Article HIGH TWELVE Page 1 of 1 Article Dramatic Notes and Observations. Page 1 of 1
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High Twelve
" Cease labour and go to refreshment . " After Lodge is closed , Brethren may find relaxation , and
amusement in , LONDON at—THEATRE ROYAL , DRTJRY LANE . Lessee and Manager , Bro . Augustus Harris . THE ARMADA at 7 . 30 .
HAYMARKET THEATRE . Lessee and Manager , Mr . IK . Becrbohm Tree . CAPTAIN SWIFT at 8 . 30 . THAT DREADFUL DOCTOR at 7 . 50 . ADELPHI THEATRE . Sole Proprietors and Managers , Bros . A . & S . Gatti . THE UNION JACK at 8 . THE LOTTERY TICKET at 7 . 15 .
THE GLOBE . Lessee and Manager , Mr . John Lart . Tan MONK ' ROOM at 8 . 15 . SAVOY THEATRE . Manager , Mr . D'Oyly Carte . THE YEOMAN OP THE GUARD , 8 . 30 .
PRINCE OF WALES' THEATRE . Sole Lessee and Manager , Mr . Horace Sedger . DOUOTHY 8 . 30 . WARRANTED BURGLAR PROOF , 7 . 40 . VAUDEVILLE THEATRE . Sole Lessee and Manager , Mr . Thomas Thorite . JOSEPH ' SWEETHEART at 8 . 30 . THE BROTHERS at 7 . 45 .
COMEDY THEATRE . Lessee and Manager , Mr . C . H . Hawtrey . U . vn . i-. s AND AVXTS at 9 . THE SPY at 8 . LYCEUM THEATRE . Sole Lessee , Mr . Henry Irving . PHINCE KARL at 8 . 45 . AIAVAYS INTENDED at 7 . 45 .
OLYMPIC THEATRE . Lessee and Manageress , Agnes Hewitt . THE TWO ORPHANS at 8 .
TERRY'S THEATRE . Sole Lessee and Manager , Bro . Edward Terry . SWEET LAVENDER at 8 . 30 . OPERA COMIQUE . Lessee and Manager , Mr . F . J . Harris . CARINA at 8 . 30 . THE BLACKSMITH ' S DAUGHTER at 7 . 30 .
BRIGHTONTHEATRE ROYAL . Sole Proprietress , Mrs . Nye Chart . SHE STOOPS TO CONQUER at 7 . 30 .
Manageress , Miss Fanny Josephs . DAVID GAIUUCK .
MANCHESTERTHEATRE ROYAL . Lessee , Captain Bainbridge . THE LYONS MAIL . PRINCE'S THEATRE . Manager , Mr . Ramsay .
Managing Director , Mr . T . W . Charles . JANE SnoitE .
Dramatic Notes And Observations.
Dramatic Notes and Observations .
( Communicated ) . THE Shaftesbury Theatre opened last Saturday , under the management of Mr . Lancaster . " As You Like It " is the title of
the piece . It was received with much favour from a crowded house . The theatre is beautifully decorated and very comfortable .
WE are giA r en to understand that another neAv theatre Avill be built shortly , and more than likely that it will be called " The Temple . " ELLEN TERRY and Bro HENRY IRVING will , according- to Dunlop ' s Stage , News , make another American tour next year , when they will be seen in ''Macbeth . "
" THE BLACKSMITH ' S DAUGHTER , " by Arnold GolsAvorthy and E . B . Norman , was produced in front of "Carina" at the Opera Comique last Tuesday Avith great success .
A TICKET Benefit Avill be held at the Princess' all next week in aid of " The Household Fire Rescue Society . " Tickets only Avill benefit .
ON November 1 st , in the afternoon , a neAv farcical comedy will be plaj'ed , entitled The Policeman , " at Bro . Terry ' s Theatre . AT the Prince's Theatre , Manchester , the Mary Anderson Company has attracted large audiences with " Pygmalion and Galatea . " , ; The Winter's Tale , " and " Romeo and Juliet . "
MADAME MARIE ROZE MAPLESON left London for Paris yesterday . After making a tour of the principal towns in France , she will proceed to Brussels and the Hague , then return to Great Britain for six weeks before proceeding to Australia .
I HEAR that Bro . Wilson Barrett has sold all provincial rights in his new four-act drama , " Now-a-days , " to Mr . Alfred Cuthbert , lessee and manager of the Hull Theatre Royal , A \ 'here it will be produced toAvards the end of February next .
