Article REMINISCENCES OF A SECRETARY. Page 1 of 1 Article REMINISCENCES OF A SECRETARY. Page 1 of 1 Article Metropolitan Lodge and Chapter Meetings for the Current Week. Page 1 of 1
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Reminiscences Of A Secretary.
i ^^ XE night , as the Worshipful Master was about to commence lUsf "' work , " an announcement came that Bro . Brown , from ( JiffJ Lodge Xo . 1 ) 01 ) . England , wished to be examined . The lltoll ] AV . M . cast an enquiring look upon me , and I retired to examine the stranger . I found in the ante-room a very handsome young man , dressed genteely , but clothes rather worse for Avear , who began by apologising that ho was rusty , and that this was the
first Lodge he had attempted to visit in America . He had never made . himself known as a Mason , although living more than six months in Xew York . He spoke a good grammatical English , with a decided English accent—that is , the accent of the better classand I soon found him by his conversation to lie a man of very good education . He produced the certificate in use by the Grand Lodge
of England , by which I found that he had been a Mason about two years . I proceeded with the examination , until I found that he w as legally entitled to visit my Lodge , and brought him inside . AVhen he found that I Avas the Secretary , ho came up near my desk , mid remained near me until the Lodge closed . There -was something so sad , so suppressed and subdued in the man ' s manner and
speech , that I could not make it out . He looked poor enough , yet the stamp of the gentleman was unmistakably upon him . Before closing I mustered up courage to ask him if the Lodge could do . anything - for h ' m . He looked startled , blushed , thanked mo A'ery kindly , and said no , not IIOAV . After Lodge closed I gave him one of our visiting cards , and cordially im-ited him to call again . This
he did several times , looking paler , sadder , and poorer each time . One day a letter was brought to my house requesting me to call that day upon Bro . Brown , my pale English friend ; but as I only got the letter late in the evening , and it being Lodge night , I resolved to call before going to the Lodge , eA'en at the risk of letting the brethren wait for me . I found the address given me to be in the
most crowded east side tenement district , and as I mounted stair after stair , I felt indeed that I was in the home of that great monster of our present civilization—PoA erty . I knocked at the door of a room , and it Avas opened by a beautiful young woman of scarce eighteen years Avho , much confused , bade me enter . Upon a miserably fitted up bed . lav- dressed , my friend
the English brother Mason . He asked to be forgiven if he had troubled me , but he now wanted my aid . He would be dispossessed on the morrow if he did not pay the rent by 10 oclock in the morning . It Avas an enormous sum , the whole of six dollars . I promised to bring his case before the Lodge that evening , and also that I Avould surely call before 10 o ' clock the next morning ,
and that he might rest easy , he being able to keep his rooms . I hastened to the Lodge , Avhere I reported his case , and Avas appointed a committee of one Avith poAver . Early next morning I again went to sec my man , this time determined to find out more about him—as I had now the funds of the Lodge to dispose of . I felt in duty bound to sec that these funds w ere Avell
and worthily bestoAved . I first satisfied the clamouring landlord , so as to make the young people easier in their mind : and when I entered their room with a receipt for their rent , their thanks Avere profuse and hearty . I then broached the subject of his history : told him it Avas not idle curiosity that prompted my inquiry ; but that I might intelligently aid him . I would like to know something of his former home and
life . It was then that ho revealed to me , under Masonic seal , his true name . Bro . Brown had held an important position in a commercial house in England , where he had the oil res to his employer ' s house and home , where he met and loA ed the merchant's daughter , which love Avas not only returned , but fostered and encouraged by the young girl . It never entered the minds of the young people that they
Reminiscences Of A Secretary.
could not obtain the sanction of the rich and proud father to their union , but they kept right on , holding secret meetings and pledging eternal IOA ' C and fidelity to each other , when their dream was suddenly ended b , y the young man receiving his sudden dismissal from the house , and preparations being made to send Miss M—— to London .
