Article Freemasonry and Life Assurance. ← Page 2 of 2 Article MARK MASONRY. Page 1 of 1 Article UNITED GRAND LODGE OF ENGLAND. Page 1 of 1 Article THE BOARD OF MASTERS AND BOARD OF BENEVOLENCE. Page 1 of 1
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Freemasonry And Life Assurance.
many 3 'cars' past admissions of vciy unqualified persons into our Lodges , fast becoming , if it has not already become , a big benefit society ? Otherwise , IIOAV comes it that AVC have to listen to applicants Avho , in some instances , are not even M . M . ' s , and in very many not members of even one or
tAVO years' standing ? But , benefit society or not , big 01 little , we ought in " justice , "—another of the cardinal A-irtucs Ave expatiate upon—to do something to check the floAV of the
improvidence which swamps the masonic soil , and destroys the seed of that brotherly love and relief Avhich should groAv to the advantage of those most deserving amongst us . We
say , that of the amount any man is prepared to pay lor initiation and subscription a portion should be applied to provision against the inevitable ; and rather than it should not be so applied he should select less expensive and
extravagant Lodges . As to state of health precluding assurance , as Ave have heard some say , Ave know better . Here is a packet of prospectuses of Life Assurance Associations beside us . Let us take one at random , —here it is , —and in it Ave find
that second-class lives , as those " whose state of health or family history prevents the acceptance of their proposals at the ordinary premium" ( we quote the SCEPTRE LIFE
ASSOCIATION OF LONDON ) are denominated , can be assured by an arrangement Avhich appears to us to be equitable and , in fact , more to the interest of the assurer than the company .
In that , hoAvevcr , Ave have no concern . Our own policies are issued from other offices , Avhose conditions may be of the same nature and equally equitable as those of the SCEPTRE . We mention that association only in order that Avhat Aye
have said maj' be verified by reference , should any doubt . Well , then , as every man can be assured , and as every candidate for Freemasonry ought to be assured , as well in justice to his family as to the Order to Avhich he is about to
attach himself , that he may not , in the first place , leave those he should protect and cherish dependent on his friends , and , in the second , not hinder the relief of those whose misfortunes have not deceased , Avhat should prevent the
application of a remedy to the prevalent evil' ? Probably , this question may be deemed of sufficient importance to interest many , as well Freemasons as others , AVIIO are concerned in fostering provident habits in early life amongst the population
'generally . To all such Ave are prepared , as far as our limited space will permit , to make public their views on the subject , and , so far as our humlle influence can be made serviceable , to support such proposals as may seem
best adapted for the purpose of enforcing on candidates for Freemasonry a preliminary provision against the sad results which often folloAV upon that " awful moment " to which our attention is so forcibly directed in the most solemn of all our ceremonials .
Mark Masonry.
The Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons of England and Wales will be held at the Holborn Restaurant , London , W . C , on Tuesday next , the 4 th inst ., at 4 for 5 p . m ., A \ -hen , after the confirmation of the minutes of the half-yearly communication of the 5 th June last , and of the moveable Grand Lodge held at Cheltenham on the 10 th July , the report of the General Board Avill be taken . Among the of the
recommendations arising out report , the following will be considered : — " That the annuity payable to male annuitants bo increased to £ 20 . and that to female annuitants to £ 21 , and that a sum of £ 5 be annually presented at Christmas to each annuitant for the purpose of procuring clothing or fuel , or other necessaries ; and that the Book of Constitutions , page 76 , clause viii ., and page 7 ' . ) ,
clause iv ., be altered accordingly . The M . W . Grand Master and the Grand Treasurer for the ensuing year will be respectiA r cly nominated , and subsequently the charity jewels to the stewards at the last Benevolent Fund Festival Avill be presented . The next festival of that fund will be held in July , and brethren willing to act as stewards on that occasion should forward their names as early as possible to Bro . C . F . Matier . the secretary to that fund , at 8 a . Red Lion Square , W . C .
United Grand Lodge Of England.