Mr . C . H . HAWTREY opens the Strand during November Avith a burlesque called " Atalanta , " by Mr . G . P . Hawtrey . Miss Alma Stanley and Miss Lottie Venne , Ave believe , are in the cast , as also Miss Marie Glover .
Miss RITA D'ANGELI IIOAV plays the Captain of the Guard in " Pcpita" at Toole ' s . She has a good appearance and excellent voice .
ON the 5 th November , Henry Pettit's new drama , Hands Across the Sea , " will be put on the boards at the Princess ' . Judging by its success in Manchester , this piece ought to draAV well .
ON the 8 th November , the Opera Comique Carina Company Avill give a matinee at Mrs . Nye Chart ' s Brighton Theatre . UNCLES AND AUNTS , " at the Comedy , promises to be a great
success , and excellent houses continue to be convulsed with laughter oA er the droll doings of Mr . Penley in the part of Zedekiah Aspen .
THE directors of the Prince's Theatre , Manchester , have made special arrangements with Mr . T . W . Charles , the manager of the Theatre Royal , Nottingham , to produce their next pantomine , Avhich Avill be entitled " Sinbad the Sailor , " and Avill be written by Mr . George Dance , of Nottingham .
Miss AGNES HUNTINGDON , contralto , will have a leading part in the opera of " Paul Jones , " at the Prince of Wales' Theatre , in which she Avill attempt baritone .
BRO . F . POTTER , the acting manager of the Gaiety Theatre , AA ho arranged the tour of the Antipodean Gaiety Company Avill remain in London to manage the coming season . THE Lyric Theatre will be finished by the end of the year , Avhen Mr . Leslie will , no doubt , revive ' Dorothy . "
MR . LEONARD BOYNE being again indisposed , his place in " The Armada , " at Drury Lane , on four evenings , has been taken by Mr . Percy Lyndal , who on Thursday , gave Avaj' to Mr . H . Hamilton , part author of the piece .
Miss MARY ANDERSON takes her departure for America on the 27 th inst ., per s . s . TJmbria , her tour commencing at Wallack's on November 12 th . AT the Prince of Wales' Theatre , " Alice in Wonderland" Avill
not , after all , be revived this Christmas , . although most of the Company had already been engaged , and agreements made Avith Mr . Horace Sedger for the production . STELLA .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
High Twelve
" Cease labour and go to refreshment . " After Lodge is closed , Brethren may find relaxation , and
amusement in , LONDON at—THEATRE ROYAL , DRTJRY LANE . Lessee and Manager , Bro . Augustus Harris . THE ARMADA at 7 . 30 .
HAYMARKET THEATRE . Lessee and Manager , Mr . IK . Becrbohm Tree . CAPTAIN SWIFT at 8 . 30 . THAT DREADFUL DOCTOR at 7 . 50 . ADELPHI THEATRE . Sole Proprietors and Managers , Bros . A . & S . Gatti . THE UNION JACK at 8 . THE LOTTERY TICKET at 7 . 15 .
THE GLOBE . Lessee and Manager , Mr . John Lart . Tan MONK ' ROOM at 8 . 15 . SAVOY THEATRE . Manager , Mr . D'Oyly Carte . THE YEOMAN OP THE GUARD , 8 . 30 .
PRINCE OF WALES' THEATRE . Sole Lessee and Manager , Mr . Horace Sedger . DOUOTHY 8 . 30 . WARRANTED BURGLAR PROOF , 7 . 40 . VAUDEVILLE THEATRE . Sole Lessee and Manager , Mr . Thomas Thorite . JOSEPH ' SWEETHEART at 8 . 30 . THE BROTHERS at 7 . 45 .
COMEDY THEATRE . Lessee and Manager , Mr . C . H . Hawtrey . U . vn . i-. s AND AVXTS at 9 . THE SPY at 8 . LYCEUM THEATRE . Sole Lessee , Mr . Henry Irving . PHINCE KARL at 8 . 45 . AIAVAYS INTENDED at 7 . 45 .
OLYMPIC THEATRE . Lessee and Manageress , Agnes Hewitt . THE TWO ORPHANS at 8 .
TERRY'S THEATRE . Sole Lessee and Manager , Bro . Edward Terry . SWEET LAVENDER at 8 . 30 . OPERA COMIQUE . Lessee and Manager , Mr . F . J . Harris . CARINA at 8 . 30 . THE BLACKSMITH ' S DAUGHTER at 7 . 30 .