The ardent lovers frustrated this plan by a hasty marriage , and flight to America , there to strike out for themselves . In youth everything looks rosy , especially to those wdio haA'C never been brought ftice to face with that powerful fiend . Poverty ; and so with these people . The funds hast-ly gathered before leaving home soon melted , and he found every avenue of life overcrowded , and ho had
to acknowledge to himself that he had not the push to crowd m and on and onward . They soon became poorer and poorer , until they brought up in this miserable abode , a room seven feet by nine feet and even here ho could not stay , as there was no hope for him . There was something very sad in his voice that struck me as particularly strange in one so young , but I saw it was
remorsedeep , sincere remorse—for having induced his wife to come with him to America , to leave a home of plenty , and luxury , and refinement , to share his abject poverty with him . Ho further stated that he knew he was going to die , and a > kxL me . would we give him a decent Masonic burial , and made me promise as a brother Mason to notify the British Consul , tell the true name of his wife , and see
that she w as sent homo to her kinsfolk in old England , there to forget the foolish youth who had cast so deep a shadoAv across her young life . He seemed exhausted by his long talking , and I tried to encourage him—spoke of his youth and of better things in store for him—but he faded fast away , and grasping my hand he whispered faintly : —
" I shall be dead within the hour . Keep your promise , send Julia back to her father . The British Consul Avill pay you back the money , and God will pay you in kind . " He then began to whisper the Lord's prayer , faintly but distinctly , Avord by word , tha young wife , striken , dazed , and mechanically joining with him and myself , and when the last
words were reached , " for ever and ever , " we listened , with our heads bowed low , for the "Amen . " It did not come . The brother had passed to the realms beyond . May the Amen come t » him from the throne of glory , " for ever and ever . " After the brother had been buried by the Lodge , I found that the widowed girl could not then be sent home Through the
goodness of old Dr . Muhlenburg . late of St . Luke's Hospital , she was placed in that excellent institution , where she gave birth to a little girl , and gave her young life with it . Again the grave opened , and the child-Avife , widow and mother , Avas laid beside her lover husband . I IIOAV had to take care of the tiny little orphan , which a brother
of a sister Lodge , who knew some of the circumstances , consented to adopt ; but death had also put his relentless stamp upon the little one . The trials and vicissitudes through which the mother had passed , and the inadequate food before being admitted to the Hospital along Avith her suffering , could not fail to haA e its effect upon her offspring . The child was born suffering with marasmus , and could
not be cured . It lingered , however , through good and careful nursing , for three months , when it also died , and for the third time the yaAvning grave opened and received the last of this unfortunate family , united in death as they had been on earth . I never notified the British Consul , never wrote to the harsh old
father , and the secret of those lives and secret of their names , lies buried in the triple grave at Greenwood Cemetry . there to remain until all secrets are revealed , all hearts laid bare , and the final judgments Avill bo passed on all—rich and poor , weak and strong , alike—all measured by the standard of the great Jehovah , by the scale of the ever-righteous Judge . —Canadian Craftsman .
Metropolitan Lodge And Chapter Meetings For The Current Week.
Metropolitan Lodge and Chapter Meetings for the Current Week .
" All Lodges held within Ten Miles of FREEMASONS' HALL , LOUDON , are LONDON LODGES . "— General Laics and Begulations .
Lodge NA > IE OF LODGE AND CHAPTER . PLACE OP MEETING . ( THIS DAY ) ( 4 th ) THURSDAY , APRIL 25 th . 2 [~ c 5 Prosperity ( lulMhnll Tar ., GresJiam Street , E . C . "" G ( I Grenadiers K . M . H .
I' 99 Sh . ike .-pe ; . re ... Albion Tav ., AMersgatc Street , E . C . , [ b > I Hilled Pilgrims Bridge House Hotel , S . E . iflSS l . a Tolerance F . . \ 1 . H . S 5 S Smith Middlesex ' Beaufort House , Xorth End , Fnlham Kill Kiii .-liniT St . liotolpli Chmbrs ., liishopsgatc ; 71 Hova ! Oak White Swan Tav ., Jluptftml 1503 City of Westminster Cafe ; itoyal , Regent Street , W . 197-1 St . Man Abbotts Town Hall , Kensington Ti . A . C . " !> : i 4 Polish National I <\ M . II . ll . C . 97 R . sc and Lilv t ! 3 , Golden Square , AV .
( 1 th ) FRIDAY , APRIL 20 th . 107 Jenaljin , F . M . H . 569 Fii / . roy Hd .-Qrs ., Hon . Artillery Co ., City Hoad IfiOl Kavens ' snnrnc Town Hall , Catfonl 2157 St . . Mark ' s College I Victoria Alans . Hest ., Victo . 'ia S :., S . AV . ' lC 02 Sir Hugh Middleton ' Cock Tav ., Highbury , X .
