Article HIGH TWELVE Page 1 of 1 Article Our City Article. Page 1 of 1
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High Twelve
" Cease labour and go to refreshment . "
( Ktatiitijs ^ toair
"HANDS ACROSS THE SEA . ' AT THE PRINCESS' THEATRE . Mr . Henry Pettitt has given us another good , emotional , sensational drama . As an example of pieces of this description , Hands across the Sea may take a very respectable position ; and it doubtless Avill for a long time attracn p-. ofitable audiences . There is
always a strong family likeness in plays of this type , but conventionality does not trouble the spectator if only the Avorkmanship be good . For no matter how familiar may be the incidents or the personages introduced , a capable dramatist and one Avhose instinct , as is the case Avith Mr . Pettitt , carries him on the right track , weaves his materials together in such combinations , that a new
complexion is given to the whole , and the charm ot the audience is complete . There is . perhaps , one fault Avhich may reasonably be found in this play . It is a fault , however , for which no remedy can be found by me , because its elimination Avould necessitate a recasting of a good deal of the play . The villain is far too transparent and unreal , not to sav" feeble : true it is he indulges in his
villainy freely enough , but this does not constitute the strength of mind and purpose Avhich would be necessary to effectually Aveave the net around the hero , Jack Dudley . Jack is a man of purpose , of Avill , of intelligence : lie Avould , despite his country breeding , sec through Robert Stilhvood at a glance . Even little Lucy , a girl in her teens , Avhose heart and Avomanhood are all she thinks about , has
sufficient Avorldly sense to frustrate some of Bob ' s sweet schemes ; and j-ct , Jack Dudley , presumably a strong man Avho has hitherto been able to fight his way successfully through the Avorld , yields to the Aviles of the Stilhvood brain Avithout CA'en a mental wriggle Avith his oAvn common sense . Of course , no drama can do Avithout its villain : the hero and the heroine must of necessity go through
their allotted trials during the earlier acts , in order that they may be reunited at last : the exigencies of the audience must be obeyed , and the author has to yield . Sometimes the criminal motive is strong , sometimes it is weak ; here it is undoubtedly Aveak , but its weakness may be condoned in consideration of the other merits of the play . Speaking of originality with regard to this play , it is
curious that a scene in it should have been taken bodily from La Maison du Mart . But Avith all the faults which the critical may find in it , Hands Across the Sea attracts and interests the public . As the hero , Mr . Neville giA'es us a touch of his old form ; his Jack Dudley is a splendid specimen of an Englishman ; in his most emotional moments he is manly and not tearful , and he carries the
Aveight of the play upon his shoulders in the most satisfactory fashion . A sweet heroine is Miss Mary Rorke ; her pathos is so natural and real , and her attractiveness is so great that she thoroughly enlists the sympathy of her auditors . Mr . Pateman giA'es us a marvellous performance ; his death scene , indeed , is too terrible , and this is the Avorst that can bo said of it . Mr . Garden
is , as usual , highly amusing , and his fun is ably seconded by Miss Webster ; and Miss Vizetty , Avhom I Avelcome as a clever recruit to the stage , Avas A ery nice in a small part . Mr . Abingdon plays the A'illain in a cool , artistic manner , Avhile Mr . Buchlaw and Mr . Cross lend most valuable aid to a generally capable cast . Altogether , the Princess' piece is Avell Avorth seeing .
The Armada , at Drury Lane Avill be Avithdrawn very shortly to make Avay for the Christmas Pantomime , which Avill be on the subject of The Babes in the Wood , and Hob in Hood and his Merry Men , and Harieguin who Killed Cock J . ' obin—a title Avhich , though comprehensive , is not brief . Augustus Druriolanus announces '' unprecedented preparations , " and he has engaged a splendid company , chief amongst whom are Messrs . Nichols , Campbell , Leno , Stevens , and Miss Harriett Vernon .
The Masonic Amateur Dramatic Societj * - of Sheffield gaA'o a performance on the 21 st inst .. at the Baths , Victoria Street , Avhen Tom Taylor ' s Sheep in Wolf s Clothing , and W . S . Gilbert ' s Tom Cobb were performed . These two pieces are somewhat a tax on amateur talent ; but , I am informed that everything Avas done in a highly satisfactory manner . The gentlemen Avere ably assisted by Misses Ada Melrose , Lilian Kingston , and Ella Stirling .
