G . S . R . ; Earl Euston , G . G and AV . J .
Spratling , G . R . The programme of consecration w : u of an unusually interesting description , and the degree was conferred on several brethren of Sussex lodges , after which Bro . Alex . Stewart BroAvn was installed as Supreme lluler , the officers appointed being Bro . A . F . Lamette , C . ; and Bro . J . C . Buck well , G . A treasurer and tjder were also elected . At the conclusion of the ceremony
the brethren adjourned to the Pavilion Hotel , to a banquet presided over by Bro . A . S . Brown , the newly-installed S . R ., who was supported by the consecrating ollicers and brethren of the conclave . The customary loyal and masonic toasts followed , and it was admitted that a strong working conclave of this Order had been established under favourable auspices .
UNION AA ' ATEKLOO LODGE OF INSTKCCTIOX—Xo . 13 . —On Thursday , 18 th inst ., at the Earl of Chatham , AVoolwieh . Present : Bros . Davies , P . M ., Preceptor ; Keeble , AV . M . ; Cox . S . AV . ; Dennison , J . AV . ; Ferguson , S . D . ; Massey . J . D . ; Stead , I . G . ; Charlie AVoods , 18 () D , A . Soj . 1275 ; and Alters , P . M . The lodge was opened in the first . and second degrees . Bro . AVoods answered the usual questions .
Lodge w as opened in the third degree , and the ceremony of raising Avas impressively rehearsed , Bro . AVoods candidate . Bro . Akers . 1 MM ., ably delivered the traditional history . Lodge was called off and on , resumed and closed in the third and second degrees . Bro . Cox was elected for the first Thursday in Maj . The AV . M . rose for the third time , Bro . Akers , P . M ., announced that lie would work the three degrees , and the lodge was closed .
Colonial Clippings.
A scheme for the establishment of a United Grand Lodge of Xew Zealand is afoot , but for the present does not appear to excite very considerable interest amongst the several lodges in the colony . O ' f these , there are . under the English jurisdiction , some forty-six in the South Island , and forty-two in the Xorth Island : the towns having more than one lodge being respectively- Ash burton .
Christchurch and Dunedin , two each ; Featherstone . three : AVellington . five : and Auckland , seven . As out of all this number of lodges , in addition to others working under the Scotch and Irish constitutions , not a score of brethren attended the meeting held on the 1 st February last , at AVellington . and but six lodges altogether wore
represented , viz .: three English , two Scotch , and one Irish , we cannot think the resolution - that , in the opinion of this meeting it is desirable , in the interest- ; of masonry , that a United Grand Lodge of X e \ v Zealand should 1 ) 3 formed , " will me twith immediate acceptance by the general body of New Zealand Freemasons .
LNVERCAKGiMi . MARCII 1 st . —A second meeting of Past Masters of the Southland Lodges now engaged in preliminary steps with a view to a general meeting of masons to consider the advisableness of forming a United Grand Lodge of Xew Zealand was held last evening . There wore twelve present , representing all the constitutions . A resolution approving the desirableness of a
United Grand Lodge led to debate . Several of those taking part stated that before committing themselves to the proposal absolutely they should like to be informed as to the nature of the Constitution likely to be offered in lieu of the present one . The general feeling seemed to be that it should be on a ' liberal" basis , and that as far as possible all the officors , both of the Grand and subordinate Lodges should be elective .
Ine following ammdment AV . IS then proposed : — "That , in the opinion of this meeting , it is desirable that a United G .-aud Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons be formed in Xew Zeal in 1 . provided that the English , Irish , and Scotch Constitution * be represented equally in the said Grand Lodge ; that the re-election of officers be on the elective principle ; and that the present sj'stem of
jrovernment in the lodges of the various constitutions be not interfered Avith , except with the sanction of at least two-thirds of the members good on the books of the said lodge . " After debate this amendment was carried , and i : s proposers appointed to move it at the general meeting of masons to lie held a fortnight hence . It Avas resolved that the proceedings of the
general meeting should be opened by reading the address recently delivered by P . M . Bro . Gillon , at the " meeting recently held ia Wellington , for the formation of a Masonic Union in that city , and that at the meeting in question , contingent on the first resolution being carrie 1 , another should be submitted providing for the formation of a braich of the Masonic Union in Southland .
