Article Reports of Lodge & Chapter Meetings. Page 1 of 1 Article Reports of Lodge & Chapter Meetings. Page 1 of 1 Article LODGES OF INSTRUCTION. Page 1 of 2 →
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Reports Of Lodge & Chapter Meetings.
Reports of Lodge & Chapter Meetings .
PHOA ' INCIAL GRAND LODGE OP WILTSHIRE . —The annual meeting of this Provincial Grand Lodge Avas held in the Town Hall , Swindon , on Thursday , the 22 ncf inst .. under the banner of the Royal Sussex Lodge of Emulation , No . 355 . The R . W . P . G . M ., Lord Mc ' thuen , not being present . Sir Gabriel Goldney , Bart ., P . G . W . Eng ., D . P . G . M .. presided . The attendance of brethren from the
various lodges m the proA'incc Avas good . The roll having been called and duly responded to , the minutes of the last Prov . G . Lodge meeting Avere read and confirmed and the various reports receiA'ed and adopted . The D . P . G . M . then addressed the brethren , and in the course of his remarks said that the P . G . M ., Lord M . ethuen , had desired him to express his regret at his unaA'oidable absence , being
IIOAV in Scotland , and having mistaken the date of the meeting , lie then made feeling allusion to the illness of the ProA ' . Charity Sec , Bro . AA . Nott ; and next congratulated the proA ince on the appointment of Bro . Rev . J . A . Lloyd , P . P . G . C , as Grand Chaplain of England . Referring to the Boys' School , he recommended that no steward should be appointed from this pr 6 vince until the charges against
the management of that institution Avere cleared up satisfactorily . He next spoke in complimentary terms of the founding of the new Lodge , "White Horse , " No . 2227 ( Westbury ) , and also to the excellent Avorking of Lodges No . 032 ( StoAvbridge ) , and 1271 ( Bradford ) , both of Avhich he had recently had the pleasure of attending to instal their Worshipful Masters ; and , in concluding ,
expressed his gratification at the large attendance of brethren and the cordial reception given by the receiving lodge . A vote of 25 guineas to the Benevolent Institution , to be placed on the list of Bro . W . H . Burt , as steAvard for that charity , -was agreed to , and also one for the sum of £ 5 toAvards a testimonial to Bro . W . Nott for his services as Secretary to the Western Provinces Charity
Organization Committee . All offices Avere then declared vacant and the D . P . G . M . proceeded to invest the folloAving brethren as P . G . officers for the ensuing year : —J . C . Maclean , P . M . 355 , P . G . S . W . ; E . B . Merriman , P . M . 1533 , P . J . G . W . ; Rev . AV . N . C Wheeler , P . M . 1271 , P . G . Chap . : F . H . Goldnev . P . M . G 2 G , P . G . Treas . ; B . H . Watts . P . M . 626 , P . G . Reg . ; H . Bevir , P . M . 355 , P . G . Sec . ; W . H . Reed , P . M . 2227 , P . S . G . D . ; H . Kemble . P . M . 355 . P . J . G . D . ; J . H .
Foley , P . M . G 32 . P . G . Sup . of Wks . ; J . Chandler . P . M . 355 . P . G . D . C . ; W . L . Martin , W . M . 355 , P . G . Asst . D . C ; F . Barton , P . M . 1271 , P . G . Swd . B . ; AV . H . BrinkAvorth , P . M . 626 , P . G . Org . ; E . E . Bartlett , P . M . 586 . P . G . Pours . ; A . H . Lapham . P . M . 626 , P . G . Std . B . ; J . Savory , 355 , P . G . Tyler . The lodge being closed in due form , the brethren adjourned to a banquet at the Goddard Arms Hotel , Avhere , under the presidency of the D . P . G . M ., the usual Masonic toasts Avere duly honoured .
