Article Answers to Correspondents. Page 1 of 1 Article Masonic Exchange & Mart Column Page 1 of 1 Article Masonic Exchange & Mart Column Page 1 of 1 Article Metropolitan and Provincial Lodge and Chapter Meetings Page 1 of 1
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Answers To Correspondents.
Answers to Correspondents .
STIIKTCU . -Thanks for ymir infonn : itioii re . Industry , 18 < l , and AVcsI bourne , 733 , Lodges of Instruction . We li ; ivc taken the misleading addresses out . of our 11 st ( if meetings , and await oliieial information before removing names and numbers altogether . We cannot a lion I to occasion other brethren the trouble and expense you have been put to through reference to our pages .
S . AV ., 1 int .--We cannot , insert reports of meetings held more than-a fortnight before the respective dales on which we publish . Your favour should have been forwarded certainly not later than Kith inst ., and it would then have been inserted , nnieli condensed , in our last week ' s issue . Kindly help us on a future occasion , but more spccdilv .
JOSJ . UI \\ ., i ; i !» ,. sin : K ) 'ii : ti > . -AVe will .-w what wc can do iwxi week . Meanwhile , send address alter leaving lUrmingham . I ! . I ! , d .. Sn . riilAX , No . -171 . —AVe are obliged for the information ; v Newport Lodges , and will utilize same in our next issue .
Masonic Exchange & Mart Column
Masonic Exchange & Mart Column
* £ * In- answer to several enquiries we desire to state that this column n-ili be open to all subscribers to THE MASONIC STAR without charge , for the present at any rate . We wish to see whether or not it is of use for the . purpose intended before , we make any deli nit e arranaumciit as to its eont inuance . —En . M . S .
( a / ctlfs Candid Disquisition of the . Principles of Freemasonry , 1709 — Trewman ' s Princi ples of Freemasonry . 1777 — The Unparalleled Sufferings of John Cusfos , tortured by the Inquisition ,
Masonic Exchange & Mart Column
Plates and List of R . A . Chapters , 17— -. — Masonic Effusions , F . C . Daniel , 18 . 1 U—vt Masonic Treatise , with an Elucidation , W . Finch . 1802— Vestiges of Genuine Freemasonry , M . Margalouth , 1852—The . Masonic Charities , G . Taylor—An Inrestigation of the cause oj
hostility of the Church , of Rome towards Freemasonry , 187-. — AH Essay on the Origin of Freemasonry . 1880—Preston ' s Illustrations 1788 . ISO I . 1812 . 1821 . 1841—Freemason ' s Quarterli ) Magazine and Review . 1851-2-3-1-5 . In Parts as issued . — T . F .
Speculative Masonry , J . Yarker— History and Articles oj Masonry , M . Cooke—Masonic Vocal Manual , W . Garforth , 1852—Lectures on Freemasonry . G . D . Goodyear , ISu'l—Lyre Maconnigue , J . A . Jacquelin , 1811— ' (' ode des Franemiicojis , 1830—Masonic Miscellanies , S . Jones , 17 !> 7—The Anti-Christian , Character of Freemasonry , M . C . Trevilian , 181 ' . ) ( supposed)—R . A . Apron and Sash , 13 s . Od . ; Mark Apron , ( is . 3 d . : Ditto , Is . Od . —BELL .
FOR SALE ( CHEAP ) . — Gould ' s History of Freemasonry , bound in red morocco—A Royal Arch-Principal ' s Apron—A Royal Arch Jewel . —TEMPLATE .
Royal Arch Companion ' s Clothing ( cheap ) as good as new ; approval—The Freemason ' s Magazine and- Masonic Mirror , vols . XA ii , to xxiv . —ASPIRANT . Ahiman , Rezon , 1787-1813—Royal Arch Regulations before 1823 —Preston ' s Illustrations , 1772 , 1775—Sketches and Reprints , W . J .
Hughan . First Part , 187 ' 1— Constitutions , 1855 , 1861 , 18 G 6—And the folloAving histories : Freemasonry in Inverness—In China-Amoy — At Jlottoms Eastwood — Doyle ' s Lodge of Fellowship—St Hilda Lodge , South Shields—Imperial George , Lodge—Britannic Lodge—Kelso Lodge—Grand Lodge Rejiort , December , 1871 . ' —T . F .