SIDNEY , X . S . AA . —The masonic lodge , Taree , ha < receive ! a fine org . m direet from Jerse , y , United States of America . It is a beautifully constructed instrument , of full compass , with all th > Litest additions and improvements , and hm a sweet and powerful tone , filling the hall where the lodge is held with full power of melody . This will be a fitting accessory to the ceremonies at the meetings of the masonic body , Avho have generally a large number present at their assemblies .
We Are Requested To Notify That :-
We are requested to notify that :-
The Carnarvon Lodge of Instruction , Xo . 1572 , will ent ? rtain their members and friends at a Supper at the Salii-tat ' rui Tavern . Xewgate Street , E . G .. on Monday next , the 20 th inst . Meet at 0 . 30 for 7 p . m . Bro AVhitaker , P . M ., and Sec . of the Mother Lodge , will preside . Bro . A \ . King we 11 , of 31 ) , Calhill Road , Denmark Hill . S . E ., will afford other particulars .
The Lodge of the Quatuor Coronati , Xo . 207 C . Bro . AA illiam Simpson , ll . T .. M . H . A . S . , kc , AV . M ., will meet on Friday . 3 rd May , at 5 p . m ., at Freemasons' Hall , London , when Bro . G . AV . Speth will read a Paper , entitled , ; The Foundation of Modern Freemasonry . ' ' The Brethren will dine at Freemasons' Tavern at 7 p . m .
Press Exchanges And Books Received.
Press Exchanges and Books Received .
Proceedings of th- District Lodge if ///¦• Pinifili , llth January 1 SS 1 ) ; Sates on the Ceremony of Installation , by Bro . Henry Sadie " ] P . M . and P . Z ., Grand Tyler , ke ., Kenning , London , 2 , ( i ; Sicir'i / .
Bro . Alt ' . A . Itter , Cyclist Lodge 221 ( 1 . sailed on AVednesday last for Xew York by the Iiiman Liner . City of llerlin . There were present at Euston . to wish him '' God Speed , " Bros . Chas . Sheppard . P . M ., and Sec , 221 (> : John itter . Stability , 217 ; Ch : is . A . . Itter . J . W ., 22-1 ("> : Mr . and Miss Thornton : Mr . Clements , and several other friends .
The regular meeting of the Board of Benevolence of the rnited Grand Lodge of English Freemasons for the month of April was held on the 17 th inst ., at the Freemason ' s Hall , London . The list of petitioners for assistance contained 42 names , Avhose qualifications were through lodges in the London district , at Sunderland , Durham AVillington Quay , Xewcaatle-on-Tyne , Liverpool , AVhitwortb , Douglas ( Isle of Man ) , Dudley , Birmingham , Derby , Sleaford .
King ' s Lynn , Reading , Devonport , Lxmonth , Poole , Hastings , Jersey , Ireland , and Cannanore ( East Indies ) . The total sum granted Avas . U 802 to 31 cases , the average amount per head beingless than usual . Four oases were dismissed , the Board exhibiting a strong desire to discourage all but oases of absolute distress while dealing liberally with helpless petitioners .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Answers To Correspondents.
Parkhouse : 1 ) 28 , Bro . E . Xavler , P . G . S . B . : 312 , Bros . AV . II . Sperringand G . R . Strick . P . P . A . G . P . : 1128 , Bro . J . Ruddy ; Ki-tS . Bros . J . C . Harrison , Terry . L . A . Adams , and J . Scorpe ; 11 ) 03 , Bro . J . G . Livesay ; and from 331 . Bro . II . Pago . At the banquet the usual , loyal and Masonic toasts were proposed and heartily responded to . Bro . J . Jenkins was presented with a Past Master ' s ieAvel to mark the appreciation of the brethren of his services during his term of oflicc as AVorshipful Master .