WHITTINGTON LODGE—No . 8 G 2 . —Installation meeting at Freemasons' Hall , W . C , on the 10 th inst . The lodge Avas opened by Bro . W . Hill , W . M ., supported by his officers and a large number of members and visitors . Bro . F . C . Lockstone Avas raised to the third degree . The auditor ' s report Avas received and adopted , a balance in favour of the lodge , after clearance of all liabilities , remaining
in the hands of the treasurer . Bro . Hill , in the presence of a Board of Installed Masters , comprising twenty-four in number , then installed his successor , Bro . James Irvine , into the chair of K . S . a : cording to ancient custom and Avith full and ably performed ceremonial . The officers appointed Avere : —Bros . H . Brocklehurst , S . W . ; A . P . H . Pauncefort , J . W . ; James AVeaver , P . M ., Secretary ;
Thomas Kingston , P . M ., Treasurer ; P . Day , S . D . ; J . Sharp , J . D . ; T . J . Collis , I . G . ; A . C . Bonsall , D . C ; J . Gilbert , Tyler . Apologies for absence Avere received from the Grand Secretary and other high officials . Amongst the very numerous visitors Avas Bro . James Terry , P . G . S . B . and Sec . R . M . B . L , A \ 'ho , as usual , enlisted the sympathies of the brethren in favour of " Aged Masons and Masons '
WidoAvs , " and secured the W . M . for a SteAvard at the forthcoming festival , the brethren at once starting his list Avith the handsome contribution of £ 62 . The banquet Avas eA erything that could be desired , and thorough enjoyment pen'aded the brilliant company during an evening Avhich Avas further enlivened by the admirable performance of a more than ordinarily good programme of music ,
under the direction of Bro . James WeaA'er , P . M . Amongst the A'ocalists Avere the Misses Jenny Chamberlin and Lizzie Dunkley , Bros . Wakefield , Reed and Arthur Cranch . and Mr . Wade . A new quartette composed for the occasion by Bro . AVeaA'er , " The Freemason ' s Hymn of Praise " ( Avords by the late Bro . Rob . Morris , and
reproduced m a former number of THE MASONIC STAR ) , was exceedingly Avell sung and gave general satisfaction . The entire proceedings of this installation meeting reflected the utmost credit upon W . M ., officers and brethren , and on all others concerned in carrying out the arrangements .
DARLINGTON—ST . CUTHBERT S PRECEPTORY . —Regular meeting at Freemasons'Hall , on Tuesday , November 20 th . E . P . SirKt . C . D . Hill Drury , M . D . in the chair . Minutes confirmed . Comp . Rev . R . Coulton elected . The E . Sub .-Prior of N . & E . Yorks ; T . B . Whytehead ; the E . P . Moore , of Ancient EborPreceptory ; the E . P .
Macdonnel , of Mount Grace Preceptory , and several other visiting companions of the order received and duly saluted . Preceptory closed and Priory of Malta opened . Five Kts . of T . duly elected , and installed by the E . Prior Sir Kt . Dr . Hill Drury . Priory closed and the Kts . adjourned to refreshment .
CAMBORNE , CORNAVALL—MOUNT EDGCUMBE LODGE . —NO . 1 , 544 , celebrated the festival of St . John under most auspicious circumstances . Amongst those present Avere Bros . J . Pendray , W . M . ; R . Bate , I . P . M . ; J . Pengilly , S . AV . ; E . Lakey , Treasurer ; II . II .
Vivian , P . M ., P . G . J . W .. Secretary ; R . ROAVC , S . D . ; J . G . Shakerley , Organist ; J . WhitAvorth , SteAvard ; J . Nicholas , Tyler ; P . M ' s . J . T . Rodda , P . G ., SteAvard ; F . Bartle , F . J . Lee ; Bros . W . 'league , E . J . Bennett . F . J . Gardener , A . Dunkin , T . Bennallack , II . Williams , J . W . Jackson , N . Williams , R . S . Behenna , R . Taylor , J . A . Tcmby .
Reports Of Lodge & Chapter Meetings.