Ahiman Rezon , 1787 , 1800 , 1801 , 1813—G . LA . Constitutions , 1855 ' til , ' 05 , 'CO , ' 07 , 8 vo . —Royal Arch- Regulations , 1804 , 1879—Proceedings of Grand Lodge . December , 1871 . —BELL .
Metropolitan And Provincial Lodge And Chapter Meetings
Metropolitan and Provincial Lodge and Chapter Meetings
FOE TZEilE CUK ^ E-STO ? - \ V __ 2 __ C :.
ABBEEVIATI 03 STS . Lo ., Lodges ; R . A . C , Chapters ; Mk ., Mark Lodges ; R . Ci \ , Rose Croix Chapters ; R . X ., Red CrossConclaves ; F . M . H ., Freemasons' Hall , London ; F . M . T ., Freemasons' Tavern , London ; M . C , Masonic Club ; M . H ., Masonic Hall ; M . R ., Masonic Rooms ; M . T ., Masonic Temple ; P . R ., Private Rooms ; Hot ., Hotel ; Tav ., Tavern ; C . H ., Coffee House ; To . Ha ., Town Hall ; Rt ., Restaurant .
ffldvoyolitnn Eabgts attb Lodge . ; - - OI ' " T- ( 01 ) OE AND ClIAl'Tl-tt . j PLACE OF llr . KTIXC . THIS DAY ( lth and Last ) THURSDAY , OCTOBER 25 th . 22 Neptune Ouildhall Tav .. EC .. 3-1 Mount Moriah L >\ M . II . G 5 Prosperity Cuildhall Tav ., Grcsham Street ( ifi ( Jreiiadiors F . M . Jf . Mir United Pilgrims Bridge House Hotel , London Bridge SOS South Middlesex iieaufort Hot ,. Fitlham Hfil Finsbury St . ISotoIph Chmbrs ., Bishopsgatc 871 Royal Oak AVhite Swan Tav ., Deptford 1121 Langthorne | Angle Hot ., Uiovd lf 58 Skelmersdale . Surrey M . Jl „ Camberweil 1 N 10 Victoria Park j London Tavern , Fonchurch Street P . 17-1 St . Mary Abbots ' Town Hall , Kensington R . A . C . . [ 29 St . Albans Albion Tav ., AIdersgaU' Street 177 Domatic ... j Anderton ' s Hot .. Fleet Street 531 Polish National P . M . 11 . 7 t ; C William I ' resion ' ¦ Caimon Street Hotel 0 , K Mark . j 1 HI Sir Francis liurdeil j Alhanv Hot .. Twiekenhani 332 Horo" ol lireenwich William the Fourth , Trafalgar Road - " •«¦ ¦* li'i .-pini sa , Red Lion Square , AV . C , ' (• fth ) FRIDAY , OCTOBER 20 th . i . H :, \ li . f . 'KN . COURT R . M . f . HOYS AND FLECTION . fin Peace and Harmony P . M . II . sua Fitzroy j lion . Arlillery Co . Jld . Qrs ., C'irr Road lfliil Studholmc I 33 . ( . ' olden Souare . \ V . i ' ' R . A . C . . I 7-lti Hclgrave | Ship and Tunic , Leadenhall Street 1002 Sir Hugh Mvddellon I Cock Tav ., Highbury , N K . T . ' 71 Ilareouri ! Creyhound Hot ., Richmond ( lth ) SATURDAY , OCTOBER 27 th . QUAU . GEN . COURT It . M . I . HIRLS . AND FLECTION . 1293 : Rurdett Mitre 1 lot ., jlampton Court 12 K 7 | West Kent ! Crystal Palace . Sydenham 15-U Alexandra Palace Imperial line , ll ' oUmm Viaduct , E . C . 1700 Orpheus Hoiljorn Rest ., W . C . 1777 Royal Hanover Town Hall , Twickenham R . A . C . 1320 Sphinx Surrey M . II ., CmnhenveU ??\„ r . 'NAME OV LOIWE AND CiiATTEtt . PLACE OP MEETING . Lodge . ( Last ) MONDAY , OCTOBER 29 th . 79 I Pythagorean [ Ship Hot ., ( iroervwleh 1015 rd 33 ( loldeu | Baya I , Square , AV . ( Last ) TUESDAY , OCTOBER 30 th . Ill j Faith j Anilerton ' s Hotel , Fleet Street ( Last ) WEDNESDAY , OCTOBER 31 st , Hits \ Tcmpcrance-in-Htc-East ... 0 , Nowlry Place . Poplar R . A . C . i 13 Union Waterloo j M . II ., William Street , AVoolwich ' 135 Mount Lebanon Ship and Turtle , Leadenhall Si reel 82 U Lilv of Richmond ! Oreyhonnd , Richmond Mark . " j 170 Era | Ha . Red Lion Sipiaro , AV . C . ( 1 st ) THURSDAY , NOVEMBER 1 st . 