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FOR AGEDFREEMASONSandWIDOWSOFFREEMASONS. ( Brantt R attan rmtr fjresiinmt : HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS THE PRINCE OF WALES , K . G ., & c , M . W . G . M . THEANNIVERSARYFESTIVAL AA ILL TAKE PLACE AT FREEMASONS' TAVERN , GREAT QUEEN STREET , LONDON , On WEDNESDAY , 21 th FEBRUARY , 1889 ; UPON AVHICH OCCASION The Right Honble . The EARL OF EUSTON , R . W . Prov . G . M ., Northants . and Hunts ., has been pleased to signify his intention of presiding . BKETHREN are earnestly invited to accept the Office of Stewards upon this occasion , and they will greatly oblige by forwarding their names and masonic rank , as soon as convenient , to the Secretary , who will gladly give any information required , and supply them with the necessary circulars , & c . It is fraternally hoped that upon this occasion , oAving to the large number of applicants and the few vacancies , Brethren will use their influence to obtain donations towards the funds of the Institution , which were never more needed than at the present time . Expenditure in Annuities alone , £ 15 , 000 . Permanent income only , £ 3 , 600 . 428 Annuitants on the Funds . 140 Candidates seeking admission . JAMES TERRY , Vice-Patron , P . G . S . B ., Office : —4 , FREEMASONS' HALL , LONDON , W . C . Secretary .
i tAmmm nwi mm < gg | f ^ BY HER MAJESTY'S ^^^^ S ^ ROYAL LETTERS PATENT . ^ J & I tf ^< iy NSJW ^ T " BROMHEAD&CO., CASENGINEERSANDMANUFACTURERS. m ] Aj > pointment to Her Majesty ' s Government and the India Office . ^^^ - ^^ S « 5 *» ** I ^Flflgf^.,)„ST.GEOKGE'SWOEKS, Vl'WLONDONFIELDSSTATION, %2#LONDON,E.
¦ www—^ , MM * B——w ** w' — ——^ n———n—p—% sa ? \ s & sfeila sladl fo & n i •J & J 11 / IJ' I f h" f I v wlmMiiiAiiik>5 13,CORNHILL,E.G. For Prices , sec daily papers . Trucks direct from the Colliery to every Railway Station .
FOURTH ANNUAL pfarthLondon]VIasonicBenevolentBall. L' . VDKK THE PATKOX . UHJ OF Sin A . KAYL ItOLLIT , M . I * ., ami COWLEY LAMMEKT , Esq ., JI . P . President -VilMn . v . x TOWNJ . KV , EM ) . Vice-Presidents—Wo . J . TKHKY , I ' . G . S . Il . ; Bro . 1 «\ BIXCK rcs , P . O . S . B . ; llro . F . II . AV . AV . HEDGKS 1 " ( i S 11 Bro . KDWAKII TF . RUY , P . Ci . S . ivml I ' .-AI . Sit , 1305 . ' nnJIE FOURTH ANNUAL BALL will be held at the FUEKMASOSH' TAVLRX , GREAT j _ L QUEEX STUEBT , W . C , on WKDXKSDAY , . TAXUAWY 2 ND , 1881 ) . TICKETS ( including Supper and Light Refreshments ) : — 1 ); II : HLK TICKET ( to admit Lady and G'entleman ) , 21 / -. ( -. ' EXTLEJIAX ' S SIXGLE . 12 6 . LADY ' SISCLU , 10 , 6 . ' Tlie Profits accruing from this Ball will be given to the Masonic Charities . Dancing to commence at 8 . 30 p . m . precisely . Bro . ' WRIGHT'S Quadrille Band , A dispensation to wear Masonic Clothing has been granted . Bro . J . POTTER , D . C . 1633 , Hon . Treas ., 10 , Highbury Park , N . Bro . PERCY PHILLIPS , 820 , Hon . Sec , 24 , Albion Boat ) , HolloTvay Koad , X . All Tickets not returneel &?/ Fridrty , 28 / 'ft December , will be considered as sold , and , mast he paid for
