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Recommended to the Subscribers to the " Masonic Star . " QTAR AND GAKTEB HOTEL , KEW BRIDGE , KJ Bro . JOHX Uitli . li , Proprietor . Seven Lodges and Chapters held in the Hotel , which possesses Special Facilities for Concerts , Evening Parties and Uanonets . Scale of Charges on Application .
MAYO'S CASTLE HOTEL , EAST MOLESEY , Hampton Court Station ( adjoining the liailwav and facing the River and Palace ) . Bro . Jelix MAYO has ample accommodation in the new wing for Banquets for any m lnhsr up to 100 . Spacious landing to River . Specimens of Menus , with prices , sent on application . Three Lodges meet at the Castle Hotel , and reference may lie made to the respective Masters as to the catering , & c .
BOURNEMOUTH . Board and Residence , south aspect , close to the Sea , Pleasure Gardens : centre of Town ; Home comforts . Terms , 30 ' -. Apply At . A . Hood , Caversham , Poole Hill .
"rpHE BEDFORD" FAMILY AND COMMERCIAL _ - * - HQTKL , PORTSMOUTH . Proprietor ^ !! . P . Bin ANT . QT . ELMO ( BOARDING HOUSE ) , 2 \ o . 23 , LOCH O PROMENADE . DOUGLAS . ISLE OF MAX . Incomparably the Queen of Northern "Watering- Places . Ilro . P . T . SCKEECH begs respectfully to offer to intending- visitors to this charming- health and pleasure resort the comfortable advantages of a Home from Home . This establishment , with an old connection ( 17 years ) , is conveniently situated on the margin of the beautiful Bay , and within two minutes' walk of the landing Pier—the arrangements being personally superintended by Miss SHIM MIX and Mrs . SCREECH . First-class Cuisine—Terms moderate . Particulars on application .
These spaces are reserved for Hotels offering inducements to Masonic visitors .
WAl ^ TED . SECOND-H AND Ledge Furniture , Oak or Mahogany preferred ; also Clothing . Reply , with inventory , price and order to view , to X ., Office of this paper .
tti & FTtOizrjMittisr'T "W- JL-STTIEIDBROTHER , 24 , Good Shorthand Writer , desires engagement as Cashier , Correspondent , Book-keeper , or film- position of Trust . Eight years' references . M . M .. r / o TOLKII , 7 , Harrow Rd ., \ V .
TO BE LET . A FURNISHED House in a main position in a Town in the South-West Suburbs . Forty minutes from town on District and South Western Railways . 15 Reception , 4 Bedrooms , and good Gardens . Low Rent to careful Tenant . Apply—Manager , MASONIC STAR .
TO THE TEA TRADE . Anyone requiring a Fine First Floor , situated close to Leadenhall Street , and within 3 minutes of Mark and Mincing Lanes . Rent £ 50 . Apply—BLAND & CAMPION , lo , Fenchurch Street , E . C .
MHO FOUNDERS OF LODGES , CHAPTERS , PRECEPTORIES , JL « fcc . The Win . lsor Castle Masonic Temple to be let . Replete with every convenience ( including Organ ) for Craft Lodges , R . A . Chapters , Encampments , Preccptorics , kc . Resident Tyler . Apply to E . GRISUROOK . " Windsor .
ESTABLISHED 1 S 51 . BIEKBECK BANK , Southampton Buildings , Chancery bane . THREE per CENT . INTEREST allowed on DEPOSITS repayable on demand . TWO per CENT , on CURRENT ACCOUNTS , calculated on the minimum monthly balances , when not drawn befow £ 100 . The BIRKBECIC ALMANACK , with full particulars , can be obtained post free , on application to FRANCIS RAVENSCROFT Manager .
! The Birkbeck Building Society ' s Annual Receipts exceed Five Millions . IJOW TO PURCHASE A HOUSE FOR TWO X 1 GUINEAS PKR MONTH , OR A PLOT OF LAND FOR FIVE SHILLINGS PKR MONTH . Apply at the Office Of the BlHKUECK . FllEElIOIaD LAND SOCIETY . The BIRKBECK ALMANACK , with full particulars , on application . FRANCIS RAYENSCROFT Manager . Southampton Buildings , Chancery Lane .