27 ; Fgvptian i Anderton ' s Hotel , E . C . -IS i strong Man AI . H . Tav ., liasinghalI Street , K . C . ] il 2 j Lion and Lamb Cannon Street Hotel , E . C . 227 i Ionic I Ship and Turtle , K . C . 231 ¦ St . Andrew ' s 1 P . M . H . 538 i La Tolerance P . H . H . 554 ! Yarborough Creen Dragon . Stepney 822 i Victoria Rides F . M . H . 1 ) 13 ; Patterson Assembly Rooms , JirookHill . PIumslead 12 SS ; Finsbury Park Cock Tav ., Highbury , N . 135 ] i St . Clement Danes The Palsgrave , 225 , Strand 1125 ; IIvile Park The Westbouvne , 1 , Craven Road , AY . 1-115 | Prince Leopold Three Nitn . s Hot ., Aldgate Hot Ui 72 | Morningtoii Imperial ., Holborn Viaduct 172-1 i Kaiscr-i-llhid Cafe Royal , Regent Street 1705 Trinity College 13 , Mandeville Place , AV . 17 ltn Old F . iiglnnd ' M . Il ., N ( : wThovi ! tonH ' th , Xr . Croy ( lon 71 . A . O . 1 H 1 Universal F . M . II . ! .- ;' 1507 Metropolitan Andertou ' . s Hotel , Fleet Street Mark . 211 Trinity College 13 , Manileville Place , AV . N . B . — We will insert hours ofjmeeting of London Lodges , if summonses arc sent to us in sufficient time . —ED . M . S .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Answers To Correspondents.
Answers to Correspondents .
STIIKTCU . -Thanks for ymir infonn : itioii re . Industry , 18 < l , and AVcsI bourne , 733 , Lodges of Instruction . We li ; ivc taken the misleading addresses out . of our 11 st ( if meetings , and await oliieial information before removing names and numbers altogether . We cannot a lion I to occasion other brethren the trouble and expense you have been put to through reference to our pages .
S . AV ., 1 int .--We cannot , insert reports of meetings held more than-a fortnight before the respective dales on which we publish . Your favour should have been forwarded certainly not later than Kith inst ., and it would then have been inserted , nnieli condensed , in our last week ' s issue . Kindly help us on a future occasion , but more spccdilv .
JOSJ . UI \\ ., i ; i !» ,. sin : K ) 'ii : ti > . -AVe will .-w what wc can do iwxi week . Meanwhile , send address alter leaving lUrmingham . I ! . I ! , d .. Sn . riilAX , No . -171 . —AVe are obliged for the information ; v Newport Lodges , and will utilize same in our next issue .
Masonic Exchange & Mart Column
Masonic Exchange & Mart Column
* £ * In- answer to several enquiries we desire to state that this column n-ili be open to all subscribers to THE MASONIC STAR without charge , for the present at any rate . We wish to see whether or not it is of use for the . purpose intended before , we make any deli nit e arranaumciit as to its eont inuance . —En . M . S .
( a / ctlfs Candid Disquisition of the . Principles of Freemasonry , 1709 — Trewman ' s Princi ples of Freemasonry . 1777 — The Unparalleled Sufferings of John Cusfos , tortured by the Inquisition ,
Masonic Exchange & Mart Column
Plates and List of R . A . Chapters , 17— -. — Masonic Effusions , F . C . Daniel , 18 . 1 U—vt Masonic Treatise , with an Elucidation , W . Finch . 1802— Vestiges of Genuine Freemasonry , M . Margalouth , 1852—The . Masonic Charities , G . Taylor—An Inrestigation of the cause oj
hostility of the Church , of Rome towards Freemasonry , 187-. — AH Essay on the Origin of Freemasonry . 1880—Preston ' s Illustrations 1788 . ISO I . 1812 . 1821 . 1841—Freemason ' s Quarterli ) Magazine and Review . 1851-2-3-1-5 . In Parts as issued . — T . F .