AV . Williams , G . Smith , M . Trounson , F . B . Broad , J . Adams . Visitors : Bros . J . Lovell , 121 . P . P . G . S . D . : N . Pascoe , 699 , W . M . ; C Kent , 699 , I . P . M . ; J . C Bennv , 75 ; W . Trevenen , 318 , Treasurer ; J . M . Richards , 318 , W . M . P . G ., Steward ; J . O . Eva , 318 , I . G . ; R . Dunstan , 318 , P . M . ; F . W . Thomas , 150 , J . W . ; T . A . Kistler , 589
, P . P . G . O . ; E . M . Cock , 589 , AV . M ., P . G . T ., ; J . Sarah , 589 , P . M ., P . P . G . D . C The W . M .-elect , Bro . J . Pengilly , was most ably installed by the retiring AV . M ., Bro . J . Pendray . " Bro . Pendnty was invested as I . P . M ., and the following were appointed and invested as officers : —Bros . T . Burge , S . AV . ; R . Rowe , J . AV . ; E . Lakey , Treasurer ; II . P . A ivian . Secretary ; J . AA'hitwortb , A . Secretary ;
R . Bate , Chaplain ; J . Newland , S . D . ; AA . Vial ) , J . D . ; AV . Trevithick , I . G . ; J . G . Shakerley , Organist ; AV . Teague , N . AVilliams , F . J . Gardener , and R . Taylor , SteAvards ; and J . Nicholas , Tyler . At the close of the business the brethren sat down to a banquet admirably supplied by Bro . AA . Vial ] , at the AA hite Hart Hotel . AV . Bro . Cock , in replying to the toast of the
Provincial G . M . and the officers of P . G . Lodge , complimented the brethren of Mount-Edgcumbe Ledge for the manner in which they Aveleomed the P . G . Lodge this year , and Bro . A ivian , in responding , said he Avas proud of the good feeling Avhich marked the meeting of the P . G . Ledge . The toast of the visitors yvas submitted by
Bro . Vivian , and responded to by Bros . J . M . Richards , AV . Trevenen , Bogg , N . Pascoe , J . Lovell , T . A . Kistler , Benny , & c . During the evening some capital songs , & c , Avere contributed by Bros . Kistler , Lovell , AAlnn , Dunstan , ROAVC , & c , Bro . AVhite presiding at the pianoforte .
LIVERPOOL . —The installation meeting of the " Israel" Masonic Lodge , LiA'erpool , Avas held on the 19 th inst ., at the Masonic Hall , Hope Street ; Bro . the Rev . II . M . Silver , AV . M ., in the chair . SeA-eral Provincial Grand Officers and other influential members of the craft Avere present . The Rev . H . M . Silver installed Bro . David Gabrielsonas his successor in the position of WM . The folloAving
Avere lnA-estcd as officers of the lodge : Bros . Rev . II . M . Silver , I . P . M . ; J . F . Davies , S . AV . ; John Latta , J . AV . ; Henry Gabriel , Treas . ; AndreAV Kirkpatrick , P . M ., D . C . ; George Thierry , Sec . ; DaA'id MatheAvs , S . D . ; M . Karet , J . D . ; J . 0 . Roberts , I . G . ; H . P . Cowell , Organist ; J . Vos , S . S . ; AV . F . Terry , J . S . ; and M .
AVilliamson , Tyler . A sincere A ^ ote of condolence Avas passed to Bro . D . Stern on the death of his father . During the proceedings a P . M . ' s jeAvel Avas presented to the Rev . H . M . Silver . It Avas mentioned that the Benevolent Fund of the lodge amounts to £ 400 . —The Jewish Chronicle .