( lth ) SATURDAY , APRIL 27 th . 1706 Orp ' iens ] Holborn Hest ., AV . C . li . A . C . 1329 Sphinx I Surrey 11 . II ., Camberwell ( Last ) MONDAY , APRIL 2 ! lth . U . A . C . | I 1715 | Farringdon Without I Anderton ' s Hot ., Fleet Strc-t , E . C .
Lodge . NAME OF LODGE BD CHAPTER . PLACE OP MEE TING . ( Last ) TUESDAY , APRIL 30 th . 141 I Fait ! i j Andertoi ' . s Hotel , Fleet Street , E . C . ( 1 st ) WEDNESDAY , MAY 1 st .
I 29 S ttoy . il Stand r I C < ck Tar ., High laity , X . 1491 Athcna'inn Aihe la'tnn , Caindui Koa 1 , X . l . W Hoyal Connnenior .. tion AVhi o laion Hot .. Put . lev , S . AV . 1 HJ 7 Atl . ' ance Gnil lliail Tav , li . C .
( 1 st ) THURSDAY , MAY 2 nd . Id i Westminster au < l Kcysfc me ... F . M . If . 27 | Egyptian Anderton ' s Hotel , E . C . 4 a , v Strong . Alan M . II . Tav ., lSasinghall Street , E . C . 2 M St . Andrew ' s V . M . II . 551 Yarborough Green Dragon . Stepney 1155 Excelsior AVhite Swan Tav ., Deptford 1281 Park Cock
. - Finsbury Tav ., Highbury , X . K 161 United Service Cafe Koyal , Kcgent Street , AV . 1425 Hyde Park The Westbonrne , Craven Koad , AV . 1115 Prince Leopold Three Xnns Hot ., Aldgate , E . C . 1721 Kaiser-j-l I hid Cafe ttoy . il , Hegeiit Sweet , AV . 17 G 5 Trinity College 13 , -Alandeville Place , AV . 1790 Old England II . II ., Xew Thornton H'tli , nr . Croydon 1950 Southgate Hallway Hot . Xew Southgate
, R . A . C . 9 lloiint lAforiaii Albion Tav ., Aldcrsgate Street , EC . 174 Sincerity London Tav ., Fenchnreh St ., E . C . " 1507 Metropolitan Anderton ' s Hot ., Fleet Street , E . C . N . B . —We will insert hours of meeting of London Lodges , if
summonses are sent to us in sufficient time . —ED . M . S .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Reminiscences Of A Secretary.
i ^^ XE night , as the Worshipful Master was about to commence lUsf "' work , " an announcement came that Bro . Brown , from ( JiffJ Lodge Xo . 1 ) 01 ) . England , wished to be examined . The lltoll ] AV . M . cast an enquiring look upon me , and I retired to examine the stranger . I found in the ante-room a very handsome young man , dressed genteely , but clothes rather worse for Avear , who began by apologising that ho was rusty , and that this was the
first Lodge he had attempted to visit in America . He had never made . himself known as a Mason , although living more than six months in Xew York . He spoke a good grammatical English , with a decided English accent—that is , the accent of the better classand I soon found him by his conversation to lie a man of very good education . He produced the certificate in use by the Grand Lodge
of England , by which I found that he had been a Mason about two years . I proceeded with the examination , until I found that he w as legally entitled to visit my Lodge , and brought him inside . AVhen he found that I Avas the Secretary , ho came up near my desk , mid remained near me until the Lodge closed . There -was something so sad , so suppressed and subdued in the man ' s manner and
speech , that I could not make it out . He looked poor enough , yet the stamp of the gentleman was unmistakably upon him . Before closing I mustered up courage to ask him if the Lodge could do . anything - for h ' m . He looked startled , blushed , thanked mo A'ery kindly , and said no , not IIOAV . After Lodge closed I gave him one of our visiting cards , and cordially im-ited him to call again . This
he did several times , looking paler , sadder , and poorer each time . One day a letter was brought to my house requesting me to call that day upon Bro . Brown , my pale English friend ; but as I only got the letter late in the evening , and it being Lodge night , I resolved to call before going to the Lodge , eA'en at the risk of letting the brethren wait for me . I found the address given me to be in the
most crowded east side tenement district , and as I mounted stair after stair , I felt indeed that I was in the home of that great monster of our present civilization—PoA erty . I knocked at the door of a room , and it Avas opened by a beautiful young woman of scarce eighteen years Avho , much confused , bade me enter . Upon a miserably fitted up bed . lav- dressed , my friend
the English brother Mason . He asked to be forgiven if he had troubled me , but he now wanted my aid . He would be dispossessed on the morrow if he did not pay the rent by 10 oclock in the morning . It Avas an enormous sum , the whole of six dollars . I promised to bring his case before the Lodge that evening , and also that I Avould surely call before 10 o ' clock the next morning ,
and that he might rest easy , he being able to keep his rooms . I hastened to the Lodge , Avhere I reported his case , and Avas appointed a committee of one Avith poAver . Early next morning I again went to sec my man , this time determined to find out more about him—as I had now the funds of the Lodge to dispose of . I felt in duty bound to sec that these funds w ere Avell
and worthily bestoAved . I first satisfied the clamouring landlord , so as to make the young people easier in their mind : and when I entered their room with a receipt for their rent , their thanks Avere profuse and hearty . I then broached the subject of his history : told him it Avas not idle curiosity that prompted my inquiry ; but that I might intelligently aid him . I would like to know something of his former home and
life . It was then that ho revealed to me , under Masonic seal , his true name . Bro . Brown had held an important position in a commercial house in England , where he had the oil res to his employer ' s house and home , where he met and loA ed the merchant's daughter , which love Avas not only returned , but fostered and encouraged by the young girl . It never entered the minds of the young people that they
Reminiscences Of A Secretary.