AGENTS for the SALE of THE MASONIC STIR . " THE MASONIC STAR " may be obtained by order at Messrs . SMITH & SON'S Bookstalls throughout the Kingdom . LONDONMessrs . "W . DAWSON & Soxs , 121 , Cannon Street , K . C . Messrs . H . YIOKKUS , X 17 , Strand , AV . C . Messrs . AIACHAK , CCIITJCK & Co ., Limited , 12 and M , Catherine Street , Strand , W . C . R 1 UXTOX -. Mr . A . UNDKUAVOOP , 157 , Ferndalo Hoad . CATFOJM ) . S . K ., AND DISTRICT : Mr . W .. ) . MoiM . ' . t . v , I . ' nshey Green . CLAl'HAM : Mr . FRANK . Newsvendor , York Terrace . KASTCHKAP , K . C . : Messrs . ADAMS Buns ., Printers and Stationers . EAST ORKKXAYJCH : 102 , Trafalgar Koad . FEXTIIUROir STREET , K . C .: Mr . J . BKUUY , 1 . Ciillnm Street . HKRNK HILL : Mrs . RKISS , Stationer . 51 , Bailton lioad . HOLBOKX , W . C .: Mr . AY . P . I ' n . CMi-. a , 51 . Ciravs Inn Koad . KTLBURX " , X . W .: Mr . V . T . I ' KHCY . MS , IItell Koad . L 1 TTLK BRITAIN , K . C : Messrs . Toy J-:. PATERNOSTER IJOW , K . C .: Messrs . HAJIH . TOX , IUl . t . S & Co . PKNTOXY 1 LLK , X .: Mr . J ! . LKV , 13 , J ' enlon Street . liOTHERIllTHE . S . K .: Bro . K . LKKiii , 5 , Plough Koad . ROYAL EXCHANGE , K . C .: Messiv . (} . ni . Mii & Sox . TOTTKXI / AM , N .: Till-: LliiKAitY , Krnce ( irove . AA'OOLAVICH : Mr . G . L . VWHKX ; K , Bercsford Square . PROVINCIALBOGXOR : . Air . KOWAIII ) WOOD . nOURXKAlOUTU : Bro . I ) . SYDENHAM , lio . yal Marine Library . BRA PFOliD-O . Y-A VOX : Bro . G . J . FAltmxcn'ox . BRIGHOl'SK : . Air .. ; . Vox , Wholesale Newsagent , Ac . P . K 1 XIIAM : Bro . . 1 . Cn . VWI-oitl ) . BROAILEY , KKXT : Alessrs . K . Sritoxo & Soxs ( "Kroiuley Record-- ) , It ,. Market S <] iiare . CHATHAM : Mr . K . LASLF . TT , 2 S 5 , High Street . CREAS'KKRXK : Mr . JoJJX Mi ; . \ l- 'OHl > , Market Snuare . ; CROYDOX : Messrs . DAVIKS & GOODWIN , !)•] . Ilitrh Street . EDMONTON A xo DISTRICT : Ilro . G . Tin cos , 8 , Ujiiier Kore Street , FARXBOROUGII : Mr . C . AVKI . I . KK . FEXTOX \ STAFFS .: . Air . J . Li : wis , Stationer and Advertising Agent . GLASTONBURY : Jiro . . Joux Buocic , High . Street . GOOLK : Alessrs . GAHWXKII & Co . GOSPOKT : Mr . IIOI . MKS , Newsagent , 10 , Ilteli Street . HALIFAX : Bro . WILLIAM COOKK , 3 , Bull Green . HALKS OAVKX : Air . THOMAS IIOHCKTTS , Bookseller and Stationer . HAXAYKLL , AIIDDLKSKX : All ' . . 1 . 11 . Kosi ; , Xewsvendor . High Street .. HKXIIAM-OX-TYXK : Air . AY . MOOHK , 21 and 33 , Fore Street . HUNTINGDON : Messrs . Ktns & Cooriai , Kookseilers . JARROW : Messrs . Tlios . Komxsox & Co ., Ormonde Street . KlltKBURTON : Mr . Cm . lN Louou , Newsagent . LLANKLLA' : Mr . W . DAVIES , 8 , . Market Street . NOKAYICH : Messrs . . liHHY & Sox , Daw Place . PKTKKSFIKLD : Air . LEWIS A . li . Com " :, Iligii Street . PORTSKA : Mr . II . . 