ROYAL UNION—NO . 382 . —Regular meeting , at the Chequers ' Hotel , Uxbridge , on the 19 th inst ., Bro . J . Taplin , AV . M . About 40 officers and members of the Lodge attended , and amongst the visitors Avere Bros . E . Terry , P . M . 29 ; Dharly , 901 ; Harper and Sanger ( Jersey Lodge ) ; Knight ( Wayside Lodge ) ; and Taylor ( Brownrigg Lodge ) . Bro . Tvvamley Avas passed to the F . C degree and Messrs . John Dinnis , Charles Hall . Andrew Chappell , Thomas John Pearce
and George John Mercer were initiated into the Order , the respective ceremonies being most ably conducted . An excellent banquet was served by Bro . TAvamley , the proprietor of the Chequers ' Hotel , Avhich gaA'e general satisfaction , and a very pleasant evening Avas spent after labour . In connection Avith this Lodge an instruc " tion meeting is held every Thursday evening at eight o ' clock , under the supervision of Bro . E . Cotton , one of the Past Masters , and a skilful preceptor .
CORDWAINER AA ARD LODGE—No . 2241 . —On AA ednesday , the 21 st inst , at the Cannon Street Hotel . Bro . Frank Taylor , C . C ., AA . M ., presided in the absence of Bro . Alderman Col . Cowan , S . AV . ] through a domestic bereavement ; Bro . Fred AA est , P . D . C ., acting as I . P . M . There Avere also present : Bros . AA . T . Buck , J . AV . ; RCA ° . B . C LeAvis , Chaplain ; H . J . Adams , G . S . B . Treasurer ; H . LovegroA'C
Secretary ; C S . Buck , S . D . ; J . T . Hepburn , J . D . ; J . R . Reep , D . C . ; A . Hawkins , J . P ., A . D . C ; AV . A . Prince and II . Carter , Stewards ; AV . Eckstein , J . AV . Potter , R . Greening , C . AVilkinson , Pimbury , R . Cogan , Mason and A . Bull . Visitors : Bros . J . Brochett Sorrell , P . M . 176 ; Dr . J . II . Galton , JamesAVright , J . Cooper , H . S . Mendelsohn
and 1 \ Loughlm . The business consisted of one passing and two initiations . Bro . J . Steedman , who had been initiated at the previous meeting , Avas passed to the second degree , and Messrs . AV , D . Ramsay and Arthur AVright Avere initiated , both ceremonies being Avell rendered . At the close of the proceedings , tAventy-six members and A'isitors met at the banquet table .
Lodges Of Instruction.
THE GREAT CITY—No . 1426 . Fifteen Sections . At the Masons ' Hall , Masons' Avenue , E . C , on 22 nd inst . ; Preceptor , Bro . James Stevens , P . M . ; Bros . T . Hodges , S . W . 1695 , presiding as W . M . ; H . G . Gush , P . M . 1541 , S . W . ; AV . M . Snelling , W . M . 1541 , J . W . ; J . L . Barrett , S . D . ; J . Lazarus , J . D . ; D . Hills , Treasurer and I . G . ; AV . J . Ball , Secretary , and between forty and fifty brethren
amongst whom were the members of the Leopold Lodge of Instruction in force . The Avhole of the sections were worked in most perfect manner by the folloAving brethren , viz : —J . L . Barrett S AV . 201 ; Philip Sharpe , AV . M . 869 ; D . Hills , 185 ; Jas . Stevens , P . M . 1426 , & c ; AV . AV . Snelling , AV . M . 1541 ; H . Hill , P . M . 1305 ; H . G . Gush , P . M . 1541 ; AValter Martin , P . M . 879 ; C . Fox , P . M . 201 and
J . K . Pitt , P . M . 463 : some of the best section workers in the metropolis . It is almost needless to say that the correct and perfect style of the work rendered by these well-knoAvn masons gave unqualified satisfaction to their hearers . In a long experience Ave have never before heard section work performed in so thorough
a manner . AVell deserved compliments Avere paid to all concerned , and honorary membership conferred on the presiding master , Avho , during the three hours occupied in labour , did not falter for a moment . In an appropriate interval , an opportunity Av as taken to lecord the good wishes for safety and prosperity of Bro . E . R . Lillington , a member of the lodge , on the eve of departure for
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Reports Of Lodge & Chapter Meetings.