_ On Friday cA ening last I journeyed to Leamington , at the invitation of Mr . Yorke Stephens , there to assist at an interesting / ww / fi' / r , to Avit , that of True Heart , a poAverfuIIy interesting drama by a clever young dramatist , Mr . Henry Byatt , Avhose play , The Brothers , IIOAV running at the Vaudeville Theatre , all yvho see admire . Folk here in London will probably see this new play , and will have an
opportunity of comparing it with some of those farragoes of dramatic rubbish Avhich pervade the provinces and attract good business because the toAvns they are taken to are smothered Avith blood-curdling posters , and iho company carries '' real" steamrollers , or " real" bloodhounds , or other ' realities of the Vincent Crummel type . Speaking individually , I consider True Heart a
manly , breezy , and vigorous drama , full of interest and capable of attracting the public , Avherever it may bo sent . It Avas excellently acted by the company engaged , which embraces the names of some very popular artists , viz . : Messrs . Yorke Stephens . J . A . Howell , Sidney Vallentine . William Calvert , Henry Elmore , Murraylimes ; and Mesdames Clara CoAvper , E . Chester , and Violet Croft . LAUNCELOT GOBBO .
Our City Article.
Our City Article .
As THE MASONIC STAR is Avritten by Masons for Masons , Avho are mostly business men having more or less interest in the Stock and Share Markets , we include in our columns a weekly Money Article , Avritten by one of our Craft actively engaged in the markets . It is Avritten without prejudice , and with a vieAV to give a general idea of Avhat is going on from Avcek to week . As the writer of the
article has some twenty years' experience of the subject , and may fairly say that he knows the ways of doing business , what is what and who is who , he Avill be pleased to answer any inquiries addressed to the Editor , where advice is asked , upon whatever requires explanation , so that pleasure and profit may be the result . Any letter sent to us . and any reply given , Avill be treated , ( on the square . "
CAPEIJ COURT , NOVEAIRER 28 TH , 1888 . Although no advance Avas made in the Bank rate last Aveek . in the best informed quarters it is confidently expected that a change Avill be made before long , and that money will be dearer as Ave get towards the end of the year . The latest development of the monetary position is the large shipments of gold from New York , and
although this may serve to modify the pressure here , it merely shifts the place of the disturbance , and this is to be seen in the vovy unsettled condition of the New York markets . From day to day it is impossible to tell Avhether we are to look for better prices in American railway shares , or the reverse , and in this contingency my remarks of last Aveek are equally applicable now . This is not
the time to buy stocks in Yankee railways , neither is it safe to sell after the recent fall . We have momentary recoveries followed by relapses , and the dealers in the Stock Exchange are quite tit sea as to Avhich Avay the movement is tending . Looking at it merely from the monetary point of view , I am doubtful of any permanent recoA ery before the New Year , and still advise that this market , at
all CA ents , should be left alone . When I turn to the English rails there is apparently nothing ad \ erse to apprehend ; the traffic returns still SIIOAV good increases , sufficient to affect faA'ourably the dividend prospects for the halfyear , nor is this increase altogether discounted . The movements during the past week have all been upwards . North Easterns ,
to Avhich I called attention last Aveek , haA e risen from 15 ( i . \ to 158 , and may go still higher . Brighton " A ' s " are 1 per cent , better , and , Avith a continued increase in the takes they should improve . They are now over £ 15 , 000 to the good , and the distribution on the ¦ ' A " stock Avill probably be at the rate of A per cent , better for the year ; but , at the same time , it must not bo forgotten that this stock
is not strongly held , and , as a very favourite speculation , is more liable to fluctuation than any other . It is rather to the heavy lines , such as Midland , Great Western , and North Western , that I Avould direct the attention of the speculator . The uneasy feeling in Paris is affecting adA'ersely all Continental stocks , and from the different Bourses the markets are reported
Aveak . Prices have been carried A ery high , so that there is rather a tendency towards realisations than fresh purchases . The Russian loan , it is said , Avill be issued on the 7 th December and , until that is safely floated , every effort Avill be made to keep prices up . Paris is so much committed to the Panama Canal scheme that a collapse in that undertaking is an ever-present source of Aveakness , and this
affects the dealing in all other securities . Rio Tinto shares should be Avatched very carefully , and may be purchased Avith tolerable safety on any fall . Since I wrote , Canadian Pacific Shares have been much depressed , and although there is every disposition to think Avell of them , any advance in prices is taken advantage of by the holders to get rid of
them . The determination of the directors to persevere m needless extensions and in a fighting policy is not calculated to inspire confidence amongst the proprietors , nor is it at all likely to benefit the railway ; the ordinary shares haA'e been as low as 52 J , and , although now somewhat aboA-e that price , they arc not an improving property . Grand Trunks haA e been making a hard fight to get themselves up ,
but the result is not a great success , although there is always a large oversold account in these stocks ; there is also a large amount held as security against advances by the Banks , and this is not an element of strength at this time of year . At the fortnightly settlement yesterday , contango rates ruled high , but not so much as had been anticipated .