1 . SMITH , 7 , Daniel Street . RAMSEY cfslc of Man ) , Mr . Joux CHAIXK , " lliimscy Courier . " KYE : Air . J . Coi . K . SAXDKACH AXD DTSTKICT : Air . A \ . . 1 . HAUI-KH . Alaiket Place ; SCARUOROUOH : Mr . If . T'lloitrK-SAimi , 101 ) , Westhoro ' . SOUTH AIOLTOX' : Air . AY . TCCKKK . STAMFORD : Air . \ Y . P . DOI . BY , CO and 07 , High Street . ST . AUSTKLL : . Air . Vinuc GII . KX , Shim \ i Utiice . . STOCKTOX -OX " -TKKS : Alessrs . Wool ) & Co ., Caxton House . Central Bldas . SUDKL'HY : Kro . P > . R . AlAU'i'KX , Printer , & c , 17 , Alarket Hill . SAVIXDOX , NKW : Air . J . JIATTIIKWS , 2 S , Reireut Street . TKXI 5 Y : Air . C . F . UU . UY , High Street , TORQUAY : Bro . K . . 1 . PH . vi-r , 14 , Fleet Street . rORRIXGTOX : Air . U . P . wtKKH , The Lihrarv , Cluirch Gate . rO \ YCKSTKR : Air . C . Humcu'i ' , Hooksellcr a * nd Stationer , Market Place TROWHllHXrK : Messrs . LAXDSDOWX & Soxs ( "Wiltshire Times ") , 11 , Silver Street . UKA 1 STOX , Near AfAXX'HK . STKR : Mr . Tlios . CAltTWiiloiJT , N " ewsagent , The llazaar . ' WELLINGTON , SOAIEUSKT : Alessrs . Toziat & GnKcoiiY AVKST BROAIAYICII : Air . W . P . 1 UTTKX . AVHITISY : Alessrs . HoltXK & Sox , " AVhithv Gazette . " AYIXDSOR : Mr . . 1 . AY . AYuitar . ' , 3 , Peascod Street , COLON . ALOUANGE—NEW SOUTH AVALES : Mr . An'i'jjvn S . LKE , IXL News Agency And of all Newsvendors at Home and Abroad . Publishing Office—123 , 124 & 125 , FLEET ST ., E . C . Additional Agents will be appointed on application . BSS" We . shad be happy to net ire applications for other Ai / mries bulk «/ Home and Abroad , and can offer liberal terms fur Suits and . Ulccrtixemcnts .
The SUCCESSFUL TREATMENT of Gout and Rheumatism and the Recipe , byll . T . LAIT , Fressingfield , Harleston , Norfolk . Free to all on receipt of stamp for postage . " Mr . Lait ' s aim Is to eradicate the disease from the system by removing Die cause , and this is most successfully done by his treatment . "—The Court Journal . " Mr . Lait's remedy lias proved most successful , and that his treatment is the true one seems beyond all doubt . "—The Jjisiciclt Journal .
WANTED TO PURCHASE , a complete set of Craft and Arch Working Tools . Apply by letter , " Manager , " MASONIC STAR NeAvspajjer , . 01 ) . Moor j Lane , E . C .
ALFRED W, MURRAY , Merchant atd Military Tailor , 27 , KING- STREET , LONDON , E . C . First-class Materials and Perfect Fit Guaranteed . Prices ( xeeediinjly utudvruU : hixjHrtiuu nieiUd .