Speculative Masonry , J . Yarker— History and Articles oj Masonry , M . Cooke—Masonic Vocal Manual , W . Garforth , 1852—Lectures on Freemasonry . G . D . Goodyear , ISu'l—Lyre Maconnigue , J . A . Jacquelin , 1811— ' (' ode des Franemiicojis , 1830—Masonic Miscellanies , S . Jones , 17 !> 7—The Anti-Christian , Character of Freemasonry , M . C . Trevilian , 181 ' . ) ( supposed)—R . A . Apron and Sash , 13 s . Od . ; Mark Apron , ( is . 3 d . : Ditto , Is . Od . —BELL .
FOR SALE ( CHEAP ) . — Gould ' s History of Freemasonry , bound in red morocco—A Royal Arch-Principal ' s Apron—A Royal Arch Jewel . —TEMPLATE .
Royal Arch Companion ' s Clothing ( cheap ) as good as new ; approval—The Freemason ' s Magazine and- Masonic Mirror , vols . XA ii , to xxiv . —ASPIRANT . Ahiman , Rezon , 1787-1813—Royal Arch Regulations before 1823 —Preston ' s Illustrations , 1772 , 1775—Sketches and Reprints , W . J .
Hughan . First Part , 187 ' 1— Constitutions , 1855 , 1861 , 18 G 6—And the folloAving histories : Freemasonry in Inverness—In China-Amoy — At Jlottoms Eastwood — Doyle ' s Lodge of Fellowship—St Hilda Lodge , South Shields—Imperial George , Lodge—Britannic Lodge—Kelso Lodge—Grand Lodge Rejiort , December , 1871 . ' —T . F .
Ahiman Rezon , 1787 , 1800 , 1801 , 1813—G . LA . Constitutions , 1855 ' til , ' 05 , 'CO , ' 07 , 8 vo . —Royal Arch- Regulations , 1804 , 1879—Proceedings of Grand Lodge . December , 1871 . —BELL .
Metropolitan And Provincial Lodge And Chapter Meetings
Metropolitan and Provincial Lodge and Chapter Meetings
FOE TZEilE CUK ^ E-STO ? - \ V __ 2 __ C :.
ABBEEVIATI 03 STS . Lo ., Lodges ; R . A . C , Chapters ; Mk ., Mark Lodges ; R . Ci \ , Rose Croix Chapters ; R . X ., Red CrossConclaves ; F . M . H ., Freemasons' Hall , London ; F . M . T ., Freemasons' Tavern , London ; M . C , Masonic Club ; M . H ., Masonic Hall ; M . R ., Masonic Rooms ; M . T ., Masonic Temple ; P . R ., Private Rooms ; Hot ., Hotel ; Tav ., Tavern ; C . H ., Coffee House ; To . Ha ., Town Hall ; Rt ., Restaurant .