Mining shares are fairly active , and there is a disposition to buy the South African Gold Shares , but I need scarcely say that there are good and bad lots in this group . Spes Bona shares are not a bad purchase just IIOAV , as they are likely to be carried higher . Nitrates have advanced no further , as there is nothing actually to Avarrant any higher prices , and dealing is confined to a very
narrow circle . The public have found they are only made use ot by a certain set of Avire-pullers as their services are required , so that they are very shy of assisting in the movement . There has been a good rise in the shares of a small company called Bell ' s Asbestos , but it is only amongst a few speculators that the dealings have taken place . Without going into the merits of the concern , it certainly seems extraordinary that people
should give 18 . V for £ 5 shares m a company which has never yet paid a " dividend , and about the prospects of Avhich absolutely nothing is knoAvn . Looking at the markets generally , I consider that English railways afford the best chance of a rise , but , as regards foreign stocks and American rails , I look for continued weakness and lower prices up to the end of the year , Avith decided advance in the rates charged for the use of money . CRAFTSMAN .
ANSWERS . No . 990 . —It is the same man under another name ; have nothing to do with him . ASBESTOS— ( 1 ) Yes ; the Company is in liquidation , ( 2 ) Sellout noAV ; you Avill buy cheaper later on . LIGHT . —Cannot advise you ; it is too late .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
High Twelve
" Cease labour and go to refreshment . "
( Ktatiitijs ^ toair
"HANDS ACROSS THE SEA . ' AT THE PRINCESS' THEATRE . Mr . Henry Pettitt has given us another good , emotional , sensational drama . As an example of pieces of this description , Hands across the Sea may take a very respectable position ; and it doubtless Avill for a long time attracn p-. ofitable audiences . There is
always a strong family likeness in plays of this type , but conventionality does not trouble the spectator if only the Avorkmanship be good . For no matter how familiar may be the incidents or the personages introduced , a capable dramatist and one Avhose instinct , as is the case Avith Mr . Pettitt , carries him on the right track , weaves his materials together in such combinations , that a new
complexion is given to the whole , and the charm ot the audience is complete . There is . perhaps , one fault Avhich may reasonably be found in this play . It is a fault , however , for which no remedy can be found by me , because its elimination Avould necessitate a recasting of a good deal of the play . The villain is far too transparent and unreal , not to sav" feeble : true it is he indulges in his
villainy freely enough , but this does not constitute the strength of mind and purpose Avhich would be necessary to effectually Aveave the net around the hero , Jack Dudley . Jack is a man of purpose , of Avill , of intelligence : lie Avould , despite his country breeding , sec through Robert Stilhvood at a glance . Even little Lucy , a girl in her teens , Avhose heart and Avomanhood are all she thinks about , has
sufficient Avorldly sense to frustrate some of Bob ' s sweet schemes ; and j-ct , Jack Dudley , presumably a strong man Avho has hitherto been able to fight his way successfully through the Avorld , yields to the Aviles of the Stilhvood brain Avithout CA'en a mental wriggle Avith his oAvn common sense . Of course , no drama can do Avithout its villain : the hero and the heroine must of necessity go through
their allotted trials during the earlier acts , in order that they may be reunited at last : the exigencies of the audience must be obeyed , and the author has to yield . Sometimes the criminal motive is strong , sometimes it is weak ; here it is undoubtedly Aveak , but its weakness may be condoned in consideration of the other merits of the play . Speaking of originality with regard to this play , it is
curious that a scene in it should have been taken bodily from La Maison du Mart . But Avith all the faults which the critical may find in it , Hands Across the Sea attracts and interests the public . As the hero , Mr . Neville giA'es us a touch of his old form ; his Jack Dudley is a splendid specimen of an Englishman ; in his most emotional moments he is manly and not tearful , and he carries the
Aveight of the play upon his shoulders in the most satisfactory fashion . A sweet heroine is Miss Mary Rorke ; her pathos is so natural and real , and her attractiveness is so great that she thoroughly enlists the sympathy of her auditors . Mr . Pateman giA'es us a marvellous performance ; his death scene , indeed , is too terrible , and this is the Avorst that can bo said of it . Mr . Garden
is , as usual , highly amusing , and his fun is ably seconded by Miss Webster ; and Miss Vizetty , Avhom I Avelcome as a clever recruit to the stage , Avas A ery nice in a small part . Mr . Abingdon plays the A'illain in a cool , artistic manner , Avhile Mr . Buchlaw and Mr . Cross lend most valuable aid to a generally capable cast . Altogether , the Princess' piece is Avell Avorth seeing .