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
FOR AGEDFREEMASONSandWIDOWSOFFREEMASONS. ( Brantt R attan rmtr fjresiinmt : HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS THE PRINCE OF WALES , K . G ., & c , M . W . G . M . THEANNIVERSARYFESTIVAL AA ILL TAKE PLACE AT FREEMASONS' TAVERN , GREAT QUEEN STREET , LONDON , On WEDNESDAY , 21 th FEBRUARY , 1889 ; UPON AVHICH OCCASION The Right Honble . The EARL OF EUSTON , R . W . Prov . G . M ., Northants . and Hunts ., has been pleased to signify his intention of presiding . BKETHREN are earnestly invited to accept the Office of Stewards upon this occasion , and they will greatly oblige by forwarding their names and masonic rank , as soon as convenient , to the Secretary , who will gladly give any information required , and supply them with the necessary circulars , & c . It is fraternally hoped that upon this occasion , oAving to the large number of applicants and the few vacancies , Brethren will use their influence to obtain donations towards the funds of the Institution , which were never more needed than at the present time . Expenditure in Annuities alone , £ 15 , 000 . Permanent income only , £ 3 , 600 . 428 Annuitants on the Funds . 140 Candidates seeking admission . JAMES TERRY , Vice-Patron , P . G . S . B ., Office : —4 , FREEMASONS' HALL , LONDON , W . C . Secretary .
i tAmmm nwi mm < gg | f ^ BY HER MAJESTY'S ^^^^ S ^ ROYAL LETTERS PATENT . ^ J & I tf ^< iy NSJW ^ T " BROMHEAD&CO., CASENGINEERSANDMANUFACTURERS. m ] Aj > pointment to Her Majesty ' s Government and the India Office . ^^^ - ^^ S « 5 *» ** I ^Flflgf^.,)„ST.GEOKGE'SWOEKS, Vl'WLONDONFIELDSSTATION, %2#LONDON,E.
¦ www—^ , MM * B——w ** w' — ——^ n———n—p—% sa ? \ s & sfeila sladl fo & n i •J & J 11 / IJ' I f h" f I v wlmMiiiAiiik>5 13,CORNHILL,E.G. For Prices , sec daily papers . Trucks direct from the Colliery to every Railway Station .
FOURTH ANNUAL pfarthLondon]VIasonicBenevolentBall. L' . VDKK THE PATKOX . UHJ OF Sin A . KAYL ItOLLIT , M . I * ., ami COWLEY LAMMEKT , Esq ., JI . P . President -VilMn . v . x TOWNJ . KV , EM ) . Vice-Presidents—Wo . J . TKHKY , I ' . G . S . Il . ; Bro . 1 «\ BIXCK rcs , P . O . S . B . ; llro . F . II . AV . AV . HEDGKS 1 " ( i S 11 Bro . KDWAKII TF . RUY , P . Ci . S . ivml I ' .-AI . Sit , 1305 . ' nnJIE FOURTH ANNUAL BALL will be held at the FUEKMASOSH' TAVLRX , GREAT j _ L QUEEX STUEBT , W . C , on WKDXKSDAY , . TAXUAWY 2 ND , 1881 ) . TICKETS ( including Supper and Light Refreshments ) : — 1 ); II : HLK TICKET ( to admit Lady and G'entleman ) , 21 / -. ( -. ' EXTLEJIAX ' S SIXGLE . 12 6 . LADY ' SISCLU , 10 , 6 . ' Tlie Profits accruing from this Ball will be given to the Masonic Charities . Dancing to commence at 8 . 30 p . m . precisely . Bro . ' WRIGHT'S Quadrille Band , A dispensation to wear Masonic Clothing has been granted . Bro . J . POTTER , D . C . 1633 , Hon . Treas ., 10 , Highbury Park , N . Bro . PERCY PHILLIPS , 820 , Hon . Sec , 24 , Albion Boat ) , HolloTvay Koad , X . All Tickets not returneel &?/ Fridrty , 28 / 'ft December , will be considered as sold , and , mast he paid for