could not obtain the sanction of the rich and proud father to their union , but they kept right on , holding secret meetings and pledging eternal IOA ' C and fidelity to each other , when their dream was suddenly ended b , y the young man receiving his sudden dismissal from the house , and preparations being made to send Miss M—— to London .
The ardent lovers frustrated this plan by a hasty marriage , and flight to America , there to strike out for themselves . In youth everything looks rosy , especially to those wdio haA'C never been brought ftice to face with that powerful fiend . Poverty ; and so with these people . The funds hast-ly gathered before leaving home soon melted , and he found every avenue of life overcrowded , and ho had
to acknowledge to himself that he had not the push to crowd m and on and onward . They soon became poorer and poorer , until they brought up in this miserable abode , a room seven feet by nine feet and even here ho could not stay , as there was no hope for him . There was something very sad in his voice that struck me as particularly strange in one so young , but I saw it was
remorsedeep , sincere remorse—for having induced his wife to come with him to America , to leave a home of plenty , and luxury , and refinement , to share his abject poverty with him . Ho further stated that he knew he was going to die , and a > kxL me . would we give him a decent Masonic burial , and made me promise as a brother Mason to notify the British Consul , tell the true name of his wife , and see
that she w as sent homo to her kinsfolk in old England , there to forget the foolish youth who had cast so deep a shadoAv across her young life . He seemed exhausted by his long talking , and I tried to encourage him—spoke of his youth and of better things in store for him—but he faded fast away , and grasping my hand he whispered faintly : —
" I shall be dead within the hour . Keep your promise , send Julia back to her father . The British Consul Avill pay you back the money , and God will pay you in kind . " He then began to whisper the Lord's prayer , faintly but distinctly , Avord by word , tha young wife , striken , dazed , and mechanically joining with him and myself , and when the last
words were reached , " for ever and ever , " we listened , with our heads bowed low , for the "Amen . " It did not come . The brother had passed to the realms beyond . May the Amen come t » him from the throne of glory , " for ever and ever . " After the brother had been buried by the Lodge , I found that the widowed girl could not then be sent home Through the
goodness of old Dr . Muhlenburg . late of St . Luke's Hospital , she was placed in that excellent institution , where she gave birth to a little girl , and gave her young life with it . Again the grave opened , and the child-Avife , widow and mother , Avas laid beside her lover husband . I IIOAV had to take care of the tiny little orphan , which a brother
of a sister Lodge , who knew some of the circumstances , consented to adopt ; but death had also put his relentless stamp upon the little one . The trials and vicissitudes through which the mother had passed , and the inadequate food before being admitted to the Hospital along Avith her suffering , could not fail to haA e its effect upon her offspring . The child was born suffering with marasmus , and could
not be cured . It lingered , however , through good and careful nursing , for three months , when it also died , and for the third time the yaAvning grave opened and received the last of this unfortunate family , united in death as they had been on earth . I never notified the British Consul , never wrote to the harsh old
father , and the secret of those lives and secret of their names , lies buried in the triple grave at Greenwood Cemetry . there to remain until all secrets are revealed , all hearts laid bare , and the final judgments Avill bo passed on all—rich and poor , weak and strong , alike—all measured by the standard of the great Jehovah , by the scale of the ever-righteous Judge . —Canadian Craftsman .