The Armada , at Drury Lane Avill be Avithdrawn very shortly to make Avay for the Christmas Pantomime , which Avill be on the subject of The Babes in the Wood , and Hob in Hood and his Merry Men , and Harieguin who Killed Cock J . ' obin—a title Avhich , though comprehensive , is not brief . Augustus Druriolanus announces '' unprecedented preparations , " and he has engaged a splendid company , chief amongst whom are Messrs . Nichols , Campbell , Leno , Stevens , and Miss Harriett Vernon .
The Masonic Amateur Dramatic Societj * - of Sheffield gaA'o a performance on the 21 st inst .. at the Baths , Victoria Street , Avhen Tom Taylor ' s Sheep in Wolf s Clothing , and W . S . Gilbert ' s Tom Cobb were performed . These two pieces are somewhat a tax on amateur talent ; but , I am informed that everything Avas done in a highly satisfactory manner . The gentlemen Avere ably assisted by Misses Ada Melrose , Lilian Kingston , and Ella Stirling .
_ On Friday cA ening last I journeyed to Leamington , at the invitation of Mr . Yorke Stephens , there to assist at an interesting / ww / fi' / r , to Avit , that of True Heart , a poAverfuIIy interesting drama by a clever young dramatist , Mr . Henry Byatt , Avhose play , The Brothers , IIOAV running at the Vaudeville Theatre , all yvho see admire . Folk here in London will probably see this new play , and will have an
opportunity of comparing it with some of those farragoes of dramatic rubbish Avhich pervade the provinces and attract good business because the toAvns they are taken to are smothered Avith blood-curdling posters , and iho company carries '' real" steamrollers , or " real" bloodhounds , or other ' realities of the Vincent Crummel type . Speaking individually , I consider True Heart a
manly , breezy , and vigorous drama , full of interest and capable of attracting the public , Avherever it may bo sent . It Avas excellently acted by the company engaged , which embraces the names of some very popular artists , viz . : Messrs . Yorke Stephens . J . A . Howell , Sidney Vallentine . William Calvert , Henry Elmore , Murraylimes ; and Mesdames Clara CoAvper , E . Chester , and Violet Croft . LAUNCELOT GOBBO .
Our City Article.
Our City Article .