JAMES STEVENSON , C . E ., The People ' s Patent Agent , GRAY'S INN CHAMBERS , 20 , HIGH HOLBORN , W . C . US" Lowest Possible Charges . . £ »
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Recommended to the Subscribers to the " Masonic Star . " QTAR AND GAKTEB HOTEL , KEW BRIDGE , KJ Bro . JOHX Uitli . li , Proprietor . Seven Lodges and Chapters held in the Hotel , which possesses Special Facilities for Concerts , Evening Parties and Uanonets . Scale of Charges on Application .
MAYO'S CASTLE HOTEL , EAST MOLESEY , Hampton Court Station ( adjoining the liailwav and facing the River and Palace ) . Bro . Jelix MAYO has ample accommodation in the new wing for Banquets for any m lnhsr up to 100 . Spacious landing to River . Specimens of Menus , with prices , sent on application . Three Lodges meet at the Castle Hotel , and reference may lie made to the respective Masters as to the catering , & c .
BOURNEMOUTH . Board and Residence , south aspect , close to the Sea , Pleasure Gardens : centre of Town ; Home comforts . Terms , 30 ' -. Apply At . A . Hood , Caversham , Poole Hill .
"rpHE BEDFORD" FAMILY AND COMMERCIAL _ - * - HQTKL , PORTSMOUTH . Proprietor ^ !! . P . Bin ANT . QT . ELMO ( BOARDING HOUSE ) , 2 \ o . 23 , LOCH O PROMENADE . DOUGLAS . ISLE OF MAX . Incomparably the Queen of Northern "Watering- Places . Ilro . P . T . SCKEECH begs respectfully to offer to intending- visitors to this charming- health and pleasure resort the comfortable advantages of a Home from Home . This establishment , with an old connection ( 17 years ) , is conveniently situated on the margin of the beautiful Bay , and within two minutes' walk of the landing Pier—the arrangements being personally superintended by Miss SHIM MIX and Mrs . SCREECH . First-class Cuisine—Terms moderate . Particulars on application .
These spaces are reserved for Hotels offering inducements to Masonic visitors .
WAl ^ TED . SECOND-H AND Ledge Furniture , Oak or Mahogany preferred ; also Clothing . Reply , with inventory , price and order to view , to X ., Office of this paper .
tti & FTtOizrjMittisr'T "W- JL-STTIEIDBROTHER , 24 , Good Shorthand Writer , desires engagement as Cashier , Correspondent , Book-keeper , or film- position of Trust . Eight years' references . M . M .. r / o TOLKII , 7 , Harrow Rd ., \ V .
TO BE LET . A FURNISHED House in a main position in a Town in the South-West Suburbs . Forty minutes from town on District and South Western Railways . 15 Reception , 4 Bedrooms , and good Gardens . Low Rent to careful Tenant . Apply—Manager , MASONIC STAR .
TO THE TEA TRADE . Anyone requiring a Fine First Floor , situated close to Leadenhall Street , and within 3 minutes of Mark and Mincing Lanes . Rent £ 50 . Apply—BLAND & CAMPION , lo , Fenchurch Street , E . C .
MHO FOUNDERS OF LODGES , CHAPTERS , PRECEPTORIES , JL « fcc . The Win . lsor Castle Masonic Temple to be let . Replete with every convenience ( including Organ ) for Craft Lodges , R . A . Chapters , Encampments , Preccptorics , kc . Resident Tyler . Apply to E . GRISUROOK . " Windsor .
ESTABLISHED 1 S 51 . BIEKBECK BANK , Southampton Buildings , Chancery bane . THREE per CENT . INTEREST allowed on DEPOSITS repayable on demand . TWO per CENT , on CURRENT ACCOUNTS , calculated on the minimum monthly balances , when not drawn befow £ 100 . The BIRKBECIC ALMANACK , with full particulars , can be obtained post free , on application to FRANCIS RAVENSCROFT Manager .
! The Birkbeck Building Society ' s Annual Receipts exceed Five Millions . IJOW TO PURCHASE A HOUSE FOR TWO X 1 GUINEAS PKR MONTH , OR A PLOT OF LAND FOR FIVE SHILLINGS PKR MONTH . Apply at the Office Of the BlHKUECK . FllEElIOIaD LAND SOCIETY . The BIRKBECK ALMANACK , with full particulars , on application . FRANCIS RAYENSCROFT Manager . Southampton Buildings , Chancery Lane .