Reports of Lodge & Chapter Meetings .
PHOA ' INCIAL GRAND LODGE OP WILTSHIRE . —The annual meeting of this Provincial Grand Lodge Avas held in the Town Hall , Swindon , on Thursday , the 22 ncf inst .. under the banner of the Royal Sussex Lodge of Emulation , No . 355 . The R . W . P . G . M ., Lord Mc ' thuen , not being present . Sir Gabriel Goldney , Bart ., P . G . W . Eng ., D . P . G . M .. presided . The attendance of brethren from the
various lodges m the proA'incc Avas good . The roll having been called and duly responded to , the minutes of the last Prov . G . Lodge meeting Avere read and confirmed and the various reports receiA'ed and adopted . The D . P . G . M . then addressed the brethren , and in the course of his remarks said that the P . G . M ., Lord M . ethuen , had desired him to express his regret at his unaA'oidable absence , being
IIOAV in Scotland , and having mistaken the date of the meeting , lie then made feeling allusion to the illness of the ProA ' . Charity Sec , Bro . AA . Nott ; and next congratulated the proA ince on the appointment of Bro . Rev . J . A . Lloyd , P . P . G . C , as Grand Chaplain of England . Referring to the Boys' School , he recommended that no steward should be appointed from this pr 6 vince until the charges against
the management of that institution Avere cleared up satisfactorily . He next spoke in complimentary terms of the founding of the new Lodge , "White Horse , " No . 2227 ( Westbury ) , and also to the excellent Avorking of Lodges No . 032 ( StoAvbridge ) , and 1271 ( Bradford ) , both of Avhich he had recently had the pleasure of attending to instal their Worshipful Masters ; and , in concluding ,
expressed his gratification at the large attendance of brethren and the cordial reception given by the receiving lodge . A vote of 25 guineas to the Benevolent Institution , to be placed on the list of Bro . W . H . Burt , as steAvard for that charity , -was agreed to , and also one for the sum of £ 5 toAvards a testimonial to Bro . W . Nott for his services as Secretary to the Western Provinces Charity
Organization Committee . All offices Avere then declared vacant and the D . P . G . M . proceeded to invest the folloAving brethren as P . G . officers for the ensuing year : —J . C . Maclean , P . M . 355 , P . G . S . W . ; E . B . Merriman , P . M . 1533 , P . J . G . W . ; Rev . AV . N . C Wheeler , P . M . 1271 , P . G . Chap . : F . H . Goldnev . P . M . G 2 G , P . G . Treas . ; B . H . Watts . P . M . 626 , P . G . Reg . ; H . Bevir , P . M . 355 , P . G . Sec . ; W . H . Reed , P . M . 2227 , P . S . G . D . ; H . Kemble . P . M . 355 . P . J . G . D . ; J . H .
Foley , P . M . G 32 . P . G . Sup . of Wks . ; J . Chandler . P . M . 355 . P . G . D . C . ; W . L . Martin , W . M . 355 , P . G . Asst . D . C ; F . Barton , P . M . 1271 , P . G . Swd . B . ; AV . H . BrinkAvorth , P . M . 626 , P . G . Org . ; E . E . Bartlett , P . M . 586 . P . G . Pours . ; A . H . Lapham . P . M . 626 , P . G . Std . B . ; J . Savory , 355 , P . G . Tyler . The lodge being closed in due form , the brethren adjourned to a banquet at the Goddard Arms Hotel , Avhere , under the presidency of the D . P . G . M ., the usual Masonic toasts Avere duly honoured .