^ T ^ HE Quarterly Communication of be holden y ^ ic \ 2 at freemasons' Hall , London , on Wednesday . 5 th December gj ^ s next , at six for seven o ' clock preciselj r . A Communication from the Most Worshipful Grand Master , submitting and recommending an application from the Body styled " The United Grand Lodge of New South Wales , " for recognition , Avill be read : The
Grand Master and Grand Treasurer for the ensuing year Avill be nominated ; The President of the Board of Benevolence will be appointed and invested ; A Senior and Junior Vice-President of the Board of Benevolence Avill be elected ; as also twelve Past Masters to serve on the Board of BeneA'olence for the year ensuing . The report of the Board of Benevolence for the last quarter
recommends grants to twelve applicants amounting to £ 750 . The Board of General purposes will submit a Statement of the Grand Lodge Accounts , at the meeting of the Finance Committee , held on Friday , the Kith day of November instant , showing a balance in the Bank of England of £ 4 , 021 ! 0 s . 8 d ., and in the hands of the Grand Secretary for Petty Cash £ 100 , and for servants' Avages £ 100 , and
balance of annual alloAvance lor library £ 24 8 s . 7 d . W . Bro . John F . H . Woodward , P . G . Sword Bearer , will move— " That in Rule 210 , Book of Constitutions , the five Avoids , ' receive due notice in writing ' in line 4 , be taken out , and the following inserted in their place : 1 had due notice sent to him in Avriting by the secretary of his lodge in a registered letter to his last known address . ' " " Also , in line 10 ,
to add the words ' who A'ote after the Avord ' present . '" This motion Avill , we learn , be seconded by Bro . Wm . Beavis , P . M ., W . M . Harrow Lodge No . 1310 , and Prov . G . Pst . Middx ., and it being a most practical and important amendment to Rule 210 as it now stands , Ave call special attention to it and strongly adA'ise its general support . An appeal , by the Star in the EastLodge , No . 918 ,
Queenstown , South Africa , against a ruling of the District Grand Master of South Africa ( E . D . ) cancelling a sentence of exclusion passed by the lodge on Bro . William Bands for alleged masonic offences Avill bo heard . The papers relating to this appeal Avill be in the Grand Secretary ' s office till the meeting of Grand Lodge , and open for the inspection of the brethren during office hours .
The following brethren have been nominated for election to the offices of Senior and Junior Vice-President of the Board of Bene-A'olence : —Bro . James Brett , P . G . P ., as Senior Vice-President ; Bro . Charles Alexander Cottebrune , P . G . P ., as Junior Vice-President , and none others have been nominated . The following Past Masters have been nominated to serve on the
Board of Benevolence , viz ., Bros . George Pole Britten , 183 ; William Peter Brown , JI 0 ; Thomas Cull , 1 , 440 ; George A . Cundy , i ) 01 ; Charles Dairy , 141 ; James Burgess Grieve , 1 , 351 ; LBAVIS Christopher Haslip , 813 ; David D . Mercer , 1 , 041 ; George Read , 511 ; FrancisR , Spaull , 1 , 708 ; Robert J . Taylor , 144 ; Alfred Cooper Woodward , 1 . 538 , and there being none others nominated will be declared
elected . Warrants have been granted by the M . W . Grand Master since the last quarterly communication of Grand Lodge , for the folloAving lodges : — No . 2278—The KingsAvocd Lodge , Elstree , Hertfordshire . 227 !)—The Thornham Lodge , Thornham , Lancashire ( E . D . )
2280—The St . John's Lodge , Saugor , Bombay . 2281—The Lodge of Emulation , Perth , Western Australia . 2282—The Lodge of Harmony . Fremantle , Western Australia . 2283—The Euston Lodge , St . Neots , Huntingdonshire . 2284—The Smyth Lodge . Great Grimsby , Lincolnshire . 2285—The Eden Lodge , Workington , Cumberland . 2280—The Albion Lodge , Albion , near Brisbane , Queensland .
2287—The Lodge Mokereta , Wyndham . District of Otago and Southland , N . Z . 2288—The Sitapur Lodge , Sitapur , Oude , Bengal . 2289—The Blundellsands Lodge . Great Crosby , Lancashire ( AV . D . ) 2290—The Fairfield Lodge . Fairfield , Liverpool , Lancashire ( W . D . )
The Board Of Masters And Board Of Benevolence.
The quarterly meeting of the Board of Masters and the monthly meeting of the Board of Benevolence Avere held on the 21 st inst ., at Freemasons' Hall , London . Bro . Robert Grey , P . G . D ., President of the Board , presided ; and Bro . J . Brett , P . G . P ., Senior Vice-President , and Bro . C . A . Cottebrune , P . G . P ., Junior Vice-President , Avere present and about eighty other brethren attended .
At the Board of Masters , Avhich Avas first held , the agenda paper for the next meeting of Grand Lodge in December Avas submitted to the brethren . At the Board of Benevolence yvhich followed , the brethren confirmed the recommendations to the Grand Master to the extent of £ 510 . On the neAV list of applicants for assistance Avere 41 names ,
Avhose qualifications for relief Avere through lodges in the London district 28 cases , Upper Mill 2 , Sidcup , Devonport , Doncaster , Melbourne , Weymouth , Newport ( Isle of Wight ) , Bruton , Illinois , Halesworth , Gainsborough , and Harwich . Three cases were deferred , being incomplete . The remainder
Avere relieved Avith a total of £ 984 , Avhich yvas composed as follows One recommendation to Grand Lodge of £ 100 , and two recommendations to Grand Lodge of £ 50 each ; four 1 ecommendations to the M . W . G . M . of £ 40 each , and eight of £ 30 each ; thirteen grants of £ 20 each , two of £ 15 each , three of £ 10 each , and two of £ 5 each .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Freemasonry And Life Assurance.