Metropolitan Lodge And Chapter Meetings For The Current Week.
Metropolitan Lodge and Chapter Meetings for the Current Week .
" All Lodges held within Ten Miles of FREEMASONS' HALL , LOUDON , are LONDON LODGES . "— General Laics and Begulations .
Lodge NA > IE OF LODGE AND CHAPTER . PLACE OP MEETING . ( THIS DAY ) ( 4 th ) THURSDAY , APRIL 25 th . 2 [~ c 5 Prosperity ( lulMhnll Tar ., GresJiam Street , E . C . "" G ( I Grenadiers K . M . H .
I' 99 Sh . ike .-pe ; . re ... Albion Tav ., AMersgatc Street , E . C . , [ b > I Hilled Pilgrims Bridge House Hotel , S . E . iflSS l . a Tolerance F . . \ 1 . H . S 5 S Smith Middlesex ' Beaufort House , Xorth End , Fnlham Kill Kiii .-liniT St . liotolpli Chmbrs ., liishopsgatc ; 71 Hova ! Oak White Swan Tav ., Jluptftml 1503 City of Westminster Cafe ; itoyal , Regent Street , W . 197-1 St . Man Abbotts Town Hall , Kensington Ti . A . C . " !> : i 4 Polish National I <\ M . II . ll . C . 97 R . sc and Lilv t ! 3 , Golden Square , AV .
( 1 th ) FRIDAY , APRIL 20 th . 107 Jenaljin , F . M . H . 569 Fii / . roy Hd .-Qrs ., Hon . Artillery Co ., City Hoad IfiOl Kavens ' snnrnc Town Hall , Catfonl 2157 St . . Mark ' s College I Victoria Alans . Hest ., Victo . 'ia S :., S . AV . ' lC 02 Sir Hugh Middleton ' Cock Tav ., Highbury , X .
( lth ) SATURDAY , APRIL 27 th . 1706 Orp ' iens ] Holborn Hest ., AV . C . li . A . C . 1329 Sphinx I Surrey 11 . II ., Camberwell ( Last ) MONDAY , APRIL 2 ! lth . U . A . C . | I 1715 | Farringdon Without I Anderton ' s Hot ., Fleet Strc-t , E . C .
Lodge . NAME OF LODGE BD CHAPTER . PLACE OP MEE TING . ( Last ) TUESDAY , APRIL 30 th . 141 I Fait ! i j Andertoi ' . s Hotel , Fleet Street , E . C . ( 1 st ) WEDNESDAY , MAY 1 st .
I 29 S ttoy . il Stand r I C < ck Tar ., High laity , X . 1491 Athcna'inn Aihe la'tnn , Caindui Koa 1 , X . l . W Hoyal Connnenior .. tion AVhi o laion Hot .. Put . lev , S . AV . 1 HJ 7 Atl . ' ance Gnil lliail Tav , li . C .
( 1 st ) THURSDAY , MAY 2 nd . Id i Westminster au < l Kcysfc me ... F . M . If . 27 | Egyptian Anderton ' s Hotel , E . C . 4 a , v Strong . Alan M . II . Tav ., lSasinghall Street , E . C . 2 M St . Andrew ' s V . M . II . 551 Yarborough Green Dragon . Stepney 1155 Excelsior AVhite Swan Tav ., Deptford 1281 Park Cock
. - Finsbury Tav ., Highbury , X . K 161 United Service Cafe Koyal , Kcgent Street , AV . 1425 Hyde Park The Westbonrne , Craven Koad , AV . 1115 Prince Leopold Three Xnns Hot ., Aldgate , E . C . 1721 Kaiser-j-l I hid Cafe ttoy . il , Hegeiit Sweet , AV . 17 G 5 Trinity College 13 , -Alandeville Place , AV . 1790 Old England II . II ., Xew Thornton H'tli , nr . Croydon 1950 Southgate Hallway Hot . Xew Southgate
, R . A . C . 9 lloiint lAforiaii Albion Tav ., Aldcrsgate Street , EC . 174 Sincerity London Tav ., Fenchnreh St ., E . C . " 1507 Metropolitan Anderton ' s Hot ., Fleet Street , E . C . N . B . —We will insert hours of meeting of London Lodges , if
summonses are sent to us in sufficient time . —ED . M . S .