BRIGHTONTHEATRE ROYAL . Sole Proprietress , Mrs . Nye Chart . SHE STOOPS TO CONQUER at 7 . 30 .
Manageress , Miss Fanny Josephs . DAVID GAIUUCK .
MANCHESTERTHEATRE ROYAL . Lessee , Captain Bainbridge . THE LYONS MAIL . PRINCE'S THEATRE . Manager , Mr . Ramsay .
Managing Director , Mr . T . W . Charles . JANE SnoitE .
Dramatic Notes And Observations.
Dramatic Notes and Observations .
( Communicated ) . THE Shaftesbury Theatre opened last Saturday , under the management of Mr . Lancaster . " As You Like It " is the title of
the piece . It was received with much favour from a crowded house . The theatre is beautifully decorated and very comfortable .
WE are giA r en to understand that another neAv theatre Avill be built shortly , and more than likely that it will be called " The Temple . " ELLEN TERRY and Bro HENRY IRVING will , according- to Dunlop ' s Stage , News , make another American tour next year , when they will be seen in ''Macbeth . "
" THE BLACKSMITH ' S DAUGHTER , " by Arnold GolsAvorthy and E . B . Norman , was produced in front of "Carina" at the Opera Comique last Tuesday Avith great success .
A TICKET Benefit Avill be held at the Princess' all next week in aid of " The Household Fire Rescue Society . " Tickets only Avill benefit .
ON November 1 st , in the afternoon , a neAv farcical comedy will be plaj'ed , entitled The Policeman , " at Bro . Terry ' s Theatre . AT the Prince's Theatre , Manchester , the Mary Anderson Company has attracted large audiences with " Pygmalion and Galatea . " , ; The Winter's Tale , " and " Romeo and Juliet . "
MADAME MARIE ROZE MAPLESON left London for Paris yesterday . After making a tour of the principal towns in France , she will proceed to Brussels and the Hague , then return to Great Britain for six weeks before proceeding to Australia .
I HEAR that Bro . Wilson Barrett has sold all provincial rights in his new four-act drama , " Now-a-days , " to Mr . Alfred Cuthbert , lessee and manager of the Hull Theatre Royal , A \ 'here it will be produced toAvards the end of February next .
Mr . C . H . HAWTREY opens the Strand during November Avith a burlesque called " Atalanta , " by Mr . G . P . Hawtrey . Miss Alma Stanley and Miss Lottie Venne , Ave believe , are in the cast , as also Miss Marie Glover .
Miss RITA D'ANGELI IIOAV plays the Captain of the Guard in " Pcpita" at Toole ' s . She has a good appearance and excellent voice .
ON the 5 th November , Henry Pettit's new drama , Hands Across the Sea , " will be put on the boards at the Princess ' . Judging by its success in Manchester , this piece ought to draAV well .
ON the 8 th November , the Opera Comique Carina Company Avill give a matinee at Mrs . Nye Chart ' s Brighton Theatre . UNCLES AND AUNTS , " at the Comedy , promises to be a great
success , and excellent houses continue to be convulsed with laughter oA er the droll doings of Mr . Penley in the part of Zedekiah Aspen .
THE directors of the Prince's Theatre , Manchester , have made special arrangements with Mr . T . W . Charles , the manager of the Theatre Royal , Nottingham , to produce their next pantomine , Avhich Avill be entitled " Sinbad the Sailor , " and Avill be written by Mr . George Dance , of Nottingham .
Miss AGNES HUNTINGDON , contralto , will have a leading part in the opera of " Paul Jones , " at the Prince of Wales' Theatre , in which she Avill attempt baritone .
BRO . F . POTTER , the acting manager of the Gaiety Theatre , AA ho arranged the tour of the Antipodean Gaiety Company Avill remain in London to manage the coming season . THE Lyric Theatre will be finished by the end of the year , Avhen Mr . Leslie will , no doubt , revive ' Dorothy . "
MR . LEONARD BOYNE being again indisposed , his place in " The Armada , " at Drury Lane , on four evenings , has been taken by Mr . Percy Lyndal , who on Thursday , gave Avaj' to Mr . H . Hamilton , part author of the piece .
Miss MARY ANDERSON takes her departure for America on the 27 th inst ., per s . s . TJmbria , her tour commencing at Wallack's on November 12 th . AT the Prince of Wales' Theatre , " Alice in Wonderland" Avill
not , after all , be revived this Christmas , . although most of the Company had already been engaged , and agreements made Avith Mr . Horace Sedger for the production . STELLA .