ffldvoyolitnn Eabgts attb Lodge . ; - - OI ' " T- ( 01 ) OE AND ClIAl'Tl-tt . j PLACE OF llr . KTIXC . THIS DAY ( lth and Last ) THURSDAY , OCTOBER 25 th . 22 Neptune Ouildhall Tav .. EC .. 3-1 Mount Moriah L >\ M . II . G 5 Prosperity Cuildhall Tav ., Grcsham Street ( ifi ( Jreiiadiors F . M . Jf . Mir United Pilgrims Bridge House Hotel , London Bridge SOS South Middlesex iieaufort Hot ,. Fitlham Hfil Finsbury St . ISotoIph Chmbrs ., Bishopsgatc 871 Royal Oak AVhite Swan Tav ., Deptford 1121 Langthorne | Angle Hot ., Uiovd lf 58 Skelmersdale . Surrey M . Jl „ Camberweil 1 N 10 Victoria Park j London Tavern , Fonchurch Street P . 17-1 St . Mary Abbots ' Town Hall , Kensington R . A . C . . [ 29 St . Albans Albion Tav ., AIdersgaU' Street 177 Domatic ... j Anderton ' s Hot .. Fleet Street 531 Polish National P . M . 11 . 7 t ; C William I ' resion ' ¦ Caimon Street Hotel 0 , K Mark . j 1 HI Sir Francis liurdeil j Alhanv Hot .. Twiekenhani 332 Horo" ol lireenwich William the Fourth , Trafalgar Road - " •«¦ ¦* li'i .-pini sa , Red Lion Square , AV . C , ' (• fth ) FRIDAY , OCTOBER 20 th . i . H :, \ li . f . 'KN . COURT R . M . f . HOYS AND FLECTION . fin Peace and Harmony P . M . II . sua Fitzroy j lion . Arlillery Co . Jld . Qrs ., C'irr Road lfliil Studholmc I 33 . ( . ' olden Souare . \ V . i ' ' R . A . C . . I 7-lti Hclgrave | Ship and Tunic , Leadenhall Street 1002 Sir Hugh Mvddellon I Cock Tav ., Highbury , N K . T . ' 71 Ilareouri ! Creyhound Hot ., Richmond ( lth ) SATURDAY , OCTOBER 27 th . QUAU . GEN . COURT It . M . I . HIRLS . AND FLECTION . 1293 : Rurdett Mitre 1 lot ., jlampton Court 12 K 7 | West Kent ! Crystal Palace . Sydenham 15-U Alexandra Palace Imperial line , ll ' oUmm Viaduct , E . C . 1700 Orpheus Hoiljorn Rest ., W . C . 1777 Royal Hanover Town Hall , Twickenham R . A . C . 1320 Sphinx Surrey M . II ., CmnhenveU ??\„ r . 'NAME OV LOIWE AND CiiATTEtt . PLACE OP MEETING . Lodge . ( Last ) MONDAY , OCTOBER 29 th . 79 I Pythagorean [ Ship Hot ., ( iroervwleh 1015 rd 33 ( loldeu | Baya I , Square , AV . ( Last ) TUESDAY , OCTOBER 30 th . Ill j Faith j Anilerton ' s Hotel , Fleet Street ( Last ) WEDNESDAY , OCTOBER 31 st , Hits \ Tcmpcrance-in-Htc-East ... 0 , Nowlry Place . Poplar R . A . C . i 13 Union Waterloo j M . II ., William Street , AVoolwich ' 135 Mount Lebanon Ship and Turtle , Leadenhall Si reel 82 U Lilv of Richmond ! Oreyhonnd , Richmond Mark . " j 170 Era | Ha . Red Lion Sipiaro , AV . C . ( 1 st ) THURSDAY , NOVEMBER 1 st . 27 ; Fgvptian i Anderton ' s Hotel , E . C . -IS i strong Man AI . H . Tav ., liasinghalI Street , K . C . ] il 2 j Lion and Lamb Cannon Street Hotel , E . C . 227 i Ionic I Ship and Turtle , K . C . 231 ¦ St . Andrew ' s 1 P . M . H . 538 i La Tolerance P . H . H . 554 ! Yarborough Creen Dragon . Stepney 822 i Victoria Rides F . M . H . 1 ) 13 ; Patterson Assembly Rooms , JirookHill . PIumslead 12 SS ; Finsbury Park Cock Tav ., Highbury , N . 135 ] i St . Clement Danes The Palsgrave , 225 , Strand 1125 ; IIvile Park The Westbouvne , 1 , Craven Road , AY . 1-115 | Prince Leopold Three Nitn . s Hot ., Aldgate Hot Ui 72 | Morningtoii Imperial ., Holborn Viaduct 172-1 i Kaiscr-i-llhid Cafe Royal , Regent Street 1705 Trinity College 13 , Mandeville Place , AV . 17 ltn Old F . iiglnnd ' M . Il ., N ( : wThovi ! tonH ' th , Xr . Croy ( lon 71 . A . O . 1 H 1 Universal F . M . II . ! .- ;' 1507 Metropolitan Andertou ' . s Hotel , Fleet Street Mark . 211 Trinity College 13 , Manileville Place , AV . N . B . — We will insert hours ofjmeeting of London Lodges , if summonses arc sent to us in sufficient time . —ED . M . S .