many 3 'cars' past admissions of vciy unqualified persons into our Lodges , fast becoming , if it has not already become , a big benefit society ? Otherwise , IIOAV comes it that AVC have to listen to applicants Avho , in some instances , are not even M . M . ' s , and in very many not members of even one or
tAVO years' standing ? But , benefit society or not , big 01 little , we ought in " justice , "—another of the cardinal A-irtucs Ave expatiate upon—to do something to check the floAV of the
improvidence which swamps the masonic soil , and destroys the seed of that brotherly love and relief Avhich should groAv to the advantage of those most deserving amongst us . We
say , that of the amount any man is prepared to pay lor initiation and subscription a portion should be applied to provision against the inevitable ; and rather than it should not be so applied he should select less expensive and
extravagant Lodges . As to state of health precluding assurance , as Ave have heard some say , Ave know better . Here is a packet of prospectuses of Life Assurance Associations beside us . Let us take one at random , —here it is , —and in it Ave find
that second-class lives , as those " whose state of health or family history prevents the acceptance of their proposals at the ordinary premium" ( we quote the SCEPTRE LIFE
ASSOCIATION OF LONDON ) are denominated , can be assured by an arrangement Avhich appears to us to be equitable and , in fact , more to the interest of the assurer than the company .
In that , hoAvevcr , Ave have no concern . Our own policies are issued from other offices , Avhose conditions may be of the same nature and equally equitable as those of the SCEPTRE . We mention that association only in order that Avhat Aye
have said maj' be verified by reference , should any doubt . Well , then , as every man can be assured , and as every candidate for Freemasonry ought to be assured , as well in justice to his family as to the Order to Avhich he is about to
attach himself , that he may not , in the first place , leave those he should protect and cherish dependent on his friends , and , in the second , not hinder the relief of those whose misfortunes have not deceased , Avhat should prevent the
application of a remedy to the prevalent evil' ? Probably , this question may be deemed of sufficient importance to interest many , as well Freemasons as others , AVIIO are concerned in fostering provident habits in early life amongst the population
'generally . To all such Ave are prepared , as far as our limited space will permit , to make public their views on the subject , and , so far as our humlle influence can be made serviceable , to support such proposals as may seem
best adapted for the purpose of enforcing on candidates for Freemasonry a preliminary provision against the sad results which often folloAV upon that " awful moment " to which our attention is so forcibly directed in the most solemn of all our ceremonials .
Mark Masonry.
The Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons of England and Wales will be held at the Holborn Restaurant , London , W . C , on Tuesday next , the 4 th inst ., at 4 for 5 p . m ., A \ -hen , after the confirmation of the minutes of the half-yearly communication of the 5 th June last , and of the moveable Grand Lodge held at Cheltenham on the 10 th July , the report of the General Board Avill be taken . Among the of the
recommendations arising out report , the following will be considered : — " That the annuity payable to male annuitants bo increased to £ 20 . and that to female annuitants to £ 21 , and that a sum of £ 5 be annually presented at Christmas to each annuitant for the purpose of procuring clothing or fuel , or other necessaries ; and that the Book of Constitutions , page 76 , clause viii ., and page 7 ' . ) ,
clause iv ., be altered accordingly . The M . W . Grand Master and the Grand Treasurer for the ensuing year will be respectiA r cly nominated , and subsequently the charity jewels to the stewards at the last Benevolent Fund Festival Avill be presented . The next festival of that fund will be held in July , and brethren willing to act as stewards on that occasion should forward their names as early as possible to Bro . C . F . Matier . the secretary to that fund , at 8 a . Red Lion Square , W . C .
United Grand Lodge Of England.