On the 17 th inst . on the invitation of the Minerva Chapter , Xo . 250 , the Most Excellent the Grand Superintendent of the Xorth and East Yorkshire ( the Right Hon . the Earl of Zetland ) held a Proincial Grand Chapter and General Convocation of the Royal Arch Masons of the Province at the Masonic Hall , Dagger Lane , Hull . There Avas a large attendance of Principals and Pa * t-Principals .
together with members of the various Chapters . The attention oj the companions was drawn to the first festival on behalf of the Educational Fund of the province , which is being established for the purpose of educating the children of deceased or necessitous Freemasons who were unable to obtain admission to the other
masonic institutions . After the transaction of the usual business , the Earl of Zetland appointed the officers for the ensuing year , amongst those receiving provincial grand honours being Comp . Win . Tesseyman , of Hull , Avho was appointed first principal " : and Comp . J . R . Stringer , of Hull , appointed Provincial Grand Chapter Organist .
HEATON XOURIS , EGEIJTOX L ' IDGE , 1030 . —There was a large gathering of this Lod ge on Monday to welcome the R . AV . P . Grand Master ( Col .. Le Gendre X . Starkie ) . After the raising of a candidate , the election of W . M . for the ensuing year took place , and resulted in favour of Bro . II . Bassnett Preston . S . W . Bro . A . Pemberton , P . AI .. was re-elected Treasurer , and Bro . II . Dawson .
P . M ., was re-appointed Tyler . Bro . A . E . Ferns , P . M ., moved that , C 20 be contributed from the charity funds of the Lodge towards the funds of the E ist Lancashire Systematic Masonic Educational and Benevolent Institution , which motion was dulv seconded and carried . The R . W . P . Grand Master thanked the " Lodge for the exertions which had been been made towards the support of the
local Masonic Institution . Letters of apology for non-attendance were read from Bro . Lord Egerton . of Tatton , R . W . P . G . M . ( Cheshire ) , who is an honorary member of the Egerton Lodge . Bros . George Mellor , V . AV . D . P . G . M .. Horatio Lloyd , V . AV . D . P . G . M . ( Cheshire ) and James Heelis , P . S . G . W . At the dinner , subsequently , the AV . M . Bro . J . Cookson presided , and he Avas supported by the following
visitors : —The R . AV . P . G . M . ( Colonel iLe Gendre X . Starkie ) , Bros . James Maclaren , P . P . S . G . AV .: John Chadwick . P . G . Sword Bearer , P . G . , 'Secretar . y : S . AV . AA ilkinson , P . P . S . G . D . ( Cheshire ) : AV . Goldthorpa . P . P . G-. D . ; C . D . Cheetham . P .. J . G . D .: James Xeedham , P . P . G . D . ( Cheshire ); Thomas Woodcoek . P . G . A . D . C ; Thomas Moore . P . P . S . B . ( Cheshire ) : Ben Brierlcy . AV . 0 . Pettitt and others . The
usual loyal , masonic and complimentary toast * wc . v . given . Musical assistance Avas A ery well rendered hy many brethren , including Bros . Pettitt , Maclean and Bickerton : and admirable recitations Avere giA en by Bro * . Ben Brierley , Mclvim and H . Smith . The total amount subscribed or voted to the masonic charity on this occasion exceeded the sum of C ( i 0 .
The annual meeting of the Provincial Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons for Sussex , was held at the Royal Pavilion . Brighton , on the 13 th inst ., Comp . Gerard Ford , M . E ., Grand Superintendent , presiding . Amongst those present were : —Comps . C J 1 . Shadwell Gierke , Earl Euston , F . A . Philbrick . B . A ., < fC , & a .. & c . The minutes of last meeting were confirmed , and the roll of the chapt 3 rs in the proAdnce Avas called , nearly every one being represented .