As THE MASONIC STAR is Avritten by Masons for Masons , Avho are mostly business men having more or less interest in the Stock and Share Markets , we include in our columns a weekly Money Article , Avritten by one of our Craft actively engaged in the markets . It is Avritten without prejudice , and with a vieAV to give a general idea of Avhat is going on from Avcek to week . As the writer of the
article has some twenty years' experience of the subject , and may fairly say that he knows the ways of doing business , what is what and who is who , he Avill be pleased to answer any inquiries addressed to the Editor , where advice is asked , upon whatever requires explanation , so that pleasure and profit may be the result . Any letter sent to us . and any reply given , Avill be treated , ( on the square . "
CAPEIJ COURT , NOVEAIRER 28 TH , 1888 . Although no advance Avas made in the Bank rate last Aveek . in the best informed quarters it is confidently expected that a change Avill be made before long , and that money will be dearer as Ave get towards the end of the year . The latest development of the monetary position is the large shipments of gold from New York , and
although this may serve to modify the pressure here , it merely shifts the place of the disturbance , and this is to be seen in the vovy unsettled condition of the New York markets . From day to day it is impossible to tell Avhether we are to look for better prices in American railway shares , or the reverse , and in this contingency my remarks of last Aveek are equally applicable now . This is not
the time to buy stocks in Yankee railways , neither is it safe to sell after the recent fall . We have momentary recoveries followed by relapses , and the dealers in the Stock Exchange are quite tit sea as to Avhich Avay the movement is tending . Looking at it merely from the monetary point of view , I am doubtful of any permanent recoA ery before the New Year , and still advise that this market , at
all CA ents , should be left alone . When I turn to the English rails there is apparently nothing ad \ erse to apprehend ; the traffic returns still SIIOAV good increases , sufficient to affect faA'ourably the dividend prospects for the halfyear , nor is this increase altogether discounted . The movements during the past week have all been upwards . North Easterns ,
to Avhich I called attention last Aveek , haA e risen from 15 ( i . \ to 158 , and may go still higher . Brighton " A ' s " are 1 per cent , better , and , Avith a continued increase in the takes they should improve . They are now over £ 15 , 000 to the good , and the distribution on the ¦ ' A " stock Avill probably be at the rate of A per cent , better for the year ; but , at the same time , it must not bo forgotten that this stock
is not strongly held , and , as a very favourite speculation , is more liable to fluctuation than any other . It is rather to the heavy lines , such as Midland , Great Western , and North Western , that I Avould direct the attention of the speculator . The uneasy feeling in Paris is affecting adA'ersely all Continental stocks , and from the different Bourses the markets are reported
Aveak . Prices have been carried A ery high , so that there is rather a tendency towards realisations than fresh purchases . The Russian loan , it is said , Avill be issued on the 7 th December and , until that is safely floated , every effort Avill be made to keep prices up . Paris is so much committed to the Panama Canal scheme that a collapse in that undertaking is an ever-present source of Aveakness , and this
affects the dealing in all other securities . Rio Tinto shares should be Avatched very carefully , and may be purchased Avith tolerable safety on any fall . Since I wrote , Canadian Pacific Shares have been much depressed , and although there is every disposition to think Avell of them , any advance in prices is taken advantage of by the holders to get rid of
them . The determination of the directors to persevere m needless extensions and in a fighting policy is not calculated to inspire confidence amongst the proprietors , nor is it at all likely to benefit the railway ; the ordinary shares haA'e been as low as 52 J , and , although now somewhat aboA-e that price , they arc not an improving property . Grand Trunks haA e been making a hard fight to get themselves up ,
but the result is not a great success , although there is always a large oversold account in these stocks ; there is also a large amount held as security against advances by the Banks , and this is not an element of strength at this time of year . At the fortnightly settlement yesterday , contango rates ruled high , but not so much as had been anticipated .
Mining shares are fairly active , and there is a disposition to buy the South African Gold Shares , but I need scarcely say that there are good and bad lots in this group . Spes Bona shares are not a bad purchase just IIOAV , as they are likely to be carried higher . Nitrates have advanced no further , as there is nothing actually to Avarrant any higher prices , and dealing is confined to a very
narrow circle . The public have found they are only made use ot by a certain set of Avire-pullers as their services are required , so that they are very shy of assisting in the movement . There has been a good rise in the shares of a small company called Bell ' s Asbestos , but it is only amongst a few speculators that the dealings have taken place . Without going into the merits of the concern , it certainly seems extraordinary that people
should give 18 . V for £ 5 shares m a company which has never yet paid a " dividend , and about the prospects of Avhich absolutely nothing is knoAvn . Looking at the markets generally , I consider that English railways afford the best chance of a rise , but , as regards foreign stocks and American rails , I look for continued weakness and lower prices up to the end of the year , Avith decided advance in the rates charged for the use of money . CRAFTSMAN .
ANSWERS . No . 990 . —It is the same man under another name ; have nothing to do with him . ASBESTOS— ( 1 ) Yes ; the Company is in liquidation , ( 2 ) Sellout noAV ; you Avill buy cheaper later on . LIGHT . —Cannot advise you ; it is too late .