AGENTS for the SALE of THE MASONIC STIR . " THE MASONIC STAR " may be obtained by order at Messrs . SMITH & SON'S Bookstalls throughout the Kingdom . LONDONMessrs . "W . DAWSON & Soxs , 121 , Cannon Street , K . C . Messrs . H . YIOKKUS , X 17 , Strand , AV . C . Messrs . AIACHAK , CCIITJCK & Co ., Limited , 12 and M , Catherine Street , Strand , W . C . R 1 UXTOX -. Mr . A . UNDKUAVOOP , 157 , Ferndalo Hoad . CATFOJM ) . S . K ., AND DISTRICT : Mr . W .. ) . MoiM . ' . t . v , I . ' nshey Green . CLAl'HAM : Mr . FRANK . Newsvendor , York Terrace . KASTCHKAP , K . C . : Messrs . ADAMS Buns ., Printers and Stationers . EAST ORKKXAYJCH : 102 , Trafalgar Koad . FEXTIIUROir STREET , K . C .: Mr . J . BKUUY , 1 . Ciillnm Street . HKRNK HILL : Mrs . RKISS , Stationer . 51 , Bailton lioad . HOLBOKX , W . C .: Mr . AY . P . I ' n . CMi-. a , 51 . Ciravs Inn Koad . KTLBURX " , X . W .: Mr . V . T . I ' KHCY . MS , IItell Koad . L 1 TTLK BRITAIN , K . C : Messrs . Toy J-:. PATERNOSTER IJOW , K . C .: Messrs . HAJIH . TOX , IUl . t . S & Co . PKNTOXY 1 LLK , X .: Mr . J ! . LKV , 13 , J ' enlon Street . liOTHERIllTHE . S . K .: Bro . K . LKKiii , 5 , Plough Koad . ROYAL EXCHANGE , K . C .: Messiv . (} . ni . Mii & Sox . TOTTKXI / AM , N .: Till-: LliiKAitY , Krnce ( irove . AA'OOLAVICH : Mr . G . L . VWHKX ; K , Bercsford Square . PROVINCIALBOGXOR : . Air . KOWAIII ) WOOD . nOURXKAlOUTU : Bro . I ) . SYDENHAM , lio . yal Marine Library . BRA PFOliD-O . Y-A VOX : Bro . G . J . FAltmxcn'ox . BRIGHOl'SK : . Air .. ; . Vox , Wholesale Newsagent , Ac . P . K 1 XIIAM : Bro . . 1 . Cn . VWI-oitl ) . BROAILEY , KKXT : Alessrs . K . Sritoxo & Soxs ( "Kroiuley Record-- ) , It ,. Market S <] iiare . CHATHAM : Mr . K . LASLF . TT , 2 S 5 , High Street . CREAS'KKRXK : Mr . JoJJX Mi ; . \ l- 'OHl > , Market Snuare . ; CROYDOX : Messrs . DAVIKS & GOODWIN , !)•] . Ilitrh Street . EDMONTON A xo DISTRICT : Ilro . G . Tin cos , 8 , Ujiiier Kore Street , FARXBOROUGII : Mr . C . AVKI . I . KK . FEXTOX \ STAFFS .: . Air . J . Li : wis , Stationer and Advertising Agent . GLASTONBURY : Jiro . . Joux Buocic , High . Street . GOOLK : Alessrs . GAHWXKII & Co . GOSPOKT : Mr . IIOI . MKS , Newsagent , 10 , Ilteli Street . HALIFAX : Bro . WILLIAM COOKK , 3 , Bull Green . HALKS OAVKX : Air . THOMAS IIOHCKTTS , Bookseller and Stationer . HAXAYKLL , AIIDDLKSKX : All ' . . 1 . 11 . Kosi ; , Xewsvendor . High Street .. HKXIIAM-OX-TYXK : Air . AY . MOOHK , 21 and 33 , Fore Street . HUNTINGDON : Messrs . Ktns & Cooriai , Kookseilers . JARROW : Messrs . Tlios . Komxsox & Co ., Ormonde Street . KlltKBURTON : Mr . Cm . lN Louou , Newsagent . LLANKLLA' : Mr . W . DAVIES , 8 , . Market Street . NOKAYICH : Messrs . . liHHY & Sox , Daw Place . PKTKKSFIKLD : Air . LEWIS A . li . Com " :, Iligii Street . PORTSKA : Mr . II . . 