The report of the audit committee being received , feeling allusion Avas made to the death of Comp . Crosskey , Provincial Grand Treasurer . The usual address was read by the Grand Superintendent , and the Provincial Grand Ollicers Avere then appointed as follows —Comps . Davies , II . : Farncombe , J . ; AV . II . Hallett , treas . ; V . P . Freeman . S . E . ; and Cardwell , P . S . A banquet followed , at which a large party w ere present , the duty of stewards devolving on Comps . Briscoe and Reed .
A new order in connection with the masonic art was inaugurated in Brighton on the 15 th inst ., Avhen the consecration of the Royal Sussex Conclave , Order of the Seeret Monitor , took place at the Royal Pavilion , the brethren officiating being R . AV . Bros . Dr . Zacharie , G . S . R . : Colonel Shadwell H . Gierke ; F . A . Philbrick , 11 . A . ; C . F . Matier , P . G . S . R . ; Earl Euston , G . G and AV . J .
Spratling , G . R . The programme of consecration w : u of an unusually interesting description , and the degree was conferred on several brethren of Sussex lodges , after which Bro . Alex . Stewart BroAvn was installed as Supreme lluler , the officers appointed being Bro . A . F . Lamette , C . ; and Bro . J . C . Buck well , G . A treasurer and tjder were also elected . At the conclusion of the ceremony
the brethren adjourned to the Pavilion Hotel , to a banquet presided over by Bro . A . S . Brown , the newly-installed S . R ., who was supported by the consecrating ollicers and brethren of the conclave . The customary loyal and masonic toasts followed , and it was admitted that a strong working conclave of this Order had been established under favourable auspices .
UNION AA ' ATEKLOO LODGE OF INSTKCCTIOX—Xo . 13 . —On Thursday , 18 th inst ., at the Earl of Chatham , AVoolwieh . Present : Bros . Davies , P . M ., Preceptor ; Keeble , AV . M . ; Cox . S . AV . ; Dennison , J . AV . ; Ferguson , S . D . ; Massey . J . D . ; Stead , I . G . ; Charlie AVoods , 18 () D , A . Soj . 1275 ; and Alters , P . M . The lodge was opened in the first . and second degrees . Bro . AVoods answered the usual questions .
Lodge w as opened in the third degree , and the ceremony of raising Avas impressively rehearsed , Bro . AVoods candidate . Bro . Akers . 1 MM ., ably delivered the traditional history . Lodge was called off and on , resumed and closed in the third and second degrees . Bro . Cox was elected for the first Thursday in Maj . The AV . M . rose for the third time , Bro . Akers , P . M ., announced that lie would work the three degrees , and the lodge was closed .
Colonial Clippings.
A scheme for the establishment of a United Grand Lodge of Xew Zealand is afoot , but for the present does not appear to excite very considerable interest amongst the several lodges in the colony . O ' f these , there are . under the English jurisdiction , some forty-six in the South Island , and forty-two in the Xorth Island : the towns having more than one lodge being respectively- Ash burton .
Christchurch and Dunedin , two each ; Featherstone . three : AVellington . five : and Auckland , seven . As out of all this number of lodges , in addition to others working under the Scotch and Irish constitutions , not a score of brethren attended the meeting held on the 1 st February last , at AVellington . and but six lodges altogether wore
represented , viz .: three English , two Scotch , and one Irish , we cannot think the resolution - that , in the opinion of this meeting it is desirable , in the interest- ; of masonry , that a United Grand Lodge of X e \ v Zealand should 1 ) 3 formed , " will me twith immediate acceptance by the general body of New Zealand Freemasons .
LNVERCAKGiMi . MARCII 1 st . —A second meeting of Past Masters of the Southland Lodges now engaged in preliminary steps with a view to a general meeting of masons to consider the advisableness of forming a United Grand Lodge of Xew Zealand was held last evening . There wore twelve present , representing all the constitutions . A resolution approving the desirableness of a
United Grand Lodge led to debate . Several of those taking part stated that before committing themselves to the proposal absolutely they should like to be informed as to the nature of the Constitution likely to be offered in lieu of the present one . The general feeling seemed to be that it should be on a ' liberal" basis , and that as far as possible all the officors , both of the Grand and subordinate Lodges should be elective .