WHITTINGTON LODGE—No . 8 G 2 . —Installation meeting at Freemasons' Hall , W . C , on the 10 th inst . The lodge Avas opened by Bro . W . Hill , W . M ., supported by his officers and a large number of members and visitors . Bro . F . C . Lockstone Avas raised to the third degree . The auditor ' s report Avas received and adopted , a balance in favour of the lodge , after clearance of all liabilities , remaining
in the hands of the treasurer . Bro . Hill , in the presence of a Board of Installed Masters , comprising twenty-four in number , then installed his successor , Bro . James Irvine , into the chair of K . S . a : cording to ancient custom and Avith full and ably performed ceremonial . The officers appointed Avere : —Bros . H . Brocklehurst , S . W . ; A . P . H . Pauncefort , J . W . ; James AVeaver , P . M ., Secretary ;
Thomas Kingston , P . M ., Treasurer ; P . Day , S . D . ; J . Sharp , J . D . ; T . J . Collis , I . G . ; A . C . Bonsall , D . C ; J . Gilbert , Tyler . Apologies for absence Avere received from the Grand Secretary and other high officials . Amongst the very numerous visitors Avas Bro . James Terry , P . G . S . B . and Sec . R . M . B . L , A \ 'ho , as usual , enlisted the sympathies of the brethren in favour of " Aged Masons and Masons '
WidoAvs , " and secured the W . M . for a SteAvard at the forthcoming festival , the brethren at once starting his list Avith the handsome contribution of £ 62 . The banquet Avas eA erything that could be desired , and thorough enjoyment pen'aded the brilliant company during an evening Avhich Avas further enlivened by the admirable performance of a more than ordinarily good programme of music ,
under the direction of Bro . James WeaA'er , P . M . Amongst the A'ocalists Avere the Misses Jenny Chamberlin and Lizzie Dunkley , Bros . Wakefield , Reed and Arthur Cranch . and Mr . Wade . A new quartette composed for the occasion by Bro . AVeaA'er , " The Freemason ' s Hymn of Praise " ( Avords by the late Bro . Rob . Morris , and
reproduced m a former number of THE MASONIC STAR ) , was exceedingly Avell sung and gave general satisfaction . The entire proceedings of this installation meeting reflected the utmost credit upon W . M ., officers and brethren , and on all others concerned in carrying out the arrangements .
DARLINGTON—ST . CUTHBERT S PRECEPTORY . —Regular meeting at Freemasons'Hall , on Tuesday , November 20 th . E . P . SirKt . C . D . Hill Drury , M . D . in the chair . Minutes confirmed . Comp . Rev . R . Coulton elected . The E . Sub .-Prior of N . & E . Yorks ; T . B . Whytehead ; the E . P . Moore , of Ancient EborPreceptory ; the E . P .
Macdonnel , of Mount Grace Preceptory , and several other visiting companions of the order received and duly saluted . Preceptory closed and Priory of Malta opened . Five Kts . of T . duly elected , and installed by the E . Prior Sir Kt . Dr . Hill Drury . Priory closed and the Kts . adjourned to refreshment .
CAMBORNE , CORNAVALL—MOUNT EDGCUMBE LODGE . —NO . 1 , 544 , celebrated the festival of St . John under most auspicious circumstances . Amongst those present Avere Bros . J . Pendray , W . M . ; R . Bate , I . P . M . ; J . Pengilly , S . AV . ; E . Lakey , Treasurer ; II . II .
Vivian , P . M ., P . G . J . W .. Secretary ; R . ROAVC , S . D . ; J . G . Shakerley , Organist ; J . WhitAvorth , SteAvard ; J . Nicholas , Tyler ; P . M ' s . J . T . Rodda , P . G ., SteAvard ; F . Bartle , F . J . Lee ; Bros . W . 'league , E . J . Bennett . F . J . Gardener , A . Dunkin , T . Bennallack , II . Williams , J . W . Jackson , N . Williams , R . S . Behenna , R . Taylor , J . A . Tcmby .
Reports Of Lodge & Chapter Meetings.