1 . SMITH , 7 , Daniel Street . RAMSEY cfslc of Man ) , Mr . Joux CHAIXK , " lliimscy Courier . " KYE : Air . J . Coi . K . SAXDKACH AXD DTSTKICT : Air . A \ . . 1 . HAUI-KH . Alaiket Place ; SCARUOROUOH : Mr . If . T'lloitrK-SAimi , 101 ) , Westhoro ' . SOUTH AIOLTOX' : Air . AY . TCCKKK . STAMFORD : Air . \ Y . P . DOI . BY , CO and 07 , High Street . ST . AUSTKLL : . Air . Vinuc GII . KX , Shim \ i Utiice . . STOCKTOX -OX " -TKKS : Alessrs . Wool ) & Co ., Caxton House . Central Bldas . SUDKL'HY : Kro . P > . R . AlAU'i'KX , Printer , & c , 17 , Alarket Hill . SAVIXDOX , NKW : Air . J . JIATTIIKWS , 2 S , Reireut Street . TKXI 5 Y : Air . C . F . UU . UY , High Street , TORQUAY : Bro . K . . 1 . PH . vi-r , 14 , Fleet Street . rORRIXGTOX : Air . U . P . wtKKH , The Lihrarv , Cluirch Gate . rO \ YCKSTKR : Air . C . Humcu'i ' , Hooksellcr a * nd Stationer , Market Place TROWHllHXrK : Messrs . LAXDSDOWX & Soxs ( "Wiltshire Times ") , 11 , Silver Street . UKA 1 STOX , Near AfAXX'HK . STKR : Mr . Tlios . CAltTWiiloiJT , N " ewsagent , The llazaar . ' WELLINGTON , SOAIEUSKT : Alessrs . Toziat & GnKcoiiY AVKST BROAIAYICII : Air . W . P . 1 UTTKX . AVHITISY : Alessrs . HoltXK & Sox , " AVhithv Gazette . " AYIXDSOR : Mr . . 1 . AY . AYuitar . ' , 3 , Peascod Street , COLON . ALOUANGE—NEW SOUTH AVALES : Mr . An'i'jjvn S . LKE , IXL News Agency And of all Newsvendors at Home and Abroad . Publishing Office—123 , 124 & 125 , FLEET ST ., E . C . Additional Agents will be appointed on application . BSS" We . shad be happy to net ire applications for other Ai / mries bulk «/ Home and Abroad , and can offer liberal terms fur Suits and . Ulccrtixemcnts .
The SUCCESSFUL TREATMENT of Gout and Rheumatism and the Recipe , byll . T . LAIT , Fressingfield , Harleston , Norfolk . Free to all on receipt of stamp for postage . " Mr . Lait ' s aim Is to eradicate the disease from the system by removing Die cause , and this is most successfully done by his treatment . "—The Court Journal . " Mr . Lait's remedy lias proved most successful , and that his treatment is the true one seems beyond all doubt . "—The Jjisiciclt Journal .
WANTED TO PURCHASE , a complete set of Craft and Arch Working Tools . Apply by letter , " Manager , " MASONIC STAR NeAvspajjer , . 01 ) . Moor j Lane , E . C .
ALFRED W, MURRAY , Merchant atd Military Tailor , 27 , KING- STREET , LONDON , E . C . First-class Materials and Perfect Fit Guaranteed . Prices ( xeeediinjly utudvruU : hixjHrtiuu nieiUd .
JAMES STEVENSON , C . E ., The People ' s Patent Agent , GRAY'S INN CHAMBERS , 20 , HIGH HOLBORN , W . C . US" Lowest Possible Charges . . £ »