Ine following ammdment AV . IS then proposed : — "That , in the opinion of this meeting , it is desirable that a United G .-aud Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons be formed in Xew Zeal in 1 . provided that the English , Irish , and Scotch Constitution * be represented equally in the said Grand Lodge ; that the re-election of officers be on the elective principle ; and that the present sj'stem of
jrovernment in the lodges of the various constitutions be not interfered Avith , except with the sanction of at least two-thirds of the members good on the books of the said lodge . " After debate this amendment was carried , and i : s proposers appointed to move it at the general meeting of masons to lie held a fortnight hence . It Avas resolved that the proceedings of the
general meeting should be opened by reading the address recently delivered by P . M . Bro . Gillon , at the " meeting recently held ia Wellington , for the formation of a Masonic Union in that city , and that at the meeting in question , contingent on the first resolution being carrie 1 , another should be submitted providing for the formation of a braich of the Masonic Union in Southland .
SIDNEY , X . S . AA . —The masonic lodge , Taree , ha < receive ! a fine org . m direet from Jerse , y , United States of America . It is a beautifully constructed instrument , of full compass , with all th > Litest additions and improvements , and hm a sweet and powerful tone , filling the hall where the lodge is held with full power of melody . This will be a fitting accessory to the ceremonies at the meetings of the masonic body , Avho have generally a large number present at their assemblies .
We Are Requested To Notify That :-
We are requested to notify that :-
The Carnarvon Lodge of Instruction , Xo . 1572 , will ent ? rtain their members and friends at a Supper at the Salii-tat ' rui Tavern . Xewgate Street , E . G .. on Monday next , the 20 th inst . Meet at 0 . 30 for 7 p . m . Bro AVhitaker , P . M ., and Sec . of the Mother Lodge , will preside . Bro . A \ . King we 11 , of 31 ) , Calhill Road , Denmark Hill . S . E ., will afford other particulars .
The Lodge of the Quatuor Coronati , Xo . 207 C . Bro . AA illiam Simpson , ll . T .. M . H . A . S . , kc , AV . M ., will meet on Friday . 3 rd May , at 5 p . m ., at Freemasons' Hall , London , when Bro . G . AV . Speth will read a Paper , entitled , ; The Foundation of Modern Freemasonry . ' ' The Brethren will dine at Freemasons' Tavern at 7 p . m .
Press Exchanges And Books Received.
Press Exchanges and Books Received .
Proceedings of th- District Lodge if ///¦• Pinifili , llth January 1 SS 1 ) ; Sates on the Ceremony of Installation , by Bro . Henry Sadie " ] P . M . and P . Z ., Grand Tyler , ke ., Kenning , London , 2 , ( i ; Sicir'i / .
Bro . Alt ' . A . Itter , Cyclist Lodge 221 ( 1 . sailed on AVednesday last for Xew York by the Iiiman Liner . City of llerlin . There were present at Euston . to wish him '' God Speed , " Bros . Chas . Sheppard . P . M ., and Sec , 221 (> : John itter . Stability , 217 ; Ch : is . A . . Itter . J . W ., 22-1 ("> : Mr . and Miss Thornton : Mr . Clements , and several other friends .
The regular meeting of the Board of Benevolence of the rnited Grand Lodge of English Freemasons for the month of April was held on the 17 th inst ., at the Freemason ' s Hall , London . The list of petitioners for assistance contained 42 names , Avhose qualifications were through lodges in the London district , at Sunderland , Durham AVillington Quay , Xewcaatle-on-Tyne , Liverpool , AVhitwortb , Douglas ( Isle of Man ) , Dudley , Birmingham , Derby , Sleaford .
King ' s Lynn , Reading , Devonport , Lxmonth , Poole , Hastings , Jersey , Ireland , and Cannanore ( East Indies ) . The total sum granted Avas . U 802 to 31 cases , the average amount per head beingless than usual . Four oases were dismissed , the Board exhibiting a strong desire to discourage all but oases of absolute distress while dealing liberally with helpless petitioners .