AV . Williams , G . Smith , M . Trounson , F . B . Broad , J . Adams . Visitors : Bros . J . Lovell , 121 . P . P . G . S . D . : N . Pascoe , 699 , W . M . ; C Kent , 699 , I . P . M . ; J . C Bennv , 75 ; W . Trevenen , 318 , Treasurer ; J . M . Richards , 318 , W . M . P . G ., Steward ; J . O . Eva , 318 , I . G . ; R . Dunstan , 318 , P . M . ; F . W . Thomas , 150 , J . W . ; T . A . Kistler , 589
, P . P . G . O . ; E . M . Cock , 589 , AV . M ., P . G . T ., ; J . Sarah , 589 , P . M ., P . P . G . D . C The W . M .-elect , Bro . J . Pengilly , was most ably installed by the retiring AV . M ., Bro . J . Pendray . " Bro . Pendnty was invested as I . P . M ., and the following were appointed and invested as officers : —Bros . T . Burge , S . AV . ; R . Rowe , J . AV . ; E . Lakey , Treasurer ; II . P . A ivian . Secretary ; J . AA'hitwortb , A . Secretary ;
R . Bate , Chaplain ; J . Newland , S . D . ; AA . Vial ) , J . D . ; AV . Trevithick , I . G . ; J . G . Shakerley , Organist ; AV . Teague , N . AVilliams , F . J . Gardener , and R . Taylor , SteAvards ; and J . Nicholas , Tyler . At the close of the business the brethren sat down to a banquet admirably supplied by Bro . AA . Vial ] , at the AA hite Hart Hotel . AV . Bro . Cock , in replying to the toast of the
Provincial G . M . and the officers of P . G . Lodge , complimented the brethren of Mount-Edgcumbe Ledge for the manner in which they Aveleomed the P . G . Lodge this year , and Bro . A ivian , in responding , said he Avas proud of the good feeling Avhich marked the meeting of the P . G . Ledge . The toast of the visitors yvas submitted by
Bro . Vivian , and responded to by Bros . J . M . Richards , AV . Trevenen , Bogg , N . Pascoe , J . Lovell , T . A . Kistler , Benny , & c . During the evening some capital songs , & c , Avere contributed by Bros . Kistler , Lovell , AAlnn , Dunstan , ROAVC , & c , Bro . AVhite presiding at the pianoforte .
LIVERPOOL . —The installation meeting of the " Israel" Masonic Lodge , LiA'erpool , Avas held on the 19 th inst ., at the Masonic Hall , Hope Street ; Bro . the Rev . II . M . Silver , AV . M ., in the chair . SeA-eral Provincial Grand Officers and other influential members of the craft Avere present . The Rev . H . M . Silver installed Bro . David Gabrielsonas his successor in the position of WM . The folloAving
Avere lnA-estcd as officers of the lodge : Bros . Rev . II . M . Silver , I . P . M . ; J . F . Davies , S . AV . ; John Latta , J . AV . ; Henry Gabriel , Treas . ; AndreAV Kirkpatrick , P . M ., D . C . ; George Thierry , Sec . ; DaA'id MatheAvs , S . D . ; M . Karet , J . D . ; J . 0 . Roberts , I . G . ; H . P . Cowell , Organist ; J . Vos , S . S . ; AV . F . Terry , J . S . ; and M .
AVilliamson , Tyler . A sincere A ^ ote of condolence Avas passed to Bro . D . Stern on the death of his father . During the proceedings a P . M . ' s jeAvel Avas presented to the Rev . H . M . Silver . It Avas mentioned that the Benevolent Fund of the lodge amounts to £ 400 . —The Jewish Chronicle .