^ T ^ HE Quarterly Communication of be holden y ^ ic \ 2 at freemasons' Hall , London , on Wednesday . 5 th December gj ^ s next , at six for seven o ' clock preciselj r . A Communication from the Most Worshipful Grand Master , submitting and recommending an application from the Body styled " The United Grand Lodge of New South Wales , " for recognition , Avill be read : The
Grand Master and Grand Treasurer for the ensuing year Avill be nominated ; The President of the Board of Benevolence will be appointed and invested ; A Senior and Junior Vice-President of the Board of Benevolence Avill be elected ; as also twelve Past Masters to serve on the Board of BeneA'olence for the year ensuing . The report of the Board of Benevolence for the last quarter
recommends grants to twelve applicants amounting to £ 750 . The Board of General purposes will submit a Statement of the Grand Lodge Accounts , at the meeting of the Finance Committee , held on Friday , the Kith day of November instant , showing a balance in the Bank of England of £ 4 , 021 ! 0 s . 8 d ., and in the hands of the Grand Secretary for Petty Cash £ 100 , and for servants' Avages £ 100 , and
balance of annual alloAvance lor library £ 24 8 s . 7 d . W . Bro . John F . H . Woodward , P . G . Sword Bearer , will move— " That in Rule 210 , Book of Constitutions , the five Avoids , ' receive due notice in writing ' in line 4 , be taken out , and the following inserted in their place : 1 had due notice sent to him in Avriting by the secretary of his lodge in a registered letter to his last known address . ' " " Also , in line 10 ,
to add the words ' who A'ote after the Avord ' present . '" This motion Avill , we learn , be seconded by Bro . Wm . Beavis , P . M ., W . M . Harrow Lodge No . 1310 , and Prov . G . Pst . Middx ., and it being a most practical and important amendment to Rule 210 as it now stands , Ave call special attention to it and strongly adA'ise its general support . An appeal , by the Star in the EastLodge , No . 918 ,
Queenstown , South Africa , against a ruling of the District Grand Master of South Africa ( E . D . ) cancelling a sentence of exclusion passed by the lodge on Bro . William Bands for alleged masonic offences Avill bo heard . The papers relating to this appeal Avill be in the Grand Secretary ' s office till the meeting of Grand Lodge , and open for the inspection of the brethren during office hours .
The following brethren have been nominated for election to the offices of Senior and Junior Vice-President of the Board of Bene-A'olence : —Bro . James Brett , P . G . P ., as Senior Vice-President ; Bro . Charles Alexander Cottebrune , P . G . P ., as Junior Vice-President , and none others have been nominated . The following Past Masters have been nominated to serve on the
Board of Benevolence , viz ., Bros . George Pole Britten , 183 ; William Peter Brown , JI 0 ; Thomas Cull , 1 , 440 ; George A . Cundy , i ) 01 ; Charles Dairy , 141 ; James Burgess Grieve , 1 , 351 ; LBAVIS Christopher Haslip , 813 ; David D . Mercer , 1 , 041 ; George Read , 511 ; FrancisR , Spaull , 1 , 708 ; Robert J . Taylor , 144 ; Alfred Cooper Woodward , 1 . 538 , and there being none others nominated will be declared
elected . Warrants have been granted by the M . W . Grand Master since the last quarterly communication of Grand Lodge , for the folloAving lodges : — No . 2278—The KingsAvocd Lodge , Elstree , Hertfordshire . 227 !)—The Thornham Lodge , Thornham , Lancashire ( E . D . )
2280—The St . John's Lodge , Saugor , Bombay . 2281—The Lodge of Emulation , Perth , Western Australia . 2282—The Lodge of Harmony . Fremantle , Western Australia . 2283—The Euston Lodge , St . Neots , Huntingdonshire . 2284—The Smyth Lodge . Great Grimsby , Lincolnshire . 2285—The Eden Lodge , Workington , Cumberland . 2280—The Albion Lodge , Albion , near Brisbane , Queensland .
2287—The Lodge Mokereta , Wyndham . District of Otago and Southland , N . Z . 2288—The Sitapur Lodge , Sitapur , Oude , Bengal . 2289—The Blundellsands Lodge . Great Crosby , Lancashire ( AV . D . ) 2290—The Fairfield Lodge . Fairfield , Liverpool , Lancashire ( W . D . )
The Board Of Masters And Board Of Benevolence.
The quarterly meeting of the Board of Masters and the monthly meeting of the Board of Benevolence Avere held on the 21 st inst ., at Freemasons' Hall , London . Bro . Robert Grey , P . G . D ., President of the Board , presided ; and Bro . J . Brett , P . G . P ., Senior Vice-President , and Bro . C . A . Cottebrune , P . G . P ., Junior Vice-President , Avere present and about eighty other brethren attended .
At the Board of Masters , Avhich Avas first held , the agenda paper for the next meeting of Grand Lodge in December Avas submitted to the brethren . At the Board of Benevolence yvhich followed , the brethren confirmed the recommendations to the Grand Master to the extent of £ 510 . On the neAV list of applicants for assistance Avere 41 names ,
Avhose qualifications for relief Avere through lodges in the London district 28 cases , Upper Mill 2 , Sidcup , Devonport , Doncaster , Melbourne , Weymouth , Newport ( Isle of Wight ) , Bruton , Illinois , Halesworth , Gainsborough , and Harwich . Three cases were deferred , being incomplete . The remainder
Avere relieved Avith a total of £ 984 , Avhich yvas composed as follows One recommendation to Grand Lodge of £ 100 , and two recommendations to Grand Lodge of £ 50 each ; four 1 ecommendations to the M . W . G . M . of £ 40 each , and eight of £ 30 each ; thirteen grants of £ 20 each , two of £ 15 each , three of £ 10 each , and two of £ 5 each .