ROYAL UNION—NO . 382 . —Regular meeting , at the Chequers ' Hotel , Uxbridge , on the 19 th inst ., Bro . J . Taplin , AV . M . About 40 officers and members of the Lodge attended , and amongst the visitors Avere Bros . E . Terry , P . M . 29 ; Dharly , 901 ; Harper and Sanger ( Jersey Lodge ) ; Knight ( Wayside Lodge ) ; and Taylor ( Brownrigg Lodge ) . Bro . Tvvamley Avas passed to the F . C degree and Messrs . John Dinnis , Charles Hall . Andrew Chappell , Thomas John Pearce
and George John Mercer were initiated into the Order , the respective ceremonies being most ably conducted . An excellent banquet was served by Bro . TAvamley , the proprietor of the Chequers ' Hotel , Avhich gaA'e general satisfaction , and a very pleasant evening Avas spent after labour . In connection Avith this Lodge an instruc " tion meeting is held every Thursday evening at eight o ' clock , under the supervision of Bro . E . Cotton , one of the Past Masters , and a skilful preceptor .
CORDWAINER AA ARD LODGE—No . 2241 . —On AA ednesday , the 21 st inst , at the Cannon Street Hotel . Bro . Frank Taylor , C . C ., AA . M ., presided in the absence of Bro . Alderman Col . Cowan , S . AV . ] through a domestic bereavement ; Bro . Fred AA est , P . D . C ., acting as I . P . M . There Avere also present : Bros . AA . T . Buck , J . AV . ; RCA ° . B . C LeAvis , Chaplain ; H . J . Adams , G . S . B . Treasurer ; H . LovegroA'C
Secretary ; C S . Buck , S . D . ; J . T . Hepburn , J . D . ; J . R . Reep , D . C . ; A . Hawkins , J . P ., A . D . C ; AV . A . Prince and II . Carter , Stewards ; AV . Eckstein , J . AV . Potter , R . Greening , C . AVilkinson , Pimbury , R . Cogan , Mason and A . Bull . Visitors : Bros . J . Brochett Sorrell , P . M . 176 ; Dr . J . II . Galton , JamesAVright , J . Cooper , H . S . Mendelsohn
and 1 \ Loughlm . The business consisted of one passing and two initiations . Bro . J . Steedman , who had been initiated at the previous meeting , Avas passed to the second degree , and Messrs . AV , D . Ramsay and Arthur AVright Avere initiated , both ceremonies being Avell rendered . At the close of the proceedings , tAventy-six members and A'isitors met at the banquet table .
Lodges Of Instruction.
THE GREAT CITY—No . 1426 . Fifteen Sections . At the Masons ' Hall , Masons' Avenue , E . C , on 22 nd inst . ; Preceptor , Bro . James Stevens , P . M . ; Bros . T . Hodges , S . W . 1695 , presiding as W . M . ; H . G . Gush , P . M . 1541 , S . W . ; AV . M . Snelling , W . M . 1541 , J . W . ; J . L . Barrett , S . D . ; J . Lazarus , J . D . ; D . Hills , Treasurer and I . G . ; AV . J . Ball , Secretary , and between forty and fifty brethren
amongst whom were the members of the Leopold Lodge of Instruction in force . The Avhole of the sections were worked in most perfect manner by the folloAving brethren , viz : —J . L . Barrett S AV . 201 ; Philip Sharpe , AV . M . 869 ; D . Hills , 185 ; Jas . Stevens , P . M . 1426 , & c ; AV . AV . Snelling , AV . M . 1541 ; H . Hill , P . M . 1305 ; H . G . Gush , P . M . 1541 ; AValter Martin , P . M . 879 ; C . Fox , P . M . 201 and
J . K . Pitt , P . M . 463 : some of the best section workers in the metropolis . It is almost needless to say that the correct and perfect style of the work rendered by these well-knoAvn masons gave unqualified satisfaction to their hearers . In a long experience Ave have never before heard section work performed in so thorough
a manner . AVell deserved compliments Avere paid to all concerned , and honorary membership conferred on the presiding master , Avho , during the three hours occupied in labour , did not falter for a moment . In an appropriate interval , an opportunity Av as taken to lecord the good wishes for safety and prosperity of Bro . E . R . Lillington , a member of the lodge , on the eve of departure for